Heat supply to apartments. Lost or lost heat. When does the heating season start?

Many people complain about the low temperature of the batteries in winter central heating. As a result, the apartment is cold and uncomfortable, and children often get sick. Meanwhile, there are standards approved by the relevant Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (No. 354 of May 6, 2011), which regulate the procedure for the provision of utility services.

It describes in sufficient detail when heating should begin to be supplied to apartment buildings, and how utilities should be provided. The document provides requirements for air temperature in living rooms, as well as the procedure for payment for services provided.

Start of the heating season

In autumn, when the air temperature outside fluctuates quite widely, heating season start if the average value remains below 8 °C for five days. On the sixth day, heat will begin to flow into the apartments. If after four cold days it becomes warmer on the fifth day, the start of the heating period will be delayed. In spring, the season ends with an average daily temperature above 8 °C, again for five days.

This is a general requirement for everyone multi-storey buildings. However, the latest edition of the resolution contains certain changes. So, if all necessary measures for room insulation, supply hot water into the batteries should be carried out immediately after the air temperature outside approaches the calculated value adopted when designing the heating system of a particular house. In other words, the normative act provides for the possibility individual approach to a specific house.

Are interruptions in the heat supply acceptable?

The resolution provides for round-the-clock uninterrupted heat supply. However, if an unforeseen situation occurs, an interruption in the heat supply is still possible. At the same time, for each month the total rate of breaks is set to 24 hours.

The duration of each heating system shutdown period is strictly regulated. It directly depends on the air temperature inside the apartment. The planned work must be completed to a maximum of:

  • 16 hours at temperatures above +12 °C;
  • 8 hours at +10 °C – +12 °C;
  • 4 hours at +8 °C – +10 °C.

For the utility service to comply renovation work as quickly as possible, it is possible to reduce the amount of payment. If for some reason it takes longer to respond to an emergency, the service company's invoice must be reduced by 0.15% for each hour exceeding regulatory requirements.

Temperature indicators

The air temperature in the apartment must be within specified limits. The regulatory document establishes not only the minimum, but also the maximum value.

What could be the minimum?

The minimum value depends on the location of the room in the apartment. As a rule, for residential premises this figure is +18 °C. However, if we are talking about a corner apartment, then the minimum value rises to +20 °C. Obviously, the corner room will be a little colder than others, so even at the design stage of a residential building, additional batteries are provided to ensure regulatory requirements when the season starts.

For those who live in fairly cold regions or if it is -31°C or below outside for five days, the minimum normal value increases. The minimum value becomes +20 °C, for corner rooms + 22 °C.

At night, a slight reduction in the degree of heating of water in the batteries is acceptable. From midnight to five o'clock in the morning, the air can be three degrees colder. A greater deviation is unacceptable, as is a decrease in temperature from five o'clock in the morning to midnight.

TO non-residential premises other requirements apply. What temperature there will be depends on its purpose. In the bathroom it should be about +25 °C, at landing+16 °C, elevator +10 °C, but in the attic only + 4 °C.

Is there a maximum set?

Most often, residents of high-rise buildings complain about the cold. However, a limit on the maximum level of water heating in the batteries is also set. Thus, the air temperature in living rooms should not be more than four degrees above normal. In other words, the current standard for maximum air temperature is + 21°C.

Therefore, the air in the living rooms of a multi-storey building should warm up to 18 °C - 21 °C, in the corner rooms to 20 °C - 23 °C.

Possible sanctions

If the service organization does not meet the standards established by law, the size of the utility bill must be revised. The legislation provides for a reduction in the charge for each hour when the temperature did not meet regulatory requirements.

For the calculation, a rate of 0.15% is taken for each hour when the level of water heating in the batteries was below the corresponding value or, conversely, above it. It is noted that the amount of the discount cannot be more than the amount full payment for the period when the batteries were cold coolant. Regulatory document the possibility of complete exemption from payment is provided.

How to attract a service organization?

The resolution instructs the contractor to independently register the fact of deterioration in the quality of the services provided, with mandatory notification to the consumer. This means that in the event of heating interruptions, utility companies must promptly notify residents of the reasons, indicating the expected duration of repair work.

Filing an application

Residents of the apartment must also notify the emergency dispatch service that it is cold in their apartment. The message can be conveyed orally or in writing, indicating contact information.

The employee, having accepted the information and introduced himself, is obliged to register a message indicating the exact time of receipt of the application. This directly determines what the payment amount will be after the recalculation has been made.

Checking and appointment of examination

After receiving the information, a verification is carried out. The regulation requires that the consumer be present within two hours, unless the owner of the apartment specifies a different time.

After the inspection, a corresponding act must be drawn up indicating the presence or absence of violations, which all interested parties must sign. If disagreements arise, an examination may be ordered.

Even if the examination is initiated by the consumer, the payment for it is made by the contractor. However, if the heating service meets the standard indicators, the consumer will be obliged to reimburse the amount spent by the service organization.

What to do if there is no result?

If the contractor did not meet the deadlines allotted by law or did not organize round-the-clock work of the emergency service, the act is drawn up independently and signed by at least two consumers and the chairman of the house council. Moreover, it has the same legal force as an act drawn up in the presence of a representative of the executor. From the moment it is signed, the countdown for the provision of low-quality services will begin.

The heating battery is the main element of the heating system in a city apartment, an effective household device for transferring heat. The coziness and comfort of living of all residents of the house largely depends on the batteries (radiators) and their temperature.

In this article we will tell you: what should be the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment, what are its standards and whether interruptions in the heat supply are acceptable.

Start of the heating season

The beginning of the supply of heating to residential apartments is indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 N 354. The document states that as soon as average daily temperature air temperature on the street is below +8 ºС and remains unchanged for 5 days in a row; heating is turned on in the apartments.

In all other cases, the moment of heat supply can be delayed legally. Detailed information about when Which temperature turn on heating in apartments You can read.

Note: heat will begin to flow into apartments no earlier than on the 6th day after the recorded air temperature readings outside.

In the majority regions of the country heating season begins from mid-October and ends in April.

Reasons for the lack of heat in the apartment

Situations are possible when, due to the negligent attitude of the heat supply company to its own responsibilities, heat is not supplied to the apartments. Why? The reasons for the lack of heat include:

  • Breakdown of the heating system of the house;
  • Filling of pipes that conduct heat into houses with air;
  • Unfinished renovation work.

If the delay in heating supply is caused by a breakdown intra-house system, then until the problem is fixed, it is impossible to correct the situation.

If the reason for the delay is in filling the heating supply pipes with air, you must contact the operating organization. The specialist must “blow out” the batteries within 24 hours after the call, and there will be no obstacles to filling them with circulating liquid.

Why is the heat supply to the radiators interrupted?

The beginning of the heating season does not mean its continuity. Sometimes the heating supply is temporarily stopped, which raises a lot of questions and indignation from the population.

It is important to know that legally, interruptions in heating supply can be:

  • Maximum 24 hours. Provided that the minimum air temperature in the apartment is +12 ºС;
  • Maximum 8 hours. If the temperature drops to between +10 and +12 ºС;
  • No more than 4 hours if the thermometer shows +8 ºС and below.

All downtime periods are indicated in total for the month. If residents notice that these values ​​are exceeded, they should file a complaint with the responsible organization. Familiarize with optimal Temperature indicators in an apartment in winter can be found in .

Heating radiator temperature standards

Heating system apartment building- the result of engineering work. This is a complex mechanism consisting of many elements.

Therefore, it is so important to follow the rules for installing and operating heating radiators in every apartment. Otherwise, the heat will be distributed unevenly, which will lead to the fact that one apartment will be warm and the next one will be cold.

An important point is also . To avoid such situations, we came up with appropriate valid values(standards).

Acceptable minimum battery temperature

Like anyone else index, important for normal vital activity person ( , etc.) battery temperature during the heating season must have acceptable minimum.

However, the minimum temperature of batteries in apartments by law and regulations not registered. This means that the indicator should be such that was preserved permissible temperature air in the apartment (+18 to + 25 degrees).

Obviously, which is unacceptable low battery temperatures, achieve normal air temperature throughout the apartment impossible.

What should the maximum value be?

In contrast to the minimum, the maximum value is precisely specified in SNiP 41-01-2003 “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning”. This document defines the standards established for indoor heating system elements:

  • Maximum acceptable norm the temperature of the batteries in the apartment is considered to be 95°C with a two-pipe heating system;
  • With a single-pipe heating system, the temperature maximum is 115°C;
  • The recommended temperature is between 85°C and 90°C. This is due to the fact that 100°C is the boiling point of water. When this indicator is reached, special measures are taken to prevent boiling;

Note: Despite the fact that the maximum temperature is 115 °C, operating batteries in this mode is not recommended. They break quickly if they work under such increased load.

How to measure battery temperature?

If you suspect that the batteries are not heating well, you can measure their temperature. There are several ways to measure battery temperature, namely:

  • An ordinary thermometer. In this case, 1-2°C should be added to the measured surface area of ​​the heating device;
  • Using an infrared thermometer;
  • Use an alcohol thermometer to measure the temperature of the battery by taping it tightly to it. For accurate measurement, you need to cover the thermometer with heat-insulating material.

It is important: The device used to measure battery temperature must have a quality certificate. The measurement range should be from 5 to 40 degrees C - this greatly minimizes the measurement error. The permissible error is no more than 0.1 g. C of measurement.

If the battery temperature significantly doesn't reach recommended quantities should be written application V management company to take measurements. Commission in the presence of the apartment tenant will carry out control measuring the fluid circulating in the battery and will establish inconsistency.

Note: Before measuring the temperature of the batteries, measure the temperature of the hot water from the tap. These indicators are interrelated with each other. If the thermometer readings are in the range from 60 to 75 °C, this is considered normal; if lower, this is a deviation from it.

What to do if there is no heating?

If you can’t wait for heating, it’s time to take decisive action. First, we need to understand the reason for what is happening. If it turns out that a breakdown in the heating system at home, it needs to be eliminated. If the supply company is to blame for the heating delay, you need to prove that the apartment is cold.

To do this, together with a representative of the operating company, it is necessary to measure the temperature in each room. If it turns out to be lower, it is important to record the readings.

Based on the results of measurements, the service company is obliged to take action, correct the situation and recalculate heating fees during periods of discrepancy. If there is no action on the part of the responsible company, it can be held administratively liable for violating public utility rules.

The minimum permissible air temperature in a living room in winter is +18 °C. As soon as an underestimated value of this indicator is recorded, the organization supplying heat is obliged to reduce the payment for it by 0.15% for each hour of violation.

If the recalculation did not motivate the responsible organization to correct the errors, a collective complaint should be filed by the residents of the house about violation of the temperature regime. It will become the basis for going to court. For violations, the organization supplying heat may be seriously fined.

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Heat supply to the house must be carried out in accordance with the standards established by the Government. If violations occur, residents have the right to contact the management company with a demand to normalize heating and recalculate utility bills.

What temperature should the batteries be?

The heating season begins in autumn. There is no exact start date, but there are certain rules for heat supply. If the outside temperature stays around +8 degrees Celsius for 5 days, then on the sixth day heating is turned on. Temperature indicators indoors depend on several components:

  • battery temperatures;
  • heat output inside a living space;
  • apartment area;
  • frequency of room ventilation;
  • location of rooms in general structure houses (corner apartments and colder rooms);
  • construction and insulation materials for house walls.

According to Government Decree No. 354 of May 6, 2011, the following temperature standards in the apartment are provided:

  • residential part: +18° C;
  • corner room: +20° C;
  • kitchen: +18° C;
  • sanitary facility: +25° C;
  • landing: +16° C;
  • elevator: +5° C;
  • basement: +4° C;
  • attic: +4° C.

It should be noted that in the Northern regions temperature conditions a little more (in the living room: +20° C, in the corner room: +22° C). Measurements are made with a special thermometer, which must be located no lower than 1.5 m above the floor and no closer than 1 m to the wall. Measurements are carried out within 10 minutes.

The batteries must warm the room to the above values. Otherwise, residents have the right to expect a recalculation of utility bills. Permissible deviation of the water temperature in the batteries during the daytime: 3° C. At night (from 00:00 to 05:00) - up to 5° C. A greater decrease in temperature is not allowed except in emergency situations.

According to the standards approved by GosStroy Resolution No. 170 of September 27, 2003, when supplying water from bottom to top, the following temperature conditions are established:

Outdoor temperature (degrees Celsius)

Feed pipe (degrees Celsius)


Important: in accordance with SNiP - 01/41/2003, the maximum permissible water temperature in a two-pipe system is 95 ° C, in a single-pipe system - 105 ° C.

How to measure battery temperature?

To measure, you need to take a glass of hot water from the battery and place the thermometer there.

Additional methods:

  • Measuring the temperature of the pipe itself. 1-2° C is added to the obtained value.
  • Taking measurements using an infrared thermometer-pyrometer. It determines temperature with an accuracy of 0.5° C.
  • Measurement using an alcohol thermometer. It is glued to the battery and wrapped with any warm insulating material. This device allows you to constantly be aware of temperature fluctuations.
  • Measurement using an electrical device.

What to do if the batteries do not heat up?

At the request of the apartment owner, a representative from the management company (or utility service), which measures heat. The procedure can only be carried out using a device that has passed verification. Its range should be from +5 to 40° C with an error of 0.1° C.

The obtained values ​​are entered into a report, on the basis of which a decision is made to eliminate the violation and recalculate (if the temperature is below the established standards).

If the management company is inactive, then the tenant of the apartment building has the right to file a complaint with:

  • Housing inspection. This is the body that monitors the implementation of housing legislation; technical condition MKD; provision of utilities in full. The claim is submitted in person to the office; by registered mail; in electronic form (if such a method is provided in the region).
  • Rospotrebnadzor. You can contact the structure if the service is not provided in full, but a fee is charged for it. You can file a complaint through the official website (section “Reception of Citizens’ Appeals”); mail; reception area of ​​the organ.
  • The prosecutor's office. When filing a complaint, be sure to indicate the address and full name of the complainant. This is necessary to provide an answer. If violations are detected, the prosecutor has the right to issue an order to eliminate them or apply to the court to protect the interests of a person (group of persons).
  • Court. This is the last resort that can help the homeowner. The judge makes a decision on the recalculation of heating fees, as well as on the obligation to eliminate the shortcomings.

Thus, the heat supply is carried out in accordance with the standards for heating an apartment (registered in SNiP). In case of low temperature readings, the owner has the right to apply to the Criminal Code to eliminate the violations and recalculate utility bills.

T in the home is influenced by:

  • Climate.
  • Seasons.
  • Individual features of housing.

Normal temperatures may vary in different areas. For example, in the southern and northern regions, in the eastern and western, its numbers vary.

Due to the alternation of seasons, the microclimate also changes. IN summer period Temperatures rise and fall significantly in winter.

Features of housing layout also affect the maintenance of comfortable living. For example, in a corner apartment the degree of warmth is slightly lower.

The human factor is also involved in creating temperature characteristics. Each person has his own concept of heat and coolness. Women are naturally thermophilic; they need a slightly higher temperature than men. Young children do not know how to independently maintain their body temperature; they can easily become overheated or overcooled, which negatively affects their health.


Temperature regulation is carried out in accordance with GOSTR and the rules of the organization providing public services.

  • A temperature of 20 to 25°C is considered comfortable.
  • During the cold season 19 – 22 C.
  • In the heat 22 - 25 C.

Temperature different rooms:

  1. Bedroom 17-18°C. In such conditions, the body rests and recovers.
  2. Kitchen 18-19°C. Saturated with heat-emitting electrical appliances, high t is not required.
  3. Bath 24-26°C. Because of high humidity dampness and discomfort arise. Requires t higher than other rooms.
  4. Children's room 23-24°C. Babies need a higher degree of warmth because they do not regulate their heat exchange well.
  5. Others 18-22°C.

Do not create sudden changes in heat between rooms, no more than 2°.

Heating season

In Government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011, it is clearly stated heating season. Based on this decree, heat enters our homes with a persistent decrease in temperature environment less than eight degrees for eight days.

On the sixth day we may not receive the required service if:

  • No preliminary preparation of heat supply networks has been carried out. Usually all repair work is carried out in the summer.
  • Accident. In case of a sudden breakdown, preventive measures may be powerless. Many factors such as strong winter frosts or the enormous summer heat, contribute to the rapid wear of communications.

The standard is developed for apartments with centralized heat supply. Having individual heating You don’t have to wait for the start of the season, but rather regulate the temperature in the house yourself.

The beginning of the heating season does not have a fixed date in our country. Depends on natural factors. Severe cold weather can occur in early or mid-autumn.

The approximate start date for heat delivery is the end of September and mid-October.

What temperature should it be in a corner apartment?

The temperature in a corner apartment should be two degrees higher than in others and is 20 degrees, the base one is 18. To maintain the given figure, in a cooler corner apartment, an additional battery is added to the project even before construction.

Optimal t mode:

  • Bedroom 20–22.
  • Children's 20-25.
  • Kitchen 19–21.
  • Bath 24–26.
  • Others 20–22.

Allowed t mode:

  • Bedroom 18–24.
  • Children's 20–24.
  • Kitchen 18–26.
  • Bath 18–26.
  • Others 18–24.

What temperature should the batteries be?

The temperature in our batteries is constantly changing, it mainly depends on weather changes, but it never goes above 90 degrees, this is enough to maintain comfortable conditions even in severe frosts. The main thing is a radiator of the appropriate brand with the necessary heat output.

Usually throughout the year the water is heated to 50–70 degrees, in the summer it is supplied to the tap marked “for hot”, and in the winter to the heating system.

The easiest way to measure:

  • Place the thermometer in the container.
  • Fill hot water from the tap.

Deviation is allowed only upward by 4 degrees.

Other measurement methods:

  1. Place the thermometer on the battery and add one to two degrees to the resulting figure.
  2. Buy an infrared thermometer, it’s a little more expensive, but it measures with an accuracy of 0.5 degrees.
  3. Connect an electrical device equipped with the “measure temperature” function to the battery using a thermocouple wire. Record the indicators.

Device for continuous thermometry:

  • Choose the most appropriate place on the radiator.
  • Place the most common alcohol thermometer.
  • Secure with foam rubber for thermal insulation.

Fast, inexpensive, convenient and the temperature is regularly monitored.

Important. If the temperature does not meet the specified standard, file a complaint with the housing and communal services department. The arriving commission will determine the temperature of the water in the heating system. They are required to act in relation to paragraph 4 in the “Control Methods” of GOST 3049-96. The measuring device has a quality certificate, registration and verification. The error in its operation is no more than 0.1 degrees.

How to fix problems

Heating problems are immediately visible. Cold and constant dampness, the appearance of fungus on the walls. Nothing comfortable for human body accommodation is out of the question.

Main signs of problems:

  1. The radiator has a small leak.
  2. Uneven heating when using “warm floor” equipment.
  3. Seething and noise in pipes.
  4. Uneven heat distribution across floors.
  5. Different degrees of heat from radiators in different rooms of the same apartment.
  6. Poorly functioning system overall.

Barely warm batteries- the most important sign of your problems.

Reasons for this situation:

  • Incorrect design.
  • Incorrect equipment installed.
  • Unauthorized connections.
  • Poor quality installation of the system.
  • Presence of air in pipes.
  • Violations when installing radiators.
  • Pipe wear.
  • Lack of tightness of connections.

Step-by-step instructions for troubleshooting problems

  1. Entrust the design only to experienced specialists who will take into account all the features of housing:
    • Layout.
    • Volume of heated area.
    • Possible loss of heat.
  2. Install equipment based on the design. Pick up suitable friend It's very easy to install faucets, pipes, sections these days.
  3. To avoid unbalancing the system, do not change radiators yourself. You must obtain permission to this type work and invite an experienced specialist.
  4. Water does not circulate well due to improper welding polypropylene pipe, the inside diameter has decreased. The Contractor must eliminate his shortcomings free of charge.
  5. To prevent the occurrence air jams, install special automatic air vents. They independently release the system, preventing the accumulation of air.
  6. To avoid problems with the radiator, hang it on strong brackets to prevent sagging and distortions. At a distance of 10 centimeters from the floor and 2-3 from the wall.
  7. You can repair a leak in a pipe in an accessible place yourself. Wrap with soft rubber and secure with wire. If the breakdown is hidden in the wall or floor, you will have to use the services of a specialist.
  8. Rust and limescale reduce the permeability of pipes; to prevent such complications, introduce water softening substances into the system.

Important! Don’t wait until the heating season starts; inspect all the pipes and radiators in your apartment in advance.

Don’t skimp on equipment; repairing your neighbors’ flooded apartment will cost more.

Not all plastic pipes are suitable for heating installation; hot water can cause them to melt or burst.

Recalculation of heating payments

If the temperature in the apartment does not meet the specified standards, you must submit your requirements in writing to the housing and communal services department. Within two days, a special commission, after inspecting the housing and measuring the temperature in the radiators, will confirm the violation.

When the temperature in the rooms is 14 degrees Celsius, citizens have the right not to pay for this utility service. And the relevant organizations are obliged to carry out recalculation, guided by Appendix 1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens.”

Recalculation is made in the following cases:

  • The daytime temperature in the living room is less than +18, for the corner room +20.
  • Frost is -30, and heating standards have not been increased to +20 and +22, respectively.
  • The total shutdown time during the month is above 24 hours. It should be noted that interruptions in heat supply must be recorded. You can't prove anything without paper.
  • One-time shutdown at external t -12 for more than 16 hours.

You must also submit an application for recalculation:

  1. In case of radiator failure.
  2. Registration of a subsidy.
  3. If the quality of the services offered is poor.

Recalculation will be refused if:

  1. Heat loss recorded. There is no insulation of walls, windows, doors.
  2. The risers are filled with air.
  3. Reduced heat transfer from radiators.

Recalculation is possible once during the year. Before starting the procedure, carefully weigh the pros and cons. The process is lengthy and requires a lot of documents. Careful preparation is needed.

Reading time: 6 minutes

The annual rise in price of resources forces the end consumer to think not only about their savings, but also about the quality of the utility services provided. One of the most significant expense items in paying for an apartment is heating, so consumers monitor its parameters especially carefully. To do this, it is worth finding out what the normal temperature of the batteries in the apartment is in 2019.

Temperature standards for the heating system in an apartment building

The heating scheme in apartment buildings is built in cooperation with centralized system, to which the pipes are connected. Through them, the coolant is directed to the apartment building, where its further supply is regulated by inlet valves. After this, the water goes through the risers and eventually ends up in the radiators and radiators of each apartment.

The described processes, as well as everything related to the rules for providing the population with utility resources, are reflected in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings” (hereinafter referred to as Decree No. 354). Heating quality requirements are set out in Section VI of Appendix No. 1 to the rules of Decree No. 354.

In addition, detailed rules for the provision of heating services are prescribed in the Order of Rosstandart dated June 11, 2014 No. 544-st “GOST R 51617-2014. National standard Russian Federation. Housing and communal services and management apartment buildings. Public utilities. General requirements"(hereinafter - GOST R 51617-2014) and "GOST 30494-2011. Interstate standard. Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters”, approved by order of Rosstandart dated July 12, 2012 No. 191-st (hereinafter referred to as GOST 30494-2011).

These acts establish the parameters of the coolant for the heating system of an apartment building. Thus, the temperature of the coolant (water) when supplied to the system is equal to the temperature of the water when it leaves the heating boiler. As a rule, the coolant should be brought to a temperature of 130-150 °C, but this indicator also depends on the outside temperature in the region.

Typically, the water leaving the boiler should have a temperature of 115 °C.

However standard temperature in a heating system it can be within 95 °C or 105 °C (for different systems).

Next, to create comfortable conditions in the room, the proper state of the parameters of the riser, which conducts water from thermal unit to the apartment. They vary depending on the summer and winter seasons.

Of course, in practice, the temperature of the coolant in the riser depends on the operation of the thermal power plant and on heat loss on the way to the house. However, the riser temperature in winter should be in the range of 70-90 °C.

Air temperature standards in the apartment

The feeling of comfort from heating a room is subjective. However, there are uniform standards determined by the physiological needs of a person, as well as the purpose of the premises in which he resides.

Although there is a fairly large range of standards that prescribe what the temperature of the water in the heating system of an apartment building should be, the standards thermal regime air quality in the apartment is very clear.

So, in accordance with the standards, during the heating season the following temperature regime must be maintained in the apartment:

  • in the living room - 18 °C;
  • in a living corner room - 20 °C;
  • in the bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the toilet (separated from the bathroom) - 18 ° C;
  • in a shared bathroom - 25 °C;
  • in the kitchen - 18 °C.

Factors affecting room heating include thermal conductivity, other specifications, as well as the procedure for installing batteries. Therefore, compliance with the rules for their installation and use will ensure that the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment and in the house meets the established standards.

In addition, you should carefully consider determining the number of battery sections depending on the area of ​​the room. For example, a device in which the coolant is heated to an identical temperature will have a different effect on the heat flow with sections 5 and 7 on it.

Minimum value

In order to ensure air heating standards in residential premises, certain temperature conditions of radiators must be observed. However, at the legislative level, the minimum permissible temperature of the battery itself is not established.

It is logical that at low temperatures heating equipment it is impossible to provide +18-25 °C in housing during the cold season.

If the batteries do not provide the proper level of heating, it is worth starting to look for the cause. Before checking the temperature of the pipes, you should pay attention to the placement of the device and the availability of free access to the battery.

It is quite possible that the only problem is that the radiator is covered with furniture that prevents the circulation of heated air, or is fenced with a special protective panel.

Maximum value

In turn, more attention has been paid to what the upper norm should actually be in winter. Yes, the permissible maximum temperature norm radiator temperature in a living room is 95 °C if the home is equipped with a two-pipe heating system.

If the system is one-pipe, Maximum temperature batteries should not exceed 115°C.

It should be noted that as optimal recommendation the figure given is 85-90°C. It is defined for practical purposes. This maximum water temperature in the heating system of an apartment building is associated with water boiling at 100°C. If this figure is exceeded, the radiator fails faster.

Take a sociological survey!

How to find out the temperature of the coolant in the batteries

When doubts arise about the quality of the heating services provided, and the inhabitants of the apartment simply begin to freeze, measures should be taken to determine the cause. To do this, measure the temperature:

  • air in the room;
  • pipes;
  • batteries;
  • coolant - water in the heating system.

The data obtained will help you understand whether the room is really unreasonably cold or whether it is just a subjective feeling.

It must be taken into account that independent measurements of heating indicators are not direct evidence of violation of standards. However, they can serve as a basis for filing a complaint and inviting representatives of the service organization for control measurements.

Determining the water temperature in the central system

It should be noted that reliably measuring the temperature of the coolant in a central heating system is not so easy. Most accurate indicator All that remains is the air temperature in the room. However, you can do the following:

  1. Open the tap if it is installed on the radiator in the apartment.
  2. Place a container under it, after placing a thermometer there.
  3. Collect water.
  4. Wait for the final thermometer reading.

This indicator must comply with the described standards, but upward deviation from them is also allowed. Maximum temperature deviation - up to 4 °C.

In addition, if air is detected in the heating system of the apartment, you should contact the service organization.

Determining hot water indicators

There is another way to establish the truth, related to the fact that the temperature heating batteries in the apartment and hot water supply indicators are directly related. Therefore, it is advisable to measure the water degree like this:

  1. Open the hot tap.
  2. Wait 3 minutes for the water to heat up to maximum.
  3. Take a container and place it under the stream without closing the tap.
  4. Place the thermometer in the center of the container.
  5. Wait for the final readings from the device to be received.

If the device shows a number from 60 to 75 °C, everything is normal with the coolant. If the temperature data is lower, it is possible that the water in the heating system is not heated enough.

How to measure battery temperature correctly

When the issue with the coolant is clarified, you can think about how to measure the temperature of the battery in the apartment. This is easy to do in the following ways:

  1. Use a regular household thermometer. You need to apply it to the battery and wait until it warms up. To account for the error, it is better to add 1-2 degrees to the data obtained.
  2. Use an alcohol thermometer, attaching it to the radiator with tape, and then insulating it with insulating material, such as foam rubber. The information obtained by this method is indicative in dynamics. The device can be left for a long period to continuously monitor the situation.
  3. Use an infrared thermometer. In practice, they have a small error and do not require direct contact with heating device. And the result is given instantly.
  4. Use electric measuring device with thermal ramp and sensor. The sensor is installed on the battery, and when the “measure temperature” function is selected, the device displays its value.

What to do if standards are violated

If you find that the radiators in the apartment are cold, you should find out whether this is a problem exclusively for this room or whether all residents of the house are faced with it. A collective appeal always attracts more attention than an individual one.