Atlas guide to the constellation Orion two bright stars. Orion constellation

The starry sky is especially beautiful in summer. On clear, hot nights, the number of lights overhead is amazing. However, there are celestial patterns that are best observed during the cold season. These include the constellation Orion. Its scheme includes 209 stars that can be observed with the naked eye. Orion is famous precisely because of the large number of bright cosmic objects in its composition, easily distinguishable from Earth. The ideal time to observe them is from November to January.

Recognizable anywhere in the world

What the constellation Orion looks like is known to almost all inhabitants of our planet, since it is visible in both hemispheres. This is facilitated by the location of the stars almost on the line of the celestial equator.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the pattern of the constellation Orion is especially visible in the winter late evenings in the southern part of the sky. At this time, three stars, forming and located on an almost perfectly flat straight line, are close to the horizon at a slight angle to it. The recognizable silhouette is formed by eight clearly visible luminaries. Since Antiquity, the celestial drawing has been associated with the image of the hunter Orion with a sword on his belt, a club in one hand and a shield in the other.


The constellation Orion is described for the first time for children not in astronomy lessons, but in the process of becoming familiar with the legends of Ancient Greece. According to legend, the hero, who was subsequently placed in heaven, was known as a skilled hunter, whose heart was struck by the beauty of the Pleiades - the nymphs of the goddess Artemis. Orion's attempts to speak to them were unsuccessful: the embarrassed nymphs ran away and called their patroness for help. Artemis turned the seven Pleiades into a dove. They flew high into the sky, where they soon became a constellation.

Orion quickly stopped grieving over the nymphs and fell in love with Merope, the daughter of the king of the island of Chios, Oinopion. The father demanded that the hero perform a feat worthy of his daughter’s hand. However, Orion decided to do things his own way: he set out to steal Merope. The king learned of the hunter's plans and, in revenge, blinded him.

Death of a Hero

Orion wandered the earth alone for a long time in search of someone who could restore his sight. In the end, one of the Cyclopes he met took pity on him and took him to Helios. The sun god was able to make the hero sighted again. Orion, without thinking twice, returned to his favorite pastime. While chasing prey, Artemis, who herself loved to hunt, noticed him. Orion soon became her lover, which greatly upset the goddess’s brother, Apollo. He decided to kill the hunter by cunning. Apollo, who knew the pride of Artemis, in a conversation doubted the accuracy of her archery and, for the sake of testing, suggested that she try to hit a distant dark point that flashed in the waters of the sea. The goddess easily completed the task, not suspecting that the point was the head of Orion, who decided to swim.

Soon Artemis learned that she had become the killer of her lover. Mourning Orion, she vowed to always remember him and placed him among the stars. This is how Orion, the constellation, shone in the sky. Myths also tell about another version of the hero’s fate. According to one version, in the hope of becoming the husband of the beautiful Merope, he bravely fought with wild animals that threatened the inhabitants of the island of Chios. Having defeated everyone, he, however, did not get the girl, but was captured and blinded by her father. After meeting with Helios, Orion regained his sight, but after some time he was killed by the angry Artemis, the patroness of animals.

Highly visible

The way the constellation Orion looks today is how it was seen many thousands of years ago. This is one of the celestial drawings included in the Almagest catalog of Claudius Ptolemy, compiled around 140 AD. The attention that the ancients paid to Orion is no coincidence: the constellation is full bright elements, clearly visible from the Earth, which attracts curious eyes. Modern scientists also do not ignore the celestial drawing. Many objects located here are quite well studied.

The two in the constellation Orion are Rigel and Betelgeuse. Based on these two points, it is easy to find the hunter’s silhouette in full in the sky.

Alpha Orionis

Betelgeuse means "armpit" in Arabic. The star's name uniquely describes its location. A bright dot is placed on the hunter's right armpit. Betelgeuse is fifteen thousand times brighter than the Sun. The size of the star is larger than the orbit of Mars. This is a red supergiant, located at a distance of 540-650 from us. It is classified as a semi-regular variable star, changing its visual brilliance over time. The interval of such a change for Betelgeuse is from 0.4 to 1.3, and the main period lasts 6 years.

Beta Orionis

Even though Betelgeuse is alpha, it is not the brightest point contained in the Orion constellation pattern. Rigel (translated from Arabic as “leg”) surpasses it in this parameter. The luminosity of the star is approximately 130 thousand times greater than the Sun, the distance from us to it is (according to various estimates) from 700 to 900 light years. Rigel is the one with such enormous luminosity. Visual magnitude is 0.12.

Rigel is a blue-white supergiant that is part of its companion Rigel B, which is significantly inferior in brightness: its apparent magnitude is estimated at +6.7. The distance between the two components is approximately 2200 astronomical units. Its close location to the bright supergiant makes it possible to view Rigel B only through a telescope. The system also has a third component - Rigel S.

Short life

Stars in the constellation Orion such as Betelgeuse and Rigel, due to their massiveness and enormous luminosity, are doomed to a relatively short existence. The age of both objects is estimated at about 10 million years: they are much younger than the Sun, which is already more than 4.5 billion years old. They will not be able to live to the age of our star. The huge mass, creating significant pressure, contributes to the very rapid burning of the internal fuel of the star. As a result, over time the nucleus collapses, turning into a neutron one. The outer shells will collide with it and, upon interaction, will bounce off at tremendous speed. A type 2 supernova explosion will occur.

A similar fate awaits both Rigel and Betelgeuse. During the explosions, the pattern of the hunter in the sky will undergo major changes compared to how the constellation Orion looks now. The collapse of Rigel will be visible from Earth both day and night. The star will become similar in size to a quarter of the Moon, gradually fading and turning into an inconspicuous point. Betelgeuse, according to scientists, will live for at least another two thousand years and after the explosion will compete with the Moon in size. In this form, the star will last no longer than a few weeks, and then also fade away. However, these events are a matter of the distant future, for now bright stars in the constellation Orion still delight us with their light.


The constellation includes a large number of asterisms (well-visible groups of stars that have separate historical names). Thanks to one of them, the constellation Orion becomes easily recognizable for children and adults at almost any time of the year. This is a hunter’s belt, consisting of three fairly bright stars: Mintaka (delta, from Arabic “belt”), Alnitak (zeta, translated as “pearl belt”) and Alnilam (epsilon, “sash”). Asterism is also called “Three Kings” or “Rake”. Three bright points form an almost ideal straight line and are located at an equal distance from each other. If the southeastern edge of the line is continued, it will point to Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. The northwestern part of the line can be extended to Aldebaran, a red star in Taurus.


The recognizable silhouette of the constellation is created by an asterism called the Sheaf or Butterfly. It is formed by several bright stars: Betelgeuse, Rigel, Bellatrix (gamma), Alnitak, Mintaka and Saif (kappa).

Gamma Orionis is the third brightest star in this celestial pattern. It belongs to the class of blue-white giants and has an apparent magnitude of 1.64. The luminosity of the space object exceeds that of the sun by 4 thousand times, but its mass and radius are not so impressive. The first is approximately 9 solar masses, and the second parameter exceeds the corresponding characteristic of our luminary by only 5.7 times. Bellatrix is ​​similar in age to Rigel and Betelgeuse. This young star has been shining for 10 million years. Scientists predict its transformation in another few million years.

The blue-white star Saif is located at about the same distance from Earth as Rigel, but appears much dimmer due to the fact that much of its energy is emitted in the invisible range. Saif's luminosity is 5.5 thousand times greater than the sun, and its diameter is 11 times.

Main weapon

The sword is an equally famous asterism that the constellation Orion can boast of. Its diagram includes two stars - θ and ι (theta and iota), as well as the Great Orion Nebula.

Theta is a multiple star system consisting of four bright components and the same number of less visible ones. They form a small quadrangle known as the Trapezium of Orion. These are fairly young space objects formed from interstellar gas and dust. The material for the luminaries came from an invisible cloud occupying the eastern part of the constellation. This is the Great Orion Nebula.

"Star Nursery"

The hunter's formidable weapon contains the cradle of future stars. The Orion Nebula or M42 is the birthplace of a large number of space objects. It is 1500 light years away from us, but if desired, it can be seen with the naked eye. To do this, you need to look at the area below Orion's belt. M42 looks like a small speck, reminiscent of a comet. In photographs taken with powerful telescopes, the nebula is striking in its beauty. It is known not only for its impressive size and reddish glow. There are many so-called stellar nurseries here, where future luminaries are formed. This is the closest similar area to us. The Great Orion Nebula also differs from other stellar nurseries in that here clouds of gas and dust practically do not interfere with the study of star formation processes. Thanks to this, almost all modern knowledge about the formation of luminaries is drawn from observations of M42.

Black hole

The map of the Orion constellation was recently supplemented with another interesting object located near the Trapezium. Studies have shown that during the evolution of the M42 nebula there was a large number of collisions of stars that could cause the formation of a black hole that is a hundred times more massive than the Sun. This assumption is in excellent agreement with data on high speeds, characteristic of the stars that make up the Trapezium of Orion. If the existence of a black hole is confirmed, it will become the closest such object to the Solar System.

Stallion head

Only the constellations in the sky differ in their animal-like shapes. Orion is famous for another nebula called the Horsehead Nebula (or B33). It really resembles a horse's head in its outline. The ability to see a clear outline is due to the illumination created by another nebula, which acts as a background for the Horsehead. B33 itself does not emit light; it is classified as an absorbing nebula. Accordingly, in the absence of a bright background it would be very poorly visible. And under existing conditions, not every device can cope with the task of detecting it, which is why the “Horsehead” was made into a kind of marker of the serviceability and accuracy of the equipment.

Reflective light

A description of what the constellation Orion looks like would be incomplete without mentioning a whole series of nebulae, often ignored by researchers due to their less external expressiveness. These are the so-called reflection nebulae. Of course, they lose against the background of the bright M42, but nevertheless they are of some interest. The nebulae NGC 1977, NGC 1975 and NGC 1973 are located in the Sword of Orion slightly north of M42. Because cosmic dust reflects light from bright young stars, these nebulae appear bluish in images. In telescope photographs, three nebulae, separated by dark regions edged with reddish emission from hydrogen atoms, form the silhouette of a running man - another easily recognizable image in the constellation Orion.

Giving birth to light

The “Flame” nebula (its other name is “Torch”) looks unusually beautiful. This is another place where new stars are constantly being born in the constellation Orion. In the photographs, it resembles a blazing fire: luminous clouds with dark inclusions resemble tongues of flame. The Torch Nebula is located near Sigma Orion and is illuminated by it. The distance from us to this cradle of young stars is approximately a thousand light years.

The constellation Orion, described above, is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful celestial drawings. The bright stars that make it up allow the silhouette of the mythical hunter to be visible almost constantly. Thanks to them, having once calculated the location, the observer will never again wonder how to find the constellation Orion. What is also valuable for the amateur astronomer in this celestial picture is that many of its elements are accessible to direct study with the naked eye. Other features, such as parts of the Great Orion Nebula, can be observed with a small telescope or even binoculars.

Orion is the most beautiful and mysterious constellation in the equatorial sky. This is a powerful source of the birth of new stars bursting out of the depths of space. The seven star Orion, striking with its extraordinary luminosity, is especially clearly visible in the winter sky.

Where did the name of the constellation come from? Ancient Greek myths tell the story of the hunter Orion. The great hunter Orion was the son of Poseidon. And when Orion was killed (according to one version, by Artemis, who pierced him with her lightning arrows, according to another, by Hero, who sent a scorpion to him), Zeus turned him into a constellation.

In ancient Egypt, the constellation Orion was identified with Osiris, who was first the god of fertility and then the sun. In most cultures of the world, Orion is credited with a special mystical role as the heavenly Teacher of humanity.

As is known, the symbol of ancient Egypt, its « business card» , there were three great pyramids on the Giza plateau. We can say that the pyramids are the information and mythological center of ancient Egyptian civilization.

However, according to research Graham Hancock And Roberta Bauval, the relative position of these pyramids relative to each other and the Nile River quite accurately corresponds to the location of the stars in the belt of Orion and the Milky Way (Celestial Nile). Moreover, the most accurate correspondence during the passage of the constellation Orion through the upper culmination, according to modern computer calculations, was observed in the 11th millennium BC!

This fact obviously emphasizes the great role of this constellation in the formation of Egyptian civilization, in particular, and human civilization in general. In other words, the myth of Orion is associated with the formation of society and the state in a primitive environment.

In this myth, Orion symbolizes the civilizing king who organizes the life of primitive society, gives it laws, teaches crafts and organizes social life.

This myth perfectly corresponds to the myth of St. Petersburg, which rose from the swamps on the banks of the Neva, just as Egyptian civilization rose from the swamps of the Nile valley. At the same time, the role of the tsar-civilizer - the Russian Osiris - was destined to be played by Peter the Great.

Peter the Great's mission was written in the stars.

The connection of the constellation Orion with the fate and mission of Peter the Great can be clearly seen in the birth chart of the founder of the city on the Neva. So the Sun at the moment of the birth of Peter I found itself in the rays of the central stars of Orion's belt - Alnilam, and under the strong influence Sword of Orion(great nebula M42). Let us recall that the Sun in a person’s horoscope is always the main luminary, symbolizing his consciousness, his creative and spiritual beginning, i.e. his Atman. Thus, it can be stated that Peter I initially came to this world with a great mission to create a new civilization.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that Peter imagined the city of his dreams as the image of the constellation Orion embodied on Earth, which, according to urban legend, literally descended from Heaven to earth in response to the prayer of its founder. As a result, the image of the “heavenly hunter” was literally imprinted into the architectural plan of St. Petersburg.

As a result, it is also no coincidence that the Peter and Paul Fortress, in its hexagonal shape, resembles the Alnilam star, symbolically being its projection on the map of the city. Thus, the citadel of northern Palmyra, in fact being the architectural center of St. Petersburg, symbolically plays the role of its main temple, dedicated to the leading star of its founder, and the Peter and Paul Cathedral is the altar of this temple.

It is also very significant that the star Alnilam is associated not only with the birth of the king, but also with his death. Although Peter I was born in Moscow, he was buried in the Peter and Paul Fortress under the central dome of the Peter and Paul Cathedral (!), which he personally founded in 1714 on his birthday and on the day of memory of Isaac of Dalmatia.

The inscription on the tomb of Peter I reads:

The Peter and Paul Fortress, reflecting the power of the star of Peter the Great, became a kind of Monsalvat - a castle Grail and a portal to other worlds. And this role remains to be studied.

A new reading of the map of St. Petersburg.

The well-known symbol of St. Petersburg - three domes of the Peter and Paul Fortress(a spire with an angel and two domes with crosses) forms an axis along which the stars of Orion's belt pass every day. An unforgettable spectacle opens in winter, when the observer can see how the spiers receive the piercing energy of the stars.

Astronomical observations show that in order for Orion’s belt and the Peter and Paul Cathedral to visually merge together, it is necessary to move 2.5 kilometers north at night in winter. Surprisingly, there is Ioannovsky Monastery! This information was calculated jointly with radio astronomer Kirill Pavlovich Butusov.

The best visibility conditions for the constellation Orion in St. Petersburg occur in late November – early December. In this period "Heavenly King" begins to rise from the horizon at seven o'clock in the evening and passes through the upper culmination at three o'clock in the morning. At this time, the heavenly guardian Orion hovers over the city of Petra, covering it with his shield from the northern winds.

These two photographs clearly show the similarity between the Peter and Paul Cathedral and Orion's Belt.

The thirtieth meridian, passing through the Pulkovo Observatory, Moskovsky Prospekt and the Peter and Paul Fortress, is the Sword of Orion.

Sword of Orion determined by the fact that all the names of the metro stations located on Moskovsky Prospekt have a military theme. Moreover, the monument on Victory Square in the form of the tip of a bayonet soaring into the sky falls precisely on the tip of the sword of the constellation Orion.

In the year of the tercentenary of St. Petersburg, this line was reinforced by another symbol - Column of Peace on Sennaya Square, which until recently was called Peace Square. War and peace - two opposites - were side by side.

The winding Neva became a reflection of Orion's belt, the central star of which fell directly on the Peter and Paul Fortress and Petrograd Island. And the two extreme ones - Mintaka and Alnitak - are located at the edges, covering Vasilyevsky Island and the area outlined by Piskarevsky Avenue and Marshal Blucher Avenue. This is how the geography of St. Petersburg reflected influence of three stars of Orion's belt.

Belt loops on Orion steel bridges - Blagoveshchensky, Dvortsovy, Troitsky, Liteyny. This is clearly visible on the map of St. Petersburg. It is also amazing that the hinged bridges open at night, releasing the belt of the mythical hunter Orion. During the day, Orion’s loins are secured by bridges, which are connections between the northern and southern platforms of the city. The city is divided into two parts, as if into an upper and lower kingdom, as in ancient Egypt.

Central star Alnilam, projected, as mentioned above, onto the Peter and Paul Fortress, is associated with short-lived success, honors and glory, which come unexpectedly but quickly go away. This star is also associated with floods, and in a mythological sense, obviously, this star is the conductor of the myth of lands miraculously raised from the bottom of the sea, and then also suddenly sank back into the abyss of the waters.

It is interesting that both Ancient Egypt and St. Petersburg stand on marshy marshy lands that rose from the bottom of the sea and were periodically flooded with water during floods. It is likely that this periodic appearance and disappearance of the earth formed the basis of the myth of a ghostly great city that periodically rises from the bottom of the sea to carry out an important civilizing mission, and disappears again into its waters when the mission comes to its end. Thus, this star, projected onto the magical center of the city, sets its main basic myth, the essence of which is that a great ancient city rises from the bottom of the sea in order to bring the surrounding peoples the culture necessary for a qualitative leap in the development of civilization.

Another star from Orion's belt - Mintaka projected onto the bend of the Neva in the area of ​​the Smolny Cathedral. This a star symbolizing the actual cultural paradigm being established in the new civilization, is also projected onto a magical point on the map of St. Petersburg, since in this place the river delta actually begins, dividing the city, like Ancient Egypt, into upper and lower. It is characteristic that in one of the meanings the name of this star is translated as “boundary stone,” which very well corresponds to the location of its projection. Moreover, if in the upper city the Neva flows almost in the meridional direction, dividing the city into living and dead sides, then at this place the river bends, and the worlds of the living and the dead come into contact again for the second time. The Smolny Monastery was established in this place on the right bank of the Neva. Elizaveta Petrovna ordered to build a monastery on the site of a small palace at the Smolny courtyard - the so-called Smolny House, where she often lived in her youth. The monastery complex was to include a temple with house churches and an extremely high bell tower, as well as an institute for girls from noble families.

However, the nuns turned out to be incapable of teaching noble maidens, and in 1797 the monastery was abolished. The gap between the medieval Orthodox culture of Rus' and the new Russian culture that arose as a result of the activities of Peter the Great turned out to be too deep. Here, obviously, the myth of the city carrying a new cultural paradigm was fully realized. It is characteristic that in 1917 the Smolny Palace became the headquarters of the Bolsheviks, who set as their goal the establishment of a new Marxist cultural paradigm in Russia.

The last star from Orion's belt - Alnitak, - is projected directly onto the mouth of the river, at the place where it flows into the Gulf of Finland. It should be noted that the main feature of this star is the fact that near it is located the well-known dark Horsehead Nebula (B 33), the image of which formed the basis of the Indian name for the “Orion Belt” - Mrigashira, - Head of the Stag. According to Jyotish, this star symbolizes seekers and pioneers, discoverers of new things, people endowed with a thirst for knowledge. It is obvious that St. Petersburg owes its status as the cultural capital of Russia to the influence of this particular star.

It is characteristic that Gutuevsky Island, located in the Neva delta, is shaped like the Horsehead Nebula.

However, throughout the rather long history of the city, the place where this star is projected has not received proper development. Until now, mainly only warehouses and industrial facilities are located on this sacred place. The only significant object located in this place is the Church of the Epiphany - a temple built in memory of the miraculous salvation of Tsarevich Nicholas (the future holy passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II). On April 29, 1891, while the crown prince was passing through the city of Otsu in Japan, he was wounded in the head with a saber by a Japanese fanatic, who, for an inexplicable reason, was unable to cause serious harm to the health of the heir.

Only in the first decade of the 21st century did some trends emerge in the development of this area, where the seaport of St. Petersburg is located. So, in connection with the 300th anniversary of the city, the “Sea Facade” construction program was adopted, according to which these areas should become the embodiment of new trends in the development of the Northern capital, and in 2007 the development of a territory planning project began municipality Sea Gate (Gutuevsky Island) of the Kirovsky District, including the territory of the Big Port of St. Petersburg. Let's hope that they will be associated with the formation of the next cultural and historical paradigm of Russia, based on new knowledge and technologies, which should replace the exhausted Marxist Soviet paradigm.

Martial Star Bellatrix is projected into the Rzhevka-Porokhov area, where weapons and gunpowder factories have been located since the time of Peter the Great. Also in this area is the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery, where victims of the Leningrad blockade and defenders of the city are buried.

Blood red star Betelgeuse, which the Hindus called "Ardra"(needle), and which was associated with suffering and pain, is projected into the coastal region of Lakhta. This place has the harshest microclimate in St. Petersburg, since it stands on mobile alluvial and swampy soil, and is constantly blown from above by Baltic winds. In winter, the lowest temperatures are recorded here.

It is characteristic that it was in this area that the famous thunder stone, which later became the pedestal for "The Bronze Horseman". According to legend, it received its name as a result of a lightning strike, which broke off a very solid piece of its rock. At the same time, lightning was also associated with the star Betelgeuse, which represents the symbolic weapon of the celestial warrior.

In general, this place is marked by tragic events. It was here, near Lakhta, that Peter the Great caught a severe cold in 1724 while helping to pull out a stranded boat with soldiers. In memory of this event local residents They organized an impromptu chapel, hanging icons on a huge pine tree that grew not far from the Finnish coast. This pine tree stood for quite a long time, at least until the time of the installation of the monument to Peter the Great on Senate Square.

Star Rigel, associated with mechanical arts and inventive talents, is projected into the area "Nevskaya Zastava", which was and is the main industrial center of St. Petersburg. It is here and further, in the suburbs of St. Petersburg - Izhora, that the most famous St. Petersburg factories are located, producing complex and high-tech equipment. Also, it is in this area that large deposits of Uranium, the main fuel for nuclear power plants, were discovered at great depths.

Finally a star Saif, which the ancient Egyptians considered a symbol of royal power, is projected onto the southwestern part of the city, famous for the luxurious royal residences on the southern shore of the Gulf of Finland, such as Strelna and Peterhof. By the way, the Strelninsky Palace, restored for the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, is currently one of the residences of the President of Russia.

Nebula M42(Great Orion Nebula) is projected onto the place where the Petersburg Sports and Concert Complex, the largest such complex in St. Petersburg, was opened on May 19, 1980.

Orion protects the star of St. Petersburg.

As it turned out, in the horoscope of the founding of St. Petersburg, the Sun is in conjunction with the star Aldebaran, the brightest star in the constellation Taurus.

In surviving ancient Egyptian images, this royal star is held in the palm of the palm of the sun god Osiris himself, who was identified with the constellation Orion. The star Aldebaran on the hand of Osiris is an obvious herald of the birth of Oriongrad, which lies in the palm of eternity like an unread papyrus scroll. Peter I fulfilled his solar destiny and founded the city of Petersburg with his own hands.

It is characteristic that if you try to project the star Aldebaran onto the map on the selected scale, it turns out that its projection will coincide with the city of Vsevolozhsk - the modern capital of the Leningrad region. This city is located on a hill, which, like the Pulkovo Heights, were islands of the ancient sea, from the bottom of which, due to the general rise of the Scandinavian Peninsula, around the 5th millennium BC. Petersburg rose.

St. Petersburg has become the stone, earthly embodiment of the constellation Orion. Its structure in all respects coincides with its celestial brother and, what is especially important, is confirmed not only visually, but also by a number of astrological and astronomical calculations. At the same time, it is also obvious that the active formation of the structure of St. Petersburg and the region in accordance with the cosmic plan continues to this day, which indicates the prospects for the city in the future.

Hare Island is a mirror twin of the constellation Hare.

In the starry sky under the foot of the hunter Orion there is the constellation Hare. A hunter chases a hare with two hounds. The galactic myth was also realized in earthly reality during the founding of St. Petersburg.

Do you know that The city was founded on Zayachiy Island. It should be noted that settlements on the territory of St. Petersburg existed before. Thus, at the mouth of the Okhta River, the Swedish fortress of Landskrona existed from the 13th century, and in the 16th century the city of Nyenschanz grew up. But(!), construction began only when Peter the Great founded the fortress on Hare Island. Only from this moment did the cosmic myth of the heavenly king and hunter begin to come true.

The constellation Orion is the door for guests from the Unibrong universe to planet Earth

02.12.11 The constellation Orion, apparently, is the place from which brothers in mind, or, more simply put, aliens, fly to Earth.

The constellation Orion, is the most beautiful of all observed constellations, is located quite high above the horizon and is clearly visible from December to March. This constellation is distinguished by the extraordinary brightness of the stars located in it and the size of the visible area.

On a moonless and clear night from the ground, you can observe up to 120 stars of this constellation. Particularly attractive are the red Betelgeuse and the blue Rigel (these are stars of zero magnitude). Together with two other second magnitude stars they form geometric figure Orion constellation is a large irregular (elongated) quadrangle. In the middle of it are three stars of the second magnitude, forming the “belt” of Orion.

In addition to them, in the constellation Orion there are ten more stars brighter than the fourth magnitude. However, a great effort of imagination is required to see in this configuration of stars the legendary hunter Orion, raising high right hand a huge club, thrown over left hand lion skin. On Orion's right shoulder is the star Betelgeuse, and in the foot of his left leg is Rigel.

Betelgeuse is a supergiant, its diameter is 400 times the diameter of the Sun. The distance from us to this supergiant star is 650 light years.

Rigel is a giant star, its radiation is 23,000 times stronger than the radiation of the Sun. The distance from us to Rigel is 1076 light years.

This scientific facts, and now let’s move on to the mentions of this constellation in the ancient world, myths, chronicles and legends and its connection with numerous pyramids, which are still stunning ancient structures.

The Hopi Indians believed in gods who flew to Earth from the constellation Orion. Modern descendants of this tribe still believe that the gods lived on the star Pi-3 Orion. This planet is terrestrial and is located only 26 light years from the earth, which, by scientific standards, is a completely acceptable distance for space travel.

This is how Hopi shamans dress when they portray the gods who visited their tribe in ancient times:

Kachinas - a creature from the Blue Star

The Dogon tribe and the Egyptians also worshiped the gods from the constellation Orion, just like the Mayan Indian tribe. The pyramids of Teotihuacan - the Sun (225 m at the base and 65 m in height) and the Moon (about 150 m at the base and 42 m in height) and the temple of the Mayan god himself - Quetzalcoatl, are located in such a way that it is impossible not to notice their relationship to the stars in Orion's Belt .

Particular importance was attached to this constellation in Ancient Egypt. The god Osiris was identified with him - the ruler of the kingdom of the dead and the great pyramids of the Giza valley, as follows from the works of R. Bauval and G. Hancock, are nothing more than a projection of the three stars of Orion’s belt at the lowest point of the precessional movement, that is, in 10500. BC.

The Pyramid of Menkaure, the Pyramid of Khafre, the Pyramid of Khufu - All of them were built before the Flood.

There is mention of the constellation Orion and the biblical book of Job. The three stars of Orion's belt are often found under such names as the Three Magi, the Three Magi, and Jacob's Staff.

In Central Asia, in the territory of Mongolia, Tuva, Altai, the symbolism of Orion is well known - these are three parallel lines at the top of most deer stones.

On the territory of the Altai Mountains, images of the constellation Orion can be found in Kara-Oyuk, also known as Chaganka. The place is located in the Kosh-Agach region of the Altai Mountains Republic, 10 km from the village of Beltyr.

The word Orion itself is translated as guardian of the limit, border, etc.

The threshold role of Orion is confirmed by the discovery of R. Bauval in the study of the astral cults of Ancient Egypt. While examining the ventilation shafts of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Bauval came to the conclusion that they were precisely targeted at certain stars in the night sky, including Orion. But he went further, drawing attention to a certain topography of the location of the three Great Pyramids on the surface of the Earth, and put forward his theory of correlating them with the three stars of Orion’s belt.

Using the astronomical computer programs Sky Globe and Red Shift, it was possible to simulate the precession cycle to pinpoint when the stars of Orion corresponded to their pyramidal counterparts on Earth. It is quite possible to do this, since the interval of the precessional shift of the earth's axis relative to the celestial sphere has never changed for many thousands of years. Every 72 years there is a shift of 1 degree. Thus, for 2160 years the Sun is strictly in one constellation, gradually passing through all of them (a full circle of 12) in 25920 years.

R. Bauval found that during the precessional cycle, the three stars of Orion's Belt slide up and down along the meridian: 13,000 years up (that is, they gain height above the horizon at the moment of passage of the meridian) and 13,000 years down (that is, they lose height above the horizon when passing the meridian ). The lowest point of this cycle occurs around 10,500 BC, and the highest will occur sometime after 2000 AD.

The computer program showed that it was in 10500 BC. the three stars of Orion's belt corresponded exactly to the three pyramids of the Giza valley. This date is also confirmed by the famous Sphinx of the Giza Valley. He faces directly east, where the sun rises. On the day of the vernal equinox 10500 BC. it rose in the constellation Leo.

The extreme point of the precessional movement of the constellation Orion clearly coincides with the period of global climate change on Earth. At this time, there is a mass death of mammoths and other animals. The level of the world's oceans is rising, which has affected the flooding of some land areas and, as a result, has given rise to numerous legends and tales about the Flood. Esoteric tradition connects the disappearance of the island of Atlantis with this period. By the way, at one time Academician V.A. Obruchev considered the cause of global warming to be the disappearance of Atlantis, which by its absence allowed warm waters The Gulf Stream penetrates the Arctic Ocean region.

Thus, the constellation Orion, with its movement, marked Sunset, the end of an entire era in the history of the Earth. Orion became the guardian of the threshold separating one period of time from another. In essence, Orion is a mediator between, relatively speaking, the past and the future, the kingdom of shadows and the world of the living.

"Eye of God" in the constellation Orion

Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich, painting “The Sacred Casket” (1928)

Nicholas Konstantinovich and Svyatoslav Nikolaevich Roerich each wrote four works, the plot of which in one way or another included the Casket. In their paintings, it symbolizes a unique world relic - the sacred Chintamani Stone. This Stone is known under different names in the sacred traditions of almost all nations. Suffice it to say that the rich literature about the Holy Grail is directly related to the appearance of this Stone.

What is this Stone, called the “Treasure of the World”? According to Legend, the birthplace of the Stone is the constellation Orion, which is connected in a special way with our planet. In 1923, astronomers recorded the so-called pink rays in this constellation. In the same 1923, the Stone fell into the hands of the Roerichs, and since then they have become bearers of a special Testament, carrying out the instructions of the Brotherhood of Teachers of Humanity, promoting the evolution of the planet.

Very old times The stone from Orion served as the foundation of the Great Community of Light on Earth, which received the name Shambhala in the East. Since then, the main body of the Stone has been kept in this Brotherhood, and its fragment is sent into the world. Cosmoplanetary connection of the distant constellation Orion, the Stone in the Brotherhood of Light and a fragment of this Stone wandering around the world in certain deadlines begins to intensify, and then great historical shifts occur.

Why is the ancient legend about the stone connected with the concept of Shambhala? Is it real? Such questions have been asked by more than one generation of people fascinated by the mysteries of history. Serious answers to them can be found only in the books of H. P. Blavatsky and the Roerichs, which are parts of a single teaching transmitted to humanity by the spiritual Teachers of the East. “Throughout the entire history of mankind there is this belief in the Holy Stone, which protects the country in which It is located. The Brotherhood of the Grail keeps the Stone sent from Orion, and it was accepted by the Great Teacher Jason, who laid it at the foundation of the Brotherhood. The Stone itself is kept in the Community, but its fragments are sent into the world to accompany great events,” says one of Helena Roerich’s letters.

According to Slavic tradition, the constellations of Orion and Eridanus represent a single constellation of Yarila, who fights with the snake of the god Siwa Lamia. I note that Christians replaced Yar with Saint Yuri, or Yegory. And songs about him began to be sung during the celebrations of the ancient Yarilin days (in autumn and spring). The constellation Orion is located on the border of the constellations Gemini and Taurus. Orion is adjacent to the constellation Taurus, or the Bull, Tour. Therefore, Tur was the sacred animal of Yarila. Tour in Rus' has always been a symbol of rage, strength and courage. Buy-Tur - this is what the Russians called great warriors.

All-seeing eye

The UFOs, the appearance of which is recorded on video and photo materials, are, in my opinion, guests from the parallel universe of Unibrong, the door to which is located in the constellation Orion.

Unibronga is a Universe parallel to us, located in another dimension. This universe is older than ours, more developed and powerful. It is also three-dimensional. Connected with ours through the stars of the Orion constellation, which came from Unibronga.

The bases used are the Sun and the Moon.

1. NEUROFLIGHTS. Medusoid forms. They use the energy of topological self-closure of higher and lower forms of organization of matter.
2. HOLOLETS. Self-teleporting humanoid forms.
3. ENDOLETS. Mimicking technical forms. Unibrongi ambulance ships. They use the energy of the regenerative memory of systems that have entered an entropic state.
4. MMN. Chains of lights in the sky. They use the energy of anamnesis. (ontological remembering). Ensure the preservation of information in space.
5. NOOLETS. Magnetosphere anomalies. Systems that block chaotic radiation from the Earth's noosphere in Space.
6. CREALS. Pear-shaped or teardrop-shaped. Systems that control evolution.
7. PLASMOIDS. Energy forms that control all processes occurring on Earth, smoothing out and minimizing the damage caused to the planet. They also control the state of the psi-field and aura.

Visits are permanent, because they are necessary to regulate the activities of our planet and the space associated with it in the overall unified activity of the Universe.

All-seeing eye

Since our Earth is a large “cell” of a single organism, special attention is paid to it. Shambhala and the Orions are treating her. But because Since the spiritual illness of earthly humanity has taken on severe and threatening forms, attention to us, which intensified during the Second World War, has increased in recent years with particular noticeable intensity everywhere.

Why from the constellation Orion? The answer was given more than clear:

Video speed is slowed down 4 times

The flight path of one of the plasmoids looks like this:


Orion constellation

The word "Betelgeuse" - Arab origin. The history of its origin is not completely clear, but all experts agree that the second part of this word “Elgeuse” comes from the Arabic “al-jauz” (الجوزاء), this is what the entire constellation of Orion was called in ancient times, this was the name of the heroine of one of ancient Arabian tales.

The number of individual contacts with “humanoids” is increasing. Unfortunately, contact on a more or less global scale is still impossible due to the unpreparedness of earthly humanity as a whole.