Which absorbs moisture well at home. What to do if there is high humidity in the apartment

When assessing the air parameters in a home, most people first of all pay attention to its temperature, forgetting about such an important indicator as humidity. The subjective sensation of heat or cold, general well-being, the condition of plants and the safety of many household items depend on it. Let's figure out what the norm of air humidity in the apartment is, and also find out what it affects.

The humidity indicator reflects the degree of saturation of the air with water vapor. It can be absolute and relative. In the first case, it is determined how many grams of moisture are contained in 1 cubic meter of air. In the second, the percentage ratio of the actual amount of water in the atmosphere (absolute indicator) and the maximum possible at a given temperature is calculated.

When using such a concept as the norm of humidity in an apartment, a relative indicator is implied. This parameter largely determines the comfort of the indoor microclimate. Both the person and the home environment suffer from too much or too little humidity.

Dry indoor air provokes increased moisture loss through the skin and respiratory tract. This can lead to such unpleasant consequences as:

  • decreased elasticity of hair, nails and skin, accompanied by the appearance of microcracks, wrinkles, peeling, dermatitis;
  • drying of the mucous membrane of the eyes, the symptoms of which are itching, redness, and a feeling of “sand”;
  • thickening of the blood, leading to a slowdown in blood circulation, weakness, headaches, decreased performance, and increased stress on the heart;
  • an increase in the viscosity of gastric and intestinal juices, causing a slowdown in digestion;
  • drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which results in a weakening of local immunity and an increase in the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections;
  • an increase in the amount of respiratory allergens in the atmosphere, which should normally be bound by liquid droplets.

Excess moisture in the air creates acceptable conditions for the growth of mold, fungi, and bacteria. As a result, residents of the house may encounter:

  • respiratory diseases - chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, allergies;
  • feeling of stuffiness or dampness in the room;
  • unpleasant smell due to the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • increasing the drying time of washed laundry.

Excessive or insufficient amount of moisture has a bad effect on the condition of home furnishings. Plants dry out or begin to rot, wooden furniture and parquet floors become deformed or “shrink,” paintings fade, paper products lose their structure.

Factors affecting humidity

The main factor that affects air humidity is its temperature. The warmer it is, the greater the amount of water vapor it can maximum accommodate, and vice versa. But when assessing relative humidity, an inverse relationship applies: the warmer the air, the lower its relative humidity will be for the same volume of water vapor contained in it. Therefore, airing in winter makes the air fresher, but less humid. Optimal temperature considered 18-22 ºC.

Water vapor is “taken” from the air in the room:

Any sources of water and steam lead to an increase in relative humidity:

  • aquarium;
  • houseplants;
  • wet laundry;
  • containers with boiling water (saucepan, kettle);
  • leaking roof;
  • faulty water pipes and plumbing.

Standard indicators

Let's figure out what air humidity is considered normal in an apartment. It depends on the purpose of the premises and the time of year.

Humidity standards for housing:

  • warm period - 30-60%, maximum allowable - 65% (for certain regions with high humidity, this standard can be increased to 75%);
  • cold period - 30-45%, maximum permissible - 60%.

Relative air humidity is not standardized in auxiliary rooms - bathroom, toilet, corridor, pantry and others.

Standards for plants and interior items:

  • for furniture and antiques – 40-60%;
  • for equipment – ​​45-60%
  • for books – 30-65%;
  • for plants – tropical – 80-95%, subtropical – 75-80%, others – 40-70%.

What is the normal level of relative humidity in the apartment where the child lives? Since the intensity of heat exchange processes is increased in young children, they are especially sensitive to non-compliance with microclimate parameters. Ideal humidity air in the children's room - 50-70%. If a child is sick with ARVI or an infectious pathology, then this parameter should not be allowed to decrease less than 60%.

Important: B heating season air humidity drops to 15-20%. It definitely needs to be raised, especially if there are children, asthmatics and allergy sufferers in the house.

How to measure relative humidity?

Knowing what the optimal air humidity in an apartment should be, it’s worth deciding how it can be measured. The most rational way is to use a special device - a hygrometer.

There are several types of devices - electrical, chemical, condensation, hair and others. There is no need to purchase an expensive professional device for an apartment. The simplest hygrometer with an error of 3-5% is enough. It is often combined with a clock and a thermometer. It is important to place the hygrometer away from sources of moisture and heat.

You can determine humidity using alternative methods– a glass of water, an Assmann table and a fir cone.

Glass of water

Pour water into a glass and cool it to 3-5 ºС. To do this, just put the vessel in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Next, you need to place the glass on the table away from the radiator and watch it for 5 minutes. At the same time, condensation forms on its walls due to temperature differences. Possible results:

  • the glass has dried within a few minutes – the humidity is reduced;
  • the walls remained fogged - the microclimate parameters were normal;
  • Streams of water flowed down the glass - there was too much moisture in the air.

Assmann table

The Assmann table is designed to determine humidity using a psychrometer - an instrument consisting of two thermometers - a regular one and one with a humidification device. Its likeness can be made at home. You must first measure the temperature in the room with a regular alcohol thermometer and write down its value. Then you should wrap its end with a damp cloth. After 5 minutes, the temperature must be measured again. It should go down.

Next you need to look at the Assmann table. The readings of the “dry” thermometer are located vertically, and the temperature difference is located horizontally. Having seen the desired values, you should find their intersection. This will be an indicator of relative humidity.

fir cone

Note: Indirect signs of low indoor air humidity are drying out the tips of plant leaves and electrical discharges emanating from synthetic clothing.

Humidity regulation

In any season normal humidity air in the apartment should be at least 30-40% and not higher than 65%. How to regulate it?

Ways to reduce humidity:

  • frequent ventilation of premises;
  • installation of exhaust fans;
  • use of dehumidifiers and climate systems;
  • timely repairs water pipes and plumbing fixtures;
  • use of heaters and air conditioners;
  • refusal to dry clothes in the room;
  • installation of a hood in the kitchen.

Methods for increasing humidity:

  • purchasing an aquarium or decorative fountain;
  • minimal use of heater and air conditioner;
  • hanging wet towels on radiators;
  • periodically spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • using an air humidifier - steam, ultrasonic or traditional;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • cultivation large quantities indoor flowers.

Air humidity in a house is an important parameter that affects both the well-being of its inhabitants and interior items. Normally, this figure ranges from 40 to 60%. It is especially important to monitor the humidity in rooms where children and people with respiratory diseases spend most of their time. To regulate the moisture concentration in the air, it is convenient to use household humidifiers and dehumidifiers.




The problem of indoor dampness is not as simple as it might seem. Excessive humidity not only creates an unpleasant atmosphere for living, but also has a destructive effect on the building itself, household items and living organisms.

The fight against dampness often turns into a lengthy process that requires serious effort and material costs.

According to standards for residential premises, the permissible level of relative humidity is 40-60%. If the moisture content in the air becomes higher, it can negatively impact the quality of life in the home.

First of all, the harm that dampness causes to people living in the room is taken into account. In humid air, fungi, mold spores and other pathogenic microorganisms rapidly spread and enter the human body through the lungs and skin. Even if they do not cause specific diseases, they worsen overall health:

  • Colds become more frequent and more severe.
  • Allergic manifestations intensify.
  • Painful weakness occurs.
  • Performance deteriorates.

An unfavorable atmosphere is created in the room. There is a specific smell of dampness that eats into clothes and furniture. Reduced shelf life food products, especially bread, cereals, flour.

Almost the entire housing environment suffers:

  • Are deformed door frames and floor coverings.
  • Spots from mold and mildew appear on the walls.
  • The wallpaper swells and comes off the walls.
  • Clothes and bedding in the closet acquire a musty smell.
  • Leather and wood products, books become damp and become unusable.

Where does dampness come from in an apartment and private house?

The most common reason for dampness in an apartment is poor ventilation or its absence. Possible reasons:

  • The ventilation hole is covered with wallpaper.
  • The air path is blocked by furniture standing close to the walls.
  • During installation kitchen equipment the ventilation ducts were installed unsuccessfully.

Often the source of moisture is in the bathroom. By inspecting this room, you can begin your search for excess water at home.

  • If there are leaks on the ceiling or walls, your upstairs neighbors may be flooding you.
  • Moisture on the floor indicates faulty plumbing or sewer pipes. If they are sewn into a box, this makes it difficult to immediately notice the leak.
  • Laundry hung out to dry evaporates a lot of moisture in the small bathroom space.

There can be many reasons for dampness in an apartment, and they must be dealt with systematically. Some of them depend on the design of the entire house and its condition. IN multi-storey buildings V management company apply in the following cases:

  • basement flooding;
  • leaking roof;
  • poorly sealed seams in the walls;
  • improper thermal insulation of walls and floors.

In a private house there are other problem areas for which the homeowner himself is responsible. These are poorly located drains, when water falls on the base near the wall, or closed ones located next to the house cesspools- septic tanks if their tightness is broken.

The humidity in the house is affected by the climate of the lower floors. Negative Impact have groundwater that has penetrated into the basement, and even a swimming pool or sauna located on the ground floor.

Fighting dampness

It is possible and necessary to take measures to reduce the content of water vapor in the air. This is not only an improvement in living conditions, but also a concern for health. Both the house itself and the things in it will remain safe and usable for a long time in a dry atmosphere.

Eliminating the causes of dampness on the first floors

For residents of the first floors, the main reason for dampness in the apartment is the constantly flooded basement. Elimination of such emergency conditions should be dealt with utility services. If they cannot cope with this, or the defects lie in the foundation of the house, residents have to solve the problem themselves.

A coating device helps adhesive waterproofing floor, using waterproofing plasters. At the same time, you can achieve high-quality insulation of the ceiling in the basement.

On the upper floors

The problem area for apartments on the upper floors is the roof. Flat roof without slopes it often leaks. Waterproofing the ceiling will not help here, since the moisture will simply go into the walls. It is better to insulate the floor in the attic or technical floor.

In a private house

A private home is exposed to moisture from literally all sides. To create a comfortable environment in it, first of all you need to take care of installing the correct drainage system on the site. This will help lower the groundwater level and reduce the risk of a damp basement.

Much attention should be paid to the external and internal waterproofing of the foundation and plinth.

Finally, the condition of your roof and gutters directly affects dampness in your home. On all floors, moisture penetrates the walls due to poorly sealed interpanel seams. This construction defect can only be corrected with the help of professional repairmen.

Actions that every person can take at home: dry clothes on the balcony or purchase a washing machine with a drying function, as well as turn on heating and air-drying appliances in a timely manner.

Installation of forced ventilation and frequent ventilation

Synthetic Decoration Materials and sealed double-glazed windows violate natural circulation air in the apartment. Moisture accumulates indoors with no way out. On the upper floors, residents also suffer from poor draft in ventilation shafts.

Ventilation helps a lot in this situation, but in the cold season it is impossible to keep the windows open all the time. It is recommended to integrate into plastic windows modern mechanisms for ventilation, for example, the so-called alpine window.

This device is capable of ensuring the exchange of indoor and outdoor air when the windows are closed.

Another useful device is hygro-controlled grilles, which are installed in ventilation ducts to regulate the draft air flow depending on humidity.

Forced installation exhaust ventilation requires effort and financial costs. But it completely solves the problem of removing humid air from the apartment. Such ventilation consumes electricity and is slightly noisy, but its benefits are great. Minimum option forced ventilation - installation of an electric fan in the kitchen ventilation duct.

Recuperators are built into exhaust systems. In them, the cold air coming from the street is heated in the process of heat exchange with the removed air, which is already warm and comes from the apartment. This device helps save energy for heating the room.

Additional heating and thermal insulation

The air in a heated room feels drier. Additional heating of an apartment is an effective and generally accessible way to combat dampness. Any source is suitable for heating: sunlight, heated floors, air conditioning with heating or oil radiator. An electric heated towel rail will help create a dry atmosphere in the bathroom. Additional heating devices will easily dry the air in the room and rid it of the musty smell.

If moisture has already been absorbed into the floor and walls, you need to warm it up longer using powerful devices. Sometimes, despite drying, repairs are inevitable.

You can do without heating or make it less intense with the help of proper thermal insulation of the walls. Thermal calculations show that a thickness of 100-150 mm of extruded polystyrene foam insulation will provide sufficient insulation for any wall.

The second option for effective thermal insulation is vapor-permeable insulation, for example, mineral wool or ventilated façade.

Repair as a means of combating dampness and odor

For a very damp room, drying alone is not enough. Mold and mildew deeply affect the walls, and repairs cannot be avoided.

For modern renovations, try to choose natural finishing materials. They are vapor permeable and remove moisture from the room to the outside.

  • If the cause of moisture is flaws in the building's design, the walls need to be insulated not only from the inside, but also from the outside, and the seams at the joints of the panels must be sealed.
  • In potentially damp rooms, grouts and plasters with antifungal additives are used.
  • The walls are treated with anti-mold agents and then plastered again.
  • Severely damaged or deformed floors are replaced with new ones.

If possible, avoid plastic windows or use them modern devices for ventilation. It is better to place furniture at some distance from the walls so that it does not block the air flow to the ventilation holes.

Devices - air dryers

Widely used technical means designed to remove moisture from the air. For a kitchen or room, it is enough to purchase a dehumidifier with a capacity of 10 liters per day. If the device has a built-in humidity sensor, it will be able to adapt itself to changing external conditions.

This dehumidifier automatically monitors the state of the atmosphere and regulates the humidity in the room. The air will not dry out and excess electricity will not be consumed.

It is convenient to have a portable dehumidifier so that you can use it alternately in different places.

The air in the bathroom is well dried with a heated towel rail if there are no constantly damp towels hanging on it. Air conditioning also successfully reduces humidity levels. Finally, heating devices are indispensable in the fight for drying. Increasing their usable surface and properly adjusting the heat supply have a beneficial effect on the climate in the apartment.

Use of kitchen hoods

When cooking food, liquids evaporate intensely into the air. Therefore, the kitchen is one of the wettest rooms in the apartment. Usually in the kitchen there is ventilation duct. But without the use of forced ventilation, its power may not be enough.

That's why electric lights are built above the stove. kitchen hoods, which direct fumes into ventilation. The power of the device must correspond to the amount of evaporation and the size of the room. For a kitchen where food for the whole family is prepared daily, a hood with a capacity of 500 m³/hour will be sufficient.

Watch the video about the causes of dampness in rooms and methods to combat it.

How to get rid of dampness using folk remedies

Housewives have always tried to create a healthy atmosphere in the house. Therefore there are many simple ways get rid of dampness, which are suitable for any home.

Cleaning products

If there is an excess of humidity in the room, all surfaces should be wiped dry after wet cleaning. This especially applies to floors. After cleaning the furniture from dust, it is recommended to wipe it with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate. After cleaning the room, you need to ventilate it well.

Those places where mold has managed to grow are wiped with a rag soaked in a solution of bleach or vinegar. You can also spray the surface with a solution from a spray bottle. Bleach makes even damp corners unsuitable for fungi. Vinegar, which is essentially weak acid. In addition, these substances kill the musty smell, and after ventilation the air becomes fresh.

Sorbents: salt, sugar, coffee

An old-fashioned way to remove dampness from any room is to place substances there that absorb moisture from the air. The most popular and always on hand are sorbents such as coffee beans, salt, and sugar. Poured into breathable bags, they are placed in different places. In the wardrobe, these products are laid out on shelves in fabric bags, and open jars are placed in the pantry. These moisture traps will help dry out your apartment.

Silica gel

A modern moisture absorber is silica gel. It is produced in the form of transparent granules with a diameter of 2-6 mm. The porous structure of their surface allows them to absorb large amounts of water vapor from the air. Most types of silica gel are environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

This sorbent is poured into a tray or packed into small bags, which are placed in problem areas. The silica gel, saturated with moisture, is reactivated by heating it to a temperature of 100-150°C.

Houseplants that don't like moisture

Tropical plants require frequent watering and spraying. Such a home greenhouse can negate all efforts to drain the apartment. The evaporation from the pots and from the surface of the leaves is quite intense. It is recommended to choose drought-resistant plants that do not need to be watered abundantly.

Also, in damp rooms you should not install aquariums, decorative fountains and other devices associated with water evaporation.

Maintaining humidity at a comfortable level is of great importance for human health. Clean, dry air helps keep the building and the furnishings in the apartment in good condition. Considering the variety of means to combat dampness, everyone can choose the most suitable and effective ones. It will take some effort, but the right climate in your home is worth it.

Before deciding how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you need to find out: the moisture comes from outside or is generated inside the room.

To do this, you need to take a small piece of glass, press it tightly against the wall and hold it for a while. If, after tearing the glass away from the wall, it is wet, you can be sure that the dampness is coming from outside. Otherwise, you need to look for an internal reason.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in an apartment? First of all, lack or poor ventilation. First, check whether you covered it with wallpaper or when installing kitchen appliances.

This reason can be easily eliminated: cut out the required square on the wallpaper in place of the ventilation grille or make the correct outlet for household appliances.

Perhaps your upstairs neighbors are flooding you. Carefully inspect the ceiling throughout the apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. If you find wet spots on the ceiling or adjacent walls, go to your neighbor to sort things out.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could have formed due to poor thermal insulation of the walls or flaws in the seams of the house construction. In this case, these shortcomings must be eliminated.

How to prevent

If you dry a large amount of laundry at home, high humidity in the apartment cannot be avoided. It’s worth thinking about, maybe there is a way to stretch out the washing over time, and use the balcony rather than the bathroom to dry clothes.

If there is chronic dampness in the house, it is worth buying a dehumidifier, preferably with an automatic mode. He will independently maintain the apartment optimal humidity.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install an electric one there. It will dry not only the towels, but also the air in the room.

Any damp room should be periodically heated, dried and ventilated. This must be done even in winter. Use when cooking in the kitchen. It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

First floor

The reason for the dampness in the first floor apartment is the flooding of the basement. If this happens constantly, and complaints to the housing office do not yield results, you should think about installing waterproofing. But it also does not provide a complete guarantee against dampness.

The apartment on the ground floor also needs additional heating.

The room is heated by the rays of the sun, warm air from an air conditioner or a heated floor with a built-in electric heater - it doesn’t matter. By heating the apartment, you will drive moisture out of it.

If you are wondering how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the 1st floor, know: the flow of moisture from basement sharply intensifies in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if you correctly place heating devices in the room, the problem will be solved. There is no need to be afraid of excessive energy consumption: you will only need to turn them on twice a year, in spring and autumn, for periods lasting a maximum of a month.

Fifth floor

If you are faced with the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the top (stained) floor, perhaps these tips will help you.

In a Khrushchev building on the 5th floor, the cause of dampness is usually external. High humidity here is a direct consequence of the lack gable roof, wall insulation, poor-quality interpanel seams, cast iron batteries heating with extremely low efficiency.

Surprisingly, technical progress only makes these problems worse. The design of the Khrushchev house assumes that fresh air constantly enters the room through the cracks in the windows and goes out through the ventilation shafts.

Installing plastic windows blocks the flow of air from outside. But the ventilation on the top floor of a five-story building does not work well, since in such a structure it is mainly the lower floors that are ventilated. As a result, on the 5th floor there are always rivers in the corners and on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, you need to install an alpine window. This is a system of valves punched into the walls of each room in combination with a powerful hood.

Fresh air enters the apartment through the valves, and the exhaust extracts the exhaust humid air from it.

It’s easy to verify its effectiveness in winter: large icicles are sure to form on the valve pipes outside in cold weather. This is moisture from the air in your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in an apartment using time-tested methods? folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Salt, sugar, and coffee beans perfectly absorb moisture from the air. If you place open bags or jars with these products in the corners of the room, in closets, the apartment will “dry out”.

For the same purpose, indoor furniture should be regularly wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Wipe dry all wet surfaces. After each cleaning, thoroughly ventilate the room.


The mold must be scraped off the wall, then the walls must be coated with a solution copper sulfate or a special antifungal mixture.

You can use bleach, bleach, baking soda, vinegar, tea tree oil and regular soap solution for this.

It is necessary to provide high-quality ventilation in the house - fresh air will prevent mold from developing.

When cooking, it is better to use forced ventilation. You should also repair leaking water pipes in a timely manner, do not overcool the room, and wring out the laundry well before drying.

For the winter, use a special cord in a cotton sheath or porous pads. Seal gaps in frames plain paper for windows.

And from replacement wooden windows If you have problems with dampness, it is better to refrain from using plastic ones.

If you still decide to install plastic windows, consider a ventilation system. Fresh air will no longer be able to reach you through the window. But not everyone will dare to open the window in twenty-degree frost.

Dampness and repairs

If you have started a renovation and intend to radically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is advisable to use natural materials. They tend to absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, it is also necessary to use waterproofing materials. Include antifungal components in your grout.

Think about the future installation of furniture in advance. It should not be placed close to the walls; be sure to leave a gap.

To eliminate the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly insulate the floor, external and internal insulation walls The walls must be wiped down with a bleach solution and re-plastered.

Dampness in the apartment

IN damp apartment walls become moldy, things deteriorate, wooden objects and furniture rot and collapse. Dampness has a harmful effect on the health of household members. Should be given combating dampness Special attention. IN capital houses and structures during construction and design, a number of activities are carried out aimed at dampness prevention. But in our conditions, design mistakes are not uncommon, resulting in dampness. Dampness can appear even in a properly designed and built home.

Diseases due to dampness in the apartment

In Chinese medicine, diseases arising from dampness, are characterized by grease, dirt, unpleasant odor and stickiness. Heaviness and body aches, headaches, oily hair and shiny face, fungal diseases and purulent inflammations, joint diseases and bad smell from the mouth can cause dampness in the apartment. Long-term non-healing wounds can also be a consequence of increased humidity and dampness in the living area. Possible disturbances in the functioning of the spleen and respiratory organs. To prevent such diseases, you should maintain optimal humidity and try to get rid of dampness in the apartment.

How to recognize dampness in an apartment

Dampness in the apartment leads to the formation of fungus on the walls. The fungus appears through the finishing coating of the wall (wallpaper, plaster, paint) and appears in the form of dark or black spots. Ingoda fungus covers large areas of the walls in the apartment. Another dampness symptom there are wet things in the apartment. When putting on, wet clothes give a feeling of cold, while wet clothes are conducive to colds. Drops (dew) may appear on the walls of a house or apartment - this also indicates increased dampness in the apartment.

To determine the cause of dampness in the apartment You can conduct such an experiment. Place a piece of glass tightly against the wall for a day. It is highly advisable to choose a flat section of the wall so that the glass adheres tightly to it. Every other day, inspect the glass - if it is damp from the outside, then the cause of the dampness is in the processes occurring in the apartment; if the dampness is on the side of the wall, then the dampness in the apartment is coming from outside.

Reasons for dampness in an apartment

Reasons for the appearance dampness in the apartment there may be drying of a large amount of laundry, poor ventilation of the room, poor heating V winter period, building design flaws, etc. There are many reasons for the appearance of dampness in an apartment and they must be dealt with systematically. It should be understood that in one apartment there may be several reasons for the appearance of dampness, leading to high humidity. A common cause of dampness in apartments in panel and brick houses is insufficient thermal insulation of external walls or flaws in the seams of the building. Dampness, followed by fungus, appears especially often in corner apartments, when two walls of one room form the outer corner of the house.

Measures to get rid of dampness in the apartment

If cause of dampness is design features buildings, then the main measure to get rid of dampness should be insulation. Sealing seams between panels, insulating the outer part of the wall, insulating the inside of the apartment. When insulating the inside of an apartment, and this is usually achieved by removing the wall and laying insulation, it is imperative to carry out antifungal treatment of the walls, otherwise all the work may be in vain.

Increasing the area of ​​heating devices may also be in an effective way combating dampness in the apartment. Another climate weapon in the war against dampness and mold can be air conditioning. By drying the air, it helps remove moisture from the room.

To get rid of dampness ventilation needs to be done. Cleaning the ventilation shafts, checking the draft, and ventilating the room in dry weather is the basis for the success of combating dampness in the apartment. pay attention to washing machines with a drying function so you don’t have to dry your laundry in the apartment. Use exhaust ventilation when preparing food.

In a living room, a humidity level of 60% is considered optimal. A decrease in air humidity is allowed in summer months up to 45%. According to experts, you can easily measure the humidity level in your home using a special device - a hygrometer.

Excess humidity in the room must be combated, since it provokes not only the appearance of condensation on window glass, but also creates a favorable environment for the proliferation of fungal spores, mold, and pathogens.

The development of mold fungi indoors has a detrimental effect on human body, their spores can cause allergic reactions, headaches, shortness of breath, cough, skin inflammation, and itching. Some types of mushrooms have carcinogenic properties and increase the risk of developing cancer.

If you are interested in Canadian house price, then take care to normalize the humidity in your home. Excess moisture causes furniture, wall and ceiling coverings to become unusable, and the shelf life of food products is significantly reduced.

How to reduce air humidity in your home

1. After cooking, taking a shower or bath, or hand washing, steam accumulates, so it is important to ventilate these areas immediately to avoid excess humidity. Installing a hood is necessary if moisture appears from the shower cabin or gas stove with regular evaporation.

2. Drying clothes in the house is extremely undesirable. It is better to do this outdoors or in a spare room with closed door and an open window.

3. To bring the air humidity in the house back to normal, sunny days Do not curtain the windows in damp rooms, let the rays of the sun dry them.

4. During dry hot summers and frosty winter weather, the air outside is dry. Simple ventilation will help reduce humidity in the room.

5. Exists special device- a moisture absorber that contains an absorbent substance that absorbs excess moisture from the air, like a sponge.

6. Plastic windows - common reason high humidity in the room. Hermetically sealed closed windows- a barrier for air exchange between the interior of the building and the street. To avoid this, when choosing PVC profile windows, it is better to purchase frames with a built-in ventilation system.

7. Excess moisture Household heaters, hair dryers and candles, and indoor plants are removed from the room. Ventilation in good condition is also a good help in solving the problem of high humidity.

8. An effective way to reduce indoor air humidity is air conditioning. In addition to cooling or heating, their additional functions are air purification and dehumidification.

9. Faulty plumbing increases the overall humidity in the air, so you should replace outdated parts or repair areas where there are leaks.

10. Decorating walls with natural building materials - wood and plasterboard - helps reduce humidity. Drywall has the ability to absorb excess moisture and accumulate it, and, if necessary, evaporate. So this construction material is an excellent microclimate regulator in the house.

For a comfortable stay in the house, it is very important to create the right microclimate. To do this, you must adhere to the above rules and recommendations and choose high-quality equipment to create the necessary atmosphere for living.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil