E meter Scientology. E-meters. Parameters and prices of analog e-meters

An important part of Scientology auditing is the e-meter. He seduces people with the supposed scientific basis of Scientology. Scientologists are accepted or expelled according to his testimony. He helps Scientologists uncover their deepest secrets and experiences, including those of a sexual and criminal nature. It helps determine the duration, intensity and nature of auditing sessions. It helps to determine the dates and details of their current problems and past lives. - Paulette Cooper

The E-meter is a device invented in the 1940s by a chiropractor named Volney Mathison . It was originally called the Mathison Model B Electropsychometer and was billed as a tool for psychotherapy and chiropractic.* However, the patent application for the first E-meter was made by L. Rona Hubbard (1911-1986), author of Dianetics and founder of Scientology, which linked Hubbard with the invention of the device.* (Paradoxically, Scientology considers psychotherapy great evil ). According to Hubbard's son Ronald: "My father obtained the E-meter license in 1952 from Matheson the same way he did everything - through fraud and coercion."* Hubbard's patent for a modified version of the Mathieson device, which was developed by Scientologists Don Breeding and Joe Wallis, was issued in 1958.*

In the early 1950s, Hubbard discovered that human beings strive for survival and that each of us is a "confused person" ( Carroll 1996 ). Hubbard thought he understood what it was that was "confusing" us. A person "confuses himself with combinations of mental images - pictures in the mind." He claimed that he measured these pictures with an E-meter. He claimed that the device could record the response of the soul at the moment when it temporarily departs from the body. The device sends a small electrical shock through a wire attached to two banks (electrodes) attached to the user and measures the body's resistance to the electrical current. Resistance is measured in ohms and is a function of humidity, temperature, and pressure, each of which can vary independently of the subject and none of which is directly related to any thoughts or feelings of the subject. Basically, an E-meter is just a “stepless range ohmmeter with sensitive settings.”*

On a purely physical level, resistance fluctuates depending on changes in the flow of electrons. Changes in electron flow may be due to changes in the source or changes in the medium through which the current flows. Since the E-meter cans are attached to the arms, some of the changes in resistance that it registers may be due to changes in unconsciously applied pressure (ideomotor effect), although this will not be the main factor in the change in reading.* The changes are most likely due to changes in the humidity or temperature of the hand andflow of ions on the skin surface. "Scientologists acknowledge that people with unusually dry hands may need a skin moisturizer to ensure good contact with the electrodes. One can only guess how many subjects took advantage of this solution to their spiritual problems."*

Chris Schafmeister, then a biophysics student at the University of California, San Francisco, wrote a paper in which he states that the E-meter measures the modulation of electron flow resulting in ionization of the skin surface, with ions passing "through long muscle cells, long axons nerve or through the blood. "* Schafmeister suggested that

The Scientologist studies feedback during auditing and E-meter readings by monitoring a semi-automatic mechanism that operates membrane-bound ion channels, thereby changing the resistance of his body. This is enough to provoke a change in the E-meter readings.

This is biofeedback in the simplest sense of the word.

Martin Hunt , a former Scientologist and auditor, also believes that biofeedback is at work here. According toThomas J. Wheeler , biofeedback, which involves “measuring muscle tension and skin temperature (higher temperatures are associated with relaxation)” is not denied. Such techniques "have been incorporated into many treatment programs."

The electrical changes that the E-meter records may be directly related to changes in thoughts or mental images, but what meaning or significance these changes in electrical resistance have - outside the basic principles of biophysics - is arbitrary and subjective. The significance of the connection between the electrical resistance of the human hand and mental images is taken for granted. Faith in the E-meter's ability to see into the depths of the human soul may be the best proof that Scientology is a religion, for it requires faith contrary to everything that electrical and brain science says.

The E-meter has gone through several generations and the current most advanced model is known as the Super Mark VII. An electrical engineer who examined the E-meter in 1995 "estimated that devices of this type are specially manufactured and sold in low volume and typically cost about $300." Today the device is sold by the Church of Scientology for about $4,000. Scientologists produce about 10,000 E-meters per year at a plant in Hemet, California. It takes about an hour and 20 minutes to produce one device ( Tobin 1998 ). To view the contents of the Mark VII, seeWWW-2.cs.cmu.edu/~DST/Secrets/E-meter/Mark-VII/ . The device is based onWheatstone Bridge . It has an Intel 8051 8-bit microprocessor, unnecessary for measuring skin resistance, but necessary for connectivity, allowing third party monitoring.

According to the Church of Scientology, the E-meter is a "pastoral counseling device" that can detect "spiritual distress and even childbirth."* The E-meter is also used as a device for recruiting new members. For example, in the downtown Plaza in Sacramento, California, Scientologists rented a kiosk for $2,000 a month. They offer free “stress tests” to anyone passing by. The stress test consists of analyzing E-meter readings while the Scientologist asks questions such as “What makes you feel stressed?” The Scientologist independently interprets any changes in the electronic meter readings.

Scientologists believe that the E-meter can assess energy levels in the body and detect spiritual trauma through a process called auditing. By identifying trauma, people can neutralize it, they say. After passing through certain stages, they eventually reach the state of so-called clear. Scientologists believe that E-Meter auditing provides a guide to self-discovery.

"When a person has stressful thoughts, those thoughts create real change," says Mike Klagenberg, a spokesman for the church in Sacramento. "The E-meter detects these physical changes." ( Garza 2005)

According to Scientology:

When the E-meter is in operation and a person holds the meter electrodes, a very small flow of electrical energy (about 1.5 volts - less than a flashlight battery) travels along the E-meter wires, through the person's body and back into the E-meter. The electric current is so small that there is no physical sensation.

Mind pictures contain energy and mass. The energies and forces in the pictures of the experience are painful and upsetting to the person, and can have a harmful effect on him. This harmful energy or force is called "charge".

When a person holding the E-Meter electrodes thinks, imagines, relives an episode of his life, or moves a part of the reactive mind, he is moving and changing actual mental mass and energy. These changes in the mind affect the tiny flow of electrical energy produced by the E-meter, causing the meter's needle to move. The E-meter needle tells the auditor where the "charge" is.

These explanations are pure speculation. In physics and neuroscience there is no concept of mass and energy of a mental image. This does not mean that thoughts do not have physical effects. There is a connection, but it is not a miraculous revelation to know that when a person thinks about destructive things, it produces some kind of negative physical effect. The process of the E-meter searching for thoughts or feelings is nothing more than a performance. Interpretation in terms of “engrams, reactive mind” and other pseudo-scientific jargon only adds to the theatrical effect and the process seems more believable than it actually is.

Interestingly, the E-meter comes with a disclaimer:

By itself, this device does nothing. It is intended solely for the guidance of priests of the Church in confession and pastoral counseling. The E-Meter is not medically or scientifically capable of improving health or bodily function and is intended for religious use only by students and ministers of the Church of Scientology. Hubbard, E-Meter and Scientology are trademarks and service marks owned by the Church of Scientology and are used only with permission.

This statement is in response to a 1971 ruling by the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, which stated: "The E-Meter has not been demonstrated to be useful in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease, or to improve any bodily function." The decision came after nearly a decade of wrangling with the government and concerns "that the devices were accompanied by false claims that they effectively treated about 70 percent of all physical and mental illnesses" ( Janssen 1993 ).

In 1963, FDA officers raided a church in Washington, D.C. and confiscated their E-meters. The FDA sued the Church of Scientology for fraudulent medical claims and called the E-meter a fraudulent healing device. The church, after years of litigation, agreed with the FDA. Specifically, decreeing that the church must abide by the laws regarding the E-meter:

The device must bear an embossed, clearly visible warning that any person using it for auditing or counseling of any kind must notify that there is no medical or scientific basis for believing or asserting that the device will be useful in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any diseases. It should be noted in the warning that the device has been convicted in a United States District Court for misleading trademark marking. According to Food and Drug Laws, use of the device is permitted only for religious purposes and the E-meter is not medically or scientifically capable of improving a person's health or bodily functions.

Each user, purchaser and distributor of E-meters must sign a written statement that he has read such notice and understands its contents and such statements must be retained. United States of America, Libelant, v. An Article or Device... “Hubbard Electrometer” or “Hubbard E-Meter” etc., Founding Church of Scientology et al., Claimants, No. DC 1-63, United States District Court, District of Columbia, July 30, 1971 (333 F. Supp. 357) ( Jacobsen 1996)

However, Scientologists continue to use the E-meter in auditing. The Church tries not to publicly declare that the E-meter has no health benefits. Some Scientologists, such as John Travolta and Priscilla Presley, say they use the E-meter on a regular basis. Any device reading is subjectively interpreted by the user. It is not difficult to understand how people could believe in such a device, especially if they believe that thoughts have mass and energy. For such people, the E-meter may well be useful for self-knowledge. The E-meter can stimulate such people and influence their thoughts and actions, which can lead to active planning for the future. The process can be facilitated by self-hypnosis. Small

If you have any questions or want to buy an e-meter, write to Skype : aibelov or fill out the form at the bottom of the page.



Computer e-meter “Theta-meter”

Theta meters — compact, modern and reliable e-meters for working via computer and mobile devices via connections: USB, Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

A unique advantage of theta meters is the function of sound accompaniment of the movement of the e-meter needle, which is simply irreplaceable for those who are engaged in solo auditing.

Another unique competitive advantage is the ability to demonstrate instrument readings not through screen sharing on Skype, but through a special server. This relieves traffic and can be useful when your Internet connection is weak.

The reliability of theta meters is guaranteed by high-quality components and the use of modern robotic systems when assembling and soldering devices.

Modern software allows you to select a model to work on absolutely any device:

  • via USB cable for computers and laptops with operating systems Windows (XP and higher), Mac OSX, Android (3.0 and higher) and Linux - these e-meters do not require periodic adjustment and do not require batteries;
  • through Bluetooth for PC, Apple Mac computer or phone and tablet running Android version 3.0 and higher, as well as Windows 8-10, Apple Mac, phone and tablet running Android version 4.4 and all newer, as well as iPhone 4S and later, iPad3 and more modern - these e-meters are convenient because they do not require wires;
  • through Wi-Fi to connect your meter to devices running any operating system that supports Wi-Fi B and G protocols, including devices such as iPad, iPhone or iPod.

All wireless models of theta meters, if necessary, can be connected via a completely standard USB cable.

Now the range of theta meters is represented by 5 models with different characteristics:


  • Bluetooth4.0BLE Theta-Meter (in a 50 mm solo bank) - does not require a separate bank for operation and can be connected to any devices (including iPhone and iPad), both via Bluetooth and via USB;
  • Bluetooth Theta Meter - with the ability to connect to devices via Bluetooth.

USB E-METERS 2nd generation

  • Theta-Meter USB (in a 50 mm solo can, 2nd generation) - does not require a separate can for operation;
  • Theta-Meter nano (2nd generation) is the smallest e-meter in the world, the size of a flash drive;
  • Theta-Meter (2nd generation) is a standard, popular e-meter.

The cost of theta meters is from 7,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the model.

For ease of comparison, we present the main parameters of theta meters in the table.


(to enlarge and view additional parameters - click on the picture)

Computer e-meter “i-meter”

iMeters— modern, reliable and convenient e-meters for working via computer and mobile devices.

Its uniqueness is that the e-meter is built into the can itself and can work with any device (computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone) via Bluetooth wireless connection (if you wish, you can also connect the can via a USB cable).

Wireless connectivity allows you to audit anywhere, anytime, even if there is no electricity “available.”

The distance at which the iMeter stably receives wireless communications is 10-15 meters.

The jar itself is made of aluminum and additionally coated with a layer of tin of 30 microns, which always ensures correct readings and absolute harmlessness, even for children.

The iMeter has a small 600 mAh battery built in, which will allow you to work with it continuously for 15-20 hours. If you audit on average 2 hours a day, one charge of the e-meter will last you a week.

The weight of the iMeter with a built-in battery is only 100-120 grams.

In addition, in addition to the iMeter, you can purchase a second can for a low cost. It connects to the jar in which the iMeter is built in and becomes additional.
The device works with all operating systems (MS Windows Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, as well as Mac OSX 10.7 and higher), as well as with all mobile devices running Android 3.x and higher (but not suitable for iPad, iPhone and iPod).

To get started, just install the software for free.

The price of iMetra is 14,400 rubles.
You can choose one of 3 sizes of jar diameters - 4 cm, 4.5 cm or 5 cm.

*Included with any iMeter is a USB cable and a storage bag.

The cost of an additional can for iMeter is 2,520 rubles


Analog e-meters differ from computer ones in that they do not have software installed, which can fail at the most inopportune moment, which may require reinstallation. Using an analog device, you do not have to worry about any malfunctions in the e-meter.

To work with analog devices, you don’t need anything other than the device itself: the banks are included, you don’t need software or additional wires and settings.

Analog e-meter “Stalker-8” (Stalker)

Stalker-8 (Stalker)
is an analog e-meter, one of the largest and lightest among analog instruments.

Another advantage of the device is the built-in auto-sensitivity compensator, which automatically changes the sensitivity of the arrow depending on the RT value. Also, the device is equipped with a light indicator for resetting the needle to SET, which allows you to notice it even out of the corner of your eye.

Many auditors respond positively to this e-meter due to the large size of the display and needle.
And they consider these parameters to be the most convenient for auditing, especially when working on-line, when a thin arrow is difficult to see due to loss of image quality.

An undoubted advantage is that the device operates without changing batteries for more than 500 hours!

The cost of the “Stalker-8” e-meter is $270.

The “Stalker-8” e-meter comes complete with 3 jars (paired plus a solo jar) made of thin tin and coated with a layer of pure, food-grade tin.

Analog e-meter "Omega" (Omega)

Omega (Omega)— reliable analog e-meter.
The advantages of this device include:

  • the scale of this e-meter is enlarged and clearly visible even when working via Skype;
  • the device operates on a set of batteries, which allows you to engage in auditing for more than six months without changing or recharging them, even with daily sessions;
  • indicator light for returning the arrow, which attracts attention even if you don’t look at it directly;
  • The clock located on the device allows you to control the operating time without being distracted from the process.

You can familiarize yourself with the parameters of this e-meter and compare it with other devices in the table at the bottom of this page.

The cost of the Omega e-meter is $150.

The Omega device comes complete with 3 cans (paired, plus a solo can), as well as a charger.

Analog e-meter "Azimuth" (Azimuth)

Azimuth- the cheapest but most reliable analog e-meter that will serve you for many years.

The main advantage of this device is its cost.

The E-meter runs on high-quality alkaline batteries that hold a charge for a very long time.

The device cover performs both a protective function, if it is placed on the front side, and the function of maintaining the device in a comfortable position during operation.

Simple and easy to use.

You can familiarize yourself with the parameters of this e-meter and compare it with other devices in the table at the bottom of this page.

E-meter price " Azimuth» – 80 $.

A solo jar is supplied with the Azimuth device.

For ease of comparison of analog e-meters, we present their main parameters in the table.


(to enlarge the table, click on the image)

To clarify details, select or purchase e-meters and additional equipment, as well as for any questions you may have, fill out the contact form below or simply write to Skype: aibelov



Accepted self-responsibility . The weight on your shoulders is melting! It's easier to go. I hear others better, I demand less. I become monolithic, whole and simple!

Nikolai Gulevaty

10 points out of 10, personal comparison with Moscow SC and MOR No. 1 .
The technology is purely individual, simple and accessible to everyone. The speed of case progress is enormous .
ABOUT review with contacts.


Got rid of obsessive beliefs , missing hostility towards people. I feel more and more confident family atmosphere became calmer.
Feedback with contacts.


Communication with people things got better. After the 1st session, hostility, dissatisfaction, tension and difficulty breathing.

In terms of its electronic device, the E-Meter is a conventional galvanometer based on a Wheatstone bridge. Practical application comes down to measuring the electrical conductivity of the body through the skin of the palms of the hands (galvanic skin response). Outwardly, it looks like this: the subject holds in his palms two electrodes made in the form of metal cylinders connected by wires to the device, while he answers questions from a consultant who monitors the readings of the device’s arrow, which records changes in the electrical resistance of the body.


Of course, E-Meter readings will depend on a lot of factors. For example, the individual characteristics of the individual’s skin, the individual’s individual muscle tone at a specific point in time, the area of ​​contact of the individual’s palms with the sensors, the presence and quality of the composition of the individual’s skin contaminants, the general health of the individual’s body, ambient temperature, air humidity, air pressure, blood pressure , the congenital “sweating” of the individual, the presence of a hangover syndrome, the presence of withdrawal syndrome, abstinence, and last but not least, the psychological state and brain activity of the individual at the time of answering questions. All these influences are supposedly “easily neutralized by correct adjustment of the device,” which cannot have a scientific basis. Both the measurement methods and the parameters measured in this way are not recognized by official medicine. The device was called "scientifically useless" in a report to the German parliament. The decision of the US District Court (District of Columbia) stated that the E-meter has no practical ability to be used in the diagnosis, treatment or prevention of any disease and does not have a general scientific or medical proven ability to improve any body functions.

Scientologists sell the Modell Mark Super VII Quantum E-Meter for 7428 euros, although its production cost is 100 euros.


The E-meter was created in the 1940s by the American inventor and chiropractor Volney G. Mathison and was called the Mathison Model B Electropsychometer - Mathison Electropsychometer model B. Mathison was a psychoanalyst before collaborating with Hubbrd Freudian

Initially, Matheson used ordinary metal kitchen graters as electrodes, on which the patient placed the palms of his hands and pressed his fingers against them in moments of excitement.

Despite the fact that the E-Meter was invented by Volney Matheson, the patent for the E-Meter was subsequently taken over by Ron Hubbard, from the affidavit of Hubbard's son it follows that his father received the patent by blackmailing and intimidating Matheson.

In 1958, Hubbard resumed his auditing practice with the help of a modification of the E-Meter made by two Scientologists, Don Breeding and Joe Wallis. This device was called Hubbard electrometer. Hubbard received a US patent for it (3290589) in December 1966, in the description "Apparatus for measuring and displaying changes in the resistance of the human body." However, there is a US patent (2056778) for the design of the device, and the word "E-METER" is a registered trademark.

The Scientological understanding of the work of the E-Meter is based on the requirements of the E-Meter operator for the individual being tested, in which auditing is essentially the only and main practice, and the E-Meter, as a consequence, is the central device that helps the auditor (operator) in his work.

see also


  • United States District Court, District of Columbia, 1971. "United States of America, Libelant, v. An Article or Device... "Hubbard Electrometer" or Hubbard E-Meter," etc., Funding Church of Scientology, et al. , Claimants. No. D.C. 1-63 (July 30)
  • Victory for the Scientologists, Time(February 14, 1969). Retrieved October 18, 2007.
  • Pilkington, Mark Clear thinking. Far out. The Guardian (17 February 2005). Archived from the original on June 27, 2012. Retrieved October 18, 2007.

Russian speaking

English speaking

  • Description of patent number 3,290,589 dated December 6, 1966 for the Hubbard E-Meter


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what an “E-meter” is in other dictionaries:

    Meter (τό μέτρον, measure, unit of measurement, criterion): meter, measure is the ending of complex names of measuring instruments: ammeter, hydrometer, odometer, etc. Meter is a unit of measurement of length in the SI system. Meter base... ...Wikipedia

    1. METER, a; m. [from Greek. metron measure] 1. The basic unit of length in the modern measurement system, equal to one hundred centimeters. The board is six meters long. The width of the road is five meters. The height of St. Isaac's Cathedral is 101 meters. 2. Ruler, tape of this length with... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Greek measure). 1) foot in verse, as well as the size of rhythmic movement in music. 2) French measure of length, ten-millionth of a quarter of the earth's circumference = 1 arsh. and 2.5 tops. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    Meter (Greek το μέτρον, measure), a structural unit of verse, a group of feet united by ikt, the main rhythmic stress. Meter can be one-syllable or two-syllable. In anapestic, trocheic and iambic verses the meter is usually disyllabic, ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek metron measure) 1) the basic SI unit of length. 2) a measure of length that reproduces the unit of length meter. According to the definition adopted by the 17th General Conference on Weights and Measures (1983), a meter is the length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in 1/299,792... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ARK-1 e-meter buy in Moscow - transformable e-meter at the best price for auditing preclears and solo passage of OT levels. Selling (buying) Hubbard electropsychometer.

We will start with the first e-metrologist in our organization (an e-metrologist is the one who makes emeters :)

Freedom E-meters by Leonid Shubin

It so happened that in our Moscow organization Ron No. 4, a group of guys were launched at the OT levels. Therefore, we decided to make a batch of e-meters for them.

Our organization has already produced first-class e-meters - Shubometers, they were made by Leonid Shubin. Their official name is “Freedom”. There were a lot of them made, they work like a clock and their hand is awesome.

E-meter ARK-1 by Dmitry Romanov

But preclears become clears, and clears go to OT levels. And we need more and more e-meters. That’s why Dmitry Romanov designed the ARK-1, by the way, in the best traditions of the Soviet defense industry.

We called it ARK-1. This is in honor of the legendary MARK-5 e-meter, the electronic circuit of which was taken as the basis. If you remove the “M” from “MARK”, you get “ARK”: Affinity - Reality - Communication, and also - this is the name of the head of our organization :)

How to use a transformer e-meter

The ergonomic front panel, bright scales, contrasting pointers and soft pointer will allow you to comfortably conduct even multi-hour sessions.

E-meter is specially designed for convenient work with lists and grids. ARK-1 does not need to be lifted: an A4 sheet easily passes under it and does not get tangled in the wires. For this purpose, the body of the device was lengthened and a special cutout was inserted.

Using the e-meter - 2 operating modes

Thanks to two working positions, ARK-1 is very convenient to use both in solo sessions and when auditing perclears. This is the only transformable E-meter in the world!

In its normal position, the ARK-1 head is located as close as possible to the table surface, which is very convenient in solo sessions.

When installing the device on the lid, the head is located high. The auditor reads the instrument from one angle and observes the preclear.

What's inside the e-meter?

The delivery set includes 3 jars with a diameter of 5 centimeters: one solo and two for the preclear. The wire is pleasant to the touch. The jars are made of the strongest alloy: they don’t wrinkle or bend, they last for three hundred years!

The power supply is built-in (you'll never forget), the power cord is hidden in a special compartment with a sliding lid. 12 high-capacity pinky (AAA) batteries are also included.

Why else is it worth buying an ARK-1 electropsychometer?

The tone knob is made of clear plexiglass with a bright pointer. Its variable resistor is designed for 10 million revolutions.

The power supply is located on a separate board, GOST requirements for electrical safety are met. And the head of our ARC has military approval.

Buy an e-meter in Moscow

ARK-1 e-meter buy in Moscow - transformable e-meter at the best price and solo passage of OT levels. Selling (buying) Hubbard electropsychometer.

This convenient and reliable device with a soft arrow will be your faithful friend on the BRIDGE (after passing the BRIDGE, the device can also be used 😉).

Warranty period: 5 years.

The Italian physician, anatomist, physiologist and physicist Luigi Galvani described the famous discovery in his “Treatise on the Forces of Electricity in Muscular Movement”. Galvani dissected a frog while his assistants carried out experiments with electricity nearby:

“When one of my assistants, with the tip of a scalpel, accidentally very lightly touched the internal femoral nerves of this frog, immediately all the muscles of the limbs began to contract so much that they seemed to have fallen into severe tonic convulsions,” he writes. However, Galvani approached the observed fact not as a physicist, but as a physiologist. The scientist was interested in the ability of a dead drug to exhibit vital contractions under the influence of electricity. After much scientific research, the scientist suggested that the muscle is a kind of battery of Leyden jars (an ancient device for storing electricity), continuously excited by the action of the brain, which is transmitted through the nerves. That's exactly how I was born animal electricity theory, it was this theory that created the basis for the emergence of electromedicine, and Galvani’s discovery created a sensation.
A German physiologist of Swiss origin, Emil Heinrich Dubois-Reymond, published the work “Studies on Animal Electricity,” which was the first attempt to assess the performance of living tissues based on the electrical phenomena occurring in them. Dubois-Reymond developed and described a method that allows one to determine the condition of muscles and nerves based on their reaction when excited by electric current. He was the first to use electric current as a remedy. Current doctors, making a diagnosis based on indications
electrocardiograph, largely use the discoveries of Dubois-Reymond. It is curious that the scientist himself was an ardent supporter of mechanistic materialism. In 1872, at a congress of natural scientists in Leipzig, he read the famous report “On the Limits of Natural Science,” in which he stated that when exploring the mysteries of life, people are repeatedly forced to admit ignorance, to say “I don’t know,” and, moreover, must come to terms with the idea that in the future “they won’t know.” It's funny that a hundred years later, this man's work began to help thousands of people learn the basics.
Two scientists simultaneously began to study the phenomenon of electrical processes recorded from the surface of the skin. The French neuropathologist Feret studied changes in the electrical resistance of the skin, and
Russian physiologist Tarkhanov discovered skin potential and its changes during experiences and in response to tangible irritation. Tarkhanov found that any irritation inflicted on a person, after 1-10 seconds. the latent period causes at first a slight and slow, and then increasingly accelerating deflection of the galvanometer mirror,
often off-scale. This deviation sometimes continues for several minutes after stopping
action of the stimulus. Gradually the galvanometer mirror returns to its original position. The scientist noticed that electrical phenomena in human skin sharply intensify with imaginary imagination of sensations, with abstract mental activity, with excitement of the nervous system, with fatigue. He discovered that a person's resistance to the passage of a small electric current through the hands holding the electrodes is changed according to the subjective emotional state. The simple psychogalvanometer he invented to investigate this phenomenon was one of the earliest tools of psychological research.
Engineer Müller in 1904, testing the sensitivity of the galvanometer he designed, decided to connect a person instead of ohmic resistance. At the same time, he noticed a strange phenomenon: as soon as something influenced the human central nervous system, the galvanometer needle began to deviate, as if the resistance in the circuit was decreasing. Müller turned to Veragut, a prominent physiologist, for advice. At first, Veragut thought that this was some kind of artifact, but after reading the works of Tarkhanov and Feret, he realized that this phenomenon was caused by an effect on the human nervous system and called it a “psychogalvanic reflex.” In fact, the Feret and Veragut-Muller methods are no different from each other and are designed to study changes in skin resistance.
Another physiologist, the German Jew Richard Wolfgang Simon, was at this time investigating the electrical characteristics of emotion and thought. In 1904 he wrote the book “Mnemonics”, and in 1921 its translation into English was published, which became available to the general public. In it, he defines an "engram" as a permanent charge caused within the organism by some stimulus, where the trace of the experience of this stimulus is "recorded" in the organism and forms part of its memory. When a stimulus is repeated, the energy it releases flows through this "engram", takes over some line of behavior, and this consequently leads to a more or less different form of response.
The first mention of the use of the galvanometer in psychoanalytic research is in the book
Carl Gustav Jung's Study and Analysis of Words. Here, a Swiss psychologist describes a technique for connecting a person holding electrodes to a device that measures changes in skin resistance while words from a pre-prepared list are read to them. If a word on this list was emotionally charged, a change occurred in the body's resistance, causing the galvanometer needle to deflect.
This can be seen at 12 minutes of the good film "A Dangerous Method".
Thus, Jung worked to localize (identify) and unload negative unconscious material. He introduced the concept of galvanic skin response (GSR). He was the first to see in GSR a physiological “window” into the unconscious, showing the connection between GSR and the degree of emotional experience.
In the 1930s and 40s, there was a series of attempts to create “lie detectors” and other devices designed to interpret the connection between GSR and the processes occurring in humans. Quite interesting and varied facts were discovered:
a more pronounced increase in GSR in response to funnier jokes (E. Linde); correspondence of GSR peaks to stressful film episodes (R. Lazarus et al.); a more significant increase in skin electrical conductivity during the emotion of fear than during the emotion of anger (A. Ex); an increase in GSR when perceiving obscene words (E. McGuinness) and others. But, alas, many of them were never able to find a connection between the data they received and the processes that generated them.
However, attempts to exploit the GSR effect continued, and in the late 1940s, chiropractor Volney Matheson created the Matheson Electropsychometer Model B as an aid in psychotherapy and chiropractic:

In 1952, Ron Hubbard obtained the rights to the E-meter from Volney Matheson, and then filed his patent for a modified version of the device, which was further developed by Scientologists Don Breeding and Joe Wallis in 1958. The e-meter appeared, such as we know it, but not as an independent device, but as a tool for the already existing technology of Scientology auditing - processes for improving the human condition.
In subsequent years, the e-meter continued to be modified. Electronic noise filtering systems, auto-sensitivity adjustment, digital reading meters and other benefits of the era of microprocessor technology have appeared. These days, many people use attachments to personal computers that display checklists on the screen next to the arrow, record audio through a microphone, and so on and so forth. But these were already cosmetic changes. The basis of the device and, most importantly, the understanding of the energetic mechanism of the mind and the recording of its manifestations through the electrical parameters of the human body, development and research over many years were brought together into a common working methodology by Lafayette Ron Hubbard and his assistants in the middle of the 20th century.

E-METER: auditor's tool.
The invention and improvement of the e-meter by L. Ron Hubbard is a cornerstone in the history of Dianetics and Scientology. When L. Ron Hubbard published Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1950, a new era for humanity began. In the early days of Dianetics, Ron used the physical characteristics of the preclear himself to determine areas of charge in a preclear and what needed to be run: emotional
reactions, body temperature, pulse and even the color and saturation of the iris. In auditing preclears he used this with great success, but other people who were training to be Dianetic auditors had difficulty in perceiving such indicators. Ron needed some instrument that could accurately measure thought, by which any auditor would be able to know what was needed
take place in this case.
P/N: How does the e-meter work?
LRH: The E-meter works on a principle that is very easy to understand. He passes a very small carrier wave through the preclear, and this wave is affected by the tiny electrical charges in the preclear's bank. The E-meter simply amplifies them so that the pc can see them and process them properly.
P/N: How is this principle implemented, what happens inside the device?
LRH: Simply put, the meter consists of three separate parts: a) a circuit of the preclear, a battery and a tone knob (PT),
b) amplifier and c) moving part (device with arrow). Connected to the e-meter circuit is a small battery, similar to the battery in your flashlight or transistor radio. This battery is needed to pass a tiny electrical current through the wires of the meter, through the preclear and back to the meter. This current, which is actually very small, acts as a carrier wave. In other words, it is a wave of energy that can be affected by other things and that can carry other things.
P/N: How is this used in auditing?
LRH: When a preclear thinks a thought, looks at a picture, relives an incident, or moves any parts of his bank, he uses electrical energy to do so, and there is an electrical disturbance in the surrounding electrical field or body of the preclear himself. These electrical changes in the field are picked up by the carrier wave and carried along wires from the electrodes back to the meter. The E-meter tells you what the preclear's mind is doing when the preclear is encouraged to think about something. It is triggered before the preclear becomes aware of the datum. Therefore, it is a “preconscious” device.
P/N: Is it possible to demonstrate to a person who is not very familiar with Scientology how it all works?
LRH: Do the Pinch Test. Install the meter and ask to take the cans. Tell the person that you are going to perform the pinch test, and then, with the person holding the electrodes and the sensitivity set to the person's normal position, pinch the person's arm firmly.
Notice how the meter responded and how the needle moved. This is often followed by an increase in the position of the RT.
You saw simply the momentary reaction of life to the use of force. It generated energy. If the RT also rose, it was because the added mass made the carrier wave so difficult to move that the RT had to be moved to a higher position. Now ask this person: “Remember the moment of the pinch.” Notice the needle jump on the e-meter scale. Every time a person remembers the moment of pinch, you can see the reaction of the arrow. However, it will become smaller and smaller, and as the "as-isness" of the incident is recreated and the mass disappears, you will see that the obstacle to the carrier wave decreases and the tone knob moves down. The readings you see on the scale of your e-meter as the needle moves are visible manifestations of the movement of masses, adhesions and pictures in the mind of the preclear, or the actual mental energy generated and discharged by the preclear.
P/N: How important is this device in auditing?
LRH: There are no known methods of clearing without the use of an e-meter. The E-meter "knows" about the preclear
more than the preclear himself. He registers the created masses that he hides from himself. The preclear cannot confront everything he creates. Hence the “omniscience” of the e-meter.
Dima Skorodumov asked questions.
Sources of quotes:
Book "Understanding the E-Meter"
Book “Essential Features of the E-Meter”
What is Ron talking about, or what is inside the box with the arrow?
1 "Chain of preclear, battery and tone knob"
Electrical resistance is the property of a material that conducts current to resist electric current. If the resistance is low, the current passes without loss. For example, via copper wire. If resistance
is very high, the current does not pass at all, as, for example, through porcelain or glass. If the resistance is not very large, but not small either, current passes, but not with such force as through a conductor.
An electrical device that prevents the passage of current is also called resistance. On the electrical diagram it is designated by a rectangle in Russia or a spring in Europe and the USA and is called the Latin letter R. There are special devices whose resistance can be changed. They are called variable resistances, or rheostats. They are used to control the brightness of the light bulb, sound volume, and heating temperature. On the electrical diagram it is designated by a rectangle with an arrow in Russia or a spring with an arrow in Europe and the USA.
The human body also conducts current and can also be said to have some electrical resistance. This resistance is not constant, it depends on many factors, one of the main ones being the work of the mind. The mind continually goes through its notes, compares them, moves them. Its records are energy “pictures”. In addition, through the brain, the mind sends many signals through the nervous system and receives back signals from the senses. This leads to a change in the electrical parameters of the body, therefore, the activity of the mind can be recorded by the change in the resistance of the human body. By its electronic structure, an e-meter is an electrical resistance meter. It compares the current flowing through the pc's body with some reference current given by a variable resistance called the Tone Knob (PT). In the jargon of electronics engineers, this method is called
measuring bridge, its diagram can be seen in the figure. The figure shows several resistances that form this very bridge, two of them are variable: the already familiar “RT” tone knob and the “Cutoff” knob, which serves to calibrate the e-meter scale.
2 "Moving part"
A device that is used to record weak electrical currents is called a galvanometer in honor of the Italian scientist Luigi Galvani, who first described the fundamental principles of electricity. Its “more scientific” name is microammeter, but physicists and electronics engineers prefer the original version.
The device is a conducting frame (usually wound with a thin wire) mounted on an axis in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. In the absence of current in the frame, it is held by a spring in a certain zero position. If current flows through the frame, then the frame deflects by an angle proportional to the current strength (depending on the stiffness of the spring and the induction of the magnetic field). An arrow attached to the frame shows the current value in the units in which the galvanometer scale is calibrated.
There were other options and designs, for example, in times when there were no amplifiers, instead of a needle, a small mirror was used, which was lighter than the needle and therefore the device was more sensitive. The value was shown by the reflected ray of light. In the modern world, currents are measured by special digital converters and then processed by computers. This is how e-meters connected to computers work.
3 "Amplifier"
Despite the fairly high sensitivity of the galvanometer, the e-meter has to measure much weaker changes in electric current than a device with a pointer can register. Therefore, the electrical signal of the difference in current between the preclear and the PT handle goes to the amplifier. The auditor adjusts the degree of signal amplification by rotating the sensitivity knob. The first amplifiers were made using vacuum tubes, and later on semiconductors: transistors and microcircuits. It was the absence of these devices at the beginning of the century that made it impossible to create an e-meter until the second half of the 20th century - the sensitivity of the device was extremely low.
In modern devices, the amplifier is replaced by a digital microcomputer, which allows not only to process weak currents, but also to filter out interference, keep track of changes and calculate the total amount of RT drops, count the session time, automatically set sensitivity and even independently set the RT knob to the desired position. Therefore, on many modern e-meters, instead of a tone knob, you will see a “SET / INSTALLATION” button, by pressing which the auditor gives a command to the e-meter and it automatically sets the desired position of the PT, not forgetting to count all the necessary changes.
4 "Batteries"
By tradition, from the very first device, e-meters have been powered by batteries. This allows you to make the device portable, independent of the electrical network and provide stable readings that do not depend on voltage fluctuations in the network.

So, we’ve sorted out the history of both the E-meter and its structure. Now let's move on to the auditing session itself.
What happens during a session and how the E-meter is used. The E-meter constantly measures the resistance of the body and any change in it is visible by the movement of the arrow and other indicators. Why does body resistance change during auditing? Because the auditor asks the preclear (client) to find incidents of high intensity of experience (trauma, loss...). These pictures have a much greater electrical charge than, for example, pictures of today's breakfast.
Here you need to understand where the pictures of a person’s past actually are. And they are within a person’s reach: around and inside the body, a lot around the head. There is no connection between pictures and the brain, otherwise it would become harder than steel. When a person remembers something, relives it, he attracts these pictures of the past closer to himself and therefore the electrical resistance of the body increases. As these pictures are re-experienced multiple times, the charge-experience disappears and the E-meter again shows the usual electrical resistance of the human body. That's how it works.
These charged pictures even have very little weight. In fact, it is unlikely that anyone bothered to weigh the pc before, after, or during the session. But the demonstration of changes in the electrical resistance of the body is available to everyone. This is called the "pinch test". The auditor turns the E-meter toward the preclear so that he can see the reading and makes a small pinch on the preclear's hand. The E-meter needle reacts immediately, indicating an increase in body resistance.
The auditor then asks to remember that pinch, and the needle immediately reacts in exactly the same way as during the pinch itself. If you ask the preclear to remember this pinch again and again, the needle will continue to respond, but weaker and weaker, and then the readings will disappear completely - the charge is gone, the case is considered “erased.”
More about analogues of the E-meter.
Channel One showed several times a program about people who, at different times in different parts of the country, were injected with a drug unknown to science, zombified and forced to work depending on their qualifications. A few years later, some of these missing people found themselves in unfamiliar lands, not remembering anything, not even their name. This is how implantation works.
All sorts of psychotherapists/hypnotists/psychics tried to help them, but to no avail; their memory was not restored.
Then the scientific gurus connected the poor fellows to one super-expensive prototype device, which seems to be used by the intelligence services against foreign spies. The operating principle of this device is not that complicated. Electrical wires were connected to the brow to monitor body resistance. Texts like: “you live in Moscow, Novgorod, Voronezh... and throughout the list” were very quickly displayed on the screen in front of the subject’s face. In the desired city, the person unconsciously reacted in the form of an increase in the electrical resistance of the body. For example, Voronezh. Then he walked in the same way a list of Voronezh streets, then the number of the house, apartment. At the specified address, they found relatives of the poor fellows, they came and took them home. Everyone had to get acquainted again, since even after years the memory returned to a very small extent. We can observe exactly the same phenomena in our own and those around us, only on the scale of living one life in one body.
Why am I doing all this?
Awareness in current life, awareness in memories is a valuable thing.
About the masses.
Pictures of the past do have physical mass, but of course not comparable to the total mass of the body. However, experienced observers of people are able to see the influence of this mass in people’s appearance: their figure, posture, and facial features are distorted.
There were descriptions of cases where capable comrades, by postulating the presence/absence of mass in their own body, skillfully regulated their own weight in the range of up to 25 kg. But I personally have not met such people.

Recently I saw a video about the “newest invention of Russian scientists” IPER-1K. Laughed for a long time.

They even issued a patent for this thing, although it has been in use since 1954 and is called an E-meter.
It’s good that science, be it military psychology or civilian psychology, stupidly snubbed the most ordinary e-meter from Scientologists. More precisely, its modification, connected to a computer,
though already for an amount of more than 60 thousand rubles. So that it could be sold to the gray masses of psychologists, the interface was simplified as much as possible. Judging by the video, the functionality was the same.
In fact, its market price ranges from 7 to 10 thousand rubles.

I have been using the original e-meter for several years now. The essence is an ordinary ohm meter that measures the electrical resistance of a body. And the pinch test has been used to demonstrate this device for over 50 years. I myself often fly by plane and from time to time I have to show airport security staff how it works. This device with cylinders and wires seems very suspicious to them.
In short, this bicycle was invented a long time ago, whether someone likes it or not.
But that's not important. And it is important to be able to audit a person, remove negativity from a person’s past, using this device.