Green onions business plan. Technology for growing onions in open ground. Growing feathers from onion sets

  • Fixed expenses
  • Sales of green onions
  • Business opening technology
        • Similar business ideas:

We present to your attention a business plan (feasibility study) for opening a greenhouse facility for growing green onions with a total area of ​​500 square meters. m. This is a small greenhouse complex that can actually be located in the conditions of a personal subsidiary plot.

How much money do you need to start a business growing green onions?

Let's start by calculating the financial costs of organizing the project. According to some reports, it costs about 4,000 rubles to build one square meter of a greenhouse with partial automation and microclimate. Accordingly, the construction of a greenhouse measuring 500 square meters. m. will cost 2 million rubles. In addition, it is worth considering the costs of purchasing planting material(50 thousand rubles), registration land plot(150 thousand rubles), installation of communications (100 thousand rubles) and the purchase of a car for transporting grown products (500 thousand rubles). Thus, the minimum investment to open a business will be 2.8 million rubles.

Fixed expenses

The main expenses of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions are related to payment wages and energy costs. To ensure normal operation, the farm needs: 2 greenhouse workers (planting, cutting, packing plants), 1 handyman, accountant (can be outsourced), driver (product delivery). The wage fund for such a team is at least 100 thousand rubles per month or 1.2 million rubles per year. Next is electricity. It takes an average of 246 kW/hour per year to illuminate one square meter of greenhouse space. For 500 sq. m. will take about 123,316 kW/hour per year. At a price of 6 rubles per kW/hour, annual electricity costs will be 739,896 rubles. Approximately 16,500 cubic meters are consumed for gas heating. meters per year (for a greenhouse of 500 sq. m.), which in monetary terms corresponds to 32,871 rubles of funds spent. Other expenses are associated with the purchase of packaging material, fertilizers, seeds, costs of renting a land plot (if the plot is not owned), and payment of taxes (STS). Approximately, this costs about 1.4 thousand rubles per square meter. For a greenhouse measuring 500 sq. m. will require 700 thousand rubles per year. Hence, the total annual cost of maintaining the greenhouse is 2.64 million rubles.

Download greenhouse business plan

Sales of green onions

The sale of green onions, according to the business plan, will be carried out in several ways:

  • Make wholesale deliveries to retail grocery stores and retail chains. To work with stores, large volumes of production and high-quality packaging of goods (for example, in stretch film) are required.
  • Suggest green onions wholesale resellers. In this case, the price will be slightly lower, but there will be no need for packaging the goods and less headaches with sales.
  • Supply the product to processing industries and catering enterprises (cafes, restaurants).

How much can you earn by growing green onions?

Green onions are a profitable plant. From one kilogram of planting material (bulbs) you can get up to 2 kilograms of green onions. Some technologies (for example, bridge planting) make it possible to place up to 800 bulbs on one square meter. On one square meter you can grow up to 5 kg of green onions in a month. Accordingly, from 500 sq. m. production output will be about 2500 kg per month. Wholesale price of green onions in spring - winter period equals 150 rubles. per kilogram. Thus, the revenue of the greenhouse farm, subject to 100% sales of all grown products, will be 375 thousand rubles. For the year, taking into account non-seasonal summer period(income is 2 times less), you can earn up to 4 million rubles. The profit of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions, according to business plan calculations, will be: 4,000,000 - 2,640,000 = 1,360,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in just over two years. Business profitability is 51%.

We recommend download greenhouse business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged finished project, which you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step plan for starting a green onion growing business

  1. Conducting a situational analysis of the greenhouse business in the region.
  2. Market research.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.
  4. Purchase of greenhouses, arrangement of warehouses.
  5. Business registration.
  6. Purchase of seed material.
  7. Preparation of equipment.
  8. Starting a business.

How to choose equipment for business

To grow green onions, you need to equip a room instantaneous water heaters, with the help of which warm watering of plants will be carried out. It is ideal when the crop is grown on purchased soil using fertilizers. For lighting you will need ultraviolet light lamps. All equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. Many offer discounts for bulk purchases. You can shorten the growing period for greens and increase productivity by using the aeroponics growing method. The technology will require special equipment costing about 4 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. It is advisable to use it for areas over 100 sq. m. m. Don’t forget about equipment for packaging finished products. It is easier and more profitable to purchase devices in online stores.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

  • 12.2 - entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture.
  • 12.1 - growing vegetables.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Growing green onions for your own purposes is not a commercial activity. But if you engage in a business of growing greens, you will need to register with tax service. To legalize your activity, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing a photocopy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which tax system to choose

For a business growing green onions, it is best to apply the Unified Agricultural Tax of 6%.

Do I need permission to open?

Running a greenhouse business does not require licensing or certification.

Business opening technology

You can grow onions for greens in glass, polycarbonate or film greenhouses. Glass greenhouses are much more expensive, but allow you to grow greens year-round. Film greenhouses are most often used by entrepreneurs in initial stage business. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the golden mean for growing. Modern device It is durable, durable and allows you to grow crops in the cold season. Onions can be grown in 2 ways: from sets and seeds. The choice of agricultural technology depends on the equipment and the desired result.

If you have opened this article, it means that you are faced with a specific task - to grow good harvest green onions in my basement. Therefore, we will immediately get down to business, reserving for interesting facts and general points the final part of the material.

So, we have to build the right racks for growing onions, prepare planting material, plant them and ensure that optimal conditions are maintained to obtain excellent results. Read about everything in order below. Let's get started!

Construction of shelving

Perhaps the racks can be considered the most suitable device for organizing the cultivation of green onions in basement. Let's start with the fact that the ability to arrange shelving in several tiers is a great advantage that will help you make the most efficient use of the available space.

By placing shelves in several tiers you can significantly save space.

It is also very convenient to work with racks, since it is easy to attach various additional equipment to them (for example, lighting systems), and if you correctly plan their location and size, you can significantly simplify further processes of care and harvesting.

Use of reflective surfaces.

  1. Distance between racks. If you are building several racks side by side, plan the distance between them. The minimum gap that does not impede passage and work with the crop is considered to be a distance of about 1 meter.
  2. Rack length. It can be any, depending on your tasks and how much space is allocated in your basement for growing.
  3. Width. It is important not to overdo it with width. This setting may vary. If the rack can only be approached from one side (for example, it fits close to the wall), then its width can be from 0.5 to 1 meter. If there is access from both sides, the width can accordingly be doubled. It is important to choose a design width that will not complicate further work.
  4. Height. Here, too, it is important to choose the most convenient option for work. Most often, it is recommended to make shelving in two tiers, so that you do not have to care for the crop and harvest it while standing on some high and unstable structure. Make the height of the first tier about 1 meter, the second tier can be placed after about 0.5 meters.

Conclusions. The length of the rack can be any, but other parameters should be selected taking into account how comfortable it will be for you during the work process. The distance between adjacent racks should not restrict movement; the width and height should not make it difficult to work with the crop. Growing onions should not turn into “hard labor”; try to ensure proper comfort.

What are the racks made of?

In order for our racks to be stable, reliable and strong, in addition to dimensions and convenience, we also need to choose the right materials used for their construction.

Wooden shelving is an easy option to implement.

Wooden shelving is the simplest option, which is perfect for beginners. If you want to try your hand at this for the first time and growing greens is new to you, you can choose this material for the first time.

  • cheapness;
  • Wood is relatively easy to work with (process and fasten with self-tapping screws).
  • less reliable design (compared to metal);
  • predisposition to the appearance of mold and mildew, rotting.

Each tier of the rack must be equipped with side skirts. The permissible height of the side is no more than 10 cm. A plastic film is laid on the tier (can be wrapped over the edges of the sides). We will later pour the growing substrate onto the film.

Please pay Special attention on the floors of the tiers. They bear the pressure of the substrate, onion and moisture, so ensuring maximum strength is critical. The thickness of the floor boards should be at least 30–50 millimeters. You can lay the boards at small intervals (about 2 centimeters), then less material will be required. It is important to strike a balance between economy and reliability.

Metal shelving is a much more “solid” option. Suitable if growing greens brings you additional income or you know for sure that you will do this constantly for own needs.

  • more durable and reliable design;
  • durability.
  • high cost;
  • susceptibility to corrosion (although the problem of rust, as you probably know, is completely solvable);
  • more difficult to work with than wood.

Let us outline the principles of constructing a metal rack, which differ from those described above.

To fasten the structure, you can use welding or a metal drill and fasteners. It is important to understand that in the first case you will end up with a non-demountable rack.

The construction of metal racks requires compliance with safety and precautionary measures (as well as wooden ones, however). Treat sharp edges to avoid cuts, use angles of at least 50x50x5 to increase reliability, use a level to load all posts evenly.

Be sure to paint the metal rack to protect it from the moisture that inevitably accompanies growing green onions.

And a couple more useful tips. First, you can use scrap metal for extra savings. Secondly, remember the possibility of combining various materials to achieve the same result - it depends on your imagination and skill.

Preparation of planting material and planting

Green onions can be planted either on the ground or using hydroponic installations, which have already been mentioned several times on our website. However, due to the unpretentiousness of onions (from this point of view), it is easier to plant them in the ground.

Plain garden soil is usually used. You can add sand and peat. You can also use a special substrate.

Carefully cut off the top of each onion.

It is advisable to choose relatively small bulbs themselves (about 3–5 centimeters in diameter). Carefully sort through and remove spoiled and moldy specimens. The tops of the selected bulbs are cut off (about 1 centimeter), after which the planting material is placed in a warm water.

Then you can start planting. The bulbs can be placed quite close to each other, leaving gaps of a few centimeters. Do not bury them completely in the ground, leaving the top of the bulb above the surface.

Optimal conditions

Let's start with temperature regime. This is one of the most important factors that directly affects the speed of obtaining green onion “feathers”. Optimal temperature, which contributes to the speedy achievement of results, is +20 - +25 °C. In this case, you will get green sprouting after about three weeks.

A little trick recommended by some experts. At the initial stage, keep the temperature in the basement around +15 °C. At this temperature, root systems actively develop. When the green onions begin to sprout, raise this indicator to the optimal value indicated above.

It should be noted that the basement is great option to maintain a good temperature. In summer, it may well be in the region of the required indicators, and in winter it will only be enough to additionally heat the room.

Onions will grow well if you create optimal conditions for them in the basement.

Make sure that the temperature of the top and bottom racks (which are closest to the ground) is approximately the same. Otherwise, consider the difference in ripening speed.

Another factor that is of utmost importance in the process of growing green onions relates to the lighting system. This point is often considered a disadvantage, since it implies increased costs, including electricity. But we cannot do without additional lighting, since our greenery requires sufficient light to grow. Onions are plants whose development accelerates significantly with increasing length. daylight hours(photoperiod).

The minimum length of daylight hours for onions is about 10–15 hours. It is advisable to get closer to the second value, since with a lack of light we will not only slow down the cultivation, but also get an almost tasteless yellowish harvest.

Another trick. Cover surfaces that absorb light with reflective material. For example, foil. This simple trick will significantly improve your lighting efficiency.

Hydration also plays a significant role. Water the onions intensively, but avoid the formation of “stagnant” water. If the onion is over-watered, an unwanted process of rotting may begin. Implement on multi-tier racks drainage system quite problematic. But we covered the tiers with oilcloth, so it will be quite easy to ensure that the water has time to evaporate and does not stagnate, adjusting the intensity of watering.

Finally, let us mention the importance of good ventilation in the basement. Among other things, it will help cope with unpleasant smell, which very often accompanies the process of growing green onions.

Interesting facts and useful properties

Finally, let's mention a few interesting facts and talk about beneficial properties green onions.

The harvested crop can be sold or used for cooking.

Many people consider growing this plant as a source of additional income. It turns out to be something like a family home business. In this case, the crop is planted taking into account the main holidays, when the demand for products is high. In some cases, entrepreneurs manage to achieve very decent profitability.

But it also makes sense to do this exclusively for your own needs. Green onion “feathers” are very beneficial for health, we believe this is no secret to anyone. It fights microbes, contains a lot of useful substances and is also an excellent antioxidant, and in winter it serves as an additional remedy to help overcome vitamin deficiency.

No wonder people say that onions and sauna rule. We wish you a good harvest and good health!

Green onions are so versatile that they can be grown in any climate. Whether you have a spacious yard, a tiny deck, or just a sunny window, you can grow green onions and enjoy their fresh, tangy flavor in salads, soups, and casseroles. Read this article to learn several ways to easily grow this vegetable.


Growing green onions from seeds or seedlings

    Select the type of onion you want to grow. Green onions are shoots that appear before the bulb begins to form. Mostly they are unripe. Look for abundant onion seeds, such as the species A. fistulosum, or simply choose your favorite white, red or yellow onion to grow.

    Prepare the area for planting. Choose a spot in your yard or garden that gets plenty of sunlight and the soil absorbs water well. Plow the soil to a depth of 30 cm and treat with fertilizer, blood meal or other organic means, which would enrich the soil nutrients. This will ensure that the green onions grow strong and healthy and continue to sprout throughout the growing season.

    • Make sure you clear the soil you will be plowing and tilling of rocks, sticks and weeds.
    • You can till the ground using a rake if you are working in a small area. For larger areas, buy or rent a tiller to make the job easier.
    • If you want to grow some green onions, you can prepare a pot with soil rich in fertilizer instead of planting them in the ground.
  1. Plant seeds or seedlings. Once the soil is ready, about 4 weeks before the last frost, it is time to plant the stored seeds or seedlings. If you have seeds, sow them densely about 1cm deep in a row 30cm apart. If you have seedlings, plant them root down, 5cm apart and 2cm deep in rows 30cm apart. Water the bed thoroughly.

    • Onion seeds germinate when the soil temperature is between 18 and 30 degrees Celsius. Onion seeds can take about a month to germinate.
    • If you live in a cold climate with late spring, you can start the seeds indoors 8 weeks before the last frost. Plant the seeds in peat seedling pots and water well. During the germination period, place them in a warm, sunny room. When the ground outside is warm enough for planting, transplant the seedlings into a garden or larger pot.
  2. Increase the distance between plants if necessary. As the first green shoots begin to emerge, determine whether to increase the spacing between them to give each a little more space. Green onions grow well in bunches, but for best results Mature plants should be spaced 5-7 cm apart. Take a look at your bed and remove the weakest seedlings if necessary.

  3. Mulch the soil between the seedlings. Cover the soil around the seedlings with grass clippings, pine straw or thin pieces of bark. This will prevent weeds from germinating and keep the soil evenly moist.

    • If you are growing green onions in a pot, you can skip this step as weeds will not be a problem and you can easily control the humidity levels.
  4. Water thoroughly. Green onions need evenly moist soil throughout. growing season. Provide onions with approximately 3 centimeters of water per week. For optimal plant growth, the soil should not be soggy, but moist. Water the bed every few days, or when it starts to look dry and dusty.

    • Another way to determine if onions need watering is to check the condition of the soil. Insert your finger up to the second knuckle into the soil in which the plant is located. If you feel the soil is dry, water it. If you think the soil is moist enough, don't worry about watering and test again in a few days. If it has recently rained, there is no need to water.
  5. Harvest the green onions when they are ripe. After 3-4 weeks, the green shoots will reach 15-20 cm in length and will be ready for consumption. Harvest them by pulling the entire plant out of the ground. The plant will not yet have a formed bulb. Both parts of the onion, white and green, are edible.

    • If you want some of the plants to mature into full bulbs, just leave them in the ground. The lower portions of the plants will begin to form bulbs that will be ready for harvest in the fall.
    • If you only want to use the green part of the onion and not the white part that is close to the roots, you can use scissors to simply cut off the green tips. Leave 2-5 cm for growth. The onion will continue to grow and you will be able to harvest green harvest again as soon as it reaches 15-20 cm in length. Please note that they will develop a stronger flavor as the plant matures.

    Growing green onions in a glass jar

    Any type of clean glass jars will do. Just make sure the glass is clear and not stained so the sun's rays can easily reach the bow inside. Place as many green onions inside as you like - just make sure the roots are facing down so the greens grow out of the jar.
    • If you decide to continue growing green onions, change the water about once a week to keep them fresh.
  • You can start the seeds indoors 6-8 weeks before the growing season begins and then transplant them into the ground outside. If green onions do not germinate from seeds, you can purchase already planted plants from a nursery.
  • Water more often if you are growing onions in containers, as the soil will usually dry out more quickly.
  • When using onions, leave about 2cm above the root for replanting. The transplant will provide you with stable harvest green onions throughout the season.
  • Onions should be in full sun. If possible, maintain soil pH levels between 6.0 and 7.5 pH. This will ensure optimal conditions for onion growth.

Green onions are a great addition to any dish. Especially in winter when fresh vegetables less, housewives need fragrant greens. After all, onions not only emphasize the taste of dishes, but also contain useful substances and, when eaten regularly, well replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals in the human body.

The benefits of growing green onions yourself

Of course, you can buy onions in the store even in winter. But you must admit, it’s much more pleasant to grow it yourself and always have fresh herbs on hand, the quality and environmental friendliness of which you will be completely sure of.

Plus, if you enjoy growing the crop throughout the year, you can easily turn the sale of green feathers into an additional or even main source of income.

Of course, grow enough onions to sell in an apartment multi-storey building pretty hard. But if you are the owner personal plot and greenhouses - everything is in your hands. We will tell you how to grow green onions in winter.

Preparing a country greenhouse for growing green onions

If you want to grow fragrant onions throughout the winter, then you first need to prepare a greenhouse for this:

  1. Remove weeds and remaining roots of other crops.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. To protect your planting from diseases, treat the soil with special disinfecting solutions or simply potassium permanganate.
  4. Make sure that the heating system is functioning properly and will not fail at the most inopportune moment - when winter frosts arrive.
  5. It is very important to make sure that there are enough lamps in the greenhouse for winter supplementary illumination of the crop, without which middle lane Russia simply cannot cope due to the short duration of daylight hours in winter. Experts recommend placing lamps daylight vertically, then the plant will form correctly and you will get an even green feather.

The quality of the soil for growing green onions is very important. The culture loves “breathing” loosened soil, which is saturated with useful minerals.

In the process of preparing the soil, add to it (per 1 square meter):

  • organic fertilizer (this can be compost or manure) - 10 l;
  • mineral fertilizer (superphosphate) – 30 g;
  • potassium chloride – 15 g.

For those summer residents who do not have winter greenhouse another option will do. Plant the onion in early to mid-October in a greenhouse ( so-called cold greenhouse). Before the onset of frost, the plant will develop strong root system. Cover the beds for the winter (straw or manure is suitable for this). With this method of planting, you can get strong and juicy green onion feathers already in mid-May.

Choosing an onion variety for the greenhouse

So, the greenhouse is prepared for growing green beds. But in order for the harvest to be a success, you need to choose the right crop variety that is suitable for growing in the season you need.

  1. Onions, no matter how much effort you put into caring for them, will not give a good harvest during the off-season. The thing is that this is a period of rest for the plant and it will not actively develop.
  2. Suitable for planting at any time of year convenient for you types of onions such as slime, chives and leek. These are the ones we see on store shelves. all year round.
  3. If you want to grow onions, it is preferable to plant them in December.

General rules for planting onions in greenhouse soil

Green onions can be planted in two ways:

  1. Seedling. To get crop seedlings, you will need seeds. Already at the end of February or the very beginning of March they need to be sown in special containers. It is very important to pre-soak the seed in clean water for 8-10 hours, this will help the crop germinate faster. For soaking, use water at a temperature of +40 o C. When the shoots appear, place the containers with future seedlings in a well-lit place (if there is little natural light, install fluorescent lamps). Don't forget to water. Only after 2 months will the onion seedlings be ready for planting in the greenhouse.
  2. Planting small bulbs. The planting pattern will depend on the season. If you are preparing to grow green feathers in winter, then planting is carried out in October, and the planting material is placed tightly - no more than 1 cm between the bulbs. If planting in spring, then leave 5 cm between plants.

Features of planting onions of individual varieties

Planting leeks

This type of onion is very much to the taste of gourmets: it is tender and juicy, and when fresh it wonderfully complements the taste of salads and gives them a special aroma. The white part of the stem is used in cooking.

To grow such an onion for your table, you need to use seedling method: seeds are soaked and then planted in pots with nutrient soil mixture. Seedlings must be covered with film to create a pleasant greenhouse effect for the plant. Until the shoots appear, remove the film only to moisten the soil.

The seedlings can be transplanted into the greenhouse when 2-3 leaves appear on it. Leek likes loosened soil, and feeds from humus and wood ash.

To make the plant comfortable, seedlings need to be planted so that there is 10 cm between plants. During the growing process, do not forget to regularly loosen the soil to give oxygen access to the onion roots.

Planting shallots

The peculiarity of this type of onion is that the onion consists of several parts (like garlic). Therefore, when planting, the bulb can without a doubt be divided and its parts planted separately. However, you need to very carefully sort through the planting material: separate the rotten or diseased parts.

Experienced gardeners note that shallot varieties adapt well to the area. Therefore, in order not to make a mistake and really get decent harvest, choose those varieties that are familiar to your region of residence. You can try to grow “exotic” ones in a small batch for testing.

Shallots can be planted in both spring and autumn. Plant the bulbs at a distance of 10 cm from each other, planting at a depth of 4 cm. Within a month after planting in the greenhouse you will receive juicy greens.

Planting onions

The juicy and tender greens of batun are highly valued among chefs. This type of onion is not fussy to grow. The crop can be planted using both seedlings and bulbs.

If you decide to grow onions from seeds, then sow them thickly (4 g per 1 square meter), then pretty soon you will get delicate feathers. However, such planting will be exclusively annual: harvest by pulling out the plant by the roots.

How to properly care for green onions in a greenhouse

It simplifies the life of a summer resident because the onion does not require regular feeding– it is enough to enrich the soil once at the stage of preparing the beds for planting.

But you will have to constantly monitor the soil moisture - any type of onion loves water. Water the green beds not too often, but thoroughly. Maintain a balance - excess moisture can cause the bulbs to rot, then you won’t have to dream about a harvest.

Air temperature is very important for green onions: during the day it should not be below 19 o C, and at night - 12 o C. The gardener needs to be especially vigilant if the onions are grown in a winter greenhouse - monitor the serviceability of the heating system, otherwise, if the greens freeze, they will immediately deteriorate.

The greenhouse needs to be ventilated: this will help maintain optimal humidity air. However, do not expose the beds to drafts.

The taste of fresh greens attracts not only humans. Unfortunately, even in a winter greenhouse, pests (insects and fungi) are also not asleep. Among common diseases of green onions mosaic and black mold. Among insects, onion fly and tobacco thrips are dangerous to the crop. Observe the seedlings to notice the problem in time and eliminate it before all the plants are damaged. To control pests, use special preparations or traditional methods.

How to grow green onions at home

It would seem that it could be easier than to grow several feathers by planting an onion in a pot of soil. But, observing simple rules, you can get a real harvest vitamin product without much effort.

How to prepare planting material for cultivation green Luka at home

The familiar to everyone will help you provide your family with fragrant greens for the winter. onion. In this case doesn't matter, whether you grew the mother bulb on your own plot or bought it at the nearest supermarket.

But it’s worth paying attention to the variety of root crop. The best pen will come from the so-called polygerminate varieties, for example:

  • "Timiryazevsky";
  • "Spassky";
  • "Arzamas";
  • "Pograsky".

Bulbs for germination choose small ones (up to 2 cm in diameter). Inspect them for damage, rotting and disease - damaged material should not be planted.

Before boarding:

  1. Place the bulbs selected for planting in a container.
  2. Fill with water heated to a temperature of 40 o C.
  3. Place in a very warm place (preferably on a radiator) for 24 hours.
  4. When the allotted time is up, remove the onions from the water and remove the husks from them.
  5. If a damaged layer is found under the husk, remove it too.
  6. Using a sharp knife, cut off the tops of the onions by 1-1.5 cm.

Now you can proceed directly to landing.

Preparing soil mixture for growing onions

To plant onions, you will need a shallow container: a container, bowl or box 7-8 cm deep will do. If you find 2 containers for growing, and plant the onion in different time(the second batch a couple of weeks after the first), then having harvested from one, you will soon wait for greenery to appear in the other - fragrant greenery will always be on your table.

As a soil, you can use soil with summer cottage or store-bought universal substrate. You can add a little sand to the soil - the crop will like it.

If the soil was collected from the site, then it is advisable to disinfect it with a warm solution of potassium permanganate - this will prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases of the crop in the future.

  • fill the prepared containers with soil mixture to 3-4 cm;
  • fill with water (water should cover the soil by 1 cm);
  • Plant onions every 2 cm;
  • make sure that the planting material remains vertical;
  • There is no need to bury the root crops in the soil - only the roots should be in the soil, otherwise the bulbs will begin to rot.

How to care for green onions at home

Immediately after planting, the container with the bulbs should be placed closer to the radiator or in a place where the temperature will not drop below 25 o C - this will help the crop begin to grow faster. And when you notice the appearance of the first feathers 1 - 2 cm long, this will be a signal that the home garden bed can be moved to the windowsill.

If the windows of your apartment face south or east, then there will be enough light for the bow even in winter time. But if the windows are oriented to the north, you will have to add a little extra light to the onion so that it develops more actively and accumulates vitamins and microelements useful for humans in the feathers. For additional illumination, use a fluorescent lamp; its spectrum will fully correspond to the needs of the plant. Having tried one feather, you will easily understand that the culture does not have enough light - the greens will have an unexpressed taste and will not be juicy enough.

You need to water the “garden” every other day. And use warm water for this. It is important that the soil does not dry out.

Do not rush to cut off the first feathers of green onions - further development of the crop may stop and there will not be a rich harvest. You should wait about 20 days from the moment of planting before you start cutting the onion. Most likely, you will not need to harvest the entire crop at once, so use the outer feathers first, and at this time the central sprouts will continue to develop.

Preparing to plant green onions in water

If you don't have the time or desire to create impromptu onion beds on your windowsill, then try growing greens in water.

To do this, select planting material (selection is carried out in the same way as for growing in a substrate). Then:

  • trim selected mother roots;
  • lower them for 15-20 minutes in hot water, the temperature of which is about 50 o C;
  • instead of water, you can use a solution of potassium permanganate to disinfect planting material;
  • after hot soaking, dip the onions immediately into cold water;
  • peel the husks and remove damaged layers, if any;
  • Now you can plant the onion in the containers that you have prepared for this.

General rules for growing green onions in water

  1. Before planting onions, the container must be disinfected; use potassium permanganate for this.
  2. Until the roots grow back, place the container in a cool place and change the water twice a day.
  3. When active growth of greenery begins, the water needs to be changed once a day.
  4. If you use fertilizers to feed the “beds”, the water can be changed once a week.
  5. Periodically rinse the roots of the bulbs and the container under running water.

Choosing a container for growing green onions in water

In principle, you can use any container to grow greens: jars, cups, plastic containers and even plates. The only thing that can become a problem is rotting of the bulb. Therefore, in order for the growth process to proceed correctly, it is necessary to provide the planting material in such a position that only the roots are in the water.

There are several ways:

  1. Dishes. Pour water into a regular plate and place the onions close together in an upright position (the roots will support each other). The water at the bottom of the plate only touches the roots and the bottom of the bulbs.
  2. Container. You will need a plastic bowl of any size and cardboard. Cut the cardboard so that it covers the bowl and make holes for bulbs - device ready. Pour water into the container, cover it with cardboard, and “seat” the root vegetables into the holes so that they lightly touch the water.
  3. Textile. If you use jars or glasses to grow onions, then this method will suit you. Wrap the onion in a cloth and place it in a glass so that the cloth touches the water, but the roots of the culture do not. Then the water will rise through the damp tissue and gradually moisten the growing root crop.
  4. Sprouters. If funds allow, then you can buy a special device for growing green onions at home. The bulbs are inserted into a special hole, and water is poured into the container. Using a small compressor, the device creates a water suspension around the roots of the plant (hydroponic principle). The advantage of the germinator is that the mother bulbs never rot, and the feather germinates very quickly - in just 10 days you will get juicy greens about 15 cm long.

How to feed onions grown in water

If you want to get a really good harvest in your home garden, it is better to feed the onions. Choose one of the feeding compositions:

  • 1.5 g of ammonium nitrate, 2 g of superphosphate, 1.5 g of potassium chloride - dissolve everything in 1 liter of clean water;
  • Dilute 5 g of wood ash in 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tsp. mineral fertilizer(complex) dissolve in 1 liter of water.

The nutrient solution must be added at a time when the bulbs have roots and feathers begin to grow.

Growing green onions: video

Green onions: photo

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Natalia Bezborodova 02/16/2016 | 11587

Why should every person grow onions at home, even if he has not yet acquired a dacha? This is the only way you will always have your favorite green plant at hand, without chemicals or impurities.

Green onions are a very rewarding green for growing at home. It does not need a special soil composition or temperature level - just enough good lighting and moderate heat. That is why green onions are successfully grown all year round on the windowsills and balconies of apartments, even in the center of huge cities.

To learn how to grow green onions in an apartment, you should study the most popular methods of growing them.

Growing feathers from an old bulb

This is an old and proven method that gives one hundred percent results and is very profitable from an economic point of view. It often happens that turnip onions bought for future use begin to deteriorate. warm apartment, becomes soft and sprouts. It is no longer suitable for food, but can become an excellent “supplier” of healthy greens.

How to grow green onions from a bulb to get as much fresh feathers as possible? There are two ways - put the onions on a container of water, as in the time of our grandmothers, or plant them in the ground. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Growing green onions hydroponically

It's very simple and maximum cheap way. “Waste” onions are used, which are not suitable for food, that is, in fact, green onions are obtained for free. If it were not for forcing, the sprouted bulbs would definitely go into the trash. Water is also not purchased specially, and almost any container can be used for planting.
Another feature of the method is the fact that such production of green onions can become decorative element your kitchen.

If you choose various colored or transparent bottles as water containers, then the composition of bulbs “sitting” on them with a bright bunch of fresh green feathers will look very modern and attractive.

When planting bulbs in water, you can also use special containers for water forcing of flowering bulbous plants. They are small glass "cones" different forms with a narrow neck that widens at the top and forms a special container for the onion.

The form of these forcing devices contains the main secret of growing green onions. If you are interested in how to grow green onions at home from a bulb without losing planting material, remember that the bottom of the “turnip” should not be immersed in water. If this is allowed, the old bulb will very quickly rot and die. If the water only touches the bottom, the onion will give good healthy roots that will submerge in the water and feed the greens. The bulb itself will remain dry and give maximum feathers.

To avoid “blooming” of water in a warm room, you can add 1–2 crystals of potassium permanganate to it until the liquid turns pale pink. Potassium permanganate does not harm the quality of the feather; on the contrary, fertilizing with manganese promotes the formation of healthier and more useful greenery. To extend the life of one bulb, it is better not to cut off the feather, but to break it off one at a time as it ripens.

Green onions from bulbs in the ground

Old sprouted bulbs can also be planted in the ground, but this method is more expensive, as it will require purchasing special land for seedlings, drainage and planting containers.

It is most rational to plant onions in a bridge manner, that is, close to each other. So a lot of onions will fit in a small flat container. They do not need to be completely immersed in the ground, a maximum of a third. For successful cultivation Good drainage will be required to prevent water from stagnating.

Caring for such plantings is exactly the same as caring for bulbs on water. The advantage of this method is that it saves space. If you have a small windowsill, it is more profitable to place a tray with a dozen bulbs on it than five separate vessels.

Growing feathers from onion sets

How to grow green onions on the balcony? Very simple. You will need onion sets. These are small bulbs obtained last year from seeds. They are planted in the ground in the spring to grow full-fledged turnips. At home, you can get a lot of high-quality green onions from sets.

Selected for landing quality material without signs of disease. The bulbs should be medium in size, even, smooth and shiny. It is best if they are covered with a uniform and fairly dense husk - such a set will last longer than the “naked” one. In addition, high-quality sets are less susceptible to diseases and produce a lot of greenery. Check that there are no black spots on the onion, and that there are no traces of mold in the form of bluish or gray lumps on the roots and bottom.

Such bulbs are selected and immediately thrown away, since otherwise they will infect the entire “colony” and your green onion plantation will die before it can produce a harvest. A soft onion is also thrown out; when pressed, its surface noticeably bends under the finger. Most likely, this onion has already begun to rot inside.

Dressing and warming up the seeds

This procedure is carried out in exactly the same way and for the same purpose as when planting seedlings in open ground. The high temperature awakens the growth point, and the entire onion begins to actively germinate and develop. Dressing kills possible pathogens, as well as existing pest eggs.

Onions are usually heated in water at a temperature no higher than 50 degrees. You can combine temperature treatment with pickling and stimulation by adding potassium permanganate, aloe juice or succinic acid. The most common and effective method control of diseases and pests - a dark purple solution of potassium permanganate.

Onions for growing indoors are not treated with chemicals.

Preparing soil and containers

To disinfect the soil and containers in which green onions will grow, they must be carefully prepared and processed.
Plastic trays are washed hot water if they are new. Used containers can be cleaned with baking soda or a chlorine disinfectant. After this treatment, it must be washed under running water and fill with cool water overnight. This is necessary so that the remainder detergent dissolved and washed completely.

Wooden containers are cleaned of old soil, washed and scalded with boiling water.

Tillage is no less important. It may contain eggs and larvae of pests, various pathogens and fungal spores. The most commonly used soil disinfection methods are:
· steaming;
· warming up;
· treatment disinfectant solution.

For steaming you will need a container with good drainage and boiling water. The ground is watered with water that has just boiled, trying to evenly treat the entire volume. Excess water is allowed to drain freely, and the soil is thoroughly dried. This exposure kills most spores and viruses, as well as soft-shelled pests. Those with a strong shell or egg shell may not be harmed.

Warming is most often done in the oven. The earth is scattered in a thin layer on a baking sheet and placed in a well-heated oven for 20 - 30 minutes. This treatment kills 99% of pests and sources of disease.

Treatment with a disinfectant solution is extremely simple and consists of abundant watering with a bright crimson solution of potassium permanganate, followed by drying the soil. It is important to ensure good water flow. With this treatment, fungal diseases are well destroyed.

Planting seedlings in the ground

If the soil and containers are prepared and the seedlings are processed, you can begin planting. Seeds are planted in the same way as large old bulbs. This is a bridge method in which the bulbs are planted in rows as close to each other as possible. To save space, especially if you don’t know how to grow green onions at home on the windowsill small size, the bulbs are slightly shifted relative to each other. This way, many more of them will fit in a relatively small area.

The planted seedlings are carefully watered and placed in a bright and warm place. Until the onion has sprouted, it does not need a lot of light, it is much more important for rapid germination heat. It should be no lower than 22–25˚С. When growth begins, trays with bulbs can be moved to a windowsill or balcony. You need to choose the most illuminated area - in the dark the greenery will stretch out, will be pale and stunted.

The easiest way to grow green onions is on closed balconies and loggias. It's quite warm there and there's a lot of light. You can place several trays if you make convenient wall shelves to fit them. A wide window sill or a table attached to it will also help with placement.

The balcony and kitchen with grown onions must be ventilated periodically, choosing the warmest, non-frosty days for this. If the plants are on the windowsill, during ventilation they are removed away from the open window.

Planting care

Since onions grow in a fairly short period of time, they simply do not have time to completely deplete the soil. No feeding for homemade greens are not needed, as it may contain too many toxic chemical substances due to the use of fertilizers.

All care consists of regular moderate moistening and timely cleaning of the green feather. When it becomes clear that the bulb’s strength has been exhausted and there will be no more harvest, the old “spent” seeding is thrown away, and the soil is either re-prepared or replaced with fresh one. The growing process can be started all over again.

Mixed plantings

Onions grow well “in the company” of other greens. If you have space or don't need a lot of green onions but are interested in getting a variety of greens, you can make mixed plantings.
To do this, the seeds of the desired seeds are sown in one container. herbs– dill, parsley, watercress, cilantro and many others. The choice of herbs depends only on the preferences of the owner. You can plant a basil bush or several celery plants. Since many plants take a very long time to germinate, for example, dill and parsley can “sit” in the ground for up to 40 days or even more, the seeds are germinated before sowing. The sets can be planted after areas with parsley or dill have been identified. This way you can get a good harvest of greens almost simultaneously.

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