Why do you dream about roses? Why dream of roses, red, white, pink or different colors, to see a lot of roses at home or in the snow in a dream, to see rose bushes in a dream - why dream Dream Interpretation orange roses

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity.

Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite.

Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit.

Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings.

Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed.

If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you.

A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future.

It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage.

Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage.

Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear.

Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit.

Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover.

A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity.

Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite.

Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit.

Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings.

Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed.

If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you.

A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future.

It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage.

Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage.

Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear.

Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit.

Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover.

A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream about roses during their blooming season foretells prosperity.

Dreaming about them out of season foretells the opposite.

Blooming roses in a dream predict pleasant events or receiving good news. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will soon find out the date of your engagement.

White roses in a dream foretell good luck, health and prosperity, while red roses are harbingers of joy or benefit.

Yellow roses in a dream are a symbol of betrayal or betrayal of a loved one.

A pink wreath on the head predicts prosperity and happiness in love, tenderness of feelings.

Feeling the suffocating smell of roses in a dream means that you will receive unpleasant news that some secret has been revealed.

If you like the smell of roses in a dream, then joy awaits you.

A rose bush in a dream foreshadows a happy family life.

Picking roses in a dream means that you have to make an important decision that could affect your future.

It will take all your courage to make such a decision. Sometimes such a dream predicts an imminent marriage or a proposal for marriage.

Seeing a lot of roses in a dream or making bouquets of them is a harbinger of great happiness or a successful and happy marriage.

Rose thorns in a dream portend trouble, danger, fear.

Pricking yourself on them in a dream means that you will not be able to avoid danger due to a simple mistake. Sometimes such a dream indicates to you that your addiction to flirting will backfire on you.

Rosebuds in a dream foretell prosperity, success in matters that will bring you great benefit.

Withered roses in a dream remind you that your romanticism is inappropriate and you should not entertain yourself with vain hopes, no matter what we are talking about - love or business or creativity. Sometimes such a dream predicts loneliness or separation from your lover.

A dried rosebush in a dream foreshadows a misfortune in the family that will happen to one of your loved ones or relatives.

A bouquet of red roses standing on the table in front of you predicts a declaration of love that will border on ingratiation. But whatever the recognition, it will still be pleasant to you and will make you a happy person.

A rose boutonniere in a dream is a sign of deception or betrayal. See interpretation: smell, aroma, choke, flowers.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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    Dream book "sonnik-enigma"

    Roses according to the dream book. Almost always a bouquet of fragrant, delicate, incredibly beautiful roses is a worthy addition to the main gift for a woman, and in real life the sight of these flowers evokes only positive emotions. Also, the lunar dream book promises quite good events if in dream dreamed about it roses. A young girl who sees such a plot will expect new love if she is currently free, or the ignition of an old passion if her heart is already occupied.

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  • Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    In dream plant. To you dreaming, what do you you plant anything into the ground? This is a good sign. The main thing is that the flowers are fresh. Wilted or dry plants are not a good sign. The same goes for roses. plant in dream roses- to problems that you create for yourself.

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  • Dream book "DomSnov"

    For what dreaming - plant flowers. Interpretation dreams. A favorable sign is dream in which you you plant flowers. It portends success in endeavors and prosperity. In real life, a new business awaits you, new long-term relationships are possible. Flowers, roses.

Flowers. Admiring their beauty, you receive a certain charge of vivacity, energy, and mood. They are attributed to divine origin, given as a sign of love, fidelity, planted in large quantities on flower beds, terraces, decorating our streets, houses and life in general. It is not uncommon to plant flowers in a dream. We’ll find out why we dream about such an image in dream books.

According to symbolism, flowers are a symbol of love, youth, beauty, purity and innocence. They emphasize the frailty and brevity of life. A blossoming flower encourages the realization of potential. Flowers on graves can testify to the joys of human life and its fleeting nature.

Planting flowers means total updates in life for the better, success, achievement of goals and celebration in the house. The creative process of planting gives a hint to the dreamer that thanks only to your work and desire, everything will turn out the way you want.

Everything is symbolic: the planting location, the type of flower, your message and mood before work, and a very good sign is to see the result of your work, the beauty that you create with your own hands.

A girl is not a poppy: she won’t fly around in one day

A woman enters a fertile period in her life if she dreams of planting a field of cornflowers and violets. This promises harmony in family life, career growth, and a chance to fulfill a dream. If you felt the fragrance of the petals, your lover will present you with a surprise that you have long dreamed of.

Planting rose bushes and fruit trees at the same time foreshadows your successful achievements in the field of business matters. Your competence and professionalism will attract the attention of management. Promotions and salary increases are coming.

If you had to deal with tulips in a dream, expect admiring glances from your talented and noble deeds. Many onions stuck into the ground - to successful financial transactions and profitable operations.

Pink tulips have grown - the dream promises a particularly romantic date. If you see rose buds that have not yet blossomed, this promises an unexpected love adventure that will really turn your head and result in a wonderful continuation of the relationship.

If you dreamed of yellow tulips, it means betrayal, treason, deceit. Don’t be upset, you just need to be more careful and attentive with the people around you. Don't trust flattering new boyfriends or casual acquaintances.

A whole front garden of daisies speaks of your good health in reality. Try to keep yourself in shape and not overeat to maintain a balance of strength.

Forget-me-nots are ready to plant - a person from the past will appear in your life, perhaps long-extinguished feelings will flare up with renewed vigor.

Gladioli promise great success surrounded by colleagues and new acquaintances in reality; you will be able to show off your talents, abilities and charm.

For men - where there are flowers, there are butterflies

Planting a vegetable garden with flower bulbs is a good time to implement business ideas. If the soil is loose and soft, nothing will stop you from overcoming obstacles and barriers to the development of your own business.

The soil is clayey and rocky - means delaying the resolution of issues. Competitors and simply envious people are trying to harm you; you will need the help of influential friends.

If you are passionate about transplanting seedlings, this means great changes in life. This may concern a change of place of residence, work or type of activity.

If you see the fruits of your labor in the form of sprouts, this is an excellent reason to start something new. Now you have no equal, new relationships or projects - everything will work out in the best way. You will quickly achieve positive results in any area.

Withered seedlings in a dream - this suggests the impossibility of your plans or the futility of your ideas. You should think about what you are doing wrong in life.

If you saw in a dream how the fruits of your labor are trampled, this unpleasant plot speaks of the evil thoughts of your opponents or ill-wishers. Your enemies have gone on the offensive and are determined to destroy you.

Planting flowers on a grave is a great sign; new dizzying prospects will soon open up before you.

And a withered flower can bloom again. Author's dream books

Sigmund Freud

For young people, be it a man or a woman, getting carried away with planting roses, daisies, and lilies speaks of a desire to start a family and have children. You want to settle down somewhere and take care of the coziness, comfort and improvement of your home.

The flower personifies the female image, so for a man, a dream where you plant a lot of beautiful plants speaks of your desire for intimacy with beautiful and sexy women. At the same time, seating yourself, without anyone’s help, leads to personal triumph and reciprocity of the partner.


Carefully digging peony bulbs and daisy roots into the ground speaks of your rebirth. The time has come to change your views, values, and comprehend your actions. Your character will become more flexible and your morals will become meek. You are ready to commit wise and noble deeds.

Watering scarlet tulips after planting means financial reward. This could be a win in a casino, a lottery, or an expensive gift from an unexpected guest. If you see that they are blossoming, you will receive valuable information about your competitors that will help you outplay them.

Gustov Miller

Growing beautiful and juicy buds of roses, lilies, and carnations shows a person’s spiritual growth, his talents, and the desire for fulfillment. If the activity brings pleasure, this indicates that the dreamer wants to bring peace and goodness to people.

Changing the pots of indoor plants to larger and brighter ones emphasizes your desire to expand your home space and update your furniture. Save up your financial resources, a grandiose renovation is just around the corner.

Fiddle around in a flowerbed all covered in soil - for a family feast and gifts, and if you plant it in a square or park - for a memorable event that will be gossiped about for a long time.

You are interested in a garden or forest belt as a location for a future flower bed - get ready to meet pleasant people or expect guests.

We decided to decorate a monument to our ancestors - this dream reminds us of your guardian angels, who will definitely help you in difficult times to withstand all the trials.

If you have a desire to grow roses, this means a period of victory and prosperity is coming in your life. You feel the freshness and aroma of the buds - this is a hint of closeness with your friend and your spiritual connection.