Chemical flushing and cleaning of boilers completely removes scale and other deposits. Washing boilers and heat exchangers: technology, chemicals

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Chemical washing gas boilers and heat exchangers

An integral condition for high productivity and full functioning of boiler equipment is regular flushing. Both household and industrial boilers. Minimizing the corrosive effect on metal parts is possible only with proper monitoring of the condition of the boiler unit. If you neglect to regularly clean the system, the heating performance of the boiler will decrease, and scale will form on its internal surface.

Chemical washing is the most effective way cleaning, allowing you to maintain boiler performance at the proper level.

Estimated cost of services

The cost of work is determined based on the boiler model, location, heat exchange surface area, water volume and degree of contamination.

The cost of work is determined based on the heat exchanger model, location, heat exchange surface area, and water volume.

What explains the need to flush the boiler and heat exchange equipment chemical reagents?

In practice, the quality of water for heating networks does not correspond established standards. Failure to comply with the regulations when putting the system into operation starts the process of deposition of excess salt and other impurities on the surface of the pipes. Due to this hydraulic mode is disrupted, the useful volume of networks is reduced, which leads to a complete imbalance and threatens the integrity of the system. It is not possible to carry out mechanical cleaning of pipes and equipment due to the lack of technical potential, so chemical flushing becomes almost the only and most effective method cleaning the system.

Stages of flushing boiler equipment:

1. Preliminary inspection of the internal surface and heating elements.
2. Determination of the level of contamination and selection of chemical reagents.
3. Direct flushing of boiler equipment under the strict supervision of specialists.
4. Drawing up a report on the work done.

Chemical washing of a boiler with a sludge level of more than 1500 g/m or with a content of silicic acid (sulfates) in deposits above 10% is carried out in two stages with preliminary alkalization before the acid stage.
If the amount of sludge is work surface boiler unit more than 3000 - 4000 g/m, alternating acid and alkaline processing stages is required.
In certain cases, acid washing of the boiler should be preceded by mechanical (hydrodynamic) washing of sludge-filled areas, which allows to get rid of porous and uncemented deposits. In this case, the duration of cleaning and the amount of chemicals required for effective washing are significantly reduced.

Basic requirements for the chemical washing process:
- use of safe detergents to avoid damage to the surfaces of the boiler unit;
- opportunity effective removal deposits without the formation of insoluble compounds.

Flushing heat exchangers

Regular washing will not only increase the performance of the heat exchanger and reduce the risk of defects on working surfaces, but also prevent premature equipment failure.
Chemical flushing is necessary to clean the internal surfaces of the heat exchanger from harmful deposits that reduce the thermal conductivity of the system. Excessive contamination interferes with the productive operation of the heat exchanger and forces measures to be taken to artificially regulate the temperature regime. Regular flushing helps avoid unexpected accidents and damage to heat exchange equipment.

Chemical washing of the heat exchanger is carried out in several stages:

  1. Introduction into the heat exchanger of a solution with active substances, which, when reacting with deposits on the internal surfaces, break them down and remove them from the unit.
  2. Washing the plates of heat exchange equipment with water to remove residual reagent. In case of ineffective flushing, active substances may react with the coolant, which will lead to equipment damage.
  3. Alkaline washing of internal surfaces.
  4. Hydraulic tests newly commissioned heat exchange equipment.

Examples of boiler surface contamination

Samples of extreme contaminants extracted from the water part of the boiler heating surfaces

Boiler water path - scale deposits before and after boiler flushing

Smoke pipes

Connection between flame tube and tube sheet


Timely technical inspection and maintenance of boiler equipment will always contribute to its uninterrupted and stable operation.

One of the important complexes of maintenance work is cleaning and flushing of boilers.

In this article we will describe in detail all the nuances and aspects of performing this type of work.

The essence of the procedure

Internal walls of pipes before and after chemical treatment It is no secret that during the operation of boiler equipment, scale and scale settle on the internal surfaces. various kinds chemical pollution. This in turn complicates the operation of the boiler system.

The scope of work, which includes cleaning and removing unnecessary deposits, is precisely called chemical flushing of the boiler.

It is also worth noting that flushing is relatively in an inexpensive way cleaning, which leads to maximum efficiency. (You can read about descaling a heating boiler here).


Chemical flushing of boilers contributes to the following positive aspects:

Such improvements once again confirm that flushing is a truly effective and efficient method of cleaning the boiler system.

Sequence of work

Flushing boiler equipment must occur in a strictly defined order, the main stages of which are the following: important points:

  • complete shutdown of the boiler and cooling;
  • draining technical fluid from the system;
  • filling the boiler unit with a chemical solution using a special device;
  • cyclic circulation of solution in the system;
  • draining the used product;
  • flushing boiler equipment process water;
  • disposal of all waste.

In fact, all stages of work do not pose any particular technical difficulties, but for a better understanding it is worth looking in more detail at what devices are used to carry out the entire washing process.

Equipment for cleaning boiler systems

As mentioned above, the entire chemical washing process is carried out using a special device called a booster.

The booster consists of the following elements:

It is worth noting that the booster is a unique device of its kind, which greatly facilitates the flushing of boiler equipment.

Materials used

An important aspect of boiler flushing is the issue of using various acidic substances.

There are the following types of acids that are used to clean boiler equipment:

  1. Adipic acid. This substance is diluted with water in a certain proportion, and with the help of a booster it is directly fed into the boiler. Carbon dioxide when interacting with dirt and scale, it dissolves them and then turns them into sediment, which is subsequently washed away under the pressure of technical water. Most the best option the use of a solution with adipic acid will be for chemical flushing of domestic heating boilers.
  2. Lemon acid. This type of acidic substance greatly simplifies the cleaning of the boiler unit, since it can be added directly to the reagent that circulates in the process water.
  3. Sulfamic acid. After circulating this reagent in the boiler equipment, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the system and then dry it. This type of acid effectively cleans the internal surfaces of steam boilers.
  4. Hydrochloric acid. The concentration of the solution of this aggressive substance directly depends on the thickness of the contaminated scale. If the thickness of the deposits is 1 mm, then, accordingly, there should be a 1% solution. In other cases, the concentration of the solution does not increase, and the boiler unit is washed several times. Optimal hydrochloric acid Suitable for cleaning waste heat boilers.
  5. Gel. This type of substance is not classified as acidic environments, however, dissolves petroleum-based contaminants quite well. The main condition for using the gel substance is thorough flushing of the boiler equipment with technical liquid.

After reviewing the characteristics of chemical reagents for cleaning the boiler, we can conclude: all types of substances used are aggressive, so it is necessary to take precautions when working with them.

Safety regulations

When working with substances for chemical boiler flushing, the following recommendations must be observed:

In this article, we introduced you in detail to all aspects of chemical flushing of boiler equipment. Taking them into account, you special labor cope with chemical cleaning of boilers of any modification.

Watch the video in which experts clearly demonstrate proper chemical flushing of the boiler:

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Washing boilers and heat exchangers: technology, chemicals

The boiler is flushed when the device stops functioning normally. At the same time, most users turn to specialists who, for money, will clean the boilers and make all the necessary adjustments. But few people think that they can cope with this task on their own. But in vain.

Time to clean the boiler

Cleaning is done in three cases:

Boiler flushing options

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic;
  • complex.

What is a heat exchanger

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

There are also disadvantages:

Wash reagents

  • pollution levels;




Chemical washing of boilers - useful information from ASGARD-Service

The ASGARD-Service company carries out chemical flushing of boilers of various types:

  • Steam, hot water (by type of coolant);
  • Gas, solid fuel, diesel (by type of fuel);
  • Boiler equipment.

Figure 1. Boilers

The problem of boiler contamination is a periodic and inevitable phenomenon, depending on the fuel used, the type of coolant, and water treatment. When using diesel fuel, pollution of the combustion space occurs 3 to 4 times faster than when using gas. Using solid fuel(wood/coal) boilers may become contaminated on an even tighter schedule. The space filled with coolant is distinguished by other types of contaminants (salts, rust, etc.). The occurrence of such situations has an impact on the deterioration of the economic component of the enterprise and can lead to considerable losses.

Figure 2 and 3. Contamination on boilers.

Chemical boiler cleaning procedure

This method of cleaning boilers and boiler equipment is the simplest and most reliable. When performing it, specialists use acidic reagents that promote rapid and high-quality loosening and removal of deposits, scale and other types of deposits from the walls of boilers. Each boiler manufacturer develops its own recommendations for selecting cleaning reagents. Therefore, guided by their recommendations, the necessary solution for washing is selected. The actions of our specialists fully comply with the manufacturers’ documents and working documentation.

Figure 3. Cleaning result.

All boiler cleaning work is carried out by our specialists in accordance with RD 34.37.402-96 " Standard instructions on operational chemical cleaning of hot water boilers." This document indicates that all types of deposits can be cleaned using the following cleaning reagents: hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, as well as sulfuric acid with ammonium hydrofluoride, sulfamic acid, low molecular weight acid concentrate (LMAC).

Our specialists decide on a specific detergent after agreeing with the customer and identifying the degree of contamination of the equipment that needs cleaning. It should be noted that the use of any acid solution is made in combination with a corrosion inhibitor to protect the metal of the boiler.

The cleaning procedure includes:

  • Calculation of the required amount of reagent corresponding to the volume of the boiler;
  • Pouring the reagent into the boiler;
  • Creating a closed loop for solution circulation.

During circulation, all types of deposits are peeled off, passing into solution and settling in an intermediate container included in the washing system. A few hours of work is enough to completely clean the boiler and prepare it for work.

The duration of the cleaning procedure corresponds to the degree of contamination of the boiler and can range from several hours to several days (to complete the chemical reaction). These parameters are used to calculate the cost of work taking place at a specific facility.

Our specialists have successfully carried out chemical cleaning work at the following facilities:

Chemical cleaning of boilers

Chemical washing of the heat exchanger is carried out using certified reagents by qualified specialists. When carrying out chemical flushes, the risk of mechanical damage to equipment is minimized. Heat exchangers are washed within 1-2 days, depending on the volume and degree of contamination. Previously, before washing, a chemical engineer assesses the nature and degree of contaminants. Regular flushing will ensure reliable operation of the equipment and save fuel.

Devices and instruments

Acid is poured into the container using special equipment; boosters are most often used for this purpose. The devices consist of a container in which the reagent is placed and a pump that pumps it into the boiler. The equipment also has an electric heating device designed to increase the temperature of the reagent. It must be remembered that employees carrying out such boiler room maintenance must be equipped with protective clothing, rubber gloves and special glasses.

Estimated cost of services

The cost of work is determined based on the boiler model, location, heat exchange surface area, water volume and degree of contamination.

The cost of work is determined based on the heat exchanger model, location, heat exchange surface area, and water volume.

What explains the need to flush boiler and heat exchange equipment with chemical reagents?

In practice, the quality of water for heating networks does not meet established standards. Failure to comply with the regulations when putting the system into operation starts the process of deposition of excess salt and other impurities on the surface of the pipes. In this regard, the hydraulic regime is disrupted, the useful volume of the networks is reduced, which leads to a complete imbalance and threatens the integrity of the system. It is not possible to carry out mechanical cleaning of pipes and equipment due to the lack of technical potential, so chemical flushing becomes perhaps the only and most effective method of cleaning the system.

Stages of flushing boiler equipment:

1. Preliminary inspection of the internal surface and heating elements.2. Determination of the level of contamination and selection of chemical reagents.3. Direct flushing of boiler equipment under the strict supervision of specialists.

4. Drawing up a report on the work done.

Chemical washing of a boiler with a sludge level of more than 1500 g/m or with a content of silicic acid (sulfates) in deposits above 10% is carried out in two stages with preliminary alkalization before the acid stage. If the amount of sludge on the working surface of the boiler unit is more than 3000 - 4000 g/m, alternating acid and alkaline processing stages is required.

In certain cases, acid washing of the boiler should be preceded by mechanical (hydrodynamic) washing of sludge-filled areas, which allows to get rid of porous and uncemented deposits. In this case, the duration of cleaning and the amount of chemicals required for effective washing are significantly reduced.

Basic requirements for the chemical washing process: - use of safe detergents to avoid damage to the surfaces of the boiler unit;

Possibility of effective removal of deposits without the formation of insoluble compounds.

Flushing heat exchangers

Regular washing will not only increase the performance of the heat exchanger and reduce the risk of defects on working surfaces, but also prevent premature equipment failure. Chemical washing is necessary to clean the internal surfaces of the heat exchanger from harmful deposits that reduce the thermal conductivity of the system. Excessive contamination interferes with the productive operation of the heat exchanger and forces measures to be taken to artificially regulate the temperature regime. Regular flushing helps avoid unexpected accidents and damage to heat exchange equipment.

Chemical washing of the heat exchanger is carried out in several stages:

  1. Introduction into the heat exchanger of a solution with active substances, which, when reacting with deposits on the internal surfaces, break them down and remove them from the unit.
  2. Washing the plates of heat exchange equipment with water to remove residual reagent. In case of ineffective flushing, active substances may react with the coolant, which will lead to equipment damage.
  3. Alkaline washing of internal surfaces.
  4. Hydraulic testing of newly commissioned heat exchange equipment.

Examples of boiler surface contamination

Samples of extreme contaminants extracted from the water part of the boiler heating surfaces

Boiler water path - scale deposits before and after boiler flushing

Smoke pipes

Connection between flame tube and tube sheet

Time to clean the boiler

Cleaning is done in three cases:

  1. For prevention. This type of boiler cleaning is carried out by the home owner once or twice a year. In this case, a minimum of money and effort is spent.
  2. When the heat exchanger is contaminated with scale or soot, its efficiency will be reduced. In this case, you can fix the problem yourself or call a technician.
  3. The heat generator has broken down. He just stops. In this case, you cannot do without a specialist. He gets the system working and flushes it.

Boiler flushing options

There are only three ways to flush a gas boiler for repair purposes:

  • mechanical;
  • hydraulic;
  • complex.

The second and third methods are the most effective. If preventive or regular cleaning of the boiler can be done with your own hands, then it is better to entrust repairs to professionals.

Mechanical method consists of using physical force and tools to clear scale from boilers. These can be scrapers or brushes, as well as modern spreading heads with various types of drive. Tools must be selected correctly and used with care. If the walls of the boiler are damaged, this will lead to increased corrosion, and then to rapid failure of the entire system. The least dangerous for the device is flushing using hydraulics. Pressurized water removes scale from all parts of the boiler.

With the complex option, boilers are washed using water pressure using tools. Most often this happens if there is too much contamination in some part of the device.

What is a heat exchanger

A gas boiler has an element in its design that is located above the firebox and consists of connected tubes. The coolant circulates in them. Its location is not accidental; combustion of gas in the boiler must heat the coolant, which is located in the heat exchanger.

The coolant is water. It heats up and passes further through the system. But untreated water contains many impurities that can settle in the tubes when heated. Most often these are salts and lime particles. If there is a lot of contamination, water has difficulty passing through the tubes, which leads to malfunctions.

Time to clean the heat exchanger

There are many contradictions about when the heat exchanger needs to be flushed gas boiler. There are signs that will tell you that it's time for cleaning. The most important of them:

  • always on gas-burner in the boiler;
  • the circulation pump began to make noise, which indicates that it was overloaded;
  • heating radiators take much longer to heat up;
  • gas consumption has increased, although the boiler operating mode has not changed;
  • the water pressure has weakened (pay attention to this sign when you need to flush a double-circuit boiler).

Procedure for flushing the heat exchanger with a booster

A booster is a special device for chemical cleaning. It allows the reagent solution to circulate autonomously in the heat exchanger.

  1. The first step is to disconnect both pipes of the device from the heating system.
  2. One of them is connected to the booster hose, through which the reagent will be supplied.
  3. The second pipe is also connected to the booster hose, but with a different one. The spent solution will come out into it. It turns out that the system will close and circulation will occur, and without additional participation.
  4. The spent solution will remain in the booster and must be drained. Rinse the heat exchanger with water.

It is better to clean with a booster several times, since the reagent gradually reduces its properties, and a new solution will increase the cleaning efficiency.

Methods for flushing the boiler and heat exchanger

Flushing the gas boiler heat exchanger is carried out to preserve bandwidth apparatus and its thermal qualities.

Devices may differ in the type of heat exchanger and the quality of water used, depending on this they should be washed different ways. There are three reliable and proven methods:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • combined.

Chemical method of washing the heat exchanger

Boilers are cleaned using reagents, mainly acids, and a special installation is required.

Using such an installation, the acid is dissolved to the desired consistency and heated. Temperature significantly affects the quality of washing. After preparing the solution, it is supplied to the heat exchanger and then removed.

Cleaning of heat exchangers occurs due to the presence and circulation of acid in it. Finish washing with plenty of water.

There is a possibility that the scale consists of various chemical components, so cleaning must be carried out using additional boiler flushing with other chemicals.

There are advantages to acid washing:

  • there is no need to remove and disassemble the device, which significantly saves time;
  • after such cleaning, the most common contaminants - hardness salts and magnesium hydroxide - will not remain in the heat exchanger.

There are also disadvantages:

  • it is used for minor contamination;
  • those contaminants that are formed due to corrosion cannot be removed by this method;
  • safety measures are required, since the reagents are very toxic and dangerous;
  • The solution after washing must be neutralized and disposed of.

Wash reagents

Manufacturers various types Chemists provide a choice of several options for means with which gas boilers are flushed.

Several parameters should be taken into account when choosing a particular product:

  • pollution levels;
  • the material from which the boiler and heat exchanger are made, their reaction to the purchased chemical.

The following substances are suitable for cleaning a home boiler:

  • citric acid - its effectiveness in removing scale is very high;
  • sulfamic and adipic acids - effective for preventive cleaning and regular washing, with light contamination;
  • hydrochloric acid - this product is used to remove very severe contamination;
  • various gels - they need to be dissolved in water (the effectiveness is in no way inferior to previous products).

Chemical washing of boilers and heat exchangers is carried out only in compliance with special safety measures.

Mechanical method of washing the heat exchanger

The main difference from the chemical method is the disassembly of the entire heat exchanger.

After this, each of the parts is washed separately with a stream of water under high pressure. This method is used in very rare cases when the contamination is not amenable to other types of cleaning.


  • effective for severe contamination, even corrosion products can be washed only with this method;
  • the use of chemicals is excluded - this is absolutely safe method;
  • no need for additional disposal of the washing solution.


  • The main disadvantage of mechanical flushing remains the disassembly of the entire unit. This is very difficult to do, and some devices do not even have disassembly instructions. In any case, it will require a lot of effort and a lot of time.
  • In order for the water pressure to be strong enough, you need to use an additional device.
  • The cost of mechanical flushing will significantly exceed chemical flushing due to high labor costs.

Second option of the mechanical method:

  • The first step is to disconnect the boiler from the power supply.
  • Disassemble it and carefully remove the heat exchanger.
  • Immerse the element in a container with a low concentration acid solution for a period of 3 to 7 hours, depending on the degree of contamination.
  • Clean the heat exchanger under running water and install it in its original place.

Experts advise that when rinsing with water, tap the device a little to improve cleaning. The most effective method is to soak the parts when cleaning a double-circuit boiler.

Method of combined flushing of the heat exchanger

Serious and advanced contamination cannot be cleaned using only one method, so a combined method is used.

There may be several types of chemical contaminants in the heat exchanger, as well as corrosion products. When washing using any of the methods, you can add special balls to the solution, which will create additional pressure and be able to remove scale from the walls of the device.


Washing boilers and cleaning them from soot is possible without outside help. But it’s a completely different matter with flushing the heat exchanger. Here you will need confidence in success - if you don’t have it, then you can call a specialist for the first time. At the same time, carefully monitor its actions so that when cleaning it again, you can be sure that you can handle it yourself.

In general terms, the process of chemical flushing of a boiler is as follows. In the process of chemical flushing of a boiler, water is first drained from the boiler circuit, then an installation for chemical flushing of the boiler is connected to the boiler, which includes a tank with a reagent, a reverse pump and a heating element. Using a chemical boiler washing installation, a boiler washing reagent consisting of an acid solution is pumped into the boiler. After this, the circulation of the solution through the boiler pipes begins. The time of circulation of the acid solution through the boiler pipes depends on the degree of contamination of the boiler and the nature of the deposits, on average it is 4-7 hours when washing the most common types of boilers.

During the operation of the chemical boiler washing plant, the circulation of the acidic chemical washing solution is determined by our specialists depending on the change in the color of the solution (dissolved deposits are added to the solution) and based on the results of constant pH tests.

After the required amount of acid solution is pumped into the boiler, initially the pH of the solution for chemical washing of boilers is maintained at a level of 1-2, that is, the solution for chemical washing of boilers has strongly acidic properties.

Then, over a period of time, the acidity of the chemical washing solution begins to gradually fall, as the acid is consumed during the reaction of the reagent for acid washing of boilers with iron oxides and magnesium and calcium salts.

After the pH of the solution stabilizes at 4-5 units, a new portion of acidic materials for washing boilers is added to the solution, and the ion content again increases to a pH level of 1-2.

A similar procedure is repeated several times during boiler washing; until the boiler flushing specialist notices a decrease in the rate of drop in acid pH; that is, until the solution for acid washing of boilers with pH 2 maintains this value for a long time. This will mean that the acid solution for boiler washing and chemical boiler washing has nothing to react with, that is, all deposits and scale are in dissolved form.

After the reagent completely dissolves scale and deposits during the circulation process when flushing the boiler, water with dissolved deposits is drained from the boiler and disposed of.

After this, the boiler cleaning process is completed by flushing the boiler with water until all deposits dissolved during boiler cleaning are removed from the boiler with running water.

Summing up the article on chemical flushing of boilers, we can say with confidence that chemical flushing is a reliable, cheap way to completely clean the walls of boiler pipes from scale and deposits consisting of the most common compounds in Russia - iron oxyl and hardness salts. That is, acid washing of the boiler gives you the following advantages compared to other types of boiler cleaning:

  • flushing the boiler reduces fuel and electricity consumption by 10% or more;
  • flushing the boiler increases the overhaul period of the boiler;
  • flushing the boiler improves the environmental conditions of the air basin
  • Chemical boiler flushing is a practical and inexpensive way to flush the boiler in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, and at the same time, at minimal cost and with maximum efficiency.

At the same time, it is necessary to understand that chemical flushing of boilers, despite its apparent simplicity, represents quite complex technical operations associated with working with caustic materials and specialized technical equipment. We urge you to be more careful in choosing contractors for chemical flushing of the boiler.

We also carry out a full range of work on servicing heating systems, repairing the heating system, cleaning heat exchangers, preparing for the heating season, pressure testing, flushing the heating system, replacing the coolant, servicing and repairing boilers.

Liquids for flushing heat exchangers

Regardless of the cleaning method you choose, you will need a flushing reagent. You should approach the choice of flushing fluid wisely, as some of them can damage and even destroy the heat exchanger of your gas boiler. Let's look at in what cases certain solutions are suitable:

Hydrochloric acid

For cleaning heat exchangers made of copper or of stainless steel An aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid with a concentration of 2-5% is successfully used. Special additives – inhibitors – help protect the metal without interfering with the dissolution of oxides and carbonates. Washing with hydrochloric acid is the job of professionals who are aware of their actions when working with this aggressive reagent. It is highly not recommended to clean the heat exchanger of a gas boiler with this product on your own, at home, without a clear understanding of the processes taking place.

Sulfamic acid

Flushing the heat exchanger with sulfamic acid is especially effective for removing deposits containing metal oxides. This cleaning product is safe for any materials and can be successfully used at home. The composition for flushing the heat exchanger includes a 2-3% aqueous solution of sulfamic acid and corrosion inhibitors.

Photo 5: Washing plate heat exchanger

Orthophosphoric acid

Flushing with orthophosphoric acid is effective for heat exchangers of gas boilers of all types. This cleaning product not only perfectly removes scale and dirt, but also does not cause any harm to the metal and even creates protective film. To obtain an effective reagent, it is necessary to dilute orthophosphoric acid in water to obtain a 13% solution.

Lemon acid

Solution citric acid at a temperature of 60°C it perfectly removes scale and oxidation without affecting the metal of the heat exchanger. This product is perfect for cleaning copper, brass and stainless steel devices. Depending on the degree of contamination, the recommended concentration is from 0.5 to 1.5%.

Flushing liquid "Detex"

The “Detex” cleaning agent is used to remove scale, oxides, salts and various biological deposits from the walls of cast iron, steel and copper heat exchangers. Due to the content of surfactants and corrosion inhibitor additives, it protects the metal, thereby increasing service life heating equipment. Depending on the degree of contamination, Detex concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/6 - 1/10 and poured into a washing machine.

Photo 6: Industrial products for cleaning the heat exchanger

The process of circulating the liquid for flushing through the heat exchanger of a gas boiler is accompanied by gas evolution, the stop of which indicates the end of the action of the reagent. If required quality flushing has not been achieved, the Detex concentration should be increased until the gas formation process resumes and the cleaning procedure should be continued. At the final stage, it is necessary to rinse the heat exchanger with a neutralizing liquid, and then with water.

Boiler long burning DIY drawings on coal

Timely technical inspection and maintenance of boiler equipment will always contribute to its uninterrupted and stable operation.

One of the important complexes of maintenance work is cleaning and flushing of boilers.

In this article we will describe in detail all the nuances and aspects of performing this type of work.

The essence of the procedure

Internal walls of pipes before and after chemical treatment It is no secret that during the operation of boiler equipment, scale and various types of chemical contaminants settle on the internal surfaces. This in turn complicates the operation of the boiler system.

The scope of work, which includes cleaning and removing unnecessary deposits, is precisely called chemical flushing of the boiler.

It is also worth noting that flushing is a relatively inexpensive cleaning method that results in maximum efficiency. (You can read about cleaning a heating boiler from scale).


Chemical flushing of boilers contributes to the following positive aspects:

Such improvements once again confirm that flushing is a truly effective and efficient method of cleaning the boiler system.

Sequence of work

Flushing boiler equipment must occur in a strictly defined order, the main stages of which are the following important points:

In fact, all stages of work do not pose any particular technical difficulties, but for a better understanding it is worth looking in more detail at what devices are used to carry out the entire washing process.

Equipment for cleaning boiler systems

As mentioned above, the entire chemical washing process is carried out using a special device called a booster.

The booster consists of the following elements:

It is worth noting that the booster is a unique device of its kind, which greatly facilitates the flushing of boiler equipment.

Materials used

An important aspect of boiler flushing is the issue of using various acidic substances.

There are the following types of acids that are used to clean boiler equipment:

  1. Adipic acid. This substance is diluted with water in a certain proportion, and with the help of a booster it is directly fed into the boiler. Carbon dioxide, when interacting with dirt and scale, dissolves them and then turns them into sediment, which is subsequently washed out under the pressure of technical water. The most optimal option is to use a solution with adipic acid for chemical flushing of domestic heating boilers.
  2. Lemon acid. This type of acidic substance greatly simplifies the cleaning of the boiler unit, since it can be added directly to the reagent that circulates in the process water.
  3. Sulfamic acid. After circulating this reagent in the boiler equipment, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the system and then dry it. This type of acid effectively cleans the internal surfaces of steam boilers.
  4. Hydrochloric acid. The concentration of the solution of this aggressive substance directly depends on the thickness of the contaminated scale. If the thickness of the deposits is 1 mm, then, accordingly, there should be a 1% solution. In other cases, the concentration of the solution does not increase, and the boiler unit is washed several times. Hydrochloric acid is optimally suited for cleaning waste heat boilers.
  5. Gel. This type of substance does not apply to acidic environments, however, it dissolves contaminated petroleum-based substances quite well. The main condition for using the gel substance is thorough flushing of the boiler equipment with technical liquid.

After reviewing the characteristics of chemical reagents for cleaning the boiler, we can conclude: all types of substances used are aggressive, so it is necessary to take precautions when working with them.

Safety regulations

When working with substances for chemical boiler flushing, the following recommendations must be observed:

In this article, we introduced you in detail to all aspects of chemical flushing of boiler equipment. Taking them into account, you can easily cope with dry cleaning of boilers of any modification.

Watch the video in which experts clearly demonstrate proper chemical flushing of the boiler:

Chemical washing and cleaning of heating boilers should be carried out regularly, since the gradual accumulation of scale, deposits, as well as corrosion of the internal surfaces of pipes and elements of water heating boilers during their operation will inevitably lead to a decrease in the efficiency of the boiler, and consequently the entire system as a whole. Moreover, this can cause instability or reduced thermal conductivity, damage pipes or cause equipment interruptions. And, of course, all this is followed by an inevitable increase in energy costs in order to maintain a given temperature regime. Therefore, chemical washing is a guarantee of their long-term and uninterrupted operation, prevents equipment malfunctions and greatly reduces the material costs of maintaining their functionality.

If during the operation of heating equipment all operating regulations are fully observed, then deposits are usually formed from iron oxides. If for some reason the regulations are violated, then the deposits may also contain other elements - compounds of phosphates, copper, silicon, as well as carbonates.

Chemical washing and cleaning of boilers consists of several stages:

  1. Flushing network water internal surfaces of boilers.
  2. Boiler alkalization.
  3. Thorough flushing of boilers with technical liquids.
  4. Filling the acid wash solution and circulating it inside the boiler.
  5. Subsequent rinsing.
  6. Passivation and neutralization after chemical cleaning.
  7. Preliminary cleaning of boilers with technical water.
  8. Final rinsing of the internal surfaces of boilers with clean running water.

If there is accumulated on the internal surfaces of the water heating elements a large number of deposits, then the boilers should be carried out in two stages. It is recommended to carry out intermediate alkalization between acid stages or before treatment with chemical solutions. In particularly advanced cases, several alternations of alkaline and acid treatments may be required.

Situations may also arise when, before starting chemical cleaning, it would be advisable to perform a mechanical flushing of the most contaminated elements of the boiler, which will help remove uncemented, loose deposits, thus reducing sludge and reducing the number of required stages of boiler cleaning and the consumption of chemical detergents. In addition, it is imperative to organize timely chemical control over certain operations, which usually consists of measuring the pH level and concentration chemical acid, iron content, soda ash or caustic soda (when alkalizing the boiler).

It is obvious that the heat exchanger is important for the efficient and long-term operation of any heating boiler. Rust, scale and other harmful deposits significantly reduce the efficiency of heat exchange processes, increase material costs and increase the amount of harmful emissions into the surrounding atmosphere. However, many problems can be avoided at an early stage if heating boilers are carried out in a timely manner.

It should be noted that untimely chemical cleaning boilers, and moreover, a complete refusal to carry out these actions will entail not only a constant increase in energy costs for maintaining desired temperature, but also significant costs for restoring the functionality of the equipment, and in some cases for restoration work due to an emergency. Moreover, this absolutely does not depend on the type of boiler used (whether it is brazed, shell-and-tube or plate). equally harmful to the work of each of them. Today, there are endless debates among experts about which manufacturers’ water heating equipment works better and more efficiently. But the reasons for decreased performance or failure remain common to almost all boilers.