Gaidar chuk and gek summary. Review of A. Gaidar's story “Chuk and Gek. No one is waiting

Chuk and Gek

Chuk and Gek live in Moscow with their mother. Comes from his father, who works in the taiga as the head of a reconnaissance geologist. stations, telegram. Dad invites everyone to visit. The boys persuade their mother to go. She agrees and goes to get the tickets.

At this time, another telegram is brought, but the children hide it from their mother, since Huck carelessly throws away the box in which it was lying. When the train pulled up to the station, my mother was surprised that no one met them, because she was giving a telegram. The coachman agrees to deliver for 100 rubles. The base where the father should be is empty, everyone has gone to the taiga. The watchman who remained here personally sent a telegram to delay his arrival. It was the same telegram that Huck threw away. It was difficult for the first time in the taiga, but everyone managed and waited for the expedition to return on New Year's Eve. There was a beautiful Christmas tree, Huck read his poems, Chuk danced, everyone wished each other happiness as the chimes struck. This means living honestly, working hard, loving your land and country!

Main characters

Chuk– a thrifty boy, loved to collect various things, cunning, unrestrained; one year older than Huck.

Huck- “confused and gaping”, honest, could sing; one year younger than Chuk.

Mother of Chuk and Gek- Seryogin’s wife, a soft, kind woman.

Other characters

Seryogin- father of Chuk and Gek, head of the geological party.

Watchman– sheltered Chuk and Gek and their mother while Seregin was on an expedition.

A man lived in the forest near the Blue Mountains. He worked a lot, but in the winter he sent a letter to his wife in Moscow so that she and her sons, Chuk and Gek, would come to him. When the postman brought the letter, the boys fought over something, but immediately stopped. Having learned that the letter was from dad and he was inviting them to visit, the guys were very happy.

A week later the luggage was collected. Mother went to buy train tickets. While she was gone, the postman came and brought a telegram. Chuk hid it in his metal box. At this time, Huck, in the next room, was poking Chuk at the cardboard with his lance made of a stick and nail. Chuk took it and broke the pike. Then Huck threw Chuck's box out the window. Chuk shouting “Telegram!” ran out into the street, Huck followed him, but they failed to find the box. The boys decided not to tell their mother about what had happened unless she asked about the telegram herself.

The next day in the evening they left by train. At night, Huck went out into the train corridor, and then accidentally climbed into the wrong compartment. Fortunately, an unfamiliar mustachioed officer immediately took him to his mother.

When the mother and boys arrived at the station, contrary to expectations, the father did not meet them. The place where he lived was “a hundred kilometers through the taiga,” so the woman made an agreement with the coachman. On the way, they spent the night in a small hut-station and by the evening of the next day they were there. When we arrived, everyone was very surprised: there were no dogs or people at the base. Having gone to the guardhouse, the driver said that the watchman would most likely be there in the evening. Mom and sons stayed in the lodge, ate and fell asleep.

We woke up from a roar - the watchman returned. The mother introduced herself as Seryogin’s wife. The watchman said that they were not ordered to come, they were even sent a telegram to “delay leaving for two weeks.” The woman was surprised, but by the roar of the boys she realized that it was their doing.

The watchman said that the reconnaissance party would return no earlier than in ten days. Leaving food for his mother and children, he went into the taiga. The watchman did not return for a long time; on the morning of the fourth day, the woman had to chop the wood herself. After lunch, mom and Chuk went to get water. They left Huck at home - the woman thought he was sick. When mom and Chuk returned, Huck was nowhere to be found. The dog of the returning guard found the boy - Huck wanted to joke with his brother and mother and hid in an old chest, but fell asleep.

It turned out that the watchman went to the distant Alkarash gorge and brought a letter from the chief Seryogin: “he and the people will be here in four days, just in time for the New Year.” The next day, the boys and their mother began decorating the Christmas tree, making toys from scrap materials and wax candles.

“The four days of the case flew by unnoticed.” The boys had been waiting for their father since morning, but the geologists arrived on skis by lunchtime. Seeing his father, Huck rushed to meet him. In the evening, “everyone greeted New Year". One of the men played a merry dance on the button accordion, everyone danced, and then Huck sang a song. At midnight, Seryogin turned on the radio and “the melodious ringing” of the chimes could be heard.

“And then all the people stood up, congratulated each other on the New Year and wished everyone happiness. What happiness is - everyone understood it in their own way. But all together people knew and understood that they had to live honestly, work hard and love deeply” and take care of their country.


Arkady Gaidar's story "Chuk and Gek" compositionally and in style has much in common with a fairy tale, due to which a special, conditional world is created in which family reunion and happiness become real.

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Average rating: 4.5. Total ratings received: 277.

There lived a man in the forest near the Blue Mountains. He worked a lot, but the work did not decrease, and he could not go home on vacation.
Finally, when winter came, he was completely bored, asked permission from his superiors and sent a letter to his wife asking her to come and visit him with the children.
He had two children - Chuk and Gek. And he and his mother lived in a distant huge city, the best of which there is nothing in the world.
Day and night, red stars sparkled above the towers of this city.
And, of course, this city was called Moscow.
Just when the postman was going up the stairs with a letter, Chuk and Huck were having a fight. In short, they just howled and fought...
Both of these brothers had just hit each other once with their fists, and were about to hit each other a second time, when the bell rang, and they looked at each other with alarm. They thought that their mother had come. And this mother had a strange character. She didn’t swear for fighting, didn’t scream, but simply gave the fighters a run for their money. different rooms and for a whole hour, or even two, she did not allow them to play together. And in one hour - tick and tick - there are sixty minutes. And in two hours it’s even more.
That's why both brothers immediately wiped away their tears and rushed to open the door.
But it turns out that it was not the mother, but the postman who brought the letter.
Then they shouted:
- This is a letter from dad! Yes, yes, from dad! And he will probably arrive soon.
Here, to celebrate, they began to jump, jump and tumble on the spring sofa. Because although Moscow is the most wonderful city, but when dad is already whole year If you haven’t been at home, it might get boring in Moscow.
And they were so happy that they did not notice how their mother entered.
She was very surprised to see that both of her beautiful sons, lying on their backs, were screaming and beating their heels on the wall, so loudly that the pictures above the sofa were shaking and the spring of the wall clock was humming.
But when the mother found out why there was such joy, she did not scold her sons.
She just kicked them off the couch.
She somehow threw off her fur coat and grabbed the letter, without even shaking off the snowflakes from her hair, which had now melted and sparkled like sparks above her dark eyebrows.
Everyone knows that letters can be funny or sad, and therefore, while the mother was reading, Chuk and Huck carefully watched her face.
At first the mother frowned, and they frowned too. But then she started smiling, and they decided that this letter was funny.
“Father won’t come,” the mother said, putting the letter aside, “he still has a lot of work to do, and they won’t let him go to Moscow.”
The deceived Chuk and Gek looked at each other in confusion. The letter turned out to be the most saddening thing.
They pouted at once, sniffled and looked angrily at their mother, who was smiling for some unknown reason.
“He won’t come,” the mother continued, “but he invites us all to visit him.”
Chuk and Huck jumped off the sofa.
“He’s an eccentric person,” the mother sighed. - It’s good to say - visit! It’s like getting on a tram and going...
“Yes, yes,” Chuk quickly picked up, “since he’s calling, we’ll sit down and go.”
“You’re stupid,” said the mother. – It’s a thousand and another thousand kilometers to go there by train. And then in a sleigh with horses through the taiga. And in the taiga you will come across a wolf or a bear. And what a strange idea this is! Just think for yourself!
- Gay, gay! “Chuk and Gek didn’t think for even half a second, but unanimously declared that they had decided to travel not only a thousand, but even a hundred thousand kilometers. They are not afraid of anything. They are brave. And yesterday they drove away with stones a strange dog that had jumped into the yard.
And so they talked for a long time, waving their arms, stamping their feet, jumping up and down, and the mother sat silently, listening to them and listening. Finally she laughed, grabbed them both in her arms, spun them around and threw them onto the sofa.
Know that she had been waiting for such a letter for a long time, and she was only deliberately teasing Chuk and Huck, because she had a cheerful character.
A whole week passed before their mother got them ready for the trip. Chuk and Gek didn’t waste any time either. Chuk made himself a dagger from a kitchen knife, and Huck found himself a smooth stick, hammered a nail into it, and it turned out to be a pike so strong that if you pierced the skin of a bear with something and then poked it in the heart with this pike, then, of course, the bear would have died immediately.
Finally all the work was finished. We've already packed our luggage. They attached a second lock to the door to prevent thieves from burglarizing the apartment. We shook out the remains of bread, flour and cereals from the cupboard so that the mice would not breed. And so the mother went to the station to buy tickets for the evening train tomorrow.
But then, without her, Chuk and Gek had a quarrel.
Ah, if only they knew what trouble this quarrel would lead them to, then they would never have quarreled that day!
The thrifty Chuk had a flat metal box in which he kept silver tea papers, candy wrappers (if there was a picture of a tank, an airplane or a Red Army soldier in it), feathers for arrows, horsehair for a Chinese trick and all sorts of other very necessary things.
Huck didn't have such a box. And in general, Huck was a simpleton, but he knew how to sing songs.
And just at the time when Chuk was going to get his precious box from a secluded place, and Huck was singing songs in the room, the postman came in and gave Chuk a telegram for his mother.
Chuk hid the telegram in his box and went to find out why Huck no longer sings songs, but shouts:
R-ra! R-ra! Hooray!
Hey! Hit! Turumbey!
Chuk curiously opened the door and saw such a “turumbey” that his hands shook with anger.
There was a chair in the middle of the room, and on its back hung a tattered, pike-marked newspaper. And that's okay. But the damned Huck, imagining that there was a bear carcass in front of him, furiously poked his lance into the yellow cardboard from under his mother’s shoes. And in the cardboard box Chuk kept a signal tin pipe, three colored badges from the October holidays and money - forty-six kopecks, which he did not spend, like Huck, on various stupid things, but saved thriftyly for the long journey.
And, seeing the hole in the cardboard, Chuk snatched the pike from Huck, broke it over his knee and threw it on the floor.
But like a hawk, Huck swooped down on Chuk and snatched the metal box from his hands. In one fell swoop he flew up to the windowsill and threw the box through the open window.
The offended Chuk screamed loudly and shouted: “Telegram! Telegram!" in only a coat, without galoshes and a hat, he ran out the door.
Sensing something was wrong, Huck rushed after Chuk.
But in vain they looked for the metal box in which lay a telegram that had not yet been read by anyone.
Either she fell into a snowdrift and now lay deep under the snow, or she fell on the path and was dragged away by some passer-by, but, one way or another, along with all the goods and the unopened telegram, the box disappeared forever.
Returning home, Chuk and Gek were silent for a long time. They had already made peace, because they knew what would happen to both of them from their mother. But since Chuk was a whole year older than Huck, fearing that he might get hit harder, he came up with the idea:
- You know, Huck: what if we don’t tell mom about the telegram? Just think - a telegram! We're having fun even without a telegram.
“You can’t lie,” Huck sighed. “Mom always gets even worse angry for lying.”
– We won’t lie! – Chuk exclaimed joyfully. “If she asks where the telegram is, we’ll tell you.” If he doesn’t ask, then why should we jump forward? We are not upstarts.
“Okay,” Huck agreed. “If we don’t have to lie, then we’ll do it.” That's a good idea, Chuk.
And they had just decided on this when the mother entered. She was pleased because she had gotten good train tickets, but still she immediately noticed that her dear sons had sad faces and teary eyes.
“Answer me, citizens,” the mother asked, shaking off the snow, “why was there a fight without me?”
“There was no fight,” Chuk refused.
“It wasn’t,” Huck confirmed. “We just wanted to fight, but we immediately changed our minds.”
“I really like this kind of thinking,” said the mother.
She undressed, sat down on the sofa and showed them hard green tickets: one large ticket and two small ones. Soon they had dinner, and then the knocking died down, the lights went out, and everyone fell asleep.
But the mother knew nothing about the telegram, so, of course, she didn’t ask anything.
The next day they left.
Yes, they saw a lot of things along the way. The only pity is that there were snowstorms raging outside and the windows of the carriage were often tightly sealed with snow.
And finally in the morning the train pulled up to a small station.

The main characters of A. Gaidar’s story “Chuk and Gek” are two little boys, Seryogin’s brothers. Chuk and Gek live with their mother in Moscow, and their father works as a geologist at a distant base in the taiga. Dad can’t seem to get time off from work and come visit his family. Therefore, he sent a letter in which he invited his wife and children to visit him at the geological base.

For a whole week, mother and children prepared for the trip and, finally, mother went to buy train tickets. But while my mother was away, the postman brought a telegram. The boys didn’t know how to read yet, so they put the telegram in a box before their mother arrived. However, it so happened that the boys quarreled and the box in which they put the telegram was thrown into the street. It was already winter and it was impossible to find the box in the snowdrifts. Fearing punishment, Chuk and Gek decided not to tell their mother about what happened with the telegram.

Soon the mother and children boarded the train and the journey began. They had to travel more than two thousand kilometers along railway and another hundred kilometers through the taiga. The train journey was very interesting for the boys. They didn't look away from the window the whole way.

But when the train arrived at the small station, for some reason dad didn’t meet them. Mom had to look for the coachman herself. It took them two days to get to the geologists' base on horseback. However, no one met them at the base; there were no people there either. The coachman managed to find out that someone was living in the watchman’s hut. Since there was no money for the return trip, my mother decided to stay. In the evening the base guard came. He said that all the workers had gone on an urgent business trip and would return in ten days. The watchman was also surprised why they arrived so early, because he himself was delivering a telegram to the station in which geologist Seryogin, the boys’ father, asked them to delay their departure for two weeks. Then it turned out that the boys had hidden the story of the telegram from their mother.

There was nothing to do, we had to wait for the geologists to return to the base. During this time, the restless Huck even managed to get lost once, but the guard's dog found him, and everything turned out okay. While the geologists were away, mom cleaned up the room where the boys’ dad lived. Then she, together with Chuk and Huck, began preparing for the New Year. The watchman brought a beautiful Christmas tree from the forest, for which homemade toys and decorations were made.

Just before the New Year, geologists returned to base. Seregin was very happy that his whole family came to him. The New Year at the geologists' base was fun, with dancing and singing.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story “Chuk and Gek” is that there is nothing stronger than family ties. And even a distance of thousands of kilometers is not an obstacle for a close-knit family. The story teaches us not to hide anything from our parents. Chuk and Huck remained silent about the telegram, and this became the cause of many difficulties that their mother had to overcome. However, everything ended well.

I liked Chuk and Gek’s mother in the story. This is a very brave and determined woman. She was not afraid to go on a long journey with two small children. And when she was faced with unforeseen circumstances, she behaved very wisely and competently, successfully waiting for her husband to return.

What proverbs fit the story “Chuk and Gek”?

Family is strong through friendship.
He is my brother, but he has his own mind.
All's well that ends well.

“Chuk and Gek” is a kind, funny, instructive story about two naughty brothers who, together with their mother, went to the far north to visit their geologist father.

Summary of “Chuk and Gek” for the reader’s diary

Name: Chuk and Gek

Number of pages: 189. A. P. Gaidar. "Chuk and Gek." Publishing house "AST". 2015

Genre: Story

Year of writing: 1939

Main characters

Chuk is a small, well-fed boy, a cheerful prankster.

Gek - Chuk's marriage, just as cheerful and mischievous, a good singer.

Chuk and Gek's mother is a kind, loving woman, brave and determined.

Seregin is the father of Chuk and Gek, a geologist, a responsible, always busy man.

The watchman is a good-natured, sympathetic man.


Chuk and Gek's father worked very hard and could not come to visit the family. Instead, he sent a telegram and asked her to come visit him. When mom went to buy tickets, the postman brought a new telegram. But at this time the brothers were quarreling, and in the heat of the moment they threw the telegram out the window. When they came to their senses and ran out into the yard, they no longer found her. Realizing that lying was bad, they still did not tell their mother anything about the telegram.

Arriving at the small snowy station, my mother was very surprised that my father did not meet them. She decided that the telegram about the arrival that she had sent had not yet reached her husband. Then my mother hired a coachman, who took the family to the taiga. The road was long, but when they arrived, they saw an empty base. Mom and brothers remained in the lodge, and the coachman left. The watchman said that the head of the geological party, Seregin, sent a telegram to his wife asking her to stay in Moscow for a while. Chuk and Huck had no choice but to admit everything.

The watchman allowed him to stay with him, and even provided the family with a killed hare. The boys first met the taiga, which captivated them with its beauty and grandeur. Mother and Chuk went to fetch water, and when they returned, they could not find Huck anywhere. In desperation, my mother fired her gun, and a shot was heard in response - it was the watchman hurrying to the rescue. He let his dog smell Huck's galoshes, but he remained in the hut. It turned out that Huck decided to play a trick on his brother and hid in the chest, where he fell fast asleep.

Meanwhile, the watchman informed Seryogin about the family’s arrival, and he had to have time to meet his loved ones for the New Year. Mom began decorating the house, and the caretaker brought a very beautiful spruce tree. Soon the geologists arrived on a dog sled, and the New Year was very fun: they played the button accordion, mom danced, Huck sang songs, and after that everyone listened to the chimes on the radio.

Retelling plan

  1. Telegram from father.
  2. Packing for the trip.
  3. The brothers lose the second telegram.
  4. Road.
  5. Empty base.
  6. Life in the gatehouse.
  7. Search for Huck.
  8. Naughty in the chest.
  9. Preparing for the New Year.
  10. Celebrating the New Year with geologists.

the main idea

Even the smallest lie can lead to big trouble.

What does it teach

The story teaches you to be honest and tell even the most unpleasant truth, and also to always be responsible for your actions.


It is impossible to be angry with the brothers for a long time - although they are mischievous, they are also kind, open and honest. They realized how wrong they were and realized their guilt.