Types of potatoes: famous, healthy and not so healthy. The structure of a potato: root, tuber, stem and leaves What is a potato tuber

Potatoes and their biological characteristics

Potato(Solarium tuberosum) is a perennial herbaceous plant, which, unlike many other agricultural crops, is usually propagated not by seeds, but by tubers or parts thereof, sprouts, cuttings, and layering. In practice, potatoes are used as an annual plant and propagated mainly by tubers.

A potato tuber is a modified, shortened underground stem. The tubers have from 3 to 15 eyes, depending on the variety. Each eye has three to four buds, one of which is the main one and germinates when the tuber awakens, while the rest remain dormant. When the sprouts of the main bud are removed, the spare buds also begin to grow, but the plants from them are not as powerful as from the main one. Therefore, when planting, it is important to protect the first shoots from damage and breaking off. The ocelli vary in size and degree of differentiation. Most of the eyes are in the upper, youngest part of the tuber.

The sprouts of tubers germinated in the light are green, red-violet or blue-violet in color, depending on the variety.

Potato tubers are formed on underground shoots, the so-called stolons, the ends of which thicken as the plants grow and develop. When potato plants reach a height of 10-20 cm, shoots-stolons 2-3 cm thick and 5-15 cm long grow from the underground part of its stems. Stolons are white in color, because they lack chlorophyll.

As the stolon develops, its tip thickens and turns into a tuber covered with a delicate skin. Thickening begins after the stolon stops growing in length. Subsequently, the tuber skin becomes denser and does not allow air to pass through. For tuber respiration and moisture evaporation, special organs are used - lentils, located in the form of points along the entire surface of the tuber.

The shape of the tubers is very diverse and depends on the characteristics of the variety and growing conditions. It can be round, elongated, round-oval, elongated-oval, turnip-shaped, barrel-shaped and more complex. Eyes can be superficial, small, medium and deep. In economic terms, small-eyed tubers are more valuable, because They are easy to wash and clean.

Based on the color of the peel, tubers are classified into white, light yellow, pink, red, red-blue-violet. The pulp of the tubers can be cream, white, light yellow, yellow with various shades.

The potato plant is a bush consisting of 4-5 (less often 6-8) stems with intermittently pinnate leaves arranged in a spiral.

Depending on their number, small-stem and multi-stem varieties are distinguished. Weakly branching varieties belong to early ripening varieties; late potato varieties branch strongly at the base of the stem. The number of stems in a bush depends on the number of sprouted buds, as well as on the size of the planting tuber.

Plants grown from large tubers have more stems than those grown from small tubers or parts of a tuber.

Potato stems are herbaceous, branching, and mostly green in color. Depending on the variety, they can acquire red or blue-violet shades.

According to the shape of the bush, varieties are distinguished: compact, spreading and semi-spreading. The foliage of a bush can be from weak to strong.

Potato leaves are the most important organs of the plant, in which, under the influence of light, organic matter is synthesized from water and carbon dioxide. Leaves regulate the plant's thermal regime by evaporating excess water received by the roots from the soil.

The root system grown from the tuber is fibrous. It is a collection of root systems of individual stems. The roots penetrate the soil relatively shallowly: about 60% - up to 20 cm, 35-40% - up to 40-60 cm, and some up to 80 cm and deeper. It reaches its greatest value during the budding and flowering phases.

The potato inflorescence consists of several curls on short and long pedicels. Depending on the length of the peduncle, the inflorescences can be spreading or compact. The number of flowers ranges from 1 to 10. The corolla of the flower is wheel-shaped, consisting of 5 fused petals. Potato varieties vary in corolla color: from white to blue, blue-violet or red-violet. The color of the anthers can be yellow, yellow-green, bright orange, white, etc. The orange color indicates the possibility of abundant formation of fruits (berries). Potato flowering is largely a specific feature of the variety.

Potatoes are a self-pollinating plant, but sometimes cross-pollinated varieties are also found. The fruit is a round, fleshy, juicy berry bearing from 50 to 150 seeds.

Potatoes are a very flexible plant; they grow and are capable of producing crops in almost all soil and climatic zones, with the exception of northern ones and deserts.

Solanum tuberosum
Taxon: Solanaceae family ( Solanaceae)
Other names: tuberous nightshade, European potato, Chilean potato
English: potato, potatoes

The Russian word "potato" comes from the German Kartoffel, which, in turn, comes from the Italian tartufo, tartufolo- truffle.

Botanical description

Perennial (annual in cultivation) herbaceous, bushy plant up to 60 cm high with a taproot, strongly developed root. The underground roots are white, forming fleshy edible tubers at the ends. Stems numerous, erect or ascending, faceted.
The leaves are intermittently pinnately dissected, with several ovate leaflets. Potato flowers are large, white, purple, 2-4 cm in diameter, with a spike-shaped star-shaped corolla, collected in an inflorescence consisting of 2-3 curls. The fruit is a poisonous, spherical, multi-seeded black and purple berry. The seeds are yellow, very small. The color of potato tubers is different - white, yellow, red, purple.

Places of growth

Potatoes as a garden crop grow throughout Russia.

Collection and preparation

Potato flowers, shoots, peels and underground tubers are used for medicinal purposes, which are harvested during their ripening period, on the waning moon from noon to sunset. You should remember one feature of potato tubers: they must be stored in a dark place. Otherwise (if the tubers lie in the light, especially in the sun), they take on a green color and become poisonous, unsuitable for food, let alone medicinal use.

Chemical composition of potatoes

According to some studies, potatoes contain a small amount of protein, which is extremely valuable, with a rich set of essential amino acids. Potato tubers on average contain about 76% water and 24% dry matter, including about 17.5% starch, 0.5% sugars (sugar fructose and sucrose), 2% proteins, about 1% mineral salts, trace elements: potassium - 426 mg/%, calcium - 8 mg/%, - 17 mg/%, phosphorus - 38 mg/%, - 0.9 mg/%; vitamins: thiamine - 0.01 mg/%, riboflavin - 0.07 mg/%, nicotinic acid - 0.67 mg/%, ascorbic acid - 7.5 mg/%. Amino acids are also found here: arginine, lysine, leucine, tyrosine, tryptophan, histidine, choline, acetylcholine, allantoin, xanthine, etc. Potato protein is called tuberin. It belongs to the group of globulins. All plant organs contain the steroidal alkaloid solanine. Most of it is found in sprouts formed when potatoes are illuminated, flowers and peels.

Pharmacological properties of potatoes

Fresh juice of potato tubers and starch obtained from potatoes are used as an enveloping anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Starch has a pronounced antiulcer effect, the basis of which is the blocking of the action of pepsin on the gastric mucosa.

Use of potatoes in medicine

Because potatoes are alkaline, they make an excellent addition to all vegetables, milk and cheese.
Potatoes are included in the diet of kidney and heart patients: the high potassium content determines its good properties, which means preventing edema. Red and pink potato varieties are considered especially effective.
Potato juice helps reduce the secretion of acid by the gastric glands, slightly “drowns” pain, and accelerates the scarring of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. In addition, it is somewhat weakening, which is extremely important for gastritis and ulcer patients, usually suffering from. It relieves belching well and helps with various dyspeptic disorders.
Potato starch is used for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as an enveloping, emollient and anti-inflammatory agent.
Potato starch is also used as a base for powders and a filler for powders and tablets.
In folk medicine, they drink potato juice for...
Potato juice lowers the level, so it is useful in the early stages of diabetes.
Raw potato juice is used for peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. It inhibits gastric secretion and has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Potato peels contain substances that have a positive effect on the human body in case of allergies, tachycardia, hypertension and painful shock.

Potato medicinal preparations

Potato juice helps with headaches - due to the acetylcholine it contains, which has a hypotensive effect. If you have a headache, immerse both hands in hot water up to your elbows and hold them until the pain stops, adding hot water. Tie thin slices of raw potatoes to your forehead.
Potato juice, pressed from tubers ripened in September-October, should be taken for 2-3 weeks, 2-3 times a day, 100 ml (up to 200 ml if tolerated) for uterine fibroids.
Fresh potato juice mixed with skim milk and sour cream is used to get rid of freckles and cracks from exposed parts of the skin.
Raw potato juice cleanses the entire body well. Mixed with carrot juice and celery juice, it helps a lot with digestive disorders and nervous disorders - for example, with sciatica and goiter. In these cases, daily consumption of 500 ml of carrot, cucumber, beet and potato juice very often gives a positive result in a short time, provided that all meat and fish products are excluded
Juice squeezed from fresh raw tubers is taken 2-3 times a day, half a glass, half an hour before meals for gastritis with high acidity, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Raw potato tubers, grated, are considered a good healing agent for burns, eczema and other various skin lesions. The ground mass is simply applied to the affected areas of the skin.
For medium-sized potatoes, peel, cut into small pieces and chew slowly one after the other.
Potatoes are an effective means of cleansing joints of toxins and are considered a good remedy for polyarthritis. To do this, within 3 days you need to eat 2-3 kg of potatoes, boiled with peels in a large amount of water. Potatoes are mashed in broth and eaten with the peel. Do not take other food at this time. To eat potatoes with skins, you need to cook them for a long time.
Mashed potatoes or gruel from raw potatoes relieve swelling if applied to them 3 times a day in the form of compresses.
Steam from boiled unpeeled (in their jacket) potatoes as an inhalation treats respiratory diseases accompanied by cough, runny nose and headache.
To lengthen the session, i.e. to prevent the pan from cooling quickly, the patient throws some kind of cloth blanket over his head, covering the pan as well. The treatment effect is quite high, because here both the volatile secretions of the potato and the heat of water vapor act as therapeutic factors. It is important only after the inhalation session not to go out into the cold.
Warming up with potato steam is very useful for sciatica and radiculitis.
Pour 1 liter of water into one medium-sized potato, one medium-sized onion and an apple, cook until the water boils by half. Drink 3 times a day, 1 tsp. for chronic cough.
Potatoes with a greenish thick layer are peeled and finely chopped. The crushed, fresh, mushy mass is applied as a compress to damaged ligaments, muscles, and tendons.
Cut long potato sprouts into small 0.5 cm slices and dry in a dark, well-ventilated area. Place 200 g of these sprouts in a glass mortar, pour in 200 ml of 70% alcohol, close tightly, leave in a dark place for 8 days, shaking the contents periodically, strain, squeeze. Store in a cool, dark place. For various oncological diseases, take 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals (drip the tincture into 1/2 glass of warm water, starting with 1 drop, increase the intake to 25 drops and continue to take them in this amount).
Dry the potato flowers in the shade. Brew 1 tbsp in 0.5 liters of boiling water. l. flowers, leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Drink 1/2 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for various malignant neoplasms. The course of treatment is 4 liters of infusion.
A decoction of flowers is used to lower blood pressure and stimulate breathing.


In the light, glycoalkaloids accumulate under the skin of tubers, which can cause poisoning in humans and animals; During cooking, these compounds partially pass into water.
Potatoes containing solanine are also poisonous. This alkaloid is formed in leaves, young shoots, fruits and skin, especially during long-term storage. Children who eat potato berries experience severe poisoning, scratching in the throat, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and hand tremors. When providing first aid, it is necessary to rinse the stomach, and before the doctor arrives, give them sour or fresh milk or egg white.
You cannot prepare juice from tubers that have turned green and contain sprouted eyes - this is very dangerous.
In cases where livestock are grazed in potato fields and the animals eat green tops and fruits, they may experience vomiting, severe poisoning, convulsions and disturbances in the functioning of the cardiac and respiratory systems.
Toxic substances are formed only in this greened surface part of the tuber, without penetrating into the depths at all. Therefore, you should not throw away green potatoes; it is enough to cut off only the green parts (they, as a rule, occupy a small proportion of the total mass).
The white sprouts of potatoes are also poisonous, so when boiling potatoes “in their jackets,” the sprouts must be broken off.

A little history

There are about 200 wild and cultivated potato species, native primarily to South and Central America. There are two main cultivated species: Indian (since ancient times grown in Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia) and Chilean (homeland - Central Chile), which are widespread in countries with temperate climates. Potatoes began to be cultivated about 14 thousand years ago by the Indians of South America, and they were brought to Europe around 1565. Potatoes came to Russia thanks to Peter I, who sent a bag of tubers from Holland in 1698. As a result of violent tsarist measures to introduce potato crops in 1834-1844, there were unrest among peasants in the Vyatka and Vladimir provinces, the Urals, Lower and Middle Volga regions.

Conspiracy of faces

Potatoes are used to make faces. Take a knife and move it around the face clockwise, saying: “Mug, face, you are no good here. An aspen, mug, is waiting for you in the forest at the edge, you will be very beautiful on the aspen, you will sing, have fun and burn. And leave the servant of God (name) alone. Amen. Amen. Amen". You can’t touch the face with your hands!
Saying the last three words, cross your face three times, then take two potatoes and grate them. The patient should put this mass on his leg or other sore spot, bandage it and go to bed.
If the plot is read in the morning or during the day, the patient must change the bandage with potatoes at night.

Photos and illustrations

Have you ever thought that each potato variety reacts differently to heat treatment? For example, one produces an unusually tender puree, but when frying it completely loses not only its color, but also its taste. The other, on the contrary, is completely unsuitable for cooking, but when fried, it’s simply lickable. How can you go wrong with choosing the most delicious potatoes, which are ideal for preparing this or that dish, and how to grow your favorite variety in your own garden?

Which potatoes taste better?

The taste of potatoes largely depends on the time it takes to ripen - the sooner the tubers ripen, the less starch they will contain, which will affect the taste of the fruit. Therefore, late varieties are considered much tastier than early ones, although among the latter there are also many tasty and nutritious ones.

Yellow potato varieties are rich in carotene - they are quite sweet, tasty and not too boiled. Red ones contain many antioxidants, have a delicate taste and store well. And white ones contain a large amount of vitamin C and starch, they are juicy and boiled.

Potato tubers combine all the substances necessary for the human body: they are rich in potassium, copper, manganese, phosphorus, nicotinic, panthenolic and caffeic acid. In addition, potatoes are a storehouse of vitamin B6, flavonoids and carotenoids.

Sweet varieties

Some varieties have a pronounced sweetish taste, which is felt with any type of heat treatment. Some people like this taste of potatoes, while others, on the contrary, tend to avoid buying sweetish varieties.

Do not confuse the natural sweetish taste of potatoes with the sweetness that appears when frozen - in the first case, the taste of the vegetable is determined by genetic characteristics, and in the second it is a consequence of non-compliance with storage conditions.

Adretta is an early variety characterized by high resistance to diseases and unfavorable climate. Once upon a time, this variety made a real revolution, because before its appearance, all yellow potatoes were considered tasteless and were used exclusively for feeding livestock. The peel and tubers are dark yellow. The taste of this potato is not lost even after long-term storage; when it freezes, it does not acquire an unpleasant aftertaste. Root crops ripen at 60–80 days. The average weight of tubers is 120–140 grams, yield is up to 45 t/ha.

The sweet potato variety Adretta is resistant to diseases and unfavorable climates

Vineta sweet potato fruits can weigh from 60 to 100 g

Zekura is a hardy and disease-resistant early-ripening variety. The tubers are neat, slightly elongated, with a strong yellowish skin. If all conditions are met, it can be stored for up to six months. The ripening period for potatoes is about 90–100 days. The tubers are large, on average 100–200 grams (if agricultural cultivation practices are violated, they can become smaller up to 50–80 grams). Productivity reaches 50 t/ha.

The Zekura variety of sweet potatoes has a long shelf life - up to 6 months

Sante is resistant to viruses, but at the same time extremely thermophilic. The tubers are light yellow. Potatoes of this variety taste good, store well in any conditions, and even after long-term storage do not lose their attractiveness. The variety is mid-early, ripens in 80–90 days. The average weight of tubers is about 70 grams, the yield is about 24–57 t/ha.

Sweet potatoes Santa are extremely heat-loving

Symphony - almost not susceptible to disease, tasty and aesthetically beautiful. The tubers are oval-shaped, the skin is smooth, red. Harvesting begins 90–120 days from planting. The weight of tubers is from 70 to 140 grams, the average yield is 46 t/ha.

The Symphony potato variety has a sweetish taste and thin red skin.

Champions of taste

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a certain variety of potatoes is the most delicious, since all people have their own preferences. However, it is customary to highlight several varieties that will surely appeal to the most demanding gourmets:

  • Picasso is one of the most delicious varieties, it stores well, has a low starch content and good yield. The flesh is a pleasant cream color. The variety is a mid-late variety, full ripening occurs in 110–130 days. The weight of tubers varies from 80 to 140 grams, the average yield is 20–50 t/ha.

    Picasso potatoes have a unique appearance - their fruits seem to be painted by the famous artist

  • Tuleevsky - the taste is in no way inferior to the previous variety. The yield is high (29–40 t/ha), while the vegetable is practically not susceptible to disease and is undemanding to storage conditions. The only significant disadvantage is the inability of this variety to hot and dry climates. The average weight of tubers is 200 grams (some specimens reach 500–600 grams). The ripening period takes 90–110 days.

    The Tuleyevsky potato variety is distinguished by its large size - on average the weight of the fruit is 200 g, but there are giants weighing 0.5 kg

  • Pai successfully combines the best qualities of his predecessors. Loves moisture, sensitive to weather conditions. The tubers are of the correct shape and cook very quickly. The mass of tubers reaches 400 grams, the yield can reach up to 39 t/ha.
  • Dauphiné is a large Dutch potato whose tubers can reach 350 grams in size. The taste is bright and rich.
  • - a Belarusian variety with red tubers that is practically immune to disease. This is what is most often used in making chips. The variety is medium late, harvesting begins 80–100 days after planting. The average weight of tubers is 90–160 grams. Productivity depends on weather conditions and agricultural cultivation techniques, on average 630–640 kg/ha.

    Potatoes Zhuravinka - a variety resistant to various garden diseases

  • Kiwi is a late, high-yielding variety whose skin is similar to that of a kiwi. The variety is not susceptible to attacks by Colorado potato beetles, since it contains biofiber, which is not digestible by these pests. More than 120 days pass from the first shoots to technical ripeness. The productivity is quite high - from a kilogram of planting material you can get up to 20 kg of harvest. Potato tubers of this variety are always large or medium in size, never small. The variety was bred by amateurs, so it did not pass state tests.

    Kiwi potatoes got their name because of their characteristic appearance, which is very reminiscent of exotic fruits.

  • Kolobok is a fairly large (from 93 to 140 grams) potato that has a pleasant, delicate taste. The peel is yellow, rough, the flesh is yellow. The variety is mid-early, 80 days pass from planting to ripening. Under good climatic conditions, potato yield is 13–22 t/ha, maximum - 25 t/ha.

    Potato Kolobok has a rough surface and pulp

  • Skazka - resistant to viruses, but susceptible to late blight. The peel is yellow, the flesh is snow-white. The variety is mid-early and ripens in 70–90 days. The tubers are oval, almost identical in shape, and weigh from 80 to 130 grams. In favorable conditions, the yield reaches 40–45 t/ha.

    The Skazka potato is extremely susceptible to late blight, so you should be careful when planting it.

  • Karatop is an early-ripening, high-yielding variety originally from Germany, aesthetically pleasing and very tasty. On good soils, the tubers turn out juicy and beautiful. The average weight of one tuber is 65–100 grams, the maximum is 130 grams. Harvesting usually begins 60–65 days after planting. Potato yield is beyond praise - from 45 to 53 t/ha.

    Karatop potato variety arrived from Germany and won the hearts and stomachs of many gourmets

  • Impala - when planting this variety in a southern climate, there is a chance of getting a harvest twice a year. It has a very high starch content and is almost not susceptible to viral diseases. The first harvest can be harvested already on the 45th day after planting, and full ripening occurs after 60–70 days. The yield of the variety is from 37 to 60 t/ha, and there is a chance to double it if you plant potatoes twice per season. The average weight of tubers is 90–160 grams.

    Impala potatoes have a high starch content in the pulp

  • Jelly is one of the most nutritious types. The tubers are medium in size (84–135 grams), the skin is golden, the flesh is light yellow. The growing season is 90 days, the yield is consistently high - 45–60 t/ha. Magnesium should be used to fertilize potatoes of this variety, since the use of nitrogen fertilizers retards the development of tubers.

    Jelly potatoes have bright yellow flesh and golden skin.

Potatoes for frying, mashing or salad

How potatoes behave during heat treatment depends entirely on the density of their pulp.. There is a special classification of potatoes based on this criterion:

  • A - potatoes with minimal starch content, which practically do not boil;
  • B - slightly boiled;
  • C - very boiling;
  • D - potatoes with a very high starch content.

If you're not sure which type you bought, cut one of the tubers in half and quickly rub the halves together. If droplets of water appear between them, you have a type A variety, and if the halves stick together, you are dealing with a type C or D.

The most boiled varieties for puree

Certain varieties of potatoes have a tendency to literally “crumble” during cooking, so they are ideal for dishes such as mashed potatoes. The best of them are considered to be:

  • Riviera is an early, high-yielding variety. Tolerant of drought conditions, but sensitive to scab and late blight. The tubers are oval, the peel is thick, light yellow in color, the flesh is creamy and granular. The size of the tubers is 105–170 grams, the yield is high and stable, and with good care reaches 45 t/ha.
  • Bellarosa is a relatively young variety that became widespread only in the early 2000s. Almost not susceptible to disease, resistant to chemical damage, and has high yield. The tubers are round, rough, reddish in color. The average weight of tubers is 115–210 grams, individual specimens can reach 700–800 grams. Harvesting takes place 50–60 days from planting. Productivity reaches 20–35 t/ha.
  • Tiras is an early, relatively unpretentious and high-yielding plant. The tubers are oblong, with pinkish skin and superficial “eyes”. The weight of tubers can vary from 114 to 140 grams. The period from germination to technical maturity is 82–85 days. If all growing conditions are met, there is a chance to harvest up to 46 t/ha.

Potatoes tend to discolor when in contact with certain metals, so cooking them in aluminum or iron pans should be avoided.

Photo gallery: the most boiled potato varieties

Potatoes of the Bellarosa variety began to spread relatively recently - in the early 2000s. Potatoes of the Tiras variety are distinguished by pinkish skin and many “eyes” Potatoes of the Riviera variety have thick yellow skins

The best potatoes for frying

It's hard to say who among us doesn't love delicious fried potatoes with a crispy crust. However, it often happens that potatoes after such heat treatment become not fried, but rather stewed. To avoid this trouble, it is better to find out in advance which varieties are most suitable for frying:

  • Rosara is an unpretentious variety suitable for growing in any climate. The tubers are smooth, compact, almost identical in size. The peel has a pinkish or reddish tint, the flesh is yellow. It takes 2.5 months for potatoes to fully ripen. The average weight of tubers is about 90–120 grams, the yield ranges from 20 to 42 t/ha.
  • Anosta is a Dutch potato that is successfully grown throughout the CIS. Resistant to most diseases, but very often affected by late blight. The tubers have a regular round shape, the peel and pulp are yellow. The weight of one potato is 71–134 grams. The variety is an early variety; it takes 70–75 days to ripen. It is considered quite productive, but there is no reliable information on this matter.
  • Ariel is a very promising Dutch variety. It has a balanced taste, perfect for both personal consumption and sale. The variety is early ripening, 60–75 days pass from planting to harvest. Potatoes have a very high yield - from 22 to 49 t/ha, while it is possible to harvest twice per season. The tubers are smooth, neat, weight ranges from 80 to 170 grams. The peel is yellow, the flesh is light yellow or cream in color. The variety is resistant to most dangerous diseases.

When peeling potatoes, try to remove as thin a layer of skin as possible. This way you will retain much more nutrients.

Photo gallery: the best varieties of potatoes for frying

Potatoes of the Anosta variety initially grew exclusively in the fields of Holland, and later came to the CIS. Potatoes of the Ariel variety are distinguished by high yield and early ripening
Potatoes of the Rosara variety are extremely resistant to various garden diseases

Salad potatoes

Salad (or table) potatoes are those that are best suited for preparing various salads. It contains very little starch and does not crumble when cooked. Salad potatoes are valuable because they do not darken after cooking and retain an excellent taste not only when hot, but also when cold.

Nowadays, varieties with red, blue and purple flesh have begun to be used for preparing salads and vinaigrettes. They not only retain the appearance of tubers after cooking, but also slow down oxidation processes in the body, thereby inhibiting aging. The brighter the color of the potato, the more nutrients it contains.

The most popular varieties of such potatoes are:

  • Red Scarlet is an early high-yielding potato of Dutch selection. It has high resistance to most diseases, stores well, and easily tolerates dry conditions. The tubers are oblong, the skin is red, the flesh is yellow. The growing season is approximately 75 days. The weight of one tuber can reach 120 grams. The yield is quite good - approximately 27 t/ha.

    Red Scarlet potatoes are a Dutch variety.

  • The French truffle is a very unusual variety with purple skin and flesh. Ideal for salads and vinaigrettes as it does not boil over. You need to peel potatoes of this variety only after they have cooled completely - then the inside will be black and purple with a pink center. The tubers are small, about 10 cm in length, average weight is 70 grams. The variety is late and has a low yield; it is grown on a small scale using manual labor, so these potatoes are quite expensive.

    The French truffle potato variety seems to be the most unusual of all varieties - it is grown in very limited quantities and by hand, so it is extremely expensive

  • Annushka is a mid-season salad potato with high yield. The peel is smooth and shiny, yellow in color, the eyes are small, the flesh is yellow when cut. Potatoes of this variety have a pleasant taste, do not darken or become boiled. The growing season takes 80–85 days. Productivity varies from 21 to 51 t/ha. Resistant to most dangerous diseases, but susceptible to scab. The weight of one tuber is 100–200 grams.

    The Annushka variety does not become overcooked and is not darker, which makes it an excellent ingredient for salads

To avoid discoloration of potatoes, try to peel and cut them immediately before cooking. If you can’t cook the vegetable immediately after peeling, place it in a bowl of cold water with a small amount of lemon juice. This simple technique will prevent the pulp from darkening and losing its shape.

What dietary varieties are there?

Many people sincerely believe that potatoes are a very high-calorie product and are in no way suitable for dietary nutrition. Therefore, most of those who, for some reason, are on a diet, decisively exclude this product from their diet. And in vain, because contrary to popular belief, there are many varieties that are extremely rich in nutrients and at the same time suitable for dietary and baby food.

These include:

  • Gypsy is an early (or mid-early - depending on the climate) high-yielding variety with a very thin and delicate purple peel, sensitive to mechanical damage. The pulp is white or creamy, with a delicate taste. Regardless of the cooking method, potatoes retain a delicate consistency; after cooking, they retain the structure of the tuber and do not darken. The average tuber size is 100–130 grams. Potatoes are completely indestructible and resistant to most diseases. The variety is not included in the State Register, so there is no reliable information about its yield.

    The Gypsy potato variety looks rather unusual, but its taste is quite pleasant

  • Aladdin is a mid-late variety that is characterized by high resistance to disease and resistance to mechanical damage. The skin is reddish, the flesh is snow-white. These potatoes are recommended for use in kindergartens and schools. Full ripening of tubers occurs 90–100 days after planting. To get the highest possible yield, it is recommended to grow the variety after perennial grasses and add a small amount of nitrogen to the soil. Up to 45 tons of tubers are harvested per hectare of land, the average weight of which is 105–185 grams.

    Aladdin potatoes are extremely nutritious, they are especially recommended for children of primary and school age

  • Sifra is a medium-late variety, resistant to many dangerous diseases, but susceptible to fungi and late blight. The skin is golden, the flesh is snow-white. Potatoes have a pleasant, slightly sweet taste and retain their color when cooked. The tubers are rich in vitamins and low in calories, and are quite large in size - 100–150 grams. Productivity depends on soil composition and climatic conditions, and can range from 17–40 t/ha (the maximum possible yield is 53 t/ha).

    The Sifra potato variety has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste.

Potato peels are a concentrated source of dietary fiber. To preserve the maximum possible amount of nutrients in the vegetable, cook it with the peel.

We grow the most delicious potatoes on our own plot

So, we figured out what varieties of potatoes should be chosen for preparing certain dishes. But what if you want not only to buy a delicious variety of potatoes, but to grow them on your own plot?

First of all, you should decide which specific variety you prefer, and then study the agricultural technology of growing it in as much detail as possible. Be sure to take into account the individual characteristics of the site - the composition and acidity of the soil, cultivation technology, etc. Then think about which growing method will be most preferable for you - traditional, planting under straw or in ridges, etc. Keep in mind that the characteristics of a particular variety are genetically embedded in it, but may vary depending on the area and agricultural technology. In other words, even if you take a very productive variety, but grow it in unfavorable conditions, without taking into account individual characteristics, the final harvest will be scanty.

Don’t forget about fertilizing - apply all the necessary fertilizers to the soil in a timely manner, but do not overdo it. If the soil is poor in minerals, any variety grown on it will be tasteless. In addition, with a lack of nutrients, potatoes are much more susceptible to various diseases. But an excess of minerals will not bring anything good. Tubers saturated with fertilizers will change their boiliness, become mealy and acquire an earthy aftertaste. Do not forget that excess nitrogen contributes to the accumulation of nitrates in potato tubers, which not only give the vegetable an unpleasant bitter-salty taste, but are also extremely harmful to health. To neutralize the harmful effects of nitrogen fertilizers, add ash to the soil along with them.

The most delicious vegetable is considered to be grown on soils fertilized with ash and humus.

When growing sawdust or fresh straw, add nitrogen to it. And remember about complex fertilizers - they will provide potatoes with all the necessary substances.

An important aspect that concerns the taste of potatoes is their storage conditions, since during this period of time biochemical processes continue in the tubers and ripening occurs. Some varieties may become tastier during storage, while others, on the contrary, lose their taste. If the tubers are exposed to low temperatures during storage, the starch they contain will turn into sugar, and as a result the potatoes will acquire an unnatural and unpleasant sweetness. And at excessively high temperatures, harmful substances are formed in the tubers.

When choosing potatoes, consider not only your own preferences in the taste of the fruit, but also the capabilities of your plot

A few planting secrets

  1. Try not to plant potatoes in the same area for a long time, since this practice greatly increases the risk of infection with potato pests and various diseases. In addition, this leads to soil depletion. Therefore, always alternate crops - plant potatoes after cabbage, legumes, phacelia, perennial grasses or oil radish. Avoid planting potatoes after garden strawberries: since their diseases and pests are identical, the potatoes will almost certainly become infected with some disease, which will greatly affect the harvest.
  2. In warm weather, potato tubers germinate in 2–3 weeks. In cold weather, the germination process slows down, taking 3–4 weeks. Slowing development leads to the fact that potatoes form a powerful root system and the yield increases. Based on this consideration, try to plant tubers early. However, do not overdo it - if planted too early, late blight will begin to appear on the plants.
  3. Planting potatoes in ridges gives twice the yield than the traditional method. The planting depth should be from 12 to 15 cm, the density should be 350–400 bushes per hundred square meters. Row spacing should be at least half a meter. Planting under straw also gives very good results, but it will be more labor-intensive and costly.
  4. Pay attention to the correct selection of planting material. Over time, potatoes tend to degenerate, resulting in reduced yields.
  5. It is considered optimal to plant 40% of early potato varieties, 35% of medium and 25% of late varieties.
  6. Be sure to loosen the soil between the rows and around the potato bushes. In dry periods this should be done less often, and in excessively wet periods - as often as possible. Keep weeds away.
  7. Promptly treat late blight and Colorado potato beetles, since they are the ones that cause the most harm to potatoes.

Video: secrets of growing potatoes

Potato like beets and carrots, they have become the main root crops that are grown in every garden.

In this article we will try to fully describe the structure of the plant, the principles of cultivation, and what beneficial properties it has.

Potato- the most important source of carbohydrates (starch) and potassium, necessary to maintain the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The daily amount of vitamin C required for the human body (70-100 mg) is contained in 3-4 fresh medium-sized tubers.

Potato is a perennial plant from South America and grows wild in its homeland. Our plant is grown as an annual. The history of potatoes goes back more than 14 thousand years - at first they were tubers of wild plants, then as a vegetable they became the main product of the diet of the inhabitants of South America.

The first copies of potato tubers were brought by the historian Cieza de Leon to Spain in 1553, after which potatoes spread throughout all European countries.

For a long time, potatoes were bred in botanical gardens as an ornamental plant.

Potatoes were discovered as a food product by the French agronomist Antoine-Auguste Parmentier during the war with Prussia; while in captivity, he ate only potatoes for a long time. This is how he discovered its nutritional properties and excellent taste.

In 1772, returning to his homeland, he promoted potatoes as a vegetable crop. The date of widespread distribution of potatoes can be considered 1795.

In Russia, potatoes first appeared during the reign of Peter I, but became widely known during the reign of Catherine II. The introduction of potatoes into agriculture began on a large scale in 1839-1840 during the famine. The plant becomes one of the main food products in Russia and the country takes first place in its cultivation and production.

Today, potatoes are an important crop, grown in all regions of the world and form an important part of the diet. Potatoes are used as a food, technical and fodder plant; starch and alcohol are produced from it.

Potatoes have a fibrous root system that does not penetrate deeply into the soil. The potato bush has erect stems 30-150 cm high. The potato has a bare, ribbed stem, some of which, while in the ground, produce long lateral shoots - stolons. At the ends of the stolons thickened shoots grow - tubers, a fruit used for food.

Tuber- a modified shortened stem with eyes on the surface. Each eye consists of 3 buds: a short stem with an upper sprout and leaf primordia, axillary buds and roots - from which shoots develop.

Ripe potato tubers consist of several layers. The top layer is a peel made of cork fabric, which protects against exposure to the external environment and drying out. Under the skin there are cells with a high content of starch - parenchyma.

The tubers also have vascular-fibrous bundles connecting to the eyes. The inside of the potato contains less starch. There are many varieties of potatoes, which gives a variety of shapes and colors to the fruits outside and inside.

To absorb air and evaporate moisture, the tubers have lentils on the surface - special organs.

A plant with a fibrous root system that develops to a depth of 20-40 cm, dies after the tubers ripen.

Above ground parts of potatoes

Potato leaves simple, unpaired pinnately dissected from light green to dark green. The structure of the leaves is the main sign of varietal identity. The leaves are arranged in a spiral on the stem and consist of a petiole and several pairs of lateral lobes.

Potato flowers have different colors - white, blue, red and blue-violet. They consist of 5-6 petals, partially welded together, the flowers have 1 pistil and 5 stamens. The sepals of the flower are fused at the base. Potatoes bloom 30-35 days after germination and are self-pollinating plants.

Flowers produce fruits with multi-seeded, two-lobed, green, round or oblong berries. These berries have a strawberry flavor, but are poisonous because they contain the alkaloid solanine. The seeds are very small, weighing 0.5 g, and are rarely used for propagation, only for breeding purposes.

Potato tops also contain poisonous solanine, which protects the plant from certain types of insects and bacteria. Tubers, some of which are in the process of growth, are on the surface of the soil, acquire a green color - they are not eaten.

When flowering and active formation of tubers occurs, approximately 1 month before harvesting, it is necessary to carry out foliar feeding with boric acid and superphosphate - dissolve 1 kg of superphosphate and 6.5 g of boric acid in 10 liters of water per 100 m 2 of planted potatoes. Even on well-fertilized plots of land, the yield will increase by 10-15%, this will promote the outflow of starch from the tops to the tubers.

Potatoes are used in cooking, industry and medicine, as they are a valuable and healthy product. Potato tubers consist of 20-25% starch, 2% protein and 0.3% fat. Potato protein includes a number of amino acids. Tubers contain high levels of phosphorus, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Lots of B vitamins (B2, B6), PP, D, C, K, E, carotene and folic acid.

Potatoes are also used in dietary nutrition. If it is necessary to saturate the body with potassium, potatoes are baked with the skin on (the maximum amount is contained), and when vitamin C is needed, young potatoes are boiled “in their skins.”

Potatoes help remove sodium salts and water from the human body. Due to their high starch content, potatoes are a very high-calorie vegetable. It is recommended to cook potatoes for arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, and heart failure.

Potatoes, a highly nutritious product with simple growing technology, good yield, and a wide range of vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances, occupy an important place in the diet in many countries around the world.

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Tuber in the radial direction: 1a - epidermis with individual

​If the elements of a flower are fused, then their number is enclosed in brackets: fused five-membered corolla - Co(5), difraternal androecium - A(9,1).​

​ - irregular flower (zygomorphic)

  • The flowers are white, pink and purple, collected in a shield at the top of the stem, the calyx and corolla are five-parted. Flower formula: *K (5) C (5) A5 G(2_)​
  • ​Potato tuber.​
  • ​The flowers are white, lilac or pink, with 5 fused petals. The inflorescence is a curl, the fruit is a juicy multi-seeded berry.​

The flower itself, the structure of which we are considering, consists of 5 sepals collected in a cup, 5 petals forming a corolla, 5 stamens and a pistil. The flower may have narrow, broadly awl-shaped and long leaf-shaped sepals.​

The skin of the tubers themselves can be smooth, mesh or flaky, depending on the specific variety. The thickness of the periderm depends not only on the species, but also on weather and climatic conditions, soil quality and fertilizers. For example, the use of phosphorus-based fertilizers significantly thickens the peel, while potassium fertilizers, on the contrary, make the periderm thin.​


The usual depth of the potato root system is 25-40 cm, that is, the root mass is mainly located at the depth of the arable layer. In some cases, the roots can go to a depth of 80 cm or more. Late varieties have a more developed root system than their early counterparts.​

How did potatoes conquer Europe and Russia?

​The main feature is that despite the fact that potatoes contain such a poisonous element, they are still quite a healthy fruit. It contains a lot of vitamins and minerals, it is also useful not only in food, but also for colds, masks, etc.​

​There are potatoes in almost every garden, which are used for growing various fruits, because planting them is not difficult, you don’t need much care, and the harvest is almost always good. In general, to sow it you need the potatoes themselves, their skins, good soil and moisture. And all that remains is to harvest.​

Plant structure

​areas of the periderm; 1 - periderm; 2 - bark; 3 - external phloem;​

Root system

​If the elements of a flower are arranged in circles, then a “+” sign (P3+3) is placed between the number of elements in each circle.

The fruit is a multi-seeded, dark green, poisonous berry with a diameter of 2 cm.

The root system of potatoes is fibrous, the roots are located mainly in the arable layer of soil, and only a few of them penetrate to a depth of 1 meter. In the underground part of the potato, modified stems are also formed - stolons, which, thickening at the end, turn into tubers. The part of the tuber with which it is attached to the stolon is called the umbilical cord, the opposite part is called the apex. The tuber grows at the top - its youngest part.


Potato fel, tuberous nightshade (lat. Solánum tuberósum) is a species of perennial tuberous herbaceous plants from the genus Solanum of the Solanaceae family.

​The flower can be white, blue, purple or another color. After flowering is completed, the fruit ripens - a green poisonous berry, reaching 2 cm in diameter. The structure of the berry is quite simple: it is divided into two nests, each of which contains many small flattened seeds.​

​The potato stem is formed from a tuber bud. Since there are always several buds, the stems also grow from 2-3 pieces or more, depending on the variety and size of the tuber itself. Several stems form a bush. In cross section they have a faceted shape (3-4 sides); much less often the stem looks rounded. Often the bushes reach a height of 80-90 cm, however, such luxurious plants often give a poor harvest, because all the strength goes into the development of the bush. Usually, this happens when there is an excess of fertilizers in the soil.​

​Interesting facts: you can increase the yield by deepening the arable layer, for example, up to 70 cm. Thus, the number of tubers will increase significantly.​

​I think it is important to know various facts about the origin and structure of any fruit, because how can you grow and dig up potatoes from your crop without knowing that the type of potato fruit is tuberous? This is useful.​

​But few people know what type of potato fruit it is. Berry, root vegetable or even a plant? A tomato is a berry, just like a cucumber. What type of fruit is our favorite potato?


​4- xylem; 5 - internal phloem; 6 - core.​

The position of the ovary in the flower is indicated by a dash. With the superior ovary, the flower is subpetal, so a dash G() is placed under the number of carpels; when the lower ovary is designated - a suprapistal flower - a dash is placed above the number G().​


​ Ca or K (in Russian Ch) - calyx (calyx)​

​Look at the textbook!​

​The outside of the tubers are covered with a cork peel, the main color of which is white, red or purple (blue); some varieties have variegated tubers - white-red or white-blue.​


The stem is bare and ribbed. The part of the stem immersed in the soil produces long shoots (15-20 long, in some varieties 40-50 cm).​

​Despite the relatively low content of nutrients in potatoes, this root vegetable occupies an important place in the diet of many peoples. The advantages of the vegetable are the relative ease of cultivation, decent yield, and, of course, the excellent taste of potatoes.​

Each stem has wing-like appendages along its entire length.

​In addition to the usual roots, in the underground part of the plant there are stolons - shoots growing from the mother tuber. During development, the stolons grow and young tubers begin to form on young shoots. Stolons are easy to distinguish from roots: they are lighter in color and thicker.​

​Today, potatoes occupy a significant niche in the diet in many parts of the world. Due to its nutritional value, relative cheapness and wide distribution, this vegetable is often called the “second bread”. Despite its apparent simplicity, the structure of potatoes is much more complex, and a detailed consideration of this issue will be useful for many agricultural producers and ordinary summer residents.​


Who knows the formula of a potato flower and describe the structure of a potato flower and fruit!!! Please!!"


​Potatoes are a type of perennial tuberous plant that belongs to the Solanaceae family. Therefore, the answer to the main question is the type of potato fruit - tuberous. Planting it in the ground, it sends out shoots to others with its flowering, thus forming tubers among themselves. By digging them up, you can fully examine the structure of the tubers; it is quite interesting and unlike any other.​
​The figure shows the structure of two tubers: a newly formed one (1.5 mm in diameter) and a fully developed one (50 mm in diameter).​
With a simple perianth, the signs of calyx and corolla are not used, and it is designated by the letter P (perigonium). .​
​ Co or C (in Russian В) - corolla (corolla)
​Flower: *K (5) C (5) A5 G2​

Natalia Ushakova

On the tuber there are eyes located in a spiral, in the recesses of which three dormant buds are most often placed. At the top of the tuber, the eyes are located more closely than at the umbilical cord. Their number depends on the size of the tuber and the variety.

sketch and describe the structures of a potato flower and fruit?

sir Victor

The potato leaf is dark green, intermittently unpaired, pinnately dissected, and consists of a terminal lobe, several pairs (3-7) of lateral lobes placed one opposite the other, and intermediate lobes between them. The unpaired beat is called the final beat, the paired beats have ordinal names - the first pair, the second pair, etc. (counting is carried out from the final beat). The lobes and segments sit on rods attached to the rod, the lower part of which turns into a petiole. Near the lobes of the pairs there are even smaller lobes.

Potato fruit is a multi-seeded berry.

Each potato variety has its own characteristics, including the number, size and shape of leaves. An experienced gardener can easily identify the variety by the appearance of the green mass. The potato leaf is intermittently unpaired and pinnately dissected. On the main rod, between the paired lobes, smaller lobules are usually formed, and between them, in turn, there are lobules of even smaller size.​

​Many people believe that the tuber is the fruit of the potato. In fact, a tuber is part of an underground stem or stolon, and to be more precise, a tuber is a modified shoot. The plant accumulates starch, sugar and other useful substances necessary for further development.

The homeland of potatoes is Central and Latin America. Spanish explorers began introducing potatoes to Europe in the late 16th century. At first, European kings and nobility appreciated only the flowers of the plant, which they used as a decorative decoration. Peasants zealously rejected this vegetable because they were poorly informed about the nutritional properties of the tubers themselves. Frequent poisonings from potato fruits and berries often led to the fact that, in a fit of anger, peasants simply uprooted the plants and burned them in the fire. The pleasant aroma of baked tubers obviously made people try them. So, gradually, the attitude of Europeans towards the new vegetable changed dramatically.​

This type of fruit is characterized by a high content of a toxic substance - solanine, but it is not life-threatening under certain rules:

​This is a nightshade flower with 5 sepals, 5 petals, 5 stamens, 1 pistil. The fruit is a berry, formed after flowering. Root crops form on the roots.​

​ potatoes - Ca(5)Co(5)A5G().​

​ P (in Russian O) - simple perianth (perigonium)​

The fruit is a multi-seeded, dark green, poisonous berry.

​Potato tubers contain the most water and starch. The chemical composition of tubers depends on the variety and growing conditions. On average, it is believed that a potato tuber contains about 75% water, 20% starch, 2% crude protein, and the rest is sugar, fats, fiber and ash.​

The flowers are white, pink and purple, collected in a shield at the top of the stem, the calyx and corolla are five-parted. Flower formula:​

Flower structure: double perianth. calyx and corolla are petalous. (5 petals) covering some semblance of a tube.​

) Description of the structure of the potato flower and fruit. potato flower formula.

Anya A.D.

There are three degrees of dissection: weak, medium and strong. On a weakly dissected leaf there is one pair of lobules, but there are no lobules at all. The strongly dissected leaf has more than 2 pairs of lobules and many lobules.​
The potato tuber has a unique structure and appearance. On the smooth and dense surface of the tuber there are always so-called “eyes”, small black dots and scars.​

describe the structures of the potato flower and fruit!!!

Ekaterina Belyaeva

Potatoes appeared in Rus' during the time of Peter I. The Tsar, as a lover of everything European, brought a small batch of potatoes from Holland and ordered them to be handed over to the peasants for breeding. The lack of necessary knowledge had bitter consequences similar to what happened before to peasants in Europe. In addition, many clergy convinced illiterate people about the inadmissibility of growing foreign fruit and equated it with a sinful act.​
You can’t keep potatoes in the sun;

Elena Yakovleva

Double perianth - 5L, (5)H, (5)T, 1P fruit berry

Ira Kuts

​Schematic structure of a potato tuber​
​ A (in Russian T) - stamens (androceum)

Galina Russkova (Churkina)


drawing of the structure of a potato flower and fruit

Gena Abonos

​Good luck to you!​
The potato fruit is a multi-seeded, two-lobed berry with a diameter of about 2 centimeters. Young berries are green, turn pale when ripe and acquire a pleasant smell. Berries are formed only in a few varieties, which depends on the sterility of pollen prevailing in the potato, as well as on weather conditions. The seeds are small. When forcing seedlings from seeds, potatoes bloom and form tubers in the first year, but the growing plants differ sharply both from each other and from the variety from which the seeds were collected. Therefore, potato varieties cannot be propagated by seeds, and they are sown mainly when developing new varieties.​
​and the formula and diagram of the flower are the same as those of other nightshades.​
The structure of the leaves also differs in the way the lobes, lobes and lobes are placed. If they overlap each other, creating the appearance of a continuous leaf, then this type is called densely divided. If the distance between the leaf elements is large enough, then we have a rare-lobed leaf type.​
​The eyes are the buds from which the plant stems sprout. The structure of the ocelli is quite interesting: near the main bud, in each of the ocelli there are always several additional buds, which are activated if the main one is damaged. Each tuber can have from 4 to 15 eyes. They are located on the upper half of the tuber.
​Potatoes belong to the nightshade family. This is a perennial plant, however, for agricultural production purposes, potatoes are grown as an annual crop. The generally accepted method of propagation is planting tubers, however, experts also use seeds for selective work. The biological characteristics of potatoes as a crop lie in the specific formation of the root system, tubers and aerial parts of the plant.​
If any green spots appear, it should be thrown away - this is a manifestation of solanine;
​Radish - Double perianth 4L, 4H, T4+2, P1 fruit pods,​
​size 1.5 mm (A) and 50 mm (B).​
​ G or g (in Russian P) - pistil, carpels (gynoecium) (gynoeceum)​
​At the beginning of the formula, the sign of the symmetry of the flower is indicated:​
​Potato flower.​
The flower is correct. stamens 5, pistil 1. ovary superior.​
​As you know, several centuries ago, a potato flower attached to clothing was considered a sign of belonging to the aristocracy.​

The structure of a potato tuber also includes lentils - small points through which gas exchange occurs in the tubers. The formation of lentils occurs in parallel with the formation of the peel. If there is too much moisture in the soil or the soil is clogged, then loose white new growths appear on the lentils, which help absorb air. An increase in the size of the lentils is a bad signal, indicating that gas exchange in the tuber is impaired or it is affected by disease.​
There are two types of potato root system. A plant grown from seed has an embryonic taproot with a large number of small roots. Secondary roots are also formed at the base of the stem. Potatoes grown from a tuber have a fibrous root system consisting of sprout, near-stolon and stolon roots.​

​If the potato has a bitter taste, this is also evidence of the food content, and you should not eat it either.​
Tulip - simple perianth L 3+3, T6, P1 fruit box
​Above is a diagram characterizing the ratio of individual tissues​
​Next to the letter expressions of the flower parts, the number of elements is indicated in numbers (five-petalled corolla - Co5, six-membered androecium - A6), and if their number in flowers of the same species is not constant (usually more than 12) - with a symbol.​
​ - regular flower (actinomorphic)