Growing orchis in a personal plot is a storehouse of health. Use of orchis roots and flowers in folk medicine

The content of the article:

Orchis (lat. Orchis) is a plant around which many legends and myths have hovered since ancient times, a flower that has not lost its popularity in modern world. This is a many-sided representative of the green world of the planet, with which everyone is familiar in their own way: some know it as a means of traditional medicine, others as indispensable element exterior, and some - as a necessary attribute for magical rituals.

Varieties of orchis

Orchis originates its ancestry from plants of the Orchid family, which is associated with its second name - “wild” or “northern orchid”. In nature there is a plentiful amount various types"wild orchids", which differ from each other appearance inflorescences, the number of flowers and their color, the size of the plant itself and the flowering period.

Types of orchis:

  • Orchis orchis orchis anthropophora;
  • Male orchis (Orchis mascula);
  • Orchis militaris;
  • Orchis pallens;
  • Orchis punctuata;
  • Purple orchis (Orchis purpurea);
  • Monkey orchis (Orchis simia);
  • Spitzel's orchis (Orchis spitzelii);
  • Swamp orchis (Orchis palustris);
  • Orchis morio (Orchis morio);
  • Provencal orchis (Orchis provincialis);
  • Orchis maxima;
  • Burnt orchis (Orchis ustulata);
  • Orchis fragrans Pollini;
  • Three-toothed orchis (Orchis tridentate Scop);
  • Orchis schelkownikowii.

General features of the external appearance of orchis

The growth and development of a “wild orchid” is very dependent on environmental conditions, and the height to which this plant grows also depends on them. These figures range from 15 to 60 cm, but its relatively short stature does not prevent it from standing out effectively among other flowers.

The part of the plant that leads an underground lifestyle is formed by two tubers. Among them, a distinction is made between the older and the younger, or as they are also called the replacement and the replaced. The tuber is wide and egg-shaped. Distinctive feature Orchis leaves are also colored by nature in a rich, bright green color. They are straight, lanceolate in shape, they tend to taper into a stalk or smoothly envelop the stem.

The inflorescences of this northern beauty cannot go unnoticed, they can take the form of a spike measuring approximately 15–20 cm. They are formed by small, exceptionally beautiful flowers of small diameter, which are densely located next to each other. The variation in shades of the petals varies over a wide range: from pale lilac to dark purple. Some sources say that in Russia you can also find flowers of a rich burgundy color. In some species of orchis, the flowers are strewn with small specks of dark color. Also, one of the characteristics of this plant is the smell emitted by its buds: a rich, delicate aroma of vanilla. The period when an orchid pleases us with its flowers is most often the first two months of summer, but some species bloom in April-May.

"Northern Orchid" in the wild

It is quite difficult to meet orchis in nature, since this plant is an endangered species, which is why it is listed in the Red Books of many countries in Europe, Asia and even North America. It is forbidden not only to dig up sprouts, but also to pick flowers. Traveling around the world, the “northern orchid” can be found in many countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, it can be found on the Canary Islands and in the Caucasus. It is also relatively common in mountainous areas (Carpathians, Crimea). As for Russia, the plant is relatively widespread here, with the exception of the territories of the Far North.

Growing orchis at home

Today, orchis is a “VIP plant” in the field of landscape design and for the craft of “avid” gardeners. Therefore, the question of the characteristics of growing and caring for it is very relevant.

“Northern Orchid” is not a picky plant, but there are still some nuances: soil and lighting, watering, fertilizers, preparation for wintering.

  1. Lighting. When choosing a location where the orchis will show off, you need to pay attention to the lighting of the selected area. This place should absolutely not be in the shade. The optimal location for it is a sunny area with light diffused shade.
  2. Selection of substrate and transplantation of orchis. As for the soil, the plant prefers well-moistened, but notable for its looseness. They must allow sufficient moisture and oxygen to pass through. Coefficient natural humidity is of particular importance, since the soil must be well moistened, but thus in no case swampy. There is a pattern: the more correctly the soil is selected, the less care the orchis requires during the long summer heat. During planting, the substrate that you take out of the hole can be improved by adding peat to it in a ratio of 1:1, and river sand in a ratio of 1:1/2.
  3. Moisturizing. In constant watering " wild Orchid» does not need if it is planted in suitable soil and in suitable place. The exception is long-term droughts; during this period the plant should be saturated with sufficient water. Many who grow this flower water it with rainwater, which in itself is not entirely safe. Rainwater is the source of many chemical substances, including acids, which can harm our northern queen if supplied to her in excess.
  4. Fertilizing for orchis. Fertilizers for this magic flower You should choose organic ones; he doesn’t like mineral ones. The best option there will be compost and pine needles - this couple will provide beautiful bright flowering. It is good to introduce them when sowing, and then twice a year to mulch the soil with a layer of 5 cm or more. The right time for this is mid-spring and early autumn, after winter cold and frosts and immediately before they begin.
  5. Wintering the plant. Before in winter The “northern orchid” does not feel much fear, but some measures will have to be taken before the winter period. During the first autumn cold, that part of the plant that is located above the ground should be cut off radically to the base. This will ensure our wild beauty a safe existence during the thaw period and during periods of strong temperature changes and high humidity.
These conditions consist of room temperature and good location of our seedlings. Temperature indicators will be suitable if their range is from 18 to 24 degrees. The place for future decoration of our garden area should be allocated where there is the most sunlight, this could be a balcony or windows located on the sunny side of the house.

Possible problems when cultivating orchis

As for pests and diseases, although orchis is a seemingly delicate and fragile plant, its natural immunity is quite strong. It is resistant to fungi and pests, but it also faces danger - slugs, leaf beetles and snails. Only physical methods of protection, such as traps and straw circles near orchis plantings, will help you avoid trouble with them.

Reproduction, transplantation and care of orchis seedlings

There is also root (vegetative) propagation of the “wild orchid”; it involves the separation of a replacement tuber root. When planting the latter, you should remember that a little of its “native” soil (from the previous place) should be added to the new location; this contributes to a safer existence and faster establishment in a new place, since it contains fungi and microorganisms to which the orchid had already been adapted earlier.

Due to the fact that the timing of the appearance of the first leaves of a flower above the ground occurs very chaotically, this period ranges from one month and can last up to a year, they require certain care measures. This is planting the “leading” stems into separate containers to continue their growth. Planting young orchis will provide more comfortable and spacious conditions for their fellows who are delayed in their growth.

The most suitable period for planting seedlings in the soil of your garden will be the middle part of spring, when you are firmly confident that severe cold and frost will not disturb your garden treasure. It is also necessary to take into account the proximity distance between our plantings; it is better that it is no less than 15–18 cm.

Use of orchis in medicine

"Northern Orchid" in folk medicine used since ancient times, the fame of its healing qualities has reached us. Wide spectrum Mucus, which occupies most of the chemical structure of orchis, and salep, a powder prepared from the tubers of the northern orchid, have action. These components are folk assistants for the treatment of conditions such as:
  • diarrhea;
  • cystitis;
  • loss of strength, as in old age, also after long illnesses;
  • tuberculosis and its consequences;
  • depressive states;
  • inflammation of the gallbladder;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • inflammatory processes on the gastric mucosa;
  • hyperacid conditions;
  • diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia);
  • impotence, sexual dysfunction;
  • vitamin deficiency, hypovitaminosis;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • prostate adenoma;
  • inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs;
  • diabetes;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • anemia;
  • inflammatory diseases of the skin and its appendages;
  • herpetic infections;
  • early gestosis of pregnant women.
Wild orchid is also a good contraceptive. In some countries it was used as a means of increasing vitality. It is impossible not to mention that it is the spotted orchis that is the most powerful aphrodisiac of plant origin.

In many countries of our world, this healer from the north is an officially recognized medicine, with own base evidence of effectiveness. It can be found in the following pharmacological forms:

  • alcohol tinctures;
  • decoctions based on salep;
  • orchis mucus;
  • infusions of water;
  • ointments;
  • patches for the treatment of prostatitis.

Contraindications and side effects

Preparations created on the basis of orchids from northern places are completely safe to use. They are taken without fear by both children and women during pregnancy. The only thing that cannot fail to be mentioned is that there is individual intolerance to individual components of the plant. For this reason, individuals with a history of allergic reactions should use it with caution. The only one by-effect- excessive sexual arousal.

Using orchis in landscape design

This inhabitant of the northern meadows is extremely rarely used as a component of mixed flower beds. In modern landscape design more often it can be found in remote, semi-wild areas, the background of which is coniferous trees. Most often, designers use group plantings of orchis to decorate rock gardens.

Magical properties of orchis

Among our ancestors, the “northern orchid” was a character in many legends, folk signs and an attribute of magical rituals. With the help of this enchanting flower, ceremonies to welcome spring were carried out.

Women believed that if, at the first rays of the sun, they plunged into the lake on the shore of which orchis grows, then this action would undoubtedly give them eternal youth, beauty and good health. Also, the previously mentioned salep was taken with them to wars and battles, since a drink prepared on its basis can compensate daily dose substances necessary for the body to have sufficient strength and energy.

The mixture, brewed from orchis tubers and milk, was intended for babies who had little or no mother's milk.

But the foliage and rhizomes of the “wild orchid” were widely used as one of the ingredients of a love potion. Also in “matters of the heart,” this witchcraft plant was a talisman against all possible troubles and troubles. People said that orchis can be used once as a “stem of truth”; it was believed that if you take the root of the plant in your pocket, no one will be able to fool you.

Learn about the medicinal properties of orchis:

Listed in the Red Book. Previously, thickets of orchis could be admired in the forests, but today you can enjoy the beauty of an orchid only on rare occasions. A perennial plant with beautiful, lacy inflorescences, grown in medical purposes. To enjoy the beauty of a wild orchid, you will have to make a lot of effort, because orchis is a fastidious plant.

More than 100 species of plants are known and all of them are protected. Most of them have medicinal properties, many are grown for their decorative properties.

Orchis male

Medicinal perennial plant with 2 tubers, simple stems, oblong. Raspberry flowers appear in May. Prefers moderately moist fertile soils with low level acidity.

The tubers contain essential oils and bitter substances. As a medicinal raw material it is used to treat gastrointestinal tract, bronchitis, toothache, cystitis. Recommended as a preventive and restorative remedy.

Orchis spotted

Grows in forests. The spotted, oblong leaves resemble those of a tulip. The flowers are helmet-shaped, blooming begins in May, and ripen by the end of August.

During flowering, tubers are collected. Spotted orchis is used to treat dysentery, food poisoning, and gastrointestinal tract.

Burnt orchis

Endangered protected species. It is prohibited to harvest the plant for medicinal purposes. Therefore, in order to obtain the medicinal raw material salep, burnt orchis is successfully grown in plots.

One plant has 2 spherical ones. The leaves are narrowed to the base, small flowers are collected in a spike. Prefers slightly alkaline soils.

The plant is harvested for medicinal purposes during flowering. Only young tubers are suitable for treatment; after processing, salep is obtained, which has general strengthening and enveloping properties.

Growing Orchis

In the field of landscape design, orchis is considered a VIP plant. Capricious grass requires certain care: choice of soil, good lighting, fertilizing, preparation for winter.

Soil selection

To grow orchis, you need to choose a well-lit area with fairly nutritious food. Humidity plays a big role: the soil should always be moderately moist, but not swampy. Choosing the right substrate for planting will reduce the labor costs of caring for the plant by half. During soil preparation, it is necessary to add sand and peat to the garden soil in a ratio of 1:2:1.


The area for planting orchis should under no circumstances be in the shade. But even in direct sunlight, the plant will swelter from the heat. The best place– an area with diffuse lighting.

Watering the plant

If orchis is selected correct soil, it does not need constant hydration. Only during dry periods is it necessary to water the plant more often.

Attention! Many gardeners use rainwater. However, it is not safe. Rainwater contains a number of harmful chemicals and acids, so to avoid an excess of harmful substances, you need to water with settled tap water.

Fertilizer application

The magic flower prefers organic matter and does not need. To provide beautiful flowering humus must be added. To bring the home climate closer to natural environment growth, you will need to add needles to the soil. Every year it is necessary to mulch the soil near the plant, the first time in the spring, the second time in the fall.

Preparing for winter

The plant is resistant to severe frosts, but you should still play it safe. In the fall, you will have to cut the stem of the northern orchid almost to the ground. This procedure will make it easier to endure thaws, and it will be easier for her to withstand sudden temperature changes.

Orchis propagation

To receive the collection northern orchids apply vegetative propagation. The plant is dug up, the replacement root tuber is separated and transplanted to a new location.

During planting, in order for the orchis to better adapt to new conditions, it is necessary to add a little “native” soil to the soil. Thus, the root tuber will better settle in a new place.

In spring, young shoots appear near the adult plant. It is necessary to carefully separate it from the mother plant and replant it. In a new spacious place they will begin to develop faster. You need to replant in mid-spring, when the weather is warm and frosts have passed.

Pests and diseases of orchis

Despite the fragility of the plant, it has a fairly stable immunity to diseases. It is not susceptible to fungal diseases, insects do not like it, but it is simply impossible to fight off snails, slugs and leaf beetles. Used for destruction mechanical methods struggle.

Setting up traps and laying straw circles near plants helps.

While watching the video you will learn about orchis.

In landscape design, orchis is most often used to decorate rock gardens; coniferous trees serve as its background and can very rarely be found in flower beds.

Attention, super FLIGHT!

What is a herb like orchis? The use in folk medicine and description of this plant will be discussed in this article.

basic information

Orchis, the photo of which is presented above, is a plant belonging to the Orchid family. The name of this herb is of Greek origin and is translated into Russian as “egg”. This strange name is associated with the appearance of the plant’s tubers, which very much resemble testicles.

There are also other versions of the origin of the Russian name of this herb. According to one of them, in the past, orchis root was very often used as a so-called jatra flower.

Like many other plants, the grass in question can be called as follows: kokui, swamp proshiben, vymechko, two roots, five-stick grass, love-root, dog tongues, core or solomondina handle.

Botanical description

Orchis grass is a perennial tuberous plant. Its average height is about 10-50 cm. The orchis root is a thickening in the form of two tubers, or so-called salep.

The leaves of this plant are linear-broadly lanceolate or broadly lanceolate, covering the stem with a narrowing into a petiole.

Orchis flowers have small sizes, collected in a long spike-shaped multi-flowered inflorescence 7-9 or 15 cm long. They can have a lilac-pink or dark cherry color.

The upper petals of such flowers form a kind of helmet, and the lower petals form the so-called lip with a spur. Red spots located on the lip serve as a kind of landmark that attracts pollinating insects.

While waiting for pollination, the flowers of this herb may not wither for 7-10 days. However, when pollen gets on the stigmas of the pistil, they die immediately. The orchis plant blooms from April to August.

Most species of this herb reproduce by seeds. But some (for example, orchis orchis) can divide vegetatively, forming two new tubers instead of one.


Spotted orchis and other species of this plant grow in the cold, subtropical and temperate climates of the Northern Hemisphere. This grass can be found in Central and Southern Europe, as well as far into Asia. Some plant species grow in North America. As for Russia, orchises are found in large numbers in the Crimea and the Caucasus Mountains.

Features of growth

Spotted orchis and other types of grass usually grow in moist soil, although they do not tolerate excessive waterlogging.

During the driest and hottest period of summer, such plants go into a dormant state. They remain in the soil in the form of tubers and rhizomes until the next favorable season.

In autumn, orchises begin to grow actively, hurrying to complete their life cycle until July.

Most species of a plant such as orchis (photo presented in this article) belong to calciphiles. In other words, they like to grow in lime-rich soil. There are also species that prefer alkaline or rich minerals priming.

Almost all orchises choose areas with high illumination for their growth (for example, meadows, sparse forest zones, forest edges). Although some plants can still be found in the shade.

Features of the grass

Orchis is a patient. In other words, such a plant tries to avoid proximity to competitive grass species. If this cannot be avoided, then it occupies less fertile lands. In this regard, orchis are found only in single specimens or in small quantities and quite rarely form large clusters.

The plant in question is well adapted to tolerate unfavorable natural conditions. Thanks to the accumulated substances in the underground organs, it can wait for their changes for several years.

The orchis population is not affected by haymaking or visiting forests in summer period. However, grazing is detrimental to them.

Economic importance and use of grass

Orchis can only be purchased in a pharmacy in dried form. Moreover, not only its flowers and leaves, but also tubers go on sale. The latter contain starch, mucous substances and sugars. Dried rhizomes, or saleps, are actively used as an enveloping and emollient agent for poisoning, gastritis and colitis. Sometimes they are recommended for weak patients to strengthen the body.

It should also be noted that the herb in question is used in veterinary medicine for intestinal catarrh in domestic animals.

Orchis: use in folk medicine

The mucus, which is obtained by shaking crushed orchis tubers, is very often used in folk medicine to treat a variety of various diseases. Although the quality of this medicinal plant has not been fully studied, experts have proven that mucus has a pronounced effect on the human body. It envelops the mucous membranes of the digestive organs, and also has expectorant, hematopoietic, anticonvulsant, restorative and tonic properties.

How else is orchis used? The use of this plant in folk medicine is indicated for poisoning with certain poisons. For this purpose they use water infusion herbs as an oral remedy or enemas. This medicine does not allow dangerous substances to be absorbed in the intestines, which prevents the process of poisoning. Also, therapeutic enemas with orchis are very helpful for hemorrhoids.

It should also be noted that the tubers of this herb have an anti-inflammatory effect in chronic and acute diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. In addition, the plant improves blood composition and promotes its renewal.

For what diseases is it used?

When should you use orchis? Use in folk medicine is indicated for the treatment of the following diseases:


How to prepare medicinal mucus from orchis powder? Not all supporters of traditional medicine know the answer to this question. Therefore, we decided to present the drug recipe in this article.

Half a dessert spoon of powder made from the root of the plant should be poured into a glass boiled water, cooled to room temperature. Cover the container with a lid and allow the ingredients to brew for 60 minutes, stirring regularly. To obtain a thicker suspension, fresh honey is sometimes added to the infusion. This ingredient significantly improves the taste characteristics of the product. Take it with therapeutic purpose twice a day (100 ml) before meals. The healing course for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should last at least 30 days.

If you need to make a medicinal decoction of orchis roots, then for this you need to take 3 g of the finished powder and pour 380 ml of it hot water. The resulting mixture should be poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat for 9-10 minutes, constantly stirring the components. Next, the broth needs to be left for half an hour and strained.

Accept this medicine preferably 100 ml three times a day before meals. You should also follow a restorative diet using rice or its decoction. This elixir is often used as an emergency aid for diarrhea and dysentery.

Preserving harmonious relations between man and nature today is one of the most important tasks. Hence the significant attention of society to the protection of natural objects, including flora. It is necessary to preserve the entire diversity of plants - all species, without exception, growing both in a specific territory and on the planet as a whole.
The degree of threat of extinction of different plant species is far from the same. Especially in need of protection rare species plants listed in the Red Book.

Such rare plants that are disappearing from nature include spotted orchis(Orchis maculata L., or Dactylorchis maculata, or Dactylorchiza maculata) from the orchid family (Orchidaceae). The generic name Orchis means "orchid", and the specific name maculata ("spotted") is given to the plant due to the fact that its lanceolate leaves are covered with brownish-brown spots. Because of the spotted leaves, people nicknamed this wild orchid “ cuckoo tears».

Orchis spotted - perennial herbaceous plant with palmately divided roots thickened in the form of tubers (hence its name Dactylorchis - “ palmate orchid»).

Spotted orchis is distributed throughout almost the entire territory of Russia (with the exception of the Far North), Belarus, and Ukraine. The orchid grows in wet meadows and swamps, on the edges of forests and forest clearings, in river and stream valleys, in wet spruce forests, among thickets of bushes. This orchid prefers clay soils, better retain moisture.

In the wild, plant height varies significantly (from 15 cm to 60 cm) depending on growing conditions.
The leaves of spotted orchis are linear-lanceolate; they taper into a petiole or envelop the stem. The simple leafy stem of an orchid ends in a long peduncle with a spike-shaped inflorescence bearing numerous flowers.
The flower has a three-lobed lip with purple spots; the spur is cone-cylindrical. The color of spotted orchis flowers ranges from light lilac to violet. But in our area, this orchid has only two varieties of color.

The spotted orchis blooms in June-July, the seeds ripen in August (the fruit is a capsule with many small seeds). In nature, this orchid reproduces extremely slowly, mainly vegetatively - by dividing the plant. Seed propagation orchis is difficult, since its seeds germinate in the soil only in the case of symbiosis with a fungus of a certain race. Therefore, the emergence of orchid seedlings is sporadic, although orchis annually produces a huge number of seeds.

Orchis spotted in the garden

Due to human development of ever new lands, as well as during dry years, there are fewer and fewer orchises in nature. To save and increase these beautiful plants, there is only one way out - to transfer wild orchids to the category cultivated plants, massively propagate them for decorative and medicinal purposes and return these rare plants into nature. What I am doing. Orchises tolerate transplantation well.

Many years ago, a frail plant of spotted orchis settled in my garden. New favorable conditions growth affected him very quickly. A year later, the rescued plant was transformed beyond recognition. Its stems became three times taller and thicker; dense cylindrical “ears” of huge inflorescences with numerous elegant flowers formed on them. Even the color of the flowers became extraordinary, more intensely bright. Moreover, I did not water this plant additionally and never fed it with any fertilizers. Such a radical transformation of the orchid occurred only because the orchis began to grow in the fertile, loose soil of the garden, without being surrounded by weeds - it had enough nutrition and moisture, and there was no competition for survival.

Orchis is very winter-hardy and does not need shelter for the winter. It is gratifying that this beautiful orchid never gets sick. My only care for it is to trim the above-ground part when it begins to dry out (around the end of August), when the plant loses its decorative appearance and its seeds have already spilled out.

Over the years of growing in the garden, the orchis has grown and multiplied significantly. Many young orchids sprout on their own and grow among my clematis plantings. Most likely, the orchis seeds got there along with particles of soil on the soles of the shoes. I believe that the orchid seeds successfully sprouted there because when planting clematis, I added a large number of prefabricated compost, not completely rotted; And also - I water clematis abundantly in the summer. In such loose, moist, fertile soil live a huge number of compost earthworms. Perhaps it was the worms that created the favorable microflora in which the fungi necessary for the germination of orchid seeds settled.

Spectacular flowering orchis growing in a group creates a wonderful spectacle.

However, spotted orchis has long been valued not only as ornamental plant, but also as a medicinal: its tubers, called salep.

Root system in orchis it is fibrous; Nutrients formed by the roots are transferred to the juicy storage root tuber. In spring and summer, the stored nutrients of the orchid are spent on the development of the above-ground part, flowering and seed formation, so the root tuber is gradually depleted and dies. But since spring, a new daughter storage tuber is formed in the axil of the base of the orchis leaf. It overwinters and serves for the development and reproduction of the plant next year. The tubers of spotted orchis are usually two- or three-fingered, slightly compressed. The tubers of this orchid accumulate so many valuable substances that if you eat them, the energy contained in them is enough for the normal functioning of the human body during the day! Although orchis tubers cannot boast of taste - they taste like ordinary grass...

The nutritional properties of spotted orchis tubers were used by the Persians when conquering new lands. They dug up and stored a large number of root tubers of this plant. In the absence of usual food during long campaigns, warriors could go without food for a long time, eating only crushed orchid tubers along with water or milk.

Medicinal properties and the use of spotted orchis

For medical purposes, only young tubers of spotted orchis are used. They are dug up during flowering or immediately after the plant has flowered (when the flower arrow has not yet fallen off). Orchid tubers are peeled, strung on a thread and immersed in boiling water for several minutes to prevent further germination. Then the tubers are dried in air, hanging on threads.

Salep contains mucus (47-50%), starch (27-31%), dextrin (13%), pentosans, methylpentosans, sucrose (1%), bitter substances, essential oil. Mucus consists primarily of mannan (a high molecular weight polysaccharide).

Orchis spotted is used as a stimulant for sexual impotence, as an antidote for poisoning with cauterizing poisons. Due to the mucus content, salep has enveloping properties - this is important in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract, due to which inflamed tissues are protected from excessive irritants. Salep is used for stomach and duodenal ulcers, ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids and other gastrointestinal diseases, for dystrophy, for exhaustion, and for loss of strength due to a long-term illness.

The mucus of salep is isolated immediately before use: the tubers of spotted orchis are crushed, poured hot water(200 ml of boiling water is taken for 2 g of dried root tubers) and shaken for 10-15 minutes. The resulting mucus is stored in a cool place for no more than 2-3 days. This gelatinous mass is consumed 1 teaspoon 3 times a day (together with cereals, broths, milk and other products). Or take salep mucus for 2-3 days, a tablespoon several times a day (before each meal and at night before bed). For children, this dose should be reduced depending on age and weight.

The mucous mass obtained from salep has no taste or smell. Therefore, this healing remedy is successfully used to treat sick children, as well as in surgery, in ear-nose-throat clinics (especially for severe “tube” patients). This mucus is also recommended for giving enemas (50 ml of mucus is taken for one therapeutic enema).

Salep mucus should not be consumed together with tannin and other astringents, as it precipitates.
Contraindications and side effects salep does not have.

As a stimulantfor the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases and poisoning: take 3-10 g of spotted orchis tubers per 180 water.
Grind 3-5 g of tubers, pour in 0.2 cups of cold water, gradually add boiling water to 1.5-2 cups, stirring for 10-15 minutes until mucus is obtained. Take salep mucus before meals, 3-4 times a day, 2-6 tbsp. spoons

For catarrh of the colon and catarrh of the bladder: spotted orchis tuber powder is diluted in cold water 1:10, then add 90 parts of boiling water or milk and shake again until a thick, uniform mass is obtained.

For diarrhea and dysentery: use aqueous emulsion of spotted orchis. The tuber powder is diluted in cold water 1:10, then 90 parts of boiling water are added and shaken again until a thick, uniform mass is obtained. Add a decoction of flaxseed to the emulsion (1 teaspoon per glass of boiling water) and then the cooled mixture is used for enemas.

As a means to maintain strength in decrepit old people, in tuberculosis patients and other patients, in those who have suffered severe and prolonged bleeding (including hemorrhoids), in people who have lost strength and health after difficult experiences. In the tubers of spotted orchis, which are relatively small in volume, a powerful concentrate accumulates nutrients. Taken in quantities corresponding to the characteristics of the disease, spotted orchis quickly restores strength in an exhausted and sick person.

In Bulgaria, salep is used as an enveloping anti-inflammatory agent for acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, for gastrointestinal catarrh, for dysentery (especially in young children) in the form of an infusion: 3 g of tubers per 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. For diarrhea, adults drink the infusion hot, and children give it cooled.

In Austrian medicine, spotted orchis tubers are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Salep preparations are prepared in pharmacies.

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Orchis or orchis refers to perennial plants. A wild orchid, one of the endangered species, perfectly adapted to growing on garden plots.

The genus has about 40 species. It reaches a height of about 50 cm. The flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence up to 15 cm long. The flower is grown for decorative and medicinal purposes. The wild orchid blooms for a long time. Some species have pleasant aroma, reminiscent of vanilla.

Care and cultivation of orchis

The plant prefers partial shade, but can grow in sunny areas with regular watering. Moist, loose, fertile and well-drained soils are suitable for growing orchis. On suitable soils, orchis grows well without watering or fertilizing. When grown in soils that are not too rich, regular watering is required. It is worth remembering that excess moisture has a negative effect on the plant. Used as fertilizer organic fertilizers(not manure), which are applied at planting or as mulch in spring or autumn. Usually pine needles and compost are used as mulch.

At the end of summer, after drying begins, the ground part is cut off to the base. Orchis is winter-hardy, so it does not require winter shelter. In general, wild orchids do not require special care and easily adapts to any conditions.

On a note

If you look closely, the plant has an unusual shape of flowers that resemble small fancy people or the face of a monkey.


Orchis is propagated by seeds and root division. Propagation by seeds is carried out at any time of the year. Sowing of seeds is carried out in a moistened, loose and fertile substrate. Seeds are germinated at a temperature of about 18-24 degrees Celsius. Shoots appear unevenly, the germination period can vary from 3 months or more. IN open ground The seedlings are planted after the threat of frost has disappeared. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 12 cm from each other.

Propagation by root division is carried out in the fall. When replanting, part of the soil from the old place is transferred to the new one. landing hole. This procedure is important because the soil contains the soil fungi necessary for the plant.