A person is constantly affected by three streams of information. The influence of information on a person. The main components of the modern media space

Any information that comes from the media, the Internet or from people leaves its mark on the consciousness, as well as the subconscious, of a person. In this article we will look at scientific data on the impact of negativity on humans. And what to do so that information does not destroy your life.

The flow of information that literally bombards a person every day envelops a person’s subconscious more and more. It is our subconscious writes down every 3 seconds like on tape everything happening around- this is a scientific fact.

And what pours into a person every day from the media, the Internet and from people? Mostly NEGATIVE: quarrels, theft, violence, alcohol, natural disasters, catastrophes, detective series with murders and deceit, diseases, wars, annoying advertising, etc.

Then the person wonders why he is so irritated in the morning and the people around him are somehow angry and negative.

There are scientific explanations for this

Julia Krzyszkowska, head of the laboratory of translational cellular and molecular biomedicine of Tomsk state university, told at the international congress how negative information affects the human brain and provokes the development of cancer. This congress was dedicated to the study of cellular and molecular mechanisms relationship between tumor and microenvironment.

Scientists have identified three main factors: genetic predisposition, the influence of viruses and bacteria, and the environmental aspect.

“But there is a fourth reason that can lead a person to the edge of the abyss - chronic unrecognized stress. Very often it arises under the influence of uncontrolled flows of information, mostly negative, that we encounter every day. At the same time, people do not consider it necessary to defend themselves against this type of provocation, since they do not see any danger in it,” the university said in a statement.

Information attacks people's psyche. And she succeeds well in this, since the vast majority are not aware of the global harm caused to their health and do not know how to filter unnecessary, dangerous information.

“A person who spends a lot of time watching TV and on the Internet does not think that a huge amount of information, which is absolutely useless for him, settles in the subconscious. The subcortex of the brain tries to process these volumes, but the body cannot cope. All this forces people to act chaotically, bringing dividends to the one who was the first to explain what is important, necessary, and profitable,” the scientist believes.

Even if a person realizes that he is experiencing stress and turns to a specialist, he will be treated with medication, but the source of stress itself will not go away.

Negative information directly affects the nervous system, which is connected to the human immune system. Signals from the nervous system are received by receptors of the immune system, which release substances that the immune system also perceives with its receptors.

“It is these systems that, in the process of interaction, decide whether we will have cancer or not. If we promote cooperation between the immune and nervous systems, we will significantly increase our chances of being healthy and living a long time,” the biologist said.

From childhood it is important to teach people to find useful information, cutting off everything unnecessary and negative. In this case, the nervous system will be preserved, and the immune system will be strong and healthy.

There are also studies from scientists

Dutch scientists conducted research and found that negative information can slowly but surely influence the body, contributing to the development of problems various kinds.

After observing statistical data, analysts from the Netherlands found that after publication in the media negative materials sharp the number of people is increasing who communicate seek help from doctors.

Why is there so much destructive information around?

But why is that? Because the intensity of passions causes interest, worry, surge of hormones, for example, adrenaline. Boring everyday life common man turns into an emotional experience, into a subject of discussion with a neighbor, creates a sense of variety in life.

And against the backdrop of these terrible events, deception, destruction raining down on the audience, their calm, quiet life still seems quite worthy, quite acceptable. Thus, without realizing it, a person asserts itself, satisfies one’s ego, creates the illusion of a good life. But at what cost?

At the cost of destroying your health, mind and soul!


As already written above, every 3 seconds our subconscious records everything that happens around, i.e. all information accumulates in the subconscious. But it perceives any information literally, it has no figurative meaning, it does not distinguish truth from lies, reality from fiction. This is how they are formed negative programs, patterns and attitudes that are precisely the subconscious implements.

In other words, after a while, our subconscious will create situations in life that are inherent in it. How more positive, happiness, joy laid down, therefore life is more pleasant and events happening are more joyful, and vice versa, sowed, created destructive negative field- you will receive negativity and grief in full.


Negative news and information destroy our health - experts have proven this. At the same time, not only the nervous system is destroyed, the mood and incentive in life deteriorate, the immune system is destroyed, the stability of which determines not only our well-being, protection from unfavorable conditions environment, but also anti-cancer protection.

The source of this negativity is in everyone’s home - TV, Internet, radio, books.

There's only one way out

Avoid negative news, programs, books about murders and articles, i.e. remove everything destructive and destructive from life, from the information field.

Especially protect children from news and explain to them why such information is harmful.

And to restore the nervous system, sleep disorders and relieve stress, we herbal medicine will help and specialist recommendations.

And, of course, unique, healing aromas natural essential oils , which help restore healthy energy, quickly restore calm and sleep, and other problems associated with stress and information overload.

IN modern world a person simply drowns in a mass of information that constantly influences him.

Everywhere you look there are sources of information that, of course, have an impact.

In this article we will talk about what information is and how, in connection with this, a person can protect himself and reduce the level of manipulation of his consciousness.

After all, surrounding information affects a person’s needs, aspirations, goals and desires.

By providing a certain amount of information, you can force a person to do anything.

First, let's understand what information is.

Information is...

This term can be defined as follows.

Information- information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by humans or special devices; messages informing about the state of affairs, the state of something.

A person receives information from television, radio broadcasting and communications.

Traditional remedies:

  • printed periodicals of the media (newspapers, magazines, etc.);
  • fiction, educational and scientific-journalistic literature;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • theatrical and concert activities;
  • film distribution;
  • museums;
  • exhibitions, etc.;
  • electronic sources.

TO modern methods information includes:

  • printed (all information is on paper based or other kind of basis)
  • ethereal (sound sources)
  • electronic.

The electronic system includes radiotelephone networks, audio and video recordings, CDs and, of course, computer systems with the global Internet network.

All of these methods of mass media are of great importance in the life of society and have a direct or indirect impact on people.

The means of mass communication are capable of so globally changing the life of an individual and various societies that “information bombs” are among the most effective weapons in various types of wars - economic, political, ideological.

And the media is not only capable, they are doing it now.

Both the creative and destructive power of mass communication can hardly be overestimated.

Due to the abundance of information, it is difficult for a person to navigate the information flow and distinguish false information from true information. Widespread in the market information services the so-called “yellow press”, which provides information without comment or information for which it is not legally responsible.

Our country is undergoing a real revolution in the development of information networks. Foreign radio stations received freedom to broadcast, in addition to state-owned ones, private television and radio companies and satellite communication systems appeared.

What should you do to protect yourself from the negative influence of the media?

1) First of all, it is necessary to develop an active life position.

To do this, you need to have information on the issue you are interested in from different sources, be able to analyze this information in order to draw a conclusion about where and in which source the information is more complete and reliable. We must learn to give an objective assessment of current events.

It's healthy to analyze and reason.

2) When receiving information, it is necessary to know whose ownership the given media is (whether it is state-owned or private) in order to understand the target orientation of this or that information.

3) Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eliminate bad habits. Since a weakened, sick and exhausted person is easier to manage and manipulate.

4) Expand your consciousness. Try to perceive information in a comprehensive and multifaceted way.

The media are becoming an increasingly significant factor in human existence and development, especially at a young age.

You need to approach information consumption consciously, just like the products you select for your consumption.

The information a person relies on builds his reality and determines his worldview.

Therefore, you should be aware of the perception of incoming information.

Think about how you perceive information. Please take some time to think about this article. Now answer yourself these questions:

  • Do you watch TV?
  • Do you believe everything you hear on the news?
  • Does advertising influence you? (Many people are absolutely sure that advertising certainly does not influence them, but as soon as they compare the list of things they buy with what is advertised on TV, their opinion changes)

However, more and more people are realizing that watching TV is a waste of time and not a very useful one. But such people actively use the Internet, which also has enough advertising and informational influence on people.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

It is necessary to be aware and expand consciousness, then any influence on a person will be useless.

There are many causes of ill health (third state) and diseases. A person is constantly and simultaneously affected by three streams of information(I.I. Brekhman, 1990): sensory, perceived by the senses through the first signal system, verbal(spoken or written word) perceived through a second signal system, and structural(components of food and air) entering through the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Information can be necessary (useful), indifferent and harmful. The body, taking into account adaptation, has a certain capacity for perceiving information.

In recent decades, the volume of physical activity of people of all ages has sharply decreased. The share of physical labor in production decreased from 90% to 10%.

The senses were hit with noise, vibrations and various types of radiation previously unknown in strength and diversity, not only at work, but also at home and in places of rest.

At the same time, man has deprived himself of many sensations of direct communication with nature.

There are a lot of conveniences that detrain the body.

The flow of verbal information has increased many times over, which in itself is not indifferent to the body.

Unlike our more distant ancestors, the food of modern humans is much less varied in the range of natural products.

The flow of structural information (including chemical contamination of the inhaled air) has undergone the greatest changes.

As a result of changes in the triune flow of information, characterized by a shortage of necessary (useful) and the impact of harmful information on the body, chronic stress, a decrease in the general nonspecific resistance of the body, the development of the so-called third state (an intermediate state between health and disease).

Diseases arise as a result of the influence of certain factors of the external or internal environment that exceed the adaptive-compensatory capabilities of the body.

Factors that determine health are:


Biological (heredity, type of higher nervous activity, constitution, temperament, etc.);

State of the environment;

Natural (climate, weather, landscape, flora, fauna, etc.);


Level of healthcare development.

It was also established that Lifestyle by about 50%, heredity by 20%, environmental conditions, ecology by 15-20% and healthcare, socio-economic factors(the activities of its bodies and institutions) determine 10% of health (individual and public).

Grouping of risk factors according to their specific weight for health.

Factors affecting health Health value in % Groups of risk factors
Lifestyle, working conditions, living conditions, habits Smoking, drinking alcohol, poor nutrition, harmful working conditions, stressful situations, adynamia, physical inactivity, poor material and living conditions, drug use, fragility of families, high level of urbanization
Genetics, biology ( heredity) person Predisposition to hereditary diseases
External environment, natural and climatic conditions ( ecology) 15-20 Pollution of air, water, soil, sudden changes in atmospheric phenomena, increased cosmic, magnetic and other radiation phenomena
Healthcare ( socio-economic) Ineffectiveness of preventive measures, low quality of medical care, untimeliness of its provision

For different groups of diseases, this ratio of factors is different.(Table 2). For example, in the occurrence of sexually transmitted diseases, a person’s lifestyle is of exceptional importance.

Factors causing the disease. For the development of the disease it is necessary a combination of risk factors and direct causes of the disease. It is often difficult to identify the cause of the disease, since there may be several causes and they are interrelated.

Immediate cause diseases ( etiological factors) directly affects the body, causing pathological changes in it. Etiological factors can be bacterial, physical, chemical, etc.

Disease risk factors - These are factors that negatively affect health. They favor the emergence and development of diseases and cause pathological changes in the body.

The World Health Organization has identified more than 200 factors, which have the most significant influence on modern man. Among them are physical, chemical, biological, social, psychological, and genetic factors. The number of risk factors is large and growing every year: in the 1960s. there were no more than 1000 of them, now there are approximately 3000.

Distinguish primary and secondary risk factors.


unhealthy lifestyle (smoking, drinking alcohol, unbalanced diet, stressful situations, constant psycho-emotional stress, physical inactivity, poor material and living conditions, drug use, unfavorable moral climate in the family, low cultural and educational level);

unfavorable heredity (hereditary predisposition to various diseases, genetic risk - predisposition to hereditary diseases);

unfavorable state of the environment (air pollution with carcinogens and other harmful substances, water pollution, soil pollution, sudden changes in atmospheric parameters, increased radiation, magnetic and other radiation);

unsatisfactory performance of health services (low quality of medical care, untimely provision of medical care, inaccessibility of medical care).


diseases that aggravate the course of other diseases ( diabetes, atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension, etc.).

Also distinguished main (major) risk factors, those. which are common to most various diseases: smoking, physical inactivity, excess body weight, unbalanced diet, arterial hypertension, psycho-emotional stress, etc.

The greatest significance in the development of the most common diseases, which are main cause (factor) of death population are:

hypodynamia (lack of movement),

unhealthy diet (primarily overeating),

bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use and other chemicals),

psycho-emotional stress,

unfavorable environmental conditions.

If the first factors depend on the person himself, from its worldview, culture and behavior, then the solution to environmental problems depends on the joint efforts of many countries.

More often modern people They call the TV a “zombie box.” Other media also have their own unflattering names. And for good reason, because the media today are a means for shaping the worldview of the masses.

Worldview helps determine the kinds of paths a person will take in the world. The formed worldview determines not only how a person will perceive the reality around him, but also the direction of his activity. In order to form a worldview, three conditions are necessary, namely:

  • information,
  • metaphor,
  • personal experience.

In other words, a person needs to be taught the necessary information in the easiest way for him, followed by arousing in the person a desire, based on the information received, to achieve practical knowledge, that is, to gain a certain personal experience. It is the human experience personal experience (or internal experience) is the consolidation of the information received. This is an adequate sensory state based on the received information, presented with the help of certain metaphors. Personal experience is a kind of connecting material between two quantities: "true" And "lie". And here it is not important to correlate the concept of “truth” with the concept of morality “good”, and the concept of “lie” with the concept of morality “bad”. Everything is relative here. “Truth” and “falsehood” exist in the concrete world of one person. They shape the future concepts of “good” and “bad”, and it is safe to say that morality and the concepts of “truth” and “false” will differ from each other for each person.

In order for information to penetrate deeper into a person, it is necessary repetition of a feeling state, that is, the repetition of personal or internal experience. Thus, on the basis of the biochemical processes occurring in the body when experiencing certain feelings and emotions, the process of development of the vector of a person’s worldview occurs, that is, the process of directing the path of human development in the outside world.

The only thing left to do is: give the necessary information using veiled metaphors and allow a person to experience positive personal experiences in order for the person to find “true” happiness. This way you can easily and discreetly write the desired life path for almost every specific person.

Mass media

Keyword in the media - information. First necessary condition to form the desired worldview. The media has three of the most important means bringing information to the end user:

  • written word (newspapers, magazines, etc.),
  • spoken word - sound (radio),
  • reproduced word (television).

That is, there is also a second condition for the formation of a person’s “necessary” ideas and principles - metaphor. Internet sources of information make these tools even more accessible and widespread. The third condition, as we found out, is personal experience. And here it seems that a person is left alone with himself, because except for him no one can experience this inner experience for him.

However, it must be remembered that the media are "fourth" estate. What is this power? It lies in the ability to control a person’s actions themselves - actions that should ultimately lead to this person experiencing the necessary internal experience. And there is no need to use any zombification techniques; it is enough to competently, methodically and gradually form the worldview of each person.

For example, the Western way of life says that a person should be successful, that he should be individual, that he should strive for the top. The media are beginning to present this stereotype to us in various metaphors. We are told that first we need to get a good education, then work and gain experience, and then get a job good company, where you need to take a certain place, and only after achieving this can you think about family. And almost any Western publication will answer your question about an early family as the death of your entire future. Youth is an opportunity for career growth, open relationships, and many new experiences. This is how youth is presented in the West. Thus, a person receives the information that while he is young, he must distribute his life between two “truths”: work (career) and leisure (entertainment).

A person receives this information constantly through magazines, newspapers, websites, books, movies, shows, and so on. All this leads to the fact that he begins to take certain actions, namely: he goes to study at a good educational institution, then strives to get a job in a good company, for which he can work 20 hours a day! But a person receives the necessary personal experience, which corresponds to the expectation formed in him from the information received, and he passes on this experience from generation to generation. This is how the worldview of entire nations is formed. And so people (and not one specific person) perform a series of specific actions described above to obtain the described personal experience. Generation after generation.

What if you look deeper? Loneliness of people is
additional income for producers household appliances, furniture, cars, for renters and so on. Roughly speaking, two people are not together, this is at least two TVs, two refrigerators, two sofas, two rooms, and so on. Late childbirth is a huge plus for private clinics (and in the West the health insurance system is private), which receive increased payments from health insurance for complex births (and what older age, the more difficult pregnancy and childbirth are).

The above example showed us how, with the help of the media, we can create the desired worldview among large quantities of people. But the media can not only form a stable worldview of several generations of people, but also encourage people to take immediate actions needed by the customer.

Control your feelings!

Humans have feelings, emotions and desires. And until he can control them, puts his mind above them, another person or people can, unnoticed by him, invest everything they need. And the media will become an instrument between them.

The author did not set out to condemn Western values. Any price values ​​are the result of free choice, and millions of people invest meaning in them.

This article only says that you need to be able to choose your own path of development, form your own worldview, relying on the natural sense of “truth” and “lies”, which only an unclouded conscience generates. After all, instinctively Small child will always correctly distribute the concepts of “good” and “evil”, since his consciousness has not yet been properly processed. It is very difficult to find the correct “truth” and expose the “lies”, because even in ancient times, when people used only the spoken word, it was already difficult to distinguish “truth” from “falsehood”, but “everyone has their own truth”, and “there is always one truth” . Think, analyze, look through the lines, always checking what you are told complete strangers to you.

Anton Tensin


This article examines the definition of health. Its levels, concept and components. The issue of health problems of various age groups and improving the health of each individual is revealed.

  • A healthy lifestyle of a young family as one of the factors of its well-being
  • Assessment of the level of health, functional state and adaptive potential of students of a physical education university

Health is the main step on the path to human happiness. However, many people do not have time to think about a healthy lifestyle. We are constantly in a hurry somewhere, nervous, snacking, not taking care of ourselves at all, and at the same time acquiring more and more new reasons for concern.

"The only beauty I know is health." G. Heine

Comes from adj. healthy, from Praslav. *sъdorvъ, from cat. among other things happened: other Russian. Sadorov, Old Slav. sjdrav (ancient Greek ὑγιής), Russian. healthy, Ukrainian health, bul. Hello, Serbohorv. Hello, hello, Slovenian. zdràv, zdráva, Czech, Slovak. zdravý, Polish zdrowy. In Praslav. *sъdorvъ sъ = other Indian. su “good” and *dorvo-, connected by alternating with tree, i.e. “from good wood» .

The word “health” belongs to those few concepts whose meaning everyone knows, but understands differently.

Health is one of the main conditions for optimizing human existence and one of the main conditions for human happiness. Lifelong postulate: for each of us, health is the main value of life.

There are a huge number of definitions for the word health. In the Great Medical Encyclopedia (BME), health is interpreted as “the state of the human body when the functions of all its organs and systems are balanced with the external environment and there are no painful changes.” The definition of health given by the World Health Organization (WHO) has received wide international recognition: “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Since the founding of WHO, this concept has not been revised and is now criticized in almost all works devoted to the concept of health. This definition is criticized:

  1. for the ideality of a goal that can never be achieved;
  2. for the fact that the vague concept of “health” is defined through the subjective concept of “well-being”; in addition, social well-being can have a significant impact on health indicators, but is not a sign of it;
  3. for staticity - health should be considered not in statics, but in the dynamics of changes in the external environment and in ontogenesis;
  4. for the fact that complete well-being leads to a decrease in tension in the body and its systems, to a decrease in resistance and, rather, is a prerequisite for ill health than the essence of health.

Man is a reflection of two hypostases - biological and social. They are in unity and contradiction. Currently, it is customary to distinguish several components (types) in the concept of “health”:

The first level - biological health is associated with the body and depends on the dynamic balance of the functions of all internal organs, their adequate response to environmental influences. Health at the biological level has two components:

  • somatic health - the current state of organs and systems of the human body, the basis of which is the biological program of individual development;
  • physical health - the level of growth and development of organs and systems of the body.

The second level - mental health is associated with the personality and depends on the development of the emotional-volitional and motivational-need spheres of the personality, on the development of the individual’s self-awareness and on the awareness of value for the individual own health and a healthy lifestyle. Mental health is a state of general mental comfort that provides an adequate behavioral response. The components of mental health include moral health - a complex of emotional-volitional and motivational-need properties of an individual, a system of values, attitudes and motives for an individual’s behavior in society.

The third level - social health is associated with the influence on the personality of other people, society as a whole and depends on the place and role of a person in interpersonal relationships, on the moral health of society.

The above levels manifest themselves in different ways: depending on the age of the person, on a certain stage of life.

For example, the first level appears from birth; the second level manifests itself in adolescents, and the third level in adults.

Undoubtedly, the health of a country's citizens determines the well-being of society and is an indicator. But recently, according to demographic estimates, in our country there have been trends towards worsening health levels. Moreover, this tendency is characteristic of almost all stages and periods of individual development. Certainly, Special attention causes the health of the younger generation: schoolchildren, students, that is, the future of our country. As numerous studies have shown, the state of human health most of all depends on the person himself. Ignorance of the rules of safe behavior, non-compliance with a healthy lifestyle, careless attitude towards one’s health - this is the reason high level injuries, the emergence of various diseases, deteriorating health of young people.

Several years ago, the World Health Organization attempted to rank all factors in order of their importance to health. As a result, more than 200 factors were identified that have the most significant impact on modern man. Among them are physical, chemical, biological, social, psychological, and genetic factors. However, the greatest significance in the development of the most common diseases, which are the main cause of death of the population, are: physical inactivity (lack of movement), unhealthy diet (primarily overeating), psycho-emotional stress and bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drug use and others). chemical substances) .

Undoubtedly, a person causes great harm to himself by consuming alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, and narcotic drugs. Recently, this problem has become “younger” and people have been acquiring illnesses since childhood. It is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle to schoolchildren. Or maybe a student needs help and can’t cope on his own? Suffice it to recall the lines from the poem by V.V. Mayakovsky "I'm happy!", where main character strives to tell the great joy: he finally quit smoking.

The unfavorable environmental situation in many countries is also the cause of many modern diseases. If the first three factors depend directly on the person himself, on his worldview, culture and behavior, then the solution to environmental problems depends on the joint efforts of many countries. Intensification of learning should also be recognized as an important factor in students’ poor health. Today, computerization is being actively introduced into the educational process, creating additional stress on the vision and psyche of students.

A person is constantly and simultaneously affected by three streams of information: sensory, perceived by the senses through the first signaling system, verbal (spoken or written word), perceived through the second signaling system, and structural (components of food and air), arriving through the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory system. Information can be necessary, indifferent and harmful.

The main components of this system are:

  1. optimal level of physical activity, ensuring daily requirement organism in motion;
  2. hardening, which helps increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental influences and diseases;
  3. rational nutrition: complete, balanced with a set of vital substances (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements);
  4. compliance with the work and rest regime;
  5. personal hygiene;
  6. environmentally conscious behavior;
  7. mental, emotional stability;
  8. sex education, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases;
  9. giving up bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs;
  10. safe behavior at home and on the street, allowing you to avoid injuries and other damage.

How can a modern person protect his health? We can achieve a solution to the problem in two ways. The first way is to solve environmental issues that require collective efforts.

The second way is to take care of your personal health. Good health requires consistent adherence to time-tested principles. They apply to all age groups of people, no matter where you live or what you do.

  1. Regular exercise.
  2. Positive attitude towards life.
  3. Moderation in habits.
  4. Balanced diet.
  5. Cleanliness and hygiene.
  6. Allocating yourself the necessary time for rest and relaxation.
  7. Regular periodic medical examinations.
  8. Availability of a qualified personal physician or family doctor.
  9. Help others.
  10. Creating reliable and constructive relationships.

Modern society is interested in improving the level of both individual health and collective health.

Valeology is becoming more important - the study of health, opposed to the medicine of diseases, but, in essence, based on the principles of preventive medicine. The main task of valeology is to increase the health potential of the population by preventing morbidity. That is why in schools and higher education educational institutions introduced the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety", "Fundamentals of Medical Knowledge and Healthy Image Life", "Life Safety".

Only a healthy person has a feeling of fullness of life.

A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that fosters a harmoniously developed personality, helping to endure life’s adversities, mental and physical stress, including natural, social and personal.


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