If you wear a watch on your left hand. Who wears a watch on their right hand? Why does Putin wear them like that?

The most valuable and irreplaceable resource of humanity is time. Since ancient times, people have been looking for reliable ways to measure it. This is how watches were invented. Over the centuries, their design has been improved and reduced. And with the invention of individual pocket watches in the 15th century, the need arose to create rules of etiquette regulating their use in society. With the invention of wristwatches, these etiquette rules were adapted to suit them. In particular, it was determined on which hand they should be worn. Today, many people are interested in the question: why is a watch worn on the left hand and not on the right? The explanation for this tradition has several theories.

History of pocket and wrist watches

It is worth briefly recalling the history of pocket and wrist chronometers before dealing with the question of why watches are worn on the left hand. In the 15th century, Peter Henlein invented the clock spring to replace the bulky pendulum, which marked the beginning of the era of pocket watches. Only people with a decent fortune could buy extremely fragile and expensive accessories.

Being the prerogative of rich people, pocket watches gradually became not only a device for measuring time, but also an indicator of status. They began to be made from gold and other precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

The female half of society, no less than the male half, needed individual accessories. Therefore, women's models of pocket watches were also produced in parallel. As a rule, they were more elegant in appearance and were often made of noble metals. With the improvement of the internal mechanism, women's pocket watches began to be made smaller in size.

In 1839, the Swiss company Patek Philippe S.A., specializing in the manufacture of exclusive watches, decided to pamper its customers and created a bracelet watch. The novelty soon became extremely popular, making the accessory not just an important device, but also an elegant and convenient decoration. At that time, each woman herself chose which hand to use to wear watches, bracelets and other jewelry.

The male half of society was initially skeptical about wristwatches, considering them a purely feminine accessory. But in the early 1900s. Louis Cartier received an order from the famous French aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont to figure out how to adapt a chronometer for the needs of a pilot who was not very comfortable taking his watch out of his pocket during a flight. Cartier created for the famous aviator and his friend a watch model on a leather belt with a metal clasp, which was firmly attached to the wrist and allowed Alberto to tell the time without taking his hands off the plane's controls.

Soon similar design products began to be used by many practical men. And with the outbreak of World War I, thanks to the military wearing watches on their wrists, this design conquered the whole world.

Why do people wear watches on their left hands: various historical theories

According to the most famous theory, the fashion of wearing watches on the left hand arose due to their design. Since the lion's share of the planet's inhabitants are right-handed, watch manufacturers have developed their designs in such a way that they can be comfortably worn on the less active hand. At first, the winding wheel was on top (as on a pocket watch), but later it was moved to the right side for convenience. Thus, putting the watch on the right hand, winding it was not entirely convenient, and the majority preferred to use the left hand to wear the accessory.

According to another theory, wristwatches were initially used by high-ranking officials who had to write a lot. Chronometer on right hand prevented them from doing this, so the tradition of using the left hand to carry the accessory arose. Later, imitating their superiors, subordinates also began to wear watches, and the tradition spread to the masses.

Concerning fair half humanity, then since they began to work, women's watches have ceased to be just an elegant accessory. Many ladies began to wear them, like men, on left hand, because it was much more practical not only to wind the watch, but also to work with it.

There is another theory that explains why watches are worn on the left hand. In Europe in the second half of the 40s it was difficult to find Good work, so many people stole. There was an opinion that thieves, especially pickpockets, wore their chronometers on their right hands while “working,” as a signal to their colleagues so as not to accidentally collide. Therefore, every honest citizen, in order not to be confused with a criminal, used his left hand to wear a watch.

Wearing a watch on the left hand: the practical side of the issue

Companies specializing in the manufacture of watch movements have their own opinion about why watches are worn on the left hand. According to the results of numerous experiments, it was noted that a person makes fewer movements with his left hand (if he is right-handed). Therefore, by wearing the watch on the less involved hand, its owner is less likely to damage the mechanism with daily shaking. Consequently, the watch will last much longer than if you use your right hand to wear it. For this reason, most companies produce watches adapted for the left hand.

For left-handers, who have a less active right hand, specialized watch models have been developed with a winding wheel on the left side, which are convenient to wear on the right hand.

Medical theory

Doctors also have a theory explaining why watches are worn on the left hand. So, even slightly tightening the wrist with a watch strap, a person reduces blood flow in this place, which means that the hand with the watch functions a little worse and gets more tired. For the less active left hand, this is not as harmful as for the right. For this reason, doctors advise people to wear a watch on their weaker hand: right-handers - on the left, left-handers - on the right.

Representatives of alternative Chinese medicine express their own opinion about why men wear watches on their left hands. According to the ancient teachings of Fukuri, the “Tsun” point is located on a man’s left wrist. Constant use left hand for wearing a watch stimulates this point, which helps normalize the heart rate. However, you should not forget that when going to bed, it is better to take off your chronometer, since “Tsun” needs a rest from stimulation.

Women, according to Fukuri, on the contrary, should use their right hand to wear a watch, since for them this point is on the other side than for men.

Right or left hand: psychologists' version

But psychologists have a different opinion from other specialists regarding the choice of hand for wearing a watch. They argue that which hand a person uses to wear a watch determines their perception of time.

In psychology, it symbolizes the future, therefore, if an individual uses the right hand to wear a watch, he fearlessly moves forward. But the left side is the past, which means that those wearing this accessory on the left hand are dependent on past mistakes and are afraid of meeting the future.

Why a watch should be worn on the left hand: mystical version

One cannot ignore the opinion of those who believe that the choice of hand for wearing a watch determines a person’s fate. They believe that in order to achieve success and favor from fate, both men and women must use their right hand to wear a watch.

In addition, the shape of the dial also plays an important role. Insecure individuals should give preference to triangular watches, and people with poor concentration should give preference to diamond-shaped watches. Round and oval shapes contribute to increased determination and calmness of its owner.

The “correct” hand for a watch today

In the middle of the 20th century, there were clear requirements for wearing a watch - the left hand was mandatory for this, and not the right. However, today there are no rules regulating the wearing of this accessory. Every day, all over the world, women and men wear watches on their left or right hands - it all depends on their desire and convenience.

Doctors advise using your left hand to wear a watch, psychologists recommend using your right hand, and product manufacturers create models for both hands. Thanks to this diversity of opinions, today each individual person decides for himself on which hand it is better for him to wear a watch (on the right or left), without fear of causing condemnation from others.

There are several versions explaining this custom.

How to choose the “right” hand

The vast majority of people (about 90%), called “right-handed,” helpful hand is the right one. All everyday actions are performed with this hand. Turn off the TV, open the refrigerator door, dial a phone number, cut sausage, remove the wall clock to change the battery, and so on. If the left hand is used in these operations, it is only as an auxiliary hand. By “switching” hands to perform all these actions, you will most likely get a result that is not entirely satisfactory to you.

For the same reason, right-handers wear a watch on their left hand, then they do not interfere with the leading hand to perform the main function, that is, to work. Left-handers wear their favorite Japanese or original Swiss watch on their secondary right hand, thereby freeing up their dominant left hand.

Thus, for the majority of the population, placing a watch on the left hand is a vital necessity, namely the convenience of using the right leading hand. But how convenient is it to keep track of time with the chronometer on your auxiliary hand?

Time varies

It so happens that all “leftist” actions are considered inherently bad. Expressions regarding “leftist” earnings and trips to the “left” reflect this perfectly. And vice versa. “Right” actions usually have a positive perception.

Psychologists believe that a person’s understanding of time also depends on whether he is looking to the right or left at the current moment. Looking to the left refers to the past, looking to the right refers to the future. This technique is used in advertising and commercials. For example, even potential candidates for deputies are placed on the right side of the poster, thereby making it clear that they care and think about the future.

And again about the placement of the watch on the hand. Having a wrist chronometer on your left hand is very convenient to work with your right hand, but when you look at the dial, you psychologically think about time from the perspective of the past. From this point of view, a person's attention is focused on how much time has passed, rather than on how much time remains. It's kind of a feeling of some loss of time.

How to fix it

It has been noticed that when sitting at a computer, a person seems to lose the sense of the reality of time intervals. Time passes, and he is not worried at all. The fact is that the time indicator on the computer is always located on the right, and the user “lives” in the present and future time, as it should be.

You can correct the possible psychological component when placing devices on the left hand. People keep track of time not only using wrist devices. There are wall and mechanical grandfather clocks. Place them so that they lead you into the future - on the right. It is quite possible that in this way your difficulties will be solved with one movement of your eyes.

Production-prose version

The first wristwatches were made in the 15th century after the invention of the mainspring. At first, models with bracelets were intended for women and were considered jewelry. During the First World War, they became common among officers and replaced the traditional pocket ones of their time.

From that time on, watches became an indispensable device; they were also used during work. In this regard, new models were developed specifically for right-handers, since this category of people is more numerous. In addition to the fact that, in this case, devices on the left hand are less susceptible to damage, wrist products should have been wound, and the winding head was located on the right. Subsequently, manufacturers apparently followed the already established tradition and continued to produce products to be worn on the left hand.

Currently, in most cases, models do not require regular winding, so the choice on which hand to wear the chronometer is up to you.

Society dictates its own rules. We must behave correctly towards others, know at least the basic rules of etiquette, be able to maintain a dialogue and choose clothes and accessories in accordance with the moment. A wristwatch is the perfect complement to any look. But not everyone knows how to wear them correctly. In addition, many simply do not follow fashion trends and do not know that, for example, men's skeleton watches look like this. But today we won’t talk about fashion and models.

Clock on the right: what does it mean?

In fact, anyone who wants to attract the attention of others to their jewelry should also wear wrist accessories on their right hand. This way, you can draw attention to your choice, taste and personality.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there are no generally accepted rules of etiquette for wearing wrist jewelry for either men or women. You can wear them however you like. But everything should be in place. So, for the office or business meetings, you should not buy flashy or too large accessories, because they distract the attention of the interlocutor and prevent the person from concentrating.

Psychologists believe that the left side symbolizes the past and negativity, while the right side symbolizes, on the contrary, only the future and a positive attitude. The way of wearing can also be classified in this category. Therefore, if you are a woman or a man who goes towards your goal no matter what, then wear a watch on your right hand - this is exactly what will characterize you best.

Do you know why in China it is customary to wear wrist mechanisms on the right? Because, in accordance with ancient Chinese philosophy, there are a large number of energy points on the left wrist, including the point that is responsible for the functioning of the heart. The Chinese believe that the strap can harm human health by compressing this area.

But, let's digress from philosophy and psychology and bring one more original example. It turns out that putting on wrist watch on your right hand, you protect yourself from theft. And all because this method of wearing is common in criminal circles. And pickpockets don’t steal from “their own.”

There are many signs associated with wristwatches. For example, they say that you cannot give them as a gift. It is believed that this is a sign of separation. But, if in return you offer the donor a coin (regardless of its denomination), then the situation will have the opposite effect. Few people know that they can become a real talisman. If they previously belonged to your ancestors, they will bring good luck and protect you.

We wear on the left: meanings and etiquette

Historically, it has been common to wear wristwatches on the left side. It is no secret that the majority of the inhabitants of our planet are right-handed, not left-handed, and many of them find it more convenient to wind the mechanism and fasten the strap with their right hand. In addition, wearing it on the left wrist allows you to protect the product from mechanical damage, since whatever a right-handed person does, he does with his right hand, and a left-handed person does the opposite.

In a business environment, it is customary to wear wrist accessories on the left side, and this applies to both men and women. Buy a product that is not too provocative and can be almost completely hidden under a shirt cuff. Following these rules will allow you to make a good impression on your business partner and demonstrate to a stranger your restraint and level of upbringing.

So, among the main reasons that encourage people to choose their left hand to wear a wristwatch, it is worth highlighting:

  • This makes it much more convenient to wind both mechanical women’s watches and men’s watches; you don’t even need to remove it to do this;
  • a right-handed person will be able to fasten the strap of the device much faster, helping himself with his “working” hand;
  • this allows you to protect an expensive product from damage (by the way, as one sign says, a stopped mechanism means problems for its owner, so don’t forget to start it);
  • They say that jewelry on the left wrist is a sign of creative nature, which is why even many left-handed people prefer this side.

Which hand should I wear it on?

For those who still haven’t decided how to wear the jewelry, stylists recommend alternately putting the wristwatch on one hand or the other. After some time, you will be able to understand which option you like better.

The main thing is not what wrist it will be worn on, but that the jewelry you buy matches the event, setting or dress code. And, of course, don't forget about size. On a miniature wrist, large accessories will look too harsh and vice versa - you should not choose a small dial for a large hand.

Usually the watch is worn on the hand that is passive - that is, for left-handers it is the right hand, and for right-handers it is the left. Of course, there are no special rules for which hand you should wear a watch on, but nevertheless, many superstitions and signs are associated with this accessory. Maybe when asked about wearing a watch on your hand, they will tell you ancient superstitions and signs?

Which hand is the watch worn on?

Most often, watches are worn on the left hand (right-handed). This is explained by several factors: firstly, it is believed that it is easier to keep track of time when the accessory is worn on the left hand, and secondly, it is easier to wind the clock mechanism with the right hand when the watch is on the left hand.

However there is esoteric version why a watch should be worn not on the left, but on the right hand. In China, it was believed that on the wrist of the left hand there are three important energy points that are responsible for human health. The most important point - Tsun - regulates the functioning of the heart. This point is located exactly where the watch strap is usually located. According to Chinese sages, wearing a watch on your left wrist interferes with proper operation hearts.

There is another superstition related to watches. It is believed that the perception of life depends on which hand the watch is worn on. Esotericists claim that a person’s perception depends on which direction he looks. The left side is associated with the past, the right with the future. So, when a person looks at his left hand, he lives in the past, counts how much time he has lost, and regrets imperfect actions. If a person looks at his right hand, then he lives in the present and looks positively into the future. He becomes punctual, responsible, and more active. So if you want to change something in your life, and at the same time wear a watch on your left hand, then you just need to change it, and life will sparkle with new colors.

Which hand to wear the watch on is your choice. The most important thing is that they never remind you of lost time and always tick forward! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

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The most valuable and irreplaceable resource of humanity is time. Since ancient times, people have been looking for reliable ways to measure it. This is how watches were invented. Over the centuries, their design has been improved and reduced. And with the invention of individual pocket watches in the 15th century, the need arose to create rules of etiquette regulating their use in society. With the invention of wristwatches, these etiquette rules were adapted to suit them. In particular, it was determined on which hand they should be worn. Today, many people are interested in the question: why is a watch worn on the left hand and not on the right? The explanation for this tradition has several theories.

History of pocket and wrist watches

It is worth briefly recalling the history of pocket and wrist chronometers before dealing with the question of why watches are worn on the left hand. In the 15th century, Peter Henlein invented the clock spring to replace the bulky pendulum, which marked the beginning of the era of pocket watches. Only people with a decent fortune could buy extremely fragile and expensive accessories.

Being the prerogative of rich people, pocket watches gradually became not only a device for measuring time, but also an indicator of status. They began to be made from gold and other precious metals and decorated with precious stones.

The female half of society, no less than the male half, needed individual accessories. Therefore, women's models of pocket watches were also produced in parallel. As a rule, they were more elegant in appearance and were often made of noble metals. With the improvement of the internal mechanism, women's pocket watches began to be made smaller in size.

In 1839, the Swiss company Patek Philippe S.A., specializing in the manufacture of exclusive watches, decided to pamper its customers and created a bracelet watch. The novelty soon became extremely popular, making the accessory not just an important device, but also an elegant and convenient decoration. At that time, each woman herself chose which hand to use to wear watches, bracelets and other jewelry.

The male half of society was initially skeptical about wristwatches, considering them a purely feminine accessory. But in the early 1900s. Louis Cartier received an order from the famous French aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont to figure out how to adapt a chronometer for the needs of a pilot who was not very comfortable taking his watch out of his pocket during a flight. Cartier created for the famous aviator and his friend a watch model on a leather belt with a metal clasp, which was firmly attached to the wrist and allowed Alberto to tell the time without taking his hands off the plane's controls.

Soon, many practical men began to use this design of products. And with the outbreak of World War I, thanks to the military wearing watches on their wrists, this design conquered the whole world.

Why do people wear watches on their left hands: various historical theories

According to the most famous theory, the fashion of wearing watches on the left hand arose due to their design. Since the lion's share of the planet's inhabitants are right-handed, watch manufacturers developed their designs in such a way that they could be comfortably worn on the less active hand. At first, the winding wheel was on top (as on a pocket watch), but later it was moved to the right side for convenience. Thus, putting the watch on the right hand, winding it was not entirely convenient, and the majority preferred to use the left hand to wear the accessory.

According to another theory, wristwatches were initially used by high-ranking officials who had to write a lot. The chronometer on the right hand prevented them from doing this, so the tradition of using the left hand to carry the accessory arose. Later, imitating their superiors, subordinates also began to wear watches, and the tradition spread to the masses.

As for the fair half of humanity, since they began to work, women's watches have ceased to be just an elegant accessory. Many ladies, like men, began to put them on their left hands, because it was much more practical not only to wind the watch, but also to work with it.

There is another theory that explains why watches are worn on the left hand. In Europe in the second half of the 40s, it was difficult to find a good job, so many people stole. There was an opinion that thieves, especially pickpockets, wore their chronometers on their right hands while “working,” as a signal to their colleagues so as not to accidentally collide. Therefore, every honest citizen, in order not to be confused with a criminal, used his left hand to wear a watch.

Wearing a watch on the left hand: the practical side of the issue

Companies specializing in the manufacture of watch movements have their own opinion about why watches are worn on the left hand. According to the results of numerous experiments, it was noted that a person makes fewer movements with his left hand (if he is right-handed). Therefore, by wearing the watch on the less involved hand, its owner is less likely to damage the mechanism with daily shaking. Consequently, the watch will last much longer than if you use your right hand to wear it. For this reason, most companies produce watches adapted for the left hand.

For left-handers, who have a less active right hand, specialized watch models have been developed with a winding wheel on the left side, which are convenient to wear on the right hand.

Medical theory

Doctors also have a theory explaining why watches are worn on the left hand. So, even slightly tightening the wrist with a watch strap, a person reduces blood flow in this place, which means that the hand with the watch functions a little worse and gets more tired. For the less active left hand, this is not as harmful as for the right. For this reason, doctors advise people to wear a watch on their weaker hand: right-handed people - on the left, left-handed people - on the right.

Representatives of alternative Chinese medicine express their own opinion about why men wear watches on their left hands. According to the ancient teachings of Fukuri, the “Tsun” point is located on a man’s left wrist. Constantly using your left hand to wear your watch stimulates this point, which helps normalize your heart rate. However, you should not forget that when going to bed, it is better to take off your chronometer, since “Tsun” needs a rest from stimulation.

Women, according to Fukuri, on the contrary, should use their right hand to wear a watch, since for them this point is on the other side than for men.

Right or left hand: psychologists' version

But psychologists have a different opinion from other specialists regarding the choice of hand for wearing a watch. They argue that which hand a person uses to wear a watch determines their perception of time.

The right side in psychology symbolizes the future, therefore, if an individual uses the right hand to wear a watch, he moves forward fearlessly. But the left side is the past, which means that those wearing this accessory on the left hand are dependent on past mistakes and are afraid of meeting the future.

Why a watch should be worn on the left hand: mystical version

One cannot ignore the opinion of those who believe that the choice of hand for wearing a watch determines a person’s fate. They believe that in order to achieve success and favor from fate, both men and women must use their right hand to wear a watch.

In addition, the shape of the dial also plays an important role. Insecure individuals should give preference to triangular watches, and people with poor concentration should give preference to diamond-shaped watches. Round and oval shapes contribute to increased determination and calmness of its owner.

The “correct” hand for a watch today

In the middle of the 20th century, there were clear requirements for wearing a watch - the left hand was mandatory for this, and not the right. However, today there are no rules regulating the wearing of this accessory. Every day, all over the world, women and men wear watches on their left or right hands - it all depends on their desire and convenience.

Doctors advise using your left hand to wear a watch, psychologists recommend using your right hand, and product manufacturers create models for both hands. Thanks to this diversity of opinions, today each individual person decides for himself on which hand it is better for him to wear a watch (on the right or left), without fear of causing condemnation from others.

There are things that we simply don’t think about, but simply do. For example, I always wore a watch on my left hand.

And not even because I’m right-handed - I don’t look at the time that often, and when I do, I usually lower my eyes to the lower right corner of the computer (this is how I work, everything is at the screen, and at the screen)...

So it doesn’t matter to me what kind of hand I have. Just wearing a watch on my left hand is a kind of unspoken tradition for me, like wearing a wedding ring on my right hand. But then I received a letter from our reader, which hit me like a bucket cold water on the head:

-Hello. Here, while I was in a watch store with a friend, I noticed that there are almost as many models on sale with a winding head on the left as there are with a winding head on the right. When I was surprised that there were really so many left-handed people, my friend said that she had heard that this was not the issue, but some kind of symbolism. Can you please tell me about this? Judging by your articles, you understand such things. Yulia B., Voronezh

Well, Julia, I have two news for you. The bad thing is that I didn’t know anything specifically about this topic. Good – I figured it out especially for you.

What did the Chinese tell us?

The Chinese suggest wearing a watch on your right hand

So, the basic principle of choosing a hand for wearing a watch is prosaic - we work with our left hand and wear the watch on our right. And vice versa. But ancient Chinese medicine gives a whole new meaning to wearing a watch.

“What nonsense!” - you say, - “Well, where in Ancient China Should I take the clock? And you will be absolutely right. It's all about the device human body– the same rule will apply to any wrist bracelets.

On each wrist, as the Chinese believed, there are energy points that directly affect the functioning of the human body. Moreover, the one on the left is much more important, because it is directly connected to the heart. Therefore, it is not worth blocking the left energy point.

And modern Chinese believe that the ticking of a watch, if it is mechanical, can even disrupt the heart rhythm!

But men should wear a watch on the right. But girls are the opposite. It is believed that their blood flows from the heart to the right hand.

What about symbolism?

Wearing a watch on your right hand symbolizes looking into the future.

If you think that the Chinese sages were too “sophisticated”, let’s plunge into symbolism – and psychology. As is traditionally believed, the left side is something of the past or unpleasant. This is not just some speculation - people really perceive things this way.

Why do you think all “dynamic” logos look from left to right (and up a little)? So do watches - allegedly, wearing them on your right hand has a positive effect on your perception of time.

The approach is purely practical

It is better to wear a watch on the hand that is comfortable for you

And there are opinions that are based on pure practicality.

For example, if you have an automatic watch, then it is better for you to put it on the right.

As we know, automatic winding allows you to wind the watch a little with each movement of your hand. Which hand do we move most often in most cases? That's right, right.

Drawing conclusions

As you can see, there are different arguments for wearing a watch on one hand or another. But not all of them are very convincing.

Ancient medicine doesn’t exactly fit so well with our modern ideas about the structure of a person and his body, and the psychological part is also not so strong - after all, millions of people wear everything on their left hand - and nothing, they don’t fall into depression.

So the conclusion is simple - wear it wherever you want! Don't look for the secret meaning! You should not wear a watch for symbolism or etiquette - this, unlike other items, is a purely practical thing. Listen to yourself - this is the main thing. In the meantime, until new articles! 😉

Ekaterina Simonova specially for charmani.ru

The topic of wearing a wristwatch correctly has a long history. Initially, miniature chronometers that could be carried with you were pocket-sized. They were attached to a special chain and placed in a miniature pocket on the front shelf of the vest. Typically this pocket was located on the left side to make it easier for right-handed people to take out the watch and check the time.

Buttons on men's clothing were sewn in a similar way, which made them significantly different from women's clothing. All details of the costume, as well as the way of wearing a pocket watch, were specially “sharpened” for right-handed people. Left-handers were not taken into account, since the ability to write and do anything with the left hand was considered abnormal. Little left-handers at school were mercilessly and sometimes cruelly retrained to meet general standards.

Now there are a large number of theories answering the question “which hand should you wear a watch on?” Let's look at the most common ones.

Mechanics and electronics

The first mechanical watches on a strap appeared during the First World War. Due to their convenience, they immediately became popular with officers and then with soldiers. All watches in those days were hand-wound only. The head for it was again located on the right for the comfort of right-handers. It was at that time that the tradition of wearing wrist chronometers on the left hand developed: it was convenient to wind them and fasten them this way (of course, if a person’s right hand is dominant).

In 1957, the first electronic watch was finally invented. They were created simultaneously by two companies: the American Elgin Watch Company and the French Leap Besancon. The first electronic “Hamiltons” are now considered a real legend. They were equipped with a quartz movement, so you could forget about manual winding.

But gentlemen continued to wear such watches on their left hands, which was nothing more than a tribute to tradition. In the 60s, respectable citizens tried not to stand out from the crowd, so even wearing a wristwatch was strictly regulated by social norms.

Mystical theory

This theory is based on the teachings of Fukuri, according to which three significant energy points are located on the wrists of both hands: Guan, Cun and Chi. They are directly responsible for human health. They are located under the thumb on the wrist, one after another. By influencing them you can control the condition of the human liver, intestines, lungs, kidneys, bladder, and heart. Improper stimulation of the points can lead to poor health. The Tsun point is directly related to the work of the heart and is located on the left hand in men and on the right hand in women. This is due to the fact that supposedly the blood in men from the heart flows to the left side, and in women - to the right. Therefore, it is better for the latter, for example, to wear a wristwatch on the left hand.

Even criminologists recognize frequent mystical coincidences between the time of the owner’s death and the stoppage of his watch.

"Thief" theory

In addition to theories, there is a legend on the topic of wearing watches, born after the war. According to her, real thieves wear watches exclusively on their right hands. Therefore, if you wear a watch on this hand, you can be sure that it will not be stolen, since they will not steal from their own

So right or left?

Only many years after the invention of electronic wristwatches did people begin to think about why, in fact, wear them on the left hand if a person is left-handed. It is much more convenient for him to fasten the strap with the left hand, and place the watch itself on the right. This opinion was consolidated after psychologists recognized that left-handedness is not a mental disorder, and little left-handers at school were no longer taught to write with their right hand.

According to statistics, 15% of the world's population are left-handed. This is every seventh inhabitant of the planet. It is hardly reasonable and correct not to take into account the interests of such large quantity of people. Nowadays everyone wears a wristwatch in a way that suits them. And this is the most correct option.

When choosing a hand for wearing them, it is important to focus on your own feelings and comfort, as well as your type of occupation. If you have to use your right hand a lot and your wristwatch may get damaged, it is better to put it on your left hand, and vice versa.