DIY gift polyurethane foam in a frame. Crafts made from polyurethane foam - a creative approach to decorating a site

Materials and tools:
Polyurethane foam (any)
Glue "Titan"
Wood putty.
Acrylic paints.
Liquid nails “Fix All” (Cristal)
Acrylic paints
Acrylate wood varnish
Small decorative stones.
A stationery (or any convenient) knife.
Plastic covers for notebooks.

I love waterfalls and I love looking at them and trying to draw them, but here I really wanted a home waterfall. But not the one where water flows (for some reason this is annoying...), but the most ordinary one.
I tried to film and describe the process of creating a home waterfall.

Take polyurethane foam (I took the most common one in a can for 100 rubles).
Lay on work surface oilcloth or film. Be sure to wear gloves
(rubber or medical), because the foam sticks very much to your hands and is difficult to wash off. Foam several “slides” on the film, spray the “slides” with a flower spray so that the foam “sets” faster. Wait until the top of the “slide” dries, remove it from the film (the bottom remains wet) and place the slides on top of each other so as you see your big mountain. Since the bottom has not yet dried, the slides “sit” on top of each other and immediately stick together.
Give the foam a day to “set.”

Cut out the base of the mountain from the resulting mass - cut off the excess from the sides using a knife, cut through caves and recesses.
Treat all surfaces and joints with putty. Let it dry for a day.

Paint the slide, walls and “bottom” of the waterfall first with dark brown, then light brown paint. Give the paint time to dry.

Spread the “Titanium” glue on the surface of the “mountain”, sprinkling the glue with small decorative pebbles. Cover with acrylic varnish. Dry overnight.

Paint the “bottom” of the waterfall and the places where the “water” flows with blue and white paints.

To simulate flowing water, the following was tested:
1. Liquid nails “Moment” Installation transparent..
The photo shows “transparency”, yeah. as they were opaque white, they remained so even after two days..

2. Liquid nails “AXTON” transparent. I didn’t like it, first of all, it had a very pungent, poisonous smell (as if a lot of vinegar had been mixed with something). So, the resulting “waterfalls” are a bit cloudy and ugly, a disgrace.

3. Liquid nails “Fix-All soludal, Crystal/ You can try others, but the word Crystal must be present.. Nails are expensive (we cost 370 rubles, but when you have the urge to do it, you can’t bear it..)

Take a napkin and make a “stencil” of the required length.

I bought a regular notebook cover for the imitation water backing. It is transparent with blue and it turned out to be just it.

Having prepared the stencils, place the cover on them.

Take liquid nails and “draw” stripes on the stencil with them, close to each other. Using a toothpick, smooth the surface of the strips with a zigzag line.

Leave to dry. But it’s better to leave it to dry like that. so that the dried nails take the desired shape. Cut the film along the contour of the waterfall, use a toothpick to pierce the film at the beginning of the “waterfall” and attach it to a convenient, convex surface.

After allowing time for the “flowing water” to dry, use the same nails to coat the recesses in the “mountain” and attach the workpieces with a toothpick. Correct the “waterfalls” by adding strips of liquid nails, simulating the effect of flowing water.

Paint the surface of the waterfall with an almost dry white brush and white paint.

Wait for the “waterfalls” to dry completely and check that everything corresponds to what you planned. Place several decorative elements on the bottom, in my case these are white round decorative stones. In “liquid glass”, poured into any container that you don’t mind throwing away, add any blue dye (in in this case I took soap dye) - 3-4 drops

Allow time to dry completely" liquid glass", depending on the thickness of the layer, this will range from two to four days.

Add a couple of strips of “liquid nails” at the base of the “waterfalls”, mix the applied strips with the dried “water”. Using a toothpick or bamboo stick, lift the sealant at the base of the “waterfall” with small sharp “waves”

Allow time to dry and paint the ends of the “waves” at the base of the waterfall with white paint.

That's it, the waterfall is ready...

Having the opportunity to travel outside the city is great, and if you also have a vacation at your own summer cottage, it’s generally great. But the standard dachas, where we see only cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes and other necessary vegetables and fruits, evoke melancholy more than the desire to relax. And I don’t want to work in such an atmosphere at all. What if you put in a little imagination and effort and turn your summer cottage into a real miracle? Believe me, your household members will not want to return to the city after the transformation of the dacha. And for such a transformation to take place, you will need DIY garden crafts. What do we mean? Watch, read, choose and be inspired.

Original DIY crafts for the garden and dacha from scrap materials

Of course, today most farm stores and flower stalls offer a variety of options garden sculptures, pots and other beauty. But this pleasure is by no means cheap: to completely transform your site, you will need to shell out a tidy sum. Do you want to spend money? No? Then you've come to the right place. We will tell you how to create all this beauty with your own hands from materials that almost every thrifty owner can find.
So, this section of our website contains ideas that are worthy of taking a place on your site. We invite you to get acquainted with the technology of making flower beds from tires, original flower beds from plastic bottles, bird figurines, animal gnomes from the same bottles and other materials. And with us you can create real castles for your children, small fountains, relaxation corners, etc.
In addition to “traditional” materials, we will also use completely unusual ones, for example, old typewriters, the bodies of various toy cars, children’s buckets and much, much more. In principle, from our articles you will learn that you can decorate your garden or summer cottage with anything, and such DIY garden crafts will definitely delight your loved ones and guests.

Collection of ideas for crafts

Our articles and reviews are devoted not only to materials from which you can create, but also to various ideas.
We will tell you exactly what you can create in your dacha. How do you like the idea of ​​such DIY garden crafts as:

  • garden gnomes and other fairy-tale characters;
  • children's slides;
  • fountains;
  • hammocks and loungers for relaxation;
  • benches;
  • swing;
  • flower beds and flower beds;
  • figurines from plants;
  • Japanese stone gardens;
  • original armchairs and sun loungers;
  • play areas;
  • houses and huts;
  • birdhouses and bird pens;
  • interestingly decorated booths.

Do you think this is the whole list? In vain! This is only a small part of what can be placed on your summer cottage.

Arrangement of crafts in the garden or on the site

It’s not enough to come up with and carry out a craft, you need to find a place for it on the site. Therefore, we have devoted a number of articles to how exactly you can place everything that you create.
In the articles there are many descriptions of different gardens and dachas with photographs in which you will see entire families of pigs walking in the garden, swans made of tires strewn with flowers, which are located near the porch of the house, and so on.
It is important when decorating the site not to overdo it and to correctly combine crafts for the garden with your own hands. The fact is that a large pile of everything will only repel.
How to combine different crafts, create entire scenes from them, organize a recreation and games area - all this will be discussed in our materials.
Creating with us will not only be easy, but most importantly, it will be interesting!

For most owners, the dacha seems to be a place for relaxation. However, in order to properly design the site, you need to spend enough large amounts. In this regard, some summer residents are looking for opportunities to save money, which is why they are trying to create crafts from polyurethane foam, which look no less aesthetically pleasing than figurines made of plastic, metal and wood. And today this option continues to compete with another equally common method - creating crafts from plastic bottles.

Every person who does not have special skills and knowledge is able to make his own personal plot more attractive. The main thing is to have abstract thinking, be patient and prepare minimal set of tools. All this will be enough for cheerful gnomes, frogs, sheep and Christmas trees to appear in the garden, the creation of which will require quite affordable materials.

Manufacturing technology

The first issue that must be resolved by the summer resident is the preparation of materials and tools, without which it will be impossible to make crafts from polyurethane foam. Moreover, you should not neglect any element of the list, since this will subsequently affect the quality of the work and the time it will require.

To make a product frame, you can use plastic bottles, which are pre-filled with sand, boards, metal objects and thick wire. In some cases, you can use ordinary brick to create the basis for a future mushroom on your site.

  • polyurethane foam;
  • spray foam gun;
  • gun cleaner.

A good idea is to use a sculpture for growing flowers in it. But to do this, in its center you will have to install a certain container, like a bucket, tin can or the aforementioned plastic bottle.

  • varnish, paint and brushes for them;
  • stationery or other knife;
  • several pairs of gloves. You should definitely have them, as this will help protect your hands from polyurethane foam, which quickly and firmly sticks to your hands.

If we take a closer look at the process of making garden figures from polyurethane foam, we can distinguish two stages that are carried out in a certain sequence.

  • work begins by covering the base with a layer of foam, after which they wait for a pause, which is necessary for the material to harden;
  • Then we apply the next layer of foam and so on until we achieve the required shape of the product.

When the desired result is achieved, take a regular stationery knife and use it to trim off the excess protrusions. In the process of such work, we give the sculpture the desired contour, after which we can proceed to painting it. To complete all the work, you will have to spend from 1 hour to several days. The specific period is determined by the size of the product and the thickness of the applied layer.

It is recommended to make garden figures from polyurethane foam in a separate dry room which should be clean and have limited access for children. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to remove the foam from the surfaces, and for this you will need gasoline or acetone.

Manufacturing examples with instructions

Next, we will look at examples of various figures for the garden from polyurethane foam, which can be made even without having experience in this matter. But in order to achieve the required result, it is necessary to perform all operations in the exact sequence. A couple of hours will pass and you will feel like a real creator, in whose hands ordinary polyurethane foam turns into real masterpieces of art.

Christmas tree

The master class on making a Christmas tree from polyurethane foam is quite simple and understandable. Required in advance prepare the twigs, which need to be fixed to the iron pipe. You can use tape or wire as a retainer.

Then, using a spray bottle, the workpiece is moistened, which will improve the adhesive properties of the foam when it is applied to the base.

After this, we begin to process the structure with polyurethane foam; in this matter, you can completely rely on your imagination.

Having such accessible things as scraps of sticks, twigs, polyurethane foam and fishing line on hand, it will not be difficult for you to do it yourself christmas tree. And to give a natural look, the tree can be painted acrylic paint Green colour.


If you are afraid to take on complex garden figures made of polyurethane foam, then you can choose the simplest product, which is a ball. Those who do not have experience in making figures from polyurethane foam with their own hands to decorate the garden are recommended to take the first steps by creating this particular figure. And, once you get the hang of it, you can try to create more complex decorations and sculptures.

The master class itself includes the following actions:

  • first we need a paint can into which we need to pour sand;
  • Next, we take polyurethane foam and cover our workpiece in layers;
  • when will the product be purchased required dimensions, and the initial shape will change to spherical, take a knife and cut off the excess parts;
  • we treat our ball with varnish;
  • We complete the work of making the ball by painting, for which you can use the colorful material that you like best.

Ram and ewe

Master class on making this garden figure using polyurethane foam with our own hands, we begin by creating a frame. To do this we need several plastic bottles that need to be connected to each other using tape. As a result, the craft should resemble something like the “skeleton” of an animal. To give our figure greater stability, the lower limbs can be filled with sand.

After this, you can begin to process the craft using foam. To avoid wastage of material, it is recommended to wrap the frame with isolon or other polymer material. After covering the figure with the first layer of foam, it should already be clear to you what you should get upon completion of this work.

To create the ears we use pieces of leather. You can also use plastic bottles to make them, which will first have to be heated and bent

To make a muzzle, you will have to use a knife, using it to form the necessary features.

To make our animals look beautiful, they need to be varnish.


To make the frame you will need thick wire, which must be wrapped around several plastic bottles.

To make a leg frame, it is recommended to use metal pipes. They are attached to the pedestal by welding, after which they are fixed to the ground, or they can simply be bolted. Make sure that the base of the figure is firmly secured, otherwise the wind or rain will cause it to fall to the ground.

Then the craft needs cover with 1-2 layers of polyurethane foam.

To make the horns and tail, we take wooden shelves or use plastic cuts and attach them to the base.

Having finished applying the last layer, it is necessary to remove excess parts, after which we wrap the product with sickle or fishing line.

We finish the job by painting, but first we need to apply a layer of primer. When choosing a color, you can completely rely on your own preferences, because this is your creation and you can show all your imagination here.

We use buttons to make eyes.

Now our goat is ready and can be installed where you see fit - next to a pond, in a clearing, surrounded by other design elements.

Keep in mind that the process of making this craft it will take you 1-2 weeks, since you will have to wait a pause so that each layer of foam can harden. Thus, using abandoned pipes, plastic bottles, pieces of wire and other garbage and a couple of balloons of polyurethane foam, you can easily create beautiful decorative elements for your summer cottage plot.

New Year's crafts

If you only have wire and a can of polyurethane foam at your disposal, then only with their help you can make wonderful New Year’s decorations for the garden. These materials will be enough to make a variety of ornaments, Christmas decorations, as well as crafts of varying degrees of complexity.

A good idea is to create a snowflake. For this you need to take a wire of a certain thickness so that you can bend it easily. It will serve as material for creating the frame of a future snowflake. We begin to cover it with 1-2 layers of foam. Needed immediately adjust the form, giving it a flat and smooth surface, and this must be done before the foam hardens. If any part of the figure turns out incorrectly, then you can add a small amount of price at any time and remove excess parts using a stationery knife.

More less complications you will have when making a Christmas ball. The master class on implementing this idea will boil down to the following. To do this, you need to take a tennis ball and apply a layer of foam. When the material hardens, we paint the craft, adding bright and positive colors to create a New Year's mood.

You can also offer a simpler option for making a Christmas tree. It will require cardboard or isolon, which is wound on a rigid base, giving it the shape of a cone. You can easily apply a couple of layers of polyurethane foam. Next, all that remains is to give the craft a smooth surface, paint and find a suitable place for the Christmas tree.


In order to make your backyard more attractive, you don’t have to go to the store and buy special decorative ornaments. Any site owner can make beautiful crafts for the garden on their own. Moreover, for this you can use the most affordable materials, one of which can be polyurethane foam.

It's quite easy to work with, so even an owner who has never had to do such a thing can easily cope with this task. Just study the master class on creating figures for the garden, and you will succeed.

Crafts from polyurethane foam can be made with your own hands in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable bottle that hasn't run out yet, why not put it to good use? landscape design.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam rather than household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Unusually simple and beautiful figures made from polyurethane foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave indifferent either neighbors or people simply passing by.

Materials for fakes made from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that upon completion of work with polyurethane foam, hands can be easily washed from building material.

It will also be useful to create a base for crafts made from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take a regular one plastic bottle, an old pan or something else that you don’t mind.

The creation of the craft will begin by covering the auxiliary material with foam...

Do-it-yourself decor may also come in handy, for which anything beautiful that is thematically suitable for what you are up to will do.

How to make a craft from polyurethane foam

First, take a bottle and pour some sand or small stones into it to make it heavier. Next, we begin to cover with foam, but in a small layer.

On average, it takes 10 minutes to dry, so after each layer you will have to wait this time.

The first layers of crafts made from polyurethane foam are simple, made approximately in the form of the future craft, but then it is more difficult - you need to improvise, imagine how the decor should turn out.

As for the shape, it can be given by hand, but in order not to get your hands dirty, it is recommended to do this after the foam is covered with film.

The film on crafts made from polyurethane foam appears as a result of a chemical reaction upon contact with air, and this happens quite quickly - in a couple of minutes.

It should be “bent” like plasticine, and when the necessary outline is obtained, the next portion of time is waited.

In the same way, you can decorate crafts made from plastic bottles, which will be an excellent addition to your garden.

The advantage of polyurethane foam is that you can, until it dries, insert various parts into the craft, such as legs, ears, and a tail. If you also need them “foamy”, then it’s better to sculpt them by hand.

To prevent your hands from getting too dirty, it is advisable to stock up on medical gloves. They are the most comfortable, fit your hands perfectly and almost do not hinder your movements.

In addition, through the rubber you can feel how the craft made of polyurethane foam, which has not yet seized, bends in your hands.

You cannot use fabric gardening gloves - the foam will clog between the threads, and you will not be able to use them after the first contact.

If you need to make a craft from polyurethane foam with a mustache, it is advisable to stock up on fishing line or wire.

These materials can be painted, and even in wet weather they do not deteriorate. But to create a “lumpy” surface on a craft, you will have to work with your hands - different finger movements will help to recreate a wide variety of shapes.

Do-it-yourself large crafts made from polyurethane foam

If the craft needs to be large, it is better to take a larger base as a basis.

You can use plastic bottles to make a base, securing them with tape. The less foam the better.

Foam crafts look great where tire crafts are installed.

They need to be painted carefully, and before this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. It takes at least a week to dry, but if the layer of foam is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the foam craft with your own hands every spring. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will be damaged.

Ideas for crafts made from polyurethane foam

If you have a small pond on your site, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where there are many plants, especially large-leafed ones. In some cases it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - whoever succeeds.

In order not to make a mistake with the sizes and “get your hands on”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, it was after trying this simple material, you can make gorgeous crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, smack the animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

Perfect solution- make turtles from polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a pond on the site. In addition, almost everyone has white paint, and it is now cheaper than colored ones.

Turtles are easier to paint, their shells can be alternated with natural gray. If during the creation of a craft, bumps appear that should not be there, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

The situation is similar with rounded parts - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Crafts made from polyurethane foam not only decorate outdoor spaces; they can also be made for the home. Funny frogs will make people passing by smile!

Yes, as original New Year's decor You can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating it in advance so that the material has time to dry thoroughly.

If you paint the foam ahead of schedule, it will quickly crack.

Crafts from polyurethane foam can be made with your own hands in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable bottle that hasn't run out yet, why not put it to good use in your landscaping.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam rather than household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Unusually simple and beautiful figures made from polyurethane foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave indifferent either neighbors or people simply passing by.

Materials for fakes made from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that upon completion of work with polyurethane foam, hands can be easily washed from the building material.

It will also be useful to create a base for crafts made from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take an ordinary plastic bottle, an old pan, or something else that you don’t mind.

The creation of the craft will begin by covering the auxiliary material with foam...

They need to be painted carefully, and before this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. It takes at least a week to dry, but if the layer of foam is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the foam craft with your own hands every spring. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will be damaged.

Ideas for crafts made from polyurethane foam

If you have a small pond on your site, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where there are many plants, especially large-leafed ones. In some cases it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - whoever succeeds.

In order not to make a mistake with the sizes and “get your hands on”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, it is after testing with this simple material that you can make gorgeous crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, sculpt animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

An excellent solution is to make turtles from polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a pond on the site. In addition, almost everyone has white paint, and it is now cheaper than colored ones.

Turtles are easier to paint; their shells can be alternated with natural ones. If during the creation of a craft, bumps appear that should not be there, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

The situation is similar with rounded parts - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Crafts made from polyurethane foam not only decorate outdoor spaces; they can also be made for the home. Funny frogs will make people passing by smile!

So, as an original New Year's decoration, you can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating it in advance so that the material has time to dry thoroughly.

If you paint the foam ahead of schedule, it will quickly crack.