How to make a light green color from gouache paints. How to get peach color

Peach colour refers to beige shades, which are rightfully considered an interior classic. The reason for its popularity is its extraordinary natural warmth, which promotes positive emotions and inner spiritual harmony. This is the color of wheat fields, sun-drenched sandy beaches, mown hay and sea shells.

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But what if there is no paint in the peach shade you need on the shelves of hardware stores? The answer arises on its own: you need to try to create your favorite color scheme on your own. However, there is no need to rush into buying paints. Professional designers It is recommended that before mixing, prepare a sample in the form of a paper applique or fabric of significant size.

The fact is that the same color is perceived differently depending on the size of the application area. When you are satisfied with the desired shade, you can start mixing. To get started, remember a few basic truths: basic colors– blue, red and yellow; the remaining shades are derivatives of them, consisting of countless combinations basic colors in combination with white and black. Remember that the entire warm beige color scheme is based on a mixture of red and yellow. This is how a bright pink shade is obtained by mixing red and white. Brown color is the result of the interaction of red, black and yellow. To get a peach color, you will have to experiment with red, yellow, orange, white and green.

Delicate light shades are obtained, as a rule, with the addition of white. It is also used to create pistachio and light pink tones. Red and orange will be needed for richer, brighter colors.

When mixing, do not use more than three colors. Otherwise, you risk getting paint with a dirty gray tint. Today there is no need to buy several cans of paint at the same time different colors, since it is enough to buy special colorants - colored organic and inorganic pigments that can create a wide variety of shades of peach color. But remember that natural pigments, unlike inorganic ones, are prone to fading.

How simple

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Color is one of the components of the visual perception of the world; it affects our mood and quietly controls behavior. In the interior of any room: in the kitchen, in the bedroom, in the nursery, first of all, the color of the walls is chosen. In order to make the interior favorable for staying in the house, you need to choose a color scheme in your favorite tones. Simple colors do not always satisfy color requirements, but they are basic for creating shades of nature. By mixing paints, the widest range of colors in numerous tones is obtained. When wondering how to get a peach color from a combination of colors, learn a little theory and start practicing.

Basic colors for mixing

Peach color is light, joyful, pink and creamy, having many shades. If you look closely at a real peach, you can distinguish many shades; an artist’s eye will examine more than three dozen names. The red, almost scarlet sun-warmed barrel smoothly turns into a touching pink flesh, gradually smoothing out and becoming light yellow. A riot of color on one small fruit! And they are all tasty, warm, bearing associative connections with the time of year, abundance, childhood, carelessness, joy.

A riot of color on one small fruit!

I want to bring these emotions into my home: use it for the walls of the kitchen, place it in the bedroom, hide it in the folds of curtains, scatter it generously throughout the interior of the whole house. Modern design uses the entire palette in the tones of nature, this is combined in a subject interior with the philosophy of an urban home.

Upon closer inspection, there can be many shades of peach. A simple way to select wall paint is to choose ready-made paint in the store that includes the word “peach”. You can see what shades are available by looking at the range, a special color palette. RAL is available in every paint department of a hardware store, and once you have decided on the shade, you purchase the required number of liters of paint. There you can also understand which color harmoniously combines with the shade you have chosen.

The simple path is not always suitable; for those who want to get a specific shade, you will have to make an effort. Designing your home is worth the effort. Basic colors for mixing colors in peach shades: red, yellow, white, brown, green - depends on the color of the peach you want to get. After all, there is a light peach, slightly unripe peach, a pink peach, the color of a ripe peach, as this is combined in nature.

There are many shades. There is a light peach, slightly unripe peach, pink peach, the color of a ripe peach!

What and how to do with paints

The peach shade is included in the warm palette of the natural range of colors. Find a sample that you want to repeat: a piece of fabric, paper, wallpaper, a color photo, a peach skin, following the example of Salvador Dali.

Prepare materials:

  • photo of your favorite interior;
  • a large sheet of paper, preferably Whatman paper;
  • paints: red, yellow, white, brown, green; brush;
  • a disposable plate or art palette for mixing paints;
  • palette knife or spoon for dosing paint;
  • mixing stick.

Start tinting! Paste a color sample onto whatman paper. Put a base white paint on the palette, add a little red and yellow to it - mix. Stir until a uniform color is obtained. Make a few strokes next to the color sample, this will be the so-called shading. The first one you will get is a pinkish-white shade, continue to add paints in doses, the goal is a peach color in the coloring. In the process of creative impulse, do not forget about prose: if you need to paint a large area, then you need to write down the proportions of the colors mixed, otherwise the result will only work for small objects. It is worth making a table and recording data in it.

By mixing the base colors, you get peach in several shades.

If the first painted result does not match, continue to add small amounts of paint and test after each step. Take a closer look at the shade, it may have more brown or greenish shades. It is important to let each color dry; a wet stroke may differ from a dry stroke. Also consider the color intensity: perhaps the shade has already been selected, but the color intensity is too high - add solvent or water, depending on the paints used. This step allows you to get a soft pastel, light peach color.

It is important to let each color dry; a wet brushstroke may differ from a dry one!

Peach color palette in shades

To make the selection easier, use the advice of experienced professionals: peach color is obtained by combining dark chocolate flowers with orange and a drop of green. Making the right color through your own efforts is highly commendable. Actually, each of the mixed colors is combined with the final peach. Interior design in these colors will be harmonious.

Accessories and additions of peach color in the interior.

Peach color and all its shades are suitable for the kitchen, bedroom, and nursery. The design of the hallway requires enhancing the soft palette with a darker one, and in the living room a variety of shades and additional accents. Curtains, pillows and accessories are suitable for this. A combination of pastel and white colors will be relevant in the bedroom.

Peach color in interior design

The interior of every room in the house is worthy creative approach. The design is based on the general concept and knowledge of the combination of colors, shapes, and changes in space in the interior. Even if there is a separate project in the bedroom, kitchen, living room, for general idea color combination is suitable. Curtains with the same pattern or texture will contribute to the overall atmosphere.

The peach shade on the walls makes the kitchen cozier.

Light peach color is suitable for any room. Children's design in pink and peach colors - habitat for the baby and combines with different variations. It calms, pacifies, allows the child to concentrate and feel confident. For a child's room, peach-colored wallpaper or painting in the chosen color is suitable for decorating the walls. For accessories, choose a harmonious combination of colors: orange; white, add accents with blue or green figurines, toys, frames. Curtains on the windows will perfectly complement the interior with textiles.

Children's design in pink and peach colors is great option. It calms, pacifies, allows the child to concentrate and feel confident!

Warm, enchanting peach color is considered favorable for the bedroom - in it it plays to create an atmosphere of bliss, calm, warmth and security. Pink pastel colors of the walls in the bedroom, curtains, furniture in different shades, will help relieve the stress of the working day and make the morning joyful. This is especially true for our climate, because most often it is cloudy here, and the bedroom should be especially cozy. The combination of peach with pistachio, apple green, brown, white, orange, and scarlet is considered harmonious. Bedroom design in this color scheme closer to the natural palette.

Kitchens truly become a hearth where the whole family flocks with pleasure. All shades of the peach spectrum will find their place on cozy kitchen. Textiles in peach and orange shades used in the colors of curtains, towels, and tablecloths will emphasize the elegance of the interior. It is not difficult to determine which accessories will be in the kitchen after painting the walls. Perhaps peach-colored wallpaper will be more relevant, especially in the dining area, than covering the entire room ceramic tiles. In this case, curtains and other textiles are selected in combination with the main range.

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Your question:

How to get peach color?

Master's answer:

The palette of beige shades is loved by many designers, who especially note the superiority of the peach shade over all tones. This color can bring a touch of classicism to the interior, and its popularity lies in the fact that it creates comfort due to its natural warmth of shade. Peach color gives harmony to the soul, evoking positive, calm emotions.

And if you really like this shade of color, but you can’t find it in construction stores finishing materials exactly peach shades, then you can prepare the color scheme yourself. But don't rush into buying paints. All designers unanimously advise, before starting mixing, to prepare a paper applique or a large piece of fabric as a sample. The secret is that the same shade will be perceived completely differently in areas of different sizes.

So, it's time to start mixing. And at the moment, you need to base your actions on some truths: the main colors are considered to be basic blue, red, yellow; and the remaining shades are derived from the primary colors in numerous combinations, with a combination of white and black.

And know that the entire warm beige color scheme is based on mixing yellow and red. For example, deep pink shades are the result of mixing red with white. And brown tones are obtained by mixing red with black and yellow shades.

Thus, to achieve the desired peach shade of paint, you need to experiment with mixing portions of red, orange, yellow, green and white.

The more white you add, the softer and lighter the paint shade will be. The same color is used in the process of creating soft pink and pistachio shades. Orange and red provide bright, rich colors.

When creating peach shades, do not mix more than three colors, otherwise the tone will turn out to be dirty gray.

Although at the moment there is no need to struggle with cans of paint in the right shades. It is enough to buy tiny jars with special colors, which are inorganic or organic pigments that allow you to recreate all kinds of peach tones. But it should be borne in mind that it is natural pigments that fade in the light over time.