Motion sensors to turn on the lighting. Operating principles of various types of sensors. How to choose a motion sensor

A motion sensor for turning on a light is a device capable of detecting the movements of a person or other living objects and, accordingly, controlling the lighting.

Using special sensors (thermal, sound, etc.), it detects changes in space and turns on, turns off or adjusts the level of lighting. A presence sensor for turning on lights that reacts to heat may not even “notice” a person walking past in winter if the latter is dressed very warmly. Nevertheless, it will easily capture any living creature in the warm season.

How it works?

The operating principle of the motion sensor to turn on the light is to use a sensor (pyroelectric device). It operates very accurately by increasing the output voltage, subject to an increase in the level of IR radiation compared to the general background. The light is turned on using the sensor's internal relay.

Regardless of the type of device, the output signals that the presence sensor receives to turn on the light, depending on the need, go directly to the controller, which issues control signals to the control point:

  • alarm;
  • relay for turning on the light;
  • ventilation system;
  • room air conditioning system.

It helps " smart home"be extremely useful to the owners.

For example, while you open the door, the house has already begun to ventilate the room, filling it with fresh air. Or, on the contrary, it starts airing or cooling when there is no one in the room.

Types of motion sensors

On modern market You can find many devices that one way or another detect the presence of someone in the house or on the street. General concept"motion sensor for turning on the light" can be divided into 4 types, depending on the main sensor element:

  • IR sensor for turning on the light (infrared).
  • Ultrasound sensor (ultrasonic).
  • Microwave sensors (microwave).
  • Combined.

In addition, there is a sound sensor to turn on the light and a cotton sensor.

Each of them is installed in a specific place and performs its functions best when installed correctly and rationally.

IR sensor

The infrared light sensor for turning on the light detects changes in the thermal radiation of living beings or other objects (such as a car) using several lenses that act as indicators.


  • Increased accuracy.
  • Wide temperature range of use.
  • Harmless to pets.


  • Excessive sensitivity to household appliances (batteries, air conditioners).
  • Reaction to sunlight.
  • Lack of fixation of objects coated with radiation-impermeable materials.

Purpose of the infrared motion sensor

The main tasks of infrared sensors are:

  • Energy saving. The light will only turn on if it is really needed.
  • The effect of presence. When you install the sensor on the street in front of the gate on the site, in the entrance, on the windows of the lower floors, when it is triggered, you get the feeling that someone is at home. This, on the one hand, causes a feeling of comfort, and on the other, scares away robbers and bandits.

Despite all its usefulness, it happens that this light sensor for turning on the light gets on people's nerves. Not everyone likes his ability to soothe and take care of the lights on.

You can often hear: “Why is it clicking there?”, “Do I now have to move all the time for the light to be on?”, “What if I don’t want it to be on?”

There is only one answer to all these questions, and it is quite simple: when installing the sensor, you only need to use several additional switches that will ideally suit the requirements of the residents and create the possibility of comfortable operation of the system.

The circuit diagram for connecting the sensor to turn on the light will be described a little later in this article.

Ultrasound sensors

Measuring the surrounding space using sound waves is the prerogative of ultrasonic sensors. They generate sound waves that are reflected from objects with any movement. The frequency of these reflections is continuously measured, and a kind of echo sounder is obtained. The signal is sent to the sensor receiver and gives a command to turn the lighting on or off.

Such sensors are most often used in the automotive industry to create parking sensor systems.


  • Possibility of installation over large areas.
  • Insensitive to weather conditions.
  • Resistant to dirt and dust.
  • Comparability with different materials housings.
  • The widest possible temperature range for operation.


  • Sensitivity of pets to ultrasound.
  • May cause headaches with prolonged use.

Microwave sensors

The microwave darkness sensor for turning on the light works by emitting high-frequency electromagnetic waves, which, when they hit an object, are reflected, and the quality of these reflections is recorded by the sensor. Any changes in the signal trigger the program installed by the owner.


  • Ability to detect objects behind obstacles.
  • Resistance to aggressive environment.


  • Not safe for the human body.

Can only be installed where traffic is minimal.

Combined sensors

Combined light sensors for turning on light imply a symbiosis of several object detection technologies.


  • Possibility of the most accurate work.
  • Full control of the area required for surveillance.
  • Wide range of individual settings.


  • Installation can only be carried out by a specialist.
  • If one of the systems fails, a complete reconfiguration will be required.

Cotton sensors

Many have seen such a device in films, but not everyone was lucky enough to experience it personally. How great it is: you went to bed, but forgot to turn off the light. The warm bed doesn't want to let go. The solution is clap, and the light is turned off. Do you urgently need to turn on the light? Clap - and the room is illuminated again.

Remote control of the light is undoubtedly very convenient. But do not confuse a cotton switch with an acoustic switch (we will discuss it below).

Such a device works differently than a light sensor to turn on a light.

With its help you can adjust not only the lighting, but also:

  • ventilation;
  • transformers;
  • any electrical equipment.

Important! Be sure to comply with load power limits.

Algorithm of actions:

  • The first clap means the voltage is turned on.
  • Second clap - shutdown.

Very simple, you will agree.

The cotton sensor is a kind of noise sensor for turning on the light. This means that its installation is advisable only in those rooms where the stationary noise level is not too high. And certainly not where the holiday is planned. The applause of guests can create a real disco light and music.

Ideal room:

  • utility room;
  • basement;
  • pantry;
  • bedroom;
  • children's room.

Where you should not install a cotton sensor:

  • crowded rooms;
  • offices;
  • production rooms;
  • workshops, etc.

It is highly recommended to install such equipment in a children's room. This is not only convenient, but also provides additional safety for your child. Regular switches are located quite high, and children have to either climb up or ask their parents for help. The incidence of chair falls in this situation is impressive and the injury rate is very high. Cotton is a good alternative.

This is also useful for people with disabilities.

Acoustic sensors

The difference between this type of switch and the previous one is insignificant, but it is there. The acoustic sensor reacts to absolutely any sound exceeding a specified threshold in decibels. Its installation is advisable in entrances to save energy.

As soon as the door slams, footsteps are heard, the lights turn on, and then turn off a few seconds after everything has gone quiet. An important difference: cotton reacts only to claps!

Motion sensor settings

Of course, each sensor automatic switching on light has its own parameters, but in general there are certain performance standards:

  • Voltage - 220-240 V and 50 Hz.
  • Delay timer (on time) - 2-8 seconds.
  • The voltage supply time is set using the regulator.
  • Sensitivity to light - 2-1000 Lux. Installed on the switch. The minimum number of modes is 2 on the simplest models. To make it clearer: 100 Lux means that the sensor will only work in the dark. At maximum settings, the sensor’s operating capabilities are not limited in terms of illumination levels.
  • Viewing distance is up to 15 meters. When combined different types sensors this parameter can be increased.
  • Response speed is 0.5-1.5 milliseconds. If the object moves slowly and its temperature (clothing) merges with the general thermal background, the sensors do not work. Moving too quickly also causes detection difficulties.
  • Maximum current - may vary depending on the area in which the sensor will be used, from the required minimum up to 1500 W. The load power is determined by an electromagnetic relay.
  • Viewing angle - 360 degrees for ceiling sensors. For wall-mounted ones - from 100 (for corners) to 180 (for a straight wall). Height becomes a decisive factor in viewing capabilities: the higher, the more.

IR sensor circuits

The volume sensor for turning on the light is not as difficult to install as it might seem at first glance. A minimum knowledge of electromechanics is sufficient.

For example, we use the Chinese LX-01 sensor and connect it to a regular incandescent lamp.

Connection diagram for the light sensor (action algorithm):

  • Select the sensor model you like.
  • Determine the installation location.
  • Consider the layout of the room (windows, doors, patterns of movement of people, tall furniture).

Important! If there are no windows in the room, then this is an advantage, because the sensor does not have to be additionally adjusted to the degree of illumination - the room is always dark. If the room has doors on each wall, the sensor of the selected type will have to be mounted in the corner, since it has a viewing angle of 120 degrees.

  • Study the network connection diagram, which is always included with the instructions.
  • Do not connect the sensor differently, do not confuse the wires, otherwise you will hear a pop when turned on and the device will be permanently damaged.
  • If necessary, add a control switch to the circuit so that you can adjust the lighting manually.
  • Test all wires before connecting the device to the network using a tester.
  • Connect the wire coming from the switch to the lamp to the red contact of the sensor.
  • The wire on the other side of the switch is to the brown contact.
  • To the blue contact is a wire that does not approach the lighting fixture from the side of the light bulb.

Important! Be sure to follow all safety precautions when working with electricity:

  • Wear thick rubber gloves.
  • Turn off the electricity in the apartment.
  • Upon completion of work, insulate exposed wires.

All that remains is to hang the sensor on the wall and check its functionality! To do this, leave the room and close the doors behind you.

Enter the room. The first time the motion sensor turns on the light, it sometimes takes a while to respond. It's okay, you'll be able to adjust the settings later using the controller.

If you installed a cotton or acoustic sensor, make the appropriate sound. Enjoy using it!

Connecting lighting through a motion sensor allows you not only to save energy, but also to add comfort and convenience to our homes. Selecting the installation location, connection diagrams and testing do not require a high level of qualifications, so almost every home craftsman can do this.

Ceiling sensors with all-round visibility are usually mounted in the center of the room, or at its highest point. There are many more installation options for wall-mounted units.

For staircase lighting

In an apartment building, it is best to agree with all residents of the entrance and install common system lighting for all its spans. If such agreement cannot be achieved, personal lighting can be done front door into the apartment, installing a sensor above it and setting it to minimum sensitivity, only upon direct approach.

IN country house or in a cottage, you can install a staircase lighting system that turns on the lamps sequentially as you move along it. IN minimal version Only two devices are required: below and above.

In the utility room

IN technical room at home, in a garage, storage room or other similar places, it is most advisable to install a light switch combined with a motion sensor, which is best mounted opposite the front door so that it is triggered when it opens.
When entering the room, the lighting will turn on for a time sufficient to switch it to constant mode. It is possible to organize separate systems: a low-power duty lamp is turned on from the sensor, and the main lighting is turned on independently with its own switch.

For street lighting

Outside, sensors and lighting devices can be installed above the entrance gate, entrance to the house, garage, bathhouse, gazebo or other premises. You can install separate sensors for each street lamp in the garden or on the path near the house. For purposes street lighting you should use sensors that have an external brightness analyzer that operate only at dusk.

Now on the market lighting fixtures you can find options LED lamps for outdoor lighting combined with solar panels and motion sensors. They do not require external power supply lines. There are also cordless models that run on batteries or rechargeable batteries. For the same purpose, rational use of electricity at home is installed.

The sensors have plastic housings that must be protected from shock or other damage. Particular care should be taken when handling the plastic Fresnel lens, which is an important constituent element optical system of the device.

When installed outdoors, care must be taken to ensure that the devices are not exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation. In such cases, it is better to provide for the installation of protective visors for them. It should also be taken into account that in windy weather the sensors can be triggered by the movement of branches located near trees.

Indoors, these devices are not recommended to be placed close to heating devices. It is advisable that hot radiators or stoves also do not fall into their field of vision. To do this, you can adjust the height and vertical angle of the device accordingly.

Not all motion sensors work correctly with LED and fluorescent lamps.

This is especially true for those that have a thyristor or triac switching element at the output. Those working with a conventional electromechanical relay do not have such problems. Therefore, when purchasing, you should definitely consult the seller about this feature.

When performing any work with mains voltage, safety regulations must be strictly observed. When connecting the power wires to the devices, it is necessary to de-energize them using the switch on the power panel or by unscrewing the fuse plugs. If you are not completely confident in the correct, accurate and safe implementation of all procedures for installing devices, it is better to entrust this to professional craftsmen.

How to connect an infrared motion sensor - detailed instructions

To mount the device, it is necessary to choose a location that provides the best viewing angles both horizontally and vertically with a maximum coverage area. Most infrared motion sensors have a dead zone, the location of which should be taken into account when choosing their height and angle of inclination. If the sensor is made in a fixed housing and does not have positioning adjustment, then it is necessary to check the technical data sheet for correct placement of the device.

Mounting the device on the wall must be reliable, allowing for its subsequent orientation in space.

Before connecting the motion sensor to the light, you should unscrew the back cover and carefully study the attached connection diagram. Unlike a conventional light bulb, this device usually requires not only a phase, but also a neutral wire.

Did you know that the answer to the question is not so clear-cut.
And the seemingly simple process of connecting a switch to a regular light bulb requires taking into account many different nuances - from installing electrical wiring to installing the light bulb in the wall. All details can be studied.

And if there is a protective ground connection terminal inside, then it is necessary to ensure its presence at the installation site. Therefore, conventional lighting network wiring is not suitable for connecting the device. It is necessary to reconnect the wires in the distribution box or connect an additional wire from the box or outlet.

Deciding on a suitable motion sensor installation scheme

Inside the device there is usually a terminal block with standard colored and labeled contacts:

    • L, brown or black - phase wire.
    • N, blue - neutral wire.
    • A, Ls or L’, red - phase return to the lighting lamps.
    • ⊥, yellow-green - protective grounding.

Connection of lighting devices should be made between contacts A and N. The power supply from the electrical network should be supplied to L and N, strictly observing the phase connection.

One sensor

Classic standard connection scheme.

With switch

Allows you to bypass the sensor by applying voltage directly to the lighting fixture.

Multiple sensors

Typically used for rooms with complex configurations, long corridors and passages, staircases.

In addition to connection contacts, many models of infrared sensors have adjustment controls:

  • DAY LIGHT or LUX - sensitivity threshold for illumination.
  • TIME - trigger timer.
  • SENSE - sensitivity.

How to check whether devices are connected correctly

It is best to check the functionality of these devices before installing them by connecting them according to a temporary circuit. This is especially true for simple models that do not have any adjustment controls. If after installation they do not work as expected, it is most likely due to incorrect installation.

More complex samples of devices can also be checked for their serviceability by assembling a temporary connection diagram and setting the light threshold control to the maximum position and the timer to the minimum.

If the device has an indicator LED, then there is no need to even connect the load; turning it on when motion is detected by the sensor will indicate that the device is working. If the switch in the device is an electromagnetic relay, then its clicking will also indicate the serviceability of the device. After completing the installation work, it is imperative to carry out the procedure for adjusting the motion sensor for lighting.

Setting up and adjusting motion sensors for lighting

All customizable parameters are set strictly individually in each specific room. As a rule, after the initial installation, more precise adjustments of the parameters are required during operation until the most suitable values ​​are determined.

The usual limits for adjusting the timer response time are set in most devices from a few seconds to ten minutes. The photosensitivity threshold can only be set in devices that have an appropriate light sensor. It determines the daylight brightness at which the device stops supplying voltage to the lighting fixtures.

Setting the sensor sensitivity is the most subtle and capricious setting. In any case, the sensor should respond to the appearance of a person in the room, and not pets. When changing the viewing angle of a device, it is often necessary to also adjust its sensitivity.

Video on how to properly connect a motion sensor


As a rule, the term “motion sensor” in everyday life defines electronic infrared device, which allows you to detect the presence and movement of a person and helps switch power to lighting devices and other electrical devices.

If you want to make your home safer, buy motion sensors that will not only become convenient assistants for you, but will also help you save energy by turning it on or off when you enter or leave the room, respectively.

The motion sensor has a simple principle of operation - when movement appears in its sensitivity zone, all devices connected to it turn on. All devices turn off when the circuit automatically opens, and this happens in the absence of movement.
In this article we will look in detail motion sensor for ultralight ask 1403 lighting having a viewing angle of 180 degrees.

Typically, a motion sensor is used to turn on lights, but these devices can be used for more than just this purpose. I would like to note that there are sensors with a viewing angle of 360 degrees.

That is, the sensor is capable of detecting any movement from any direction. Therefore, if you have a store, office or any object that needs an alarm system, then in this case a security alarm can be used.

Motion sensor connection diagram to the lamp

Connecting a motion sensor is a simple process that has many similarities with connecting a regular switch. After all, like a switch, a motion sensor closes (or opens) an electrical circuit with a lamp connected in series to it, which is the similarity in the connection diagrams of the sensor and the lamp via a switch.

When purchasing a sensor, you should also receive standard instructions for its installation, configuration and connection. Another option for studying the circuit is to look at it on the body of the device itself.

Under the back cover there is a terminal block, as well as three colored wires connected to it, which come out from inside the case. The wires are connected to the terminal clamps. If you use a stranded wire for connection, then it is better to use special insulated lugs NSHVI.

Power to the sensor from the network comes through two wires: phase L (brown wire) and zero N (blue wire). After the phase leaves the sensor, it arrives at one end of the incandescent lamp. The second end of the lamp is connected to the neutral wire N.

If movement occurs in the control zone, the sensor is triggered, and then the relay contact is closed, which leads to the arrival of a phase to the lamp and, accordingly, to the lamp turning on.

Since the terminal block for connection has screw clamps, we connect the wires to the sensor using NShVI lugs.

It should be noted that it is best to connect the phase wire in accordance with circuit diagram, which complements the instructions.

After the wires are connected, put on the cover and move on to the next stage - connecting the wires in the junction box.

Seven wires enter the box, three from the sensor, two from the lamp and two supplying phase and zero. In the power cable, the phase is brown, the neutral is blue.

Let's deal with the wires... For the cable that is connected to the sensor, the white wire is the phase, the green wire is zero, the red wire must be connected to the load.

The wires are connected approximately this way: we connect the phase wire of the power cable together with the phase wire from the sensor (brown and white wire). Then we connect together the neutral wire from the power cable, the neutral wire from the sensor (the one that is green) and the neutral wire from the lamp.

There are two unused wires left (red from the sensor and brown from the lamp) - we connect them together. All connections are ready, as you can see there is nothing complicated...

I'll show you closer how to connect a motion sensor in a box. I don't think it will be easy to figure out the connection special labor(if not, then write in the comments and we will sort it out). Now you can apply power.

The motion sensor is connected to the lamp. After this, we supply power, the sensor reacts to movement and, closing the circuit, turns on the lamp.

Is it possible to connect a sensor with a switch

It often happens that a motion sensor needs to be connected to the lamp along with a switch. It would seem that there are two devices that are designed for almost the same task - to turn on the lighting.

Indeed, the switch turns off the lamp (lamp) and the motion sensor under certain circumstances (detecting motion) performs the same task - it supplies power to the lamp. Many people don’t understand why these two devices should be connected together. So let's look at why we should do this?

If you want your lighting to be on for a certain period of time, regardless of the light level and movements, try using sensor connection diagram with switch, connecting regular switch with one key in the circuit, parallel to the sensor.

Thanks to this connection, you can keep the lighting on for the desired period of time when you turn on the switch. At other times, lighting control should be completely transferred to the sensor, for which the switch should be turned off.

Connecting a motion sensor with a switch - how to do it and why?

A switch that is connected in parallel to the sensor can be added to the circuit to continuously operate the luminaire in the room, regardless of whether there is movement in the room or not. In this case, the switch can duplicate the operation of the motion sensor, as a result of which it will be possible to forcibly control the lighting.

I'll tell you my situation for which I need it. I live in a private house and often come home late in the evening in the dark, especially in winter, when it gets dark early.

For this I installed motion sensor for lighting aimed at the entrance gate in the yard. That is, when I enter the yard in the evening, the sensor should work and turn on the lighting. Moreover, I configured the sensor so that the lighting would work for a period of time sufficient to walk from the gate gate to the door of the house.

Now let’s imagine that in the evening or at night I need to go out of the house into the courtyard onto the street, for example, to the store or, say, I hear some rustling in the yard, but there is no lighting (by the way, the sensor does not cover the entire yard). To do this, do I need to go out in the dark and wave my arms until the sensor goes off?

That's why I needed it connect a switch with a motion sensor. And when I leave the house into the yard, I simply turn on the switch and the lamp lights up regardless of the sensor. Connecting a motion sensor with a switch is absolutely not difficult.

Now there is a circuit in which the switch and motion sensor are connected together, but the lamp operates from the switch (regardless of the sensor).

Setting up a motion sensor for lighting

Setting up a motion sensor– This is another important nuance of the operation of this device. Almost every sensor that can be used to control lighting has additional settings that allow it to work correctly.

Such settings take the form of special potentiometers designed for adjustment - this is setting the shutdown delay “TIME”, adjusting the light threshold “LUX” and adjusting the sensitivity to infrared radiation"SENS".

1. Setting by time - “TIME”

Using the TIME setting, you can set the amount of time the lighting will remain on since the last time motion was detected. The value setting can vary from 1 to 600 seconds (depending on the model).

Using the “TIME” regulator, you can set the time delay setting for the activated motion sensor. The limits within which the trip setting is located range from 5 seconds to 8 minutes (480 seconds). The speed of human movement in the sensor sensitivity area plays the most important role here.

When a person passes through this space relatively quickly (for example, a corridor or staircase in an entrance), it is advisable to reduce the “TIME” setting. And, conversely, when you are in a given space for a certain time (for example, in a storage room, parking lot, utility room) it is better to increase the “TIME” setting.

2. Setting the trigger on the light level - “LUX”

The “LUX” adjustment is used to ensure correct operation of the sensor during the daytime. The sensor will trigger when motion is detected at a lower ambient light level than the threshold. Accordingly, the sensor response is not detected when more high level illumination compared to the set threshold value.

The drawing that shows how to set up a motion sensor with your own hands. To set to back side The sensor contains three regulators: a sensitivity regulator, a time regulator and a light regulator. Experiment and everything will work out.

The “LUX” regulator sets the response setting according to the level of ambient illumination (from twilight to solar lighting). The division of the scale on which you can set the “LUX” setting, if your room has a large number of windows and natural light predominates, should be minimal or average.

Set the “LUX” setting to greatest division The scale is recommended if there is natural light in your room or if there is a small amount of it.

3. Setting sensitivity to sensor response - “SENS”

You can adjust the sensitivity to triggering, depending on the volume and range of the object, using the “SENS” regulator. The sensor's response to movement directly depends on the sensitivity level. At very large quantities When the sensor is triggered, it is advisable to reduce the sensitivity and adjust the brightness of the IR illumination to which the motion sensor should respond.

You should increase the sensitivity if the sensor does not respond to you. If the lighting turns on spontaneously, you can reduce the sensitivity. If the sensor was configured in winter time years, then it is quite likely that it will need to be reconfigured in summer period, and, conversely, with summer settings it will be necessary to reconfigure in winter.

And lastly, only by customizing the controlled zone as much as possible can you get a guarantee that he will “see” you. To do this, adjust the optimal tilt position of the head of this sensor. Here it will be sufficient to check the sensor’s response to movement at some point located in the distance.

Can not imagine modern world without such an important invention as artificial lighting. In the evenings, streets and roads are illuminated with lanterns, spotlights in the country or a light bulb in the apartment, allowing you to move freely and go about your business even in the dark. Not long ago on Russian markets a new device has arrived - infrared motion sensor to turn lights on and off indoors or outdoors. This device is responsible for the operation of lighting devices - light bulbs, lamps and other things. The light turns on every time a person passes by the sensor or a car passes by. H To understand the true purpose and benefits of this device, you need to familiarize yourself with its characteristics. All the advantages and benefits of sensors will be discussed below.

Scope of application

It’s inconvenient to wander along a dark corridor looking for a switch; you can easily forget about the light bulb being on. The use of sensors allows you to save up to 80% of energy. You don’t have to constantly press the switch, the system will do everything for you. Sensors are used to automatically turn on various devices, including lamps, alarm systems, ventilation.

The device is ideal for pantry, basement, corridor, landing. In rooms where people are constantly present, for example, in the living room, sensors are usually not installed. If you stop moving or enter a “dead zone,” that is, a part of the room that is not affected by the device, the light will go out. Of course, no one likes it if the light is constantly blinking. Therefore, sensors are usually not used in living rooms.

This is interesting. The sensor will only work if the human body temperature is 5 degrees higher than the ambient temperature.

Many install on suburban areas. Devices can respond to movement and general illumination. In this case, the lights work only in the dark.

Principle of operation

The device emits infrared rays that react to thermal radiation emanating from a person. The main feature of this type of devices is that they ignore changes in temperature outside. The vast majority of sensors also do not respond to pets. First, the device closes the circuit and then sends a signal to turn on the lamp connected to it. The glow time is set in advance; after the specified period, the device turns off. The sensor operates over a distance of up to 12 meters.

Basic parameters of the device that can be adjusted:

  • illumination level
  • sensitivity
  • shutdown time interval

Devices differ in the number of functions. The most convenient are those in which all three functions change. At the same time, the cost of the products is practically the same. It is worth considering that the sensor, due to its small sizes quite fragile. The presence of three buttons, although convenient, when pressed there is a risk of damaging fragile microcircuits. In the event of a breakdown, you will have to buy a new device.

How well the room can be seen depends on the viewing angle. Ceiling models completely capture the room, the viewing angle is up to 360 degrees. For comparison, for wall modifications the indicators are about 180 and do not exceed 240 degrees. There are also compact corner models.

The higher the sensitivity of the device, the better it responds to movement.. The products also differ in their response zone. For large rooms and rooms with complex configurations, several sensors will be needed. Sometimes when checking, the device does not respond to a person. In this case, you will have to adjust the sensor by increasing the sensitivity.

The specified time interval affects the period of time after an object appears in the action field, a signal to turn off the lamps will be sent. For example, if you don’t need the lights to go off and on every time you walk down a corridor, you just need to set the appropriate setting. The sensor will begin to operate a specified number of minutes after movement begins.

The minimum time interval is 5 seconds, and the maximum is 10 minutes.

What to look for when purchasing The sensor is controlled and adjusted using buttons.

Switching modes should be easy. It is most convenient when the potentiometer regulators are located on the front side, and not on the back. In this case, you won’t have to remove the sensor every time to set it up. Expensive models respond to daylight

and turn off the lights in the room, even if there are people there. Naturally, such devices are suitable only for those rooms that have windows that allow sunlight to pass through. The housings of modifications for outdoor installation are tightly sealed to protect them from precipitation and sunlight.

Manufacturers offer many high-tech “smart” devices. For example, devices have recently appeared that can contact the owner via a mobile network and inform him about intrusion into the territory. Some companies offer cheap street sensors , designed for lamps with LEDs, which are usually included in the kit. Manufacturers claim that LEDs are quite economical, and during the whole night no more light will burn than during an hour of continuous operation of an incandescent lamp.


You can do the work of installing the sensor yourself. First, they draw a plan of the room and calculate the location of doors and passages along which people most often move. Then they make up the simplest electrical diagram or take a ready-made one from the Internet.

Connecting a sensor is no more difficult than a classic switch. It closes or opens in the same way electrical network. If you work with electrical wiring yourself, follow safety precautions.

There are many connection schemes. In a long corridor, it would be optimal to install a pair of sensors with a serial connection. In this case, the direction of your movement is automatically determined, and the sensor sends a signal. As a result, the light bulb that you have already passed by turns off.

This is interesting. It is very important to configure the device correctly. The sensor should trigger instantly, and the light should turn off after a certain period of time and not stay on for too long.

Without special skills, it is quite difficult to carry out installation correctly. To avoid dealing with electrical issues and avoid making installation mistakes, contact trained professionals. Installing a motion sensor is affordable way improve and automate your home. Money spent on the device and installation work, will certainly pay off.

Advice. Do not install damaged electrical appliances that will cause short circuits or malfunction.

To avoid problems common with the sensor, it is enough to combine it with a switch. Then you can easily turn off the sensor when you no longer need it. You will have the opportunity to adjust the lighting manually, using a switch, or turn off the device altogether.

With the development of technology, sensors have appeared that already have on and off buttons, but they are not reliable enough. If you wish, you can buy such a product, and if you use it carefully, it will last for many years.

Disadvantages and advantages

Of course, in addition to the advantages, light sensors also have disadvantages. You may have to constantly change the interval or sensitivity, and this is inconvenient. The problem is easy to solve by purchasing an expensive model with a remote control. But for some, such an acquisition will be too expensive. Cheap products can easily go off after every dog ​​or cat passes, and the flashing light irritates others. If a device fails and you don't have a key to turn it off or don't have a backup light source, a lot of problems can arise.

The lamp may go out, start flickering, or remain on continuously.

This is interesting. Objects located within the range of the sensor, such as a chandelier or glass, reduce the effectiveness of the device. Initially, the sensors were created for installation in banks and offices. Often they were synchronized not only with lamps, but also with alarms. Then these devices migrated to private houses and apartments.

We can say with confidence that motion sensors are not a fad, but useful devices that are improved every year. When considering whether the sensor will be useful in your household, take into account your own needs and the parameters of the room. There is no need to cover every room with sensors. They will become useful acquisitions only if their presence is justified. Buy products from trusted, well-known brands.

Look at the reviews on the websites of the manufacturer and the store where you are going to place an order. Before starting installation, be sure to read the instructions and make sure that the device is working properly. Light has always played an important role in human life. In primitive society, having acquired fire, people became one level higher in the struggle for existence. Thanks to high technology

Now lighting creates increased comfort. Surround your home with lighting devices: they will help you enter a room and immediately feel warm and cozy.

What is a motion sensor The electric wave detector, which records various movements in the area of ​​its activity, is the same motion sensor for automatically turning on the light. In other words, an object entering the response area triggers a sensory system that transmits the received data to the mechanism to which it is attached. The design ensures safety, allowing significant savings on.

energy resources

  1. If you have a basement, garage or any storage space, this type of lighting will definitely make your life easier. Often in such places the switch is not at hand. If you love creative chaos, there is a danger of slipping and putting your life in danger.
  2. The motion sensor for turning on the light is multifunctional. In addition to the fact that it is compact and fits perfectly into any interior, it can be wireless.
  3. The benefit of installing a signaling device lies in the variety of planes. It can be used in access systems to premises (both a protected area and the entrance to a residential building), in alarm systems, in objects that control communications (air conditioning, lighting, ventilation, automated opening of doors and gates).

Types of motion sensors

Depending on the location, the presence sensor for turning on the light is divided into:

  1. Interior. When there is a need to connect the device in the room itself. This type household receivers can be installed in any place where there are no sudden heat changes.
  2. Street. A device for turning on the light, which captures a wide area (from 100 to 500 m). Such sensors will work perfectly in the yard, in the territories of large industrial facilities.

The installation can be:

  1. Ceiling. A motion sensor to turn on the light is mounted in ceilings, floor panels, etc. Often, the device circuitry detects movement with a range of 360 degrees.
  2. Wall and corner. The advantage of the mechanism is its narrower response, which significantly reduces the number of false reactions.

If we take into account the equipment of energy meters, they can be divided into:

  1. wired;
  2. autonomous.

The first ones are more practical, since they work reliably after installation. This is because power wires are connected to the sensor. The downside is that it automatically turns off without power supply. The autonomous motion sensor for lighting operates using built-in batteries. More modernized models have solar charging. True, this requires constant monitoring of the serviceability and amount of accumulated energy.

Depending on the type of installation, there are overhead (external) and built-in devices. The first include mechanisms that are easy to install and turn on. All you have to do is install electrical communications without prior preparation. The second type of device has a huge advantage: it is made to match the design of the room. This will allow you to seamlessly integrate it at the design stage. What distinguishes such devices is the principle of their operation.

Ultrasonic motion sensor

The device works according to the Doppler effect: an object in motion is reflected by sound waves, which is read on a wave catcher. This type of equipment is considered particularly long-lasting and practical. It is reasonably priced and environmentally friendly. True, a switch with a motion sensor also has its drawbacks:

  1. Reaction to noise is limited. For example, the device may not respond to leisurely movement.
  2. The ultrasonic sensor provides negative impact on animals.

Infrared sensors

The operation of such a device is designed in such a way that when a certain thermal radiation is detected (for example, 36-37°C) within its coverage area, a light bulb turns on. This function directly depends on the number of lenses (20-60 pieces) installed inside the system. The more there are, the higher the coverage range. It is not advisable to install an infrared motion sensor to turn on the lights in the kitchen, because there are frequent temperature changes.

The device is considered harmless to others and can be used as a passive device (as a receiver). Using the settings, you can adjust the viewing angle and sensitivity. Infrared meters function well indoors and outdoors. Flaws:

  • false response to heat emanating from room appliances;
  • the impact of precipitation and sun on the operation of the wave detector;
  • ignoring objects that do not emit heat waves.

Microwave detectors

The operating pattern of such a detector is similar to an ultrasonic one. The only thing is that the microwave motion sensor does not use sound, but electromagnetic waves with a frequency of 5.8 GHz. The advantages of the device include:

  • miniature meter;
  • weather resistance;
  • reaction to slow motion of various objects;
  • large coverage.
  • rare use for area lighting;
  • high price;
  • misreaction to microwaves emanating from outside the application areas.

How does a motion sensor work?

Today, there are countless different types of motion devices. For example, the same Legrand brand allows its consumers to choose the model that best suits their requirements. At the same time, a lamp with a motion sensor for an apartment remains practical and popular. It is easy to install and simple to operate.

As soon as any programmed actions occur in the area affected by the device, the detector will activate the relay and immediately transmit electricity through the circuit to the light switching device. The sensor will be active for as long as you manually set it (from 5 seconds to 10 minutes). If there is no movement in the room, automatic shutdown will work. In the settings you can set the level of illumination.

When choosing an installation, you need to decide in advance on its placement. The preference for the type of motion sensor depends on this. For example, an infrared device will not react to a person until he enters the room. To automatically turn on the light only when the doors are opened, it is best to use an ultrasonic device. You should take into account the operating rules of the mechanism and study the manual. You should not choose the location and viewing angle yourself if the instructions indicate clear installation boundaries.


The performance of heat regulators is assessed based on their properties. When purchasing bipolar devices, you must take into account that they perform their functions only with incandescent lamps. Three-pole - with any types of lamps. The angle of motion can be in the horizontal plane (60-360°C) and vertical (15-20°C). In a house where a wave trap is installed, good energy output is important. Sometimes during installation it is necessary to install an intermediate relay or several light switching mechanisms.

Wiring diagram for a motion sensor for lighting

It is easy to install the mechanism - there are two simple schemes with a 220V supply without a switch and with it. Nuances:

  • If desired, ask a specialist how to connect the motion sensor.
  • When choosing a device, be sure to ask in advance how many volts are needed and what the propagation range is, taking into account the parameters of your area.
  • The scope of all the work takes a little time. More effort is expended when analyzing the location of the device.
  1. It is important to assign a stationary place and a separate switch to the detector in order to turn off the system at any time in the usual way.
  2. Never install the motion sensor near devices that emit heat or cold. This also applies to direct sunlight and drafts. In addition to the fact that the sensor will record false data, it may also soon fail.
  3. Before installation, make sure that the surface on which the device will be mounted does not transmit external vibrations.

Video: How to install sensors to turn on the lights