Resume of the leader of student government at school. On the topic “Why I became the leader of student government.” Leader of student government

Official documents

Creative works

Social practice

Abstract The conducted research represents an analysis of two processes: Christianization and enlightenment. The purpose of the study is to identify the influence of educational and missionary activities on the way of life of the Ob Ugrians. To achieve this goal, the following methods were used: – Research and analysis of scientific literature TTIAMZ (Tobolsk State Historical and Architectural Museum of the Reserve (scientific library)). – Work with researchers from TGIAMZ, Surgut State University, Ugra State University, the Museum "Nature and Man", an ethnographic museum based on a small school in the village of Lempino; Nefteyugansk region. – Analysis of archival materials of the TFGATO (Tobolsk branch of the state archive of the Tyumen region) (method of scientific objectivity, problematic chronological method, static). – Systematization and generalization. As a result of the study, it was found that throughout all educational and missionary activities in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, education was carried out from above. And the goal of education and upbringing in modern conditions should be to transfer the knowledge and cultural values ​​accumulated by the past generation. And if this condition is met, the efficiency of education will become higher and, therefore, there will be no “losses”.


Leader of student government


Surname: Chereneva

Name: Anastasia

Surname: Petrovna

Job title: President of the children's public organization "KOMPAS"

School: Municipal educational institution "Drobyshevskaya Secondary School"

Class: 11

Personal signature ________

Section No. 1. Personal documents and materials.

List of submitted documents:

  1. Summary;

  2. Autobiography;

  3. Essay-reflection
“Why I became the leader of student government”;

  1. Copies of personal diplomas, diplomas, IDs and certificates indicating achievements in socially significant and socially useful activities.

  2. Contestant's message: “Me and my team...”

^ Summary

participant of the competition

"Leader of student government"

FULL NAME: Chereneva Anastasia Petrovna

Citizenship: Russia

^ Place of birth: Chelyabinsk region Troitsky district Belokamenka

Full home address: 457118 st. Lugovaya 34, p. Travyanka, Troitsky district, Chelyabinsk region

^ Home phone: 7 –15 -53

Email: -

Passport: 75 07 044029 issued on May 17, 2007 by the department of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Chelyabinsk region in Troitsk and the Troitsky district

Place of study: Municipal educational institution "Drobyshevsky secondary educational institution",

Chelyabinsk region Troitsky district Drobysheva st. School 1

^ Class: 11.

Additional education:

^ Experience in social activities:

^ Main personal achievements:


Event name


Scholarship holder of the Head of the Trinity Municipal District

Regional poetry tournament “Silver Feather”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of A.L. Barto, in the category “I’m not a poet yet, I’m just learning” - third degree diploma.

Regional competition of creative works “Dobrodeya” in the category “poem” - 2nd place.


Regional competition “My South Ural Village.” Literary nomination.


Regional competition of historical and local lore works, in

nomination “Historical Portrait” - 1st place.


Regional competition of historical and local history works, in the category “Historical Portrait” - 1st place.


Regional competition for young vocalists “Star Factory”

Regional competition of young vocalists

“Star Factory”, in the “Star” nomination - third degree diploma winner.

Regional Olympiad in Russian language

Regional Olympiad in Literature

^ Additional business information: I use a computer fluently and have a good voice.

Personal characteristics: I am careful, take my responsibilities seriously, sociable, responsible.

Hobby: I love singing, music, active recreation, basketball

Resume date


I, Anastasia Petrovna Chereneva, was born on April 17, 1993 in the village of Belokamenka, Chelyabinsk region. In 1995, she arrived with her parents for permanent residence in the village of Travyanka. I went to first grade at Travyanskaya Primary School in 2000. In 2003, I went to study in the fifth grade at the Drobyshevskaya Secondary School, and am currently studying in the 11th grade.

Since the fifth grade, I have been seriously interested in music and have been attending a vocal club for six years.

In 2009, the Children's Public Organization "Compass" was created at our school, and the students of our school elected me president in a vote.

Currently I am engaged in social work, as well as in a vocal circle.


on the topic “Why I became the leader of student government.”

What is a leader?

A man who knows no peace

The leader leads

And he will overcome everything.

He is the winner of any fight!

F. Picabia.

W. Churchill said: “History will be favorable to me, since I am going to write it.” And this means that every patriot of his homeland must leave something for his country, something that would be remembered for centuries. These words are my life credo. But the word Motherland means not only your country, but also your small homeland - the region where you live.

I am proud that I live in the Chelyabinsk region, in an area known not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders. Drobyshevo for me is a village where the past is intertwined with the present. I am grateful to the Chelyabinsk region for the fact that it is here that student self-government is actively developing, which allows us to reveal the leadership abilities in each of us.

Nowadays the problem of children's employment outside of school hours is very acute. You can often see teenagers just on the street, killing their free time by smoking, drinking alcohol and even using drugs. In my opinion, this is largely happening because children are little engaged in socially significant activities, their leisure time is poorly organized, and their spirituality and material wealth have sharply decreased.

Where is the way out?

Recently, children's and youth organizations and associations have been actively growing in Russia, student self-government is developing, on the basis of which leaders grow up.

The Chelyabinsk region needs young leaders, and not only there, but throughout Russia, because our region, like the whole country, is led by people who are well over thirty. We have so few young, energetic politicians capable of leading.

I live in the village of Travyanka, but I study in the village of Drobyshevo at a school that gives me the opportunity to express myself. After all, the school has created all the conditions for this. My future will be connected with my village, because I love it and cannot imagine myself outside of it, I worry about its future. And our Children's public organization "Compass" is interesting for us. It can live as a separate unit, but an alliance with student self-government bodies of other schools will make it possible to train real leaders. Indeed, in our country, high school students demonstrate their abilities from a speaker in an election race to a politician in the government. I believe that our school organization “Compass” is needed by the school. After all, it is the foundation on which the house is built. This is the cell that is the structural unit of all living things. Here, at school, we don’t just play at being independent, but we understand who a real citizen, manager, and leader is.

Leaders, who are they?

A true leader is one who, first of all, thinks about people, not as a tool through which one can reach the heights of glory, but as people who need a person who will help, just as a leader helps birds by showing the way. But he only shows, and people decide for themselves whether to follow him or not.

A true leader is also one who is able to lead, determine the right path, and take responsibility for decisions. A leader is trusted, he can give meaning to another person's life and, in my opinion, he is able to give him confidence in himself and in his future.

A leader always needs to be aware that personal qualities such as competence, activity, initiative, perseverance, self-control, the ability to manage oneself, having clear goals, and the ability to influence others are of great importance. And the most important thing is the ability to admit your mistakes, sociability. I think that one of the most important qualities is perhaps sociability.

Sociability is openness to others, a willingness to communicate, the need to have contacts with people, to establish constructive relationships with others, both with peers and with people of the older generation. Communication geniuses are people who have peace of mind, a sense of humor, a genuine interest in people and, ultimately, artistry, positive energy and the ability to say “no” without offending anyone, although this is not easy. Therefore, the most important thing at this stage of my life is working in the school organization of our school, I am happy to work as president, but the main thing is the trust of my subordinates. My ministers value my ability to work.

Efficiency – endurance, the ability to carry out hard work for a long time and not get tired of leading others. In my work as president, it helps to achieve results that give me a great chance to organize my like-minded people around me.

Being a student government leader is important to me. This is a real step into the future! Because this is a way of practicing living in the social space of rights and responsibilities, an opportunity to demonstrate the uniqueness of one’s personality, to realize one’s involvement in what is happening in society, to master social experience. Leadership qualities are useful in all endeavors, in all professions. In modern life it is impossible to do without leadership principles.

I firmly know that Russia is one of the great powers, and I realize that tomorrow I, as a citizen of our country, will be entrusted with its life, peace and well-being. And I am proud that my school organization is the link that develops all of a person’s personal qualities. And although working in student government seems like a game, it is very serious. And I believe that we will definitely succeed.

^ Personal achievements.

  1. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for active participation in the cultural life of the school, 2005.

  2. Certificate to the scholarship holder from the Head of the Troitsky municipal district L.V. Shatalova, 2006

  3. Letter of gratitude from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1 for success in research work and active participation in the cultural life of the school, May 25, 2007.

  4. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for active participation in the social and cultural life of the school, 2007.

  5. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for good studies and active participation in the life of the school, 2008.

  6. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for fruitful and conscientious work in the summer labor detachment of the Head of the Troitsky Municipal District, September 1, 2009.

  7. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for 1st place in the regional Olympiad in Literature, 2009.

  8. Certificate from the Municipal Educational Institution “Drobyshevskaya Secondary School No. 1” for 1st place in the regional Russian language Olympiad, 2009.

"Me and my team..."

Chereneva N: Hello, my name is Anastasia Chereneva. This is my team!

Team: And this is our leader.

Chereneva N.: If you want to publish a newspaper,

Feel free to answer...

Team: After all, that’s what printing was created for!

Chereneva N.: If you want to have fun,

Go to the Ministry of Culture.

And sports victories...

Team: Find it at the Ministry of Sports!

Chereneva N.: If you want to rule the state,

Nominate yourself for President!

Or maybe you will get into Parliament,

Team: And accept the laws of the country!

Chereneva N.: And we also have...

Team: Ministry of Labor and Education!

Chereneva N.: If you want to learn how to do this, to be in the center of events, then come to us.

Team: We will teach you!

Chereneva N.: I am the President of the children's organization "Compass" and I cannot imagine my work without my faithful assistants!

Team: And we, without Nastya!

Section No. 2. “Materials on the activities of the public association”

^ List of publications in the media about the activities of the children's public organization "Compass"

  1. Article “Compass” will show the way” (Appendix)

Regulatory documents

List of presented materials:

  1. Charter of the children's public organization "Compass"

  2. Regulations on student self-government;

  3. Work plan of the Council of the President of the children's public organization "Compass"

Charter of the children's public organization "Compass"

1. General situation

1.1. The children's public organization "Compass" is a non-political, voluntary, public organization of children, adolescents and adults, which operates on the basis of this Charter.

1.2. The children's organization created on the basis of the municipal educational institution "Drobyshevskaya Secondary School" operates on the basis of the program of the children's association "Compass"

Motto: “For the Motherland, goodness and justice!”

1.3. Goals:

Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of the individual;

Orientation of children to the ideology of goodness, justice, mercy;

Sociologization of a young man

1.4. Tasks:

Creating conditions for the inclusion of children and adolescents, members of preschool educational institutions, in activities that are interesting to them and socially significant;

Development of creative abilities and initiative of each member of the organization;

Fostering kindness, humanism, mercy;

Increasing demands on oneself and comrades;

1.5. Functions:

1. Orientation:

Orientation of students in the system of social, spiritual, political values

2. Developmental:

Ensuring the civic, moral, physical, personal development of students.

1.6. The program is guided by the following operating principles:

The principle of public orientation


Creation of an organization on the initiative and based on the free choice of children and adults;

Carrying out socially valuable creative activities;

Formation of a patriot, citizen.

The principle of voluntary entry and active participation in affairs assumes:

Formation of an active position of the individual in work and study, social activities and creative pursuits;

Development of initiative;

The right of every child to voluntarily join and leave a children's organization.

Principles of cooperation between teaching staff and children's organization assumes:

Development of amateur beginnings, initiatives of children's groups;

Interaction of teachers with elected bodies;

The principle of continuity and taking into account the age and individual characteristics of schoolchildren


Correspondence of cases to the peculiarities of raising children and adolescents of different age and physiological characteristics;

Constant attention to the peculiarities of the formation of the student’s personality, the uniqueness of his spiritual world;

Constant attention to the peculiarities of the formation of individual, psychological and physical capabilities.

The principle of romance, interest, play


Developing interest in public affairs, technical creativity, books, art, and diverse knowledge;

Development of the creative imagination of counselors and students, reliance on the initiative and ingenuity of the children;

Revealing the heroism of historical events in an emotional and vivid form.

The principle of continuity and systematicity


Work throughout the year, especially during school holidays, both in a general education institution and at the place of residence, ensuring the unity of goals, objectives, principles of activity with the content, forms and methods of working with children.

^ 2. Conditions and procedure for admission to the organization

2.1. Every school student who recognizes the Charter of the children's organization, actively participates in the life of the school, and carries out the instructions of student self-government can become a member of a children's public organization.

2.2. Introduction.

Joining the children's organization "Compass" is voluntary. The children's organization accepts schoolchildren from 7 to 17 years old. A schoolchild who has joined the organization makes an oath at the ceremony.

Withdrawal occurs by declarative procedure in case of violation of the provisions of the Charter, or at one’s own request.

^ 3. Rights and obligations of members of the organization

3.1. All members of the Compass organization have equal rights and follow the basic laws:

- Law of Education

- Law of politeness

- Law of Justice

- The Law of Creativity

- Law of Frankness

- Law of choice according to conscience

- Law of free speech

^ 3.2.Members of the organization are obliged to:

Comply with this Charter;

Actively participate in the affairs of the organization;

Lead a healthy lifestyle;

To be honest;

Follow the laws of collective life.

^ 3.2. All members of the organization have the right:

To support and protect your rights;

Elect and be elected to self-government bodies;

Express an opinion about the work of the organization;

Use the organization’s property in the prescribed manner;

Voluntarily join and leave a children's organization.

^ 4. Dissolution of the organization and its members

An organization may be dissolved by decision of a meeting of the organization, where at least 2/3 of its members were present, of which at least 2/3 voted for its dissolution.

^ 5. Structure of the preschool educational institution “Compass” and self-government bodies

  • - The highest body of the children's public organization "Compass" is the conference;

  • -at the conference, a collective body is elected - the president, the cabinet of ministers.

  • - candidates for president and ministers from the best students are approved for 1 year;

  • -ministers organize the lives of schoolchildren;

  • -each class represents a “city”, gives it a name, states symbolism
    /motto, anthem, flag, emblem/;

  • -each city is headed by a mayor, elected at the request of the children;

  • -the cabinet of ministers has a close relationship with the mayor’s office, sums up the work of each “city” for the week at meetings on Mondays;

  • -the cabinet of ministers, the mayor's office plan work, check the implementation of instructions;

  • -the mayor ensures that everyone is always and everywhere faithful to the motto, oath and
    complied with the law, knew his duties and rights.

  • The organization is led by ministers who are elected from among students in grades 8-11.

The work of the ministers is coordinated by curators from among the teaching staff:

- President – ​​School Director

- Minister of Education – ZDUVR

- Minister of Culture - ZDVR

- Minister of Sports – Physical Education Teacher

-Minister of Discipline and Labor-

- Minister of Information -

Ministry of Education:

  • Drawing up and adjusting the ministry’s work plan.

  • Organization and conduct of subject weeks, intellectual competitions, various quizzes, etc.

  • Monitoring student attendance and progress.

  • Nomination for awards for academic success, subject Olympiads, student scientific and practical conferences, etc.

  • Cooperation with the deputy directors of education, class teachers, subject teachers.
Ministry of Culture:

  • Organization and holding of school cultural events

  • Design of cultural events, evenings, holidays

  • Interaction with extracurricular institutions

  • Organization of leisure time for students
Ministry of Discipline and Labor:

  • Compliance by schoolchildren with the Rules for Students and the School Charter

  • Organization of labor events (general cleaning, territory cleaning, window insulation, landscaping of school grounds, etc.)

  • Checking the sanitary condition of the offices

  • Involving students in community service

  • Maintaining the safety of school property

  • Organization of duty in school and classrooms

  • Collaboration with the deputy Director for AChCh, technical staff

  • Drawing up and adjusting ministry work plans
Ministry of Sports:

  • Organization of school and district competitions, sports games and holidays

  • Information about events in the world of sports

  • Conducting physical education sessions

  • Monitoring attendance at physical education lessons

  • Assistance in conducting lectures on healthy lifestyles

  • Organizing lectures for students on crime prevention
Ministry of Information:

  • Coverage of school life in the newspaper “School Chime”

  • Release of a wall newspaper for the holidays

  • Acquiring theoretical and practical skills in working with a computer

  • Uniting children of different ages in order to form a well-rounded personality and realize the creative interests and abilities of students

  • Assistance in nurturing the information culture of schoolchildren;

  • Increasing interest in studies (literature, Yakut and Russian languages, computer science)

  • Development of intelligence, creative and communication abilities
^ Goals and objectives of self-government:

Purpose The activities of student self-government are the implementation of the student’s right to participate in the management of an educational institution, the preparation of students for participation in public self-government.

Tasks activities of student government are:

1. Representing the interests of students in the school management process.

2. Support and development of student initiatives in school life.

3. Protecting the rights of students.

4. Planning and organizing student activities in a specific area.

5. Accounting and analysis of local government activities.

Directions of work of the children's organization "Compass":

Patriotic – “Be loyal to the Motherland!”

Environmental – “Green Wave”

Cognitive – “One head is good, but many are better!”;

Labor - “The master’s work is afraid!”

Sports and health - “Faster, stronger, higher!”;

Aesthetic - “Beauty will save the world!”;

Caring - “Hurry to do good!”;

^ Expected results

Formation of a patriot, citizen.

Implementing the orientation of adolescents towards goodness, love, joy, work, creativity.

Development of communication culture skills in various groups of different ages.

Formation of ideas about the model of life on the principles of free communication, respect for interests, respect for the child’s personality.

The children's organization uses a variety of forms, methods and methods for developing skills and achieving goals through the implementation of the program of activities of the children's public organization "Compass"





^ 457143, Chelyabinsk region, Troitsky district, from Drobyshevo, st. Shkolnaya, 1 email address: [email protected] ;

I affirm:

head teacher

__________/Asoskova V.A./

______________ 2009

Regulations on the children's public organization "Compass"

^ 1. The main goals and objectives of the preschool educational institution “KOMPAS”

1. Global assistance in the development of public initiatives in the field of labor, moral-aesthetic, military-patriotic and legal education, technical creativity of schoolchildren.

2. The organization of work is aimed at constant and targeted updating of the content, forms, methods of labor, moral, aesthetic, military-patriotic and legal education, education and training.

3. Creation of creative teams, groups, associations to solve social problems.

4. To implement the tasks of DO “KOMPAS”, a bank of ideas is being created on issues of labor, moral-aesthetic, military-sports and legal education, education and training.

5. Study and use other school children's organizations in their work.

6. DO "KOMPAS" strives to create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development of members of the organization.

7. Organization of fairs, lotteries, auctions. Preparing schoolchildren for economic and scientific activities.

^ 2. Organization structure:

The highest body of the children's public organization "Compass" is the conference. At the conference, a collective body - the president, the cabinet of ministers - is elected, and candidates for the president and ministers are approved from the best students for 1 year. The organization is headed by the president. During the period between meetings, the working body is the COUNCIL OF THE PRESIDENT. The President's Council and junior level, middle level, senior level - work closely with the school administration and class teachers in accordance with the Charter of the Children's Organization.

^ Organization motto:

"For the Motherland, goodness and justice"

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^ 3. Functions of the Presidential Council

President's advice:

3.1. Acts on behalf of students when resolving issues of school life: studies and formulates the opinion of schoolchildren on issues of school life, represents the position of students in school management bodies, develops proposals for improving the educational process;

3.2. Promotes the implementation of student initiatives in extracurricular activities: studies the interests and needs of schoolchildren in the field of extracurricular activities, creates conditions for their implementation;

3.3. Promotes the resolution of conflict issues: participates in solving school problems, coordinating the interests of students, teachers and parents, organizes work to protect the rights of students;

^ 4. Rights of the Presidential Council

The Presidential Council has the right:

4.1. Hold meetings, including closed ones, and other events on school grounds at least once a week;

4.2. Place information on school grounds in designated places (at the student council stand) and in school media, obtain time for their representatives to speak at class hours and parent-teacher meetings;

4.3. Send written requests, proposals to the school administration and receive official responses to them;

4.4. Get acquainted with the school’s regulatory documents and their projects and make suggestions to them;

4.5. Receive information from the school administration on school life issues;

4.6. Represent the interests of students in the school administration, at pedagogical councils, meetings dedicated to resolving issues in the life of the school;

4.7. Conduct meetings with the school director and other administration representatives at least once a month;

4.8. Conduct surveys and referendums among students;

4.9. Take the initiative to conduct a disciplinary investigation against school employees, participate in a disciplinary investigation against teachers for violations of student rights;

4.10. Send their representatives to work in the collegial governing bodies of the school;

4.11. Organize the work of public receptions of the student council, collect student proposals, hold open hearings, raise the issue of solving problems raised by schoolchildren with the school administration, other bodies and organizations;

4.12. Make decisions on issues under consideration, inform students, school administration and other bodies about decisions made;

4.13. Use the organizational support of school officials responsible for educational work in the preparation and conduct of student council events;

4.14. Make proposals to the school administration to improve the educational process of the school;

4.15. Make proposals to the school administration about rewarding and punishing students, and when the school administration considers issues of disciplinary action against students, give an opinion on the advisability of its use;

4.16. Protest decisions of the administration and other school management bodies, actions of school employees that contradict the school Charter;

4.17. Protest decisions of the school administration concerning students made without taking into account the proposals of the student council;

4.18. Create press organs;

4.19. Participate in resolving issues regarding the appointment of teachers to the position of class teacher and dismissal from this position;

4.20. Establish relationships and organize joint activities with student councils of other educational institutions;

4.21. Send representatives of the student council to meetings of school management bodies that consider issues of disciplinary offenses by students;

4.22. Use office equipment, communications equipment and other school property in agreement with the administration;

4.23. Participate in resolving conflict issues between students, teachers and parents;

4.24. Make proposals to the educational work plan of the school;

4.25. Represent the interests of students in bodies and organizations outside of school;

4.26. Participate in the formation of school delegations at events at the city level and above;

4.27. Exercise other powers in accordance with the law and the school Charter.

Work plan of the Council of the President of the children's public organization "Compass"

  1. Work plan of the Ministry of Education





Raids to check students' readiness for classes (availability of school supplies) (grades 2-11)

during a year

Minister of education


Raids to check attendance and tardiness (grades 2-11)

during a year

Minister of education


Exhibition of the best diaries, notebooks (grades 2-11)

during a year

Minister of education


Participation in subject weeks.

during a year

Subject teachers


Participation in regional subject Olympiads


Subject teachers


“Happy accident” (5-7 grades)


Minister of education


“Field of Miracles” (8-11 grades)


Minister of education


Summing up the results of raids on school-wide lines

during a year

Minister of education

  1. ^ Work plan of the Ministry of Physical Education and Sports





Health days.

1st -4th quarter

class teachers, minister of sports, president.


Hiking trips.

4th quarter.

class teachers, president, minister of sports


Campaign “We are for a healthy lifestyle”


Minister of Sports, teacher-organizer


Carrying out sports events: “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family” (grades 1-4).




Athletics cross-country in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory


Minister of Sports, President


Classes in sports clubs.

during a year

heads of sports clubs.


Ski trips



Basketball competition




Minister of Sports, Physical Education Teacher


General school competitions:

Fun starts

Runner's Day

Tourism competitions

Basketball competition

Football competition

Fun starts

Checkers competition

Tennis competition

Fun starts

Track and field relay

Hiking technique

Athletics all-around

during a year

Minister of Sports, Physical Education Teacher


Participation in regional competitions (according to plan

during a year

Minister of Sports, Physical Education Teacher


“We choose health” propaganda team


President, Minister of Sports

  1. ^ Work plan of the Ministry of Discipline and Labor





Campaign “My yard is my street”

in current of the year


Organization of school duty.


Minister of Discipline and Labor. the president,


Labor landing. Cleaning the school grounds

September, May, June

Minister of Discipline and Labor, President


Daily cleaning of classrooms.

General cleaning of classrooms.


Minister of Discipline and Labor, President, Senior Manager.


School landscaping.

in current of the year

Minister of Discipline and Labor


“Being educated - what does it mean?” - ethical conversations.

Minister of Discipline and Labor


Operation “Clean roads and streets”

during a year

Minister of Discipline and Labor, President.


Making feeders and birdhouses


Minister of Discipline and Labor, class teachers.


Quiz “Know and love your land!”


Minister of Discipline and Labor, President, History Teacher.


Ecological game “We and Nature”


Minister of Discipline and Labor, biology teacher.



- “Good manners in social life”;

- “Ethics of human relations”;

- “The culture of communication is a way of organizing life”;


Senior Manager, Minister of Discipline and Labor


Implementation of the social project “Park “Beryozka” - to be!”

April May

Minister of Discipline and Labor

^ IV Work Plan of the Ministry of Culture





Classes in clubs and electives of the aesthetic cycle

during a year

heads of clubs and electives.


Holiday "First Call"



Celebration "Birthday of the children's organization "Compass"


ZDVR, President, Minister of Culture, teacher-organizer


Holiday “I praise your name - teacher”


ZDVR, President, Minister of Culture


Autumn Ball


President, Minister of Culture



during the year

minister of culture


Mother's Day Crafts Competition


President, Minister of Culture


New Year's matinees and evenings


Organizing teacher, president, minister of culture, class teachers.


Homecoming evening


ZDVR, Minister of Culture


Evening dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day


Organizing teacher, Minister of Culture


Competition “Come on, guys!”


Minister of Culture, Minister of Sports


Competition program “Together with Mom”


Organizing teacher, president, minister of culture


Matinee “Maslenitsa is visiting us”


minister of culture


Valentine's Day"


minister of culture


Creative reports from clubs


Minister of Culture, heads of circles.


Last Bell Holiday


Minister of Culture, 11th grade


Literary and musical composition “They fought for the Motherland!”


ZDVR, Minister of Culture

^ V Work Plan of the Ministry of Information





Stand design for Compass subsidiary

during a year

Minister of Information.


Release of the school newspaper “School Chime”


Minister of Information


Release of festive wall newspapers: Birthday of the Compass Branch

Teacher's Day

New Year

For calendar holidays

during a year

Minister of Information, President

^ Section 3 “Model of student self-government”

Who will lift you up to heaven?

- Only myself.

Who will bring you down from on high?

- Only you?

Where are the keys to your bitter fate forged?

- Only in you.

How will you pay for a lost battle?

- Only by myself.


My name is Dmitry Ryabkov. I am 16 years old and I am the chairman of the student government of the Secondary School No. 1 of Perevoz.

While still in elementary school, I already strove to organize events, participated in various competitions and was always a leader. In my earliest childhood, I was a very active child and could not sit still, so I tried myself in many areas of activity that were possible. At the age of 6 he began training in the dance group "Chance", where he learned a lot. Now this activity helps me a lot, I can easily organize a creative performance and choreograph a dance.

At the same time, I studied at the arts and crafts association. With his works he participated in various competitions, festivals and exhibitions. In the 4th grade I started writing my first book in the “Origins” association. We went hiking, visited significant places in our area and, of course, studied the history of our native land. For my active work, I was awarded a letter of gratitude from the municipal level.

In 5th grade I continued to do what I loved. He was accepted into the ranks of the Rostock children's public association at our school. Throughout my time in the association, I was one of its leaders and always took part in all organized events. He was awarded, and in May 2015 received the title of professional of the New Shift RSDOO. While in the children's association, I gained experience that I apply in the activities of student self-government.

In high school, I more actively began to realize my abilities in student self-government. Thanks to my curator Maria Viktorovna Bychkova, I not only demonstrate my skills, but also gain new ones. Now I am engaged in patronage activities, sharing my experience with younger children and helping them to master new heights. The Leadership Council has become my second family where I spend a lot of time. This year, at the general meeting of school students, I was elected chairman of the student government. From the Leadership Council, I was nominated to the district high school student council, where I am also the chairman. For his successes he was awarded a trip to the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" (in the village "Swift"). There I also did not stand aside, during the entire shift I participated in all sorts of events, I was also the leader of my house (squad), which at the end of the shift won the title of the fastest (best) house. And I became an honorary resident of the village. "Swift." During the shift, he participated in the development of a social project, which he successfully defended and received a letter of recommendation for implementing the project in his region.

Now there is little good in our lives, so I decided to become a volunteer in order to give the goodness of my heart to others and help those in need. I immediately became the leader of my volunteer group, and am constantly attracting new people. During my volunteer activities, I was the organizer of many events and events, and a participant in various festivals and competitions. We provide assistance to elderly people, labor veterans and disabled people. What I like most is visiting a rehabilitation boarding house for children with difficult life situations. I really like to see the smiles and joy in their eyes.

Everything in this life interests me! I try to find out, learn and be useful to others as much as possible. My motto in life is " L the best AND deyami D ate, E if R hell be useful!"

And I'm also a dreamer! And now I dream of visiting the Artek International Children's Center (to develop leadership skills, organizational skills, gain experience) and I am moving towards my dream. Now I participate in various competitions at the municipal, regional and All-Russian levels.

Set a goal and go towards it! The main thing to remember is that you don’t have to wait for a miracle, you have to create miracles yourself!


Leader of student government


Surname: Manokhina

Name: Daria

Surname: Vladislavovna

Job title: President of the children's organization "Friends"

School: MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" branch No. 1 in the village of Staroseslavino

Class: 11

Personal signature ________

Section No. 1. Personal documents and materials.

List of submitted documents:

1. Summary;

2. Autobiography;

3. Essay-reflection

“Why I became the leader of student government”;

4. Copies of personal letters, diplomas, certificates and certificates indicating achievements in socially significant and socially useful activities.


"Leader of student government"

FULL NAME: Manokhina Daria Vladislavovna

Citizenship: Russia

Place of Birth: Tambov region Pervomaisky district.

Full home address: 393714 Sovetskaya St. 151, Staroseslavino village, Pervomaisky district, Tambov region

Home phone: 71 – 3-17

Email: -

Passport: 6811 664893 issued 09/04/2011 Department of Internal Affairs of the Pervomaisky district of the Tambov region

Place of study: Municipal educational institution

branch No. 1 MBOU "Pervomayskaya secondary school"

in the village Staroseslavino

Tambov region Pervomaisky district Staroseslavino st. Sovetskaya 111a

Class: 11.

Additional education:

Experience in social activities:

Main personal achievements:

Years Event name
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino for 1st place in the category “Sanitary post” in the regional military sports game “Zarnitsa”.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friends" of the MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino 1st degree for active participation in the children's press festival “Media - New Generation” in the television category.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino for participation in the regional festival of the staged song “Sing the song as it used to be...”, dedicated to the 85th anniversary of the pioneers.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino for active participation in district and regional competitions of the Union of Children's Organizations of the Pervomaisky District.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village. Staroseslavino team “Luntiki” took 3rd place in the regional festival - competition of school KVN teams “KiViNchik”.
The diploma is awarded to the primary children's organization "Friends" of the MBOU "Pervomaisk Secondary School" for their creative approach and effective activities in the implementation of the "World of Security" program and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the Union of Children's Organizations of the Pervomaisky District.
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "PSOSH", branch in the village. Staroseslavino based on the results of the 2012-2013 academic year for the creative approach and achieved results in the implementation of the “From the Heart” program
The diploma is awarded to the children's organization "Friendly" MBOU "PSOSH", branch in the village. Staroseslavino for 2nd place in the Soviet competition “Be the first among equals”

Additional business information: I use a computer fluently, I have good vocal skills, I am a member of the dance group “New Baby”

Personal characteristics: I am careful, conscientious about my duties, sociable, responsible.

Hobby: I love to sing and dance.

Resume date


I, Daria Vyacheslavovna Manokhina, was born on June 7, 1997 in the village of Staroseslavino, Tambov region. I went to first grade at the Pervomaiskaya Secondary School in 2004. In 2007, I went to study in the fifth grade at the Pervomaiskaya Secondary School.

From the second grade I became seriously interested in music and dancing. For six years I have been attending the vocal club and the dance club “Ballroom Dance”. Since 2008 I have been a member of the children's public organization “Friends”.

In 2008, members of the board of the children's public organization “Druzhnye” elected me president.

The children's organization "Friends" at the municipal budgetary educational institution "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School" in the village of Staroseslavino became for me another step that allowed me to reveal myself as an active, creative person.

For three years I was the chairman of the activist group, which allowed me to acquire organizational capabilities, find a common language with all people, and put our common ideas into practice.

As a student at Derzhavin TSU, I also continue to lead an active lifestyle. I strive to use all my knowledge and skills acquired on the basis of the children’s organization “Druzhnye” in my business.

I would like to wish the guys to be bolder and creative in all their endeavors. Do not be afraid of difficulties, overcome them with ease and a cheerful, perky mood. Go for it! You will succeed!