How to clean the inside of a microwave (quick method). How to clean the inside of a microwave from grease? Useful tips

Food residues and fat tend to stick to the walls of popular household appliances. Sometimes it is simply impossible to wipe them off. For microwave cleaning there are special chemicals, but we are dealing with food, and naturalness is important here. Baking soda- a cheap product, but incredibly effective in everyday life. She will help out in this situation too!

Method number 1: steam + soda

So to clean the microwave with baking soda necessary:

  1. Two tablespoons baking soda dissolve in a container of water (250-500 ml) and mix.
  2. Place the container with the soda solution in the dirty microwave oven and turn on the timer for 10 minutes. During this time the liquid will boil and hot steam will dissolve dried drops of fat. Baking soda has the ability to absorb unpleasant odors, which means it will also freshen your oven.
  3. After steam treatment, all that remains is to wipe the walls inside the microwave with a soft cloth, sponge or napkin. Do not forget to unplug the cord from the outlet.
  4. Dampen a towel in the same solution and wipe the outside surface of the microwave.
  5. Plug in the device only after it has completely dried to avoid damage.
  6. Try not to let the stove get too dirty - it's literally life-threatening! If it becomes covered with a thick layer of fat, a short circuit may occur.

Method number 2: soap + soda

  1. IN warm water(500 ml) dissolve laundry soap. It’s easier to do this if you first grate it and thus turn it into shavings. Soap shavings will dissolve faster in water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the soap solution. spoon of baking soda and mix well.
  3. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray the walls of the microwave outside and inside.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes and then wipe off with a soft sponge.

What else can you clean with baking soda?

Using the alkaline properties of soda, you can dissolve any contaminants with it.

  • If you take 2 teaspoons of soda per 1 liter of water, you can easily clean washable wallpaper.
  • For persistent stains, prepare a soda paste: for 1 teaspoon of water - 1 tbsp. spoon of soda. Let it sit for 5 minutes and wash off.
  • The property of soda to absorb odors is used when cleaning furniture, soft toys and carpets: sprinkle the dirt with soda, rub it lightly, leave for an hour, and then vacuum it.
  • Once a month, you can pour 2 packs of soda into the toilet in the evening at night, and flush it in the morning. The soda will dissolve all the contents. Do the same with sinks and pipes to prevent blockages.
  • Baking soda traps unpleasant odors - place a small cup of baking soda in the refrigerator or toilet.

Good luck with your homework!


A microwave oven is great when you need to quickly heat up food. Modern models cope with the preparation of meat dishes and baked goods. When heating or preparing a culinary masterpiece, splashes from food scatter throughout the microwave. As a result, traces of fat are formed that are difficult to remove. If with outside Simply wipe the equipment with a damp sponge to remove dust, then old stains are removed using special means. How to properly clean a microwave so as not to spoil the surface of your little assistant?

First of all, prepare for the cleaning procedure. To do this, disconnect the equipment from the network. Then take out the plate. If it is dirty, soak the dishes in warm water and detergent. Then place the microwave on the table so that it is convenient to work on the stains.

How to clean the inside of a microwave?

Take a special cleaning product. Liquid or gel products are used for this. Abrasive powders or aggressive components must not be applied to the surface of the equipment. Otherwise, the inside of the microwave will be damaged. This is a special coating that reflects waves. Use soft sponges to clean the surface.

Do not use metal brushes. They will damage the inside of the microwave.

After applying the cleaning product, wait for the time specified in the instructions. Once cleaning is complete, carefully rinse off the liquid or gel with water. Squeeze the sponge well to prevent excess water from getting inside the equipment. Next, wipe the microwave with a paper towel.

If you don't trust store products, then use traditional methods. To clean fat, they use components that any housewife can find on hand. The advantage of such methods is the naturalness of the products, the disadvantage is a longer effect.

Caring for your microwave oven will be reduced to minimal steps if you wipe the equipment from dirt after each use. But this is not always feasible. In the morning, every minute counts, so there is no time to fiddle with a rag and detergents. Yes, and children don’t really care about cleanliness microwave oven. In a week or two, greasy stains accumulate, and the microwave is depleted bad smell. To get rid of fat and remove odors experienced housewives use soda, laundry soap, citrus fruits, bite, citric acid.

How to clean a microwave at home?

With the help of citrus fruits. To clean the microwave with lemon, orange or grapefruit, you will need one fresh fruit. Take a citrus fruit and, without removing the skin, cut it into several pieces. Then place the lemon or orange slices in a plate and cover with water. Connect the microwave to the network, place the dishes with citrus fruit inside and turn on the equipment. Exposure time is no more than 20 minutes. If there are old greasy stains, then leave the water with lemon for a couple of hours. Do not open the microwave. The acid contained in citrus fruits will dissolve the fat, and the steam will soften the stains. Upon completion of the procedure, open the microwave, remove the plate and wipe the surface of the equipment with a damp cloth. Use a sponge to remove softened dirt. Then wipe clean water. Before water treatments turn off the microwave. If you don’t want to spoil the orange by cleaning the microwave, then take a citrus peel. The effect is the same, plus the pleasant aroma will remain for a long time.

Citric acid. The product fights grease stains and other contaminants. By action lemon acid similar to citrus fruits. The main difference is the absence of odor. After using citric acid, the pleasant citrus aroma will not remain. To clean your microwave, take a deep container and fill it with water. Then add one packet of citric acid to the liquid. Next, turn on the equipment at medium power. Under the influence of temperature and vapors with citric acid, the dirt will soften. All that remains is to wash off the grease with a soft sponge.

If grease has penetrated between the parts of the microwave, do not disassemble the equipment yourself. It is better to entrust such work to professional workshops.

Using laundry soap. Previously, washing clothes and cleaning difficult stains could not be done without this product. To clean the microwave, take a bar of soap and place it under water. Then rub with a sponge to create foam. Now treat all contaminants inside the microwave. Rinse off the laundry soap several times with clean water. The method is effective, but leaves a specific smell. It is especially felt when you turn on the equipment if you haven’t rinsed off the soap well.

Before turning on the microwave after cleaning, inspect the outer cabinet. WITH reverse side Dust accumulates. Remove dirt with a brush. The accumulation of dust leads to a burning smell when the microwave oven is turned on. Clean handles, buttons, switches of equipment. Then work on the glass surface. The inside of the door is cleaned using steam. To clean the outside surface of the glass, use window cleaner.

How to clean a microwave with baking soda and vinegar?

These two remedies are used at home to eliminate unpleasant odors. Aromas appear as a result of food debris that gets clogged in the cracks of the microwave oven or remains on the walls of the device. As a result, bacteria develop, which are the source of the unpleasant odor. To get rid of grease and specific aroma, clean the microwave with soda and vinegar. The agents are used individually or combined with each other:

Dried fat will not resist the vapors of vinegar. To avoid inhaling this product, open the windows. The room should be well ventilated. Then pour the vinegar into a container of water. The optimal ratio is 1:4. Next, proceed as usual, turn on the microwave so that the water heats up and the steam acts on greasy stains. Rinse the inside of the equipment 3-4 times with clean water to eliminate the vinegar odor.
Soda is known for its disinfecting properties, excellent odors, and greasy stains. To clean your microwave, dissolve baking soda in water. Then place the container with the solution inside the device and turn it on at high power. The liquid will heat up and evenly distribute steam over the walls of the microwave. All that remains is to wipe the equipment with clean water and then wipe dry. Even if you do not completely wash off the soda, it will not harm your health in any way. Since soda adds shine to the surface, wipe the outside of the microwave with a soda solution. After this procedure, the equipment will look like new.

To consolidate the result, spend 5-7 minutes in the evening. to clean the microwave. To do this, open the device and wipe the plate. Then, drip dishwashing detergent onto a sponge and work your way around the sides of the microwave. A regular gel handles fresh fat and leaves a pleasant smell. To prevent food splashes from flying around the microwave, use special containers for heating and cooking food, and cover the containers with lids.

January 30, 2014

The microwave oven has long been our indispensable companion in the kitchen. In it you can quickly heat up and cook any dishes, instantly defrost minced meat or semi-finished products. But the more often you use the microwave, the faster it becomes dirty, becoming covered with grease stains inside and out. Today we will talk about how to quickly clean the microwave from such difficult contaminants.

Basic cleaning rules

There are many ways to clean grease from your microwave, but before you get started, there are a few rules to understand:

  • Before starting the cleaning process, be sure to disconnect the microwave oven from the power supply by removing the plug from the socket:
  • metal scourers and brushes cannot be used;
  • the same applies to abrasive cleaners and detergents;
  • try to use as much as possible during cleaning less water so as not to accidentally fill elements that are sensitive to moisture;
  • Do not use aggressive household products for cleaning both outside and inside;
  • Even if heavy dirt has penetrated deep inside, do not disassemble the device yourself.

The easiest way to clean is to use special chemicals. Almost all companies that produce household chemicals have long been producing products intended specifically for microwave ovens. Most often they come in the form of a spray. It is very simple to use: apply the spray to the surface (the bottom of the oven and its walls), leave it for a while, then wipe it with a damp cloth, and then dry it.

To clean the microwave oven, use special means and soft sponges

Such products should be applied very carefully so that they do not get on the grids that cover the magneton.

But we offer you several ways through which you can save significantly. family budget and at the same time return your assistant to a clean, shiny look. You don’t need special household chemicals; you can get by with the products you have in your kitchen.

Home tricks: cleaning the microwave with products that are always at hand

There are 5 excellent products for cleaning the inside of a microwave oven at home:

  • fresh citrus fruits, such as lemon;
  • lemon acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • laundry soap.

The first remedy is not only effective, but also pleasant. The citrus will clean the oven walls and scent the air inside and outside the oven.

  1. Take one large lemon or two small ones. Cut into slices of any size, fold into suitable dishes and pour a glass of water.
  2. Place the dish in the microwave and turn it on maximum power for 5 minutes. After the process is finished, leave the dishes inside for a while.
  3. Unplug the microwave. Use a soft, slightly damp sponge to remove softened grease and dirt, then wipe the surfaces dry with an absorbent cloth.

You don't have to use whole lemons, but use peels cut into small pieces.

Fill the microwave container with water only halfway, so as not to damage the device when it boils.

If you don’t have citrus fruits at home, you probably have citric acid. This product has long proven itself due to its cleansing properties. It is enough to dissolve 25 g of citric acid (1 sachet) in a glass of water and place the plate with the solution in the microwave. The acid dissolves the fat as it evaporates. After the oven turns off, leave it closed for another 10 minutes, after which, unplugging the plug from the socket, carefully wipe the internal surfaces with a sponge or cloth.

Note! You can often see comments on the Internet that cleaning with citrus fruits or citric acid can “kill” the microwave oven. To avoid this, follow 3 rules: the container must be filled halfway with water so that when it boils, it does not flood the elements; do not turn on the microwave at full power; the oven should operate for no more than 5-7 minutes.

Vinegar, soda and laundry soap

Using exactly the same procedure, you can clean the microwave with vinegar. Dissolve 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar in a glass of water and microwave the container with the solution for 5 minutes. Vinegar vapors are great for softening grease, but the strong smell can be unpleasant. Therefore, ventilate the room while cleaning or use a hood.

A baking soda solution (1 tablespoon per glass of water) will also perfectly clean the inside of your microwave. The cleaning method is the same as in the previous paragraphs. Thanks to soda, the surfaces will acquire a bright shine.

Laundry soap is a long-known and reliable product. Despite its unassuming appearance and not very pleasant smell, laundry soap copes well with almost any type of dirt.

Lather the soap or lather your sponge. Wipe the interior surfaces of the microwave thoroughly and leave the foam layer on for a few minutes. After this, remove the soap, grease and dirt with a damp sponge, then wipe dry with a cloth. To prevent a burning smell from appearing after the first use, the soap must be removed very carefully, completely clean. Particles of the remaining soap may subsequently end up in the food you cook, which will not bring pleasure to you. Not your family.

Tip: You can save yourself the trouble of cleaning the inside of the microwave, because prevention is always better than cure. Buy a special lid for microwave ovens at a kitchenware store. Constantly cover the dishes with it while cooking, and you will forget about greasy stains on the walls. This cover is very easy to clean.

This way you can easily and easily clean the inside of your microwave oven from dirt, grease and foreign odors.

Your helpers in cleaning

Cleaning the outside of the microwave oven

The external surfaces of the microwave oven also require regular cleaning. Be sure to wipe the door with glass spray. It can easily be replaced with a much cheaper and more environmentally friendly homemade product. Make a solution: one part vinegar, one part ethyl alcohol and two parts water. Dampen a cloth in it and wipe the door thoroughly until all traces of dirt are removed.

The outer surfaces of the microwave also need to be cleaned.

The same solution is very easy to clean the remaining external surfaces of the microwave. Before you begin the cleaning process, be sure to unplug your microwave to protect yourself from electric shock. Thoroughly wipe the surfaces free of dust, then with a cloth soaked in the solution. The cloth should be slightly damp, not wet, otherwise water may get inside the device and cause a short circuit after switching on.

Regularly clean the back of your microwave oven to remove dust. As you know, dust can cause static electricity, which will lead to damage to the microwave oven. Cleaning should be done with a dry cloth, without using any products, after first unplugging the oven.

If, however, you have caused severe contamination back surface microwave, use a soap, soda or vinegar solution.

Don't forget to wipe down your stove from below if it is suspended.

After cleaning, wait a while until the device is completely dry before turning it on.

Video about cleaning a microwave oven from grease

We hope our tips will help you deal with annoying microwave grease. Share with us your methods and secrets in the comments and ask any questions you have - we will try to answer them. Good luck and comfort to your home!

We all know that where food is being prepared, there are splashes that are very difficult to clean up. The kitchen is a place that requires constant cleaning, but every housewife dreams of finding a way that will help deal with dirt faster. Cleaning a microwave oven takes a lot of time, especially from the inside, since getting to the back wall is usually not always convenient.

Modern technologies against dirt

Modern models of microwave ovens have a special program, thanks to which
you don't have to worry about how to clean the inside of the microwave. But if your assistant doesn’t have such a function, don’t be upset, your path to cleanliness will just be a little longer.

You can go to your nearest store and choose detergent. But be careful! Read the instructions carefully, as some of them must be diluted with water before use. They will help you clean the inside of the microwave, but will definitely leave a chemical smell and residue on the walls of the oven. It is impossible to completely wash off cleaning agents, which means they will get into the food during cooking. "So what?" - you say, because we are surrounded everywhere by chemical compounds that harm our body. Of course, there is some truth in this, but why poison yourself? After all, there are verified traditional methods, which will help you cope with pollution using absolutely safe available means.

Traditional methods of combating pollution

The easiest way to clean the inside of a microwave? - put a glass of water in it for 10-12 minutes. The main thing is to pour water only halfway to avoid splashing. The steam will quickly soften the fat that has got on the walls of the microwave oven, and you can easily remove it with a regular napkin. To combat severe stains, you can add vinegar or citric acid to the water, and for a pleasant smell, add a few dried orange peels.

It's no secret that baking soda can replace almost any detergent. And to the question of how to clean the inside of a microwave, you can safely answer: “With soda.” If this universal assistant is often used by many housewives as an excellent abrasive agent, then in our case ordinary cleaning will not work, because soda will easily damage protective covering, hopelessly damaging the electrical appliance. soda? Easy and fast! Take a deep container, pour a couple of tablespoons of soda and add plain water. 10-15 minutes of heating such a liquid will not only help to cope with the most difficult stains, food splashes, but also with unpleasant odors that have settled in the microwave oven.

Lemon is a universal helper

How to clean the inside of a microwave with lemon? Yes, this is possible. It will even do
old, half-dried fruit. It should be cut in half, placed on a plate or saucer with the flesh side down (this is important) and heated for 5 minutes. During this time, the door glass will become covered with condensation. As usual, all you have to do is wipe the inside surface with a damp cloth without adding any cleaning agents. In addition to cleanliness, you will also get a fresh lemon smell that will quickly disappear.

What you use is up to you, but using baking soda, lemon and plain water can quickly and safely clean your microwave without any effort.

A microwave oven is indispensable in the kitchen. It is used for heating food, defrosting food and cooking. The disadvantage of a microwave is that it gets dirty quickly and is difficult to remove grease from its surfaces. How to clean the inside of a microwave, what products and methods can be used for quick and safe cleaning?

Simple recommendations will help you quickly and effectively clean the inside of your microwave oven:

  • Use the steam effect - this will dissolve old particles of fat, which will make their removal much easier.
  • Do not use abrasives, metal sponges or other objects that may damage the surface of the microwave oven.
  • Unplug the microwave before directly cleaning with a damp sponge. Do not use a lot of water or a very wet cloth to prevent moisture-sensitive parts from getting wet.
  • Start cleaning by washing the ring and glass plate, then wash the top and grill, walls and finally the door.
  • For maximum effect, use additional products - lemon, vinegar, soda or special household cleaners.
  • Carry out regular cleaning, at least once a week for regular use and 2 times a month for periodic use. To protect the walls of the microwave oven from food splashes and grease, use a special plastic cap when heating or reheating food.

Lemon, citric acid or juice

Lemon, its juice or citric acid will help clean the microwave oven. This method will not only restore its original cleanliness, but will also refresh the microwave.

Prepare a container that can be used in a microwave oven. Pour 0.5 liters of water into it and add one packet of citric acid or 4 tbsp. l. lemon juice and squeezed citrus. Place the dishes in the microwave, select the maximum power mode and turn on for 3-10 minutes (the exact time depends on the degree of contamination). A few minutes after turning it off, wipe the inside of the oven with a damp sponge.

Using a similar method, you can clean the microwave using lemon soaked in water or other citrus-based solutions - orange and grapefruit.

Remember, citric acid is not suitable for frequent use in enameled microwaves.


Baking soda is also great for cleaning the inside of a microwave oven. Small particles of the substance will settle on the walls in the form of condensation and dissolve accumulations of fat or dirt. For the procedure, prepare a deep bowl in which to make a solution of 450 ml of water and 1 tbsp. l. soda Place the container in the oven, set the power to maximum and turn on the microwave for 10 minutes. After the signal indicates the end of heating, wait another 5 minutes without opening the door, and then wash the inside of the microwave with a damp sponge or cloth.


You can use a bite to remove dirt from the inside of the microwave. This method will quickly and effectively help remove fat. The procedure is accompanied unpleasant smell vinegar, which, however, quickly disappears after cleaning.

To clean the microwave, pour 0.5 liters of water into the bowl and add 1 tsp. vinegar essence or 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Place the container with the solution in the microwave and turn it on for 5-15 minutes, depending on the age and amount of contamination. After the steam bath, remove everything with a wet sponge.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap can quickly and effectively deal with dirt inside the microwave. Lather a small damp sponge with it and wipe the entire surface of the microwave oven with it. Leave for a while, then remove the soap solution and dissolved dirt using a clean, damp cloth. If you do not properly clean the walls of the oven from soap, an unpleasant burning smell may appear upon first use.

Household products

Prepare dishwashing detergent (Fairy, Gala, etc.), water and a soft sponge. Squeeze a small amount of product onto a damp washcloth and squeeze it several times until foam appears. Place the sponge in the microwave and turn on the device at maximum power for 20-30 seconds, then wash the inside of the oven.

To clean the microwave, you can also use specialized products that are produced by many equipment manufacturing companies. Apply the spray or gel according to the instructions on the package.