Live kitchen transurfing update. The microflora is completely rebuilt within a year. A number of foods should be gradually eliminated from your diet altogether.

There is a real way to reset the stopwatch to zero and start the hand again. Return to the level of health you had, say, at age 14, or even achieve better. It is really possible to raise your vitality and creativity a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training or other manipulations of your soul and body. Extend your active and creative flowering. And the impending decline, as happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex, are no longer interested in you, should be postponed indefinitely.

To do this, you will need to turn a dead kitchen into a living one. What do you have there - stoves, pots, pans? Soon all these food killing devices will disappear from your kitchen. From this book you will learn what is wrong with generally accepted eating habits and how you can break them. Eating live food will affect not only your intellect and vitality, but also, of course, your appearance, which is always very impressive. Living cuisine (not to be confused with vegetarianism) is the nutrition system of people of the third millennium - a new wave of civilization. Welcome to the elite club.

The work belongs to the Esoteric genre. Parapsychology. It was published in 2010 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "Vadim Zeland" series. On our website you can download the book “Living Kitchen. Transurfing Updates” for free in fb2, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.11 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

Recipes from Vadim Zeland


Here I will give only recipes for main dishes, without which it will be difficult for you to feed yourself and without which you will not be able to last long on a raw food diet. I call these dishes system-forming, because they supply the body with everything it needs, every day and first of all. In the remaining items of your menu, you can give free rein to your imagination and improvisation. And the recipes from Chad Sarno, a professional in his field, which are given in the next chapter, will decorate your table, fill your life with new joyful sensations, and warm your soul.


Wheat grain 400 g

Water 150 g

Flax seeds 1 cup

Sesame seeds 1 cup

Tomatoes 3 pcs.

Bell pepper 1 pc. (or 15 g dried flakes)

Garlic 1 head

Cumin seeds 1 dess. spoon

Coriander seeds 1 dec. spoon

Seasoning for Korean carrots 1 des. spoon

Soy sauce (Japanese) 4–5 tbsp. spoons

Pour the wheat into a saucepan, fill it to the brim with plain water, stir, discard everything that floats to the surface, and drain the water. Soak the grain overnight in a clay pot with water infused with shungite (fill completely, 5 cm on top).

Shungite water is necessary in order to destroy foreign microorganisms. You need to infuse water in an open container (preferably in the shade, not in the sun), for a day or more. You can use either flint, or shungite, or both. The number of stones is taken at the rate of one hundred grams per liter of water. Before using the shungite for the first time, you need to rinse it thoroughly, and also do not throw too much of it into the water at once, because at first the stones give an excessively strong mineralization. Shungite can be ordered here: Both shungite and flint must be washed well once a week, if the water is not distilled. And it is better to change it at least once a year, because the stones are inevitably covered with a coating of hardness salts.

In the morning, drain the water, cover the pot with a lid and leave until evening. room temperature. If in the evening you can already see that the grains have hatched, put the pot in the refrigerator. If not, pour shungite water over the grains again, stir, drain the water and leave in the pot until the morning at room temperature. In the morning the sprouts should be ready. The size of the sprouts should not exceed 1–2 mm. Before use, they should be washed with drinking water to remove by-products that are released during germination.

Pour seaweed cold water, stir until the sand settles to the bottom, place in a colander. Repeat this procedure two more times. The last water must be clean drinking water. (And if chlorinated water flows from the tap, then the first two waters should be settled, preferably with shungite, clean.) You need to rinse the algae quickly so that they do not have time to swell too much.

Place a fine grid on an electric meat grinder and grind the seaweed. Then grind the wheat germ twice. Chop bell peppers, tomatoes, garlic, add water and grind everything in a blender at medium speed. If there are no tomatoes and bell peppers, you can replace them with the same amount of carrots and water. Cumin and coriander seeds must be ground into powder in a coffee grinder. It is advisable to take Japanese soy sauce, low in salt and without MSG, for example, Yamasa. If you are not sure that the sauce does not contain transgenic ingredients, it is better to refuse it. Dried seaweed can be purchased at the market from Korean traders. It is better to make seasoning for Korean carrots yourself, or buy selectively at the market from Oriental or Korean traders, because the factory seasoning contains salt and toxic monosodium glutamate. Seasoning for Korean carrots should not be spicy. If you like it spicy, you can add a pod of hot pepper or colored peppercorns (black, white, red, green) crushed in a mill. Then mix it all together with a spoon in a large bowl.

Using a coffee grinder (it is better to buy a larger, more powerful coffee grinder), grind the flax and sesame seeds in several steps. If there are no seeds, you can take the same amount of flaxseed flour. (For sale, for example, here: or here: It is more convenient to grind flax and sesame seeds in a mill, which can be purchased here: Pour the flour into a bowl, add seasonings and mix thoroughly with everything else with your hands.

Divide the resulting dough into three parts. Grease a standard enamel oven tray with linseed oil. Place one part of the dough on it and spread it with your hands evenly over the entire area, wetting your palms from time to time so that the dough does not stick. Then take a metal spatula and divide the dough into 7-7 cm squares. Grease the second baking sheet with oil and place the squares from the first on it. The end result will be three filled baking sheets. Dry in the oven for 6-8 hours on the lowest heat with the door open.

After drying, let the loaves cool and place them in a box, covering the top with a paper napkin. Live bread turns out tastier than regular bread. And it’s unnecessary to even talk about how much more useful they are.


Unhulled oat grain (in shell) 800 g

Wheat grain 200 g

Cumin seeds 1 tbsp. spoon

Dill seeds 1 tbsp. spoon

Seasoning for Korean carrots 1 tbsp. spoon

Ground cayenne pepper (chili)? teaspoons

Drinking water 3.5 l

Pour the oats into a colander and rinse with running water. Then pour shungite water in a large saucepan overnight. In the morning, transfer to a colander and cover with wet gauze in two layers. In the evening, rinse with running water without removing the gauze. The same evening, soak the wheat in a pot. The next morning, rinse the oats again. Proceed with wheat in the same way as in the previous recipe. In the evening, rinse the oats again. The next morning, rinse the oats and wheat, the sprouts are ready. Thus, it takes two days for oats to germinate - twice as long as wheat. The size of oat sprouts should not exceed 1 cm. Oats usually sprout unevenly, but this should not bother you; all the necessary transformations in the grains will ripen. The main thing is to soak them overnight for at least 12 hours. (Another option: instead of oats and wheat, you can take barley - 1 kg.)

Now, grind the oat sprouts in an electric meat grinder through a large wire rack twice. (Barley has a thinner hull; you can grind it a second time through a fine sieve.) Grind wheat twice through a fine sieve. The meat grinder must be powerful, at least 1.5 kW.

Next, grind the cumin and dill seeds in a coffee grinder. Combine the ground sprouts and all the seasonings in a large bowl, add 2.5 liters of water, stir and leave for one hour, stirring from time to time. If the jelly is intended to be given to children, you should handle the pepper sparingly.

The next step is to squeeze out all the prepared mass. To do this, you will need to somehow adapt a fine metal sieve to the pan. Most convenient option- a simple steamer consisting of a saucepan and a tray with a grate. A sieve (choose according to size) is placed on this tray, the jelly mass is poured into it and first rubbed a little with a wooden spatula, and then squeezed out with your hands. The finished jelly drips into the pan. The pulp is placed in a large bowl. When the entire mass has been squeezed out, the cake is poured with a liter of water, kneaded and squeezed out again through the same sieve.

The result will be 4 liters of jelly with the consistency of good cream. You can pour it into two-liter plastic bottles and put it in the refrigerator. Store for no more than two weeks. In the refrigerator on the third day, the jelly slightly sours and acquires a pleasant taste, with sourness. Shake the bottle well before use.

Ferment the jelly at room temperature, as is done in classic recipe, - completely unnecessary. An excess of bacteria of any one type in a product is undesirable, since it inhibits the symbiotic intestinal microflora and causes an imbalance.

Unlike the old Russian recipe for jelly, restored by Doctor Izotov, live jelly from sprouted grains, prepared using this technology, many times richer in composition, concentration of nutrients and healing properties. Of course, you can boil it, as our ancestors did, then it will really turn into thick jelly, which is just right to cut with a knife. But what's the point? To kill all living things and get dead biomass containing only echoes of all those healing properties, which only a living product can have?

If you consider that even boiled oatmeal jelly cures many different diseases and normalizes many functions of the body, then you can imagine what power jelly has alive. In fact, it is the ideal food for the body after mother's milk.

Live jelly is a biologically active product, so you should take it carefully at first, gradually accustoming your body, and not mix it with other foods. If it causes indigestion, it means the intestines are very clogged. What to do? Cleanse the intestines, what else. Or continue to eat dead food and forget about living food. Then everything will be as before, “okay.”


Whole oats without husk (holo grain) 100 g

Seasoning for Korean carrots? teaspoons

Dry bell pepper, flakes 1 des. spoon

Milk thistle or cedar oil 1 tsp. spoon

Milk thistle powder 1 dec. spoon

Juice of a quarter of a lemon

Drinking water 200 g

Germinate oats using the same technology as wheat. Place bell pepper sprouts and flakes into a blender, add water, grind to a fine fraction. Place on a plate, add seasoning, milk thistle, oil, lemon juice or a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Hulless oats are available at the Syroeshki store.



Two small heads of cabbage (can be white or green)

Carrots 700–800 grams

Cayenne pepper (chili)? teaspoons

Dry bell pepper flakes 60 g

Recipes for sauerkraut without salt are widely known. However, when I tried to follow them, nothing good came of it. Therefore, I had to develop my own technology, which I present here and from which it is better not to deviate. There is no point in adding any additional ingredients to the recipe, because this will only distort the taste in an undesirable direction.

Chop the cabbage coarsely (about 3–4 cm), and cut the carrots into slices. Trim and discard the cabbage stems near the stalk, and chop the stalk itself. Stir everything together with seasonings in a large bowl. No need to crush. Place a cabbage leaf at the bottom of two three-liter jars. Fill both jars tightly, tamping with a wooden masher so that there is at least 10 cm left to the neck, and cover with cabbage leaves on top. Fill the jars with distilled or plain drinking water until the leaves are covered. Place narrow half-liter jars plastic bottles filled with water as cargo. Cover the top with a cotton napkin. The water should cover the leaves so that there is no air access to them. Place in a warm place with a temperature of 23–25 degrees Celsius. After some time, the water in the jars will rise. If it starts to overflow, reduce the load or remove it altogether (you can put two small shungite stones). Every few hours, press down on the weights to release the excess carbon dioxide that has formed.

Exposure duration is about two days. This time depends on all components and conditions and must be determined intuitively. If you undercook, the cabbage will not ripen. If you overdo it, it will be soft and sour. In any case, it is better to let it ripen in the refrigerator. Before putting it in the refrigerator, you need to put a shungite stone in each jar. And of course, water should cover the leaves. Can be consumed after a week of storage in the refrigerator.

Why exactly two three-liter jars, and not, say, a bucket? And why do you need to mix everything and not layer it, as in the classic recipe? I can only say one thing: I don’t know. Experience has shown that it is necessary to do exactly this, and not otherwise. It turns out tastier.

Sauerkraut without salt is perhaps the only exception to the strict rules of raw food cuisine, which do not recommend the systematic consumption of “leavened” products. In any case, the inhabitants of the Balkans eat it all the time, have excellent health and look good. And in Germany, lovers of fatty sausages and beer live in cheerfulness and health, most likely thanks to just such cabbage, which they also eat every day. But I believe that in the summer you need to eat fresh greens, but in the winter it’s time for sauerkraut and seaweed. By the way, I still can’t understand why cabbage is salted in Russia.


Dried seaweed 100 g

Seasoning for Korean carrots (mild) 1 teaspoon

Soy sauce (Japanese) 1-2 tbsp. spoons

Natural apple cider vinegar (or a third of a lemon) 1 des. spoon

Cedar oil 1 tsp. spoon

Cut the algae with scissors (since long ones are inconvenient to eat), rinse in three waters so that the sand settles to the bottom, transferring each time to a colander. The last, third water must be clean drinking. (And if chlorinated water flows from the tap, then the first two waters should be settled, preferably on shungite, clean.) Place in a colander and let the water drain. Then add seasonings, oil (if you don’t have cedar, you can use cold-pressed sesame or flaxseed oil) and mix. The seaweed is ready. Obviously, cooking it is not only pointless and harmful, but also simply stupid, because all the taste is lost.


Tomatoes 2 pcs.

Half bell pepper

Garlic 2–3 cloves

Radishes 4–5 pcs. (or one small turnip)

A good bunch of dill

A good bunch of parsley

Tops of beets, radishes, carrots, onions, spinach - a small bunch each

Chopped dry seaweed 1 tbsp. spoon with top

Amaranth oil (cedar, linseed or sesame) 1–2 tbsp. spoons

Water 1 glass

Chop tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic, radishes, dill, parsley, onions, and place in a blender. Add chopped dried seaweed (kelp, that is, which is sold in pharmacies), seasoning, oil, lemon juice and a glass of water. For spiciness and aroma, you can add colored peppercorns (black, white, red, green) crushed in a mill. Turn on the blender for a minute at medium speed. Then chop the rest of all kinds of tops (you can also tops of garlic, sorrel, etc.), just so as not to overload the blender, and run it first at medium speed, then at high speed. In order for the grass to enter the funnel faster, you can shake the blender or use the handle of a wide wooden spoon. You should not use a metal spoon because it may fall into the blender one day and damage it. You will get a liter with a small amount of puree soup - two or three servings.

In April-May, when the tops cultivated plants has not yet grown up, you need to use wild plants: leaves of nettle, plantain, dandelion. Nettles are collected with gloves on, cutting off the top shoots, washed, only the leaves are used for food, the stems are thrown away. Nettle, in its nutritional and cleansing properties, surpasses all other herbs.

Vegetable tops contain tens and hundreds of times more proteins, vitamins and microelements than the vegetables themselves. Spinach is especially useful. This soup has a very high nutritional value and cleanses the body well. If after it you feel twitching in the liver area, this means that the stones are coming out of you.


Small broccoli

Tomatoes 2 pcs.

Bell pepper 1 pc.

Garlic 2–3 cloves

Bunch of dill and parsley

Small bunch of green onions

Seasoning for Korean carrots 1 teaspoon

Chopped dry seaweed 1 tbsp. spoon

Juice of a third of a lemon (or 2 tablespoons of natural apple cider vinegar)

Soy sauce 1 tbsp. spoon

Water 1.5 cups

Prepared similarly to the previous recipe. It is not necessary to have all the ingredients.


Cauliflower or broccoli, small head

Beetroot 1 pc.

Carrots 2–3 pcs.

Onion 1 PC.

Garlic 2–4 cloves

Tomato 3–4 pcs.

Seasoning for Korean carrots (mild) 1 tbsp. spoon

Soy sauce (Japanese) 2 tbsp. spoons

Natural apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons (or juice of a third of a lemon)

Amaranth oil (cedar, linseed or sesame) 2 tbsp. spoons

Divide the cabbage into small florets. Cut carrots and beets into strips. Cut the onions into slices, and the tomatoes into small cubes. Squeeze the garlic with a crusher. You can also add fresh or frozen green pea. In winter, you can chop some sauerkraut. Place all this in a large bowl and mix, adding seasoning. For spiciness, you can add a little cayenne pepper (chili). Then add soy sauce, vinegar and stir. Lastly, add the oil and mix again.


Green buckwheat (or yellow millet in shell) 200 g

Peeled pumpkin seeds 200 g

Sunflower seeds, peeled 200 g

Flax seeds 1 cup

Carrots 2 pcs.

Garlic 1 head

Tomato 1 pc.

Bell pepper 1 pc.

Dill, parsley, green onions- small bunches

Seasoning for Korean carrots 1 tbsp. spoon with top

Soy sauce (Japanese) 3-4 tbsp. spoons

Flaxseed oil 2 tbsp. spoons

Sift uncooked buckwheat through a colander to remove crushed particles. Soak in shungite water for 3 hours, place in a sieve or colander, cover with wet gauze in two layers and leave for 12 hours.

If you use millet instead of buckwheat (this is a yellow porridge, millet, only in a shell), soak it for 12 hours in shungite water. Then place in a fine cup-shaped sieve and cover with two layers of wet gauze.

Soak the seeds in shungite water. After half a day, you can start cooking. Millet and buckwheat should hatch; the seeds do not need to germinate.

Place a fine grid on an electric meat grinder and grind the seeds first, then quickly add the millet (so that it does not have time to fly out of the grid), grind it twice. There are no problems with buckwheat at all. After this, grind the carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers and garlic. Chop the greens finely. Add seasoning, soy sauce, oil and mix everything in a large bowl. For spiciness and aroma, you can add colored peppercorns (black, white, red, green) crushed in a mill.

Grind flax seeds in a coffee grinder. Add half the flaxseed meal to the dough and stir again. After this, you can make cutlets, roll them in flaxseed flour, put them in a food container and put them in the refrigerator. Serve with tomato sauce.


Tomatoes 2.8 kg

Dried bell pepper flakes 70 g

Cayenne pepper (chili) 1 teaspoon

Cut the fleshy tomatoes, grind in a blender and pour into a three-liter jar. Add bell pepper flakes and a spoonful of ground hot pepper, mix, cover with a napkin and leave at a temperature of 23–25 degrees. Stir morning and evening. After two days, when the sauce acquires a spicy taste, pour into smaller jars and put in the refrigerator. Before use, add garlic to the jar to taste. You will be pleasantly surprised by the delightful bouquet of this living product. Unlike synthetic and dead ketchups, Grandma's sauce carries the freshness of summer and creates exactly the taste sensation that you expect to get from correct sauce.


Sweet pepper (paprika) 2 teaspoons

Dried garlic 2 teaspoons

Nutmeg 0.5 teaspoon

Turmeric 1 teaspoon

Curry 1 teaspoon

Coriander 1 teaspoon

Shambhala (fenugreek) 1 teaspoon

Kalinji (black cumin) 2 teaspoons

Dry bell pepper flakes 2 tbsp. spoons

Apricot kernels 7 pcs.


Walnut 200 g

Hazelnuts 200 g

Almonds 200 g

Pine nuts 100 g

Honey 200–300 g

Bee bread in honeycombs 50–70 g, or bee bread with honey 100–150 g

Soak hazelnuts and almonds for 12 hours in shungite water. There is no need to soak walnuts. Grind the nuts (except pine nuts) and bee bread in a meat grinder twice. Add honey Pine nuts whole, mix everything with your hands like dough, and put it in the refrigerator.


Pollen needs to be prepared from summer to winter in sufficient quantities. In air, it quickly loses its properties, so it is preserved with honey. One weight of pollen and one and a half weight of honey are taken, mixed and placed in jars. Hermetically sealed closed jars store in a cool place.

If the honey has become very thick (good honey is liquid for no longer than three weeks), it can be slightly simmered by holding the container in warm water temperature not exceeding 41 degrees Celsius.

Every day you need to eat three to four tablespoons. Pollen provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements, and makes blood vessels elastic, so you definitely won’t die from a stroke. In addition, it is very rich in protein. Pollen causes fat people to lose weight, and thin people to gain weight.

Bee bread is also preserved with honey. Do not buy pure beebread, without honeycombs or honey - it loses its properties very quickly. Bee bread in honeycombs is ground in a meat grinder and mixed with honey. For one weight of bee bread, take two weights of honey. This is bee bread. Ideal food. It contains everything the body needs.


Large bunch of greenery

Berries 2 cups

Banana 2 pcs.

Flower pollen 3–5 tbsp. spoons

Bee bread 1–2 teaspoons

Water 2–3 glasses

Cut two or three types of greens. Lettuce, spinach, dandelion (pre-soak for 5 minutes), amaranth are well suited for this, but others are also possible. Herbs with strong aroma and flavors such as mint and tarragon, add little by little. Spicy herbs should not be used.

Peel the bananas and cut into slices. Any berries are suitable, but black currants or strawberries are best. Instead of berries, you can take fruits, for example: apricot, peach, pineapple, plum, apple. Here you can improvise. However, it is not advisable to mix too many types of fruits - one or two, no more.

Flower pollen and bee bread can be added either in pure form or mixed with honey (then the taste will be sweeter). In general, it is always advisable to consume pollen together with a small amount of bee bread, then it is easier to digest, since bee bread contains the bee enzymes necessary for this.

Load everything into the blender and run it first on medium and then on high speed. Depending on the amount of water, the result is a different consistency - from jelly to thick yogurt. This product is far superior in its usefulness to natural homemade yogurt (“we do not consider the usefulness” of store-bought boxes), and in its nutritional value it is not inferior to special cocktails that strength athletes drink.


Nuts 300 g

Dry bell pepper flakes 1 tbsp. spoon

One small head of garlic

Flaxseed or cedar oil 3 tbsp. spoons

Natural apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons

Parsley and dill small bunch

All-purpose seasoning 1 teaspoon

Water 3 glasses

Soak nuts (it is better to take almonds or hazelnuts) overnight in shungite water. In the morning, drain the water and place the nuts in a blender. Add water and pepper flakes and grind until fine. Place gauze, folded in four layers, into a bowl and pour the contents of the blender into it. Squeeze lightly, tie cheesecloth with twine and hang over a bowl for 10-12 hours at room temperature to ferment.

Nut milk that drains into a bowl, poured into another container and put in the refrigerator or drunk right away is a tasty and valuable product. Then put the mixture in a bowl, finely chop the greens, add garlic, oil, vinegar, seasoning, a pinch of salt to taste and hot pepper, stir everything. You can improvise with additives. The result is a living pate with the consistency of hummus or soft cheese. Store in the refrigerator for no more than seven days.

RECIPES FOR THE JOY OF A LOVER...Whenever you love, you are joyful. Whenever you cannot love, you cannot be joyful. Joy is a function of love, a shadow of love; it follows love. So become more and more loving and you will be more and more joyful.

From the book Yoga Course 320. Yoga Sri Vidya. Text of "Ananda Lahari" (8-9 AD) author Begunova Victoria

RECIPES WALL AND DOOR...By remaining closed, you remain dead. It is as if the whole sky is available, but you go on just looking through the keyhole. Of course, you can see a little of the sky through the keyhole, and sometimes a ray of sun will fall into it.

From the book Easy Yoga for Weight Loss. Asanas accessible to everyone author Brahmachari Swami

RECIPES FIND A CONNECTION WITH YOUR BODY WHEN IT IS HEALTHY...Connecting with the body involves deep sensitivity. Maybe you don't even feel your body. Only when you are sick does it happen that you begin to feel the body. You have a headache and then you feel your head;

From the book Down with the extra pounds! Fast and forever! Chopra method used by Hollywood stars by Chopra Deepak

RECIPES CONNECTION WITH THE EARTH...This is one of the most important problems modern man: All humanity suffers from lack of roots. When you realize this, you always feel trembling in your knees, unsure, because the legs are actually the roots of a person. Make two

Important warnings for yogis studying “Anandalahari” from Vadim Zaporozhtsev “Anandalahari” yoga, or “Sri Vidya”, is one of the most closed and mysterious yogas that have come down to us from ancient times. The text “Anandalahari” is rightfully called the Mother of all Tantras. In its From author's books

Recipes for feet ANTI-CALLS Crush 10 aspirin tablets (not instant) in a mortar, add a little water until you get a homogeneous paste. Add 1 tsp. lemon juice. Lubricate steamed heels, calluses and corns with the resulting mixture. Wrap on top

Current page: 1 (book has 10 pages in total)


There is a real way to reset the stopwatch to zero and start the hand again. Return to the level of health you had, say, at age 14, or even achieve better. It is really possible to raise your vitality and creativity a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training or other manipulations of your soul and body. Extend your active and creative flowering. And the impending decline, as happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex, are no longer interested in you, should be postponed indefinitely.

To do this, you will need to turn a dead kitchen into a living one. From this book you will learn what is wrong with generally accepted eating habits and how you can break them. Eating live food will affect not only your intelligence and vitality, but also, of course, your appearance, which is always very impressive. Living cuisine (not to be confused with vegetarianism) is the food system of people of the third millennium - a new wave of civilization. Welcome to the elite club.

Vadim Zeland, Chad Sarno

Vadim Zeland

Something is wrong here…

Where to begin

Recipes from Vadim Zeland


Chad Sarno

What will win: the emotional or the rational?

Recipes from Chad Sarno

Nut milks, smoothies and soups

Salads. Sauces

Main dishes


Vadim Zeland, Chad Sarno

Live kitchen

Vadim Zeland

Part I. Live kitchen

Something is wrong here…

Now everyone, both women and men, both young and not so young, wants to be healthy, slim, beautiful, and successful. And in modern society, this natural desire is also artificially inflamed, since everywhere, from television screens and the covers of glossy magazines, standards of beauty and success are persistently imposed on us. However, you can’t keep up with the stars; not everyone is given talent, health and a model appearance from birth. And there is no time to take care of yourself, the routine sucks you in: work, everyday life, work again, whirlwind...

Before you have time to look back, the golden years have flown by, in some kind of hurry, in pursuit of something, in anticipation of something... Just recently it seemed that everything was still ahead, a lot could still be achieved and everything would still be done. But in fact, the years pass, in essence, mediocrely, stupidly, empty. And youth disappears forever. Somehow, unexpectedly, the time comes when, contemplating the “temple of your soul,” you have to sadly state: “Hello, beer belly!” or “Hello, cellulite!” Is this all? And all that remains is to accept it and live out the allotted time?

But for those who are still in their prime, everything is not so rosy. A young organism, for the time being, while it still has a lot of resources, does not cause much concern. He is able to walk normally, and even sometimes run, drive a car, move his arms and legs, open and close his mouth, make oscillatory movements in bed, satisfy the simplest needs, perform natural needs, in general, behave quite adequately. But it is worth placing such an average organism in any extreme conditions, as he immediately turns sour and begins to call his mother.

Why is it so hard after a standard breakfast of white bread with butter and sausage, scrambled eggs and coffee with milk? And after a standard lunch, why do you feel so sleepy? And after work you want nothing more than to plop down on the sofa in front of the TV? Have you ever wondered why, as is commonly believed, in order to achieve good athletic shape, you need to train long and hard? Why do all wild animals have excellent physical development from early childhood and remain cheerful and healthy almost all their lives, while humans drag out a miserable existence, constantly wandering around hospitals and pharmacies?

Everything, health, beauty, and youth, really ends very soon. Even the stars who once shone from screens and covers are literally fading before our eyes. Unlike a party or holiday, which can be repeated over and over again, life begins and ends only once. This is all somehow strange and sad. Such a beautiful thing - life, and so, in essence, absurd. But maybe there's something wrong here? Is something missing or hidden?

The answer is yes. There is a real way to reset the stopwatch to zero and start the hand again. Imagine yourself running screaming down a school hallway, and yourself walking up the stairs with shortness of breath, palpitations, and a heaviness in your stomach. So, a lot can really be returned. Would you like to return to the level of health that you had, say, at age 14, or even achieve better? Update and improve appearance, prolong your active and creative flowering. And the impending decline, as happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex, are no longer interested in you, should be postponed indefinitely. For those who are still in this heyday, there is a way to really raise their vitality and creative potential a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training or other manipulations of the soul and body.

The fact is that the quality of life changes dramatically if you change just one component - food. This is truly a fundamental starting point, since almost everything else depends on what enters a person directly. We are not talking about diets, dietary supplements and other “hobbies” of modern fashion, but about a fundamentally different way of eating. From this book you will learn what is flawed in generally accepted stereotypes and how you can break them.

Mechanics of Aging

You and I are not only luminous beings emitting energy. In our material basis we are a kind of drops of animated water. An old man is a withered drop, unless, of course, he is swollen with fat. The body ages when water leaves its cells. Why is she leaving them? One of the reasons is that water, along with energy, is sucked out of cells by free radicals - like a pump. Many people have probably heard about free radicals and antioxidants, but most likely have a vague idea of ​​what they are.

So, free radicals are vampire molecules - they are positively charged, defective and brutally hungry, since they lack a free electron. These vampires are looking for where to snatch a free electron. And they snatch him from his defenseless cage. As a result, the cell loses energy - vitality, with all the ensuing consequences. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging in the body. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are negatively charged molecules that carry a free electron. Such molecules are donors; they neutralize free radicals.

The aging process is quite simple: your appearance is a reflection of your health; and you are only as young as the charge that remains in your batteries - cells. Health directly depends on the cleanliness of the body. The purity of the body depends on what and how you feed it. The charge of the cells, or, in other words, their “aliveness,” also directly depends on the degree of “aliveness” of your diet.

Living water, air and food are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food are free radicals. The former recharge the cells and rejuvenate the body, the latter take away this charge and accelerate the aging process. Here's the main thing you need to know. The truth is always uncomplicated and lies on the surface. As Kozma Prutkov said, “what is simple is clear to everyone, but what is complex is of no use to anyone.”

The usual diet of the average person consists of foods cooked over fire, this dead food. Live food, on the contrary, is the one that has not been subjected to heat treatment. Same with water and air. What an ordinary person breathes and drinks is dead. And not only because of pollution environment, which everyone knows about. Let's put it this way: we know only what an obedient element of the system is supposed to know. We are simply not told about many other vital things. Everything born of natural living nature, upon contact with technogenic civilization, undergoes cardinal, although not always noticeable, changes.

About what's happening to living water and living air in the “technosphere”, described in more detail in the book “Apocryphal Transurfing”. From there you will learn: what cannot be removed from water by any filters; do people really need minerals dissolved in water; what kind of water you need to drink to survive in the technogenic environment; why indoor air is much more toxic than on city streets, and what can be done about it; and also much more. In this book we will limit ourselves to discussing food only.

In nature, no one except humans cooks their food over a fire. Boiled food can only support existence. And this is not an achievement human mind, but his fatal mistake. In boiled and canned food, almost all useful substances turn into inorganic, dead ones. Organic substances differ from inorganic substances at the quantum level. Only organic substances contained in living (not boiled!) plants are absorbed. You can take chemicals, sucking nails, eating clay, licking some salt rocks, drinking mineralized water - all this is pointless, you can only get poisoned, but never gain something. Plants, unlike us, are capable of not only accumulating inorganic chemicals from the environment, but also converting them into a form acceptable to animal organisms.

A strange picture is observed: people diligently observe external hygiene, but few people think about internal hygiene. Meanwhile, in the body of an ordinary person there is a whole warehouse of garbage - you cannot see it, but it will gain several (sometimes tens) kilograms in weight. The excretory systems do not have time to cope with waste, and the body is forced to shove all this dirt wherever possible. As a result, the body begins to become clogged very quickly and resembles old plumbing that has never been cleaned.

The body's reserves are enormous, so a person sometimes manages to survive up to seventy or even more years. However, everything comes to an end. Already in the middle of life, all people begin to experience the consequences of slagging: illness, excess weight, lethargy, and in general, the strength is no longer the same, and everything is not the same as it was before, in youth.

The thing is that the biofield reacts very sensitively to clogged sewers. Chakras become clogged, energy channels narrow, the flow of energy turns into a weak trickle, which leads to loss of vitality. The main, if not the only, reason for the deficiency of free energy is the prosaic slagging of the body. The body of an ordinary person retains particles of dead cells, protein and fat mass - it litters the intercellular spaces and literally stuffs the lymphatic and blood vessels. This debris interferes with the normal functioning of all systems - it interferes with the “communication” of cells, reducing the strength of the electrical signals they transmit to each other. The weakening of energy, in turn, entails pathological disorders in the physical body. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

There is one fundamental principle, the truth of which, due to its simplicity and obviousness, cannot be questioned: a living organism must receive living food. The significance of this principle was first noted by Dr. Frank Pottenger, who conducted a thorough experiment at the beginning of the 20th century. He fed one group of cats raw food for ten years, and all of them remained in good health and stamina. The second group received boiled food, as a result of which the animals developed all human diseases: pneumonia, paralysis, tooth loss, lethargy, nervousness, and so on, that is, almost all body systems were affected. Kittens in the first generation were born weak and sick, in the second there were many stillborns, and in the next generation the cats began to suffer from infertility.

An even more shocking example is in public. IN Soviet time in some regions of Russia, the following practice was established among collective farmers: in the morning they went to the field for the whole day, and returned only in the evening, and if there was no one left at home, in the morning they put a pot of porridge and borscht in a heated stove so that everything would be ready when they arrived immediately hot. Where this was the case, people lived very short lives and died early for unknown reasons. The reason, however, is quite obvious: with each new heating, the food becomes even more dead.

Another important conclusion was made by Dr. Edward Howell, one of the founders of the natural healing system. His discovery was that the main component that distinguishes raw foods from those that have been cooked are enzymes. He established that these "units of measurement of vital energy" destroyed at temperatures above 41 °C. Why did he give them such a high title - “unit of measurement of vital energy”?

Enzymes are substances that make life possible. They are necessary in any chemical reaction occurring in our body. Without enzymes there would be no active activity at all in the living body. These are the “workers” who build the body just as builders build houses. Nutrients, vitamins, minerals are only building materials. All movement at a construction site is ensured by enzymes. Moreover, they serve not just as inert catalysts that accelerate chemical reactions. As it turned out, enzymes emit a certain amount of radiation during their action, which cannot be said about catalysts. Enzymes are made up of protein transporters charged with energy, like an electric battery.

Where does our body get enzymes from? We appear to inherit a certain enzyme potential at birth. This limited energy reserve lasts a lifetime. It's the same as getting a certain starting capital. If you just spend it, bankruptcy will come. Likewise, the faster you use up enzyme energy, the sooner your vitality will be depleted. When you reach a point where your body is no longer able to produce enzymes, your life ends. The battery is running low.

By eating cooked food, people carelessly waste their limited supply of enzymes. According to Dr. Edward Howell, this is one of the main causes of all disease, premature aging and early death. Raw foods contain their own enzymes that allow autolysis to occur - food is easily digested because it is mainly cooked in its own juice.

But if you eat cooked food that lacks enzymes, the body is forced to divert its reserves to digest it. This is what leads to a decrease in the limited enzymatic potential.

Imagine what you decide to do in your home major renovation. There are two options for the development of events. In the first case, they brought you necessary materials, dumped everything in a heap and left. You had to get down to business yourself and spend a lot of effort and time to complete all this hard work. In the second case, the builders arrived with the materials and did everything themselves, while you rested and took care of yourself.

This is exactly the difference that exists between eating processed food and eating raw food. When a person eats cooked food, all vital forces are directed to the laborious task of digestion. Enzymes, these “workers” who should be busy with their direct duties - the cleansing and restoration of living tissues, are forced to leave everything and do work unusual for them. They no longer have time to take care of the body, and it falls into disrepair.

Can you imagine a situation where people suddenly stopped walking and sitting quietly, and began running around like crazy, despite being terribly tired? In the same way, the operating modes of the body of a raw foodist and an “ordinary” person differ - one calmly walks, and the other runs an eternal marathon until he falls into powerlessness.

Another cause of aging is known as the “Highflick Limit.” American scientist Leonard Hayflick discovered that the cells of the body can divide only a limited number of times - about fifty, after which they simply die. The Highflick limit depends on telomeres—the ends of DNA. With each cell division, telomeres shorten. After a certain number of such divisions, telomeres decrease to the limit, after which further division is impossible - the cell dies.

But that is not all. The main conclusion reached through numerous experiments is that The main reason for the decrease in telomere length, in addition to cell division, is exposure to free radicals. In other words, the body does not have time to live out its allotted life, because a person from birth purposefully kills himself with dead food.

So, let's summarize. The human body is like a battery - it lives until the charge runs out. When you eat cooked food, the charge is used up very quickly. But if your diet includes only live food, the battery will hardly run out. Imagine that you have a flashlight that you very rarely turn on - the battery may not need to be changed for years. And if your light is constantly on, you yourself know what you need to do with the same constancy. But it’s impossible to replace your personal battery - it will run out, and you will quietly “go out.”

But you can regain your former vigor, and even gain such health as you have never had before! But this will require turn a dead kitchen into a living one. What do you have there - stoves, pots, pans? If you want hack time and turn over the hourglass of your life, then soon all these devices for killing food will disappear from your kitchen.

Hidden threat

You don't have to become an apologist healthy image life and reach the point of absurdity in pedantically following some principles. But it is better to follow the main rules of healthy eating, otherwise the body will cause you a lot of trouble.

The main source of waste the body is served by mixing in one go products that do not combine with each other, as a result of which they are not digested, but simply rot. Alternatively, there is one very good principle: separate meals. You've probably heard about this. The principle is not to mix incompatible foods in the stomach. For example, eat sweets and fruits separately, at least half an hour before the main meal, do not mix proteins with carbohydrates, and so on. Literature about proper nutrition if desired, you can find (for example, books by Maya Gogulan). It is not necessary to adhere to strict rules, but you should not commit gross violations. Separate nutrition will make life much easier for your body, which means you will have a lot of free energy for other things. And of course, separate meals are the only in an effective way getting rid of excess weight. Any other method will only provide temporary minor improvement, not to mention the side effects.

The second source garbage - white flour products - cooking taken to the point of absurdity. Everything valuable that is in grains is in the germ and shell. White flour premium obtained by cleaning wheat grains from the shell and germ. Thus, everything valuable is removed, and only the dead part remains, consisting mainly of starch. This lifeless part of the grain is provided by nature as construction material, a kind of barrel of fat for the fetus. Eating products made from premium white flour is like buying starch in a store and scooping it up with a spoon at dinner. The liver becomes clogged with a fuel oil-like mass, starch settles in the body in the form of mucus, and the intestinal walls become clogged with plaque. The eyes don’t see how this happens, but they see how tempting products made from white flour look. The healthiest bread is grain, yeast-free, and made from wholemeal flour. The higher the grade of flour, the higher its harmfulness and the lower its value for the body.

Third source garbage - these are generally all products that have been subjected to heat and other processing. For example, the juices you buy at the store have little beneficial content left in them, even if they are “one hundred percent.” Please note that these juices are made from concentrated juices. How do you get concentrated ones? Processing, evaporation. Then they add artificial vitamins to them. The question arises: why add vitamins to a product that, by definition, should contain them? Yes, because after processing the vitamins are simply not there anymore. Only freshly squeezed juices that you get yourself using a juicer are healthy.

Live juices also contain organic, living water. The water that flows from the tap is dead. It's simple Chemical substance, which is poorly absorbed by the cells of the body. Do you know how most smoked products are made? Not at all necessary traditional way, which is even more or less acceptable. Most often, products are soaked in a carcinogenic solution such as “liquid smoke”, and then subjected to heat treatment. In general, in products that have been subjected to heat treatment, not only are almost all vitamins and microelements destroyed, but also carcinogenic substances - poisons - are formed.

Fourth source– products containing hydrogenated fats, or, as they are also called, trans fats. These are primarily margarine, spread, cooking oil, refined vegetable oil, butter with a fat content of less than 82%, ghee based on vegetable components (“mixes”), as well as mayonnaise and ketchup. Trans fats are obtained by chemical and thermal processing of refined vegetable oil, which in turn is done like this. In order to extract all the oil from the cake remaining after the first pressing, chemical solvents are used (for example, hexane, similar to gasoline). The solvent from this terrible mixture is then evaporated, resulting in what is usually found on store shelves. This “alleged food product” is widely advertised and presented as “purified oil”, which is supposedly “healthy”, without cholesterol, etc. In fact, vegetable cholesterol is necessary for the body, but trans fats are a real time bomb.

Trans fats are extremely toxic and tend to accumulate in the body, causing a number of dangerous ailments: stress, atherosclerosis, heart disease, cancer, obesity, sick children, weakened immunity, low potency, etc. Trans fats block the action of digestive enzymes, with all that entails consequences, the main one of which is that the food is not digested, but rots there, inside, although we do not see this. Trans fats, entering the cells of the body, settle in them for a long time and block the membranes, as a result of which the cells do not receive adequate nutrition and accumulate toxins. Trans fats are eliminated from the body only two years after a complete refusal to consume food containing them. Trans fats appeared relatively recently, as a result technical progress, caused by hunger during the war, so the body does not know what to do with them - neither how to digest them, nor how to get rid of them.

The richest source of trans fats is fried fast food, cakes, and cookies. Margarine, invented during the hungry war years, is a “product” that even rats and cockroaches do not eat. In its properties it is not far from laundry soap, and doesn’t even deteriorate, like detergents. And this chemical surrogate, you don’t know what to call it, is included in almost all confectionery products. It is produced as follows. The same “refined oil” obtained chemically is heated and hydrogenated by passing hydrogen through it. The result is a mixture of trans isomers unknown to nature, which has the consistency of soft plasticine and a disgusting smell and color. In order to give this “product” commercial qualities, a bunch of other chemicals are added there.

So, if you are not yet tired of life, it is better to prepare your own confectionery products using high-quality butter. Mayonnaise, as well as tomato sauce, can also be made by hand, from natural ingredients.

Fifth, the most common, source of waste– all kinds of fast food. These are synthetic products that can be consumed immediately or on a “one-and-done” basis. This includes “just add water” dry foods, soups, broths, all types of artificial cereals and breakfasts, canned goods, candy bars, chips, various crunchy treats, and, of course, carbonated drinks that can be used to descale toilets.

Once upon a time, such a “funny” experiment was conducted in the USA. One group of rats was fed cereal, and the second cardboard boxes from these cereals. So, the first group left for the next world within two weeks. However, the second one lived longer!

It remains to be seen how short the lives of “eaters” of synthetic food will be, since fast food entered into everyday and widespread consumption quite recently – just a couple of decades ago. But during this time, America, for example, where fast food is most common, has turned from a running nation obsessed with natural products into a nation suffering from exorbitant obesity. And to this scary the phenomenon is not given much importance. The nation is simply asleep. Compassionate mothers think: if the child is “chubby”, then everything is in order - he eats well! Wake up, dreamers! You are being fattened for slaughter, literally like cattle! After all, obesity is not a sign of prosperity, but of the degeneration of a nation. And being overweight is not a sign of health, but of pathology!

Remember the fairy tale about Sinbad the Sailor? One day travelers arrived in a country where local residents They were greeted very cordially and began to be fed delicious food. The travelers ate this food for many days, and gradually their bodies turned into thick carcasses and their minds became clouded. They stopped assessing reality objectively. It is fantastic? Nothing happened. Unfortunately, clouding our awareness and controlling our consciousness is done very easily and simply - through water, food and air. What directly enters a person is the very hook by which he can then be hung anywhere, like a rag doll. And at the same time, this method of control turns out to be so “natural” and veiled that the “doll” does not notice anything and thinks that everything is going fine, as it should.

Relic Knowledge

In ancient times, when nature was still pure and pristine, food, water and air were not of critical importance. Now they have. Once upon a time superpowers people had from the beginning. But why are they needed now? develop through some kind of violence against oneself? Everything will happen easily and organically if

Vadim Zeland, Chad Sarno

Live kitchen

Vadim Zeland

Part I. Live kitchen

Now everyone, both women and men, both young and not so young, wants to be healthy, slim, beautiful, and successful. And in modern society, this natural desire is also artificially inflamed, since everywhere, from television screens and the covers of glossy magazines, standards of beauty and success are persistently imposed on us. However, you can’t keep up with the stars; not everyone is given talent, health and a model appearance from birth. And there is no time to take care of yourself, the routine sucks you in: work, everyday life, work again, whirlwind...

Before you have time to look back, the golden years have flown by, in some kind of hurry, in pursuit of something, in anticipation of something... Just recently it seemed that everything was still ahead, a lot could still be achieved and everything would still be done. But in fact, the years pass, in essence, mediocrely, stupidly, empty. And youth disappears forever. Somehow, unexpectedly, the time comes when, contemplating the “temple of your soul,” you have to sadly state: “Hello, beer belly!” or “Hello, cellulite!” Is this all? And all that remains is to accept it and live out the allotted time?

But for those who are still in their prime, everything is not so rosy. A young organism, for the time being, while it still has a lot of resources, does not cause much concern. He is able to walk normally, and even sometimes run, drive a car, move his arms and legs, open and close his mouth, make oscillatory movements in bed, satisfy the simplest needs, perform natural needs, in general, behave quite adequately. But as soon as such an average organism is placed in any extreme conditions, it immediately turns sour and begins to call for mom.

Why is it so hard after a standard breakfast of white bread with butter and sausage, scrambled eggs and coffee with milk? And after a standard lunch, why do you feel so sleepy? And after work you want nothing more than to plop down on the sofa in front of the TV? Have you ever wondered why, as is commonly believed, in order to achieve good athletic shape, you need to train long and hard? Why do all wild animals have excellent physical development from early childhood and remain cheerful and healthy almost all their lives, while humans drag out a miserable existence, constantly wandering around hospitals and pharmacies?

Everything, health, beauty, and youth, really ends very soon. Even the stars who once shone from screens and covers are literally fading before our eyes. Unlike a party or holiday, which can be repeated over and over again, life begins and ends only once. This is all somehow strange and sad. Such a beautiful thing - life, and so, in essence, absurd. But maybe there's something wrong here? Is something missing or hidden?

The answer is yes. There is a real way to reset the stopwatch to zero and start the hand again. Imagine yourself running screaming down a school hallway, and yourself walking up the stairs with shortness of breath, palpitations, and a heaviness in your stomach. So, a lot can really be returned. Would you like to return to the level of health that you had, say, at age 14, or even achieve better? Renew and improve your appearance, prolong your active and creative flowering. And the impending decline, as happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex, are no longer interested in you, should be postponed indefinitely. For those who are still in this heyday, there is a way to really raise their vitality and creative potential a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training or other manipulations of the soul and body.

The fact is that the quality of life changes dramatically if you change just one component - food. This is truly a fundamental starting point, since almost everything else depends on what enters a person directly. We are not talking about diets, dietary supplements and other “hobbies” of modern fashion, but about a fundamentally different way of eating. From this book you will learn what is flawed in generally accepted stereotypes and how you can break them.

Mechanics of Aging

You and I are not only luminous beings emitting energy. In our material basis we are a kind of drops of animated water. An old man is a withered drop, unless, of course, he is swollen with fat. The body ages when water leaves its cells. Why is she leaving them? One of the reasons is that water, along with energy, is sucked out of cells by free radicals - like a pump. Many people have probably heard about free radicals and antioxidants, but most likely have a vague idea of ​​what they are.

So, free radicals are vampire molecules - they are positively charged, inferior and brutally hungry, since they lack a free electron. These vampires are looking for where to snatch a free electron. And they snatch him from his defenseless cage. As a result, the cell loses energy - vitality, with all the ensuing consequences. Free radicals are one of the main causes of aging in the body. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are negatively charged molecules that carry a free electron. Such molecules are donors; they neutralize free radicals.

The aging process is quite simple: your appearance is a reflection of your health; and you are only as young as the charge that remains in your batteries - cells. Health directly depends on the cleanliness of the body. The purity of the body depends on what and how you feed it. The charge of the cells, or, in other words, their “aliveness,” also directly depends on the degree of “aliveness” of your diet.

Living water, air and food are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food are free radicals. The former recharge the cells and rejuvenate the body, the latter take away this charge and accelerate the aging process. Here's the main thing you need to know. The truth is always uncomplicated and lies on the surface. As Kozma Prutkov said, “what is simple is clear to everyone, but what is complex is of no use to anyone.”

The usual diet of the average person consists of foods cooked over fire, this dead food. Live food, on the contrary, is the one that has not been subjected to heat treatment. Same with water and air. What an ordinary person breathes and drinks is dead. And not only because of environmental pollution, which everyone knows about. Let's put it this way: we know only what an obedient element of the system is supposed to know. We are simply not told about many other vital things. Everything born of natural living nature, upon contact with technogenic civilization, undergoes cardinal, although not always noticeable, changes.

About what's happening to living water and living air in the “technosphere”, described in more detail in the book “Apocryphal Transurfing”. From there you will learn: what cannot be removed from water by any filters; do people really need minerals dissolved in water; what kind of water you need to drink to survive in the technogenic environment; why indoor air is much more toxic than on city streets, and what can be done about it; and also much more. In this book we will limit ourselves to discussing food only.

In nature, no one except humans cooks their food over a fire. Boiled food can only support existence. And this is not an achievement of the human mind, but its fatal mistake. In boiled and canned food, almost all useful substances turn into inorganic, dead ones. Organic substances differ from inorganic substances at the quantum level. Only organic substances contained in living (not boiled!) plants are absorbed. You can take chemicals, suck nails, eat clay, lick some salt rocks, drink mineralized water - all this is pointless, you can only get poisoned, but never acquire anything. Plants, unlike us, are capable of not only accumulating inorganic chemicals from the environment, but also converting them into a form acceptable to animal organisms.

A strange picture is observed: people diligently observe external hygiene, but few people think about internal hygiene. Meanwhile, in the body of an ordinary person there is a whole warehouse of garbage - it cannot be seen, but it will gain several (sometimes tens) kilograms in weight. The excretory systems do not have time to cope with waste, and the body is forced to shove all this dirt wherever possible. As a result, the body begins to become clogged very quickly and resembles old plumbing that has never been cleaned.

The body's reserves are enormous, so a person sometimes manages to survive up to seventy or even more years. However, everything comes to an end. Already in the middle of life, all people begin to experience the consequences of slagging: illness, excess weight, lethargy, and in general, the strength is no longer the same, and everything is not the same as it was before, in youth.

Zeland Vadim, Sarno Chad - Live kitchen. Transurfing updates - read the book online for free


There is a real way to reset the stopwatch to zero and start the hand again. Return to the level of health you had, say, at age 14, or even achieve better. It is really possible to raise your vitality and creativity a whole order of magnitude higher, without any training or other manipulations of your soul and body. Extend your active and creative flowering. And the impending decline, as happens after forty years, when employers, as well as the opposite sex, are no longer interested in you, should be postponed indefinitely.

To do this, you will need to turn a dead kitchen into a living one. From this book you will learn what is wrong with generally accepted eating habits and how you can break them. Eating live food will affect not only your intelligence and vitality, but also, of course, your appearance, which is always very impressive. Living cuisine (not to be confused with vegetarianism) is the nutrition system of people of the third millennium - a new wave of civilization. Welcome to the elite club.

Vadim Zeland, Chad Sarno
Live kitchen

Vadim Zeland
Part I. Live kitchen

Something is wrong here…

Now everyone, both women and men, both young and not so young, wants to be healthy, slim, beautiful, and successful. And in modern society, this natural desire is also artificially inflamed, since everywhere, from television screens and the covers of glossy magazines, standards of beauty and success are persistently imposed on us. However, you can’t keep up with the stars; not everyone is given talent, health and a model appearance from birth. And there is no time to take care of yourself, the routine sucks you in: work, everyday life, work again, whirlwind...

Before you have time to look back, the golden years have flown by, in some kind of hurry, in pursuit of something, in anticipation of something... Just recently it seemed that everything was still ahead, a lot could still be achieved and everything would still be done. But in fact, the years pass, in essence, mediocrely, stupidly, empty. And youth disappears forever. Somehow, unexpectedly, the time comes when, contemplating the “temple of your soul,” you have to sadly state: “Hello, beer belly!” or “Hello, cellulite!” Is this all? And all that remains is to accept it and live out the allotted time?

But for those who are still in their prime, everything is not so rosy. A young organism, for the time being, while it still has a lot of resources, does not cause much concern. He is able to walk normally, and even sometimes run, drive a car, move his arms and legs, open and close his mouth, make oscillatory movements in bed, satisfy the simplest needs, perform natural needs, in general, behave quite adequately. But as soon as such an average organism is placed in any extreme conditions, it immediately turns sour and begins to call for mom.