How to properly store carrots at home. How to store carrots for the winter - advice from an experienced housewife

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Storing carrots in the cellar in winter is not an easy task, since unlike other vegetables, carrots have a very thin skin, through which bacteria penetrate easily.

Also, carrots are more susceptible than other vegetables fungal diseases.

In enamel pans

Carrots fit tightly into the pan upright, after which it is covered with a paper towel and closed tightly.

Kitchen utensils with carrots should be preserved in a cool place, with an increased percentage of moisture so that the carrots are preserved in their original form until the next harvest.

In plastic boxes

Is it possible to store carrots in plastic boxes? To save we need:

  • plastic boxes;
  • filler: sand, clay, sawdust (if available).

Saving carrots in plastic boxes is practically no different from saving carrots in wooden containers.

However, a significant advantage of plastic boxes is that this material more stable to the diffusion of fungal diseases and moldiness.

Which, in turn, has a positive effect on the savings procedure and significantly increases the duration of savings carrots.

The technology for saving carrots in plastic boxes is actually no different from the previously described methods for saving carrots in clay, sawdust and sand. The only difference is the material of the container in which the carrots will be stored.

What to do if you don't have a cellar?

How to store carrots and beets if there is no cellar? This question interests many people because not everyone has private houses with a cellar or basement.

As we already know, carrots are well preserved at temperatures from 0°C to +2°C and a moisture content of 96%, so storing them in an apartment will be quite problematic. However, there are some ways that can help solve this problem.

Carrots can be saved in the refrigerator in film bags. The duration of savings using this method will be very short, but you will be insured against possible rotting and sprouting of root crops.

Also, if the apartment has glazed and well-heated balcony, then it is possible to save carrots there, in wooden boxes with wet sand.

But most effective and long-term is a way to preserve carrots in clay.

By creating a protective shell on the carrot, clay helps preserve the carrot throughout the year. You can also store carrots in clay on the balcony in boxes or bags.

Consider the following way to store carrots without a basement.

How to use a caisson?

How to store carrots in a caisson? First of all, you should understand what a caisson is. Caisson is waterproof design. Simply put, this is a box or chamber that is externally equipped to prevent the passage of water from the outside.

To save carrots in this way, they must be well rinse and remove tops, then it follows well dry in the shadow. After the carrots have dried sufficiently, they need to be placed in plastic bags. Root crops must be placed in the caisson on the same day.

Hint: you can use a couple of bags leave in the refrigerator, since in winter it is not every day that you have the opportunity to get carrots out of the caisson.

In addition to its taste, carrots also very healthy root vegetable. There are practically no dishes in cooking for which carrots would not be used. Carrots also make very tasty and refreshing freshly squeezed juices.

Carrots are also one of the main components in various cosmetics. It makes excellent masks, scrubs and creams. Carrots are also used in folk medicine How effective remedy in the fight against various types of diseases.

Therefore, the question of storing carrots in winter is quite relevant in our time. We all love to eat carrots in the summer. But summer, as a rule, passes quickly, and you really want to pamper yourself with vegetables and fruits not only in the summer, but also in winter.

And cunning sellers raise prices for vegetables and fruits almost 3 times in winter and, unfortunately, the price does not always correspond to the quality. In this regard, each of us should learn for ourselves store carrots at home.

In this article we tried to provide comprehensive answers to all frequently asked questions. We hope this article helped you. Be healthy and happy!

Hello, friends! It’s one thing to grow and harvest a crop, but it’s another thing to properly keep it fresh for as long as possible.

We talked to you about the fact that carrots need to be stored immediately after digging. And now I would like to focus on how to preserve carrots.

The best temperature for storing carrots is +1 - +2°C. Carrots are most often subject to rot if they are slightly withered, if they are stored next to cabbage, or if the storage temperature drops to -1°C for at least a short period of time.

The most common in our area are three methods of storing “maiden”: in sand, in plastic bags and in various sealed containers without “filler” (tanks, barrels). Almost no one places carrots in heaps on the floor, since such deposits are very damaged by mice returning from the fields to residential areas and are flooded with groundwater. And even if there is insufficient humidity in the storage, root crops wither, become flabby and tasteless.

In such cases, it is preferable to sprinkle the root vegetables with moderately damp sand in layers in wooden boxes. But sand, in turn, is not a very light substance. And it’s quite problematic to lower it into the cellar in buckets, pick out the surviving carrots from it in the winter, and lift the remaining dirt to the surface in the spring. Although these are the carrots that, in our opinion, remain the most delicious.

As a result of many years of experimentation, our family settled on the batch storage method. Although we still sprinkle seed carrots with sand in a wooden parcel box.

Storing carrots in plastic bags

There are different types of plastic bags, but for storing carrots it is convenient to use those that cannot accommodate more than 1-1.5 kg of root vegetables. Such a portion is convenient to carry, it will not take up much space in the refrigerator and will be eaten before it has time to spoil.

The positive aspects of storing carrots in plastic bags:

— no need to drag heavy sand and other materials;

- less dirt both on the carrot and in the cellar;

— root crops are less damaged by mice;

— convenient to store even on shelves with jars of preparations;

— in some cases, carrots last much longer.

The only drawback is a slight loss of the taste of the root vegetable, compared to storage in sand.

Packing procedure plastic bags:

- we purchase two types of roll bags in advance - one is slightly smaller than the other, it will be easier to put on. The same ones will also work, but you will have to place fewer root vegetables;

- select carrots without significant damage, wash them with a rag warm water. You should not use a grater, Comet or boiling water! Wash without fanaticism, three buckets in the same water is quite possible;

- Place clean root vegetables in one layer to dry. It is very convenient to use a net from an old iron bed - it dries simultaneously on all sides;

- as soon as the water dries (after 10 minutes in the sun or 0.5-1 hour in the shade), cut the carrots at both ends approximately as in the photo (a little “to the point”);

- let the cuts air for another 5 minutes and put the harvest in portions into smaller bags, tie them with two knots and put a second larger bag on top of the first, which we also tie tightly.

Carrots are packed hermetically. You can go down into the underground or cellar. Don't be alarmed - after a while, droplets of water will appear on the inside of the bags and will disappear on their own.

put on the second package

Happy experimenting!

How well carrots will be preserved depends primarily on the maturity of the root crops. The ratio of glucose and sugar in them also has a strong influence. If the carrots have not been affected by any infection, but still cannot be preserved for a long time, the problem most likely lies in the incorrect selection of variety or bad conditions growing and storing crops.

We think in advance

Harvesting carrots is only half the battle, because you need to be able to preserve the harvest. Statistics show that half of the entire harvest is spoiled due to the fact that the owners do not store, transport and collect it correctly.

This may sound a little strange, but it’s worth thinking about how to store carrots before you pick them. A week before harvesting, water the beds generously. This will make the vegetables juicy, in addition, it will be much easier to pull the carrots out of the ground. A couple of days before harvesting, water the beds and trim the tops, leaving only two centimeters. If this is not done, the moisture will evaporate, the usefulness of the substances contained in carrots will decrease and the root vegetables will wither much faster. And carrots without tops will take up much less space.

You should also remember one simple rule: carrots that are damaged will not last long. Do not peel dirt from vegetables. After all, it provides additional protection against diseases, so peeling carrots should be done only before consuming it.

Harvesting does not pose any particular difficulties. Carrots need to be dug up or pulled out of the ground, shake off excess soil and simply put them in one pile. Root vegetables have a higher temperature in the ground than outside, so they should be covered and left outside for three days. During this time, the weakened vegetables will begin to wilt, which means you can sort the good ones from the bad ones.

When the temperature reaches –1 degree, carrots begin to freeze; at temperatures from +4 to +5, they germinate. Therefore, the most optimal temperature regime for storage can be called the range from 0 to +2 degrees. If your place of residence is in a warm climate, you can not dig up the carrots, but simply cover them with a small layer of peat or straw, and then cover them with soil.

Storing carrots in the cellar

A good way is to place carrots in plastic bags with holes. There is no need to close the packages. You can pour sand into them. More the best option- take a wooden box, pour a little sand into it, lay out vegetables there and cover it again with a layer of sand. Experienced gardeners use this method most often, because it can be called the most reliable of all. Sawdust is an excellent alternative to sand. From time to time, both should be sprayed with water.

If the harvest is not very large, you can store it in a clay shell. This is done like this: stir the clay until it becomes sour cream and immerse all the root vegetables in it one by one for about 3 minutes. Then remove them and dry them. This “cover” will provide excellent protection for your crop from disease and wilting.

How to store carrots in an apartment

City residents have the opportunity to save carrots for only three months. It is best if you put the vegetables in boxes, cover them with film and monitor changes in temperature outside. When it begins to decline, the carrots should be wrapped and brought indoors. If you have a large refrigerator, you can wrap the root vegetables in bags and store them on the lowest shelf.

In general, carrots store much worse than other vegetables. After all, round-shaped root vegetables are preserved many times better than those that have an elongated shape.

It is considered the most capricious in terms of storage. Therefore it is important to know how to properly collect and prepare carrots for storage for a long winter.

Rules for harvesting and preparing vegetables for storage

The question is how to store carrots in winter, precedes proper harvesting. They usually start picking it from the garden in mid-September-October. The exact time depends on the quantity sunny days in season. The advantage of the vegetable is that it is not afraid of the first frost. It is important to take it out in warm and dry weather from dry or slightly damp and then just dry it slightly.

In order for the harvest to be preserved for a long time, it is necessary to remove it from the ground without damaging it. To do this, lift the carrots with a pitchfork, holding them by the tops. When digging, it is important not to damage the carrot skin, otherwise it will quickly rot during storage.

The root crop must be dried before storing it in the cellar. If the weather is good, just lay it out directly on the garden bed and leave it for a couple of hours. If the weather is damp, dry it in a closed but ventilated area. To do this, the crop is laid out in one layer on the litter so that the root crops do not touch each other. If they were collected in humid weather, drying will take a couple of days.

But these are not the only nuances of the complex question of how to store carrots at home. After drying, it must be cleaned of dirt, but if lumps of earth are strongly stuck, there is no need to remove them. At the same time, we sort through the harvest, putting aside damaged specimens. Pathogenic bacteria penetrate inside the vegetable through the damaged peel, activating the rotting process. One spoiled specimen is enough to quickly destroy the entire crop.

cracked, but dried root vegetables can be set aside and stored separately. Damaged ones can be taken home and stored in the refrigerator, gradually used.

At the same time, during sorting, it is necessary to remove the tops from the fruits and sort the root crops by size. The tops are removed with a sharp knife so that 1-2 mm of the green part remains above the root. Sometimes the green part is removed while the carrots are still sitting in the bed, but in this case it is more difficult to dig up. As for sorting, it is needed for correct use harvest. The smallest specimens are consumed first, and the largest ones at the very end.

Conditions for saving

How to store carrots in a cellar or basement so that they do not sprout, dry out or rot? To do this, the room temperature must be maintained in the range -/+2°C and at a relative humidity of 90-95%. The air in the room should not be heavily ventilated, otherwise the vegetable will begin to sprout. But it shouldn’t stagnate either.

The basement or cellar must have waterproofing, insulation and good ventilation. Before putting the crop into it, it must be cleared of debris and remnants of last year's harvest. It is advisable to disinfect shelves, walls, ceilings slaked lime. If you keep the crop for a week or two indoors at a temperature of 13-15°C before lowering it into the cellar, you can identify spoiled vegetables that were missed during sorting.

Did you know?Carrots spread around the world from Afghanistan. There, the vegetable in its wild form has a bright purple color, sometimes yellow or white. familiar to us orange carrots bred by Dutch breeders in honor of the flowers of the royal family of the Orange dynasty.

How to store carrots: popular ways to preserve root vegetables

There are many ways to place carrots in a cellar or basement for storage.

In clay

Before being sent for storage, root vegetables are dipped in clay, forming a protective layer on the vegetable. There are two ways to do this: Fill or dip each fruit completely. In the first case, you will need to dilute half a bucket of clay with water and wait about a day. When it swells, add water again, stir well and leave for three to four days. Then the boxes where it is planned to store the crop are taken, covered with film, and carrots are laid out on them so that the fruits do not touch each other. Now it can be filled with a layer of clay, which should have the consistency of sour cream. When the layer dries, lay out the next one. The process is repeated until the box is full.

If you want to use the dipping method, you need to prepare two types of mash. For the first, the glass is passed through a meat grinder and filled with two liters of water. For the second, the clay is diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream so that it does not drain from the surface of the vegetable. Then each root vegetable is dipped first in garlic, then in a clay mash and laid out to dry in a well-ventilated area. When it dries, they put it in boxes and lower it into a cellar or basement.

In sand

For storage, moist loamy rather than river sand is used, since it better retains moisture, maintains a constant temperature and prevents the development of rot on the fruit. To moisten it, water it with water at the rate of a liter per bucket of sand. The prepared mixture is poured onto the bottom of a box about 5 cm thick, the carrots are laid out so that the fruits do not touch each other, and then covered with sand again. The process is repeated until the box is completely filled. Some gardeners successfully use dry sand for storage. Also, regular buckets work great instead of boxes.

Did you know?In Europe, carrots are recognized as a fruit, not a vegetable. The fact is that the Portuguese, since the appearance of this vegetable in their gardens, have learned to make amazing things out of it. And according to local legislation, it can be made exclusively from fruits.

Moss and carrots

The vegetable is perfectly stored in It contains preservatives and retains carbon dioxide. In addition, it is much lighter than the same sand or clay. The carrots are first dried, but not washed, and then kept in a cool place for a day. After this, the harvest is laid out in layers in a box, layered with moss.

In onion skins

Onion and garlic peels have essential oils which prevent rotting. To preserve the crop using this method, the bottom of the box is lined with husks, then a layer of carrots is laid out, and then a layer of husks again. So the box is filled to the top.

In pine sawdust

The advantage of this method is that pine sawdust is rich in phytoncides, which not only prevent pathogenic bacteria and fungi from penetrating vegetables, but also prevent crop germination. For storage, carrots and sawdust are laid out in layers according to the principle described above.

In chalk solution

To prepare a chalk solution, chalk is diluted with water until a homogeneous liquid is obtained. Each carrot is then dipped in it, dried and placed in a storage box. For 10 kg of carrots you need to use about 200 g of chalk. You can simply powder it with the same amount without diluting it with water. Chalk contains alkaline substances, which inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Chalk can be mixed with sand, poured into a box, and then stick a carrot in there so that the thick end is on top. It also needs to be sprinkled with chalk.

Did you know?It is believed that eating carrots in large quantities contributes to the formation of cancer cells when it comes to smokers and people working with asbestos mixtures. For everyone else, on the contrary, it is an excellent preventive remedy against malignant tumors.

In packages

The harvest can be poured into plastic bags with a capacity of 5 to 30 kg and stored open in cool rooms. In this case, the package supports required humidity at a level of 96-98%, which prevents the carrots from withering. They also accumulate carbon dioxide released by fruits, which prevents the development of bacteria. But you cannot tie the bags, otherwise its concentration will increase, causing the harvest to deteriorate. As a last resort, the bags should have holes for ventilation.

Important! Sometimes when high humidity Condensation forms in the bags indoors. To prevent this from happening, fluff lime is scattered next to them, which absorbs excess moisture.

In the garden

Sometimes the crop is left in the garden for the winter in order to have it in the spring. fresh vegetables to the table. To prevent carrots from disappearing during such storage, the tops are completely cut off and the bed is covered with coarse sand. Then the shelter is poured in the following sequence: film, dry leaves, or roofing felt, film. In this case, the vegetable retains its properties until spring. taste qualities while staying fresh.

Fresh, juicy carrots are always a pleasure to eat, especially in winter. There are so many varieties of carrot salads. Winter is never boring with them! What about grated carrots and sugar? Remember this taste. It seems to me that he is from childhood!

And so that the coming winter is also full of pleasant memories, let's talk about how to store carrots in the cellar in winter. There are proven ways to best store carrots for the winter - in bags, in sand... you just have to choose which one is right for you.

The most important thing is that carrots:

  • remained juicy and did NOT wilt by spring;
  • NOT sprouted;
  • NOT rotten;
  • retained its taste and vitamins.

Carrots - varieties for storage

It is best to store ripe carrots, smooth and without cracks. The ripening period depends on both the variety and the growing region. If you live in a cold region - in Siberia or the Urals, then you better growing carrots have a medium ripening period, which lasts approximately 100 - 110 days.

Late-ripening varieties have a longer development period, more than 120 days, and in cold regions these carrots may simply not ripen to a state suitable for storage in winter.

There are specially bred varieties of carrots for winter storage:

Golden Autumn, Queen of Autumn, Monastic, Cascade, Narbonne, Flaccoro, Red Giant, Chantane, Valeria, Moscow Winter, Incomparable, Flacque. Any of them deserves to be grown in your garden.

If you cannot remember which one you planted, then it is better to navigate by the shape of the root crops. Medium-sized, conical root vegetables are best stored in winter. Round, short-fruited varieties are stored worse.

The most important thing is that the carrots must be whole, without scratches or cracks. Damaged carrots will not store well and will quickly rot.

  • If you are in dry, warm weather, then it will be enough to dry it in the open air before storing it in the basement for storage.
  • If you harvest carrots in the rain, they will need to be dried under a roof in a shed or garage. To do this, spread the entire crop in one layer on newspapers or other dry bedding so that the root crops do not touch each other. It takes several days to dry before storing for the winter.

Storing carrots for the winter requires preliminary preparation. Vegetables must be dried and sorted (small ones and those that are too large are removed for eating). After harvesting, you need to remove the tops by cutting them with a sharp knife at a distance of 1–2 mm from the root itself.

How to store carrots in winter

Before storing carrots for winter storage, you need to sort them. Storing carrots for the winter will be successful if you choose:

  • fully ripened root vegetables,
  • without signs of rot, disease and various defects (for example, it is impossible to store a carrot eaten by a mole cricket or a cut carrot);
  • the variety must be suitable for long-term storage;
  • Coarse carrots with thick skin store better than tender and juicy ones (such varieties should be eaten first).

Storing carrots in the basement for the winter - affordable methods for every gardener

Storing carrots in the cellar in winter

The cellar and basement are the most optimal places to store carrots in winter. Any vegetable, especially carrots, needs to be maintained at a certain level temperature regime and moisture, otherwise it will either rot or dry out.

The temperature in the cellar should be kept at -2 - +2 degrees, air humidity 90 - 95%. Ventilation in the basement should be average; if there is too much ventilation, the root crops will begin to sprout.

Here are the exact dates for each method of storing carrots in winter:

  • In the cellar (in liquid clay, pine sawdust, onion peels, chalk) - up to 12-14 months
  • In the cellar (closed boxes or sand) Up to 8 months
  • In a cellar (plastic bag) Up to 4 months
  • At home in the refrigerator, vegetable compartment Up to 2 months
  • At home in freezer Up to 12 months

Tip - Do not store carrots and beets together with apples. Ripe apples actively release ethylene, which leads to rapid spoilage of vegetables.

Regular inspection of vegetables in the cellar will help increase the shelf life. Look through all your supplies, remove spoiled root vegetables and cut off sprouted tops.

In order for vegetables to be well stored in a basement or cellar, it is necessary to take care in advance of its insulation, waterproofing, protection from groundwater, and good ventilation. All this will create optimal microclimate in the cellar and your vegetables will be stored until spring.

Here are the simplest and most loved ways by many on how to store carrots in a cellar in winter or a basement or cellar

Method 1. Storing carrots in bulk.

If carrots are placed in bulk, then the height of the mound should be taken depending on the strength properties of the carrot variety, the quality of the batch and ventilation conditions. The recommended embankment height is 2-3 m.

When storing in bulk in a cellar, you need to monitor air circulation (there must be good ventilation) and maintain temperature and humidity uniform throughout the entire storage period.

Method 2. How to store carrots in sand

Storing carrots in sand is a very effective and favorite method for many. Such storage in the cellar is quite labor-intensive, since the sand must be prepared in the summer. Sand for storage must be clean and dry.

They do it like this - pour sand on the floor in a layer of 3 cm, then lay the carrots so that they do not touch each other, then again a layer of sand of 1.5 - 2 cm and so on. The height of such a pile with carrots can reach 75 cm. In such a pile, carrots are really well stored until spring. It is imperative to ensure that the sand does not become damp, otherwise the carrots will begin to deteriorate.

Method 3. Storage in wooden boxes

Wooden boxes with a lid are another way to store carrots in the basement for the winter and are quite simple. Root crops are placed in wooden boxes or carton boxes, and placed in the basement at a distance of 10 - 15 centimeters from the wall. The walls in the basement may become damp. Do not allow moisture from the walls to get into the boxes of carrots. You should also not place boxes on the floor; it is better to use a small stand for this. There is no need to make holes in the boxes for ventilation - the carrots will sprout. Let them be quite dense. This method of storing carrots for the winter in the basement is suitable for small areas and big harvests. It is very compact. Even in a small cellar you can store a lot of carrots. No more than 20 kg of carrots are placed in one box.

Method 4. How to store carrots in the cellar in onion peels

Storing carrots in onion skins is very interesting way. Save any onion skins that remain. Place it together with the carrots in large bags, trying to roll each carrot in the peel, or lay the carrots in layers, interspersed with onion peels. Onion peels will take away excess moisture and protect vegetables from rotting and proliferation of microorganisms. The bags must be tightly tied and the carrots must be stored in the basement or cellar.

Method 5. In chalk solution

An unusual way to preserve carrots until spring. You can use chalk solution for storage, the main thing is to prepare it correctly. Chalk is diluted with water to a homogeneous liquid state, and then each carrot is moistened in this solution, dried and stored. This method of storing carrots for the winter is effective, but too time-consuming for large yields. For 10 kg of carrots you will need about 200 g of chalk. The alkaline properties of chalk prevent microorganisms from multiplying and preserve the harvest.

Method 6. Shell made of liquid clay.

This is a rather dirty method of preservation, but at the same time, one of the most effective. If every year your carrots rot and spoil, then use it, you won’t regret it. The clay is diluted to form a uniform fluid slurry, into which the carrots are dipped one after another and then dried. The clay should completely cover the vegetable and dry. Then the carrots are lowered into the basement, boxes, crates or baskets are laid out; they do not need to be covered on top.

Method 7. How to store carrots in bags in the cellar

Storing carrots for the winter at home this way is not the best, but if nothing else suits you, then use it. Dry root vegetables are placed in thick plastic bags. Do not tie plastic bags, otherwise it will instantly rot due to condensation. The packages are lowered into the cellar and placed on a shelf. Storing carrots for the winter in 30 kg bags is possible.

Here's how carrots are stored in non-industrial bags:

  • in the fall, when we dig up carrots, I first cut off their tops;
  • I wash with water that is stored in a tank for watering the garden with a brush;
  • I lay it out to dry;
  • I put the dried carrots in plastic bags that were on hand at the time, this is not important, but it’s better, of course, in T-shirt bags.
  • We store carrots in the cellar, so I put bags of carrots in a drawer.

During the storage process, when we take the carrots home, I look through the bags, fortunately they are transparent and you can see where the carrots suddenly begin to deteriorate, this also happens, but very rarely. I tie the bag with carrots tightly, condensation appears there after a while. The first year I thought that the carrots would start to deteriorate because of this, but on the contrary, this moisture does not allow the carrots to wither. The cellar in our garage is not deep, since a river flows nearby and as a result, in the spring the cellar is often flooded with groundwater. Carrots are stored until spring and even until a new harvest, if there are any left

This is how I put carrots in bags for storage, I try not to stuff them too much because then it’s difficult to tie them. I try to put carrots in one bag different sizes, both small and large.

Method 8. Storing carrots in sawdust

Coniferous sawdust - the same excellent material for storing carrots in winter. The way to store carrots in sawdust is very simple. The carrots are sprinkled with pine sawdust, which, thanks to its phenolic substances, perfectly protects the vegetables from rot. Carrots with sawdust can be placed in boxes, crates, or simply laid out on shelves in the cellar, so that they do not come into contact with the walls or floor.

Here is more information about whether it is possible to store carrots in sawdust and how to do it.

Experiences and reviews of gardeners about various methods of storing carrots

  • Until last year, carrots were stored in 3-5 kg ​​plastic bags. Last year there was simply no time to put them into bags and they put both carrots and beets in sugar bags into the cellar. The carrots are stored perfectly, but the beets are slightly wilted, only slightly.
  • I store it in the basement, which is quite humid, there is ventilation from the street, I insert a garbage bag into an iron barrel. Layers of carrots covered with sand natural humidity, I don’t dry the sand or bake it. In February-March, the carrots are straight from the garden, the losses are insignificant, and that’s because I don’t select the carrots, I store them all.
  • This is how we store it, but we don’t use the bag; we wash it, because in bad weather it’s hard to see the flaws. We try to clean in dry weather. Until June it lies, like beets, in the sand. But it is better to store thick and short ones, as it should be, and not cylindrical varieties (Nantes, Vitaminnaya, Amsterdam). I have an interesting carrot, and I just found out the variety.
  • In my apartment, I store carrots in the refrigerator in a plastic container with a lid. The carrots are washed, dried, then laid out in layers in a container. The first layer is onion peel, then carrots, then peel again. It’s not enough for the whole season, due to limited space, but it keeps well for 3 months. Doesn't wither, doesn't rot. Closer to spring it begins to sprout. But of all the methods we tried, I liked storing it in onion peels the most.
  • I store carrots in propylene bags in the cellar. Before planting, I wash it as soon as I dig it up. I dry it and take it to the garage, where I leave it for a day or two and then straight into bags and into the cellar. Stored until spring without loss.
  • We tried to store carrots in different ways, but for about 10 years now we have been doing this: we wash them (it’s easier to see spoiled root vegetables), air dry them, if the weather is humid, then under a fan, then put them in plastic bags small sizes. On the packages we mark with numbers 1, 2... the order of use. So we take it out in bags to the storage facility (we have a cell in a shared storage facility). The packages are of course open. If it grows or gets sick, it's easy to see and take action.
  • The second year we store carrots for the winter like this: I cut off the tops, wipe the carrots with a piece of spandball, dry them a little and wrap them in cling film - they are stored perfectly until the next harvest. This is how we store beets, daikon and Margelan radish. This year I wrapped cabbage to try. I wrapped 10 buckets of carrots, a little less beets and radishes.
