The best remedy for blackheads on the face. How to get rid of blackheads on the face, nose, ears. Products with salicylic acid, toothpaste, peroxide, activated carbon. What will help with blackheads

To get rid of comedones and unclog pores, you need a good, effective blackhead cream for regular use. Modern cosmetology offers a wide range of this product to choose from, but at the same time it complicates it.

It is very difficult to decide which of all these products will be ideal for your skin type. Our short review will make this task easier for you. After studying general information about the best brands of creams, you can make right choice.


The pharmaceutical cream for blackheads on the face called “Differin” from Laboratoires GALDERMA (France) is known to many firsthand. It has a pronounced medicinal and cosmetic effect and is often used as a cure for. What are its features?

Additional effects

  • Supports normal metabolism;
  • nourishes and protects the epidermis;
  • eliminates excess stratum corneum of the skin;
  • reduces the production of sebum, thereby reducing the fat content of the epidermis;
  • unclogs pores, melting fat plugs;
  • prevents the formation of new blackheads, while effectively eliminating old ones;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Excellent treatment for acne vulgaris and acne.

Release forms

  1. Cream-gel. Recommended for eliminating blackheads with oily skin types.
  2. Cream. Suitable for those with dry and sensitive skin. It has a greater moisturizing effect on the skin than gel and does not dry it out.
  3. Lotion.


  • Active ingredient: adapalene (synthetic vitamin A);
  • carbomer 980;
  • poloxamer 182;
  • propyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • methyl parahydroxybenzoate;
  • sodium edetate;
  • phenoxyethanol;
  • water;
  • sodium hydrochloride;
  • glycerol;
  • methyl glucose sescistearate;
  • natural perhydrosqualene;
  • sodium edetate;
  • cyclomethicone;
  • sodium hydroxide solution.

Instructions for use

  1. Local application of the cream in a thin layer on blackheads, without rubbing.
  2. Avoid the area around the eyes, lips and parotid area.
  3. Use no more than once a day. It is better to do this in the evening, just before bed.
  4. Before use, clean the skin () and dry it.
  5. Improvement is observed after a month of regular use, but to consolidate the effect, it is recommended to extend the course to 3 months.
  6. After a certain period of time, if necessary, it is not prohibited to undergo treatment for blackheads again.
  7. If irritation appears on the skin, use of the cream should be stopped.
  8. During treatment it is better to avoid ultraviolet radiation, so the most optimal time for the use of "Differin" - late autumn or winter.
  9. In parallel with it, you should not use drying and irritating cosmetics that contain zinc, salicylic acid, sulfur, and ethyl alcohol.
  10. Itching and flaking on the 2nd or 3rd day after the first use is a normal reaction to the medicine.

Pharmacists offer excellent pharmaceutical creams for blackheads, among which one of the best is Differin. However, this barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment. When using it, you must always remember that this product thins the skin and increases its sensitivity. But in general, when correct use you will surely be satisfied with it. 30 ml of cream will cost you approximately 700 rubles.


Chinese cream-film for face “AFY”

“AFY” is a cream-film for the face against blackheads from Chinese manufacturers. The basis of the product is healing mud. It is considered one of the best developments in modern cosmetology. With it, to eliminate comedones, you do not need to sign up for expensive procedures - you just need to make a therapeutic application of the “AFY” mask-cream.

Efficiency of application

  • Relieves the skin of blackheads, acne, comedones;
  • improves the structure of the epidermis;
  • provides it with adequate nutrition and saturates it with vitamins;
  • increases skin elasticity;
  • regulates water-salt balance;
  • has a soft, very light peeling effect;
  • effective ;
  • aimed at combating age-related changes;
  • has a detoxifying, antimicrobial effect.

How does it work

Effective cleansing of the face from blackheads is carried out thanks to the special structure of the cream: the resulting film is sucked into the pores to the impurities embedded in them, and when removed, removes them to the surface.


The main active ingredient is dark clay Chinese origin, which has a healing effect. To make the cream sticky, auxiliary ingredients are added to it:

  • water;
  • polyvinyl alcohol;
  • propylene glycol;
  • glycerol;
  • iodopropynyl butylcarbamate;
  • glycol;
  • imidazolidinyl urea;
  • flavorings.

This composition is typical for almost all cream-masks with the formation of a film to pull blackheads out of the pores.

Mode of application

  1. Steam your face using a steam bath or a towel soaked hot water.
  2. Cleanse the skin with a scrub (you will find how to properly use a facial scrub).
  3. Apply “AFY” in a thick layer to the area where there are blackheads (most often the forehead, nose or chin).
  4. It takes no more than 15 minutes for the cream to dry.
  5. Remove the film by the edge.
  6. Avoid getting the cream in the eyes, eyebrows, hair, or open wounds.
  7. The frequency of procedures is 3 times a week maximum.
  8. The course of treatment is no more than 1 month.

The Chinese cream mask for blackheads “AFY” provides deep cleansing of the skin at home. You can buy the product in many cosmetic stores and pharmacies, paying about 400 rubles for a 60-gram tube.


Foam for washing against blackheads “Propeller”

The Propeller cream for blackheads from the Russian company Narodnye Promysly is available in the form of a pleasant and convenient foam.

Effect on the skin

  • Gentle and gentle cleansing of any skin type;
  • reduces the sensitivity threshold;
  • frees pores from blockages using the vacuum method;
  • eliminates accumulations of sebum from the surface of the epidermis.


  • Plant extracts;
  • essential oils;
  • anti-sebum acids in the form of a cleansing gel.


  1. Apply to the skin immediately before washing.
  2. Massage your face with wet fingertips.
  3. Rinse with water.
  4. Use twice a day - morning and evening.

So if you are looking for a cream for blackheads on the nose, for just 100 rubles you can buy “Propeller” and enjoy comedon-free skin.


Another representative of domestic cosmetology is a cream against blackheads on the face from Faberlic (Russia).

Magic action

  • Full control of the process of keratinization of the epidermis;
  • softening and smoothing rough surfaces;
  • narrowing of pores;
  • regulation of sebaceous gland secretion;
  • emptying pores of contents (their drainage).


  • Japanese rose extract eliminates comedones, preventing the formation of new blackheads;
  • Regu-Seb (patented complex) has antiseborrheic properties;
  • Novaftem-O2™ (oxygen complex) delivers oxygen to cells in the required quantities;
  • eliminates keratinization;
  • softens the epidermis, increases its protective functions, and prevents aging;
  • Bisabolol is an anti-inflammatory substance made from chamomile;
  • D-Panthenol has restorative and soothing properties;
  • Pentavitin is a humectant that reduces dryness and irritation.

How to use

  1. It is recommended to apply the cream twice a day, in the mornings and evenings, to previously cleansed skin.
  2. After a couple of weeks, you will want to throw the product away, as your face will take on an earthy tint and will appear shiny with fat and a greasy sheen. But this is just the “work” of the cream: this is how it pulls debris out of the pores.
  3. Manufacturers do not recommend using this product when using it.
  4. Course - 3 months. Moreover, to completely get rid of blackheads, you will need 2 courses, the interval between which should be at least 2 months.

For a tube of cream (40 ml) for blackheads you will have to pay about 350 rubles, but the money is worth it.


A preparation based on the retinoid "Klenzit"

According to some experts, the best cream for blackheads is Klenzit, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Manufacturer: Indian pharmaceutical company Glenmark. Developed by a practicing dermatologist, it is not just a cosmetic product, but a real medicinal product based on the same adapalene (retinoid).

Pharmacological properties

  • Elimination of open and closed comedones;
  • exfoliation of dead and dead cells;
  • freeing pores from blockage;
  • acne treatment.

Methods of application

  1. External use.
  2. Avoid contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, oral cavity, and lips.
  3. Apply cream-gel for blackheads to cleansed and dried skin.
  4. It is applied locally: only the blackheads themselves are treated with light massage movements.
  5. Frequency: once a day, before bedtime. In the first two weeks it is better - every other day.
  6. Full course - 3 months.
  7. Do not stop using the cream, even if the blackheads disappear without a trace before the end of the course. If you don't want them to return, finish what you started.


  • Hypersensitivity to a component of the cream;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • abrasions, scratches.

Side effects

  • Redness;
  • peeling;
  • burning;
  • allergy.
  1. At the very beginning of using the Klenzit cream for blackheads, an exacerbation of acne may occur. But this is temporary and normal.
  2. Do not use the product in summer or spring: the retinoid is too sensitive to sunlight.
  3. The product cannot be frozen.

The average pharmacy price at which you can buy gel cream against blackheads “Klenzit” for a package of 15 g is from 600 rubles.

These are the most effective, according to dermatologists, cleansers of this type. But they are far from the only ones. We bring to your attention a rating of several more creams for the hated comedones.

Greetings to everyone who visited my review!

I have had very bad skin since high school. And since adolescence, these hated black dots have accompanied me! They have always been there, and I did everything I could to combat them - all sorts of masks, tonics, creams, cleansing with a cosmetologist and peelings. Cleaning with a cosmetologist is very painful and expensive, but for me it is absolutely ineffective. The black dots on the nose did not want to give up after cleaning, or if they did, not all of them returned and returned soon (after a week). In the end, I gave up on them, well, they are there, I’ll cover them with foundation. But everything changed when I bought this product. I don’t know what to call it correctly - the manufacturer writes on the website that it is a “remedy”; in online stores it is called “emulsion”, “toner” or “serum”. Therefore, I will simply call it “remedy” (as on the official website).

Having tried it once, I realized that it was mine, completely and completely! I came up with a weekly skin cleansing routine for myself using my favorite products and am very pleased with it. Now I don’t spend money on a cosmetologist or on unnecessary extra products that don’t work.

So, a little about the product itself.)


Since this product is made in Korea, the packaging, like most Korean cosmetics, is bright and unusual. A bright pink, saturated color plastic bottle with a black dispenser and a translucent black cap. Volume 60 ml. The liquid inside the bottle is thin and foams a little when applied to a cotton pad. I can’t accurately describe the aroma, it’s chemically floral or something, light, unobtrusive. The liquid leaves sticky marks on the hands, although it is quickly absorbed into the skin. By the way, when the product gets on it, the skin of your hands immediately becomes dry.


A product for deep cleansing of pores and control of sebum production.
Blackheads appear due to clogging of the skin's sebaceous glands with excess sebum, dead skin cells and small dust particles. As a result, the pores become dark and this gives the face an unkempt appearance. Lioele Blackhead Clear is a product that will help cope with this problem and get rid of blackheads.


On the packaging, the composition is written in Korean characters, so I take information about the active ingredients from the website where this product can be purchased.

Included in the product complex of plant extracts(witch hazel, purslane, licorice, green tea, grapefruit, rice, centella asiatica, seaweed, fermented soy and pomegranate) dissolves even the most stubborn blackheads and dirt accumulated in the pores, gently exfoliates the stratum corneum and reduces sebum production.
Panthenol relieves irritation and has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. Hyaluronic acid and hydrolyzed collagen moisturize the skin for a long time and make it soft and smooth.
Witch hazel flower and leaf extract– tightens pores, tones, cleanses the skin.
Hydrolyzed algin-a water-soluble polymer with low molecular weight obtained from algae. It is a powerful antioxidant and humectant.
Portulaca extract– has a targeted effect on fine wrinkles, smoothing the skin texture, protects collagen and elastin from damage, has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect
Lemon acid– brightens the skin, cleanses and tightens pores.
Licorice extract– has a whitening and cleansing effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
Sumac hemiptera– among the beneficial active ingredients in sumac there are tannins and essential oils, due to which it has an astringent, tonic, and anti-inflammatory property.
Ginkgo biloba– great extract! Removes toxins, saturates the skin with oxygen, prevents blockage of blood vessels, has antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects
Centella asiatica is a traditional Ayurvedic plant used in surgery. Contains saponins, flavonoids, phytosterols, essential oil, a rich source of asiatic acid, which accelerates wound healing and promotes collagen production.
Japanese plum– a natural source of vitamins, microelements, moisturizes and nourishes the skin.
Sophora root extract– has a regenerating effect, helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, promotes the resorption of bruises, enhances microcirculation
Grapefruit extract– has antiviral, antimicrobial, antibacterial properties, tightens pores
Neem (margosa) extract– Neem is one of the most famous in India medicinal plants, has pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, neutralizes toxins. Neem is an indispensable remedy for the treatment of acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and other skin diseases.
Istoda thin-leaved– rich in saponins, which gently cleanse the skin, tannins, fatty oils, essential oils, ascorbic acid, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties
Korean bell– restores skin elasticity, moisturizes
Algae extract– algae contains almost the entire periodic table, including iodine, bromine, iron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acids, polysaccharides, amino acids, alginic acid, vitamins, enzymes and phytohormones, which are extremely beneficial for the skin
Camellia sinensis contains a record amount of polyphenols, which also have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, promote the penetration of biologically active substances into the skin
Rice bran extract– a traditional Asian lightening agent. In addition, it is an excellent source of vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, chromium and other minerals and trace elements.
Dandelion extract– cleanses pores, whitens the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect.
The product is hypoallergenic. Suitable for any skin type.


The manufacturer recommends this method of use:

Cleanse skin and open pores with a hot, damp towel. Take a cotton pad and divide it into 2 halves. Apply Blackhead Clear to them and apply them to the nose or other areas with blackheads.

  • For normal to dry skin, use the product once a week and leave on for 15-20 minutes.
  • For sensitive skin, use the product once every 5-10 days (depending on the degree of oiliness of the skin) and leave for 10 minutes.
  • For oily, combination and problem skin, use the product 2 times a week and leave on for 15 - 20 minutes.

Remove the cotton pad and gently remove any melted dirt and oil using a cotton swab.

I don't like this method. First, you need to keep a wet and hot towel on your face for 20 minutes. How it can maintain a high temperature for so long is beyond me? Secondly, lying for 20 minutes with a towel on your face is not always possible. Thirdly, without the use of additional products and tools (I’ll tell you which ones later), the product does not fully cope with blackheads. Therefore, I propose this scheme for applying the product.

1. Steam your face with LIOELE BLACKHEAD PORE OPENING MASSAGE GEL is a warming massage gel to open pores. For me personally hot steam Doesn't open pores like this gel does.

You need to use it like this: apply a small amount of the product to skin cleansed with your favorite product, massage your facial skin for 2-3 minutes. Do not rinse off for the next step.

By the way, I suggest assessing the condition of the skin before cleaning. As you can see, the skin is porous, overdried, the pores are wide, black spots are clearly visible on the nose and chin.

2. Apply a small amount of product LIOELE BLACKHEAD CLEAR onto cotton pads or cloth napkins. We apply these discs to the areas that we want to clean, usually the forehead, nose, and chin. Keep it on for 20 minutes. Be sure to moisten with the product as it dries. Just do not wet the cotton pad while it is on your face, otherwise there is a possibility of spraying it directly into the eye (!).

3. We remove the cotton pads and... personally, I see that the blackheads are still there. But the cleansing isn't over yet. The product softened the sebum well and cleaned out some of the pores. The other pores remain in place, now we need to remove the sebum from the pores. Take a Vidal loop and clean your face. The softened dirt easily comes out of the pores. Only clean pores remain).

4. Now we need to remove the product itself from the face. Wash off using your favorite skin cleanser. I use Beldi "6 herbs" from Spivak. I apply and leave for a minute, then rinse with cool water to tighten the pores.I think the result is obvious. And you?)


- really dissolves blackheads, which can be easily removed from the pores with a Vidal loop. (by the way, this loop is now sold in many stores, for example, I saw it at Ruble Boom, before it was impossible to get it, so I ordered it on Ebay);

- after use there is redness and the skin may be sensitive, since this is still a rather aggressive product;

- the effect lasts for a week or a week and a half. Then the pores become clogged again, which is quite normal, because the skin is an excretory organ;

- a bottle lasts me 3 months of use once a week;

- sometimes on the second day the skin may peel off.

Let's take another look at the result.) For me personally, none of the tested products gave such an effect.


You can buy it profitably on ebay. It costs 790 rubles there. I don’t recommend buying Korean cosmetics from IM, because it costs more there and plus delivery costs 250 rubles.

Also, departments with Korean cosmetics are very popular now; a lot of them have opened in our city. You can ask there too.

It turns out to be very beneficial compared to regular cleaning by a cosmetologist and the effect for me is much better.

I recommend! Healthy and beautiful skin to everyone!!!

Comedones, or blackheads, are small cysts that form in the skin pores. They rarely become inflamed or cause complications, but they spoil the appearance, making the skin look unkempt. Comedones often form on the wings of the nose, chin, cheeks, and ears. To eliminate a cosmetic defect, use a remedy for blackheads, which has softening and cleansing properties. Special creams, lotions, and masks remove impurities from hair follicles. Proper care cleanses the skin pores, which prevents the appearance of acne.

Causes of clogged pores

Small spots on the skin are formed as a result of clogging of the follicles with sebum, dirt and dead cells. Over time, the horny masses contained in the pores oxidize, which is why they acquire a black color. Factors that provoke the problem include:

  • lack of hygiene;
  • hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • drug abuse;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.

Comedogenic cosmetics based on animal fats or waxes also clog hair follicles with horny masses and lipids.

How to get rid of comedones

The remedy for comedones dilates blood vessels, disinfects and softens soft tissues. Its action is aimed at softening sebaceous plugs at the mouths of the follicles and removing them. In case of irrational use of cosmetics or pharmaceutical drugs, treatment will not bring any results.

To get rid of fatty plugs on the face, therapy is carried out in three stages:

  • expansion of skin pores;
  • loosening of horny masses;
  • removal of fat plugs.

Even with regular use of TOP products for blackheads, it is not always possible to achieve the expected results. Fat plugs arise as a result of dysfunction of internal organs and sebaceous glands, which begin to secrete an excessive amount of secretion. To get rid of comedones, you need to determine the reasons for their appearance. Following a hypoallergenic diet, treating gastrointestinal diseases and skin pathologies reduces the likelihood of re-clogging the follicles with natural fat.

Pharmacy remedies for blackheads

At the pharmacy you can purchase at least 10-15 types of medicines, the action of which is aimed at removing comedones. They not only dissolve horny masses, but also stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. This reduces the likelihood of re-formation of sebaceous plugs in the skin.

  • Differin is a drug for spots on the face based on retinoic acid. It has a dissolving effect on comedones, narrows pores, and reduces the secretion of natural fat.
  • Ichthyol ointment is an effective remedy against acne and boils. Relieves inflammation, accelerates the evacuation of fat plugs from hair follicles. The ointment should be used twice a day to treat or prevent acne.
  • Zinc ointment is an antiseptic and emollient for comedones, which has virtually no contraindications. Can be used during pregnancy and lactation, since its active ingredients do not penetrate the bloodstream.
  • Radevit is an antiseptic, wound-healing and moisturizing ointment that is used in the treatment of points on the face. The product contains ergocalciferol, retinol and tocopherol, which normalize the processes of keratinization of the epidermis. This prevents the follicles from clogging with keratinized cells and disrupting the functions of the sebaceous glands.
  • Effezel is an anti-blackhead remedy that contains adapalene. Effectively eliminates comedones, normalizes the processes of keratinization and differentiation of skin cells. This reduces the risk of microcomedones forming in the pores.
  • Retinoic ointment is an anti-acne remedy that improves the condition of the skin. Like many medications for comedones, it contains retinol (vitamin A), which affects the secretory activity of the sebaceous glands. The ointment eliminates inflammation and spots, tightens pores and reduces the rate of sebum production.

Pharmacy ointments for external use are applied only to problem areas 2-4 times a day. Before using these medications, you should consult a dermatologist. Abuse of ointments and liniments is fraught with allergic reactions.

To prevent the appearance of spots, it is recommended to take vitamin tablets. Multivitamin complexes with tocopherol, retinol, ascorbic acid and pyridoxine have a beneficial effect on the functions of the skin appendages. Their restoration reduces the risk of follicle clogging with sebaceous plugs.

Medical cosmetics

Many cosmetics have a cleansing, softening and anti-inflammatory effect. Lotions, creams, and face masks are used to deeply cleanse the skin of impurities. They contain herbal extracts, vitamins and bioactive substances that normalize fat secretion.

The best remedies for blackheads on the face:

  • Propeller is a light cleansing cream based on organic acids, herbal extracts and oils. Degreases the epidermis, removes comedones and improves exfoliation of dead cells.
  • Clenzit is a retinoid-based cream that is used to deeply cleanse the face of impurities. Restores the processes of keratinization and exfoliation of epidermal cells.
  • La Roche Posay Effaclar is an anti-blackhead lotion that improves local immunity and accelerates tissue regeneration. Used to cleanse the epidermis of impurities and sebaceous plugs.
  • Baziron is an antimicrobial cream that restores the functioning of the exocrine glands. Eliminates spots on the face, improves tissue nutrition and tightens skin pores.
  • Daycell JeJu Dol Hareubang is a cosmetic mask with the addition of volcanic ash, white clay and herbal extracts. Dissolves horny masses at the mouths of follicles and improves the secretory function of the sebaceous and sweat glands. The product has an anti-inflammatory and moisturizing effect, making the skin look healthier.
  • Dermal is a mask based on collagen, glycerin, tocopherol and aloe extract. Removes excess natural fat and dead skin cells, which helps eliminate spots. Used to combat open comedones and acne.

To achieve the desired effect, cosmetics are used systematically for 1-2 months. If your skin condition worsens, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

Cosmetology procedures

Mechanical cleansing of the face only eliminates the consequences of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, sweat and sebaceous glands. To get rid of comedones on the face, it is advisable to combine cosmetic procedures with pharmaceutical products.

For two days after mechanical cleaning, the use of decorative cosmetics and visiting a solarium is contraindicated.

To remove dots and other defects, the following cleaning methods are used:

  • Retinoic peeling is a gentle cleansing of the surface layers of the skin from impurities. To soften and remove spots, a dissolving agent, retinoic acid, is applied to problem areas. It quickly removes inflammation, inhibits the secretion of sebum and softens sebaceous plugs. The procedure eliminates cosmetic defects and improves the processes of exfoliation of epidermal cells.
  • Biodermabrasion – elimination of spots and acne with products based on herbal extracts. For grinding and quickly removing dirt, abrasives are additionally used to cleanse the pores of dirt and grease deposits.
  • Ultrasonic peeling is a hardware cleaning designed to remove acne and age spots. Under the influence of ultrasound, the ducts of the exocrine glands open, which helps remove fat plugs from them. During the procedure, keratinized epidermal cells, impurities and opportunistic microorganisms are removed. Ultrasonic peeling normalizes lymph circulation in tissues, thereby increasing local immunity.
  • Ozone therapy is the treatment of dermatological diseases with ozone. When the skin is exposed to active oxygen, sebaceous plugs soften. The method has a healing effect on the epidermis, prevents reappearance comedones and acne.

Regardless of the choice of cleaning method, to maintain the effect, you should regularly care for the skin. To do this, you need to systematically use cleansing gels, creams and masks based on cosmetic clay, herbal extracts, etc.

Homemade facial cleansing methods

In terms of effectiveness, traditional methods are practically not inferior to modern cosmetics. To get rid of spots on the chin, nose or cheeks, use masks based on:

  • aloe;
  • lemon juice;
  • activated carbon;
  • hydrolyzed gelatin;
  • white or black clay;
  • infusion of chamomile, lemon balm, sage;
  • essential oils of bergamot, horsetail, rosemary.

These effective remedies for blackheads contain only natural ingredients and are rich in organic acids, vitamins and microelements. They are used for 1-2 weeks until the comedones completely disappear.

Cosmetic mask - the best remedy for oily and combination skin. To prepare it, you need 1 tbsp. l. mix clay with chamomile infusion. Apply the paste onto your face and rinse with warm water after 25-30 minutes. Before starting the procedure, you should steam the skin to facilitate the evacuation of sebaceous plugs from the pores. To do this, dampen a clean towel in hot water and put it on your face.


Cleansing the skin from spots can be classified as symptomatic methods of treating comedones.

Prevention is, first of all, systematic and regular cleansing of the skin.

And in order to prevent their re-formation, it is necessary to eliminate factors that negatively affect the functioning of the sweat and sebaceous glands. For this it is necessary.

The most common and very unattractive phenomenon on the face are comedones, or the notorious blackheads. These are pores that are closed and clogged with dust, excess sebaceous deposits and cosmetic residues. They have characteristic dark inclusions. Do you want to get rid of blackheads on your face? A product (cosmetic or pharmacological) will cope with this task perfectly. We present to your attention our selection of the most effective means from comedones.

Briefly about the possible causes of blackheads

Are you experiencing blackheads on your face? The reasons for their occurrence may lie in hormonal imbalance. In most cases, the biggest culprit behind unsightly dark growths that prevent your skin from breathing properly is dihydrotestosterone.

This is a special hormone that prevents the normal activity of the sebaceous glands. During hormonal imbalance, the production of dihydrotestosterone becomes uncontrollable (it is produced in excess), which leads to blockage of your pores. Also among the reasons causing the appearance of unflattering blackheads, we highlight the following:

  • Using low-quality cosmetics (the oil contained in such products contributes to clogging of pores).
  • Side effects from long-term use of medications (this applies to those drugs that contain steroids, testosterone, phenytoin and estrogen).
  • Regular stress.
  • Alcohol and caffeine abuse.
  • Tobacco smoking.
  • Abuse of fatty, fried and smoked foods.
  • Heavy sweating (especially if you work out at the gym often).
  • Frequently falling asleep with makeup on your face.

In a word, whatever the reason, unattractive acne, if you do nothing, will not go away. Therefore, we will tell you further how to get rid of blackheads on facial cosmetics, medicinal and folk remedies.

When you think about how to get rid of blackheads on your face, it seems that all remedies are good. However, this is not quite true. After all, in in this case your pores are already closed and completely clogged.

Inept use of the first available creams can lead to a completely opposite effect, for example, to even further closing of the pores. And then the presence of comedones can be aggravated by inflammation, acne and other unattractive rashes. Therefore, before purchasing the product, carefully read the packaging and instructions.

Firstly, your remedy for blackheads on the face should have a mild scrubbing effect. This will help clear the pores of impurities and remove dead skin particles. Secondly, it should have a soothing effect, helping to narrow already enlarged pores. And finally, thirdly, most effective remedy definitely has a tonic effect. It nourishes, does not dry out the skin and allows you to keep it toned.

The amazing effect of Chinese film cream

The most famous remedy for blackheads on the face is a Chinese cream film called AFY. This is a small black tube that resembles a cream and contains an emblem in the form of two petals of a plant.

It is known that this cream is based on a special cosmetic mud that resembles a viscous resinous substance. It improves the outer surface of the skin, cleanses and shrinks pores, nourishes and restores water-salt balance. It works on the film principle. It should be applied to the skin and wait about 15-20 minutes. It then hardens and adheres tightly to the face, creating a thin film barrier.

At the moment of getting rid of this film, the pores are freed from darkening contaminants. In other words, all impurities simply remain on the film, and the skin is freed from all unnecessary things. This is how wonderful this remedy for blackheads works. There is no trace of it left on the face. But your dermis takes on a blooming and well-groomed appearance.

Pleasant foam “Propeller”

Domestic Propeller foam miraculously saves you from blackheads. This is a universal cleanser produced by the company “Folk Crafts”. This ointment for blackheads on the face contains a plant base, natural essential oils and cleansing anti-sebum acids. It works like this:

According to the instructions, it is recommended to use this product twice a day. Morning and evening times are perfect for this. As a result of its use, you will get soft and dirt-free skin, get rid of comedones and give your face a healthy color. This is far from the best remedy for blackheads on the face, but it is quite effective and inexpensive.

Using Differin

Another option for getting rid of unpleasant blackheads is Differin ointment. This is a medication that requires a 12-day course of treatment. During this time, the drug eliminates sebaceous-keratin plugs, restores epidermal and keratinization processes (promotes the normal functioning of skin cells).

Moreover, the product has a pronounced antiseptic effect. In addition to acne, it copes excellently with other skin rashes. In particular, the drug has proven itself to be an effective eliminater of acne and irritation.

How to use the drug?

Before using Differin, you must carefully read the instructions. It is believed that for the best effect and your safety, it is recommended to apply this product only once a day. Moreover, it is advisable to do this before you plan to go to bed.

However, when applying the product, follow safety rules and make sure that the cream does not get into the corners of the lips, the lower part of the nose or eyes. This drug is also recommended for use in combination with moisturizing lotions and fortified face creams. For example, these could be products from the Baziron brand.

Faberlic dot cream

Faberlic is another domestic manufacturer of cosmetics that is actively fighting problem skin. Not so long ago, specialists from this organization came up with a new cream for blackheads on the face. They included this product in a separate series “Expert Sebobalance”. It also includes a clay-mud cosmetic mask that helps tighten pores, and a rolling gel with a cleansing and moisturizing effect.

According to the stories of many cosmetologists, for the best effect from blackheads it is necessary to use the entire complex. You should start with a complete cleansing of the face, for example, this can be done using a regular gel or foam for washing. At the second stage, it is recommended to apply (for about 4-5 minutes) a clay mask from the Faberlic series and distribute it along the entire perimeter of the face. Next, you need to wash it off with water or remove it using regular cotton pads.

After the mask for blackheads on the face is completely removed, it is recommended to use the second product in the series - the gel. It must be applied in small quantities and in a very thin layer. Then leave it on the skin for 2-3 minutes and begin to roll it up, performing circular movements. Thanks to this gel, your skin is cleansed and tightened. Excess cream and peculiar pellets are removed using cotton pads. At the last stage, a cream is used to tighten the pores.

Ideally, the full course of treatment with all three drugs is 3 months. However, according to experts, to completely get rid of blackheads, you will need two such courses. It just makes sense to take a two-month break between them. And only after that you can feel the full effect of the entire complex.

Klenzit cream is one of the quick helpers in the fight against comedones

"Klenzit" is a medical product manufactured by an Indian manufacturer (Glenmark company). According to preliminary data, this particular drug was developed by one of the outstanding practicing dermatologists. In this case, the main active component of the product is adapalene, or retinoid.

Thanks to the use of this drug, it is possible to eliminate not only closed but also open comedones, keratinized skin particles, free pores from debris and subcutaneous fat, and also cure acne spreading across the face.

You should use this cream once a day and every other day. A full course of treatment with the drug is only 3 months. “Klenzit” is applied pointwise, that is, exclusively on unattractive points.

Does the patch help with blackheads on the face?

In addition to gels, tonics and cleansing creams, cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies have developed a special patch. It is a relatively small but wide plate with an adhesive base on one side and a soft fabric part on the other. It is quite possible to purchase it at any pharmacy or cosmetics and household chemicals department.

In order for it to work, you must first wash your face and lubricate the problem area with dots (usually the nose). Then the patch itself is applied to the prepared surface. It should be held for 30 seconds to 1 minute. After this, the patch is carefully removed. It is noteworthy that along with the patch, the debris that closes your pores will also go away.

This procedure is best combined with the use of scrubs and tonic cosmetics. And only in this case, the final effect of the procedure will pleasantly surprise you.

What folk remedies can you use to get rid of dots?

In addition to professional medications, traditional home remedies can relieve you of comedones. For example, a homemade egg mask helps with blackheads on the face. However, it is not at all necessary to prepare it in advance. Just wash, dry with a towel and apply a thin layer of chicken protein to problem areas of the face. This mask should be left on for only 1-2 minutes, so as not to overdo it with the tightening effect on the skin.

Next, you can get rid of the remnants of the mask with plain water. You can use it 1-2 times a day. And after removal, it is recommended to lubricate your face with any moisturizer. With regular use of this mask, a noticeable narrowing and cleansing of the pores will occur.

Miracle honey mask with cinnamon

In the treatment of blackheads, a healing mask with the addition of honey and cinnamon is often used. To prepare it, take powdered cinnamon and honey and mix in equal proportions (two tablespoons each). This mask can be applied to the face immediately after mixing the above ingredients.

In this case, cinnamon will promote blood flow to problem areas, and honey will help clear pores of impurities and smooth your skin. Apply this honey cinnamon mask for 3-5 minutes. Then all that remains is to wash it off with plain water. It is recommended to use the mask 1-2 times a week.

What to pay attention to: safety rules

It doesn't matter what you use: folk recipe, cosmetic or pharmacological preparation. The main thing is to follow the proportions and recipe. We also advise you not to apply the product to the entire surface of your face, but to test it on a small area. Thanks to this simple approach, you can check your body's reaction to the drug. If slight redness appears on the skin, you will have to stop using the ointment or gel. Be careful and use caution even with the most advertised anti-blackhead products!

Human skin is covered with a huge number of pores - 100 on every square centimeter. Through them, the sebaceous glands moisturize and protect the surface of the body. This is normal. But sometimes the pores become clogged with dead skin, dirt and dust, and are clogged with sebum on top. This is how comedones appear: closed (pimples) and open (blackheads). Most often this happens in places where the sebaceous glands are most active: on the face (nose, forehead, chin), back and neck.

Causes of blackheads

  • Hormonal surges. In adolescence, during periods of menstruation, pregnancy or menopause, inflammation on the skin can be triggered precisely by the work of hormones.
  • Insufficient skin cleansing. If you return after a day of work in the city and don’t wash your face, all the road dust kicked up into the air by cars will remain on your face. And if you mess around in the process of rinsing, then the remnants of powder, blush and foundation will keep the dust in friendly company.
  • Excessive skin cleansing. Yes, this is also harmful. If you wash your face with soap several times a day, wipe it with tonics and lotions a couple more times, and finally treat it with alcohol to disinfect - congratulations! You have completely killed the protective layer of the skin. With such active exposure, the face over and over again remains defenseless against surrounding bacteria, which is perceived by the sebaceous glands as an alarm signal. As a result, such diligence can only achieve the opposite effect: fat will begin to be released even faster and more actively.
  • Too many scrubs. If you are trying to remove blackheads with frequent peelings, the effect will be the same as in the previous case. In addition, if the scrub is too rough, you can also damage the skin mechanically.
  • Frequent touching of the skin. Touch your face as little as possible and only with clean hands. If your nose itches, grab a paper napkin, especially if you were holding onto the handrail on the subway a moment ago. Imagine what could get on your skin from there.
  • Smoking. Besides the fact that this bad habit makes your skin dull and ages you prematurely, cigarette smoke can contribute to inflammatory processes on the skin.
  • Oily hair balm. If you are bothered by comedones on your neck, shoulders or forehead (if you wear bangs), look at what you wash your hair with. Residue from hair moisturizers or heavy styling products transfers to the skin and can clog pores.

Contrary to popular belief, diet does not affect Complementary therapies for acne vulgaris on the condition of comedones. And although eating fatty, fried or sweet foods every day is not very healthy in general, it will cause fewer or no more blackheads.

What will help with blackheads

There are several basic methods for cleansing the skin of open comedones:

  • Mechanical removal. Performed in a professional salon or at home. This method will give you a quick, but, unfortunately, short-lived effect. We do not recommend squeezing out blackheads yourself or from an unreliable specialist: there is a high risk of infection and scars may remain.
  • Cosmetic procedures. Acid peelings, vacuum cleaning, ultrasound removal - find out the full list in beauty salons and cosmetology centers. These procedures can be effective if you do not have any contraindications.
  • Masks and scrubs of various effects. They can exfoliate or draw out the raised heads of comedones, as well as lighten them. You can find a suitable product from your favorite cosmetics brand or prepare it at home.
  • Lifestyle changes. The most difficult, but the most effective method. Take proper care of your face, look for high-quality cosmetics, get rid of bad habits. If other methods give only temporary results - until new inflammation appears, then this one will provide you with clean and smooth skin for a long time.

The cosmetic products market is full of a variety of products for blackheads, you can easily find any in the store. And we will tell you about products that you can prepare with your own hands.



  • White clay mask. This is a natural absorbent that will tighten pores, remove excess sebum and remove oily shine. White clay powder is sold in pharmacies; just mix it with warm water according to the instructions and leave for 5-15 minutes. Since clay dries out the skin, do this mask no more than once a week, and when finished, apply moisturizer to your face.
  • Honey mask. Apply a thin layer of liquid honey on your face for 10–15 minutes, rinse with warm water. Honey is a natural antiseptic that will make your skin cleaner without drying it out. Before use, it is better to test the mask on a small area of ​​skin and make sure there is no allergic reaction.
  • Kefir mask. Heat regular kefir to 50–60 °C and lubricate your face with it. In 15–20 minutes, the acids contained in the drink will treat your skin as a gentle and light peeling.

Whitening products

  • Lemon-honey mask. Grate a quarter of a lemon on a fine grater and mix with a tablespoon of honey. Lemon is an excellent, but quite aggressive bleach, so test the mask on a small area of ​​skin before applying. If the reaction is normal, apply the mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes. At the end of the procedure, do not forget to use a moisturizer.
  • Lemon tonic. Mix the juice of half a lemon and a medium cucumber with a teaspoon of honey. If desired, dilute with clean water to obtain a liquid consistency. Wipe your face with the resulting tonic once or twice a day after washing. This natural cosmetic product can be stored in the refrigerator for 5–7 days.
  • Strawberry mask. Mash a couple of ripe strawberries with a fork and, if desired, add a little flour to obtain a thick paste. Apply the mask for 20-25 minutes and then rinse off cold water.


  • Soda mask. A couple of tablespoons regular soda mix with a little water. Apply the mixture to your face for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. This mask dries the skin very much, so do it no more than once every 1-2 weeks with the obligatory use of a moisturizer after the procedure.
  • Activated carbon mask. Grind a pack of tablets (10 pieces) and mix with a small amount of water to form a thick mass. Spread the mixture on your face and leave for 5-10 minutes. Charcoal is a natural absorbent, and its texture can be used as a scrub. Therefore, before washing off the mask, gently massage your skin. For dry and normal skin, the composition can be improved by replacing water with sour cream or milk.
  • Honey-cinnamon scrub. Mix three tablespoons of honey with one spoon of cinnamon powder. Due to the fine grinding of the spice, the scrub is perfect for gentle peeling of the skin. Massage your face for a few minutes, and before doing so, wash your face with warm water to open the pores.


  • Milk gelatin mask. Mix milk and gelatin in equal proportions and heat in a water bath or microwave until the latter dissolves. Apply the solution to your face with a brush or your hands. To make the mask easier to remove, add one or two more layers when the first one dries. After 20–25 minutes, start peeling the dried mask off your face. If you have delicate skin and this process is too painful for you, rinse off the mask with warm water. At the end of the execution, use a soothing moisturizer.
  • Protein-sugar mask. Add a tablespoon of sugar to the raw egg white and stir until smooth. Apply half the mixture to your face and wait until it dries. Place the rest of the mask on top with your hands and begin to drive them in with patting movements of your fingertips. During the procedure, a sticky substance between your hands and face draws out the contents of the pores. Continue patting until your fingers no longer stick to the skin.
  • Tightening lemon mask. Lightly whisk one egg white, one tablespoon of sugar and one tablespoon of lemon juice and leave on your face for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Preventing the appearance of blackheads


Our task is to properly cleanse the skin of external impurities and regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

  • Wash your face morning and evening using mild cosmetics.
  • Do not use alcohol or soap to cleanse your skin. Overdried skin will do everything to restore the damaged protective layer and will begin to produce sebum in an even greater volume.
  • Wash off your makeup thoroughly, especially waterproof makeup. Whatever you use to remove it, be sure to wash your face with clean water afterwards.
  • Pay attention to yours: perhaps you are using a cream that is not suitable for your skin type (too oily or not moisturizing enough).
  • Upon completion of any water procedures Rinse your skin with cool or cold water. When exposed to low temperatures, the pores will naturally close and protect themselves from external influences.
  • Touch your face only with clean hands.

What cosmetics to use

  • Choose a face cream that suits you. If you have dry skin, the product should be moisturizing enough so that the sebaceous glands do not feel the need to work harder. If your skin is oily, a light lotion or emulsion is more suitable: they will not clog into the pores.
  • Use cosmetics not based on oil, but on water based. They will allow the skin to breathe.
  • Skip heavy foundation in favor of tinted balms or BB creams. Also, you should not make a “layer cake” on your face from foundation, tone, concealer and powder.
  • If you live in a large city, are often among large crowds of people, or your way home lies along a highway, cosmetics will not harm, but will only help your skin. A thin layer of properly selected high-quality foundation will protect your pores from dust and dirt floating in the air.

Do blackheads bother you? How do you deal with them? What recipes work for you? Share your secrets in the comments.