House in Provence style - standard projects and ready-made solutions of modern design (120 photos). Country houses in Provence style

The designs of houses in the Provence style developed by the architects of our company combine the typical features of the French “country” and the features of modern European cottages. External and interior design reflects the essence of this architectural movement: the simplicity, patriarchal way of life of the southern province of the Mediterranean.

Characteristic details of the Provençal style

The south of France is the sea, a lot of sun, lush greenery and an abundance of flowering meadows. The feeling of leisurely life, simplicity, closeness to nature are the key ideas of this style, which are expressed in architectural details in construction.

  • The decoration of the facades is dominated by natural stone with an untreated texture.
  • Simple rough plaster painted in light pastel colors is used.
  • Lots of light in modern interpretation“French doors” predominate - floor-length windows.
  • The basement is practically absent; if a porch is built, it will be low from the ground.
  • Massive entrance doors- often with decorative forged hinges and patina.

When decorating interiors, Provence always uses succulent color accents, diluting the monochrome space - embroidered panels and capes with bright colors lavender, greenery, sunflowers. The modest appearance of the cottage is decorated by nature itself. Sentimentality - characteristic, distinguishing the Provence style, one-story houses are buried in the leaves of climbing grapes, above the entrance and window sills there are baskets with flowering plants.

French style house projects

Chateau and Provence - most widely famous styles, in which “French” type cottages are built. They are fundamentally different from each other. If the first is a luxurious aristocratic palace, a home for the nobility, then the second reflects “ modest charm» wealthy villager. Projects of French-style houses with photos from the catalog are houses made of brick and aerated concrete designed in a “rustic” style. Construction from timber is not widespread in France due to the shortage of this building material.

Ready-made solutions are accompanied by a full package of documentation, which simplifies and speeds up construction. Our Provence style house projects include:

  • working drawings with specifications of wall materials;
  • marking and masonry floor plans, floors;
  • diagrams of roof and facade components, window and door openings.

At the request of the customer, a scheme of engineering communications is developed: water supply, heating, sewerage. Ready project makes it easier to control the construction of a house and gives confidence that it will be built competently from a professional point of view. The architectural passport contains all the information necessary to obtain approvals and construction permits.

3. Mirrors in aged frames and vintage

In the photo: Design of a living room in a country house in Provence style

An interior in the Provence style is more about the past than the future. Artificially aged interior details, in the absence of antiques, are perfect for creating an atmosphere in the Provence style. Mirrors in frames with worn gilding, uneven walls and untreated stone finishes will add a special charm to the decor.

4. Plastered walls

In the photo: Provence style in the design of the living room in the country house of V. Presnyakov and N. Podolskaya

When creating an interior in the Provence style, it is best to plaster the walls and not cover them with wallpaper or other materials, or level them. This way you can recreate the appearance of the room as close as possible to the original Provencal interior.

5. Vintage accessories in the interior

In the photo: Provence style in the interior of a living room in a country house

Vintage items in the interior, such as antique watches, various accessories, and candlesticks, add a touch of retro romance. A fireplace or a wall with brickwork will look organic in such an interior.

6. Artificial aging technique

In the photo: Design of a living room in a country house by V. Presnyakov and N. Podolskaya

The finishing features also contribute to achieving the “antique” effect: plastered walls, half-erased stucco, brickwork create the atmosphere of an old mansion, not without an aristocratic spirit.

7. Musical living room in the attic of a country house

In the photo: Provence style in the interior of a music living room in the attic

The living space in the attic can be used for a study or a small music room - as it was decided to do for project of a country house by Vladimir Presnyakov and Natalia Podolskaya.

8. Natural materials in finishing

In the photo: Provence style in the interior of a music room in the attic

The configuration of the room, located in the attic, makes the living room feel intimate and truly cozy. Natural finishing materials - wood and stone - help achieve the same effect. Candles and antique-style lamps create a romantic mood. A movie projector, which is used instead of a TV, allows you to save a small amount of space in the music room because the screen can be rolled up.

9. Lavender accents in the living room

In the photo: Provence style in the living room interior with lavender accents

The interior of a country house in the Provence style is also characterized by the selection of colors. Lavender shades, so characteristic of the Provence landscape, are found in the design of the music room. The soft sofa and decorative pillows are made in delicate shades of lilac.

Provence style in the interior of a kitchen in a country house. Photo from portfolio

The kitchen in a country house occupies, perhaps, a more honorable place than in a city apartment, because dishes from farm products grown in environmentally friendly conditions are often prepared in it. Therefore, the main requirement for arranging a kitchen in a private home is that it should be spacious and bright. Provence style is perfect for the interior of a kitchen in a house or cottage.

10. Provence style in the interior of the kitchen-dining room

In the photo: Design of a kitchen-dining room in a country house in Provence style

A convenient solution would be to organize a studio space with a kitchen-dining room combined with a living room. In a country house, the tendency to combine these three zones is perhaps more relevant than in apartment design.

11. Bar counter in Provence style

In the photo: Kitchen interior with a bar counter in Provence style

To separate zones, you can use a very popular technique - a bar counter, which performs several functions at once. In this interior, the kitchen takes up little space, but it is equipped with modern appliances and all the necessary accessories.

12. Provence style in the interior of a kitchen with light furniture

In the photo: Kitchen design in light colors in Provence style in a country house

Light furniture in the interior of a kitchen in Provence style makes the space light and airy. As he says interior designer Anzhelika Prudnikova, furniture can very advantageously emphasize the features of the interior, but unsuccessfully selected furniture elements, on the contrary, can completely ruin it.

13. Creamy and blue accents in the interior of Provencal cuisine

In the photo: Provence style in the interior of the kitchen-dining room with blue accents

And the variety of green plants and textiles fully corresponds to the modern idea of ​​real family comfort. Despite the fact that the interiors here are mostly monochrome, the project does not look boring. All this is achieved thanks to the variety of shades of beige. By wisely combining coffee, milk and mother-of-pearl tones, designers manage to choose a unique color solution for each room. Many modern ideas and techniques characteristic of Olga Kondratova's style were embodied in the design of the house. This and tall whites interior doors, and built-in cabinet furniture, and wide cornices extending beyond the ceiling.

Modern living room design ideas. Photo 2017

In the design of the living room shown in the 2017 photo, as well as in the rest of the house, light shades are used, which, as is known, visually somewhat enlarge the space. In this case, designers dilute the beige monochrome with the tones of a chocolate palette. A high panoramic window covering the entire wall will allow guests and household members sitting in the sofa area to enjoy views of the surrounding landscape. As for the style, the living room, like the overall design of the house shown in the photo, contains elements of Provence and neoclassical styles. Diversity is brought to the interior composition by a panel placed on the wall, the subjects of which are worthy of long study.

Modern dining room design ideas for a Provence style home

In the photo: Design of a dining room in a house with panoramic windows

Since this country house is quite typical for such objects, it is logical to assume that the living room here shares a single space with the dining room. The advantages of this layout are especially well felt during dinner parties, when after dinner it is convenient for guests to move to the sofa area, where coffee can be served on a small table. The dining room design also includes panoramic windows, thanks to which the weather outside will set the mood for family meals. Of course, in such a spacious room it was impossible to do without a buffet. Designers Olga Kondratova Studios In this case, we decided to use a cabinet in the currently fashionable shade of gray khaki. Notes of Provence in the dining room “sound” in the lush indoor trees and the upholstery of two chairs. The chandeliers, which seem to be created from curved rods, are also reminiscent of the comfort of houses in the French province.

Beige cabinet design

The interior design project of this house provides for the creation of a fairly spacious office, where bright accents are used on a neutral light background in the form of a chocolate-colored leather sofa, an emerald-swamp sofa with bright cherry pillows and a painting with a floral theme. The office area made it possible to create here quite independent, independent friend from each other zone. Upon entering the room, the visitor first finds himself in a cozy mini-living room, where there is a TV and numerous cabinets with shelves for storing small items. In the work area, which, of course, is illuminated by a separate chandelier, there is a table with a white chair and a spacious armchair.

Modern bedroom design ideas inside a country house

In the photo: Neoclassical bedroom design with Provence style elements

There is a lot of French charm in the design of the bedroom in the house. This effect is achieved largely due to the specific selection of furniture, shades and style. The bed itself, in its decor, is “consonant” with the Empire style, a style trend that originated in Napoleonic France. Patinated furniture brings with it the romantic charm of the past. To relatively small room visually seemed more spacious and bright, the bedroom design used this modern idea, like a beige monochrome, diluted with shades of light wood. In general, the interior composition is built according to the laws of the neoclassical style, which requires symmetry.

Design of a room in Provence style for a teenager

On the picture: Work zone in a boy's nursery

Unlike other rooms in the house, the design of a children's room for a boy is closest to the modern style. The solutions proposed by our designers for this room are quite practical and universal. The interior of the children's room is very mobile. Laconic furniture, a bean bag chair, a minimum of decor - a design project with such characteristics easily lends itself to various changes and adjustments, which are almost always inevitable when it comes to rooms for children with their constantly changing tastes.

In the photo: The design of a bright children's room for a boy is made in Provence style

The undoubted convenience of this project lies in the fact that the parents were able to allocate two isolated rooms for their son. Therefore, the boy has his own mini-office, decorated with posters depicting the textures of balls. In the interior of the room, as in the design of the entire house, light shades are used inside. Only, in addition to white and natural light wood tones, gray is also present here.

Design of a hall on the first floor of a house in Provence style

In the photo: Interior of the hall on the first floor of the house

The interior design of a house, ideally, should be built in such a way that all its numerous separate rooms are ultimately close stylistically and compositionally. Then the unity of the rooms is created. The design of the hall in the house interior project under consideration, according to the chosen style and color scheme, corresponds to the main rooms: living room, dining room, bedroom. A certain elegance to the interior is given by doors with numerous transparent inserts, thanks to which light from neighboring rooms easily enters here. A decorative solution in the form of a wall panel with photographs can quite unobtrusively tell about the pages of family history. Of course, the interior could not do without a tall mirror and an umbrella stand. To dilute the light monochrome, our designers use green accents here in the form of a couch and indoor plants.

Design of corridors in a private house

In the photo: Design of the corridor on the first floor of the house

In the design of the corridor on the ground floor of the house, the number of furniture elements is reduced to a minimum, which allows you to move seamlessly from one room to another. The designers have provided a small chest of drawers here, which may well be antique. You can store various small items in the drawers. Chairs with armrests are comfortable for waiting. And in tall vases in a dark bronze shade, flowers can change with the changing seasons.

In the photo: Design of a corridor on the second floor of a country house

The design of the corridor on the second floor of the house is done in shades reminiscent of cocoa. The length of this space did not allow furniture to be placed here, so we see nothing but paintings and a carpet. The coziness of this non-residential space is added by the curtains that decorate the door portals.

Bathroom design in Provence style

In the picture: Design of a bathroom in the office

The design of the bathroom in the office is quite laconic. In order not to create the effect of cluttering the space with unnecessary objects, our designers decided to install a transparent shower here, which easily allows light to pass through. The design of the cabinet under the sink provides pull-out drawers for storing various small items.

The design of a bathroom with elements of Provence adds originality to stylish accessories in the form of a lilac vase with branches and paired ceiling lamps with lamps resembling candles. Two types of coatings are used in wall decoration here. Tiles with floral patterns in the lower part harmonize well with paintings of a similar theme.

To summarize the article, we note that such a house design with neoclassical elements can be achieved even with a fairly limited budget for renovations. After all, as you can judge from the photos presented here, many of the solutions proposed by our designers are not only rational, but also quite inexpensive to implement.

Decorating the facade and interior of a country house in the Provence style gives its residents a special unity with nature, transporting them from the Russian hinterland to a French village on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. Provence style is one of the most often chosen for interior design of country and country houses for decades thanks to its pastel color palette, floral motifs and versatility.

Style Features

Initially design projects in the Provence style were used for country houses and dachas. Today, this trend is no less relevant for the decor of country houses, although it is increasingly used for city apartments and houses. Design features in the Provence style are coziness, comfort, and it fills the space with light. Provence style originated in French provinces. The style features reflect the natural diversity of the south of France. The nature of the province of Provence is characterized by vast flower meadows, huge lavender fields, hot Mediterranean sun and calm natural colors.

Color palette nature, the way of life in a fishing village on the seashore are reflected in the basic color scheme and finishing materials.

Color spectrum

Interior design in Provencal style is carried out using a certain color range:

  • Pastel colors. There are no flashy, bright colors in the design of the premises. Preference is given to white, blue, blue, and beige tones. For decoration and accents, delicate shades of pink, green, and light brown are used.

  • Lavender color. All shades of lavender are the basis for the Provence style. Lavender, despite its richness, gives depth and volume to the room, as if conveying the smell of lavender.

  • Floral motifs of individual elements. Bright accents in the interior are achieved through the use of decor with floral patterns. For decoration, choose images of small wildflowers in red, blue, orange, purple shades with a lot of greenery or large flowers of rich, bright colors.

Floral decor is used in textiles and small accessories, as well as on lampshades of lighting fixtures.

The color scheme of calm shades is the hallmark of the Provence style. Color solution room design in this style gives rooms romance and lightness, filling the space with light and air.


The design of a country house is based on eco-design in order to maintain the unity of housing with environment. Provence style meets all the requirements of environmental design. Provence is characterized by the use of natural materials in the interior and exterior decoration of the house:

  • Natural wood. Wooden beams under the ceiling, painted or cleaned, timber of various types of wood for creating wall portals and zoning the room, log walls preserving the texture of solid wood, parquet boards for flooring- all this is typical for the French wood style.

  • Brick. For finishing rooms of this style, it is typical to use individual wall elements with rough brickwork, painted in pastel colors, while maintaining the texture.

  • Ceramic tile. Matte tiles with geometric or floral patterns are used for decorative wall panels and as flooring.

  • Dye. For internal and external works paint is used that allows the surface to breathe. It does not fade in the sun.

  • Wallpaper. Thick wallpaper is used for wall decoration various types: non-woven, paper, textile.


When choosing a French style for decorating a country house, special attention should be paid to the exterior of the building. The facade of a country house made of a wooden frame with a terrace or veranda, decorated with flower pots and light curtains, will transport its residents to a Mediterranean village. Wall logs can be covered with a protective transparent coating or painted.

Contrasting elements of frames, railings, and doors are required.

The facade of a brick or stone house in Provence style is faced natural stone or tiles reminiscent of savage, rubble, river pebbles. It is permissible to plaster a certain part of the façade and paint it in pastel colors.

It is better to make a two-story country house in the Provence style with a small balcony, which should definitely be decorated with pots of hanging flowers.

The alley to the house and the entrance are equipped with lamps and lanterns with forging elements or carved wooden elements. In the design of an old house, it is better to preserve the aged elements of the facade. For example, window frames It is not worth restoring, but the forged elements, columns and balusters should be cleaned and left in their places.

Such vintage elements are irreplaceable components of the facade of a French-style house.

The interior decoration of a country house in Provence style is carried out using natural materials. French style in interior decoration requires a variety of approaches. In one room you can combine rough brick wall with lungs light wallpaper on other surfaces. An interesting solution for wall decoration are portals and wall panels, which are separated by cornices, framed by boards and log cabins. The background of the portal is selected several tones darker than the main color of the walls.

For the living room and hallway of a country house, designers recommend placing white panels made of clapboard or plastic on the walls, imitating the texture of natural wood.

Doors and window frames should be made of wood, painted white or pastel colors. In a Provence style interior, a door can become bright accent, if you paint it in deep shades of brown, green or lavender.

Modern technologies production allow the use artificial materials(for example, plastic) with an imitation of wood texture.

The ceiling in interior design is painted white, but the best option the floor beams will remain visible. If it is difficult to leave the floor beams in sight, you can attach imitation beams made of wood or polyurethane foam.

Stretch ceilings are not typical for the Provence style.

The floor of a country house is also finished with natural materials: boards, laminate, parquet. Artificial aging technology is used for the new floor covering parquet board. Matte tiles with small floral or geometric patterns are well suited for heated floors.


After exterior finishing façade of the house and renovations inside the rooms, the French-style interior is complemented with furniture and decorative items. Furniture in the Provence style for a country house is not only beautiful, light, but also multifunctional. These can be open shelves for decorative ornaments, wardrobes, drawers for storing linen and blankets, built into the bed, glazed sideboards and cabinets for storing dishes. The color scheme of the furniture is selected in primary colors, characteristic style Provence Furniture is preferably made from natural materials.

Wooden frame The furniture is decorated with carved elements, the legs are curved, which gives the effect of lightness to even a massive bed or sofa.

Forged elements in furniture are another constant attribute of the Provence style. Bronze metal and metal components with a copper coating look especially advantageous in a country house. To decorate a room, you can choose either all-metal forged furniture or combined frame materials (for example, a combination of wood and metal).

Upholstery upholstered furniture in the Provence style it is done in light, pastel colors. Characteristic for French interior the use of textiles with bright floral patterns; embossing in the shape of flowers on the upholstery fabric to match the main textile is also acceptable.


The selection of accessories is the final stage in creating the interior of rooms in the Provence style. In general, the romantic French style is complemented by decorative ceramic figurines, boxes, ceramic or crystal vases. Bouquets in vases or flowers in pots add a rustic touch. Dried bouquets hung from the ceiling or standing in vases will be a universal floral decoration.

Textiles are especially important for the Provence style: bedspreads, tablecloths, curtains and tulle with lambrequins, soft decorative pillows, tapestry panels or paintings.

The walls of a country house in the living room or kitchen-dining room will be organically decorated with vintage photo frames, paintings depicting flower meadows or lavender fields. Frescoes and wall panels framed by plaster or wooden cornices will create additional volume and make the space of the room stand out. Glass lampshades of chandeliers and glazing of cabinets are often made using mosaic or stained glass techniques.

Such decorative elements fill the room with a play of light, refracting the sun's rays.


The French-style interior is filled with light and bright highlights. French windows height from floor to ceiling and glazed doors must not only open panoramic view beautiful nature, surrounding the country house, but also to let in as much sunlight as possible. In rooms with windows facing the shady side, and for lighting at night, a variety of light sources are used, which perform several functions. Lighting in the Provence style - these are not only lamps, but also a decorative element.

For this style, designers suggest using several light sources that will help illuminate the room, zone the room, and also add light accents to certain decorative elements.

Lighting elements in a Provence style interior are as follows:

  • Chandeliers. The Provence style is characterized by the use of chandeliers with lampshades made of fabric, glass, ceramics with floral paintings. The classic dome shape of the lampshade (round, oval, multifaceted) is better suited here. The base of the chandeliers is a separate work of art that can be made of carved wood, metal using hand-forged or stamped industrial forging techniques. Vintage crystal chandeliers beautifully refract light and add colorful highlights to the room. These models use open lamps in the form of candles.
  • Wall sconces and lamps. Smaller sources create a directional beam of light, highlighting small parts interior Sconces and lamps create an atmosphere of comfort and home warmth winter evenings, give the interior an intimate and romantic mood. The color palette and additional lighting materials should echo the main light source - the chandelier, and be implemented in a single solution.
  • Spotlights. Mounted spot lighting does not have a decorative function, but allows you to illuminate dark rooms with small windows of complex geometric shapes or with low ceilings, in which the use of a lampshade chandelier is not possible. The body of spotlights can be chosen in a neutral color or painted to match the colors of the walls or ceiling.

A successful decision by the owners is to abandon modern plastic materials in favor of natural ones. The charm of a wooden building made of timber, reminiscent of a village house, is breathtaking and brings back pleasant memories from childhood.
Get one step closer to your dream of peace country life V cozy home The Provence style will help, as it fits so well into the exterior and interior of the building.

Features of the facade of a house in Provence style

Start registration country house building in the French style it follows from the outside, i.e. from the facade of the building. It was his appearance must meet the requirements of a rustic house in southern Provence.
Since French Provence advocates the use of natural natural materials or their imitators, then the main finishing building materials will be:
Natural façade stone;
Natural facing brick;
Wooden beams;
Decorative plaster light shade;
Tiles or panels “stone-like”, “brick-like”, “wood-like”.

Sometimes materials atypical for the style are used: for example, siding, simple painting, block house. Strictly speaking, Provence allows you to experiment with the style of the facade, the main condition is that it should be a light, discreet shade.

Most often, several materials are involved in the design of the facade: for example, plaster and stone, wooden beams and facing bricks. Playing with color, size and placement finishing materials, you can create an individual building worthy of the best French houses.

The color of the facade should be kept in light colors - this is a characteristic feature of the style. In addition, this solution will allow the owners to be creative in choosing decor and designing the surrounding area.

Landscape design plays an important role in creating a home that is canonical to the Provence style. Trees and shrubs of the owners' choice should be located around the building. Don’t be afraid to go overboard with the amount of green space: the light façade of the building is conducive to such an abundance of natural beauty. Interesting solution There will be installation of large pots with flowers around the perimeter of the territory.

Another style element can be forged gate or a small iron arch. Forged items look strict, but at the same time successfully combine with light walls and an abundance of greenery around.

A wonderful solution would be to install simple furniture from one collection outdoors: a wooden table, chairs, a wicker lounge chair. Here you can have picnics in nature, feeling like real Frenchmen.

Living room in French style: 5 color ideas

Although Provence has features that are unique to it, they can be modified. For example, the statement that interior walls and the ceiling should only be light in color, today it sounds inappropriate. The modern abundance of building materials allows you to combine the most unexpected shades, while remaining within the strict boundaries of the chosen style. However, white or its shades must be present in a Provence style room, but not be the only one.

White is the base, and absolutely all colors go with it. The most interesting options living rooms in the Provence style are rooms with blue, purple, yellow, brown and green colors.

The living room with heavenly inserts is full of freedom, air and space. Being a cool shade, blue will allow you to add other, more cheerful colors to the interior - yellow, pink, green. The number of blue elements in the interior of a light room should not exceed 30%, otherwise the room will receive an unpleasant cold tint, unusual warm style Provence It is successful to experiment with shades of blue: sky, sea, azure and other shades will go perfectly together in a light interior, sometimes without requiring dilution with other colors.

Purple or lilac inserts in a bright Provence living room look chic, but the fine line from richness to bad taste is not easy to maintain. The fact is that purple is a flashy, saturated color, which easily turns into vulgar. At the same time, having maintained the edge in design, this color takes on a different sound - appropriate, fashionable and French. To do this, you need to use light shades of purple and in limited quantities: no more than 3 elements in a snow-white room. You can choose two bright objects of the same purple, and add a third one to them, different in shade, as done in the photo:

A sunny yellow living room pleases the eye and lifts your spirits. Such a cheerful combination will suit the French style perfectly. However, it should be remembered that yellow and white are light shades that do not create the necessary accents. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute this duet with additional colors: for example, orange, red, beige, brown.

Chocolate inserts combine elegantly with the white interior of the living room, adding sophistication and richness to it. Such a room looks strict, majestic and at the same time French. In addition, the duet of brown and white allows you to diversify the living room with other colors to your own taste - red, yellow, lilac. For example, in the photo there is a version of a white and chocolate living room with red accents. This combination is classic and therefore a win-win.

Pleasing to the eye green color goes well with the Provence style, which advocates a return to nature and natural materials. Being the main natural color, green skillfully colors the white walls of the living room and goes well with additional shades - pink, yellow, red. A white living room with green and pink accents will help the owners relax after a hard day. working day and find peace of mind.

Bedroom in Provence style: 3 key points

The best bedroom for sleep should be a source of peace and tranquility. For these purposes, the Provence style, soft, warm and romantic, is perfect.

To decorate your bedroom, French Provence has prepared 3 recommendations that will help you get the room of your dreams.

Light filling

Although Provence allows you to experiment with color, the case of the bedroom is special. It is here that the line of pastel colors, soft and sleepy, should be maintained. You should not get carried away with bright shades, wanting to get a unique room - otherwise all the charm and all the charm of a Provence style bedroom will disappear in an instant. It is recommended to use white, cream, beige, pale yellow, delicate blue, light green as the main color. Don’t be afraid that the bedroom will look like a hospital: to eliminate this misunderstanding, Provence has prepared 2 more important points.

Romantic flowers

Since at the base of the living room there is light tone, it can and should be further diluted. For decoration, Provence suggests using flowers: real and artificial plants, as well as floral prints and nature paintings. The print can be made as a pattern on walls, curtains, upholstery of an armchair and sofa. Flowers are usually placed near the head of the bed. A good solution would be to use plants in pots mounted on the wall near the bed.

Tinted accents

There is a white bedroom, flowers are also present. But this bedroom is still missing something. To complete the beautiful picture, Provence suggests adding one or two color accents to the interior: for example, bright curtains, a rug near the bed, a multi-colored throw on the sofa. With the help of one color element, the bedroom will take on a new meaning and reveal itself to its fullest. At the output we have the perfect bedroom Provence style, romantic and peaceful.

Provence style cuisine: 5 steps to France

Where else can a housewife express herself if not in the kitchen? This is where Provence expresses itself fully, allowing you to experiment with color, decor, and materials. Thanks to this style, it is possible to create a real rustic kitchen in a country house. And then the dream of returning to the village, as in childhood, will come true very soon.

In the kitchen, Provence draws attention to 5 important details: ceiling, floor, walls, furniture and decor.

Ceiling in Provence style

To decorate the ceiling in the kitchen, it is proposed to use wood and materials that imitate them. Wooden beams, wood-effect panels, lining - all this can be used when creating a ceiling design. Preference is given to wood because it natural material, perfectly combined with the general style of southern Provence. It creates a feeling village house. However, focusing only on wooden ceiling It’s also not worth it: options for a simple whitewashed ceiling and plain light panels are not excluded.

Features of the kitchen floor

Wood and wooden elements are also often chosen for the floor, mostly in a dark, rich color - it contrasts well with the light kitchen. However, you can use other options: for example, “stone-like” panels and linoleum, “antique” tiles. The main condition is that the floor should not deviate from the overall style. Therefore, the shade is selected according to the existing color inserts in the room. A popular and characteristic move for Provence is grouting the floor or artificially aging it. First, paint is applied to the material, which is then partially erased, achieving an aging or fading effect.

Provence kitchen walls

Finishing materials for the wall can be varied, and here the Provence style does not limit the choice. The main criteria are the color and naturalness of the material. Finishing stone or brick (artificial and natural), imitation panels (especially “wood-like”), light tiles and simple plaster with a fading effect are suitable.
Wall materials should be combined with the ceiling and floor and not deviate from the overall color scheme. For example, stone walls perfect for ceilings with wooden beams, and simple plastered ones - panels on the ceiling and tiles on the floor.

At the same time, a popular combination is light floors and dark walls and vice versa.
The kitchen can also be colored: in this case there should be one accent spot. It could be an apron, bright Kitchen Cabinet, curtains, one wall or the whole kitchen set(then the rest of the space should be a neutral color).

Provence style kitchen furniture

An interesting practice is the artificial aging of furniture. An old wooden cabinet is great for this purpose, painted with plain white paint and then scraped off to create the effect of an old piece. To achieve the most believable result, apply paint of a different color to the scuffs, as if showing through under the layer from below.

Arranging contrasts also works great with furniture: if the kitchen and furniture white, then you should choose dark furniture.

The main material of kitchen furniture is wood. It is painted, varnished, cleaned, aged.

Features of the decor of Provençal cuisine

Basic materials for decoration kitchen space flowers appear, preferably fresh ones. An abundance of green pots adds life and brightness to the room.

Owners get real freedom when choosing curtains for the kitchen. Textiles can come in a wide variety of colors and patterns. However, if you plan to make another spot of color, it is better to opt for light-colored curtains.

A decorative plate on the wall, small paintings of nature, decorative figurines, numerous jars of spicy spices - all this is appropriate and should be used in a Provence style kitchen.

Or you can do it simpler: select one open cabinet, in which all the decor will be placed - from small watches to decorative vases. Such a cabinet will become an accent decor and highlight of a Provence style kitchen. You can fill it at your discretion.