How to cover a room with different wallpapers. Wallpaper roll sizes

Most of us, when thinking about gluing walls, begin to calculate the quantity necessary materials. And it is right. One of the most important questions, the answer to which will determine the correct preparation of estimates, is the following: what is the width and length of a roll of wallpaper and how many meters will it take to cover a room or the entire apartment.

So, let's turn to the standards and find out what the standard width and length of wallpaper may be, the most popular in the construction market. Let's be clear right away: we are not talking about any exclusive options or materials here. self made, but about the most common sizes. So, as for the width of the wallpaper, there are 2 most popular standards:

  1. The so-called “standard” ones, 0.53 meters (53 centimeters) wide.
  2. Wide ones, which are also known as meter ones, are 1.06 meters (106 centimeters) wide.

Of these two types, in Russia, as well as other CIS countries, the first type is more widely used, i.e., half-meter wallpaper. They can have different colors, textures and patterns. As for meter-long wide wallpapers, there has been a noticeable increase in demand for them in recent years. This is easily explained by their numerous advantages, including the speed of gluing a room and a small number of seams. Gluing meter-long wallpaper may be a little more difficult than usual, but this process is actually not that complicated, and the main thing is to follow the instructions and follow the advice of professionals.

At the same time, it is impossible not to mention that some wallpapers offered on the market in Russia and the CIS countries differ in size from those accepted here. Most often, these products are produced at enterprises in Germany, France and Italy. The width of wallpaper of this type can be from 0.6 to 1.4 meters. In addition, a number of small manufacturers, as well as companies producing custom products, offer options with tube widths, which depend on the individual characteristics of the order. It should be noted that the supply of such products is very limited.

Number of meters per roll

According to the standards set out in GOST, the length of each tube is 10.05 meters (with permissible deviations). It turns out that depending on whether the roll is narrow (standard) or wide (meter), its area can be 5.3 m2 or 10.6 m2.

Attention! Different kinds rare varieties of textile fabrics may have a different area. Therefore, when purchasing, we advise you to pay attention to their sizes.

In addition, you should be quite careful about the fact that in houses of different series, different heights were initially provided for the walls. So, in some cases, when the ceiling height is 255, 260, etc. centimeters, it turns out that the amount of waste and extra pieces turns out to be quite significant.

Moreover, the number of square meters does not depend on the material on which the canvases themselves were made. They may be as follows:

  • Paper.
  • Vinyl.
  • Non-woven.
  • For painting.


So, we have examined the basic standards of wallpaper, which are massively presented on the domestic market in online stores, as well as specialized construction supermarkets. As a conclusion, we can once again emphasize the following: our accepted wallpaper length is, as a rule, 10.06 m. As for the width of the wallpaper, it may differ: 0.53 m or 1.06 m (for standard and wide rolls, respectively). In addition, before gluing, you must take into account the height of the ceilings in different types urban multi-storey buildings, since the number of rolls purchased for repair may depend on this.

Today, more and more people prefer to do repairs themselves, and you can understand them: this way you can save decent amounts of money. Therefore, many are beginning to delve in more detail into the various subtleties that are inherent in construction and repair.

This photo shows both standard and wide, meter-long wallpapers

If we talk about decorating the walls of an apartment or country house, then a fairly important indicator is the size of the wallpaper: its standard width and length, as well as how often it can be used and what the products can be, the size of which may differ from the standard.

Standard roll size

The fact is that by more or less accurately understanding how wide a roll of wallpaper you need, as well as how long the wallpaper is, you can almost accurately calculate how much wallpaper is needed to cover a room. If we talk about some of the most common standards that are accepted in practice, then we can say that there are such concepts as standard width and length of wallpaper.

At the same time, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation and note: we are referring specifically to ordinary, most common products, which, as a rule, belong to the mass market. If we talk about some exclusive options, as well as wallpaper that can be produced on special order and so on, then in such cases it is difficult to talk about any generally accepted standards, since in each specific case everything is calculated purely individually. If we talk about the standard size of a wallpaper roll, then we can identify the 2 most popular and widespread types:

  • Ordinary, half-meter wallpaper. The width of such rolls is 53 cm or 0.53 meters.
  • In addition, wide (meter-long) wallpaper is available for sale, the width of which is 106 centimeters (1.06 m).

If we talk about which of these standards is more widespread, then it will certainly be the first option (0.5 m). Wallpaper 1 meter wide is also popular, but so far not as popular as its narrower “brothers”. However, it is impossible not to note the increase in sales meter wallpaper which has been celebrated recently. By the way, such a rapidly growing popularity can easily be explained thanks to their many advantages: in addition to the minimum number of joints with seams, it should also be noted that the process of gluing the walls in the room is accelerated.

Attention! Hanging wide wallpapers is somewhat more complicated when compared with their standard counterparts.

At the same time, you can avoid any particular difficulties if you strictly follow the instructions. In addition, if possible, you can call a garbage disposal. As you know, gluing wallpaper together is easier, and at the same time more fun.

How many meters per roll: quantity

When calculating the amount of wallpaper contained in a roll, it is necessary to base it on GOST data. So, the length of the wallpaper, according to accepted standards, is 10.05 m. Of course, manufacturers allow certain errors. However, such deviations are usually quite minor. If we return to the data on the width of the wallpaper, which was given just above, we find out that the area of ​​the wallpaper roll is:

  • 5,3 square meters, for a roll of wallpaper of standard width.
  • 10.6 squares for a wide meter roll of wallpaper.

Of course, in this calculation we did not touch upon the topic of the sizes of non-standard options, or those coatings that are manufactured to special order. In such cases, it is necessary to calculate their area individually. As a rule, such products are manufactured by small enterprises that do not produce large quantities of products.

By the way, since we’re talking about them, it should be noted that wallpapers produced at foreign factories (Italian, German, English and from other European countries) much more often deviate from our accepted standards; weeks their analogues produced at wallpaper factories factories in the CIS countries. They may have a slightly different width, which varies from 60 to 150 cm.

Helpful advice! When gluing wallpaper, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the height of the ceilings is different houses, as a rule, is somewhat different.

By the way, it is also interesting that how many m2 in a roll of wallpaper does not depend on the type of material from which it was made. This can be vinyl or non-woven wallpaper, paper and textile materials, as well as options intended for painting.


This material provided some indicators, as well as examples of calculations. If we talk about the most popular and widespread material in the retail chain, there are 2 options for the width of the wallpaper roll: standard and non-standard (meter-long sheets). As for the length, in most cases it is the same and is 10 meters.

When planning to make repairs in an apartment or house, many first calculate the required amount of materials for its implementation. When it comes to wallpaper, the important parameters here will be the width and length of the roll.

In this article we will try to expand readers’ knowledge about such concepts.

Wallpaper sizes

This value is relatively constant, although recently manufacturers have begun to produce options in which the footage can vary widely. We will touch on this aspect, as well as some others, later, but for now let’s talk about the width of the canvas.


Most often on store shelves we come across rolls of standard parameters, inside of which there are instructions for their use. There are, of course, various exclusive options, including handmade ones.

However, there are 2 standard width sizes:

  1. “Half-meter” are the most common in retail chains in the Russian Federation. They are produced by ourselves different types, including textures and patterns.
  2. “Meter” ones are also quite often used in home repairs due to their width. In this case, work occurs at a faster pace, there are significantly fewer seams on the walls, and often the price of a wider one of equal quality is lower than that of a narrow one.

Manufacturers also offer customers non-standard sizes of canvases, and there are many more “oversized” ones. They are produced mainly by European factories located in Italy, Belgium, Germany and other countries.


Now it’s time to find out how much surface area can be covered with a standard roll. As for Russia, it is customary here that the length of the latter is 10.05 m, i.e. 10 m and 5 cm with deviation in different directions ± 3%.

Approximately per roll 53 cm wide -5.3 sq. meters, width 106 cm - 10.6 sq. m.

Remember - the length of a roll of wallpaper 53 cm wide does not exceed 10 m and 5 cm, otherwise some people think that 10 m and 50 cm is an important parameter in the calculation. When using wallpaper with rapport (with a pattern offset), you will get 2-3 sheets, depending on, without it - 3-4 sheets, which is much more economical.

There is nothing bad, actually, about this. Only one question remains open - how many whole canvases can be obtained from them. For owners of apartments with ceiling heights up to 2.6 meters, this may come as an unpleasant surprise.

Oversized waste will remain, or you will have to glue the canvas with your own hands, leaving a large allowance at the bottom. At the same time, you risk that when the horizon disappears or the ceiling (floor) becomes very crooked, it may not be covered with a plinth as a result.


  1. When choosing wallpaper, you should remember the following standard parameters for our country:
    • 0.53 m x 10.05 m;
    • 1.06 m x 10.05 m.
  1. Other sizes may only be available for products that are manufactured abroad or in our country under license from foreign companies.
  2. When planning wall or wall repairs ceiling surfaces s, take into account the height of the walls and the number of solid sheets that will be obtained from one roll. For example, with a ceiling height of 2.4-2.5 m, one “meter” roll 10 m long will produce 4 solid canvases.

Tip: if the wallpaper is repeat, you should purchase an additional roll, since the number of sheets will be less due to the selection of the pattern.

Types of wallpaper and their sizes

  1. Paper ones, which, although considered a relic of the past, are still popular among buyers. Their affordability and simple installation technology play a big role in this. But this also affects their characteristics, which allow the product to be used only in living rooms with low air humidity.

The duplex version is more durable, when it is based on two paper sheets. In addition, they are more convenient to stick and remove.

Rolls measuring 53 cm by 10.05 m are considered standard. The cost of domestic ones is 2-3 times lower than imported ones.

There are also moisture resistant paper wallpaper. They are top coated with waterproof varnishes and latexes, which create a glossy or matte film. Their roll sizes are the same.

Advice: do not mix wide and narrow canvases in the same room.

  1. Vinyl has a double structure - the bottom layer (paper or fabric), the top layer is a PVC film, which gives the wallpaper strength. Thanks to this, they can even be washed with a brush.

The service life of the material is 10 years. They can be foam, textile, velor (made to order and have a width of 2.8-3 m) and silk-screen printing due to modern technologies. The standard length of a roll of wallpaper of this structure is 10 m, while the width is 0.53, 0.67, 0.9 m, there is also 0.7x8.2 m.

  1. Structural or they are also called paintable. One of the varieties has a non-woven backing. Standard rolls with a width of 0.53 m have a length of 10 m and 15 m, the length of meter wallpaper can be 10 or 25 m.


Wallpaper has long been firmly established in our interiors, which is why manufacturers offer us various options of their products. One of the important parameters is the length and width of the roll, thanks to which you can easily calculate repair costs.

Besides standard sizes There are also oversized ones, so when choosing a material you should pay attention to this aspect. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.