I can't close the watch after replacing the battery. How to change the battery in a wristwatch yourself

Yana Volkova July 29, 2018

A modern person rarely has to worry about the problem of replacing a battery in a wristwatch. Usually they are changed at points of sale quickly and free of charge. But sellers are different. It happens that behind the counter you are greeted by a charming young lady who may understand the sizes and manufacturers of batteries, but has no idea how to design a wrist accessory. This problem is also familiar to those who go on long hikes or whose work involves constant exposure to nature. A watch is irreplaceable, and a spare battery should always be in your pocket.

Variety of batteries for watches

Pocket and wrist watches – the time of quartz devices

Mechanical watches – prestige and status. And often also the memory of those beloved relatives to whom they belonged. Modern quartz watches are certainly an elegant accessory, but also a necessity to constantly be in the flow of time and monitor it. Winding a mechanical watch is a beautiful procedure, a kind of ritual. Replacing the battery in a wristwatch is an important routine. Let's find out what is needed for this.

What will you need to open and remove the cover? Determining the type of protection

So, let’s say that you have a bloody nose and need to insert the battery into your watch yourself - the mechanism is standing, the time-measuring device will soon come in handy, there is a spare battery. In a good watch, the battery and mechanism are reliably protected by a cover that can be attached in at least three ways:

  • screwed on with screws;
  • closed with a screw mechanism;
  • closed with a slamming mechanism.

These methods determine how to correctly and accurately remove the cover of a wrist or pocket watch without damaging your valuable device and precious nerves.

Pocket and wristwatch cover – reliable protection

Method No. 1. How to open a watch with a snap cover using your fingernail?

Changing the battery in a quartz wristwatch with this type of cover will not be difficult. special labor. Look carefully at the back of your accessory and feel for something like a notch or indentation. Then pick up this place with your fingernail and pull the watch cover towards you. The threat of ruining your manicure undoubtedly exists.

If you have small scissors, a knife or something similar that is flat and hard on hand, use it

And leave damage to your nails to a completely hopeless situation. Be careful if the back of your watch just won't open, no matter how hard you try. Stop damaging property. You may be dealing with a screw cap.

Method No. 2. How to unscrew a screw-down back cover with a rubber ball?

Ideally, you should have a caliper handy for this type of cap. It's better to use it like this:

  1. Spread the tool along the width of the marks and tighten the bolt firmly.
  2. Insert the caliper into the two recesses and smoothly begin to unscrew the cover to the left.

But calipers are not always accessible tool. It’s still somehow easier to find a rubber ball. To do this, firmly press the watch cover without a recess with a rubber ball (little by little!) to ensure its reliable adhesion to the surface.

Keep the watch in one place and rotate the ball counterclockwise without lifting it from the lid. As the ball turns, the defense must also move. If everything works out, then carefully unscrew the cap all the way with your fingertips.

  1. Open the scissors.
  2. Install their tips into two opposite grooves in the cover.
  3. Secure with a little force and begin turning the scissors counterclockwise.
  4. Has the lid given way? Unscrew it all the way with your fingers.

And please be very, very careful with scissors! Do not accidentally injure yourself or others.

Vernier calipers are a safe tool for opening the watch cover.

Method No. 3. How to unscrew a tight back cover or a cover with screws?

You can open the watch to change the battery with your fingernail only if a couple of conditions are met:

  1. The nail is quite strong and long.
  2. The screws are not tightened too tightly.

But for a more successful result, it is more convenient to use scissors, a knife or a screwdriver of the appropriate size. Simply place one tip of the tool into the groove on the head of one of the screws. Be sure to press the end of the tool firmly into the grooves and do not lose your grip as you turn them. Unscrew all the screws one by one and carefully place them in one place. They are small and instantly lost.

Changing the battery

Hooray! The cover is off! The battery is in front of us. What's next? And then, to successfully change the battery in a quartz wristwatch without damaging it, use tweezers or small tweezers. Pull them out old battery, but first remember its correct location in the clock. Confusing a plus with a minus is a questionable procedure for a fragile device.

If the size and shape of the new battery completely matches the old one, also carefully insert it into place in the watch using pliers or tweezers, observing the polarity

Check the clock operation. Are they coming? Wonderful! No? Check again the contact of the battery in the mechanism and, if possible, its expiration date. If everything is ok, but the clock still does not work, then contact a specialist. The risk of the watch breaking is high.

Carefully replacing the battery with tweezers

Put the cover in place

In any case, you should still close the back cover of the watch after replacing or removing the battery. If you find something to unscrew the protection with, use the same thing to screw it back. Only with a rubber ball, do everything in the reverse order - first, carefully screw it in with your fingers, and then press the ball and screw it all the way. Don't overdo it! Simply press the slamming lid firmly with the right side, most often until it clicks lightly.

These are the simple tricks for replacing batteries. Don’t forget to set the hands on the dial to the correct time and get ready to answer the simple question “What time is it?” for another couple of years. Can you tell me?" And this watch will help you with this:

Women's watch with crystals on a ceramic bracelet, OKAMI(price on the link)

Classic mechanics for lazy amateur watchmakers

Lids for preservation

Screw-on lids are a paradise for the housewife who has despaired of handling the seamer when canning with simple lids with an insertable rubber band.

Seaming machines often break down and then do not close at all or cannot press the lid and attach it to the glass of the jar very tightly. If the jar is not closed tightly, the products will deteriorate. And this is so offensive! So much work in a hot, stuffy kitchen, so many products, and suddenly it turns out that the jars are swollen (that is, the lids on them) or have completely fallen off.

Therefore, in order not to be unnecessarily upset, you need to either buy a reliable seaming machine for lids, or switch to twist-off screw caps.

Jars with a screw neck, closed with twist-off lids are the most common containers in which we buy mushrooms, jam, compotes, canned tomatoes, lecho, gherkins, ketchups in glass jars, mussels, some types of cheese, sun-dried tomatoes in oil, juices and baby food. Twist-off technology is also used for capping medicines, and for beer caps.

Twist-off caps come in different sizes

How the screw cap works

A hot lid heated over steam or in hot water at a temperature of no more than 60 C, it is screwed on and fits tightly to the glass of the jar.

The polymer coating on the inside of the lid, which acts as a gasket (sealant), softens in heat and allows you to close the jar with the lid as tightly as possible, without gaps. As it cools, the top of the lid is pulled inward (a slight click is heard) and a dry vacuum effect is created inside the jar.

Rules for using twist-off caps

    Do not tighten more than the thread allows, do not overtighten. Otherwise, you will break the lid.

    You need to install the cover, getting into the thread, and screw it on these rails. Otherwise, cracks will form and mold may appear in canned food.

    Close canned food with a lid immediately after filling the jars.

    Do not overfill jars. The jars should be filled with contents as much as possible, but not reach 1 cm from the edge of the jar.

How to Store Screw-Lid Jars

Most canned foods can be stored with screw-on lids in a warm (but not hot), dry, and well-ventilated area. Do not expose canned food to sudden temperature fluctuations to avoid condensation.

However, if you can preserve jam with a small amount of sugar or compotes without sugar, or make other preparations that require more careful storage, they should be stored at lower temperatures (in the refrigerator or in the basement).

Before storing jars, jars with hot contents must be cooled to room temperature and check for leaks (turn the jar upside down and see if the rim of the lid is wet).

The shelf life of canned food in screw-necked jars closed with screw lids is 6 months or more.

Lifespan of screw caps

Twistable, screw-on lids - reusable. If you handle them carefully and do not clean off the varnish and the polymer inner layer of the lid with a hard sponge, the lid will last 4-5 years.

If the cover is rusty, it is not suitable for further use.

How to tell if canned food with a screw cap is edible

When the can is first opened, a loud pop is heard - this means that the canned food has not fermented or swelled.

If you notice that the lid on the jar is swollen, the canned food is spoiled, it is poison, you cannot eat it.

How to open the lid

Screw caps can be opened by applying force and turning it in the opposite direction, or you can use a special opener for twist-off caps (they are sold in all hardware stores with a large assortment of products).

Which way to turn the lid

To close the screw cap, you need to twist it clockwise. To open, you need to unscrew the cap counterclockwise.

The lid does not open - what to do?

If the lid does not want to unscrew or you do not have enough strength, you should first try to cover the lid with a cloth or towel (so that your hands do not slip) and turn the lid.

If the technique is unsuccessful and the jar is still tightly closed, you need to take a burning match and slightly heat the lid from below with a flame (under the rim, around the jar). Just 1 match is enough, it’s quick, you won’t even burn your fingers. The lid will expand when heated and open (well, not by itself, of course, turn the heated lid).

Different types of lids: plastic (including nylon, translucent), plastic drain lid (with holes) and twist-off lids

Is it possible to replace simple preservation lids with screw-on lids?

Yes, you can preserve all types of salads, compotes, cucumbers, tomatoes or mushrooms in marinade under screw caps. That is, use them to screw all the workpieces that were previously rolled up with simple tin lids.

Twist-off lids come in different sizes internal coating (more or less resistant to chemical influences). And if you have a very acidic product in the jar (sour fruit compote, sour juice or marinade), then you better take the lids with a generous layer of varnish to protect the lid from interacting with acids.

Plain iron, plastic and twist caps

In addition, jams and preserves can also be covered with plastic - nylon covers, placing a circle of white paper soaked in vodka or alcohol under the lid (on top of the jam). The paper soaked in alcohol will collect mold on itself (if it suddenly appears) and you can throw away the damaged paper by placing a new piece of paper on the jam.

Harvesting from your vegetable garden, preparing vegetables and fruits for canning and choosing the appropriate recipe is half the battle. As it turns out, almost the most important step in home canning is sterilizing and closing the jars with lids. Just think: one wrong move and air can get into the jar of winter treats. This means that such a workpiece will certainly swell and be spoiled by mold. How to close jars for the winter so that homemade preparations do not spoil? How to close jars with screw caps? How to do without lids and close the jars, for example, with paper? You will find answers to these and many other questions about conservation in our article today.

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How to close jars for the winter

There are several ways to close preparations for the winter. The most common and at the same time one of the most technically complex options is already traditional way closing the lids with a manual seaming key. It is much easier, but using the same principle, you can roll up cans with an automatic machine. In addition, there are special threaded caps that are screwed onto the jar without the use of any other devices. Well, the simplest and at the same time the most capricious way is to close jars without lids using cellophane and thick paper. Let's start studying the question of how to properly close jars for the winter with the first method. It is ideal for preserving pickled tomatoes and cucumbers, as well as for making jam.

How to close jars with a can opener

To begin with, we note that it is very important to sterilize the lids well before rolling up the jar. You also need to check that the cap itself is new, intact and not bent.

Instructions on how to close a jar with a can opener

  • Sterilize the lids. To do this, place them in a deep pan, pour cold water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the lids for 10-15 minutes depending on their quantity.
  • Then let the tin lids cool. If you use tongs to remove hot lids from pans, they should also be doused with boiling water first. Cover the jar with a lid.
  • Place the seaming wrench on top and press lightly to release excess air. Then turn the key once in a circle. Scroll a few more times. If waves appear at the junction with the can, then you need to turn the seaming key several times in this particular area and thereby straighten them out.
  • Then make a few more half turns, tightening the edges of the lid that have tightened worse. Make sure visually that the entire lid fits very tightly to the neck of the jar. Then turn the workpiece upside down so that the lid itself oxidizes a little and becomes completely sealed.
  • On a note! You can understand that the jar is already closed by the movement of the key. As soon as you have to put a lot of effort into turning the seaming key around the lid, and the key itself will lock every centimeter, the workpiece is ready.

    How to close screw top jars

    Screw caps are perhaps the fastest and most reliable way close home preparations for the winter. But there is a small drawback - not every jar is suitable for such a lid. A mandatory condition is the presence of a special thread on the neck, on which, in fact, the lid will be attached. Such carvings, for example, are found on jars of store-bought preserves. How to properly close jars with screw caps? The technology itself is incredibly simple. To begin with, like regular ones, these caps need to be thoroughly boiled. Otherwise, mold may appear on the workpiece during storage, for example, on jam. Then place the cooled, dry lid on the jar and press down lightly. Turn it clockwise several times until it stops. There should be a clear click, which means the can is closed. Turn the jar upside down and your preparation is ready!

    How to close jars without lids

    Today it’s hard to believe, but tin and especially plastic lids became common among housewives not so long ago. But home preservation, as you understand, existed long before their appearance. What did they do to prepare for the winter in those distant times? As a rule, in Rus', vegetables were pickled and fermented in large wooden barrels, which were stored in cold cellars. Therefore, there was no need for tin lids as such then. But with the development of industry and urbanization, many housewives were faced with the question of how to close jars without lids. For a long time, wax paper soaked in alcohol and thin twine were used for this purpose. This knowledge can also be useful for modern women, since sometimes ordinary lids are not at hand, and vegetables/fruits for preparations are already beginning to quickly deteriorate.

    How to cover jars with paper

    To begin with, we note that the paper method is short-lived and at the first opportunity it should be replaced with canning with tin lids. First of all, you need to take very thick paper and cut out a circle from it, the diameter of which will coincide with the diameter of the neck. This paper must be soaked in rum or pure alcohol and covered with it. This method is good for boiled jam or preserves. But it is better to cover cucumber-tomato preparations with paper and cellophane. Cellophane can also be replaced with cling film folded in several layers. First, we wrap a piece of plastic bag around the neck, pulling it quite tightly to achieve a tight seal. We secure it on top using a rubber band or regular thread. After this, put a sheet of thick paper and form a lid from it. The paper is needed in order not to tear the cellophane during transportation of the workpieces. The paper cap should also be secured with thread or an elastic band.

    How to properly close jars with lids, video

    You can also learn how to properly close jars with lids from the video below. In this video tutorial you can see the entire process of closing cans and learn about the intricacies of working with a can opener at home.

    For any housewife with the onset warm season The hassle only increases. First, you need to plant something on the plot in time, and then still find the strength to harvest the crop. After which many are faced with the problem - how to preserve it so that in winter they can treat their household? The main way to preserve berries and vegetables is canning.

    This method has undergone many changes over the years of its existence. Everyone remembers the old seaming machines. Many people still use them today. The disadvantage of this device is that it must be used with great care. With a little more effort than required, you will end up with a jar with a damaged neck, which you will not be able to use in the future. But as a result of numerous tests, housewives today know how to properly roll up cans with a machine.

    But everything is changing, and the old cans have been replaced by new ones, the lids of which are screwed on. That is why more and more housewives are asking this question: “How to roll up jars with screw-on lids?”

    Operating principle

    Screw caps are called twist-off caps and have been used for canning in Western countries for a long time. The essence of their operating principle is as follows. On the inside of the lid there is a special polymer coating that acts as a gasket. Under influence high temperature it expands and seals the jar tightly. As the temperature decreases and as it cools, the top of the lid pulls inward, which is accompanied by a slight click. As a result, a vacuum effect is created in the jar. Therefore, before rolling up jars with screw caps, it is necessary to heat the lids.

    Terms of use

    Most housewives, having looked at their neighbors or friends, decide to buy such lids for themselves, but do not know how to roll up jars with screw-on lids. There is nothing complicated here. First you need to sterilize the jars in the same way as regular ones. At the same time, this can be done with lids. The temperature for lids should not be more than 60 degrees. Otherwise, this will lead to destruction of the polymer coating.

    The heated lid is placed on the jar ready for sealing. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the grooves on the lid coincide exactly with the stripes on the jar. And it’s also important to inspect the jar, or rather the neck, before

    Quality control

    In order to check and save yourself from worries about the reliability of the conservation performed, set closed jars neck down. They must remain in this position for at least 2 days. If during this time no smudges have appeared and the lid has not swelled, then you can safely hide the jars in a cellar or basement.

    How to open such a jar?

    More than once you can hear from housewives that it is very difficult to open such banks. And if there are no problems with how to close jars with screw caps, then it may be impossible to open them. In order to do this, you need to know a little secret: just turn the jar over and hit the bottom with your palm. After this, screw on the lid.

    Thus, from the above we can conclude that the use of new jars with screw-on lids has made the life of housewives much easier. This preservation method is suitable for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen or don’t know how to roll up jars with a machine.

    Summer makes us happy delicious berries and fruits, we can buy them in stores, markets, but others grow them themselves and can collect them on their own summer cottage. After all, these healthy treats are needed to preserve wellness and a great mood. So that you can enjoy them in the cold season, as well as preserve beneficial features fruits and berries, they can be canned. And then at any moment everyone will be able to open and enjoy their favorite fruits or berries in the form of aromatic jam. Homemade is always better than store-bought, and healthier!

    Let's look at how to seal jam in jars for the winter and what you need for this

    In order for jars of treats to be stored for as long as possible, you need to carefully prepare everything:
    • Collect ripe berries or fruits, select those fruits that are not spoiled, that is, the best!
    • Prepare glass jars, they must be without damage or chips!
    • Also, for canning you need lids; they come in several types (metal, polyethylene or screw-on).
    • Depending on the type of container and lid, you may need a special key to close it.
    • You need a large saucepan for sterilization (by the way, this is the method they used or are using the old fashioned way). Some people nowadays sterilize using special devices- sterilizers, someone in the oven or if the jars are small, you can sterilize in microwave oven. Everyone chooses the method they like!
    • You also need an enamel basin for cooking the berries or fruits themselves.
    When everything you need is ready, we can get to work!

    Stage one: preparing the jam

    First of all, we sort out the berries, remove any debris, rinse them well with water so that they are clean. If there are bones, then remove them. Place the fruit in an enamel bowl. Then sprinkle with granulated sugar, making several layers (berries or fruits - sugar). Place the basin on the stove and cook the jam, always skimming off the foam. You need to cook until all the sugar has dissolved, or maybe a little longer. There are two cooking methods - fast and slow. We will write more about these methods below.

    Stage two: preparing containers

    Wash jars and lids well using detergents. Then we rinse them thoroughly, let the water drain, and dry them. As described above in our article, there are several ways to sterilize containers; we will describe boiling. Pour clean water into the pan, heat it until the water begins to boil, put the jars in the water so that they are completely in the water. Boil for a few minutes and remove. Now about boiling the lids. If you are using lids that are screwed on using a seaming wrench, then they need to be kept in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Polyethylene lids are immersed in boiling water for two or three minutes; screw-on lids are sterilized in the same way. The lids can be processed in the microwave.

    Stage three: how to properly seal jam in jars

    After the jam is cooked, pour it into jars and close the lids:
    • After boiling, the lids, which are rolled up using a special seaming key, are immediately applied to the jars and screwed on. The vessels will need to be turned over and left like that until they have cooled completely.
    • Polyethylene covers. After boiling, they need to be quickly put on the jars, and the containers themselves must be turned over after cooling. To understand whether the lid is put on correctly, after cooling, you need to see if there is a recess on top of it. If yes, then everything was done correctly.
    • The twist-on ones are put on similarly to the polyethylene ones. This type of lid is placed on jars with threads. When opening containers with these lids, a click should be heard; if there is none, then it is better not to eat such food!
    Lids can be bought at the nearest hardware store and even supermarket, especially in season, or you can save a little and order canning lids in bulk http://istr.com.ua/products/dlja-konservirovanija/.

    How to seal the jam correctly - hot or cold?

    It all depends on the method by which the food was prepared. If it has been cooked for a long time, then it can be placed in cold containers and does not need to be rolled into jars. You can simply cover this jam with a plastic lid and that’s it.

    And if the food is boiling in a fast way, then it is poured into sterilized jars while hot, covered with metal lids and immediately turned over. Then it is left to cool. Therefore, if you are wondering how to seal the jam - hot or cold, choose the cooking method. And the answer will come immediately!

    How to close jam jars to prevent mold

    Properly prepared and sealed food in jars can be stored for a long time. But if the container or lids were poorly processed or the jam was poured incorrectly, then it may deteriorate and mold will appear in it. That is why all the points described above must be observed.

    Signs by which you can understand that you did something wrong when cooking:

    1. The color of the dish is dark, there is no fruity aroma - you have overcooked the jam.
    2. The berries (fruits) are not uniformly distributed in the syrup; they either float up or at the bottom, this indicates that the technology is broken. If the berries (fruits) settle, then this is a sign that you did not add enough sugar. But if, on the contrary, the berries float, then you may have undercooked them.