Comparison of level 6 st. Basic parameters of combat vehicles

You all know that WG keeps statistics for each tank, and I will rely on this data. This will give you the opportunity to choose a technique for the game that, according to average statistics, is slightly better than its peers of the same level. If I've interested you, then let's get started.
As was already clear from the title, today we will look at Tier 6 tanks. Let's start, as usual, with the most armored tanks.

Heavy tanks

As we can see, the leader of this group was Kvass, which with update 9.3 will become a thing of the past and will remain a pleasant memory. The second place was taken by the fun machine, which is still popular among those who like to “bend” randomly. And this is understandable; damage of 700 units can upset any enemy. In third place, tank in in capable hands still able to drag.

Medium tanks

Let's see what we have with medium tanks. Who to give preference to and who can influence the outcome of the battle.

One of the players' favorites remains the legendary tank, but the undisputed leader in our statistics is still Cromwell, pushing the Soviet imba into second place. The good old one closes the top three with minimal lag Sherman who is able to stand up for himself. You can't help but put in a word about A-43, which, in terms of its overall win percentage, stands out from the crowd very attractively.

Light tanks

Let’s move on to the class of light tanks, the so-called “fireflies,” on whose action the outcome of the battle largely depends. Playing this type of tank requires high concentration and the ability to make decisions correctly and in a timely manner.

I don’t think we saw any special surprises. Of course, MT-25 with a maximum speed of 72 km/h, it is capable of passing in front of the enemy’s nose, while he is unlikely to even be able to react and converge. But still, I won’t dare to name any special winners, since, judging by the statistics, they are all neck-to-nose.


The next class of those who like to shoot from the bushes is the tank destroyer. There are a lot of interesting cars at this level and let's start looking at the statistics.

The Hellcat’s number of victories is simply off the charts; it is the leader of this level. It’s not for nothing that in patch 9.3 the developers tried to slightly align its statistics with other PTs. But more specific details will be seen only next month. In the meantime, he is our winner, for which we congratulate him. No less popular holds her position in our chat just as confidently. Very a good choice to raise statistics.

self-propelled guns

Well, we quietly approached the god of war -. Some people love them, some hate them, but they are an integral part of our game. Let's see how things are.

I don’t think we expected any other result. Of course, the British one leaves no chance for single-level vehicles to beat it in terms of victory percentage. Speed, reloading, precision accuracy... all these components give a good chance to make a feasible contribution to the victory.

That's all I have. Let me remind you that we were looking at level 6 vehicles and the data may change slightly at the time of publication of the article. I will be glad to hear your opinion on the idea of ​​​​creating such a topic. Write what levels you would like to see in the next issue.

Thank you for your attention and good luck on the battlefields.
Prepared by: rho3

28-08-2018, 16:41

Hello tankers! With you on the site, and today in the guide we will look at a very interesting walk-through vehicle that will definitely be able to linger in the hangar of middle-level fans - the Polish medium tank tier 6 40TP Habicha!

Details about the performance characteristics of the 40TP Habicha

Immediately noticeable is the rather high maximum speed at 50 km/h, but firstly at such levels this figure will not surprise anyone, and secondly power density the tank is quite low. Still, the Pole has pretty good armor for a level 6 ST. The 90 mm front of the hull and the 130 mm front of the turret look very impressive, but nevertheless, even at the top, it won’t be very difficult for the enemy to penetrate us, let alone 8 levels.

The HP reserve is not amazing, but is at a fairly good level by the standards of medium tanks. The overview is also not surprising and is the same average 360 ​​meters at the level.

40TP Habicha gun

So we moved on to the most interesting thing - the Pole’s weapon. At level 6, we were given a rather interesting gun with a very high alpha, like a level 8 ST, so we will be a rather formidable opponent, and besides, our gun has a very comfortable UVH of -8 degrees. I am also pleased with the armor penetration that the BB and premium BP have more than enough armor penetration for comfortable game. The gun's DPM is simply at an excellent level and getting 2000+ units per minute will not be difficult. Unfortunately, the accuracy leaves much to be desired, and the convergence speed is also not great.

Advantages and disadvantages of 40TP Habicha

Based on the foregoing, it is not difficult to determine the strengths and weaknesses of this machine, but for ease of perception we will break everything down.

Good rate of fire;
Excellent armor penetration parameters;
Good booking rates;
High maximum speed;
Comfortable vertical aiming angles.

High silhouette;
Low dynamics;
Poor visibility;
High gun dispersion rate.

Equipment for 40TP Habicha

Having examined the performance characteristics in detail and broken down everything into pros and cons, we can already conclude what equipment needs to be installed on the 40TP Habicha.
1. - without it, our DPM leaves much to be desired, besides, damage is never too much, the choice is clear.
2. - boost of all characteristics, which in our case will give good bonuses and will allow us to profitably strengthen the car.
3. - the low standard visibility of 360 meters will not seem acceptable to everyone and for this reason this option will be quite logical.

You can also put it on 40TP Habicha. Such a choice can indeed be justified, but it obliges you to play passively, standing in the bushes on the second line, so here everyone decides for himself.

40TP Habicha crew training

In order to further mitigate our shortcomings and enhance our advantages, it is very important to properly train the crew, then playing on any tank will be much more comfortable and enjoyable. We can speed up the repair of damaged modules, increase the stealth of the machine, improve individual and General characteristics crew, you need to know how to use these. With all that said, at 40TP Habicha the perks should be learned as follows:
Commander (radio operator) - , , , .
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Gunner - , , , .
Loader - , , ,

Up to the sixth level, the game is completed relatively quickly and easily. But at the sixth level, difficulties begin to arise associated with various modifications of tanks. The variety of tank models leaves its mark on the game. Some tanks are better suited for mountainous terrain, some for flat terrain, some for long-range and close combat, and some designed for breaking through other forces. By evaluating all these parameters, we can determine the best one.

Best heavy tank tier 6

The main function of heavy tanks is twofold. On the one hand, they must participate in breaking through the enemy formation, and on the other, restrain such attempts by the enemy. Therefore, the main thing for heavy tanks will be the thickness of the front armor and the effectiveness of the gun. The undoubted leader in these indicators is the KV-85 tank. The tank has 122 mm, but it is better to install a gun of 85 mm. This weapon is capable of penetrating well the armor of tanks at a higher level, and its rate of fire and accuracy will allow it to disable modules of enemy tanks. And armoring the front part and turret of the tank will make it possible to hold back the enemy’s advance.

Best medium tank tier 6

The main function of medium tanks is to support the offensive, support the enemy from the flanks and detect the enemy. The main indicators for a medium tank will be maneuverability and the ability to conduct aimed fire while moving. All medium tanks are equipped with low penetration guns, so gun accuracy is important here. The ability of a medium tank to hit an enemy's track in time and immobilize it comes to the fore. According to these indicators, the best tank is the British Cromwell tank. Its amazing speed of 62 km/h with excellent maneuverability allows it to freely outflank the enemy and disable tank destroyers and heavy tank modules.

Best light tank tier 6

The function of light tanks is to detect the enemy. A tank may not have a good gun or have weak armor, but it must have excellent visibility and speed. Having detected the enemy on the early approaches, a light tank allows artillery to enter the battle and significantly reduce the enemy’s strength. The American T-37 tank has such speed and visibility at the sixth level. Having a light weight and excellent maneuverability, the tank can easily sneak behind enemy lines and detect his artillery. The discovery of artillery and its destruction precisely in the early stages of a battle sometimes decides its outcome.

Despite constant balance changes, World of tanks still has tanks that are more interesting to play on, and which allow you to greater influence the outcome of the battle or even fight for victory, remaining alone against several enemies.

The best tanks in world of tanks by level in 2018

Today's article provides examples of the best tanks in World of Tanks, according to the author, at different levels. You may notice that your favorite tank has been undeservedly forgotten; you can write about it in the comments.

Review of the best tanks in WoT

  1. Good weapon
  • With high precision
  • With huge damage
  • Reliable protection
    • Durable all-round armor
    • Thick frontal armor
    • Ricochet silhouette
  • Good mobility
    • High top speed
    • Fast acceleration
    • Excellent maneuverability
  • Low visibility
    • Good disguise
    • Great review

    Of course, fulfilling all the conditions at the same time is impossible; there may be a tank, but it will have too weak weapons, which will not allow it to become the best. However, the presence of several positive qualities will indicate that we have a worthy fighting vehicle.

    So let's start the review best tanks in WoT.

    The best first tier tanks in World of tanks

    Among tanks of the first level it is difficult to select favorites, but at high ranks you can distinguish excellent vehicles such as the IS-3, T-54, T-29 and others, but first things first.

    Among the players in the battles of the first levels, players on vehicles with pumped-up crews who have been playing on tanks of the first level for a long time can stand out; for example, there are quite a few such players on a Soviet tank MS-1.

    The best second tier tanks in World of tanks

    At the second level, anti-tank and artillery self-propelled guns become available to players, and among them there are vehicles that differ from others for the better. This American tank destroyer T-18 with a well-protected forehead, which most second-tier tanks cannot penetrate; in addition, the T-18 has good mobility and a good top-end gun.

    Self-propelled gun T-18

    • ✔ High precision weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The best tanks of the third level in Wot

    Among the tanks of the third level, it is worth noting the Soviet premium T-127. This tank is well protected from the front by sloping armor, has a good gun, and good mobility. Excellent armor allows you to fight alone against several enemies.

    American Tank destroyer T82- an excellent third-tier combat vehicle, it boasts high one-time damage, good dynamics and maneuverability, and excellent visibility.

    The best tanks of the fourth level in World of tanks

    At the fourth level there are several cars that you will always be glad to see in your team.

    British Matilda tank

    This combat vehicle is protected better than heavy tanks of the fourth level. Being at the top Matilda capable of deciding the outcome of a battle, even remaining against several enemies. Of course, you have to pay for good armor with poor mobility. When getting into battles with opponents of the fifth and sixth levels, Matilda is not so good, but can still be useful due to a good top weapon.

    Hetzer anti-tank self-propelled gun

    The German tank destroyer is a nightmare for many fourth-tier tanks, because they cannot penetrate this vehicle head-on, while the Hetzer easily destroys them with one or two shots. Playing against senior level opponents for armor Self-propelled gun Hetzer you can’t count on it, but this machine will still be able to hit enemies from ambushes.

    The best tanks of the fifth level in World of tanks

    Among the cars of the fifth level we can distinguish Soviet heavy tank KV-1. Which, with proper play, remains impenetrable for many same-level opponents. The poor mobility of the KV-1 tank requires careful selection of the direction of attack, because returning across half the map in order to break the capture will not work. Among the advantages of the KV-1 tank, one can note the availability of several good guns - the rapid-fire Project 413, the universal F-30 85mm, and the high-explosive U-11 122mm.

    American tank destroyer T49

    An anti-tank self-propelled gun with a turret that allows this vehicle to be used, including as a medium or light tank. The T49 self-propelled gun is equipped with an excellent top-end weapon. Good mobility of this T49 tank destroyer sometimes used incorrectly by players, you should not go alone to the enemy base, where the T49 will quickly be destroyed.

    M-24 Chaffee

    American Chaffee tank- an excellent firefly, which can also attack enemies with a good, fast-firing weapon. After the introduction of new light tanks, Chaffee’s top gun was taken away, now this one is not so good, but it doesn’t even reach the tenth levels now.

    The best tanks of the sixth level in World of tanks

    At the sixth level, the KV-1S tank with an excellent D2-5T gun stood out, but it was divided into two combat vehicles - the KV-1 of the fifth level, and the KV-85 of the sixth level, which have not so impressive characteristics. .

    Hellcat in World of tanks

    American Hellcat tank destroyer has excellent dynamics and speed. Its top gun is capable of inflicting 240 units of damage, penetrating 160mm. There is practically no armor on the Helket; it is worth noting only the well-protected gun mantlet, which, together with good vertical aiming angles and a movable turret, allows you to shoot from behind hills and shelters without fear of a retaliatory hit.

    FV304 - new generation self-propelled guns

    On the sixth level, the favorite of many players is also located self-propelled art. FV304 installation With high mobility and a fast-firing gun, this vehicle shows good results.

    T 34-85 in WoT

    According to our readers, the T 34-85 should be included in the list of the best tanks in World of tanks in 2016. Indeed, we undeservedly ignored this combat vehicle. The T 34-85 is a universal fighter, without pronounced weak characteristics and, when used skillfully, can change the outcome of the battle.

    The best tanks of the seventh level in Wot

    There are quite a few good combat vehicles located on the seventh level, but the American T-29 and the German tank destroyer E-25 are worth special mention.

    T-29 - play from the tower

    Tank T-29 at correct use can be considered the best heavy tank of its level. A powerful top-end gun, good vertical aiming angles and a thick turret forehead - these are best sides American TT that need to be used.

    American heavy tank T-29

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Thick frontal armor

    The main thing when playing a T-29 is to hide the weakly protected hull, showing only the turret to the enemy. The T-29 performs well in hilly terrain, when shooting from cover, and can compete with Soviet vehicles (which are good in cities) in battles in urban areas. .

    Unavailable E-25

    Premium tank destroyer E-25 has a bonus when balancing teams - it does not fall on level nine tanks. This makes playing on it more comfortable, but it cannot be said that it is unbalanced. The only problem is that the E-25 was removed from sale.

    The best tanks of the eighth level in World of tanks

    At level eight, one of the most dangerous opponents is German tank destroyer Rheinmetall-Borsig Waffenträger. The low silhouette and excellent top and stock guns make this vehicle one of the best in the game. It is worth noting that for a good game on Rhm. Borsig, it is advisable to place her under the control of an experienced crew with good review and camouflage, in addition, you need to choose the right position, because weak armor will not leave you a chance if detected. If you think that the main thing in a combat vehicle is the weapon, then Rhm. Borsig for you.

    Armored KV-4 World of tanks

    Our readers consider the KV-4 to be one of the best tier eight tanks. Good armor and a penetrating top gun are excellent qualities for joining the top of the best tanks in WoT.

    Pike nose - IS-3

    Soviet IS-3 may not have any outstanding data, but based on the totality of characteristics it deserves to be noted on this list. Good armor, powerful weapon, good mobility. What else is needed for a good tank? The IS-3 has it all.

    Heavy tank IS-3

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Durable armor
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette

    The best tanks of the ninth level in World of tanks

    Among the machines of the ninth level we can highlight Soviet medium tank T-54, characterized by a low ricochet silhouette, good mobility and a good weapon. T-54 tanks are especially dangerous in a group, so find yourself an assistant in a random battle or play a T-54 in a platoon.

    Medium tank T-54

    • ✔ Good weapon
    • ✔ Ricochet silhouette
    • ✔ Good mobility

    Object 704 - BL-10 carrier

    In addition, I would highlight the Soviet PT-SAU Object 704, equipped with the famous BL-10 gun in the game (several years ago this gun was the most powerful among its analogues on tank destroyers and tanks). Also, Object 704 is well protected from the front; its armor plates are located at rational angles, which gives hope for a ricochet or non-penetration. The combination of these characteristics makes it possible to act on the second line of attack, being in the thick of things.

    Tank ST-1 at the ninth level

    In 2016, our readers consider the Soviet ST-1 to be one of the best at the ninth level. This tank can be equipped with a weapon that is used in WoT on the IS-4. At the ninth level it is very strong, and allows ST-1 to break into the rank of the best.

    There are quite a few good Tier 10 vehicles, these are the American T57 Heavy and T110E5, the Soviet T-62A and Object 263, the German JagdPanzer E100 and Waffentrager E-100, the French Bat Chatillon 25t, and the British FV215B. The style of play on these tanks is different and best car difficult to single out.

    The best tanks in WoT in 2017 - players' opinions

    Many WoT fans named their favorites in the comments. Let's see which tanks we underestimated. Among the best tanks in 2017, players most often named: medium T-34-85 and T-34, heavy ST1, KV2, KV4.

    The mentioned tanks are really very good, the T-34 and T-34-85 are universal fighters that have good mobility and a lethal weapon for the ST. They are capable of providing worthy resistance to any enemy, and in skillful hands they become machines for destruction. These Soviet STs have long been valued by players, but in 2017 the situation has not changed.

    The Soviet KV-2 has a 152 mm caliber gun, unique for a Tier 6 TT, which makes it a very strong opponent, but only with skillful shooting from a large-caliber gun.

    The KV-4 and ST-1 are distinguished by good armor and good armament, which allows them to be included among the best.

    We looked at a lot of tanks, many candidates for the list of the best were suggested by our readers, but not all vehicles in WoT are good, there are others that we identified in.