The best lawn grass. The best lawn grass - rating of manufacturers. Types of grasses and lawn mixtures

The functional “responsibilities” of a lawn can be compared to the purpose of a living room in a house. In addition to decorative purposes, this part suburban area Can serve as a place for children's games or picnics. In this article we will talk about making the right choice and planting lawn grass.

It should immediately be noted that a green lawn has the ability to improve the microclimate of a suburban area thanks to:

  • effective fight against airborne bacteria;
  • excellent absorption of dust and vibrations;
  • reducing the costs of eliminating weeds.

But creating a beautiful, healthy lawn takes a little effort and time. At the initial stage, you will need some knowledge about the types of lawn grasses. After all, they are the basis for creating a high-quality lawn.

Depending on the timing of growth, there are three main types of herbs:

  • annuals;
  • two-year-olds;
  • perennial

Annual plants live only one year. After the seeds ripen, all above-ground and underground organs die off. These include annual ryegrass and bluegrass.

Biennial grasses (multifloral ryegrass, hop alfalfa) are characterized by the formation of stems, leaves and roots in the first year of life, and fruit-bearing shoots (fruits, seeds and flowers) in the second year.

As for perennial grasses, their development phase includes:

  • death of shoots in the first year;
  • the appearance of buds at the roots of plants;
  • shoots growing from these buds next year;
  • annual vegetative renewal of the root system.

The most successful solution would be to sow perennial grasses in the area. Their most important characteristic is life cycle. It depends on the speed of flowering of grasses. The maximum lifespan is for plants that are characterized by slow development from germination to flowering. These include:

  • bentgrass;
  • red fescue;
  • meadow bluegrass.

Grows quite quickly:

  • pasture wheatgrass;
  • rootless wheatgrass;
  • multicolor ryegrass;
  • comb

A very important criterion for lawn grass is the degree of development of the root system. Based on this characteristic, plants are divided into:

  • loose bush;
  • rhizomatous;
  • rhizomatous-loose bushes;
  • taproot;
  • dense bush.

In loose-bush grasses (meadow fescue, wild grass, rhizomatous wheatgrass, most types of ryegrass), the root system is located near the earth's surface. They have one tillering node and an aboveground spreading bush that produces many shoots.

Rhizomatous plants (white bentgrass, bluegrass, meadow foxtail and several types of red fescue) are characterized by the proximity of the root shoot to the ground surface. Underground shoots have several nodes at once. Thanks to the rapid growth of a new root system, stems appear and the constant presence of grass for a long period of time.

Rhizome-loose-bush grasses such as red fescue, meadow bluegrass and bentgrass have long and short roots. This leads to a dense and uniform settlement of the soil. In most cases, these plants are the basis for creating a high-quality lawn.

Taproot herbs include red and white clover, blue alfalfa, horned butterfly and sainfoin. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a dominant shoot, which is located near the surface of the earth. The growth of young shoots occurs on a large tap root, which becomes thicker every year and penetrates the soil to its maximum depth. These plants are attractive lush bush, not requiring special care.

The tillering point of dense bush grasses (furrowed fescue, sheep fescue, white fescue) is located above the ground surface. New shoots are attached to old shoots. When grass grows, hummocks appear. For this reason, sowing and caring for densely bushy plants is done very carefully.

There is another classification of lawn grasses, which depends on the height of the shoots. Plants are distinguished:

  • upper tier;
  • middle link;
  • lower tier.

The upper tier consists of light-loving herbs. They have thick stems reaching up to 1 m in height. These lawn grasses include:

  • sainfoin;
  • creeping wheatgrass;
  • a boneless fire;
  • narrow-haired wheatgrass.

Plants of the middle link (yellow alfalfa, hybrid clover, pasture ryegrass, meadow timothy, meadow fescue) reach a height of up to 0.6-1 m. The main advantage of their use is that after cutting they begin to bush well. And this makes the lawn more attractive.

When creating the lower tier, grasses are used that have thin stems and grow up to 0.7 m. These include:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • red fescue;
  • white clover;
  • horned frog;
  • bentgrass

After mowing them, a dense, squat covering is formed.

Particularly popular is planting lawn grass, which is a mixture of plants. Moreover, mixtures of herbs are produced for different climatic and soil characteristics of the area.

The most universal of them is lawn composition"Lilliputian". It consists of seven components that are highly resistant to many environmental factors:

  • 3 types of red fescue (Reverent, Olive, Independence) – 55%;
  • Brooklawn meadow bluegrass – 20%;
  • Helena red hairy fescue – 10%;
  • fine Highland bentgrass – 10%;
  • bentgrass Kato – 5%.

The variety of lawns and the distinctive features of proper coverage

There are two main types of lawns:

  • special;
  • decorative.

The former are also called sports surfaces. They are designed for sports and children's games. Sports turf is resistant to increased loads. It can host friendly matches in football, tennis, field hockey and badminton.

The main goal of a decorative lawn is to create a stylish and harmonious landscape design. Moral satisfaction and attractive aesthetic properties are the main advantages decorative coatings for a person.

It is these two qualities that make the second type of lawn more in demand. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from. Decorative lawns are divided into:

  • parterres;
  • Moorish;
  • roll;
  • meadow

Parterre flat lawn coverings have an excellent landscape. They will look great around flower beds and along long alleys. It is not advisable to walk on the parterre lawns. Therefore, they act only as original decorative elements.

Moorish lawns are non-standard and elegant coverings. They consist of flowering summer plants no more than 0.5 m high. This type the lawn does not require close attention. The main thing is timely watering of the site. Coverage renewal occurs once a year.

Rolled lawn coverings are suitable for those owners of a country plot who are interested in quickly creating a picturesque green lawn. They are distinguished by simple installation technology. A load-resistant roll lawn is needed:

  • deliver to the installation site;
  • spread out correctly;
  • compact and water.

The main purpose of meadow lawns is to plant grass in large areas. Moreover, not only grass is planted in the ground, but also various garden flowers. The presence of backlight will create favorable conditions in winter.

Regardless of the type of lawn covering, it must meet a number of requirements. The main criteria of the device the right lawn are:

  • effective weed control;
  • normal growth after applying mineral fertilizers;
  • resistance to freezing and disease;
  • the fastest possible process of plant rooting;
  • the presence of a powerful branched root system;
  • ability to vegetative propagation and growth on depleted soils;
  • slow growth rates and preservation of bright colors after cutting.

Installation of a Moorish lawn

One of the most common decorative coverings is Moorish lawn. This is not surprising, since it has many advantages. The main ones:

  • probability of growth on any type of soil;
  • minimal maintenance requirements;
  • affordable price of lawn grass;
  • low costs for arranging the coating.

The Moorish lawn is similar to a bright green meadow, on which a variety of flowers grow. Conventionally, its creation consists of the following stages:

  • selection of grass and flower seeds;
  • determination of landscape configuration;
  • soil preparation;
  • sowing seed material;
  • plant care.

When choosing grass seeds, you must meet a number of requirements that are typical for a Moorish lawn. These include:

  • the presence of low-growing plants;
  • the number of flowers in the lawn should not exceed 20%;
  • mixing seeds with sand in a ratio of 1:3 before sowing.

The main grasses for lawns are:

  • annual ryegrass;
  • common bentgrass;
  • thin bentgrass;
  • red fescue.

As for flower seeds, preference is given to those that will bloom at different times. The main condition is low height plants. The following are suitable for decorating a Moorish lawn:

  • carnations;
  • hyacinths;
  • calendula;
  • terry tulips;
  • primrose;
  • dwarf zinnias;
  • daisies.

When determining the shape of the area to be planted with lawn grass, it is based on personal preference. Although in most cases rectangular shape is the most common.

You need to start preparing the soil for the Moorish lawn in the fall. The area is dug up and organic fertilizers. Further work will be carried out in the spring. They provide:

  • digging the soil to a depth of 10 cm;
  • removal of weed roots;
  • deposit ammonium nitrate(10-15 g/1 m²);
  • watering the site;
  • leveling and compacting the earth's surface.

The need to compact the earth is due to the fact that if there is a load on the lawn:

  • the soil will go down;
  • Contact with shoes will leave footprints on the lawn.

This will lead to loss of attractiveness of the coating and will complicate its care.

Sowing work is carried out in the following order:

  • loosening the top layer of soil (2-3 cm);
  • scattering seeds throughout the territory (10 g of seeds mixed with sand per 1 m²);
  • covering the seeds with soil;
  • watering the area (water from the sprinkler should flow as if it were raining lightly);
  • covering the planted area with plastic film for several days.

Caring for a Moorish lawn involves timely:

  • glaze;
  • removal of weeds;
  • treatment of herbal diseases.

If rot (fusarium) is present, part of the lawn covering is removed along with the fertile soil. If appeared powdery mildew, then the plants should be treated with a fungicide and the amount of watering reduced.

Additional plant care includes spring cleaning of the lawn surface from dry grass, debris and leaves. 2-3 years after sowing, the lawn becomes heavily compacted. To ensure that air access to the root system of herbs does not stop, it is necessary to carefully pierce the ground with a pitchfork 1-2 times a year.

Features of creating a sports lawn

Distinctive feature sports lawn is the need to install a drainage system. The surface should not be covered with puddles or mud, and you should move on the grass without slipping.

The process of creating a drainage system involves performing the following work:

  • the top soil layer is removed to a depth of 0.5-1 m (depending on the groundwater level);
  • a slope is created from the lower part of the drainage towards the outer parts (per 1 m of length - 5-10 mm of slope);
  • plastic or asbestos-cement pipes are laid at the very bottom of the trench at intervals of 5 m;
  • holes are made in the pipes every 25-30 cm and covered with fibrous material;
  • laying geotextile material;
  • collector device (pipes are used whose diameter exceeds the diameter of the drainage pipes by 2 times);
  • the slope of the collector pipes towards the water intake is provided;
  • filling the trench with crushed stone.

There is no need to connect collector and drainage pipes. Their ends are brought to the surface of the filled crushed stone. You also need to think about the design of the well. It should have a diameter within 1.5 m and a depth of up to 2 m (located below the collector).

After laying the pipes, a subsoil cushion is created. It consists of crushed stone, gravel and sand. It is better when sand and gravel have different grain sizes. Creating a pillow involves sequential laying of materials, starting with the coarse fraction and ending with the fine fraction.

Conventionally, filling the trench from bottom to top will occur as follows:

  • large granite crushed stone;
  • small crushed stone;
  • large gravel;
  • fine gravel;
  • sand.

The technology for constructing a subsoil cushion involves covering all communication elements of the drainage system with gravel and crushed stone. Sand is used to level the surface.

The size of the subsoil cushion can be completely different. The main thing is that its upper part is at a level of 25-30 cm from the subsequently laid lawn. All layers are compacted and then watered. A bias must be made towards the drainage collectors.

For sowing sports turf the following are used:

  • red fescue (the main grass that makes up the lawn within 40-60%);
  • meadow fescue;
  • creeping bentgrass;
  • white bentgrass;
  • common bentgrass;
  • meadow bluegrass;
  • perennial ryegrass;
  • common comb.

The technology for planting grass for sports turf is identical to the construction of Moorish turf. The only difference is the seeding rate, which is 45-50 g/m². The seedlings roll away when they reach a height of up to 5 cm. When the grass grows to a height of 16-18 cm, the first cutting is performed.

Video on installing a lawn:

The best herb is a vague concept because... the best grass will vary for different conditions.

Everyone who thinks about installing a lawn sooner or later begins to look for answers to the question of what kind of grass will be the best for a lawn, what varieties to choose for areas in our climate, and most importantly, what kind of grass will be the most reliable and does not require serious care .

Before we talk about the most suitable varieties lawn grasses, we will determine by what criteria you can distinguish truly high-quality grass.

What are the requirements for good lawn grass?

The most important requirement is that lawn grass must be a perennial plant, but which of all the perennials is best? Of course, perennial cereals should be especially highlighted. They will not need to be sown with the onset of each new season. It will be enough to spend time and effort once on laying a grass lawn in order to subsequently maintain it in order, providing minimal maintenance. Below are the main criteria by which you should select high-quality lawn grass.

Firstly, plants must cope well with frost and temperature changes. Secondly, it is important that they grow well in the Russian climate. Thirdly, they had an aesthetic appearance. Fourthly, they were distinguished by a strong root system, capable of developing even on compacted soils.

Among other things, grasses should recover quickly after mowing and respond well to fertilizing mineral fertilizers, have the ability to reproduce vegetatively.

What lawn grass is most suitable for creating a lawn in the country's climate?

Taking into account the requirements listed above, we can distinguish only three types of herbs that meet them on all counts. These plants will cope well with the vagaries of the weather in Russia and will be able to grow and develop, requiring minimal care. We are talking about thin bentgrass, meadow bluegrass and red fescue. All these are examples of short-rhizome cereal plants.

Fescue, bluegrass and bentgrass respond really well to temperature changes and unexpected spring frosts. Their rhizomes can withstand the severest frosts, forming a dense turf through which weeds will not be able to break through. Grasses quickly recover after mowing, reproduce vegetatively, and can grow without requiring reseeding for many years.

When studying grass mixtures in stores, choose those that contain the highest percentage of the above-mentioned cereals. Please note that often the composition of mixtures can be placed on the packaging in Latin. So, for example, the usual thin floorboard is called Agrostis tenuis, fescue - Festuca rubra, meadow bluegrass - Poa pratensis. Remember these names so you can determine the presence of the plants you need in your lawn grass mixtures.

What else is included in good lawn mixtures?

Lawn grass mixture may contain different types herbs

In fact, not only a lawn grass mixture that includes cereals can be used to create a beautiful green canvas; reviews from site owners and landscape designers confirm that there are also other plants that are excellent for growing in the country’s climate. All of them also tolerate frost well and do not require special complex care. The only thing that is important to understand is that we are talking about additional components. This means that they should not form the bulk of the mixture.

Listed below are the main types of herbs used as additional components.

Bentgrass has one main advantage - it grows intensively. The downside is that the shoots are not the most beautiful reddish tint, which introduce an imbalance into the overall uniform color of the canvas.

Other types of bluegrass besides the previously mentioned meadow grass, for example, common or narrow-leaved. These plants are not as “tenacious” as their meadow counterpart; they need to be reseeded every 5 years. Decorative properties are also not up to par. However, as an additional component of the grass mixture, bluegrass of one and two types would be quite appropriate.

Herbs for specific climates

For certain climate conditions on the site, you can select certain types of grass. Yes, they are not universal, but in some areas it would be appropriate to plant them.

For example, oak grass bluegrass grows and develops well in partial shade. Which means that this best variety for installing lawn grass in the shade garden trees, buildings. With its help, it will be possible to achieve the formation of a uniform green canvas throughout the entire territory of the site, regardless of how intensely they are illuminated by the sun. An important point is that bluegrass does not tolerate regular mowing at all, since it does not have a reliable root system. This needs to be taken into account.

Another option is swamp bluegrass, which can decorate an area with a high degree of humidity, where it is not possible to install a drainage layer. The plant forms a beautiful, rich green cover with a powerful root system, but, unfortunately, it quickly dies, so it often needs reseeding. An excellent option is a mix of their white bentgrass and marsh bluegrass, which can grow in marshy soils. Bentgrass is not as spectacular as bluegrass, but it can grow without needing reseeding for 8 years.

To create parterre lawns that do not require mechanical loads, you can plant dog bentgrass. The plant is amazingly beautiful and allows you to create the effect of velvet fabric on the lawn due to the thin and delicate blades of grass that shimmer in emerald color. The problem is that this bentgrass variety is not long-lived (lives no more than 5 years), and is not capable of forming a reliable root system and does not tolerate trampling.

If the main goal is to select fast-growing grass to form a lawn within several months, then you can opt for a mixture that contains meadow fescue. It will cover the area with a thick cover of grass in 7-8 weeks and can be used in its pure form. The downside of the cereal is its short lifespan, only 4 years, and a weak root system.

What to look for when choosing seeds for your lawn?

Typically, packaging with grass mixtures contains information about what type of lawn they are suitable for and in what conditions they will grow best. Study this information before making a choice. Also pay attention to the seed production date, manufacturing company, country and seeding rate.

High-quality seeds for a beautiful lawn must be sold with a country certificate, meanwhile, they must be adapted to the climate in your region. When choosing herbs, take into account the composition of the soil on the site, the degree of lighting and the groundwater level. All these indicators influence the growth and development of the lawn.

It is important that the seeds match the type of lawn. For a sports lawn, for example, this is one mixture of grass seeds that are resistant to trampling, and for a parterre lawn - these are other grass seeds, as beautiful as possible, but not at all intended for loads. This important points things to think about when choosing the best grass for the site.

Dachas and garden plots can be used not only for planting potatoes and constant labor. At the dacha you can simply relax from the bustle of the city. And a beautiful lawn planted with your own hands will help decorate this unforgettable vacation.

A little about lawns

A green lawn at the dacha will certainly please the eye. But the idea that you plant a lawn once and forget it is wrong. It also needs to be looked after and monitored, and this is not easy work. You need to be able to understand a lot of things. But if for some reason or due to your own laziness there is no opportunity to care for the grass, it doesn’t matter. There is salvation for the lazy.

Dwarf lawn

A good advantage of such a lawn is its unpretentiousness. You don't need to look after him that much. The basis for it is low-growing. They do not require careful care, weekly haircuts and leveling. Such a lawn grows on its own, waiting for the owner to have time to visit it. Low-growing lawn grasses, as the name suggests, do not grow particularly upward. They have all the necessary qualities.

In order for the lawn to be rich and beautiful, it is important to choose the right varietal composition of grass. The future green cover depends on what kind of grass is included in the seeds. It is best to purchase in specialized stores for florists and landscape designers. It is there that you can ask the consultant to select lawn grass seeds that would be more suitable for the conditions of the required green flooring.

What should lawn grass be like?

Lawn grasses have been selected by generations of florists. The bred plants have all the required qualities: bright and rich color, softness, and so on. First of all, low-growing lawn grasses should form a so-called dense carpet. Indeed, if you look at the lawn, it seems as if it is just a green carpet. It is this quality that is very important. Because without this you won’t get a full-fledged lawn. It will look like a carpet with holes in it. So, it is important that lawn grass covers the entire area of ​​the summer cottage.

Resistance to physical damage and trampling. If you plan to organize all kinds of picnics and parties, then the grass must be resistant to this kind of damage. Even to just walk around your site and not harm its appearance, it is important to know that the planted grass is resistant to trampling.

Drought resistance is a major factor in grass longevity. Those low-growing lawn grasses that by their nature are not resistant to high temperatures and long droughts are theoretically not suitable for planting in a summer cottage. Such plants will dry out quickly, and all the work will be in vain.

Typically, lawn grass seeds do not require much care. But if you want to quickly see the fruits of your labor, then you can add special fertilizers that speed up the process of seed germination. And so they can easily grow on their own.

In addition to various aesthetic qualities, plants must be resistant to disease, otherwise some epidemic will mow them down no worse than a lawn mower. This principle implies that the grass should be replaced every two or three years. After several years, the lawn becomes more vulnerable to disease. To avoid this, you need to pull out the old grass and sow new grass every few years.

Perennial or annual

There are different types: single- and perennial grasses are best suited for the lawn. Since after winter they will be pleasing to the eye for another year or two. They also grow much slower than their annual counterparts, and this is precisely the quality that should be present in low growing grasses. By choosing perennial grasses, you can provide yourself with a lawn for another couple of years.

Lawn grass: price

It is very important to buy good seed material. The future of the lawn depends on it. Lawn grass, the price of which depends on the composition and proportions of the seeds of various herbs, can range from six hundred to three thousand rubles. Depending on the variety, weight and quality of the seeds.

Grass vs weeds

Lawn grass that kills weeds is not a fiction. It is very unpleasant when some weeds grow in the middle of a beautiful green carpet. Most The best way weed control - frequent mowing. You can also pull them out by hand. If you don’t have time to resist such a scourge on your own, then you should give nature a chance to fight it.

Lawn grass that kills weeds must consist of a mixture of specific plants. Such a set should contain one that copes with its task very well. It requires frequent moisture for fast and normal growth, so it is best to plant it in moist and shady places. Meadow bluegrass and these cereals look great in the overall composition. Planting such a mixture is a great way to forget about weeds in your area.

Lawn in spring time

Spring is the period of flowering and plant growth. By all measures this is best time year to plant a new lawn. Before planting, you should decide what kind of grass you need to sow. You also need to purchase seeds, and if this is the first lawn in your life, then some equipment.

The next step is to prepare the ground. If planting a lawn has been planned for a long time, it is better if the ground is prepared in the fall. This way, during a short period of time, weeds that survived the winter will sprout and can be easily removed. Before sowing a new lawn, care must be taken to ensure that the ground is as level as possible. After all, the future appearance of the dacha plot depends on this.

Lawn grass in spring is planted in the second half of April - the most the right time. It is at this moment that the soil can be prepared after winter, and it itself will be saturated with water from the melted snow.

By summer there will already be mature green shoots on the site. Then you can evaluate your work.

How to properly sow lawn grass

Before this, as already mentioned, it is necessary to prepare the ground: level and remove all weeds. Before planting, you can optionally apply fertilizer to speed up plant growth. So, everything is ready, all that remains is to sow the seeds.

The easiest way is to divide the site into sectors. Having sowed one sector, you can proceed to another. You need to sow so that the ground is evenly covered with seeds. Then you need to sprinkle them with earth and fill them with water.

How long does it take for lawn grass to grow?

Having sowed grass, you can already wonder how long it will take for the grass to sprout. In order for the lawn to sprout in the first two weeks, you need to take good care of it: water it at least every other day. Yes, it’s worth the trouble, but with regular watering, the grass will sprout in one and a half to two weeks (depending on the variety).

In addition to good germination, they have a relatively uniform color, they are frost-resistant and are not too demanding on the nutritional value of the soil. It is not surprising that all of these grains are present in varying degrees in any grass mixture for lawns.

Depending on the purpose of the lawn, the specifics of the area and personal preferences, we select various compositions herbs that are commonly called grass mixtures for lawns. Whether it is a site that does not require mowing, or turf that is resistant to trampling, the composition of the grass mixture for lawns will vary in each case.

Landscape lawn: composition of grasses

Caring for a garden or regular lawn does not require constant intervention. The grass cover is dense and hides the occasional presence of wild grasses, in particular creeping wheatgrass. Therefore, no special lawn grass is required - broad-leaved grasses with the addition of fescue and bentgrass are suitable.

What grass to sow for a garden lawn?

Bluegrass (Poa nemoralis)

Perennial lawn grass that forms loose, soft turf. It grows in height about 30–100 cm. The width of the leaf blades is 1.5–2 mm. Flowering occurs in May–June, panicle size is 10 cm.

This grass is usually included in lawn grass mixtures, broken at the foot of the trees, does not require good lighting. Moist, acidic soil is suitable. But frequent cutting of the Bluegrass leads to its loss and depletion.

Meadow bluegrass (Poa pratensis)

Ornamental grass for lawns, perennial, grows up to 100 cm. Loose turf consists of narrow leaves. June–July is the flowering period. The plant prefers meadows, fields, steppes, illuminated edges, and is not afraid of trampling.

Ordinary lawns, especially on light rocky soils and shady areas, almost always contain. Please note that this lawn grass is not suitable for planting on chalky and overly moist soils. In addition, frequent low haircuts are contraindicated for her.

Among the varieties of Meadowgrass, the most suitable grasses for the lawn are:

  • 'Andante' - squat plants, characterized by increased resistance to diseases such as leaf spot.
  • 'Connie' - low-growing turfs, colored in rich green color. They grow thickly. The variety is resistant to many diseases and trampling.
  • 'Compact' - representatives of this variety with narrow leaves are also resistant to mechanical stress and differ rapid growth, tolerate dry periods well.
  • 'Balin' - increased endurance, resistance to diseases, rapid growth - the main characteristics of this variety.
  • ‘Sobra’ - quite attractive and very resistant to external influence variety

Poa annua

Usually annual, but occasionally perennial grass. The sods are from 5 to 35 cm tall, the panicles are small - no more than 1 cm. The plant prefers to settle near the road, hides in ditches, and quickly fills trampled places. If ordinary lawns only benefit from the presence of Poa annua, then in ground lawns it is considered a weed.


The species grows in any soil and is great for low cutting. At high temperatures leaves turn yellow and lawn grass may fall out.

Common bluegrass (Poa triviales)

Forms sods with short creeping rhizomes. The stem size is 20–120 cm, the width of the smooth leaves is up to 6 mm, the color is bright green. The species is distinguished by its ability to quickly take root, prefers heavy and calcareous soils, and likes to settle in damp areas. However, the plant is not particularly frost-resistant. In addition, the common bluegrass loses attractive appearance with prolonged trampling and is not resistant to drought.


Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne)

A distinctive feature of this species is the pink tint at the base of young leaves. The leaf blades themselves are light green, 4 mm thick. Some varieties are characterized by even narrower leaves, slow growth and good tolerance to low haircuts.


The plant is a common component of grass mixtures for garden lawns. It tolerates heavy soils well, is resistant to trampling, and can grow quickly. Popular varieties Perennial ryegrass:

  • 'Figaro' - multi-purpose use, increased resistance to trampling, dense cover and immunity to many diseases - the main differences of the perennial Ryegrass variety ‘Figaro’.
  • 'Taya' - used to create a multi-purpose lawn, providing a thick and healthy looking surface. The main characteristics are resistance to drought, endurance, increased resistance to trampling.
  • 'Sakini' - plants of this variety are characterized by slow growth, but quickly take root. Wear-resistant.
  • 'Juventus' - this variety was bred specifically as an ornamental grass for lawns, creating a thick cover of green, medium-thick leaves. Plants are distinguished by increased resistance to stress, in particular - elevated temperatures, fungi that cause leaf rust.
  • 'Skor' - representatives of this variety quickly take root, forming wear-resistant, dense, high turf.
  • 'Danilo' - grasses suitable for forming beautiful lawns, with narrow green or dark green leaf blades. They grow densely and are resistant to wear.

Meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis)

Another perennial grass for lawns arranged in moderately moist areas. When flooded with melt water, it can grow for about a month without harming its health. In height it is meadow plant can reach 140 cm, but usually much lower (30–100 cm). The leaves are narrow and flat. Meadow fescue blooms in June, panicle size up to 18 mm. Resistant to trampling.


Timothy grass (Phleum pratense)

The plants form loose bushes, the height of the stems, swollen at the base, is from 15 to 120 cm, the width of the green/gray-green leaves is up to 10 mm. Added to grass mixtures for gardening and meadow lawns.

Meadow Timothy grass turfs are not afraid of trampling; they prefer moist, heavy soils. Low cutting is contraindicated, as is planting in sandy soil.


Common comb (Cynosurus cristatus)

The stem height of this perennial is from 20 to 75 cm, the leaf blades are very narrow. Flowering occurs in June–July, and dense spike-shaped panicles are formed.


It grows well on light soils; in nature, its usual habitat is meadows and clearings. Resistant to trampling.

How to choose grass mixtures for parterre lawns?

The emerald green of the parterre lawn is distinguished by its uniform color and perfectly flat surface. This effect can be achieved by the presence of Polevitsa in the grass mixture for lawns. various types, Fescue. But perennial ryegrass and cereals with wide leaf blades are contraindicated for entry there. In Russia, meadow bluegrass is usually used to create a ground lawn. And of course, such an area requires regular low cutting.

The best grass mixtures for the ground floor (or as it is also called the “English lawn”) include the following types of cereals:

Sheep fescue (Festuca ovina)

A perennial lawn grass that forms dense turf or tussocks. The height of the stems is from 20 to 40 cm, the leaf blades are very narrow - no more than 0.7 mm. Meadows, sands, forests, clearings, clearings - the plant is widespread throughout Russia. It is well tolerated by regular mowing, drought-resistant and wear-resistant.


In addition to lawns, they are used to create rocky gardens and mixed borders.

The best varieties:

  • 'Discovery' - hair-like leaves are dark green in color, forming a dense grass stand. Compared to other varieties of Sheep Fescue ‘Discovery’ is the most resistant to drought and best tolerates soil salinity.
  • 'Triana' And ‘Ridu’ - a distinctive feature of these varieties is increased drought resistance and the ability to quickly adapt.

Red fescue (Festuca rubra)

The rhizomes of this perennial form loose turf. The base of the flat leaves is colored red with a brown tint, the width of the leaf blades is up to 2.5 mm, the maximum height of the stem is about 80 cm. Flowering occurs in June–August, the spike-shaped panicle is up to 10 cm in size. In nature, it prefers clearings, meadows, sandy soils . It is frost-resistant, tolerates trampling well, and is not afraid of shaded places. This species is included in almost all popular grass mixtures for lawns.


Red fescue subspecies red (Festuca rubra subsp.rubra)

Rhizomatous grass. The leaves are very narrow and grow in bunches. The plant is drought- and frost-resistant and thrives in light soils. It grows quite slowly, so it can mix with other slow-growing fescue species. It is found in both ground floor and sports lawns.


  • 'Pernille' - valued for its narrow, very durable leaves, thick cover and increased resistance to diseases.
  • 'Diego' - glossy soft green leaves delight the eye throughout the growing season.
  • 'Laxton' - this variety is distinguished by thick cover and increased resistance to rust. Due to its glossy leaves, it looks good on home lawns.
  • 'Rapid' , 'Rubina' , 'Echo' - the most famous varieties, are popular as drought-resistant and reliable in growing grass.

Variable red fescue (Festuca rubra commutata)

Parterre lawns cannot do without this species. It gets along without problems with other grass-like grasses, the most aggressive of which can displace variable red fescue. The plant quickly takes root, forming dense turf without shoots. It tolerates low haircuts, withstands drought well, and prefers light soils.


Dog bentgrass (Agrostis canina)

The height of this perennial grass is no more than 30 cm. The rhizomes are thin, short, the shoots take root on the surface, forming an elastic, dense turf of rich green shades. The plant likes to settle on waterlogged peat soils, but it also masters other types of soil well. It is frost-resistant and tolerates lack of lighting well.


The first year grows at a slow pace, formation occurs in the second, and more often in the third year.

Slender bentgrass (Agrostis capillaris)

The short rhizomes of this perennial form into a loose turf covering. The height of the stem is 10–60 cm, the width of the delicate bright green leaves is up to 4 mm.

Prefers glades, sandy soils, and low-growing meadows. The grass is characterized by slow growth; regular cutting allows you to form a neat grassy canvas with a dense structure. resistant to frequent pruning, but does not tolerate trampling.


White bentgrass (Agrostis alba)

A distinctive feature of this lawn grass is the ability to form numerous shoots, as well as a branched root system that holds the soil together well. In this case, a strong elastic turf is formed. Dark green leaves reach a width of 2 mm.


The grass grows slowly in the year of planting, loves light soils, but tolerates sandy loam and loam well. Resistant to trampling and frequent pruning. Decorative for proper care up to 10 years of age. It is used in lawns for various purposes.

Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera)

A perennial loose-turf grass with creeping shoots up to 40 cm long. Flat short leaf blades are painted light green, reach no more than 5 cm in length and up to 2 mm in width. As the name implies, it is capable of producing long lateral shoots, which easily (and most importantly, independently) take root in the event of damage to the mother plant. This property often attracts inexperienced gardeners and often leads to uncontrolled growth of the grass, taking over any more or less free space.


The plant prefers loamy, sandy loam and sandy soils, but it is also not afraid of saline and acidic areas. Frost-resistant, resistant to spring damping. However, in the fall it requires cutting as low as possible, otherwise the grass will be withered in the spring.

Varieties of bentgrass:

  • ‘Prominent’ - high density of grass stand, narrow dark green leaves make it possible to use this grass, in particular, for arranging golf courses. The variety is distinguished by increased resistance to pink spot.
  • 'Cromie' - forms magnificent lawns, suitable for forming the cover of a golf course. Provides dense grass and is resistant to low mowing. Differs in winter hardiness.

Grasses suitable for meadow lawns

A meadow is an area with herbaceous plants whose stems are relatively stiff. Heavy trampling of such a lawn is contraindicated. Just like frequent haircuts, which is enough once a month.

The composition of the grass mixture for a meadow lawn should include flora characteristic of the local natural area. In particular this could be:

Soddy pike (Deschampsia cespitosa)

Leaves are light green in color and up to 3 mm wide. and stems from 30 to 100 cm long form turf hummocks. A very ornamental grass, it prefers swampy meadows and the banks of water bodies, and is characterized by the ability to form entire thickets. Well suited for mixborders.


Pussinellia distans

Perennial turf grass with stems from 15 to 50 cm long and dark green leaves about 55 mm. width. In nature, grass can be found on the banks of water bodies, along dirt roads, and saline soils. Not observed in culture.


Soft brome (Bromus mollis)

An annual, rather ornamental grass, not picky about the type of soil. Long flowering - May–September. Reacts well to mowing.

ON THE PICTURE: The fire is soft.

Bromeless brome (Bromopsis inermis)

A perennial herb, it has a cord-like rhizome with root shoots. The stem grows up to 100 cm, the dark green leaves are quite wide - from 4 to 10 mm. The habitat of the cereal is sparse forests, meadows, and riverine sands. The awnless brome is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, resistance to mowing and trampling, and is not afraid of shaded and waterlogged areas. Reacts well to the application of nitrogen fertilizers.


Hedgehog (Dactylis glomerata)

A shade-tolerant perennial herb, it grows 35–120 cm in height. The leaves, reaching from 5 to 20 mm in width, have a light green color. Prefers meadows, can settle along roads. Hedgehog grows well on fertile soils, but with sufficient aeration it does well on heavy loamy and moderately acidic soils.

ON THE PICTURE: Cocksfoot.

Foxtail (Alopecurus geniculatus)

Annual or biennial up to 40 cm high with green leaves. Due to the purple-colored anthers, the flowering Foxtail is especially decorative. The banks of reservoirs, wet, swampy soils - this is where representatives of this species can usually be found.

Meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis)

Perennial lawn grass that forms loose turf. The height of the stems is from 50 to 120 cm, the width of the juicy green leaves is from 4 to 6 mm. The anthers of the cylindrical inflorescence are white and pink; the flowering period occurs in June - at this time the plant has its most decorative appearance.


Meadow foxtail prefers sandy, poor soils, is not afraid of prolonged flooding by rain and melt water, and tolerates mowing well.

Creeping wheatgrass (Elymus repens)

The perennial has very long branched rhizomes and stems from 50 to 120 cm long. Leaf blades are up to 10 mm wide. Prefers glades, meadows, coastal sandy soils. The plant is not suitable for parterre and garden lawns, where it is considered a weed. Component of grass mixture for special purpose lawns, lawn component.

The grass is polymorphic, comes in bluish and green shades, is hairy and bare. Any soil is suitable for its cultivation.

The correct composition of grass mixture for lawns: we prepare it ourselves

Manufacturers usually sell ready-made mixtures grass seeds for lawns with a balanced ratio of different types. But, having the necessary planting material, you can mix the seeds yourself. Here are examples of the most common grass mixtures for various classes of lawns.


  • Thin bentgrass - 1 part;
  • Red fescue - 2 parts;
  • Variable red fescue - 3 parts;
  • Meadow bluegrass - 4 parts.


  • Red fescue - 2 parts;
  • Thin bentgrass - 8 parts.


  • Meadow fescue 1 part
  • Red fescue 3 parts
  • Perennial ryegrass 6 parts.

Low-growing lawn - great option registration personal plot, does not require special care. A lawn covered with a soft green carpet will serve not only as decoration, but also as a pleasant place to relax. Properly selected herbaceous crops will ensure an attractive appearance of the site throughout the year.

An excellent solution is to create a dwarf lawn for the lazy.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dwarf lawn

Low-growing grass has whole line advantages:

  • aesthetics - even in winter the coating retains its green color;
  • high resistance to trampling and weather conditions;
  • unpretentiousness to the composition of the soil;
  • long period of existence - up to 30 years with proper care;
  • resistance to pests and fungal diseases.

Among the disadvantages of low-growing grasses is the financial cost. A dwarf lawn, compared to other types, requires a larger amount of seed material. It is also important to choose the right composition of the herbal mixture. It should include thin-leaved, slow-growing crops. They will allow you to create a universal coating that does not require frequent mowing - “a lawn for the lazy.” It is enough to do this 3-4 times throughout the entire season. This perfect option for those who do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to caring for the site. For comparison, a lawn with tall grass has to be mowed several times a month.

Lawn grass that can be cut 3-4 times per season.

Types of lawn grasses

Let's look at the grasses most commonly used for dwarf coverings:

  • Bentgrass- a bright green plant that retains its color throughout the summer. Its height does not exceed 12 cm. Gardeners are attracted by the ability of bentgrass to grow quickly. One plant covers an area of ​​more than 1 m² with shoots in one season. The bentgrass bushes merge and form a continuous carpet. The grass tolerates trampling well.
  • Clover- another popular one perennial from the short group. Beautiful pink and white spherical flowers give the lawn an original look. Clover's root system is very powerful, so it can be safely planted on steep slopes. Among the disadvantages, gardeners note the plant’s ability to absorb moisture, as a result of which after rain the lawn becomes very slippery and moving on it is dangerous.
  • The plant remains green until late autumn. The lawn sown with it has an excellent appearance for several years. The bushes grow extremely slowly, forming shoots underground, which creates a dense turf. Bluegrass loves water, so it needs to be watered often.

Meadow bluegrass grows quickly and survives the winter well.

  • Simple red fescue- a low-growing grass, especially popular among gardeners. The bushes cover the area evenly, giving the lawn the appearance of a fluffy green carpet. Prolonged drought has a detrimental effect on the plant.
  • Hairy red fescue- the most suitable plant for a dwarf lawn. Long, stiff stems look like wire. Hairy fescue is resistant to temperature changes, drought, and unpretentious to the soil.

Low-growing lawn grasses are usually used for sowing in the form of a mixture in which the ratio different plants selected in such a way that they are clearly expressed decorative characteristics everyone.

Maria Ivanovna, a summer resident from the Volgograd region, shares her impressions of the clover lawn:

“My daughter told me about this lawn. At first I didn't really want to. I thought it would look cheap. And they imprisoned me - and I didn’t regret it. That's so beautiful! The flowers are like white balls on a bright green blanket! Then they turn brown. Then we mowed them, and the meadow bloomed again. However, in wet weather our rug becomes too slippery and slugs appear on it. This is the only inconvenience."

Classification of low-growing lawns

Depending on the grasses sown, the following types of low-growing lawns are distinguished:

  • Clover. Several varieties of clover can be used simultaneously. In sunny weather this area looks especially beautiful. Considering that this plant is considered a weed, sow it away from vegetable beds.

Do you dream of walking barefoot on your own lawn?

  • Lugovoy. The lawn is sown with a mixture of cereals and leguminous plants. Various shades of colors look great against a green background.
  • Mauritanian. The most colorful of all. Thanks to flowering plants capable of changing color many times throughout the season. In addition to various herbs, poppies, cornflowers, and daisies are planted on the lawn.
  • Parterre. A selected combination of herbs from red fescue, meadow grass and raygrass provides extraordinary beautiful view lawn Seeds are sown mainly in prominent places well lit by the sun. The ground lawn is finicky - it is very sensitive to lack of moisture and requires careful soil preparation. He has to be cut more often than others.
  • Sports. It is characterized by rapid growth and high resistance to mechanical stress. The root system is perfectly formed. The grass mixture includes perennial raygrass, red fescue, meadow grass, timothy grass, taken in certain proportions.

There is another one interesting view lawn - rolled. It is a layer of turf with overgrown grass. It is enough to spread such a roll on the site - and the lawn is ready. The grown grass takes root well, allowing you to easily and quickly fill the required area.

Rolls are a completely finished plant cover without weeds.

Popular wood mixtures

Assorted seeds of low-growing grasses are selected in accordance with the characteristics of the site. When choosing seeds, we recommend paying attention to the most popular grass mixtures among gardeners:

Moorish lawn

Manufacturer: Aelita agricultural company.

Ingredients: fescue, bluegrass, bentgrass, ryegrass, clover.

The seeding rate is 1 kg per 100 m².

Packing - paper bag weighing 1 kg.

The average price of one package is 650 rubles.


Manufacturer: German company Agrolux.

Composition - 4 varieties of fescue, meadow bluegrass.

The seeding rate is 3.5 kg per 100 m².

Packaging - 8 kg, 2 kg and 0.5 kg.

The average price of each Lilliput package is 3600 rubles, 1000 rubles. and 300 rub. respectively.


Manufacturer: AgroSemTorg.

Composition - a mixture of fescue, meadow bluegrass, ryegrass.

The seeding rate is 4 kg per 100 m².

Packing - branded bags of 20 kg.

The average price of one bag is 3500 rubles.

Mini Grass

Manufacturer: Russian Herbs agricultural company.

Composition: red fescue, meadow grass.

The seeding rate is from 2.5 to 4 kg per 100 m².

Packaging - 3.5, 7 and 20 kg.

The average price for 1 kg of Mini Grass is 450 rubles.

In arid regions, a special drought-resistant decorative mixture from Blooming Life is popular. Grasses with a deep root system help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the lawn even during prolonged drought.

Surina Olga Petrovna, 51 years old, (Penza region):

“The year before last we sowed the Mini Grass lawn mixture at our dacha. We can't be happier with how beautiful the site looks now! First we had to level it, prepare the soil (in general, the actions are simple - weeding, fertilizing and laying mulch), after which we began to plant the seeds by hand. The lawn started working immediately, in the first year the height was 8 cm before seasonal cutting, in the second - 10 cm. It looks great!”

It is not difficult to sow and grow lawn grass.

Best time to seed your lawn

Herbal mixtures are frost-resistant and can be sown not only in spring and summer, but even in autumn. However, experts believe that it is best to plant lawn grass in the spring in order to be able to eliminate all the shortcomings during the season. By winter, the plants will get stronger and gain vitality.

Sowing in summer period has its advantages - the soil is already well warmed up, weeds, as well as insect pests, lose their aggressiveness. Over the winter, the grass becomes resistant to disease.

Review from gardener G. I. Nesterov (Voronezh region):

“I sowed the Liliput variety in April. By August, a powerful carpet had formed, which is very pleasant to walk on barefoot.”

Grass sowing technology

Preparing the site involves clearing it of stones, stumps, bushes, other items that will interfere with the new lawn. The earth is carefully dug up, weeds are removed and the surface is leveled. Regardless of whether water stagnation occurs or not, a drainage system must be installed. Crushed stone, brick chips, and sand are suitable for its arrangement.

Before planting grass, fertilizers are added to the soil. You cannot sow on a freshly dug area. The soil must catch its breath, sit down. Weeds that appear during this time must be removed.

For planting seeds, choose a windless, dry day. Sowing is done manually or using a seeder to a depth of no more than 1.5 cm. This is done in a cross way - first in one direction, then crosswise.

To compact the soil above the seeds, you need to walk with a roller.

The seeded surface is thoroughly compacted and watered using the sprinkling method - water is distributed onto the surface using a special watering gun. different heights and in different directions. Next watering produced after the first shoots appear. It is important to correctly calculate the area of ​​the lawn so as not to make a mistake and buy the right amount of seeds.

Features of lawn care

In order for a green carpet to always have an attractive appearance, it must be properly cared for. Water your lawn at least 2 times a week. Fertilize the soil periodically - at least 3 times a year - in April, late May and autumn (September-October). If necessary, when yellowing of the grass is observed, even in summer, feed it. Use special ready-made fertilizers for lawns, which must contain potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen. The basic rule when applying fertilizing is its uniform distribution throughout the area. Otherwise, the height of the grass cover may vary.

If your lawn begins to turn yellow, use fertilizer.

Review by Olga Galatinova, owner country house(Tver):

“I have two large dogs, so I sowed the area with low-growing lawn grass for them to walk. Experience has shown that when a layer of dead grass accumulates, it is necessary to pierce the turf around the perimeter of the area to restore aeration. After this, pour plenty of water.”

Pankov Vladimir Ilyich, pensioner (Lipetsk):

“We have a lawn with white clover, bluegrass and red fescue. It is very simple to contain plants from spreading beyond the boundaries of lawns. We mulch first, put high borders around the flower beds, and you can tear off the excess with your hands if it grows too actively. I will add that in the dry summer the lawn practically does not rise in height at all, and in the rainy season it grows to a maximum of 15 cm by the end of August.”

Olga Prokopenko (Saratov region):

“I purchased the Lazy Lawn mixture for sowing. It contains clover seeds, but I added more. It turned out very well - there are white lights on the green field. By the end of summer, the dried inflorescences were almost invisible in the grass.”

Low-growing lawn - The best decision when there is no time to maintain decorative look grass cover. At minimal effort it will complement perfectly landscape design plot and will delight you with its greenery until late autumn.