Review of the best training courses for web designers and where to study on your own. Interior Design. Basic course

Duration: 10.5 months
Lesson mode: 4 times a week for 4 ac. hours or 2 times a week for 8 ak. hours
Certification document: diploma

Interior design courses for beginners are designed to teach interior design from scratch. The Academic School of Design in Polyanka is rightfully considered one of the most authoritative schools in Moscow teaching interior design.

The basic course program involves a substantive introduction to the main aspects of design activity, the study of theoretical foundations and the acquisition of applied skills.

Signing up for training in a group is an opportunity to quickly and effectively immerse yourself in the design environment and master basic principles work as an interior designer, learn professional design, proper communication with customers, and then implement unique author’s designs.

1. Theoretical foundations of interior design

  • Interior design in the context of creative professions, features in Russian conditions.
  • The main planning zones of the living space.
  • Modern designs multi-storey buildings: brick, block, panel, frame, monolithic. The influence of structures on the creation of internal space.
  • Problems of reconstruction. Connecting apartments vertically and horizontally.
  • Multifunctional and recreational spaces in the structure of an architectural public facility. Types of space-planning solutions for public premises. Reconstruction of spaces when creating public interiors. Increasing usable area by installing balconies, terraces and mezzanines.
  • Stairs, their types and calculation options.
  • The main types of residential buildings and the features of their internal space. Reconstruction of suburban housing according to the degree of demand and degree of complexity. Parts of buildings. Foundations, walls, ceilings, roofs.
  • Scale. Rules for drawing plans and drawing dimensions.
  • The modern market for construction and finishing materials. Criterias of choice.

2. Art history. Historical and modern styles

  • Art of Ancient Egypt.
  • Art of Ancient Greece and Rome
  • Romanesque and Gothic style.
  • Proclassical styles are Renaissance and Classicism.
  • Baroque. Rococo. Pastoral motives of the reign of Louis XV. Chamber interior as part of an enfilade. Plaster and wood are the two interior poles of Rococo.
  • Eclecticism. Modern.
  • Prerequisites for the creation of interior culture of the 20th century. The principle of leading trendsetter countries. USA at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and the organic architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright. Prairie houses and the concept of a system of transitional spaces.
  • Constructivism in Europe and the historical background of its emergence. Bauhaus school. Features of European and American functionalism. Interiors of the 70s of the 20th century. Pro-industrial and biomorphic interiors of the late 20th century. Minimalism and postmodernism. Ethnic interiors.
  • Art of India, China and Japan.

3. Color science and composition

  • Composition theory. Basic types of composition. Laws, means and types of composition. Composition problems.
  • Color theory. Color circle. Open and mixed colors. Cold and warm tones. Primary colors, second and third order colors, additional colors. Nuanced and contrasting compositions. Color mixing technologies. Color stretch marks.
  • Selection of simple and complex color ranges For various types interiors.

4. Textiles in the interior

  • History of the introduction of textiles into the interior, analysis of the market for modern fabrics and paratextile materials.
  • The concept of textile interior. Features of cut when creating individual interior elements.
  • Window decor. Lambrequins, ties, swags, rolls, Roman blinds, fabric slides, etc.
  • Development of window decor for a specific interior.

5. Design methods

  • Basic concepts and terms. Functional, engineering, technical, psychophysiological and aesthetic requirements for space-planning solutions. Main types of planning systems modern interior. Planning and redevelopment of a city apartment (structures, materials and sanitary equipment).
  • Conceptual approach to creating a design project. Individual components of a design project and the laws of their influence on final result. Studio apartment. History of origin and evolution during the 20th century.
  • Creative technologies in design.
  • Residential interiors in multi-storey buildings various structures and their redevelopment.
  • Layout in design. Layout techniques.

6. Basics descriptive geometry. Constructing an interior perspective.

  • Basics of descriptive geometry.
  • Frontal and corner perspective of the interior. Story. Basic concepts and laws of construction. Construction algorithm.
  • Constructing perspectives of designed interiors and individual elements in them.

7. Computer-aided design

  • Review of programs created for interior designers. Their a brief description of and comparison of possibilities.
  • Basic panels and tools of the ArchiCAD program.
  • Construction of plans, working drawings and three-dimensional images.

8. Interior sketch: techniques for presenting a project

  • Image various materials used in design and decoration - stone, tile, wood, textiles, glass, mosaic, stained glass, plaster, etc.
  • Using different artistic techniques, tools and paints.
  • Making samples of various textures, interior items, furniture.
  • Application of the learned techniques in drawing the project.
  • Quick sketch of the interior.

9. Interior colors, graphics

  • Graphic techniques for presenting a project. Black and white and color sketches of interiors.
  • Application of acquired knowledge and skills in interior design.

11. Training in public speaking and working with clients

  • Training on identifying the polar qualities of a project and the principle of its presentation to customers when different conditions. Ability to interact with customers and the ability to present yourself and your design project.

12. Design of residential and public interiors

  • Issuance of technical specifications and functional zoning. Analysis of the specifics of receiving an order for public interior design. Tender and various options participation in it. Specifics of drawing up technical specifications.
  • Public interior in a classic design. Development of concepts in accordance with the issued or selected slogan. Creation of a complete virtual interior with mass elaboration of details.
  • Sketch-idea of ​​living space. Development of a conceptual solution for a residential interior, taking into account technical specifications, architectural and design conditions. Creation of a layout and elaboration of individual components of a design project.
  • Working draft. Measurement drawings. Requirements for plans before reconstruction, after reconstruction and furniture placement plans. Floor, ceiling and layout plans. Layout. Finishing list. Drawing up specifications and estimates.
  • Creation of a package of technical plans, layouts and sketches for projects.
  • Design of residential and public interiors. Detailed projects for a studio apartment, public interior and country house.
  • Compiling a portfolio. What is included in the concept of portfolio. Portfolio for customers and construction teams.

The effective training system at the Academic School of Design will allow you to deeply study the design specialty in less than a year! You don't need to spend 5 years studying at higher education educational institution in order to become a qualified specialist - we have selected subjects for the course that, in an intensive training format, will allow you to very quickly begin authoring work, decorating interiors in apartments, houses, commercial and other premises, while demonstrating excellent results. Don’t wait - make your wishes come true right now: sign up for the Interior Designer course, and in a year you will be able to take on the most complex and interesting projects!

The design course program includes lectures and practical classes, as well as workshops in basic (major) and special disciplines in the field of interior design.

* a 10% discount is provided for full payment of the course, a 5% discount for phased payment, payment in installments is possible - 10 payments of 27,000 rubles each.

** a 10% discount is provided for full payment of the course, a 5% discount for stage-by-stage payments, payment in installments is possible - 10 payments of 24,000 rubles each.

We are pleased to invite you to interior design courses in Moscow. You can easily select a program that matches your existing knowledge, skills and wishes. You will be able to take interior design courses in Moscow for beginners, for those who are already improving their skills and planning to master two levels at once. We also invite you to courses on fabrics in the interior, sewing, and cutting curtains. Come!

Why take an interior design training?

Creating stylish, cozy and comfortable interiors- the main goal of many people. Some people prefer to use the help of professionals when arranging apartments, houses and other spaces. And others become such specialists themselves. Interior design courses will allow you to master the most interesting areas and turn into an experienced craftsman in the shortest possible time.

After completing interior decorating courses, you will be able to:

Transform the surrounding spaces
help loved ones in decorating various rooms,
find interesting work,
open your own business.

In interior design courses you:

Significantly expand your knowledge and skills,
get the experience you need,
learn to express your individuality through the implementation of interesting projects.

Why is it profitable and interesting to take interior design courses in Moscow with employment with us?

1. To train as an interior designer, we use current programs. Experts carefully select material for courses. This allows you to master a lot of valuable skills in the shortest possible time.

2. Our interior design school in Moscow pays Special attention not theory, but practice. We do not give book knowledge! We do our best to let you know professional secrets, shared their experiences with colleagues, discussed interesting topics and works that corresponded to all trends.

3. Training to become an interior designer in Moscow in our center is conducted by experienced teachers. They have professional skills and are subtle psychologists who are able to reveal the individuality of each listener.

4. Our interior design school has everything you need for training. Students study in spacious, bright classrooms and have access to modern programs. This allows you to constantly improve.

5. Courses on interior design of apartments and houses will not take you much time. The training is fast but professional.

6. You won’t have to overpay for training interior designers. Our courses are accessible to many. We carry them out at a competitive price.

Ask any questions you may have, get acquainted with the programs presented. Sign up!

We invite you to interior design courses in Moscow. All programs presented are designed specifically for those who want to explore interesting areas and expand their capabilities.

Interior design training: relevance of courses

An interior designer is a specialist whose activity boils down to the development original projects aimed at transforming residential and office buildings. A professional must have not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. Only in this case will he be able to cope with the tasks set by the customer and make the spaces stylish, cozy, comfortable and functional.

You can get all the necessary knowledge and skills in interior design courses. We created all programs taking into account current trends and wishes of modern listeners. Thanks to this, training as an interior designer is not only productive, but also as interesting as possible for everyone!

Well Basic cost Discount Final
Interior design courses (for beginners) 16420 rub. 30% 11500 rub. Sign up
Design courses with AutoCAD 26610 rub. 30% 18600 rub. Sign up
Interior design courses (design assignments) 14990 rub. 30% 10500 rub. Sign up
Interior design courses (full course) 31410 rub. 30% 21900 rub. Sign up
Interior design courses - basics of drawing 10900 rub. 30% 7600 rub. Sign up
Interior decor courses using fabric. Cutting and sewing curtains 21290 rub. 30% 14900 rub. Sign up
Interior decorating courses 13070 rub. 30% 9200 rub. Sign up

For whom are interior design courses designed?

Anyone can take part in the course! We offer programs for both beginners and established professionals planning to expand their professional opportunities and creative skills.

Training to become an interior designer in Moscow: main goals and objectives

The main goal of interior designer courses in Moscow is to train those who want to build a career, develop successfully and constantly improve.

Our tasks:

1. Formation of necessary skills among students of interior design training courses.
2. Delivery of a large volume of material in the shortest possible time.
We strive to interest listeners, to captivate them into an interesting world.

What do interior design courses provide with employment?

1. The necessary knowledge that allows you not to stop there, but to constantly develop.
2. The skills required to complete even the most complex orders.

With us you can develop your creative abilities in the chosen direction. Still picking good courses interior design? Come to us!

Training in interior design in Moscow will allow you to become a sought-after specialist, capable of transforming any space and filling it in the shortest possible time. unique atmosphere and an aura of harmony. The results of your work will delight you!

Today, many young people are interested in the question of how to become an interior designer, where to start. This profession has become popular relatively recently. But today the services of people talented in this matter are used very often.

General information about the profession

The designer designs the appearance of the house, selects furniture, and combines colors. A true specialist is able to turn an unremarkable apartment into a masterpiece. People often say that those who choose this profession have no chance of realizing themselves. This is a false opinion. If a person is devoted to his dream, if he is drawn to design art and skillfully fights his own laziness, then he will certainly be noticed and appreciated by society. Following a positive assessment comes excellent earnings. If you said to yourself: “I want to become an interior designer. Where to begin?" - let's study all the intricacies of this profession.

Disadvantages of design art

Like any other occupation, being a designer has certain disadvantages that you will have to face if you want to dedicate your life to it. Consider in advance whether you are ready to overcome obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. Get ready for the following disadvantages:

  • It won’t be long before you can bask in the glory of completing expensive orders. You will have to work at a loss in order to achieve recognition and acquire profitable clients.
  • In order for people to contact you, you must have certain connections. It will take a long time before you can acquire worthy partners who will sell to the client quality furniture and building materials.
  • At first, you may experience a severe lack of money, because few people will risk paying large amounts newbie
  • You will have to master the basics of psychology and work on the stability of your nervous system, because often clients do not agree with the designer’s views.
  • If you undertake to carry out a certain project, then you will have to see it through to the end. Clients are not interested in your health status or special family reasons due to which the order is canceled.
  • Modern design art cannot do without knowledge computer programs. It will take a decent amount of time to master them.
  • It will take many years before you become famous.

So, if you've decided that you can handle these challenges, let's talk about how to become an interior designer. Where to begin? First of all, you need to cultivate certain character qualities in yourself.

educate yourself

An interior designer, whose training is impossible without certain character traits, must have the following personal characteristics:

  • Having taste and a creative approach to any endeavor.
  • The desire to work constantly and hard, the presence of patience.
  • The desire to communicate with any people, to fulfill the client’s wishes, even if his idea seems bad to you.
  • The ability to present your project and talk about it in all its colors.
  • The ability to combine any colors and shapes and create a single whole from parts.

If you think that all these points are about you, let's talk about the pleasant side of the profession, namely career growth.

Career Opportunities

Remember that it is very difficult to advance career ladder, if you are an employee without connections. If you are interested in how to become an interior designer, where to start, then first consider whether you are ready to work a lot and practically for free in order to acquire a certain circle of clients. You will have to create your own portfolio. To become a successful designer at the peak of fame, you will need:

  • Get special education. If you want to become an interior designer without a degree, you'll have an even tougher time.
  • Get a colorful portfolio.
  • Learn to work in special computer programs.
  • Learn several foreign languages.
  • Complete several large and expensive projects.
  • Get good recommendations from large customers.

Prepare for the fact that you will have certain responsibilities and they will not always be related to creativity.

Responsibilities of an interior designer

When you're wondering what it takes to become an interior designer, think about your immediate responsibilities and whether you're willing to take on them. This is the first step towards mastering the profession. So, your responsibilities include:

  • Both working on large orders and finalizing projects after other specialists.
  • Submission to all client requirements.
  • Taking measurements of the room and its parts, creating mock-ups for these measurements.
  • Working with 3D modeling.
  • Everyone's Choice small parts, complementing the interior of the room.
  • Calculation of future financial costs for the project.
  • Working with people involved in the improvement of the premises, monitoring their activities.
  • Making changes to the work plan if unforeseen situations arise.

Only at first glance it seems that these are easy duties. Doing them every day is difficult mentally and physically.

How are the projects being implemented?

We looked at how a designer’s work works in general. The implementation of each individual project looks something like this:

  • Meeting with a client, forming a first impression.
  • Discussion of the task, all its details and deadlines.
  • Visiting the room to be worked on, photographing its parts, working on drawings and drawings.
  • Decor appearance rooms in drawings.
  • Comparison of all drawings and drawings, troubleshooting.
  • Discussion of the result with the customer.
  • Constant control over the implementation of your project in practice.

And remember that at any of these stages the client can stop the work and demand that everything be redone. It’s hard to prepare for this mentally, but almost every designer has encountered a similar phenomenon.

interior design: where to start

So, if you decide that you want to be a designer, then two ways to achieve your goal are open to you. The first and easier one is obtaining a special education or completing specialized courses. If you can afford it, then your training will take place according to this plan:

  1. You are taking a career aptitude test.
  2. If you don't have an art school background, you need to graduate from it.
  3. You create a portfolio of your own drawings and use it to apply to a university.
  4. You study at university conscientiously and with enthusiasm.
  5. While you are studying, you will have to independently master the basics of working on a computer, learn several foreign languages, start looking for your first clients, create a positive reputation for yourself, learn from established specialists, and follow new trends in your business.

If you graduate from a university, you will have many chances to work in your specialty, because good universities provide graduates with such an opportunity. But if you don't have the finances to get an education, then learn how to become an interior designer yourself.

How to become a designer without receiving special education

Even though you don't have to spend a lot of money on self-study, this option requires you to work hard and for a long time. In addition, your fate largely depends on a successful combination of circumstances.

So, should you become an interior designer if you decide to learn on your own? The action plan is:

  • Learn the architectural design process.
  • Get the basics of construction knowledge.
  • Explore modern design computer programs.
  • Learn the basics of lighting design.
  • Learn the theory of culture and art.
  • Work on your knowledge of accounting and finance.
  • Explore all sorts of ways design.

To master these skills and gain specialized knowledge, borrow appropriate textbooks from the library or use the Internet. For you to start being successful, you need to find your first customer.

But if you manage to find a client, don’t think that the difficult moments are behind you. In the art of design, the hardest work begins after training.

Where to look for orders

Once you have all the necessary skills, you will have to do the hard work of finding your first customer. To find a client, use one of these options:

  • Advertise yourself in several newspapers or magazines.
  • Talk about yourself as often as possible. News about you will spread throughout society very quickly.
  • Place your resume on special websites.
  • Create your own website dedicated to your activities. Place your portfolio on it.
  • Hand out creative flyers highlighting your work.
  • Contact your close and distant relatives and ask them to look for clients for you.
  • Contact large and small firms. Perhaps they need a full-time designer.
  • Go around the cafes, restaurants or shops you know with an offer of cooperation.

The first rule when realizing yourself as a professional is not to sit idle. Perseverance and patience are your main assets, which combined with a broad knowledge base will lead you to success.

And finally a little more useful information. What do you need to become an interior designer, besides obtaining Check out the list of recommendations from accomplished specialists:

  • Understand that you have virtually no room for error in any project. A damaged reputation is difficult to restore.
  • Don't be afraid to seek advice from more professional colleagues.
  • Improve your skills through trainings, seminars or practical classes.

Remember that if you want, you can achieve absolutely any goal. Good luck!

Breakthrough technologies in the field of interior design began to appear with the “coming to power” of a new generation of designers who began to publish the most daring ideas, in many ways, without looking back. This is how the styles of high-tech, boho, loft, onto-art and much more arose. But there was no war of styles; everything that was fashionable before took on new shapes and approaches. While undergoing training in apartment interior design, one striking idea becomes clear - nothing can be forgotten in design, nothing remains in the past, everything goes with us, in step with time and traditions. And if there is something worth forgetting, then only one thing - forget about the enslavement in your thoughts and ideas. Design is controlled irrationalism within the framework of the current laws of beauty of the real world.

Try it yourself or hire a designer

Each of us has a spirit of creativity and a thirst for beauty. This is potential energy that does not need to be protected, it must be squandered mercilessly and without a trace. Don’t be afraid to try creative experiments in your apartment, this is the only way to understand what you are capable of. We need training in apartment interior design when, having taken our first independent steps, we understand that this is our path, and we need to move on. If this does not happen, it is better to hire her experienced designer who can implement your idea together with you.

Skills and knowledge acquired in the process of teaching interior design at the “GCDPO” courses:

  • ability to competently navigate styles design design;
  • alignment skills harmonious composition, work with light and decorative elements;
  • knowledge of optical correction and color science methods;
  • knowledge of how to use textiles in the interior;
  • ability to professionally develop a design project and work with the customer.

Upon completion of training, students receive a standard certificate with qualification.

The main thing is that our interior design courses in Moscow will help you discover your creative abilities, believe in your talent and generate extraordinary ideas for your own design projects!