Automated heating system control unit. Heating in ancient times and modern automation

An automated control unit (ACU) for a heating system is a type of individual heating point, which is designed to automatically regulate coolant parameters (pressure, temperature) in a building heating system depending on the outside temperature and operating conditions.

The ACU consists of a mixing pump, an electronic temperature controller that maintains the calculated temperature curve of the coolant, a control valve and a differential pressure and flow controller. Structurally, the ACU is a block on a metal support frame on which are installed: pipeline blocks, a pump, control valves, electric drives, automation, instrumentation (pressure gauges, thermometers), filters, and mud collectors.

The principle of operation of the ACU is as follows: provided that the temperature of the coolant in the direct pipeline of the heating network exceeds the required one (according to the temperature graph), the electronic controller turns on the mixing pump, which adds coolant to the heating system from the return pipeline (i.e. after the heating system) maintaining the required temperature, preventing “overheating” in the building. At this time, the hydraulic regulator closes, thereby reducing the supply of network water.

Reducing the air temperature in buildings at night does not worsen the conditions of sanitary and hygienic requirements, which in turn reduces the consumption of thermal energy and leads to its savings. Possible savings in thermal energy with automatic control are up to 25% of annual consumption.

Rice. 1. Schematic diagram of an automated heating control unit.

Now let's do a little calculation of the effect of introducing an automated control unit in an office building.

In our example, it is planned to modernize the heating system by installing an automatic control system in accordance with current standards and regulations.

Calculation of thermal energy savings when implementing ACU

Thermal energy savings (ΔQ) when installing ACU are determined by the expression:

ΔQ= ΔQ p +ΔQ n +ΔQ with +ΔQ and, (1)

ΔQ p - thermal energy savings from eliminating overheating of buildings in the autumn-spring period, %;

ΔQ n - savings of thermal energy from reducing its supply at night, %;

ΔQ с - savings of thermal energy from reducing its supply on weekends, %;

ΔQ and - thermal energy savings by taking into account heat input from solar radiation and household heat release, %.

Saving thermal energy ΔQп from eliminating overheating of buildings in the autumn-spring period of the heating season, when the heat source, to meet the needs of hot water supply, releases coolant with a constant temperature exceeding that required for closed heating systems (see Fig. 2. Temperature graph 130-70) approximately can be determined from table No. 1.

Rice. 2. Temperature chart 130-70.

Table No. 1.

The relative duration of the autumn-spring period for different regions (with different design temperatures of outside air during the heating period), necessary for determining AQ p, can be found in Table. No. 2.

Table No. 2. Relative duration of the autumn-spring period at different calculated outside air temperatures during the heating period.

Saving heat energy AQ n from reducing its supply at night is determined by the expression:

where a is the duration of the decrease in heat supply at night, h/day;

Δt nр in - reduction in indoor air temperature during non-working hours, °C;

t Р в - average calculated air temperature in the premises, °C. Selected according to SNiP 2.04.05-86 "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Design standards."

t avg - average outside air temperature for the heating season, °C. Selected according to SNiP 2.04.05-86.

For residential buildings: It is recommended to reduce the heat output from 21:00. A hours, the regulator should turn on the heating at a heat flow rate that ensures the temperature is restored to normal. Normal temperature should be achieved by 6-7 am. The most appropriate temperature reduction = 2 °C (from = 20 °C to 18 °C). For approximate calculations, you can take A= 6-7 hours

For administrative buildings: duration of reduction in heat supply A is determined by the operating mode of the building, for approximate calculations you can take A= 8-9 hours. The most appropriate amount of temperature reduction AC= 2-4 °C. With a deeper decrease in temperature, it is necessary to take into account the ability of the heat source to quickly increase heat output when the outside air temperature sharply decreases. In any case, the temperature value during the night reduction in heat consumption in public buildings should ensure that condensation does not form on the walls at night.

Saving heat energy ΔQс from reducing its supply on weekends is determined by expression (3):

Where b- duration of reduction in heat supply on non-working days, days/week.

(with a 5-day work week b= 2, at 6 days b = 1).

The amount of reduction in indoor air temperature during non-working hours is selected in accordance with the recommendations for formula (2).

Saving heat energy ΔQ and due to taking into account heat input from solar radiation and household heat release is determined by expression (4):

where Δt and in - averaged over the heating season, the excess of indoor air temperature above comfortable due to heat gain from solar radiation and household heat release, °C. Approximately, you can take Δt and = 1-1.5 °C (according to experimental data).

Calculation example:

Office building in Moscow. Opening hours: 5 days a week, from 9:00 to 18:00.

t R in = 18 °C, t avg = -3.1 °C, t R n = -28 °C (according to SNiP 2.04.05-86). It is assumed that the indoor air temperature will decrease by Δtнр в = 3 °С at night (A= 8 hours/day) and weekends (b= 2 days/week). In this case:

Table No. 3. Calculation of the economic effect from the introduction of automated control systems.



Unit measurements


Saving thermal energy by installing ACU

ΔQ=ΔQ n +ΔQ with +ΔQ and

Duration of reduction in heat supply at night

Duration of reduction in heat supply on non-working days

Reducing indoor air temperature during non-working hours

Average calculated indoor air temperature

Determined according to SNiP 2.04.05-91* "Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

Average outdoor temperature for the heating season

Determined according to SNiP 23-01-99 "Building climatology"

Averaged over the heating season, the excess of indoor air temperature above the comfortable temperature due to heat gain from solar radiation and household heat release

Saving thermal energy from eliminating overheating of buildings during the autumn-spring heating season


Saving heat energy by reducing its supply at night


Saving heat energy by reducing its supply on weekends


Saving heat energy by taking into account heat gains from solar radiation and household heat emissions


Thus, the thermal energy savings from installing an ACU will amount to 11.96% of the annual heat consumption for heating.

The modern world has long been unable to cope without innovative technologies. There is not a single technology or system that does not use revolutionary solutions. The heating system was no exception. This is due to the fact that this is a fairly significant technology, which is designed to ensure a comfortable existence.

For obvious reasons, special attention is paid when designing a house. Since ancient times, houses were built from the stove, that is, first the stove was built, and then it was covered with walls and a ceiling. This was done for a reason; for this we need to say “thank you” to our climate.

Starting from the middle zone of our spacious country and ending with distant Sakhalin, rather uncomfortable temperatures reign for most of the year. The thermometer ranges from +30 to -50 degrees.

Due to the rather complex temperature resonance, the heating system is as important as the electrical supply. Previously, a competent stove maker who knew how to make a proper stove was valued at the level of a blacksmith. After all, you need to correctly calculate the size of the firebox, the diameter of the chimney, and besides, the stove had to be multifunctional:

  • food was prepared in it;
  • it heated the room;
  • warmed up the water;
  • served as a small sleeping place.

That is why the construction of the furnace was complex and time-consuming. It had to have sufficient draft to ensure that all combustion products did not enter the room. But with all this, she had to be economical.

Today, fundamentally little has changed. The main functions and requirements for the heating system remain the same:

  • saving;
  • maximum efficiency;
  • multifunctionality;
  • simplicity of design;
  • quality and durability;
  • minimal operating costs;
  • safety.

Fire was the first source of heat for humans. And even now its relevance has not lost its significance. The most primitive way of heating was to make a fire, which provided protection from predators, low temperatures, and served as a source of light.

Further, over time, humanity began to tame the gift of Hermes. Ovens appeared, they were usually built from clay and stones. Later, with the advancement of technology, ceramic bricks began to be used. And it was then that the first ones appeared.

Steel furnaces appeared much later; they determined the formation of the Steel Age. The fuel for the stoves was coal, wood, and peat. With the gasification of cities, furnaces became available. And all this time, man sought to improve the heating system.


In order to determine and compile the main functions and tasks, you will need to understand the structure and operating principle of the heating system itself.

Closed heating systems have become widespread. They usually consist of one or two closed circuits. There are more complex systems. The heated house includes:

  • boiler;
  • boiler;
  • pipelines;
  • controls;
  • control sensors and relays;
  • backup heat sources.

Each node is responsible for its functions and they all together form a heating system.


The boiler is the heart of the system. It converts either electrical energy, or hydrocarbon fuel in thermal energy. It is within his competence to heat the coolant in order to transfer heat through it to the destination.

Boilers are classified according to the fuel they consume:

Gas heating in the house

  • gas boilers;
  • liquid fuel boilers (diesel fuel or kerosene).

Boilers must be installed in a well-ventilated area. In the case of gas fuel, there must be a connection plan, and it must be under the control of the sponsored gas service.

Boilers do not require a certain supply of flammable liquid for full operation. The most economical boiler is a gas boiler.

Boiler - performs the task of heating water, which will flow through the water supply into taps and mixers. Since the main coolant circulates in a closed system and is of poor quality, and recently, instead of water, antifreeze is used as a coolant, so directly through the boiler warm water doesn't work. It is heated in a special tank, which is connected to the boiler.

Thus, pure water does not mix with process water in any way. Heating occurs through the walls of the pipelines that surround the internal contour of the tank. When assembled, this tank is the boiler.

Circulation pumps are designed to create directed movement of coolant through pipelines. The advent of pumps led to the emergence of an increasingly sophisticated heating system. Houses became multi-story, there was more than one circuit, and the natural (convection) flow of water through pipelines became ineffective.

With the use of circulation pumps, the distribution of heat throughout the rooms has become significantly better, and the diameter of the pipelines has been significantly reduced. In addition, when using underfloor heating with liquid heating, installation circulation pump becomes vital.

Pipelines serve as overpasses for fluid that transfers heat from the source to the consumer. They must withstand high temperatures up to 80 degrees, and at the same time must withstand the pressure created by the pumps. Their walls are required to create minimal resistance to the coolant current for a long time, thereby achieving savings on electricity. After all, the pumps run on electricity.

Radiators complete the technological process of heating the room. They dissipate the heat that came from the boiler with the coolant.

The heating system must be backed up. If the boiler fails, during its repair or replacement, there must be a backup heat source. It should prevent the whole house from getting cold.

Purpose of heating automation

Many manufacturers unanimously insist that their automation allows you to save energy, be it gas, diesel fuel or electricity. This is a little different. Of course, there is a saving factor, but the system itself was designed primarily to maintain the microclimate in the house.

The operating principle of the system depends on temperature environment and indoor temperature. Information on the lower and upper temperature limits is entered into the system in advance. In case of deviations, the automation makes a decision to turn on or turn off the heat sources.

The control is carried out by thermometers. Data from these sensors enters the control unit, which analyzes many parameters. Modern automatic systems capable of regulating daily air temperature.

All components in the heating system are monitored and controlled. When the temperature in the room drops beyond the minimum limits, temperature sensors record this process.

According to the programmed program, the boiler is started, when the boiler is heated to desired temperature the circulation pump turns on. After a short time, the entire heating system of the house is heated to operating temperatures and after the house has warmed up, the system goes into either sleep mode or heat maintenance mode.
Any modern automation allows you to work:

Automation system for managing systems in the house

  • in manual mode;
  • in automatic mode;
  • in remote control mode.

Everything is clear with the first two operating modes of the system, but the remote mode is a revolutionary solution that became available quite recently. Upon implementation GSM module, wireless information exchange has become available. Now, thanks to the GSM channel, the following features are available:

  • remote monitoring of the condition of your home;
  • control of the heating system via mobile devices;
  • receiving signals from the system to you about emergency situations.


Thanks to automated system, accommodation in a private house not connected to central system heating has become much more comfortable and safer. And thanks to remote monitoring and control, it has become possible to leave the home unattended. In addition, automation will soon pay for itself due to savings in energy consumption.

We have many years of experience and a detailed understanding of the specifics of working with heating networks, including when major renovation, which gives us the opportunity to do work quickly, efficiently and on time.

As part of the city's energy saving program, the company is engaged in the design, installation and commissioning of automated control units (ACU), which ensure savings in thermal energy in the system central heating houses. Within the framework of the city's energy saving program for major renovations, the Department of the City of Moscow recommends our company as an installer of automatic control units. When installing an automatic control unit, the company installs a factory-ready unit own production, which has a certificate from the State Standard of Russia, and we also use domestic and imported equipment.

The equipment we installed is located in all districts of Moscow. Our company performs a full range of works related to the design, manufacture, installation, commissioning and repair of thermal power facilities of any complexity.

To date, we have produced, installed and launched more than 1680 automatic control units in Moscow and Moscow Oblast.

We are confident in the quality of our work and are ready, at your request, to arrange a tour of any of our facilities to choose from. You can also visit our production, meet our specialists and you will have no doubt about the professionalism of the company.

Our facilities have been visited more than once by high-ranking leaders of the city of Moscow.

Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin inspected two houses on Nakhimovsky Prospekt that were undergoing major renovations. Sergei Sobyanin went down to the basement of the house, where he examined the automated central heating control unit produced by our company. He highly appreciated the quality of the equipment manufactured and its performance.

Our company works with 106 management companies in Moscow and the surrounding Moscow region. Currently, the company has more than 800 management companies servicing it, and we are constantly working to conclude new agreements with management companies.

We design, complete, manufacture, install, commission and we serve.

  1. Automated Control Units for Central Heating System (ACU Central Heating System)
  2. Thermal Energy Metering Units (UTM)
  3. TsTP, ITP, BTP
  4. Dispatch systems

LLC "SSK" has its own production base, which is equipped with all the necessary mechanisms, special devices, and measuring instruments.

The company has 24/7 emergency service and provides a full range of warranty and post-warranty work on equipment for the entire period of cooperation. We have all the relevant documentation and all permits; employees constantly undergo specialized training.

Taking into account our well-coordinated work, a well-thought-out maintenance schedule and production capacity allow us to service up to 1000 objects monthly.

Our advantages

  1. More than 8 years in the market of production and technical maintenance of automatic control units,
  2. More than 800 AOUs for service in Moscow,
  3. Service partner of Danfoss, Grundfos, Wilo corporations,
  4. We provide a 5-year warranty on products from Danfoss, Grundfos, Wilo,
  5. Own production base,
  6. Certified production and products,
  7. 24-hour service and emergency team,
  8. Minimum time for installation, adjustment and repair of equipment,
  9. We service UUTE in Moscow (taking readings, repairs, installation, verification).

Our company is interested in long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships.

Annex 1

at the disposal of the Department

and improvement of the city of Moscow





1. Terms and definitions

1.1. GU IS districts - State institutions of the city of Moscow, engineering services of districts - organizations created through the reorganization of state institutions of the city of Moscow, unified information and settlement centers of the administrative districts of the city of Moscow in accordance with the resolution of the Moscow Government of 01.01.01 N 299-PP "On measures to bring management systems for apartment buildings in Moscow in accordance with the Housing Code Russian Federation"and performing the functions assigned to them by the said resolution and other legal acts of the city of Moscow. Unified information and settlement centers of the districts of the city of Moscow operate as part of the Main Information System of the districts of the city of Moscow.

1.2. Managing organization - legal entity
any organizational and legal form, including HOA, housing cooperative, residential complex or other specialized consumer cooperative, providing services and performing work for the proper maintenance and repair of common property in such a house, providing utilities to the owners of premises in such a house and using the premises in this house persons carrying out other activities aimed at achieving the goals of managing an apartment building and performing the functions of managing an apartment building on the basis of a management agreement.

1.3. Automated control unit (AUU) is a complex thermal device designed to automatically maintain optimal parameters coolant in the heating system. An automated control unit is installed between the thermal system and the heating system.

1.4. Verification of ACS components is a set of operations performed by specialized organizations in order to determine and confirm compliance of ACS components with established technical requirements.

1.5. Maintenance of the automatic control unit is a set of works to maintain the automatic control unit in good condition, prevent failures and malfunctions of its components and ensure the specified performance qualities.

1.6. Serviced house - a residential building in which maintenance and Maintenance AUU.

1.7. A service log is an accounting document that records data on the condition of the equipment, events and other information related to the maintenance and repair of the automated control unit of the heating system.

1.8. Repair of automatic control unit - current repair of automatic control unit, including: replacement of gaskets, replacement/cleaning of filters, replacement/repair of temperature sensors, replacement/repair of pressure gauges.

1.9. Container for draining the coolant - a water capacity of at least 100 liters.

1.10. ETKS - Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers, consists of tariff and qualification characteristics containing characteristics of the main types of work by profession of workers, depending on their complexity and the corresponding tariff categories, as well as the requirements for the professional knowledge and skills of workers.

1.11. EKS - Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees, consists of qualification characteristics of positions of managers, specialists and employees, containing job responsibilities and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of managers, specialists and employees.

2. General provisions

2.1. These Regulations determine the scope and content of work performed by specialized organizations for maintenance automated control units (ACU) for heat supply in residential buildings in the city of Moscow. The Regulations contain the basic organizational, technical and technological requirements when performing maintenance work on automated thermal energy control units installed in central heating systems of residential buildings.

2.2. This regulation has been developed in accordance with:

2.2.1. Law of the city of Moscow No. 35 of July 5, 2006 “On energy saving in the city of Moscow.”

2.2.2. Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 1, 2001 N 138 “On approval of Moscow city building standards “Energy saving in buildings. Standards for thermal protection and heat and water power supply."

2.2.3. Decree of the Moscow Government dated 01.01.2001 N 92-PP "On approval of Moscow City Building Standards (MGSN) 6.02-03" Thermal insulation pipelines for various purposes."

2.2.4. Decree of the Moscow Government dated January 1, 2001 N 299-PP “On measures to bring the management system apartment buildings in the city of Moscow in accordance with the Housing Code of the Russian Federation."

2.2.5. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 307 “On the procedure for providing utilities citizens."

2.2.6. Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated January 1, 2001 N 170 “On approval of the Rules and Standards for the technical operation of the housing stock.”

2.2.7. GOST R 8. "Metrological support of measuring systems."

2.2.8. GOST 12.0.004-90 "System of labor safety standards. Organization of labor safety training. General provisions."

2.2.9. Intersectoral rules on labor protection (safety rules) for the operation of electrical installations, approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 N 3, order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.2001 N 163 (with amendments and additions).

2.2.10. Rules for the design of electrical installations approved by the Main Technical Directorate, Gosenergonadzor of the USSR Ministry of Energy (with amendments and additions).

2.2.11. Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated January 1, 2001 N 6.

2.2.12. A passport for the automated control unit (ACU) of the manufacturer.

2.2.13. Instructions for installation, start-up, regulation and operation of an automated control unit for heating systems (ACU).

2.3. The provisions of these Regulations are intended for use by organizations carrying out maintenance and repair of automated control units of the central heating system of residential buildings in the city of Moscow, regardless of the form of ownership, legal form and departmental affiliation.

2.4. This Regulation establishes the procedure, composition and timing of maintenance work for automated control units of heating systems (ACU) installed in residential buildings.

2.5. Work on maintenance and repair of automated heating system control units (AHU) installed in residential buildings is carried out on the basis of a maintenance agreement concluded between a representative of the owners of a residential building (management organization, including HOA, housing cooperative, residential complex or an authorized owner-representative in case of direct control).

3. Maintenance log

and repair of automatic control unit (Service log)

3.1. All operations performed during the performance of maintenance and repair work on the automatic control unit are subject to entry into the journal for the execution of maintenance and repair work on the automatic control unit (hereinafter referred to as the Service Log). All sheets of the journal must be numbered and certified with the seal of the Managing Organization.

3.2. Maintenance and storage of the Service Log is carried out by the Management Organization, which manages the Serviced House.

3.3. Personal responsibility for the safety of the journal rests with a person authorized by the Managing Organization.

3.4. The following data is entered into the Service Log:

3.4.1. The date and time the maintenance work was performed, including the time the maintenance team gained access to the technical room of the house and the time it was completed (time of arrival and departure).

3.4.2. Composition of the service team performing technical maintenance of the automatic control unit.

3.4.3. List of works performed during maintenance and repair, time of completion of each of them.

3.4.4. Date and number of the contract for the performance of maintenance and repair work on the automatic control unit.

3.4.5. Service organization.

3.4.6. Information about the representative of the Management Organization who accepted the maintenance work for the ACU.

3.5. The service log refers to the technical documentation of the Serviced House and is subject to transfer in the event of a change in the Management Organization.

and repair of automatic control units

4.1. Maintenance and repair of the automatic control unit is carried out by qualified workers in accordance with the frequency established by Appendix 1 to these Work Regulations.

4.2. Work on the maintenance and repair of automatic control units is carried out by specialists whose specialty and qualifications meet the minimum established requirements of clause 5 of these Technological maps.

4.3. Repairs must be carried out at the installation site of the ACU or at the enterprise directly carrying out the repairs.

4.4. Preparation and organization of work on maintenance and repair of automatic control units.

4.4.1. The management organization agrees with the organization planned to be engaged to carry out technical maintenance of the automatic control unit, a work schedule, which may be an appendix to the technical maintenance agreement for the automatic control unit.

4.4.2. The name and composition of the maintenance team is communicated to the Managing Organization in advance (before the day of the maintenance and repair of the automatic control unit). Residents of the Serviced House must be notified in advance of the work being carried out. Such notification may be made in the form of a notice visible to the residents of the building. The responsibility for notifying residents rests with the Management Organization.

4.4.3. The Managing Organization provides the following documents (copies) for review by the Service Organization:


Technical certificate;

Installation instructions;

Start-up and commissioning instructions;

User manual;

Repair instructions;

Warranty certificate;

Factory test report of the automatic control unit.

4.5. Access by the technical operation team to Utility room Serviced home.

4.5.1. Access to the technical premises of a residential building for carrying out maintenance and repair work on the ACU is carried out in the presence of a representative of the Management Organization. Information about the time of access of the maintenance team to the technical room of the Serviced House is entered into the Service Log.

4.5.2. Before starting work, the readings of the control and measuring devices of the control unit are entered into the Service Log, indicating the identifier of the control and measuring device, its readings and the time they were recorded.

4.6. Maintenance and repair work for automatic control units.

4.6.1. An employee of the maintenance team of the Service Organization performs an external inspection of the ACU units for the absence of leaks, damage, extraneous noise, and contamination.

4.6.2. After the inspection, an inspection protocol is drawn up in the Service Log, which records information about the condition of the connecting pipes, their connection points, and ACU units.

4.6.3. If there are leaks at pipe connections, it is necessary to identify the cause of their occurrence and eliminate them.

4.6.4. Before inspecting and cleaning the ACU elements from contaminants, it is necessary to turn off the power supply to the ACU.

4.6.5. First, turn off the pumps by turning the pump control switches on the front panel of the control panel to the off position. After this, you should open the control panel and switch the automatic circuit preparation machines for pumps 3Q4, 3Q14 to the off position according to diagram 1 (not shown) (Appendix 2). Then the control controller should be de-energized; to do this, it is necessary to move the single-pole switch 2F10 to the off position according to diagram 1.

4.6.6. After completing the above steps, the three-pole switch 2S3 should be switched to the off position according to diagram 1. In this case, the phase indicators L1, L2, L3 on the external panel of the control panel should go out.

4.7. Checking the operation of emergency protection and alarms, servicing electrical equipment.

4.7.1. Turn off the circuit breaker in the control panel of the running pump according to electrical diagram shield ACU management.

4.7.2. The pump should stop (the control panel on the pump will go out).

4.7.3. The green pump operation light on the control panel should go out, and the red pump failure light will light up. The controller display will begin to flash.

4.7.4. The backup pump should automatically start working (the control panel on the pump will light up, the green light on the control panel will light up for the backup pump).

4.7.5. Wait 1 min. - the backup pump must remain in operation.

4.7.6. Press any button on the controller to reset the flashing.

4.7.7. The L66 card of the ECL 301 controller is yellow side facing out.

4.7.8. Use the up button to go to line A.

4.7.9. Press the circuit I/II selection button twice, the left LED under the card should go out.

4.7.10. The controller display will show the alarm log and the ON value. There should be a number 1 in the lower left corner.

4.7.11. Press the minus button on the controller, the display should change to OFF, a double dash should appear in the lower left corner - the alarm has been reset.

4.7.12. Press the circuit selection button I/II once, the left LED under the card will light up.

4.7.13. Use the down button to return to line B.

4.7.14. Checking the protective function of the electric drive AMV 23, AMV 413.

4.7.15. Turn off the controller power supply according to the electrical diagram of the ACU control panel.

4.7.16. The controller should turn off (the display will go dark). The electric drive must close the control valve: check this using the electric drive position indicator; it must be in the closed position (see the manufacturer's instructions for the electric drive).

4.8. Checking the functionality of automation tools heating point.

4.8.1. Switch the ECL 301 controller to manual mode according to the manufacturer's instructions.

4.8.2. In manual mode from the controller, turn on and off the circulation pumps (monitor by the indication on the control panel and the control panel on the pumps).

4.8.3. In manual mode, open and close the control valve (monitor using the electric drive movement indicator).

4.8.4. Switch the controller back to automatic mode.

4.8.5. Check emergency switching of pumps.

4.8.6. Check the temperature readings on the controller display with the readings of indicating thermometers at the locations where the temperature sensors are installed. The difference should not be more than 2C.

4.8.7. In the controller line on the yellow side of the card, press and hold the shift button, the controller display will show the feed and processing temperature settings. Remember these values.

4.8.8. Release the shift button, the display will show actual values temperatures, deviation from settings should be no more than 2C.

4.8.9. Check the pressure maintained by the pressure regulator (the differential pressure maintained by the differential pressure regulator), the setting set when setting up the ACU.

4.8.10. Use the adjusting nut of the AFA pressure regulator to compress the spring (in the case of the AVA regulator, release the spring) and reduce the pressure value to the regulator (monitor using the pressure gauge).

4.8.11. Return the AFA (AVA) regulator setting to the operating position.

4.8.12. Using the adjusting nut of the AFP-9 differential pressure regulator (AVP adjusting handle), by releasing the spring, reduce the value of the differential pressure (monitor using pressure gauges).

4.8.13. Return the differential pressure regulator setting to its previous position.

4.9. Checking the functionality of shut-off valves.

4.9.1. Open/turn the stop valve until it stops.

4.9.2. Evaluate the ease of movement.

4.9.3. Using the readings of the nearest pressure gauge, evaluate the shut-off valve's closing capacity.

4.9.4. If the pressure in the system does not decrease or does not decrease completely, it is necessary to establish the reasons for the valve leakage and, if necessary, replace it.

4.10. Cleaning the strainer.

4.10.1. Before starting work on cleaning the strainer, it is necessary to close valves 31, 32 according to diagram 2 (not shown), located in front of the pumps. Then you should turn off valve 20 according to diagram 2, located in front of the filter.

4.10.5. After installing the filter cover, it is necessary to open valves 31, 32 according to diagram 2, located in front of the pumps.

4.11. Cleaning the impulse tubes of the differential pressure regulator.

4.11.1. Before cleaning the tubes of the differential pressure regulator, it is necessary to close valves 2 and 3 according to diagram 2.

4.11.3. To rinse the first impulse tube, you need to open tap 2 and wash it with a stream of water.

4.11.4. The resulting water should be collected in a special container (coolant drain container).

4.11.5. After flushing the first impulse tube, replace it and tighten the union nut.

4.11.6. To flush the second impulse tube, unscrew the union nut securing the second impulse tube, and then disconnect the tube.

4.11.7. To flush the second impulse tube, use tap 3.

4.11.8. After flushing the second impulse tube, reattach the tube and tighten the union nut.

4.11.9. After cleaning the impulse tubes, taps 2 and 3 should be opened according to diagram 2.

4.11.10. After opening taps 2 and 3 (diagram 2), it is necessary to bleed air from the tubes using the union nuts of the differential pressure regulator. To do this, unscrew the union nut 1-2 turns and tighten it after the air comes out of the impulse tube, tighten it. Repeat the operation for each of the impulse tubes in turn.

4.12. Cleaning the impulse tubes of the differential pressure switch.

4.12.1. Before cleaning the tubes of the differential pressure regulator, it is necessary to close valves 22 and 23 according to diagram 2.

4.12.3. To rinse the first impulse tube, you need to open tap 22 according to diagram 2 and wash it with a stream of water.

4.12.4. After flushing the first impulse tube, replace it and tighten the union nut.

4.12.5. To flush the second impulse tube, unscrew the union nut securing the second impulse tube of the differential pressure switch, and then disconnect the tube.

4.12.6. To flush the second impulse tube, use tap 23.

4.12.7. After flushing the second impulse tube, reattach the tube and tighten the union nut.

4.12.8. After cleaning the impulse tubes, taps 22 and 23 should be opened according to scheme 2.

4.12.9. After opening valves 22 and 23 (diagram 2), it is necessary to bleed air from the tubes using the union nuts of the differential pressure regulator. To do this, unscrew the union nut 1-2 turns and tighten it after the air comes out of the impulse tube, tighten it. Repeat the operation for each of the impulse tubes in turn.

4.13. Checking pressure gauges.

4.13.1. For carrying out work on calibrating pressure gauges. Before removing them, it is necessary to close valves 2 and 3 according to diagram 2.

4.13.2. Plugs are inserted into the places where the pressure gauges are attached.

4.13.3. Verification tests of pressure gauges are carried out in accordance with GOST 2405-88 and the Verification Methodology. "Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure and vacuum gauges, pressure gauges, draft gauges and pressure gauges" MI 2124-90.

4.13.4. Verification is carried out by specialized organizations whose metrological services are accredited by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, on the basis of an agreement with the Managing Organization or the Service Provider.

4.13.5. Verified pressure gauges are installed in place.

4.13.6. After installing the pressure gauges, it is necessary to open valves 31 and 32 according to diagram 2.

4.13.7. The connections between pressure gauges and connecting pipes of the ACU system must be checked for leaks. The check is carried out visually within 1 minute.

4.13.8. After this, you should check the readings of all pressure gauges and record them in the Service Log.

4.14. Checking thermometer sensors.

4.14.1. A portable reference thermometer and an ohmmeter are used to test thermometer sensors.

4.14.2. An ohmmeter is used to measure the resistance between the conductors of the temperature sensor being tested. The ohmmeter readings and the time they were taken are recorded. At the point where the temperature is taken by the corresponding sensor, the temperature readings are determined using a reference thermometer. The obtained resistance values ​​are compared with the calculated resistance value for a given sensor and for the temperature determined by a reference thermometer.

4.14.3. If the temperature sensor readings do not correspond to the required values, the sensor must be replaced.

4.15. Checking the functionality of indicator lamps.

4.15.1. It is necessary to turn on the three-pole switch 2S3 according to diagram 1 (Appendix 2).

4.15.2. The phase indicator lamps L1, L2, L3 on the front panel of the control panel should light up.

4.15.4. Then press the "Lamp Test" button on the front panel of the control panel. The “pump 1” and “pump 2” and “pump failure” lamps should light up.

4.15.5. After this, you should apply voltage to the 2F10 controller according to diagram 1, then turn on the 3Q4 and 3Q13 circuit breakers (diagram 1).

4.15.6. Upon completion of checking the condition of the lamps, a record of this is recorded in the Service Log.

5. Procedure for performing technical work

maintenance and repair of automatic control units

5.1. Preparation and organization of work on maintenance and repair of automatic control units.

5.1.1. Development and coordination with the management organization of a work schedule.

5.1.2. Access for the technical operation team to the technical room of the Serviced House.

5.1.3. Carrying out maintenance and repair work on automatic control units.

5.1.4. Handover and acceptance of work on maintenance and repair of the automatic control unit to a representative of the Managing Organization.

5.1.5. Termination of access to the technical room of the Serviced House.

6. Repair of automatic control unit

6.1. Repair of the ACU is carried out within the time limits agreed upon between the Management and Servicing organizations.

6.2. Work on the repair of the automatic control unit must be carried out by an energy engineer and a 6th category plumber, depending on the type of repair work.

6.3. A utility vehicle (Gazelle type) is used to deliver workers, equipment and materials to the work site and back, to deliver a faulty automatic control unit to a repair facility and back to the installation site.

6.4. During the repair, units from the reserve fund are installed in place of the repaired ACU units.

6.5. When dismantling a faulty ACU unit, the report records the readings at the time of dismantling, the number of the ACU unit and the reason for dismantling.

6.6. Work on repairs and preparation for verification of the automatic control unit is carried out by repair personnel of a specialized organization servicing this automatic control unit.

6.7. If one of the ACU elements fails, they are replaced with similar ones from the reserve fund.

7. Occupational safety

7.1.1. This Instruction defines the basic requirements for labor protection when performing maintenance and repair work on automatic control units.

7.1.2. Persons who have reached the age of 18, who have passed a medical examination, theoretical and practical training, a knowledge test by a qualification commission with the assignment of an electrical safety group of at least III, and who have received a certificate for permission to work independently are allowed to carry out the maintenance and repair of automated control units.

7.1.3. A mechanic may be exposed to the following health hazards: electric shock; poisoning by toxic vapors and gases; thermal burns.

7.1.4. Periodic testing of a mechanic's knowledge is carried out at least once a year.

7.1.5. The employee is provided with special clothing and safety footwear in accordance with current standards.

7.1.6. When working with electrical equipment, the worker must be provided with basic and additional protective equipment to ensure the safety of his work (dielectric gloves, dielectric mat, tools with insulating handles, portable grounding, posters, etc.).

7.1.7. The employee must be able to use fire extinguishing equipment and know their location.

7.1.8. The safe operation of automation devices located in fire and explosion hazardous areas must be ensured by the presence of appropriate protection systems.

8. Final provisions

8.1. When making changes or additions to regulations and legal acts, building codes and regulations, national and interstate standards or technical documentation regulating the operating conditions of the ACU, appropriate changes or additions are made to these Regulations.

Annex 1

to the Regulations



Name of work on

in year,


Inspection of ACU units

Turning off the power supply to the ACU

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Survey pumping equipment, instrumentation,
automation cabinet, connections and
heating point pipelines for
absence of leaks, damage, foreign
noise, pollution, cleaning
pollution, drawing up a protocol

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking incoming and supported
parameters (temperatures, pressures) according to
control unit controller readings
and instrumentation (pressure gauges and thermometers)

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the operation of emergency protection and alarms, maintenance
electrical equipment

Failover Test
circulation pumps

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the protective function of the electric drive
AMV23, AMV 413 when it is de-energized

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the indicator lamps on the panel

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the functionality of heating point automation equipment

Checking the ECL 301 controller

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the electric drive

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the differential pressure switch

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking temperature sensors

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking direct acting regulators
(differential pressure or regulator

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the circulation pump

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking the functionality of shut-off valves

Checking ease of movement

6 sizes

Checking for leaks

6 sizes

Washing/replacing filters, pressure switch impulse tubes

Washing/replacing the strainer

6 sizes

Flushing/replacing impulse tubes
differential pressure regulator

6 sizes

Bleeding the differential air regulator

6 sizes

Flushing/replacing relay impulse tubes
pressure drop

6 sizes

Bleeding air from the differential relay

6 sizes

Verification/verification of instrumentation

Removing and installing pressure gauges

6 sizes

Checking pressure gauges

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Checking temperature sensors

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Setting up ACU parameters

Activating ACU sensor readings

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Analysis of ACU sensor readings

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Adjusting ACU parameters

Energy Engineer
2 cat.

Use of machines and mechanisms

Appendix 2

to the Regulations



The figure is not shown.

Appendix 3

to the Regulations



The figure is not shown.

Appendix 4

to the Regulations




Diameter, mm

Booster pump
heating with VFD

Control valve for

According to the project

According to the project

Electric drive

AMV25, AMV55

Magnetic filter
flanged with drain
tap PN = 16

According to the project

According to the project

Pressure regulator "up to
yourself" VFG-2 with reg.
block AFA, AVA
(specified range) with
impulse tube
Ru = 2.5 MPa or
Ru = 1.6

According to the project

According to the project

AVA, VFG-2 with
reg. block

Impulse tube

Ball valve with
air outlet

According to the project

According to the project

Steel ball valve
PN = 16/PN = 25

According to the project

According to the project

Cast iron check valve
spring disc
PN = 16, type 802

According to the project

According to the project

Flexible rubber insert
flanged PN = 16

According to the project

According to the project

Control rods for
flexible insert

According to the project

According to the project

Pressure gauge Ru = 16 kgf/sq.

Thermometer 0-100 °C

Ball valve with
air outlet
device V 3000 V

Ball valve PN = 40,
thread (release)

According to the project

According to the project

Ball valve PN = 40,
thread (vent)

According to the project

According to the project

ECL301 controller

temperature sensor
outside air

temperature sensor
submersible L = 100 mm

Sleeve for ESMU sensor

Differential pressure switch

Damper tube for
differential pressure switch

Ball valve with
air outlet

Automated heating system control unit is a type of individual heating point and is designed to control the parameters of the coolant in the heating system depending on the outside air temperature and operating conditions of the buildings.

The unit consists of a correction pump, an electronic temperature controller that maintains a given temperature schedule, and differential pressure and flow regulators. Structurally, these are pipeline blocks mounted on a metal support frame, including a pump, control valves, elements of electric drives and automation, instrumentation, filters, and mud collectors.

IN automated heating system control unit Regulating elements from Danfoss and a pump from Grundfoss were installed. The control units are completed taking into account the recommendations of Danfoss specialists, who provide consulting services in the development of these units.

The node works as follows. When conditions arise when the temperature in the heating network exceeds the required one, the electronic controller turns on the pump, which adds as much cooled coolant from the return pipeline to the heating system as is necessary to maintain the set temperature. The hydraulic water regulator, in turn, closes, reducing the supply of network water.

Operating mode automated heating system control unit in winter, 24 hours a day, the temperature is maintained in accordance with temperature chart with correction for return water temperature.

At the customer's request, a temperature reduction mode can be provided in heated rooms at night, on weekends and holidays, which provides significant savings.

Reducing the air temperature in residential buildings at night by 2-3°C does not worsen sanitary and hygienic conditions and at the same time provides savings of 4-5%. In production and administrative public buildings Saving heat by lowering the temperature during non-working hours is achieved to an even greater extent. The temperature during non-working hours can be maintained at 10-12 °C. Total heat savings at automatic regulation can amount to up to 25% of annual expenses. During the summer, the automated unit does not work.

A promising approach to resolving this situation is the commissioning of automated heating points with a commercial heat metering unit, which reflects the actual consumption of thermal energy by the consumer and allows you to track the current and total heat consumption for a given period of time.

Target audience, solutions:

Commissioning of automated heating points with a commercial heat metering unit allows you to solve the following problems:

JSC Energo:

  1. increased reliability of equipment operation, as a result, a reduction in accidents and funds for their elimination;
  2. accuracy of heating network adjustment;
  3. reduction of water treatment costs;
  4. reduction of repair areas;
  5. high degree of dispatching and archiving.

housing and communal services, municipal management enterprise (MUP), management company (MC):

  • no need for constant plumbing and operator intervention in the operation of the heating unit;
  • reduction of service personnel;
  • payment for actually consumed thermal energy without losses;
  • reducing losses for recharging the system;
  • release of free space;
  • durability and high maintainability;
  • comfort and ease of heat load control. Design organizations:
  • strict compliance with technical specifications;
  • wide choice of circuit solutions;
  • high degree of automation;
  • big choice equipping heating points with engineering equipment;
  • high energy efficiency. Industrial enterprises:
  • high degree of redundancy, especially important for continuous technological processes;
  • accounting and strict adherence to high-tech processes;
  • possibility of using condensate in the presence of process steam;
  • temperature control in workshops;
  • adjustable selection of hot water and steam;
  • reduction in recharge, etc.


Heating points are divided into:

  1. individual heating points (IHP), which serve to connect heating, ventilation, hot water supply and technological heat-using installations of one building or part of it;
  2. central heating points (CHS) performing the same functions as IHP for two or more buildings.

One of the priority activities of the company ZAO TeploKomplektMontazh is the production of block automated heating units using modern technologies, equipment and materials.

Heating units manufactured on a single frame in a modular design with high factory readiness, called block units, hereinafter referred to as BTP, are becoming increasingly used. BHP is a complete factory product designed to transfer thermal energy from a thermal power plant or boiler room to a heating, ventilation and hot water supply system. The BTP includes the following equipment: heat exchangers, controller (electrical control panel), direct-acting regulators, control valves with electric drive, pumps, control and measuring instruments (instruments), shut-off valves, etc. Instruments and sensors provide measurement and control of coolant parameters and issue signals to the controller about parameters going beyond the permissible values. The controller allows you to control the following BTP systems in automatic and manual mode:

Regulating the flow, temperature and pressure of the coolant from the heating network in accordance with the technical conditions of the heat supply;

Regulating the temperature of the coolant supplied to the heating system, taking into account the outside air temperature, time of day and working day;

Heating water for hot water supply and maintaining the temperature within sanitary standards;

Protection of heating and hot water system circuits from emptying during planned shutdowns for repairs or network accidents;

Accumulation DHW water, allowing to compensate for peak consumption during peak load hours;

  1. frequency control of the pump drive and protection against “dry running”;
  2. control, notification and archiving of emergency situations, etc.

The design of the BTP varies depending on the connection schemes used in each individual case for heat consumption systems, the type of heat supply system, as well as specific technical specifications project and customer wishes.

Schemes for connecting BTP to heating networks

In Fig. 1-3 show the most common schemes for connecting heating points to heating networks.

Application of shell-and-tube or plate heat exchangers in BHP?

In heating points of most buildings, as a rule, shell-and-tube heat exchangers and direct-acting hydraulic regulators are installed. In most cases, this equipment has exhausted its service life and also operates in modes that do not correspond to the design ones. The latter circumstance is due to the fact that actual heat loads are currently maintained at a level significantly lower than the design one. The control equipment does not perform its functions in case of significant deviations from the design mode.

When reconstructing heat supply systems, it is recommended to use modern equipment that is compact, operates in a fully automatic mode and provides energy savings of up to 30% compared to equipment used in the 60-70s. In modern heating stations it is usually used independent circuit connection of heating and hot water supply systems, made on the basis of plate heat exchangers. Electronic regulators and specialized controllers are used to control thermal processes. Modern plate heat exchangers are several times lighter and smaller than shell-and-tube heat exchangers of the same power. The compactness and low weight of plate heat exchangers greatly facilitate the installation, maintenance and routine repair of heating point equipment.

Recommendations for the selection of shell-and-tube and plate heat exchangers are given in SP 41-101-95. Design of heating points. The calculation of plate heat exchangers is based on a system of criterion equations. However, before proceeding with the calculation of the heat exchanger, it is necessary to calculate the optimal distribution DHW loads between the heater stages and temperature regime each stage, taking into account the method of regulating heat release from the heat source and connection diagrams for DHW heaters.

The company ZAO TeploKomplektMontazh has its own proven thermal and hydraulic calculation, allowing you to select Funke brazed and gasketed plate heat exchangers that fully satisfy customer requirements.

BTP manufactured by TeploKomplektMontazh CJSC

The basis of the BTP of ZAO TeploKomplektMontazh is made up of collapsible plate heat exchangers Funke, which have proven themselves well in harsh Russian conditions. They are reliable, easy to maintain and durable. Heat meters are used as commercial heat metering units that have an interface output to the upper control level and allow reading the consumed amount of heat. To maintain the set temperature in the hot water supply system, as well as regulate the temperature of the coolant in the heating system, a dual-circuit regulator is used. Controlling the operation of pumps, collecting data from the heat meter, controlling the regulator, monitoring the general condition of the battery pump, communication with the upper level of control (dispatching) is performed by a controller that is compatible with a personal computer.

The regulator has two independent coolant temperature control circuits. One provides temperature control in the heating system depending on a schedule that takes into account the outside air temperature, time of day, day of the week, etc. The other supports set temperature in the hot water supply system. You can work with the device either locally, using the built-in keyboard and display panel, or remotely via an interface communication line.

The controller has several discrete inputs and outputs. The discrete inputs receive signals from sensors regarding the operation of pumps, penetration into the premises of a power supply unit, fire, flooding, etc. All this information is delivered to the upper dispatch level. Through the discrete outputs of the controller, the operation of pumps and regulators is controlled according to any user algorithms specified at the design stage. It is possible to change these algorithms from the top management level.

The controller can be programmed to work with a heat meter, providing heat consumption data to the control center. It also communicates with the regulator. All instruments and communication equipment are mounted in a small control cabinet. Its placement is determined at the design stage.

In the vast majority of cases, when reconstructing old heat supply systems and creating new ones, it is advisable to use BTP. BTP, being assembled and tested in a factory environment, is reliable. Installation of equipment is simplified and cheaper, which ultimately reduces the total cost of reconstruction or new construction. Each BTP project of TeploKomplektMontazh CJSC is individual and takes into account all the features of the customer’s heating point: structure heat consumption, hydraulic resistance, circuit designs of heating points, permissible pressure losses in heat exchangers, room dimensions, quality tap water and much more.

Types of activities of JSC "TeploKomplektMontazh" in the field of industrial safety equipment

CJSC "TeploKomplektMontazh" performs the following types of work in the field of safety equipment:

  1. drawing up technical specifications for the BTP project;
  2. BTP design;
  3. coordination technical solutions on BTP projects;
  4. engineering support and project support;
  5. selection of the optimal option for equipment and automation of the BTP, taking into account all customer requirements;
  6. installation of BTP;
  7. carrying out commissioning works;
  8. putting the heating point into operation;
  9. Warranty and post-warranty maintenance of heating units.

CJSC TeploKomplektMontazh successfully develops energy-efficient heat supply systems, engineering systems, and also deals with design, installation, reconstruction, automation, and provides warranty and post-warranty maintenance of BTP. A flexible system of discounts and a wide selection of components distinguishes BTP ZAO TeploKomplektMontazh from others. BTP ZAO TeploKomplektMontazh is a way to reduce energy costs and ensure maximum comfort.

Best regards, JSC