Why do you need helpers in a fairy tale? Magic helpers in Pushkin's fairy tales. Overseas magical gadgets

I. Magic Helper

1. Assistants

By putting a magical remedy into the hands of the hero, the fairy tale reaches its peak. From this moment on, the end is already in sight. There is a huge difference between the hero who leaves the house and wanders “wherever his eyes look,” and the hero who leaves the yaga. The hero now firmly moves towards his goal and knows that he will achieve it. He is even inclined to boast a little. For his assistant, his desires are “only service, not service.” In the future, the hero plays a purely passive role. His assistant does everything for him or he acts with the help of a magical means. The assistant takes him to distant lands, kidnaps the princess, solves her problems, beats the snake or the enemy army, and saves him from pursuit. However, he is still a hero. The assistant is an expression of his strength and ability.

The list of assistants available in the repertoire of Russian fairy tales is quite large. Only the most typical ones can be considered here. Consideration of an assistant is inseparable from consideration of magical objects. They act exactly the same. So, the flying carpet, and the eagle, and the horse, and the wolf deliver the hero to another kingdom. Therefore, magical assistants and magical objects are combined into one chapter. All assistants represent one group of characters. We will first consider the individual helpers as they are given in the fairy tale. Along the way, some materials may be used to explain this assistant. Each helper individually, however, does not explain the entire category of helpers. After considering each helper separately, we will consider the entire category and only then will we get a general judgment about the helpers. But this judgment cannot yet be final. We must study all the functions of the assistant, and only then will the picture be complete. We have separated these functions into separate chapters. Thus, delivering the hero to another kingdom, solving the princess’s problems, and fighting the snake are studied separately. The issue is complex and broad and cannot be resolved immediately. Its resolution will be revealed gradually.

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The plots of Russian folk tales can be divided into two large groups. In some main character makes efforts to obtain a magical object that has miraculous powers. In other stories, a character in a fairy tale receives a magical means to achieve a worthy goal, such as rescuing a lover who has been kidnapped by a sorcerer and then returning home in triumph.

Magical things found in fairy tales reflected the aspirations of the Russian people for a better life.

Self-assembled tablecloth

A wonderful tablecloth, capable of feeding many people, appears in a variety of fairy tales. To have a hearty meal, just wave the tablecloth and unfold it on the table or on the ground. After such a simple preparation, the hospitable tablecloth will immediately be covered with a wide variety of dishes. After the meal, the heroes do not need to worry about dirty dishes - just roll up the tablecloth along with the leftovers so that they disappear without a trace.

Folklore researchers associate the image of a self-assembled tablecloth with the age-old dream of the people about constant abundance and deliverance from hard work.

Carpet plane

A wonderful means of transportation in the form of a carpet capable of flying is also found in Russian fairy tales. The very idea of ​​a flying carpet was obviously borrowed from the literature of eastern peoples, but it has firmly entered into the plot fabric of Russian fairy tales. On the fairy tale carpet, the heroes of the works go to distant lands to fight Koshchei, or return home from wanderings after tiring adventures.

The image of a flying carpet was used by the Soviet writer L. Lagin in a fairy tale about the old man Hottabych.

Invisible hat

The heroes of fairy tales manage to accomplish many good deeds using a wonderful headdress - an invisibility hat. This magical object is found in Old Slavonic fairy tales. To become invisible, it is not always enough for a hero to put on a magic hat. Sometimes he has to turn his headdress in a special way to hide from prying eyes.

Walking boots

Possessing “seven-league” boots, fairy-tale characters gained the ability to cover vast distances in the blink of an eye. Similar shoes are also found in scenes that arose in the countries of East and Western Europe. Running boots, as a rule, were kept in a locked casket and for the time being behaved calmly. But as soon as the hero put on the magic shoes, he rushed towards the goal with incredible speed, which some modern technical means movement.

In all the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, magic stands on the side of good or plays a neutral role.

1. Goldfish

With gratitude, she fulfilled all the wishes of the old man, or rather his wife.

2. Golden Cockerel

He warned the sovereign about the approach of enemies, thereby helping to protect the state from raids. In the end, he avenged the death of his master, the astrologer, by pecking King Dadon on the crown of his head.

3. Magic mirror

The talking mirror, which provides the necessary information, plays a neutral role in the fairy tale. However, it was always honest with its owner, and did not try to flatter her.

4. Dog Sokolko

The dog felt the evil coming from the old woman and everyone possible ways warned the young princess about the danger.

5. Sun, month and wind

To all this natural phenomena Prince Elisha addressed. They helped him find the princess.

6. Wave

In “The Tale of Tsar Saltan,” the sea waves carried a barrel with the queen and her son to the shore.

7. The Swan Princess

The beautiful sorceress gave Prince Guidon the city in gratitude for saving him from the kite.

And then she gave him miracles (a squirrel, protection from sea knights), turned the prince into an insect so that he could meet his father. And in the end she turned into a beauty and became the prince’s wife.

8. Squirrel

The magical squirrel, which gnaws golden nuts with emerald kernels, made Prince Guidon and all the inhabitants rich.

9. Uncle Chernomor and 33 heroes

The sea knights became reliable guards for the Principality of Guidon.

Such magical helpers are present in the fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Tkachev Egor

The object of study of this work is Russian folk tales and magical objects found in them.

The purpose of the work is to explore the purpose of magical objects in Russian folk tales.

1. Identify objects in fairy tales and classify them.

2. Describe the functions of these objects in fairy tales.




General educational institution

secondary school No. 12 Sizran

Completed by: Tkachev Egor,

3A class student

GBOU secondary school No. 12

Head of work:

Egorova Svetlana Pavlovna,

primary school teacher.



The role of magical objects in Russian folk tales

1. Introduction

Russian folk tales are one of the main treasures of our culture. They have been translated into many languages ​​and are world famous. A fairy tale enters the life of every person from early childhood. The most common type of fairy tales are tales about animals. The animals and birds in them are both similar and not similar to real ones. A rooster walks in boots, carrying a braid on his shoulder; The wolf catches a fish and says: “Catch, fish, both small and large!” The fox informs the black grouse about the new “decree”. Older children like fairy tales. They attract with the development of action, the struggle of light and dark forces, and miraculous transformations.

The simplest and at the same time the most important ideas - about intelligence and stupidity, about cunning and straightforwardness, about good and evil, about heroism and cowardice, about kindness and greed - are given to us by fairy tales.

The object of study of this work is Russian folk tales and magical objects found in them.

The purpose of the work is to explore the purpose of magical objects in Russian folk tales.


1. Identify objects in fairy tales and classify them.

2. Describe the functions of these objects in fairy tales.

2. The role of magical objects in Russian folk tales

A fairy tale is a narrative, usually folk-poetic work about fictional persons and events, mainly involving magical, fantastic forces. This definition of a fairy tale is given in the explanatory dictionary of S. I. Ozhegov. Similar interpretations are offered in the dictionaries of D. N. Ushakov (“A fairy tale is a narrative work of oral folk art") and V. I. Dahl ("Fairy Tale - a fictional story").

If you choose words with the same root for the word “fairy tale”, the result will be a series of words that to a certain extent reveal its meaning: fairy tale - tell - tell. In essence, a fairy tale is what is told, an oral story about something interesting both for the performer and for the listener, despite the fact that it is always focused on fiction, be it moral stories about animals, fairy tales, adventurous stories , satirical jokes. Ignorance of fairy tales, like one of significant shortcomings education, assessed A.S. Pushkin: “I listen to fairy tales and make up for the shortcomings of my damned upbringing. What a delight these tales are! Each one is a poem!”

In a fairy tale, a person communicates with creatures that you will never meet in life: Koshchei the Immortal, Baba Yaga, the many-headed Serpent, giants, dwarf sorcerers. Here are also unprecedented animals: the Golden Antlers Deer, the Golden Bristle Pig, the Burka Sivka, the Firebird. Often wonderful objects fall into the hands of a person: a ball, a self-shaking wallet, a self-assembled tablecloth, a self-assembled baton. In such a fairy tale, everything is possible!

A fairy tale begins with the main character, for one reason or another, leaving his home, and then leaving the ordinary world. Everything that a character in a fairy tale does, most often, happens in a strange, strange world: in the kingdom of copper, silver, gold, or in the far distant kingdom of the thirtieth state.

Many fairy tales tell about military feats. But fairy-tale heroes do not fight for Rus', not for the Russian land. They obtain for the king some wondrous, wonderful object.

A fairy tale puts some magical gift into the hands of the hero, and with the help of this gift he achieves his goal.

The number of magical items is unusually large. These are clothes (hat, shirt, boots, belt); tools and weapons (sword, club, whip, stick, stick); all kinds of bags, sacks, purses, vessels; musical instruments(whistles, horns, harps); household items(flint, towels, carpets, tablecloths, balls, mirrors, cards), fruits, berries. The main thing in all these items is the magical power they possess, helping the hero achieve his goal.


In the fairy tale, the ax itself cuts down a ship or chops wood, and the buckets themselves bring water. Interestingly, the ancient connection with animals has not yet been lost here. This is done at the behest of the pike. But this connection is not necessary in a fairy tale. The club itself beats the enemies and takes them prisoner, with the help of a broom and a stick, “you can defeat any force.”

Items that summon spirits

Such objects can be either animal (horse hair), or a weapon (club), and whole line other items (ring). Strength lives in them.Strength is inherent in the whole animal and all its parts. In the hairs there is the same power as in the whole animal, that is, in the hair there is a horse, just as there is in the bridle, just as there is in the bone.


The stick, twig or cane goes back to completely different ideas. The objects discussed so far come either from animals or from tools. The wand was created as a result of human communication with the earth and plants. The fairy tale did not preserve only one circumstance: a twig is cut from a living tree, and then it can turn out to be magical, transferring the wonderful properties of fertility, abundance and life to the one with whom it comes into contact. There are a lot of such cases, and they clearly show that here the vital force of the plant is transferred to the one struck. The same is attributed to roots and herbs. In the fairy tale “The Feigned Illness,” the murdered prince is revived by a root, a gift from an old man. “They took the root, found the grave of Ivan Tsarevich, dug it up, took it out, wiped it with that root and turned over it three times - Ivan Tsarevich stood up.” The power of the root is transferred to the person.

Items that provide eternal abundance

These include water that restores life or sight, apples that give youth, tablecloths that give eternal nourishment and abundance.

Living and dead, weak and strong water

Living and dead water are not opposites to each other. They complement each other. “He sprinkled Ivan Tsarevich with dead water - his body grew together, sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich stood up.”

Magic objects and their purpose

Magic items

Purpose of items

Arrow, ball, feather.

Show direction of movement.

A mirror, a magic book, a golden saucer and a pouring apple.

They tell the truth and show what is happening in this world.

Stick, hair.

They make wishes come true.

Comb, towel, scarf.

They block the path of the pursuer.

Flying carpet, walking boots.

They quickly transport the hero over a long distance.

Ring, flint, hairs.

Helpers are called.

Whistle, harp, horn.

They make everyone around dance.

Egg, chest.

They keep secrets.

Rejuvenating apples. Living and dead water.

They restore health, youth, and revive the dead.

Invisible hat.

Makes the hero invisible.

A self-cutting sword, buckets, a stove, a wonderful hoop, a needle, a club.

They do the work for the hero.


Protects, preserves,


Gives advice, protects, helps.

3. Conclusion

Magic objects in fairy tales are either a kind of portal, a guide to another world, or they serve as helpers, talismans, amulets and protection. Moreover, not a single fairy tale contains a description of these objects. Their magical properties and functions are simply mentioned; any object in fairy tales can serve as an assistant. The main thing is the magical power contained in it.

When reading a fairy tale, a person gets excited, worries, and when everything ends well, he feels pleasure, like from any other good book. A fairy tale today is not a dilapidated monument of the distant past, but a bright, living part of our national culture.

Russian folk tales are often the basis of author's literary and artistic works. Among them: V. A. Zhukovsky, P. P. Ershov, A. S. Pushkin, V. F. Odoevsky, S. T. Aksakov, L. N. Tolstoy, V. M. Garshin, D. N. Mamin -Sibiryak, N.G. Garin-Mikhailovsky, M. Gorky, Yu.K. Olesha, A.N. Tolstoy, M. M. Prishvin, V. V. Bianki, K. G. Paustovsky.

The folk tale had a significant impact on painting, animation and cinema, as well as music and theater.

The practical significance of this study is that the results can be used in literary reading lessons when studying oral folk art, when holding literary competitions, quizzes, as well as in one’s own literary experience, for example, when writing a fairy tale.

List of used literature

Literary texts

  1. Afanasyev A. N. Russian folk tales. Publishing house "Samara House of Printing", 1993.

Encyclopedic and reference publications

  1. Dal V.I. Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language: In 4 volumes. M., 1981.
  2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1993.
  3. Ushakov D. N. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1995.

Scientific critical literature

  1. Anikin V.P. Russian folk tale. M., 1984.
  2. Pomerantseva E.V. Russian folk tale. M., 1963.
  3. Propp V. Ya. Historical roots of the Russian folk tale. L., 1986.
  4. Propp V. Ya. Russian folk tale. L., 1984.

Municipal educational institution "Elementary school No. 78"

Work on the topic:

"Magic helpers in Russian folk tales »


Dryanina Nastya

Student of Municipal Educational Institution "NOSH No. 78" 2nd grade


primary school teacher

Panfilova Maria Vasilievna

Saratov, 2016

1. What are Russian folk tales.

2. Who composed them.

3. How Russian folk tales were created

4.Types of Russian folk tales

5. Heroes of fairy tales

6. Magic objects in fairy tales.

6.Why I like fairy tales

A fairy tale is one of the main types of oral folk art. They contain real treasures of folk wisdom that have accumulated over the centuries from generation to generation.

Fairy tales appeared a long time ago.People told each other real stories. Passing them on from mouth to mouth, the stories were embellished and slightly changed.Therefore, they memorized and told fairy tales to their children and grandchildren. Children and grandchildren grew up and retold these tales as they remembered.

Folk tales are gone long haul of its creation. This is how folk tales came to us. They are not the work of an individual storyteller. A folk tale is a unique creation of many generations of our people. And today they have found their end in books.

Folk tales can be different: magical, everyday, about animals.

Fairy tales - these are fairy tales in which we can see amazing world. They contain unusual characters, as if taken from real life, but with a special imagination. These tales can be called a folk code of morality, because... they are about morality, about justice. They teach you to love and have compassion.

Heroes of these fairy tales:

Unusual heroes (such as Serpent Gorynych, Baba Yaga).

Heroes (people, animals).

Magic objects (invisibility hat, flying carpet).

Everyday tales.There is no magic in these fairy tales; they deal with relationships (everyday and social between people). Also in these fairy tales the actions develop quickly. Most of these fairy tales have an unexpected ending.

Heroes: master, merchant, priest, fool, man, 2 soldiers.

Tales about animals. The oldest type of fairy tale, animals act like people. There is no magic in these fairy tales, the plot is very simple, and there are frequent repetitions.

Heroes: fox, bear, wolf, rooster, hare, frog, dog.

I especially like fairy tales, they They help to look at the world through someone else’s eyes – through the eyes of a hero, and teach empathy and sympathy. The heroes of a fairy tale are courageous and fearless. They overcome all obstacles in their path, win victories, and conquer their happiness. And if at the beginning of the fairy tale he can act as Ivan the Fool, Emelya the Fool, then at the end he certainly turns into the handsome and well done Ivan Tsarevich. At the same time, the positive hero of a fairy tale is always in a more advantageous, interesting, attractive position. A positive hero attracts people to his side - the side of good.

In fairy tales, heroes use magical objects. I was interested in the magical objects of the heroes. It seems to me that everyone would like to have an invisibility hat, walking boots, and an airplane carpet.

I decided to study magical objects in more detail, what they are and what they are for.

In my opinion, the most interesting thing- This is a self-assembled tablecloth. Imagine walking into the school cafeteria and ordering whatever you want, from soup to ice cream, and in a moment it all appears on your table.

It's also good to have a magic mirror. You sit in class, and it helps you complete any task.

In many fairy tales there are objects that indicate the direction of movement. They will indicate any direction where you want to go. For this purpose, a ball is used (“Go there - I don’t know where, bring that - I don’t know what”) or feather(" Feather of Finist the Falcon").

And if you want to be transported over a long distance in space, then your assistants will be flying carpet or walking boots ("Prophetic dream").

In fairy tales we can find objects that restore health, youth, and revive the dead. This is living and dead water (« The Firebird and Ivan Tsarevich »), rejuvenating apples("The Tale of Rejuvenating Apples and Living Water »)

Interesting in fairy tales are objects that do the work for the hero: a sword - a self-cutter (“ Snake Princess"), self-cutting ax (“Porridge from an ax”), buckets and stove (“At the behest of the pike »), wonderful hoop, needle (“Koschei the Deathless »), club (“Morozko”).

There are also magical musical instruments in fairy tales. This is a gusli (“The Queen is a gusliar”), a pipe (“Magic pipe").

Having examined the magical objects, I saw that not a single fairy tale can do without them.

Thus, the study showed that magical objects help heroes overcome difficulties, obstacles, and overcome extraordinary power that an ordinary person cannot succumb to.

I realized that most often the most ordinary household items that heroes use every day are endowed with magical properties: buckets, a stove, a mirror, a ball of thread.

And the most important thing is that fairy tales always end with the victory of “good” over “evil” and at the end of the fairy tale, a reward awaits the main character.


  1. Anikin V.P. “Russian folk tale: a manual for teachers” Moscow 1977.
  2. “Russian folk tales” edited by Anikin V.P. Moscow 1985
  3. Anikin V.P. “A step to wisdom” Children's literature 1982
  4. V.S. Bakhtin “From epics to counting rhymes” Children's literature 1982
  5. "Children's Literature" edited by E.E. Zubareva Moscow 1989
  6. A.A. Gorelov “Russian folk tales by A.N. Afanasyev" Lenizdat 1983

Internet sources:

  1. Fairy tale as a genre.http://www.nelidovo.edu.ru/filialtgu/Babushkina/skazka/w-a.htm
  2. History and culture. http://rusprogram.ru/
  3. http://readr.ru/

The queen is a guslar.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; He lived with her for a considerable time and decided to go to a foreign land. He gave orders to the ministers, said goodbye to his wife and went on the road.

Whether long or short, he came to a foreign land, and in that land a cursed king ruled. This king saw the king and ordered to seize him and put him in prison.

He has many slaves of all kinds in his prison; At night they sit in chains, and in the morning the damned king puts collars on them and plows the arable land until the evening. The king lived in such torment for three whole years and did not know how to get out of there, how to give the queen news about himself? And he finally found an opportunity and wrote a letter to her.

Sell,” he writes, “all our property and come and buy me out of captivity.”

The queen received the letter, read it and cried:

How can I ransom the king? If I go myself, the damned king will see me and take me instead of his wife; If I send ministers, there is no hope for them!

So what did she think? She cut off her brown braids, dressed up as a musician, took a harp and, without telling anyone, set off on a long journey.

She comes to the damned king’s courtyard and plays the harp so well that he could listen for a century, but he couldn’t hear enough. As soon as the king heard such glorious music, he immediately ordered the guslar to be called to the palace.

Hello, guslar! From which land are you, from which kingdom? - asks the king.

The guslar answers him:

Since I was a child, Your Majesty, I have been walking around the world, making people happy and thereby feeding my own head.

Stay with me, live a day, two, three; I will reward you generously.

Guslyar remained; He plays in front of the king all day long, but he never gets enough of it. What glorious music! It takes away all boredom, all melancholy.

The guslar lived with the king for three days and comes to say goodbye.

What kind of work do you deserve? - asks the king.

But perhaps, sir, I have only one slave, you have many imprisoned in prison; but I need a companion on the road. I walk through foreign lands; sometimes there is no one to say a word to.

Feel free to choose anyone! - said the king and led the guslar to the dungeon.

Guslyar looked around at the prisoners, chose a slave king, and they went on a journey together.

They approach their state, the king says:

Let me go, good man! I am not a simple slave, I am a king myself; Take as much ransom as you want: I won’t spare either the money or the peasants.

Go with God,” says the guslar, “I don’t need anything of yours.”

Well, at least come visit me.

When I have time, I'll visit.

Here they said goodbye and went their separate ways.

The queen ran along a roundabout road, got home before her husband, took off her guslar dress and dressed herself up as she should.

An hour later, the courtiers began to shout and run around the palace: the king has come!

The queen rushed to meet him, and he greeted everyone, but didn’t even want to look at her. He greeted the ministers and said:

This, gentlemen, is what my wife is like! Now she’s throwing herself at her neck, but when I was in captivity and wrote to her, asking her to sell all her goods and ransom me, she probably didn’t do anything. What was she thinking about if she had forgotten her husband?

The ministers reported to the king:

Your Majesty! As soon as the queen received your letter, on the same day she disappeared into nowhere and disappeared all this time; I just came to the palace today.

The king became very angry and ordered:

Gentlemen ministers! Judge my unfaithful wife according to the true truth. Why didn’t you want to ransom me? You would not have seen your king forever if not for the young guslar; I will pray to God for him, I will not regret giving him half of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, the queen managed to dress up as a gusliar, went out into the courtyard and played the gusli. The king heard, ran towards him, grabbed the musician by the hand, brought him to the palace and said to his courtiers:

This is the guslar who rescued me from captivity!

Guslyar threw off outerwear- and everyone immediately recognized the queen.

Here the king rejoiced: he began to feast in joy, and so he chilled out for a whole week.

Magic pipe

As I heard the fairy tale, I tell it. In ancient times, there lived a husband and wife. And they had a beautiful daughter. The girl took it all: in height, and portliness, and courteousness.

Looking at her, people rejoiced: the girl was friendly, affectionate, and courteous with everyone. I was in a hurry to help everyone in any way I could.

But then misfortune struck, trouble came. The girl's mother died.

How much time has passed - the father married a widow. And the widow brought her daughter into the house. And there were four in the family.

Living as an orphan is not a joyful life, and with a stepmother it became even worse. She cared for and consoled her own daughter, but she disliked her stepdaughter from the first day.

When the roosters crowed, the orphan got up, washed herself with tears, and managed the housework until midnight. And she spun, and weaved, and walked on water, and carried firewood, and milked cows.

And the evil woman just shouted:

You are incompetent, you scoundrel! The bread eater has taken its toll on my head!

One day my father opened a chest that was left over from his first wife. And in the chest there is a warmer, trimmed with fur, and a kokoshnik, studded with pearls, and morocco ankle boots, and a gold ring with an expensive stone, and various clothes.

“We’ll divide it equally, and our daughters will have a dowry,” said the father.

And the envious stepmother and her daughter harbored a dark thought.

This wealth should be divided into two shares,” the stepmother whispered to her daughter. - Yes, with such and such a dowry we will find a merchant’s son. You won’t marry a man, you’ll marry a lapotnik. Just don't make a mistake!

Some time passed after that conversation, the girls got ready to go berry picking. And the father jokingly says to them:

Well, whichever of you brings the most berries will get a little more when the dowry is divided.

Girls walk through the forest, call around, and take berries. And as evening approached, they met in a clearing. The stepmother's daughter looked - holy fathers, the old daughter's basket was full, but she had nothing, just the bottom! Here I remembered my mother’s words: do not divide the dowry into two shares...

And as they were passing through the swamp, the stepmother’s daughter snatched a basket of berries from her stepsister and pushed it off the perches into the bottomless swamp.

I’m drowning, I’m dying, dear sister,” the girl begged, “help me!”

I will help you! Tony, you can't get out of this swamp. And I alone will get the entire dowry! - the stepmother shouted to her daughter.

She crossed the swamp and ran home. On the way, she poured the berries into her truck - clean, large, one to one, and buried her stepsister's basket in the moss.

Clever girl, my smart girl! - met her mother. - Look, old man, how many berries my daughter picked!

Why didn't you come together? - asked the father.

“We separated,” the stepmother’s daughter answered, “I called and called, but no one responded to me; I think she filled her basket before me and went home.

Well, my daughter, how can she manage it before you? I fell asleep somewhere and didn’t hear you! - the woman laughed.

The evening passed and the night passed. In the morning the old man got up early.

“We have to go look,” he says, “it’s clear that trouble has struck.”

Gathered neighbors. They went into the forest. And the woman's daughter is with them.

“Here,” he says, “we parted ways and never saw each other again.

They walked and walked all day from morning to evening, and came back with nothing.

Summer is already coming to an end. An old wanderer walks and wanders along those paths. I stepped on the crossbar perches, and in the muddy place a grass pipe grows. The old man cut off that pipe, put it to his lips and just blew into it, when he heard: the pipe began to play, began to sing, and lamented pitifully:

- Play, play, grandpa,
Play, play, darling.

And so they ruined me,
For red berries
Yes, for my mother's dowry
Drowned in a rotten swamp!

And then an old wanderer came late in the evening to that village and asked to spend the night in the last hut, just in the house where the orphan girl had gotten lost.

After dinner the old wanderer spoke:

Not far from your village I cut a pipe. So funny: she sings and pronounces herself. Take this, master, blow this pipe!

As soon as the owner blew on the pipe, she spoke and sang:

- Play, play, my father,
Play, play, darling.
We were two step-sisters,
And so they ruined me,
For red berries
Yes, for my mother's dowry
Drowned in a rotten swamp!

The old man's face changed. He handed the pipe to his stepdaughter:

Come on, play!

As soon as she brought the pipe to her lips, the pipe began to play and sing:

- Play, play, step-sister,
Play, play, you little bastard,
Play, play, murderer!
You killed me
Drowned in a rotten swamp,
For red berries
Yes, for my mother's dowry
Took my life!

The father rushed for witnesses. The evil girl, and at the same time the mother, an evil woman, were tied up and put on guard.

And the father with the witnesses and the old wanderer ran to the swamp. They searched and searched and soon pulled out the girl. They washed her and gave her rituals. Then she opened her eyes and said:

Oh, how long I slept and saw a lot in my dreams! Do not hold, dear father, either a woman who is a villain or a daughter who is a villain. Neither you nor I will survive from them.

The father, with joy, forgave the evil woman and the villainous stepdaughter, drove them out of the yard: - Go back where you came from!