Computer games: a psychoanalyst's view. The harm and benefits of computer games What are computer games for?

psychoanalyst's view

This is not the first, and, of course, not the last article about psychology of computer games, which was written for a psychological site. The topic is fertile - computers have become an integral part of life, and computer games are a seductive way to spend free time.

  • Why do people play computer games?
  • Computer game: is it good or bad?
  • How to get rid of gambling addiction?

Thousands of people ask Yandex these and other similar questions every day. Considering these questions through the prism of psychoanalytic experience, I will try to give my answers to them.

People who play games

There is a common misconception that computer games are played mainly by teenagers. This is not entirely true. Rather, teenagers discuss their games more openly. Adults often find the fact that they are attracted to certain computer games somewhat embarrassing or even shameful. And they continue to play them, without advertising this fact among friends and strangers. In fact, computer games can captivate a person of any age, gender, family and professional status.

Why are computer games attractive?

The game can take quite a lot of time (and not always free time). However, many people prefer to spend time in front of the monitor. Why is this happening?

Computer games allow you to be transported to another world. They, like nothing else, allow you to immerse yourself very deeply in this world, and even at the body level to feel its virtual reality. The situation of the game allows you to be as free within it as “real reality” will never allow. The worst consequence of a mistake or failure in a game is having to close it and start over.

Games are attractive because they allow feel something what is missing in everyday life. Or, on the contrary, NOT feel something that life has in abundance. In addition, some games allow you to to be someone another, someone attractive, someone one would like to feel like.

Example 1: Being Lara Croft?

A number of games, especially role-playing games, provide the opportunity feel like a different person than in reality. For example, a fearless, courageous, strong savior of an innocent victim of terrible monsters, or a beautiful, smart, athletic, exceptionally attractive female archaeologist, ready to risk her life to acquire incredible artifacts.

The ability to feel own strength, attractiveness, fearlessly taking risks, successfully unraveling ingenious mysteries - almost a drug. And the stronger it is, the fewer opportunities a person has to feel the same in his real life.

Example 2: Kill the monster!

Many games have a strong aggressive context: kill as many enemies as possible! crush the terrible monster! gain strength and become invincible! The player feels excitement, strength, power, and deep satisfaction from the mass destruction of virtual creatures. It may seem that the game causes aggression that the person did not have before - a compelling argument against computer games?

Why do these games turn out to be so attractive to seemingly completely peaceful people, sometimes even timid in everyday life? Because they allow the expression of what he has repressedand aggression. They help to express what a person does not allow himself to express in reality - because the more a feeling is suppressed, the stronger and stronger it becomes somewhere deep inside. The virtual situation is safe, it makes it possible not to experience fear and guilt - those feelings that form the basis for suppressing aggression.

Passion for aggressive games is attempt get in touch with your aggression and, perhaps, learn to manage it. True, this attempt is not always successful, because virtual reality is still very different from the real one.

Example 3. Playing solitaire...

A whole layer of computer games (for example, logic games) were created in order to pass the time in situations of forced waiting. But sometimes it turns out that time is not at all superfluous, and it is impossible to tear yourself away from a simple and fairly monotonous game. It would seem, well, what’s so addictive here?

Occupying your attention, focusing on solving problems of varying degrees of complexity, observing a series of attractive visual images, going into the simple virtual world of colored balls, cards, beautiful schemes, man for a while moves away from the state of anxiety. By rearranging cards, grouping balls by color, or assembling words from letters, a person temporarily stops the flow of disturbing thoughts and images. But returning to reality also brings back anxiety.

Computer games: pros and cons?

Computer games can look like a completely pointless pastime if you look at them only from the perspective of external reality. For her, a person who spends hours in front of a monitor is practically lost. But since people are doing something, it means it has some kind of mental meaning. Which?

From the point of view of internal (mental) reality, computer games represent a kind of method of mental self-regulation. Game process helps relieve mental stress(to some extent). So they “go away” into the game from stress, dissatisfaction with their life and themselves, from the inability to show any strong emotions in real relationships.

This way of dealing with difficulties is similar to the use of alcohol as a way to regulate one’s state: playing (like alcohol) allows you to quickly (but only for a short time) change your internal state and relieve tension. When games are often resorted to as a means of achieving internal balance, it is possible gaming developmentdependencies. The mechanism of formation of alcoholic and gaming addiction similar: when mental tension is very high, there is a simple and rather pleasant way to quickly relieve it. This method does not require a particularly large investment of time, energy, money... In the case of alcohol, chemical dependence also comes into play. Computer game creators fight for their clients using various psychological techniques, schemes, tricks, they try to create games that touch really deep strings in the human soul.

It is believed that online games are the most addictive. By coming into contact with other players in his virtual image, a person has the illusion of real relationships, real life. Then it's easy to lose track of the hours and sometimes the days. Physical needs, obligations to others, life circumstances fade into the background, and “the figure turns into the background” - virtual reality becomes more real for the player than “offline reality”.

Virtual Reality: In and Out

If computer games have become something more than a convenient way to while away free time, a person is faced with the fact that the passion for the game begins to disrupt his progress. Everyday life. The desire to get into the game becomes very demanding, even obsessive. And then the understanding may arise: “the games are over”, the gaming addiction. What to do?

Some people find it relatively easy to quit gaming. These are people with very strong willpower and a not very far-reaching passion for games. As a rule, such people, having realized their addiction, simply give up the game, removing it from the computer, and find something for themselves other, more suitable ways to cope with stress life.

Sometimes, friends who realize their addiction refuse to play together. A group effect arises: together it is easier to give up the formed habit, it is easier to find already half-forgotten activities in real life. And, of course, another person taken as an ally in the fight against addiction is controller(in front of whom it is a shame to break down), and support(so necessary sometimes in the fight with oneself). Of course, such a person could be someone close to you who does not suffer from gambling addiction. He can “strengthen” the player’s “I” captured by passion, offering his willpower and determination to help find a way out of the virtual trap. But this help is truly effective only if the player is aware of his addiction and wants to get rid of it.

Sometimes it is not possible to cope with addiction alone or even with the help of friends and family, despite all the efforts and desire. This is usually due to the fact that there is not just a habit, but a serious internal attachment to the game. This happens when the game “serves” some important psychological needs or distracts from serious psychological problems. Then it is impossible to simply close the game and turn off the computer - as long as there are problems, our psyche will look for their solution (and the easiest way is a virtual pseudo-solution - it has already found it and will simply repeat it!). Therefore, getting rid of gambling addiction often lies through reducing the level of anxiety, freeing yourself from internal conflicts, accepting yourself, self-esteem and increasing the ability to actively express yourself in the outside world, increasing the ability to build and maintain close relationships with other people, and finding meaning in your own life.

Training Analyst and CPT Supervisor

Many of us have heard information that computer games are harmful. And this is true if you don’t know the limits. However, for the most part, they help solve several problems. For example, with their help you can relieve psychological stress and take your mind off problems. Every person has a moment when they want to take a “pause”, disconnect from reality. Another part of the games helps fight external and internal aggression. By throwing out his negative emotions on virtual heroes, a person no longer has the need to express them on loved ones.

Development of mental and cognitive functions with the help of computer games

If you visit the website, then please note that there are also such categories as: logical, arcade, strategy. These areas perform not only an entertainment function, but also contribute to the development of logic, attention, and memory. At the same time, strategies, for example, do not require increased attention. They don't have high speeds. Therefore, such entertainment does not put significant strain on the eyes.

The benefits for children are also obvious. The existing many educational games will help you quickly learn to read, count, or master the multiplication table. Moreover, they develop perseverance, which is so necessary for modern schoolchildren. Of course, a computer should not replace real communication with peers or reading books, but sometimes games for two, for example, will help not only pass the time for older children, but also become a reason for active discussion. With the help of games, you can unobtrusively learn a foreign language, improve your knowledge of certain subjects, and expand your circle of friends.

Research on the influence of computer games on human mental health

Interesting research results were obtained at the University of Rochester, located in New York. Those students who played computer games showed top scores when testing vision than the control group. They also had a better developed visual reaction, as well as the ability to hold up to five objects in their field of vision. The speed at which visual information was processed was also at a higher level.

Moreover, studies have been conducted to establish patterns between computer games and mental illness. However, a direct relationship was never discovered. Mental abnormalities were influenced more by the presence of other factors.

Thus, computer games can be very useful. However, if used in moderation. If you do not control the time spent in front of a computer screen, then any benefit will gradually turn into harm.

You probably won't take my word for it. After all, we are accustomed to the fact that games are associated with a useless activity that brings pleasure only to children and strange adults who play instead of supporting their family, communicating with friends and going fishing on weekends. Did I express your thoughts correctly?

First, I'll give you a study conducted by the University of North Carolina, which proved that adults who play computer games are happier and less depressed than those who do not play games.

Should we believe this research? I think yes. If only because there is no research that would prove the negative impact of games on a person’s emotional background. Of course, we've all heard about gamers who lost consciousness after spending 24 hours playing games. But these are exceptions to the rule rather than the norm.

In addition to this research, I would like to give 10 reasons why adults should play computer games.

You will connect with your inner child

Only a few of us do something interesting for ourselves after work. And constant thoughts about work (especially unloved ones) lead to depression and boredom.

You can choose any hobby that you like. And if these are games, then why not? Remember how much you played as a child. Once you create this connection with yourself as a child, you will realize that you can enjoy many things, not just games.

Games help overcome stress

The older we get, the more problems and obligations fall on our heads. Loans, debts, problems at work - all this creates stressful situations. First of all, you need to understand the cause of stress and get rid of it. And computer games can help you relax and take your mind off daily stress for a while.

They develop imagination

Anyone who has ever played computer games can say that they force the imagination to work, to associate oneself with the main character and to closely follow the plot. Will this help you in real life? Perhaps yes. After all, we all like people with a rich imagination.

Games are a great topic of conversation

You will be surprised, but many people play computer games. And the next time you're at a party, try casually asking your interlocutor about this. And if he likes to play, you'll have a good topic to talk about.

You will learn to find a balance between work and fun

If you can't get distracted and play all day long, it's not because the games are bad. It's about you. And games are just one way to escape from the problems in life. If they weren't there, you would have found something else. Try to find a middle ground between entertainment and responsibilities.

Games develop visual motor skills

Research shows that people who play computer games have better motor skills and coordination. This way you develop your physical skills. Many activities require good coordination and motor skills. For example, driving.

Hanging out with friends

If you are tired of going to the same places with your friends, try to diversify your leisure time with computer games. This can strengthen your relationships and help you stay close to your friends.

Games always have a goal

Games always have a goal, whether it's reaching a new level or some other achievement. This makes your time more interesting and exciting.

Exercises can be turned into games

Training in and on is wonderful. But sometimes they become too monotonous and boring. In such situations, gadgets like Kinect or Wii can be a great outlet.

Horrible moments of waiting in the past

Queues at banks, hospitals and other establishments can sometimes drive you crazy. It is in such situations exciting game on your smartphone, tablet or console can help not only have fun, but also save nerve cells.

What place do games play in your life? Do you consider them child's play, or is it good way spend time?

Often, when a person is asked why he/she plays computer games, a stupor arises. "What a stupid question?" - this is exactly what the answer will be in most cases. If you try to get a more reasoned answer, you may hear: “it’s fun, it helps you relax after work” or “it’s like immersing yourself in a multi-volume fascinating novel, in which you can also take part” or “this is an integral part of my life, I’ve been doing it since childhood I'm playing."

People rarely think about such an important question, which is why the answer to it often sounds like an excuse or an attempt to protect itself from those who do not perceive computer media as equal media on a par with cinema and literature. But I am absolutely convinced that you need to find the right answer so that when playing you don’t just waste time, but get the maximum benefit.

Games in one form or another have existed in human society since its inception, and the concept itself is present in the language of every culture. According to Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, “a game is an activity used for entertainment, recreation, and sports competition.” This is a way to release excess energy, get bright emotions and in every possible way increase the level of endorphin in the blood of participants. But is this statement true for everything that we habitually call games?

In ancient times, the only exception was perhaps chess. Invented no less than 1500 years ago, they clearly demonstrated that games involve not only physical strength and endurance, but also mental work. With rare exceptions, games have been consistently associated with aimless pastime throughout human history. And, I must say, not without reason.

With the beginning of the information era, humanity was faced with a new type of games, which came to be called “computer”. But why was the same old word "game" used for something so new and unusual? What can unite, for example, chess and football on the one hand, and Stanley Parable With Dota 2 with another. We used to call it “gameplay” - or simply interaction/interactivity. In outdoor games or shooters, this is the interaction between team members. IN Journey or Stanley Parable- interaction between the player and the game world.

The actions of the participants are always, in all cases, aimed at a specific result: scoring a goal, checkmating an opponent, or destroying the main tower of the opposing team are clear and obvious goals. But why play, for example, Stanley Parable From the point of view of the game itself, it is absolutely incomprehensible. It has no goal, no end, it does not call for being “faster, higher, stronger” than someone else. At the same time at Journey there is a task that is clear from the very beginning - to reach the mountain, but even here no one offers to compete with other people. So why are we playing?

Answering this question, I clearly distinguish two groups of people:

For the first group, computer games, like most outdoor games, - a great opportunity"chill out". Get the necessary release, for example, by playing several matches in Call of Duty or FIFA- the most common motivation. This is why competitive games, as well as shooters, action and slasher games, are so popular. And there is absolutely nothing strange or wrong about this. The main thing is to be aware that this is precisely your main motivation to play. In the end, computer violence and excitement help to throw out unnecessary emotions in the virtual world, and not on family members or work colleagues, which is extremely important for a person in principle.

For the second group, computer games are a way to get unique experiences that are impossible in real life. Games help these people find answers to pressing questions, solve personal problems and look at the world from a different angle. By the way, this is exactly what makes individual computer games art, which cannot be said about any other type of game in principle.

The main goal in Journey- the journey itself, which each individual player will associate with a personal “path” to the cherished goal. Journey once became the embodiment in a playful form of my desire to successfully pass exams and enter a university, so for me this is very personal game. In it I competed only with myself. I tried to understand what I really wanted and how I could achieve it. Very few games are able to influence the player on such a personal level, helping him with real problems.

This is not to say that these two groups of players never intersect, but this happens very rarely. I, for example, can equally get carried away Journey or Call of Duty. It all depends on the specific goal I have when I press the Play button. But at the same time, I know a lot of people who Stanley Parable will seem completely meaningless. As one of my friends said after playing it for an hour: “I don’t want to waste my time so uselessly.” Another good friend of mine simply cannot understand what captivates millions of people to spend tens and hundreds of hours Battlefield. For him, military equipment, explosions, shooting are empty and unnecessary pastimes if they do not serve some higher purpose than simply demonstrating impressive special effects.

While I’m talking here, you probably have a few thoughts on the question: “Why do you play computer games?” I will be very grateful if you answer in the comments. Let's discuss this topic.

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Today, every home has computers, laptops, tablets, telephones with dial various games for leisure activities. They are used by both adults and children. When a child sits at a computer, parents have free time.

But let’s figure out how harmful spending such time is for a child.

Action provided

Regarding the effect of such toys on the psyche, people's opinions are divided. Some find a lot of benefit in these undertakings, while others see only harm in them.

It is no secret that virtual toys can cause psychological addiction and provoke aggression not only in the virtual world, but also in life. First of all, this concerns schoolchildren. Due to their age, they do not see the line between the virtual world and reality.

In addition to the negative impact on children, virtual games also harm the physical condition of the body. Sitting at a computer for a long time negatively affects your eyesight and spoils your posture.

The most dangerous factors for the eye are pupil immobility and infrequent hydration. The least harmful are those games where you need to run your eyes over objects located in different parts of the monitor.

There is an opinion that by playing computer toys, a teenager learns to make decisions, navigate and solve any problems as quickly as possible. However, do not forget that this happens in the virtual world. This does not mean that he will behave the same way in reality.


Modern children spend almost all their unoccupied time at the computer. Sociologists have shown that 85% of schoolchildren are at the mercy of online toys. There are symptoms that show that a child has become addicted to the game:

  1. The child constantly talks about the game;
  2. The toy has become the only way for him to relax; during breaks he finds no place for himself;
  3. Play is the main and only way to communicate with the outside world;
  4. It is impossible to persuade a reduction in gaming time;
  5. Real money is spent on the toy.

Submission to toys usually comes from the fact that the characters are real children. Virtual gaming capabilities allow players to interact. Personal relationships emerge.

A test completed in the game with a friend is perceived as an adventure that actually happened, and the attachment to the players becomes much stronger than real relationships with family, friends, and classmates.

The child becomes abnormal, he no longer distinguishes where virtuality ends and reality begins, which irritates him, because here he does not have the same skills as in the game. In the computer world, a child tries to hide from the problems of reality.

How to protect your child

Many readers understand that it is better to immediately prevent a teenager from spending a lot of time on the computer than to later deal with the consequences of these decisions. But even if your child is already addicted to toys, there are several ways that can help in certain situations.

Why only some, you ask? Yes, because if the addiction appeared from online games, for example, MMORPG, which are played by hundreds of thousands of children different ages, the same Lineage, WOW, etc. It is very difficult to overcome it, especially if close friends or a whole class are playing.

And many methods: attempts to take away the PC, turn off the Internet or punish, will only bring temporary results, or may even give nothing at all. Therefore, preference should be given to slightly different methods:

  1. Enroll your child in some kind of sport (intellectual or physical). For example, mental arithmetic is becoming very popular now.
  2. Buy a bicycle, skateboard, rollerblades or scooter. This can be an excellent replacement for a computer.
  3. Buy an interesting, and best of all, a large construction set. For example, LEGO is very popular and diverse.
  4. Change the lifestyle of the whole family as a whole. Go out more to relax in nature, go to the movies, theaters, walk in parks.

If these methods do not completely eliminate gambling addiction, then at least they will reduce it significantly, and this is already an excellent result.


Since we live in the 21st century, keeping children away from the computer is stupid. Games must be chosen so that they do not cause harm. There are many toys for logical thinking that will not only not harm the child, but will also help him in learning, getting to know the world, and nature.

Virtual games should expand your child’s horizons, his skills. They can discover the talents of children and teach them how to implement their plans. While playing, children should gain experience that they can apply in life.