Blooming field plants. Wildflowers: a summer hike in July through the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River

Since ancient times, wildflowers have adorned human life. From early spring to late autumn they bloom in meadows, fields, forests, on roadsides, in a word, everywhere where plants can exist, and delight us with their modest charm.

There are a great variety of wildflowers, most of them have medicinal properties, which have been used since ancient times.

Wildflowers are grown on personal plots. They require a minimum of care and are perfectly adapted to the conditions of the area.

Sometimes it is interesting to know what wildflowers can be found at this or that time of year, sometimes you want to sort them by color and know the names of wildflowers of each color.

This is the attempt that will be made in this article.

Wildflowers in spring

In early spring, one of the first to appear is the charming yellow flower – .

The Russian name coltsfoot received because of its special leaves: the lower side is fluffy and soft, it evaporates water weaker than the front side, and therefore is warmer - “mother”, and the upper side is smooth and cold - “stepmother”.

Other Russian names: tsar potion, butterbur, rannik, two-leaved grass, podbel, dioecious, water burdock, white-powder grass, near-river grass, Kamchuzhnaya grass, icy lapweed, mother grass, one-sided plant, horse's hoof.

The scientific Latin generic name (Tussilago) comes from two words: tussis - cough and ago - to set in motion, remove, and can be translated as “cough”. The plant received this name due to medical use it as a cough suppressant.

Coltsfoot sometimes appears as early as March and then throughout April pleases us with its yellow flowers.

This flower is widespread everywhere, but snowdrops or galanthus do not reach far to the north.

In nature, distributed in areas temperate climate in Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus.

Daisies on the edge of the field.


This is red clover.

This is hybrid clover or pink clover.

This is creeping clover or white clover.



The sky splashed its blue between it.
A delicate blue eyelash blinks from the bread
Cornflowers: “Don’t be sad when you pass by!”

A honey aroma floats over the meadows -
Summer generously scattered clover everywhere.
And they flicker in the grass like the glare of dawn,
Those fragrant balls, pleasing to the eye.

Wildflowers will enchant you.
Let there be more beautiful bouquets in the flower beds in the gardens -
Only in the meadows will you hear the melody of summer
Amazing tenderness and purity.

Having driven away all the sorrows, let my soul spill over
In a bright sea of ​​flowers, serenely endless,
And at least for a moment to touch the big one,
The soul-healing divine mystery.

On the table in front of the open window,

Shaking a little from the passing wind,

Wildflowers unnoticed

They intoxicate us with every leaf.

The bells seemed to come to life,

Miracle music flowed from them,

It would be good if she got it

Before the one who was very loved.

Burning with its blue,

Cornflowers play under the rays,

They remember the smell of bread

And the parade of ears is golden.

Like brides at a wedding daisies

In their snow-white robes

Reminded us again, young people,

How we played tag with friends.

How we sat on a motley meadow,

Enjoying the gifts of summer,

As we wondered and waited for an answer,

How they picked flowers as they ran.

At the beginning of July it is good to go on a summer hike in the hills along the banks of the river and take photos of wildflowers

The Dubna River in these parts has incredibly beautiful hilly banks.

Yellow egg pods are dozing on the river surface.

On the left bank of the Dubna River there is a spruce forest like an enchanted castle.

We need to somehow cross to the opposite bank of the Dubna River.

This is a great place. A strong current and rocks protruding from the water indicate the location of a ford.

We put the belongings in a hermetic bag.

We put on neoprene socks so as not to injure our feet on the stones, and we wander down the Dubna River, looking for a flat place on the opposite bank.

We climb out to the shore. There is an evil stinging nettle standing like a 2-meter wall.

There is nowhere to go. Let's go straight.

The thickets are like a jungle. So to speak, modest.

And when we got out into the open space, it was so good! The Dubna River makes bends.

Waist-deep, and sometimes shoulder-deep, we walk through tall grass and floodplain meadows to the village of Vaulino.

In the depths of my soul, some peasant gene yearns: how many cows could be grazed, how much hay could be prepared.

And the places around are beautiful, wonderfully beautiful. Maybe, . Clouds rise above the hills like snow-white mountains.

He climbed the hill and turned back to look at the valley of the Dubna River. Here they are, meadows, wild flowers.

Other wildflowers include oregano or forest mint. It has a special, fragrant smell.

Another masterpiece of wildflowers. In the center are pink marshmallow flowers.

Among white clover The lilac-blue petals of forest geranium look exquisite.

And you, brother poppy, how did you get involved in this company of Central Russian wildflowers?

On the village street of Vaulino, for some reason, a hiker was mistaken for a wealthy landowner-esquire. The foreman of the Armenian construction team, Dima, began to persuade him to build a house.

The firewood is lying around. In winter, heat the house and bathhouse.

There is a large reservoir on the western border of the village of Vaulino.

Here the tourists from Dmitrievsk packed their things into sealed bags and swam to the other side. Daredevils!

And land tourists went on foot to Trekhselishche.

We walk and admire the wildflowers.

Luxurious bouquet of wildflowers. Only it doesn’t stand in a vase, but grows in a field.

Interesting varieties of cornflowers.

Meadow cornflower.

Three-veined cornflower.

What catches the eye in these wildflowers is the yellow candles of black mullein.

The yellow and white tongues of the sweet clover blaze in the wind.

The angelica tree opened its white umbrellas.

I'm walking along the road. Cars with summer residents rush past. An old Ford truck loaded with boards is catching up. The driver is apparently a farmer.
- How far are you going? Sit down, I'll give you a ride!
Thank you, kind man. But I have to walk.

Views all around from the hills. Dali. It's like flying on an airplane.

From Trekhselishchi we head to Malye Dubravy.

The name justifies itself, there are oak trees growing all around.

Here among the wildflowers is a precious find, a blooming rosehip.

From Malye Dubrava we go along a forest road to the final destination of our summer hike - to the village of Zapolskoye.

More often than not, even the GPS signal is lost.

In the forest twilight, a young fireweed plays bunnies with the sun.

In Zapolsky local residents They sell mushrooms and chanterelles.

The rain began to drizzle. Young entrepreneurs rushed to cover the furniture they had made and put up for sale.

And then the Dmitrievsk tourists showed up. Cheerful, cheerful.

Only the four-legged tourist was very tired. He came to a stop and collapsed on the asphalt. The fact that the dog is alive is evidenced by its rising and falling belly in time with its breathing.

Sergiev Posad greeted us with a bright and festive atmosphere. It celebrates its 700th anniversary St. Sergius Radonezh.

Photo reports of the hike participants:

Additional Information:

Wildflowers: summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River - Tikhvin Temple p. Titovskoe. Arrival page.
Wildflowers: summer hike in July through the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River - interesting information about the Tikhvin Church. Wildflowers: summer hike in July along the hills of the Moscow region to the Dubna River.

Alexander Strizhev. Collected works in five volumes. Volume 2. Russian forbs. Moscow. 2007.

Meadow flowers would have long ago become exotic for residents of megacities if landscape meadow lawns had not been specially created in city parks and squares. They are becoming increasingly popular due to their natural beauty and the illusion of wilderness.

To organize such a lawn, two things are required - a sufficiently large area of ​​land and meadow flowers and herbs. Today, forb seeds for every taste and color can be bought in specialized stores.

Meadow at arm's length

Owners of personal plots with a large amount of free land often face the question: what kind of design landscape to create near the house? The famous look of the English lawn has become firmly established in life. modern people, but many property owners are beginning to prefer a meadow type of lawn made from forbs. It is called Moorish, and it is based on forbs and meadow flowers, from which you can create compositions or sow them in a continuous carpet. Such a domesticated meadow looks very impressive and benefits the surrounding ecosystem, as it attracts bees and butterflies.

Perennial grasses for meadow lawns

In order for the meadow under your window to bring joy for many years, you should determine in advance what types of perennial grasses will grow on it.

The most popular and easiest to care for are:

These plants are used to create a natural corner of nature instead of a boring green lawn.

Types of meadow flowers

Perennial meadow flowers are increasingly becoming guests in garden plots. They are planted both to create a meadow lawn and simply to decorate the yard in the form of a multi-colored ridge.

For regions with cold winters, frost-resistant perennials are more suitable, since other types should be dug up and stored until spring. In temperate and warm climates, you don’t have to worry about the plants and, when planting, immediately make up of them beautiful compositions and landscapes.

What are the most commonly planted meadow flowers?

Meadow flowers can be planted in a certain pattern on the lawn so that they bloom sequentially, and thus the home meadow will delight you with its blooming appearance all summer long.

Preparing the soil for a meadow lawn

Organizing a piece of wild nature near your home requires more attention and money than an ordinary lawn. This is due to the destruction of weeds, which gradually disappear with frequent mowing of the English lawn.

The meadow is mowed depending on the plants that fill it. If there are no bulbous representatives among them, then it is enough to mow them once at the end of June and a second time at the end of August. If there are bulbous plants, trimming is carried out once every 2 weeks.

To remove weeds, treat the area with glyphosate, then dig or uproot them as they appear.

Planting meadow grasses and flowers

Some nature lovers prefer to create lawns that are as close to natural as possible. To create a natural meadow, it is enough to sow the seeds into the prepared soil. meadow grass and flowers.

These mixtures include seeds of the most popular and unpretentious perennial plants - chamomile, poppies, dandelions, calendula, tobacco and many others.

Gardeners who prefer harmonious order in their meadow sow it lawn grass or oregano and alfalfa, and landscapes, paintings and labyrinths are created from meadow flowers. This process is somewhat more complicated, but the result will delight you for many years, especially when the flowers bloom one by one, creating the illusion of constant spring.

Meadow lawn care

The concept of care includes regular watering as the soil dries out. Since a sunny place is most often chosen for a meadow, it is preferable to use herbs and flowers that are resistant to drought and sunlight. Haircuts are carried out 1-2 times per season.

Fertilizers are applied along with watering once every 3-4 weeks. If flowers are grown for cutting, they should be fertilized once every 2 weeks.

It is also necessary to check the area for weeds and ruthlessly destroy them. This is the main care for your home meadow.

Natural beauty

Currently, you can see meadow lawns in the city only in parks and squares. Gradually they become so popular that such areas with meadow plants began to appear in the courtyards of high-rise buildings and on private lands. Thus landscape designers remind people of the beauty of wildlife and their connection to it.

Most best view relaxation is a walk in nature. Nothing gives such a charge of energy, a surge of vigor and strength as a hike in the forest, relaxation in a meadow or on the shore of a lake. In summer, the forest clearings are dotted with many modest wildflowers. They fill the air with wonderful aromas and delight the eye with variety. color range. It's amazingly nice to be in nature, collect beautiful bouquets, weave wreaths from grass.

Among the wildflowers exists a large number of healing, so-called medicinal herbs. Therefore, outdoor recreation can be combined with a useful activity - collecting medicinal plants and providing yourself and your family with herbal teas for the whole winter, which can be used not only for treatment, but for prevention various diseases.

Of course, you can’t collect everything, despite their beauty, some wild plants and wild flowers can be poisonous. Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish useful plants from those that can cause harm.

Healing plants

Names of the most popular wildflowers and herbs, wild plants, which can be found in almost any clearing in the forest:


Wild growing, perennial, medicinal plant . Dandelion grows up to thirty centimeters in height, dandelion leaves are oblong, notched and collected in a rosette. Flower bright– yellow color grows on a single peduncle. At the break of the plant, a milky sap appears, which tastes bitter. These beautiful wildflowers can be used both as a medicinal plant and as a plant that is great for food. Dandelion leaves can be put in salads, and the flowers can be made into jam.

Dandelion salad:

Cut all ingredients, salt, pepper and season with mayonnaise.

Before adding the leaves to the salad, they must be soaked for half an hour in cold, salty water or scalded with boiling water to get rid of the bitterness of the milky juice.

Dandelion jam:

  • Dandelion flowers – 300 pieces.
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.
  • Water – 2 glasses
  • Lemon – 1 piece

First you need to boil the syrup from water and sugar, then dip the cooked, washed, green flowers into it. After the jam boils, cook for twenty minutes, five minutes before the jam is ready, squeeze the juice of one lemon into the jam. Leave the jam to steep for one day. Then strain the jam through cheesecloth, squeeze out the flowers and boil the resulting syrup for 20 minutes. The jam is ready.

For medicinal purposes Dandelion is used for such diseases, How:


The leaves of this plant are used to treat cough. If you translate the name of the coltsfoot from Latin into Russian, then that’s what it’s called – a cough-dispelling.

The plant is characterized by the fact that at the beginning of spring, yellow flowers appear first on the coltsfoot, and only then the leaves begin to grow. The leaves of the heart-shaped plant are smooth on top and have a pubescent edge below. Medicinal raw materials are harvested in the spring and the leaves are dried in the open air.

St. John's wort

This plant is used as an antidepressant. St. John's wort can cause dullness and dizziness in some animals. Very useful plant for honey bees, which collect large amounts of pollen from St. John's wort in the morning.

Typically St. John's wort is perennial, shrub or subshrub. St. John's wort can also be a herbaceous, annual plant. The flowers are small, yellow with five petals. The leaves are small, smooth at the edges, usually opposite.


IN folk medicine eat grass for liver diseases, jaundice, dropsy, headaches and shortness of breath.

Snapdragon begins to bloom in June and blooms until frost. Flowers can be yellow, white, Pink colour. U snapdragon There may also be two-color flowers. The flowers themselves are irregular in shape, two-lipped, large and can be simple or double.

It is a herbaceous or bushy perennial plant, ranging in height from fifteen to one hundred centimeters.


A flower like clover has found its use not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology. Clover is included in some hair beauty shampoos, and you can also prepare a decoction of clover flowers and use it for bathing for skin diseases.

In medicine, meadow clover is used as an astringent, hemostatic, and expectorant. Clover decoctions can be used as a diuretic and diaphoretic.

In appearance it has small flowers of pink, white or red. Clover leaves are collected in the form of a trefoil. By popular belief If you find a clover with four leaves, it will bring good luck.


Absolutely all people know from childhood that you need to apply a clean, crushed plantain leaf to a scratch. And this is true, because plantain has wound healing, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects.

Appearance the plantain has a very modest one. Wide leaves are collected in a basal rosette, peduncles are tall, bare, with small flowers.

Poisonous plants

There are a lot of wildflowers growing in the meadow, among which you can find not only useful or at least harmless plants, but also poisonous, life-threatening. Therefore, when collecting wildflowers, you need to remember the rule “unsure - don’t take it.”

Dangerous, poisonous wild plants

When walking through the forest and forest clearings, you must remember that not all plants are as harmless as they look, although they are beautiful. Even if you don’t prepare healing plants, but simply collect a bouquet of wildflowers, you need to know what a particular flower looks like. To do this, you need to study photos of flowers and look at the pictures. It is good to purchase a reference book that contains detailed description wild plants and photographs of flowers.