How to tell about a person by his fingers. How to tell a person's character by their long fingers

Ecology of life. Educational: Since ancient times, poets have sung beautiful female hands, palmists predicted the future along the lines of the hand, but the followers...

Since ancient times, poets have sung the praises of beautiful women's hands, palmists predicted the future based on the lines of the hand, but followers of a later science, chirognomy, determine a person's character by the shape of the hand.

- If the size of the hand is proportional to others body parts, then its owner is a balanced, reliable person; disproportionality speaks of mental instability and possible unpredictability of behavior.

- Big hand speaks of a person’s endurance, hard work, good nature, and complaisance.

- Large and full hand a sign of soft-heartedness and weak will.

If a woman has a large, dry, knobby hand, then she has many typical male character traits; in men, a hand of this type indicates insight and a sharp mind.

- Owners of a small hand - people are sensitive, touchy, proud and irritable.

- Small and fat hand indicates a desire for sensual pleasures.

- Medium sized hand with thin hand indicates intellectual abilities.

- People with hard, strong hands distinguished by willpower, energy, and enterprise.

- Thin and delicate hands they talk about a rich imagination, but insufficient willpower.

Hand shapes are divided into seven main types.

1. Elementary hand. The palm is wide, hard; fingers are thick, inactive, as if dull. People with such hands have physical strength and are prone to physical labor. Intense mental activity is not for them.

2. Shovel-shaped hand. The shape of the fingers is spade-shaped; medium sized thumb. People with such hands feel the need for vigorous activity and physical labor, although they also have a craving for art and poetry. Owners of this type of hand are practical, conscientious, hardworking and quite emotional. They strive to assert themselves in life, are not devoid of vanity, and are sometimes capable of taking risks.

3. Practical hand. The palm is wide, slightly concave; fingers often with knots, rectangular shape; the thumb is of considerable size with a well-developed lower joint. People with such a hand are prone to organizational activities and strive for precision and accuracy in their work. They are characterized by endurance, patience, and perseverance.

4. Artistic hand. It is graceful, flexible, beautiful hand. It is distinguished by pointed fingers with elongated, almond-shaped nails, and the thumb is poorly developed. People with such a hand are impressionable, love art, poetry, and have a developed sense of beauty. They are independent, love personal freedom, and strive for creativity.

5. Intelligent (spiritual) hand. The hand is long, narrow, graceful and delicate. Fingers are smooth, thin; the thumb is well developed. Owners of this hand have a penchant for spiritual life and are indifferent to material values. They strive for moral perfection.

6. Philosophical hand. The hand is large or medium-sized, the palm is cupped, the fingers are long, with knots; the thumb is well developed. People with a philosophical hand value truth above all else. They are able to thoroughly analyze current events and show special interest in the study of social sciences, mathematics, astronomy, and chemistry.

7. Mixed type hand. This type of hand occurs when the characteristics of at least two types are combined. People with such hands are better adapted to life, as they have a variety of important qualities.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Look at your hand and compare the length of your index and ring fingers.

The index finger is shorter than the ring finger.

Such people are most often very attractive, pleasant to talk to and charismatic. They are more decisive than others, prone to risk and easily cope with emerging problems. In addition, one of their special qualities is the ability to sympathize and empathize with their interlocutor. They make excellent engineers, scientists and crossword puzzle solvers.

The index finger is longer than the ring finger.

These people are most often self-confident and self-sufficient. They enjoy their company and do not like to be disturbed over trifles. They are not the kind of people who will take the first step towards, be it new business or relationships. However, they appreciate attention and take praise favorably.

The index and ring fingers are the same length.

People with such fingers are peace-loving, good-natured and really dislike conflict situations. They are very organized in life and get along with everyone. Such people are faithful in relationships, devoted to their work and the company for which they work. However, be careful, because there is a small flame burning in them, which is better not to cause a fire. Be on their side. published

Probably no one could have thought that in order to find out about a person’s character, you just need to carefully study his fingers.
British scientists studied this topic and they managed to show the world some very interesting facts.

Take a look at your hand and compare the length of your ring and index fingers:

A. In case the ring finger is longer than the index finger.

We can say about such people that they are decisive, courageous, and some take risks. However, they are quite smart, they have logical thinking and clear reasoning. Such people easily cope with crossword puzzles and solve any logical problems easily and quickly. There is one more interesting fact– such people earn more than others. Girls need to pay attention to the length of their fingers, as well as the presence of a wedding ring on the ring finger. And if he is not there, you have a chance to connect your life with such a person who, as a rule, will be successful.

B. The ring finger is shorter than the index finger.

People whose ring finger is shorter than their index finger are often arrogant. They are self-sufficient and can safely enjoy their company while alone. Such people do not like to be disturbed. Usually such people will never be the first to propose. This applies to both relationships and business. But despite all this, they appreciate attention and take compliments and praise well.

C. The ring and index fingers are the same length.

People who have such finger length ratios are very kind and peaceful, they hate conflict situations and try in every possible way to avoid them. Such people love order and are very organized in life. Usually they find a common language with everyone and are sociable. Very devoted in relationships, as well as to their business, work, and friends.

Palmistry studies the hand as a reading of a person’s fate and character. But some people are mistaken in believing that only the lines on the palm of the hand can read information.

Very important components are the palm itself - the shape of the palm, the fingers, and the size of the hand. All this must be taken into account when reading - both individually and together - comparing and contrasting.

It is believed that there are seven types of palm shapes. The classification dates back to the times when people were strictly distributed along the social ladder - from the aristocracy to peasants engaged in manual labor. So, the types of hands are elementary, square, spatulate, conical, philosophical hand, idealistic and mixed (can contain all types).

Palm shapes

There is also a classification of palm shapes corresponding to the elements. Palm shape: Air, Fire, Water, Earth.

For example, the shape of the palm of the Fire sign is long, but the fingers are short. The shape of the Earth is also short fingers, but with a square palm. Water is a long palm and fingers, and Air is a square palm, but with long fingers.

There are also the following types of palm shape - divided into elementary palm, psychic, mobile, sensitive palm shape.

For example, the elementary shape of the palm is a broad hand, a symbol of hard work, sometimes also symbolizing a stupid person. The square palm shape is a square with short and wide fingers. Such a person works a lot, his qualities are stubbornness, honesty, perseverance. A hand in the shape of a shovel is complemented by long fingers, this is a symbol of ingenuity and originality of the owner. A wide hand with long fingers is a philosophical palm shape. This denotes a thoughtful person who prefers to be alone, to think a lot. Artistic palm shape - long fingers, long palm. Rounded fingers at the ends. All this associates creativity, impulsiveness, and emotionality.

The idealistic palm shape is long, pointed fingers. All these are signs of a person’s dreaminess and intuition. And the shape of a palm of a mixed type is a symbol of several types; here you need to look at which sign is more present.

Palm and fingers

To determine the type of person, as well as reading the hand, it is very important to look not only at the shape of the palm, but also at the shape of the fingers. There are five main types of fingers - square, rounded, tapered, pointed and spade finger shapes.

The shape of the palm and fingers shows what kind of person a person is in life.

For example, long fingers will indicate an impulsive, impatient person. Also, such people are distinguished by selfishness.
Thick fingers are a symbol of kindness. It is good to do various things with such a person; he is reliable.

When the fingers are thin, then a person loves everything beautiful and creative. Although there is some suspicion in him, he is very kind and is able to help others.

A person's flexible fingers are associated with suspicious, irritable, perhaps a gossip.

When a person’s fingers are a little knotty, it shows an analytical mind, a love for little things and details. And smooth fingers will tell about a very emotional person.

Character by palm

Let's consider the basic shapes of the palm in connection with the elements.

The earth is a palm shape that is a square with short fingers. A symbol of practicality and hard work of a person. Often such people love and are good at doing physical labor, preferring mental labor to it. They are also distinguished by honesty, sometimes such people are very creative.

Fire - palm shape, short fingers, but long palm. A symbol of energy, restlessness, but charisma. Such people can easily become leaders, they know how to lead, they lead. They achieve their goals.

Water is a long palm shape with long fingers but which become narrow at the end. These people are emotional, but sometimes selfish. They often prefer external beauty rather than spiritual beauty. But they are also people with patience and kindness.

Air, or intellectual palm shape - people with a square palm, long fingers. All this is a symbol of intelligence, rationality, organization. They will perform well both in work and in creativity. Very purposeful, and they see everything through to the end.

Shape of fingers

By the shape of your fingers you can see what kind of person he really is.

For example, fingers that are pointed at the end are a symbol of a talented person, while square shaped fingers represent sincere people.

When the shape of the finger is indefinite, it is a symbol of practicality, a business person.

But here you can also see which finger has these features. After all, it is known that each finger carries its own meaning, which means the shape of the fingers will have different characteristics. For example, if the index finger is different from others in its pointedness, then this means inspiration, and if it is square, a person likes to dream.

You can also tell a lot about a person by assessing the distances between the fingers, especially between the thumb and index, and assessing the shape of the nails. Thus, by the shape of the palm and arm it is possible to read a lot of information about a person.



There is a saying that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. But if you believe the research, the length of your fingers will tell a lot about your character traits. Exists simplest method determining personality secrets by the length of the index and ring fingers. If the fingers of the right and left hands are of different lengths, then this indicates a combination of two personality types in one person. So, a simple test.

Character test by finger length

Let's look at how to determine character by finger length, based on a simple test:

The ring finger is longer than the index finger.

Such individuals are very pleasant, have charisma, and are sociable. They are able to take risks and easily cope with the troubles that arise. In addition, one of the special qualities is the ability to compassion. Such people are scientists and engineers.

The ring finger is shorter than the index finger.

These people are distinguished by their self-sufficiency. They love to be alone with themselves; they hate being touched over trifles. These are not individuals who are able to take the first steps in any understanding. But they love the attention of others to their own personality.

The ring and index fingers are the same length.

Individuals with this feature can boast of good nature, peace-lovingness, and dislike of conflicts. They know how to organize themselves and get along with others. Such people are loyal to their spouses and their work. But remember that there is a fire inside them that can easily flare up into a fire if their opinion is not supported.

What does the length of your fingers say about your character?

Now let's take a closer look at what the length of the fingers says about human character. For this study you will need to draw your own palm on paper. Place your hand on the sheet with your palm and trace. You need to place a pencil between the little and ring fingers, near the base. Draw a dot there. Next, a line is drawn through it, which runs perpendicular to the fingers.

Mark the width of the little finger and retreat this distance from the drawn line. Now draw another line that is lower than the first one. This is the main line, it is required to measure the length of the finger. The total degree of length is calculated by comparing the middle finger and the length of the palm.

Let's look at an example of analysis. So, the length of the hand is 10.5 centimeters, and the middle finger reaches 11 cm. The remaining fingers have lengths of 10 cm, 9.5 cm and 7.3 cm. Here we can talk about the normal length of the hand, since the middle finger practically coincides with it by lenght.

Remember that hand/finger length ratios play a role in conducting a proper study, not comparing one person's fingers to another. Proportions of the sizes of all fingers in relation to the average in ideal are approximately 8, 9 and 7 cm, if the middle finger is 10. That is, if the middle finger reaches 10 cm, then the index finger is 8, the little finger is 7, and the ring finger is 9.

So, long fingers speak of an analytical mind, the ability to criticize. These people are almost immune to outside influence; they make all decisions carefully. In love, these individuals are fickle and not easy to satisfy. Too long fingers are a desire for profit, a lack of conscience.

Short fingers are evidence of an impetuous character. Such a person listens to the heart, not the mind. This causes a disregard for conventions, which leads to defiant behavior. Too short fingers belong to too primitive and undeveloped individuals.

Finger placement and character

It is worth paying attention to the placement of the fingers to determine the character. For example, wide-set fingers are evidence of an open personality. If there is a clear separation of the fingers from each other - lightness of character, generosity.

Curved fingers are evidence of adaptability, versatility, and creativity. But this is an ambiguous sign.

Interpretation of fingers

Now let's look at the interpretation of specific fingers:


A short finger speaks of carelessness, unwillingness to be responsible for oneself and others. Such people strive to work for someone, but not for themselves. Long speaks of authority and leadership qualities. If the length of the index finger coincides with the middle one, this is an indicator of intolerance and arrogance. Normal length (4/5 of the average length) is evidence of moderate initiative, normal ambition and the ability to be a leader.

Middle finger.

A short finger belongs to improvident and impetuous natures. Here the mind obeys the heart. Such people are inconsistent; all their decisions are based on instant emotions. An outstretched finger speaks of caution and reasonableness. The owner of such a finger attaches a lot of importance to his own personality. Normal length is moderate judgment, prudence, sound thinking.

Ring finger.

If the finger is 9/10 the size of the middle finger, then such individuals are prone to risk in business, perceive art critically, and are capable of love. A long finger is an indicator of passion and excitement, a tendency to make a high bet. Such individuals put everything on the line for dubious goals. Short fingers indicate an unwillingness to take risks and an inability to conduct business.

7/10 of the average length is evidence of a person’s tact and ability to find a way out of a problem. These are people with active minds. A short length indicates an impetuous character, a tendency to quarrel, and criticism. Long little fingers belong to people endowed with magnetism. They know how to influence others and are often leaders.

Bases of fingers

The junction of the fingers and palm is called the arc. When studying the arc on the hand, it becomes clear whether the fingers are evenly connected to the palm, whether there is a broken line, a bend, or whether it is smooth. The bases of the fingers also help determine character. To determine this parameter, the mark of the middle finger is taken as a basis. It is not located low, and the location of the other fingers of the hand is determined from its level.

If your fingers are connected evenly:

fastening at the same level. If this place of all fingers is on the same line, then the arc is straight. This is evidence of a strict character. These are intolerant individuals, overly ambitious;
arc-shaped attachment. When the fingers come together to form an arch, it is a smooth curve. This is the most popular base attachment. Such people are full of optimism.

When the fingers join unevenly, then this is evidence negative traits. A specific feature is determined by the finger that is located below the others:

index below. This is our ego, the inner “I”. His understated placement is evidence of shyness. Personalities;
unnamed below. Often such individuals are unsuccessful in their careers if they do work that they do not like and cannot do. The ring finger is creativity and prosperity;
little finger below. This is the area of ​​communication. If it is located low, then this is evidence of an inquisitive mind. But everything is difficult for such people; they have to actively fight for their dreams and goals. More possible problem– insufficient faith in one’s own abilities.


The fingertips are the upper phalanx. There are 5 types: spatulate, square, rounded, conical, truncated. One person sometimes has several types at once.

Spatulate tips are easily recognized because they are wider than the joint. They talk about an original, independent person. On long fingers, such tips indicate musical talent.

Pointed ends are characteristic of long fingers. They talk about creativity, impulsive nature, pedantry. This is an increase in spirituality, a deepening of superficial aspirations. But on short fingers - an indicator of hidden spirituality.

The conical shape resembles pointed fingers, but with “cut” ends. Such individuals are very lucky.

Rounded ends are the most popular. They talk about the integrity of nature. Their meaning is that they equalize qualities. To owners of long fingers, they give a dose of practicality to a dreamy disposition. Those with short ones have reduced ambitions.

Finger length and orientation

The desire of scientists to make new discoveries knows no bounds. Now they delved into palmistry and palm fortune telling. And the length of some fingers even indicates orientation, scientists say.

Let's start with the innominate and index. The length of these fingers depends on the level of testosterone in the blood. Moreover, it affects the fingers of men from the moment of conception. In other words, fate was laid down even then. And you won't change anything.

So, men who have a ring finger that is longer than the index finger do not need to worry. Their sexual orientation is traditional, and success awaits them in business. They are capable of achieving heights in sports.

But if the index finger is longer than the ring finger, then scientists believe that such men are inclined to become gay. They will never succeed in business.

March 21, 2014, 11:23