How to decorate a bedroom with your own hands - basic decorating rules. Neutral dark tones are “chameleons”. Increased attention to the bedroom

It was already discussed at the Design Museum that spring marks a period of rejuvenation and rebirth for ladies. What could be better than this? There is something about spring that invigorates our spirit.

And at this time we try to discard everything unnecessary and unnecessary. Perhaps this is due to the blooming flowers or the hum of waking bees. All this somehow brings us back to life after the period of winter dormancy. In any case, I am sure that if foliage and flowers wake up from their sleep in the spring, starting to grow and bloom again, then our homes should also be transformed in the spring.

Are you tired of the boring and dull look of your home? Don't have the funds to pay for designer services? But do-it-yourself interior design is a great way out of the situation. I have a solution for you - upgrade your accessories. By buying and placing them in your home, you change it appearance and inhale new life. Like many of you, I don't have the large funds required for renovations.

But who told you that you had to do a complete renovation in order to change the interior? There is one for you useful tips in interior design.

By buying auxiliary accessories, you will receive satisfaction and a new reason for your design ideas, and arranging them around the house will be a pleasure and, as it were, a reward for your desire to transform the rooms and put them in order through long and tedious cleaning.

Don’t know how to decorate the living room, which has become a place that brings the family together in the evenings? Don't worry, I have a lot of funny and interesting ideas to suit different styles and tastes.


Nothing enhances a space better than tapestries. There is no more effective way to decorate empty, depressing and depressing walls that you have long wanted to do something with, but never got around to it.

Nowadays there is a wide variety of tapestries on sale, both in size and design, and your imagination will help you choose them.

Photographs and paintings

If your children have already grown up and generally “fluttered out of the nest,” this does not mean that it is too late to decorate your home with photographs of them, but only a few photos are needed.

Vintage jewelry

Vintage is now at the peak of fashion. A house decorated with such products will look as if a famous designer had a hand in the decor.

Prints on canvas

It's very fashionable now. You can print on canvas quotes that inspire you, landmarks you like, and photographs of your children that you have never shown to friends and acquaintances before.


Nothing will brighten up and make your home feel cozier than a nice blanket thrown on the floor. You can put a small table on it. Personally, I love patchwork quilts. self made, because it was made by skillful and hardworking hands of craftsmen, putting a piece of their soul into it.

And how good it is in the spring to plant flower seeds in flowerpots with the help of gardening tools. How pleasant it will be to look after them and watch them grow.

You can slowly accustom your children to this activity, at least for 10 minutes a day, tell them about flowers, explain what and why you are doing with them.

You can install such a flowerpot, only smaller, in the kitchen and bring spring with it, giving an updated look to your home. And also - create flower arrangements with your own hands.

Personalized Products

A new way to decorate your home and make it unforgettable is by adding personalized items. They are not expensive and men will really like such accessories, because they do not need to spend a lot of money on them.

We can say about such elements that they are universal and can be anything. Rugs, tea sets, mugs and even popcorn buckets. And also – DIY crafts for the interior.

So if you want to inexpensively decorate your home in the spring, I strongly recommend that you spend, even if not a lot, on updating accessories. Luckily, there is a fantastic website like Creations that can help you with this.

Good luck to you in decorating your home, dear ladies!

Everything that once began must find its logical conclusion. You successfully coped with the redevelopment, renovation, and zoning of the premises. But something is missing. The final touch that leads to the perfection of your idea will be the decoration of the room.

Decoration requires not only desire, but also taste, creativity, and vision of space. If you are not confident in your own creative powers, or you have exhausted your imagination, or you are simply too lazy to do this, you can transfer this process to specialists. But the house is yours, it’s yours to live, and you know better where things and decorations should be. So, again we turn to magazines and the Internet and look at what you would like.

Finally, you've got all the details down and have the big picture in mind. This means it’s time to move on to “combat action.”

First, a plan is drawn up that takes into account the sequence of your actions.

Next, you select all the necessary decorative elements from catalogs and stores. We should not forget about plants, which are simply necessary in any room - green islands of calm, beauty, joy. And even if they do not represent unique compositions, still their large or small leaves, various shades of green, bright exotic plants unimaginable colors - all this will give the room a little life.

The next stage is furniture and equipment. These rather large things are selected not only from aesthetic views. They must be functional. And even if some sofa or nice chair was bought under the influence of an emotional impulse, this can always be corrected with a few small details - a blanket to match the interior or, conversely, as a bright spot to break up the monotony of the interior.

In any case, the choice requires attention, scrupulous interest in details and trifles. You can also complement it with some individual decorative elements consistent with the overall style.

Furniture, despite its dimensions, is a thin thing. And it’s okay if you have to spend a little more time selecting furniture and equipment than you planned. It's worth it.

As for the decor itself - elements, decorations for walls and shelves, this process never ends. Today you saw how wonderful this clock or this panel would look on your wall, the next moment you already like another element, and you begin to adjust all the decorative elements to the thing you like.

The first and most important rule of interior decor is the combination of some elements with others, that is, “rhyme.” When selecting various paintings, vases, sofa cushions, etc., think about how they match any interior object in color, shape or texture. For example, try using it for curtains, sofa cushions and chairs or very similar fabric or the same one, but with different textures. It’s good to “rhyme” sofa cushions with the paintings above the sofa - choose the picture so that it contains the color of the sofa cushions. It is not necessary to match the item by color, it is enough that the colors are very similar in tone.

2. Use two or three colors

When decorating open shelves or racks, it is advisable to limit the number of colors used. To decorate the composition in a single style, use two or three colors. In addition, the overall tone of the collection on the shelves should match the color of the room. As for the color of the shelves themselves, it is better to give preference to neutral ones - black or white. It should be taken into account that a different color of the shelves will also participate in the composition - and at least one of the objects in the composition will have to repeat this color for “rhyme” (see point 1).

3. Play with textures

When creating a monochrome or achromatic interior, always use a variety of textures. Without textures, a monochrome interior looks boring. The “three-component” principle will help you here: combine at least three different textures in one interior, for example, glossy, matte and voluminous.

4. Use an odd number of ornaments

If you use several ornaments in the interior, make sure that their number is odd. An even number of ornaments is more difficult to combine into a single image due to the peculiarities of perception. In the case of a combination of several ornaments, one of them should be larger or occupy largest area. Ornaments should be of different sizes.

5. There can never be too many vases

Before buying a vase for your interior, decide why you need it: to create the mood in the interior, to maintain style, or to arrange color accents- the vases are beautiful in their diversity. If you need to select several vases, the rule works well: “one shape - different colour" or "one color -different shape" This will bring the necessary variety and prevent you from getting a boring look.

6. Don't forget about painting

There are no strict rules for matching painting and interior style today. A simple way is to select paintings in the same style as the interior. Or you can act on the principle of contrast: modern art looks great in a traditional interior, and drawings by old masters look great in a modern loft.

7. Experiment!

Change the decor of your rooms periodically and don’t be afraid to experiment. After all, a simple change of exposure significantly changes the mood of the entire interior. This may seem difficult only at first glance, but after a couple of experiments you will get quite a decent result.

You can learn more rules and techniques for working with accessories, learn how to correctly select and combine various details, and also create an interior collage according to all the rules at Design Weekend with Irina Samokhina, which will be held at the International School of Design on April 16.

Drawing wallpaper designers divide it into: “flowers”, stripes, large spots, spotted backgrounds, smooth backgrounds (wallpaper without a pattern).

"Flowers". This is what professionals call any recognizable figures and objects. For the general architectural perception, it does not matter what is depicted on the wallpaper - plants, people, animals, pyramids. These objects can be small or large, frequent or rare, contrasting or blurry.

✓ frequent and large “flowers” ​​visually reduce the space and thicken it;

✓ rare and small - discharge and expand space;

✓ small pattern is neutral, it is suitable for different styles;

large drawing puts emphasis, dominates;

✓ a clear, contrasting pattern emphasizes the stylistic idea of ​​the designer;

✓ a blurry picture gives a more general idea.

"Stripes". They go well with items of any style. The exception is Baroque and Art Deco, which are alien to straight lines.

✓ vertical stripes visually increase the height of the ceiling, but at the same time reduce the overall volume of the room;

✓ the wider the stripes, the less the effect of space compression;

✓ in tight spaces with low ceilings use wallpaper with large stripes;

✓ blurred borders of the stripes (blurred and non-contrasting) raise the ceiling and do not affect the size of the room;

✓ alternating stripes “raise” the ceiling and “bring the walls closer” to each other;

✓ not too contrasting colors of adjacent stripes weaken the effect of vertical expansion and horizontal compression;

✓ wallpaper with a linear pattern, if placed approximately at eye level, leaving an empty part of the wall from the middle to the ceiling, will visually increase the height of the ceiling.

Large spots. For example, these could be drawings that imitate animal skins. Such contrasting and distinct images are immediately noticeable. But it is still undesirable to cover the entire room with such wallpaper - it may turn out too flashy and aggressive.

It is better to use “spots” to zone the space, that is, to highlight a certain part of it. This can be one wall or a sector of it.

Stains on wallpaper can have an ornamental, ordered or chaotic appearance.

✓ large spots (the more clearly they are written) visually narrow the space;

✓ blurry spots have a pronounced decorative effect; they create a feeling of play of light and shadow, evoking associations with sea waves playing in the sun.

Spotted backgrounds. They are small alternating spots of two or more shades and resemble splashes from a spray bottle. This grainy decor originated in the 20th century and its use is limited. modern styles. But this pattern can be used on any wall.

✓ small droplet spots perfectly mask and conceal even significant flaws in the surface of the walls. They scatter light rays in a variety of directions, hiding the errors that remain under them.

Plain wallpaper. Plain wallpaper or wallpaper with a barely defined pattern is artistically neutral and serves as a background that highlights interior items, creating the desired depth of perception.

Smooth wallpaper will perfectly emphasize the expressiveness of all furnishings: smooth outlines of furniture, graceful forms of sculptures, figurines, flower arrangements, the play of light - both artificial and natural.

✓ it is plain wallpaper that will best help emphasize the beauty of paintings, photographs, decorative panels, wall installations;

✓ plain wallpaper can only be pasted on smooth walls, otherwise all the bumps and defects will appear. And only the dense and embossed structure of the wallpaper will help hide imperfections.

✓ Wallpaper style creates a special atmosphere. So, in a dining room with a modern interior, floral wallpaper will add a touch of romanticism.

Flowers can be various types and shades. At the same time, do not forget about color spots (this could be pieces of furniture: a leather sofa, a plastic chair, a table). Their color should match the shade of the flowers on the wallpaper.

You can use a carpet or pillows of the appropriate color as color spots - plain (to match the color of the petals) or with a floral pattern. Striped pillows in shades similar to the colors on the wallpaper look good.

✓ B classic interiors use wallpaper in pastel colors; texture - characteristic embossing, elegant monograms.

✓ The avant-garde is characterized by bright, catchy backgrounds of unusual “chemical” shades.

✓ Retro style is characterized by wallpapers with a cameo pattern or seasons. They are glued to the top of the wall. The lower wall is covered plain wallpaper or painted. Furniture is placed on carved legs. Required element- silk lampshades for lamps. Mirror in bronze or heavy wooden frame. Accessories made of porcelain and crystal.

✓ High-tech, minimalism: such popular dark or white furniture is set off by wallpaper in black and white with flowers and decorative items in the same colors.

Very often we pay our main attention to the furnishings of the living room, dining room and other “representative” rooms in the apartment, intended for receiving guests and impressing them. At the same time, we perceive the furnishings of the bedroom as a simple, self-evident and simple event, without paying due attention to it: they put a bed, well, okay. This approach is fundamentally wrong, because you should remember your own comfort, health and coziness first of all, and sound and healthy sleep and the opportunity to relax after a hard day in a harmonious and relaxing environment are more valuable than the admiring comments of friends who come for tea once a week. What important points What should you consider when planning your bedroom decor?

Situation modern bedroom, please note that the bedside tables and the lamps on them are different, which gives the interior dynamics and individuality

First of all, do not be alarmed in advance: the bedroom does not necessarily have to have a large area or be furnished with the latest designer innovations. In many countries, for example, in Spain, even in spacious apartments, bedrooms usually have a fairly small area, since people come there to sleep, and not to work, study or do other things. Often in our bedrooms there is planned an additional small workplace, however, this is a topic for another discussion. The main thing you need to know about the interior of the bedroom: the decor should maximize your relaxation and rest, and comfort is ensured by a properly selected bed, mattress, textiles, as well as a lighting solution and the ability to set a comfortable temperature.

Choosing a bedroom style

In small apartments, professional designers It is recommended to decorate all rooms in approximately the same style. This creates a unity of image and makes the space psychologically perceived as more spacious. In such cases, the main thing is to choose an interior style in which you could feel comfortable while relaxing, receiving guests, and doing household chores.

A neo-baroque bedroom always looks luxurious and sophisticated

If the apartment or house has a large area, you can stylistically separate the private area (bedroom, master bath, dressing room, possibly an office) and the guest area (living room, hall, kitchen, dining room). This option gives you more freedom to maneuver and the ability to create different atmospheres in different parts of the house.

Advice: It’s good if the bedroom interior is different in style from the environment that you associate with your workplace. Accustomed to strict order and classic office? Allow yourself to be a little mischievous and choose a bright poster or youthful window textiles for your bedroom decor. At work you are surrounded by modern minimalism? Why not decorate your bedroom in a more romantic style, such as Provence or country!

Simple and modern interior bedrooms in purple tones

In general, no one is stopping you from choosing something for your bedroom decor that is very noticeably different from the general style of the apartment, but this is usually not necessary. In general, when choosing bedroom decor, try to choose a style that makes you feel relaxed and at peace. The choice of a specific style depends entirely on your personal preferences.

Have you always dreamed of a four-poster bed, but the extra “rag” over your head seems like a collector of dust and allergens? Modern beds with a high frame will create the feeling of a “royal bed” even in a modern minimalist interior, Punt furniture

Very often they like to decorate bedrooms in a feminine, romantic style in the spirit of neo-baroque, turning them into a kind of graceful boudoirs. This approach will really help create a feeling of comfort and take your mind off the daily routine, but if we are talking about a family bedroom, the tastes of both partners must be taken into account, so an abundance of floral prints, curls and lace textiles may not always be appropriate.

Choice of colors and finishes

As a rule, the bedroom interior is designed in a calm and monochrome palette without bright contrasts that can interfere with your relaxation. Most Popular pastel shades beige, gray, yellow, blue, light brown. Remember that in the interior you should not use more than three basic colors, and different ornaments must be combined with great care,

Monochrome and discreet interior, built on combinations of beige and brown colors.

Of course, there are also amateurs bright accents, however, you need to be very careful with them. No matter how much you love, for example, bright red, it is better to use it in doses in the bedroom interior, as it activates the nervous system and can disturb your sleep.

Memo: a fashionable decorative technique - creating one accent wall with large ornaments or brighter colors in the bedroom interior. Usually this is either the wall opposite the bed, or, conversely, located behind it.

The color accent of the interior can be the bed itself, because in the background light walls Almost any color can look great on the floor, Bolzan Letti furniture

The simplest and a budget option bedroom decor, allowing you to refresh the interior at any opportunity, choose fairly neutral, light decor for walls and furniture and change the interior with bright bedspreads, pillows, etc.

Furniture selection

Of course, the main and central piece of furniture in a bedroom is the bed. Modern beds provide an opportunity to pay attention to comfort and health, without compromising the aesthetic component. This means that you can separately select a base with the required number of slats and orthopedic settings, as well as select a mattress with filling that matches your preferences and body characteristics. These things are extremely important for the comfort of your spine, which is why even the highest quality sofas can't compare to a full bed and a custom-fitted mattress.

A visual diagram of filling a modern spring mattress, Hülsta-Werke Hüls

At the same time, the bed frame and headboard are often installed or attached to the wall separately. Thus, even if you choose a movable transforming frame with massage functions, you can easily fit it into the interior classic bedroom and even, if desired, add an elegant canopy.

A decorative headboard that actually takes up an entire wall. Such headboards can have built-in lamps, shelves and cabinets, and they act as the main decorative accent in the bedroom interior, Baltus Collection furniture

If there is very little space in the bedroom or there is no way to allocate space for sleeping separate room, you can pay attention to original models modern folding beds that, with a simple movement, turn into a work desk or hide in a closet. What is the fundamental difference between such beds and folding sofas? First of all, it is possible to choose a mattress that is suitable for you and equip sleeping area full size without compromising valuable square meters.

A bed that can be stored in a closet for those who save space and are not afraid to experiment. Current solutions for one-room apartments and studios, Clei furniture

However, in addition to the bed, the bedroom usually contains wardrobes and chests of drawers with clothes, dressing tables and bedside tables. What should you consider when choosing and arranging the rest of the furniture in the bedroom?

Option creative decor chest of drawers for clothes for lovers of unusual interior solutions, CRAZY HOME

What to consider when arranging furniture in the bedroom:

  • try to reduce the number of pieces of furniture in the bedroom to a minimum, if possible, equipping a dressing room
  • remember, that corner cabinets holds significantly more things than regular ones
  • in small rooms, make the most of the possibilities for organizing additional storage spaces, for example, by placing them under the bed
  • If possible, place a cozy chair or banquette in the bedroom, but place it away from the bed, as this is a place for relaxing or cozy reading, and not for storing shirts
  • If you can’t get rid of the habit of throwing clothes on the backs of chairs, use a special floor hanger for clothes; it won’t take up much space, but will eliminate unnecessary clutter
  • if you plan to install cabinets next to the bed, choose ones that are similar in style and decor, but not absolutely identical, because perfect symmetry makes the interior boring
  • Often a dressing table or desk is installed in the bedroom. If you want it not to take up a lot of space, use console tables, secretaries or wall-mounted shelf tables
  • The bedroom is a place for sleeping, so you should seriously think about it before hanging a TV on the wall in the bedroom, but a humidifier that helps fight allergies and creates a comfortable atmosphere in the literal sense of the word has the right place in the bedroom

Decor and lighting

There shouldn't be many pieces of furniture in the bedroom, but there are a lot of opportunities to show individuality in decoration. First of all, pay attention to the choice of lamps and their location.

It is important to provide several lighting scenarios in the bedroom, paying attention Special attention area near the bed, lighting dressing table, a reading corner, and also taking care of the interior lighting of the cabinet. At the same time, a ceiling chandelier often plays a more decorative than practical role in the bedroom and, if desired, it can be replaced by built-in ceiling lighting or other lighting options.

Wall sconce with separate luminaire for spot lighting, e.g. while reading, Modiss

Memo: In the bedroom, the ability to regulate the light intensity is important, so experts recommend using lamps with dimmers.

This is the main highlight of the bedroom decor, because it cannot be done without dense, heavy draperies to protect the premises from excess sunlight; a beautiful bedspread, a soft rug or decorative pillows. Of course, you shouldn’t all sew them from the same fabric, but it is important to make sure that a limited number of colors and ornaments are used in the decor, and that the textiles match the style of the furniture.

A textile headboard and bed linen set the tone and ambiance of this classic bedroom with vintage accessories such as candlesticks, dolls, etc.

If the head of the bed is not very high, bright or pompous, it makes sense to hang a picture, poster or mirror in a decorative frame above it, with wall sconces serving as additional decoration. But it is better to refrain from an abundance of bookshelves in the bedroom, since they are not the last sources of dust in the room.

Modern bedroom in gray and silver tones. The headboard of the bed is decorated with capitonné stitches, Bolzan Letti bed

There are a great many ideas and options for decorative solutions for a bedroom, the main thing is to remember that a person spends 20 out of 60 years of his life in his sleep, and making sure that these years pass happily and with health benefits is the primary task that the design of your bedroom should solve .