Where is the oil pressure sensor located? Operating principle of the emergency oil pressure sensor

Modern car engines are equipped with various sensors and regulators designed to ensure their normal operation. One such device is a sensor oil pressure. What is this controller for, where is it located, how to check and replace it? You can find the answers to these questions below.


Characteristics of DDM

For what reasons can a digital or mechanical device leak, what is the operating principle of the DDM, what is its location, how to check, change and install a new controller? To begin with, we suggest finding out what the purpose is, as well as where the remote analog two-pin DDM can be located.

Purpose and location

When the engine is running, engine fluid must flow into all components. power unit, especially when it comes to the rubbing elements of the motor. One of the ways oil gets into these places is by splashing liquid, which is carried out thanks to high blood pressure. If the pressure level decreases and becomes emergency, then the friction of the main parts in the system increases, which can lead to their jamming, as well as rapid wear. To prevent this and warn the driver about possible problems, the power unit is equipped with a pressure controller.

When the pressure in the system drops, the car's electronic or mechanical pressure sensor sends a signal to the dashboard. There is a special indicator on the device - a control lamp, which, when a signal is received, begins to flash or light continuously. As for the installation location, then different manufacturers cars can place DDM in different places. Therefore, to find the installation location, you should read the service book for the car. In domestic VAZs, for example, the device is located behind the cylinder head, in the area of ​​the timing belt casing.


In modern cars, two types of controllers can be used:

  1. Electronic or digital. Such controllers can operate in two modes - either there is pressure or not. It is impossible to obtain more accurate information about the condition; such a device can only warn the motorist that there is no pressure in the system. As mentioned above, this happens thanks to the indicator on the tidy - the lamp may light up or blink, if this is the case, then you should first check the fluid level in the engine.
  2. Mechanical type device. Mechanical controllers, after being connected in accordance with the diagram, can accurately determine the pressure value in the system. IN in this case the driver will also be notified using an indicator, but in addition to the light bulb, there will also be a corresponding scale on the dashboard.

Photo gallery “Varieties of devices”

1. Mechanical regulator 2. Digital DDM


Digital type controllers include the following elements in their design:

  • the body itself;
  • working membrane;
  • contacts for connection;
  • pusher element.

In addition to these elements, mechanical controllers also have a slider and a nichrome winding.

Operating principle of electronic and mechanical oil pressure sensors

Let's start with digital controllers. When the driver turns on the ignition, the DDM indicator on the dashboard starts to light up. After starting the power unit, pressure is generated in the lubrication system, which acts on the membrane. The membrane begins to interact with the pusher elements, which, in turn, opens the contacts. If the value of the operating parameter decreases, this leads to the opening of the controller contacts, and this, in turn, contributes to the supply of voltage to the indicator located on the device (video author - Andrey Alekseev).

As for mechanical devices, in this case data is supplied to the pointer taking into account the position of the slider, which is located on the plate with the winding. If consumables will begin to act on the membrane, this element will activate the pushing mechanism. As a result, signals from this element will be sent to the mechanism for changing the resistance, and information about the operating parameter will begin to flow to the sensor located in the device.

DDM Verification Guide

Before replacing and installing a new device, it is necessary to check the functionality of the controller. If the DDM lights up at idle speed of the engine, when the DRL or other optics are activated, or during temperature changes, the device in any case needs diagnostics.

How to check the DDM:

  1. First you need to remove the regulator.
  2. You will need a multimeter - the device is set to the circuit diagnostic mode for an open circuit.
  3. Next, the controller is connected to the pump, and the tester is also connected to it. Please note that the pump must have a pressure gauge.
  4. Then press the pump lightly to force air through the controller. If the device is operational, the membrane will begin to bend and move the pushing mechanism (the author of the video is the SamodelTV channel).

Instructions for replacing the sensor yourself

How to change and connect a new DDM? The replacement procedure may vary depending on the model. vehicle.

Let's look at how to change the sensor with your own hands in a VAZ 2109 car:

  1. First, you need to remove the device from its mounting location. To do this, you must first disconnect the wiring connected to the device, along with the protective cover.
  2. Now you will need a wrench; you will use it to unscrew the regulator. The sensor is removed along with the sealing ring. Place a rag under the DDM; some motor fluid may come out with it.
  3. The next stage will be the installation of a new DDM. Take the regulator and install it in the installation location. Screw the device.
  4. To fix the device more securely, tighten it with a key.
  5. After the device is installed, connect the previously disconnected wire to it. Check the functionality of the device.

Price issue

Depending on the car on which it will be used, the sensor can cost from 150 to 5 thousand rubles.

Normal operation of any car engine is impossible without many regulators. One of these is the oil pressure sensor, designed to indicate the level of pressure of the working fluid in the oil system. You can find out about the types, operating principles, diagnostic options, what to do if the DDM leaks and why this happens in this article.


DDM review

The oil pressure gauge is an integral element of any modern engine. To begin with, we suggest you understand what types exist, as well as what the principle of operation of the device is.


Today, automobile DDM can be of two types:

  1. Electronic oil pressure gauge, which is also often called emergency. This device can operate in several modes - either “yes” or “no” mode. In fact, the emergency oil pressure sensor does not allow exact indicators about the functioning of the system. Such a device can only inform the driver that the working fluid pressure in the power unit has completely disappeared. The device, which is located in the engine, warns the motorist thanks to a warning lamp - if it lights up on the instrument panel, then this element of the circuit must be changed or the system’s functionality must be checked.
  2. Mechanical oil pressure gauge. Such a device, unlike its electronic counterpart, when connected, allows you to accurately determine the level of liquid pressure. The driver is notified using a warning lamp, as well as a scale located on the dashboard.

Depending on the vehicle, two types of regulators can be used at once. Thanks to this, the driver has the ability to control the exact level of the parameter in the system, as well as immediately respond if a problem occurs.

Operating principle of electronic and mechanical oil pressure sensors

The operating principle of the oil pressure sensor depends on its type, so we will consider each process separately. For example, a remote electronic DDM is simpler in design, in contrast to a mechanical one; accordingly, the likelihood that the digital controller will fail is very low. The main purpose of the digital DDM is to check the pressure, as well as transmit information to the control panel located in the car interior that the pressure has disappeared.

By design, the digital DDM, which is located in the engine, consists of the following components:

  • frame;
  • membrane;
  • contacts;
  • as well as a pusher device.

The digital oil pressure sensor must be connected to the vehicle's on-board network. In particular, we are talking about the section of the circuit where the emergency indicator is also located. When the digital DDM is not working, that is, the engine is turned off, its diaphragm is straightened, the pusher device is pushed into its original position, and the contacts themselves are closed. If in this state you decide to connect a digital DDM, then the emergency pressure indicator located on the circuit section will begin to function - it lights up, flashes and blinks.

Accordingly, when the motor starts working, when starting the unit, the light always lights up at the very beginning. When starting the internal combustion engine, working fluid pressure appears in the system, which, in turn, begins to affect the membrane. This element begins to interact with the pusher device, which opens the contacts. If the parameter begins to decrease, the contacts of the digital DDM will close again - at this moment the emergency lamp on the instrument panel lights up, flashes or blinks. It should be noted that if the device itself breaks down, the lamp flashes, blinks or simply lights up.

Regarding the two-pin analog mechanical device, then such a device has more complex design. The mechanical oil pressure sensor, in addition to the membrane, housing and pusher device, also has a slider and a nichrome winding in its design. In addition, a two-pin analog mechanical sensor Oil pressure also has several components in its design. It must be taken into account that if these components fail or operate incorrectly, the regulator will display incorrect information on the car’s dashboard or will fail altogether.

As for the operating principle of a two-pin or any other mechanical device, it is also slightly different. The data on the pointer indicator is received depending on the position of the slider on the plate with the nichrome winding. If the engine fluid acts on the membrane under pressure, it begins to activate the pusher device. Ultimately, the data from this component is transmitted to the resistance level changing unit, and the pressure data directly goes to the dial indicator on the control panel.

DDM Verification Guide

How to properly check the oil pressure sensor? Diagnostic options vary depending on the type of regulator.

Electronic sensor diagnostics

To diagnose an electronic DDM engine, you will need a multimeter, as well as a pump, and it is advisable that the pump be equipped with a pressure gauge. Before proceeding with diagnostics, it is necessary to remove the DDM from the car, and then activate the multimeter in the mode of checking the electrical wiring for open circuits. The motor DDM must be connected to the pump, and a multimeter must also be connected to it. Using a pressure gauge in this case is very important, because with its help you can regulate the pressure parameter and not give too much, otherwise the regulator may simply break (video author - SamodelTV).

So, having connected a pump with a pressure gauge and a multimeter to the regulator, you need to make sure that the arrow on the device scale is at zero. After these steps, you need to apply minimum pressure from the pump itself; as a result, if the engine’s DDM is working, its membrane will bend and begin to move the pusher. Accordingly, as a result, the circuit should open, which will contribute to the deviation of the arrow on the device, namely, towards infinity. In order not to doubt the performance of the regulator, you can try to give the maximum pressure (or rather, as close as possible to this indicator).

Diagnostics of mechanical DDM

As for diagnosing a mechanical regulator, in general this procedure is similar to that described above, but there are some differences. First of all, to get more accurate results, you will need a pump, also equipped with a pressure gauge and a rubber hose (small). To check, the DDM must be removed from the motor along with the dial scale. It is necessary to install and place the pump to the regulator in such a way that the connection point is as tight as possible. If you are sure that as a result of installation the connection of the elements is airtight, you can begin checking (the author of the video is Kirill Zbruenko).

The essence of the diagnosis is to supply air with a pump through the DDM, while the pressure parameter, which should be different, must be monitored using a pressure gauge. When the maximum and minimum parameters are supplied, the resulting indicators must be recorded, while recording the resistance level. After several indicators are recorded, they must be compared with the table in which optimal values. These values ​​are indicated in the service manual; we will not write about them, since they differ depending on the vehicle model.

Replacing the sensor yourself

Why is the oil pressure sensor replaced?

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. The regulator is leaking. It doesn’t matter whether it’s idling or while driving, drivers often encounter a problem when the device leaks. It does not matter whether the lamp on the control panel is on or not when the DDM is flowing. In any case, if the regulator leaks, this indicates a bad connection.
  2. A light is on on the dashboard. At the same time, diagnostics of the power unit showed that it was operating normally.

We figured out why it is necessary to change the DDM, now let’s look at the question of how to replace the oil pressure sensor.

The process is considered using the example of a VAZ 2109 car:

  1. First of all, the device is dismantled. It is necessary to disconnect the wire leading to it with a protective cover from the DDM.
  2. After this, using a wrench, you need to completely unscrew the DDM. After unscrewing, the regulator is removed from its seat.
  3. Now installation. A new DDM is taken and needs to be placed in the mounting socket.
  4. After installation, the regulator must be tightened as far as possible; a wrench is used for this.
  5. When you have managed to install and tighten the DDM as much as possible, connect the disconnected cable to it along with the cover.

When purchasing DDM in a store, you need to pay attention to its labeling. If there are differences in the markings of the replaced devices, the new device may not work correctly.

Video “We replace the sensor with our own hands”

How the process of replacing the sensor is carried out - watch the video (video author - Auto_Repair).

The mechanism of a car includes many systems, each of which plays a huge role in its operation. Failure of one can lead not only to failure, but also to damage to the other. If you do not monitor their condition, this is fraught with negative consequences. To avoid this, you need to constantly monitor their serviceability.

In order to monitor the car, there are many instruments and sensors installed on it that indicate the condition. One of them is the oil pressure sensor. The car lubrication system uses three types of oil supply to parts: splashing, gravity and pressure. It is logical to assume that the first and second options simply cannot fail, since the first is used to lubricate the cylinder walls, and the second - mechanisms and gear joints.

There remains only one malfunction of this nature: a drop in pressure in the lubrication system. To determine it, a sensor is used that is screwed into the engine block. Its readings are displayed on Here there may simply be a control lamp, or maybe a device with a scale. Any car enthusiast knows that a burning oil pressure warning light will not lead to anything good. If the oil pressure sensor is on, you should urgently start looking for the cause. There may be several of them.

Perhaps the oil pressure sensor itself, which is screwed into the block, or the device is faulty. This is checked by the indicators of the testers, it is checked for resistance, but the latter simply must be in good working order. If the oil pressure sensor still lights up, engine disassembly is inevitable. There may also be more than one malfunction in the engine itself. To begin with, you should get to and check its tightness, and also find out if it is clogged. If this is the case, then oil is simply not supplied to the system, but is discharged into the crankcase through the pressure relief valve of the pump.

If everything is in order with the filter, then you should think about the condition of the pump itself. There are times when some small thing gets under it and it freezes. A pump, even the most efficient, cannot pump in such conditions. required pressure, he is simply pitted against each other. This is a rare case, but it happens. If everything is fine, then you need to disassemble the pump and make sure that it is not worn out. This is done using a feeler gauge, which measures the distance at the junction of the gears, as well as between the gears and the walls of the pump. These indicators are different for each car; they can be found in the owner's manual.

If, after such operations, the oil pressure sensor shows a pressure less than normal, then there is only one option left - wear of the liners and journals. Its repair comes down to replacing the first or grinding the second, in which case you will still have to change the liners themselves. This repair is not too expensive, but there may be problems with the quality of parts, so it is worth paying special attention to.

As a rule, the oil pressure sensor starts to light up first on a warm engine, and then only such a malfunction appears on a cold unit. The point is that when high temperature drops significantly, but when normal it remains at the proper level. If you do not pay attention to this at the first stage, then at the second stage repairs can cost much more, including replacing the crankshaft.

Most car enthusiasts are new to the concept of " Oil pressure sensor“they find out after the engine oil pressure warning lamp lights up on their dashboard - it is this lamp that receives the signal from the engine oil pressure sensor. But where is the oil pressure sensor itself located in the car?

To find an oil pressure sensor, in some cases you have to disassemble quite a few components under the hood, although this is rare, since this device stands in an accessible place. Common places for different cars Where the oil pressure sensor is located is also not so much.

So, in most cases, the oil pressure sensor is located behind and slightly to the right of its center somewhere below - often not far from the oil filter. In some cases, to access this sensor, you will need to climb into the hood from above (through the hood lid) - this is where you have to remove the plastic engine cover or, possibly, a small number of other components. In other cases (usually on foreign cars), access to the oil pressure sensor is through the wheel arch (in the vast majority of cases - the right one), for which you need to remove the right wheel (less often, also remove the fender liner or plastic insulator).

This is what the oil pressure sensor looks like

Table with locations of the oil pressure sensor on popular cars:

Automobile Where is the oil pressure sensor located? The most convenient access to the sensor
VAZ 2108/09/099
VAZ 2110/11 (8-valve engine)
VAZ 2110/11 (16-valve engine) To the left behind the engine on the camshaft block. A wire extends from the sensor, and next to it there are 2 bundles of wires in a black insulator. Above.
Lada Kalina Behind to the right of the engine in the socket of the main cylinder block, near the belt guard. One wire comes from the sensor. Above. You must first remove the plastic cylinder block cover.
Audi - most models In close proximity to the oil filter. There may be a second sensor - on the main cylinder block. Characteristic- one wire comes from it.
Chevrolet Lanos On the oil pump at the bottom of the engine. A characteristic feature is that a bundle of wires in an insulator extends from it.
Ford Transit Under the front bumper near the oil cooler in the middle of the car on the engine. From below (when the car is on an overpass or above a pit.
Mercedes-Benz - most models On the crankcase slightly to the right of the center of the car. From below (when the car is on an overpass or above a pit.
Mitsubishi Lancer Behind and slightly to the right of the engine (screwed into the engine) next to the oil filter. A characteristic feature is that one wire comes from it. From below (when the car is on an overpass or above a pit.
Nissan X-Trail Below on the block next to the power steering pump. By removing the right wheel and plastic belt guard.
Opel Astra At crankcase level on the right side of the generator. A characteristic feature is that one wire comes from it. Removing the right wheel.
Volkswagen Golf, Jetta The emergency oil pressure sensor is located on the left end of the cylinder head. Another sensor - insufficient oil pressure - is located on the oil filter to the right of the car. Top and bottom respectively.
Volkswagen Passat Two sensors: the first is located on the bracket upstream of the oil filter, the second is at the outlet of the oil filter.
Gazelle (ZMZ-405 engine) Top right on the main cylinder block. A wire comes from the sensor. Above.