How food moths start. How to get rid of food moths in the kitchen? Where to look for her and what is she afraid of? Traps and recipes for folk remedies

Remedies from food moth are used to secure products. Small butterflies seem harmless, but in practice it turns out that they are quite dangerous insects. If you do not get rid of food moths in time, they will undermine existing supplies. Eventually they will have to be thrown away. You can save products that are less affected.

If there is a moth, it is probably a representative of one of the species:

Such insects are more often found in private housing within the kitchen. Wingspan – up to 8 mm. The color is pale: from beige to brown. The upper wings are darker than the lower ones.

The pest reaches 1 cm in length. When the wings are folded, representatives different types insects are similar to each other, since the color is difficult to see.

The larvae reach 1.5 cm in length and are characterized by a light color. If adults differ in external signs, then young offspring are sometimes difficult to distinguish.

Damage caused

It is imperative to remove moths from the kitchen, as otherwise they will destroy most of the food. Insects feed on cereals and flour, nuts, dried fruits, as well as seasonings, tea, chocolate products and seeds. They spread through the air (fly into windows, through ventilation), and enter the apartment with products brought from the store. Accordingly, it is impossible to completely protect yourself.

Eating food contaminated by insects can lead to a severe allergic reaction.

It is recommended to begin fighting insects immediately after signs of infestation appear: rot at the bottom of containers with bulk products; change in the structure of flour and cereals (they become lumpy). The nuts have holes made by caterpillars. Appearance the product deteriorates, cocoons and cobwebs are noticeable, and larvae are found. It’s especially unpleasant when they end up inside chocolates, because in this case The caterpillars are difficult to spot.

A butterfly can appear suddenly, even if the house is kept clean and not stored a large number of stocks. You can get rid of food moths in your apartment different ways, but first you need to find the source of infection. To completely exterminate all individuals and offspring, it is necessary to clean the kitchen.

To destroy larvae and eggs, certain means are used, since not all drugs have an effect on the young offspring of butterflies. In addition, you need to decide what to do with moth-infested products.

Finding the source of infection

Before getting rid of the moth itself, you should find the source of its appearance. Butterflies leave their offspring in different places, where after a week larvae will appear and begin to destroy the product. Cobwebs and large black-headed caterpillars are noticeable in their habitats. Moth eggs are difficult to notice, as they are small in size (no larger than a grain of semolina) and white in color.

Close-up photo of a food moth larva

First you need to inspect the ceiling and cabinets for the presence of butterfly cocoons. They are usually on ceiling skirting boards, wallpaper joints, at the base of lamps, in cracks and corners. Pest cocoons are also found in the upper parts of cabinets.

The first step is to inspect the products. You should look for stuck together grains and larvae.

Cleaning the premises

Pest control involves cleaning the entire kitchen. It is necessary to get rid of traces of insects. Heavily contaminated food is thrown away first. Having gotten rid of the source of pests, they move on to cleaning the furniture from the inside. To do this, the contents are pulled out, and shelves are also taken out of cabinets if possible.

Using a vacuum cleaner, you need to go through all the corners, crevices and surfaces with the nozzle. The air flow will attract insects. It is better to throw away the dust bag, but you can also leave it in the freezer for several days. This will kill the insects.

The surfaces inside the cabinets should be treated with a vinegar solution or insecticides (Antimol, etc.). Containers for storing bulk products must also be washed with a vinegar solution or laundry soap.

Chemicals and traditional methods

An aerosol is suitable for treating cabinets and other surfaces, but only if food is not stored inside. This food moth repellent is not used for spraying food. Popular options: Raptor, Raid, Armol, Combat Super spray.

Of the named drugs, only Armol destroys only adult individuals. If the task is to breed young ones (larvae and caterpillars), then you should use Raptor, Combat, Raid.

Special sections allow you to get rid of butterflies: Globol, Raptor, Moskitol. They are located in the corners of the room, close to the source of infection. This product should not be stored near food.

If moths are in cereals, then sticky traps should be considered. They use a pheromone to attract males. Without males, butterflies will not reproduce.

You can also fight the pest with folk remedies:

  • Dried lavender or essential oil
  • Laundry soap. It is cut into pieces and laid out around the room
  • Lemon, orange zest
  • Strong-smelling herbs: tansy, wormwood, cloves, rosemary, thyme or mint.

Home methods repel pests, but do not lead to death. For this reason, they are considered only as an auxiliary measure to combat moths.

Video tips: Fighting food moths with home remedies

How to handle contaminated products?

Destructive temperature for the butterfly and offspring: more than -10 and above +30 degrees. To be safe, the products are processed in the oven at +60 degrees or higher, or by placing them outside if it is hot outside.

An effective way to control pests is freezing.

Sometimes small moths of indistinct color appear in an apartment out of nowhere. This is a reason to be wary and immediately inspect your kitchen cabinets and pantry. Most likely, you have kitchen moths (that's what they look like), and significant damage has been done to your supplies.

“Food moth” is a collective popular name for several species of insects of the butterfly family, which in the larval stage feed on cereals, fruits, nuts and flour.

Removing moths from the kitchen is not easy. This will take a lot of time and effort. Due to the fact that it is found in food, certain methods are unacceptable.

Even an ideal household is not immune to the fact that moths will not appear in the kitchen.

Where do food moths come from? She flies poorly. It probably started in the apartment from eggs and larvae brought from the store along with purchases. Give up the habit of purchasing food in opaque packaging.

Perhaps it came from the neighbors through the ventilation.

One adult female in your kitchen can cause harm by laying eggs in such quantities that it will be almost impossible to stop the reproduction process. Eggs are not afraid of the lack of light, clean air, or the tightness of the container.

Fighting food moths by exterminating butterflies is useless. They don't eat anything at all. The main damage is caused by the larvae. They need to be taken out.

Harm caused

It doesn’t matter what type (barn moth, cereal moth, flour moth, nut moth, fruit moth) has settled in your kitchen, the harm is the same. In any case, you need to get rid of it as soon as you notice the first butterflies.

Food moths eat almost everything - the larvae are found in cereals, sugar, flour, bread, dried fruits, nuts, dried mushrooms, tea, pasta, seeds, and pet food.

In addition to eating, the larva weaves cocoons from silky threads reminiscent of a spider's web. They look like wool balls and pellets. She sheds her skin several times, changing her skin. Don't forget about defecation products and dead larvae.

All this makes food unsuitable for consumption unless you want to develop severe intoxication, a severe allergic reaction, problems with the immune system, or cause other harm to the body.

Adult butterflies, constantly flickering before your eyes, have the unpleasant property of getting into cups of drinks and pots when cooking.

The longer you wait, the harder it is to get them out later.

Where to start the fight

A food moth spotted in an apartment is a reason to immediately reconsider all the containers where the food on which it feeds is stored. Having seen small dark worms in them (this is what a larva looks like), mercilessly throw everything away. Take out the trash can as soon as possible.

If you store food in store-bought packages and find larvae in at least one of them, you will have to throw away everything in that cabinet. Polyethylene is not a barrier for them.

What seems untouched, bake in the oven at a temperature of 50-60ºC (15-20 minutes is enough) or place in the refrigerator for half an hour. Pour into airtight containers.

Then you can begin to fight the remaining butterflies. Sticky fly tape, a fly swatter or a classic newspaper give good results.

Fighting methods

How to get rid of food moths:

To get it out, start with spring cleaning. Vacuum the cabinets and containers where food moths were found, then wash them hot water, finely planing laundry soap there. Wipe joints, hinges, corners with a rag soaked in 9% vinegar and do not cover until it has completely evaporated. You can add a couple of drops of mint, eucalyptus, lavender essential oil. Food moths also do not like tea tree and bergamot.

Purchase an insecticide designed for moths and treat the kitchen following the manufacturer's instructions. When spraying the aerosol, wear gloves and a respirator, do not allow the product to come into contact with food, and keep children and pets away from the kitchen. After the specified period, ventilate the room well. The products last for about a year or until the first wash of the kitchen unit.

Plant-based repellents are a means to repel food moths, not remove them.

Set up several traps with adhesive surfaces. Pheromones mixed into the adhesive composition attract butterflies. Sprinkle the mixture in the cabinets boric acid with flour or semolina (1:3), if it is flour, cereal or grain moth.

The chemical industry produces products in the form of beads or crystals. They work well in a sealed space, but the fumigant gas released is harmful to people and pets. Carry out the treatment for containers where food was stored outside the apartment. Take them out of the kitchen, for example, into the garage. Place everything in a box, seal it with tape in several layers and wait as long as indicated in the instructions. You can also treat cabinets by taping all joints and doors.

Folk remedies

Any folk remedy for food moths is mostly prevention. They do not kill butterflies, but repel them. What are food moths afraid of:

  • Bay leaf.
  • Peeled garlic.
  • Lavender, mint, rosemary, tansy and wormwood. Place fresh or dried inflorescences, leaves, or drop a couple of drops of essential oil in your cabinets.
  • Dried peel of any citrus fruit.
  • Laundry soap shavings.
  • Carnation.
  • Records chewing gum with mint flavor. The smell repels her, but the gum itself will be eaten by food moths.

Food moths adapt well. If you fight it only with folk remedies, after 2-3 generations the butterflies will develop stable immunity.


Don't ask the question how to get rid of food moths. You won’t have to fight it if you take it in a timely manner. preventive measures.

Carefully inspect the products you buy. Be wary of promotions and special offers. Perhaps in this way the store is trying to sell damaged goods. Do not take cereals in torn or opened packaging. Do not buy products in bulk - buy only as much as you need for 1-2 weeks.

Store anything grain moths can eat in glass, tin or ceramic containers with tight-fitting lids. Immediately pour cereals, nuts, flour, sugar, dried fruits, and tea into these containers.

They can be pre-heated in the oven or frozen in the refrigerator. On taste qualities the procedure will have no effect.

Your brownie.

In nature, there are many insect pests that cause discomfort to humans. Almost every housewife has met one of these representatives in the kitchen. This is about . This winged insect can even appear in the house where it is maintained perfect cleanliness. Usually the pest infests itself in dry bulk products, and neither a cellophane nor a paper bag is a barrier for it. This article will tell you what to do if there are moths in your cereal.


The cereal moth is a nondescript small sizes butterfly (up to 10 mm) gray or black. On the wings of gray insects you can see black inclusions in the form of a pattern. The pest belongs to the same family as the clothes bug, or. Distinctive feature cereal moth - feeding on dry bulk products: rice or buckwheat, flour, grain. The insect can even live in nuts and dried fruits. Adults do not use them for food, but only lay eggs there. It is the hatched larvae that pose a threat to groceries.

The lifespan of the cereal moth is 5-6 days, some individuals live up to 3 weeks. The insect reproduces very quickly, managing to leave behind enough offspring. The pest hides in secluded, hard-to-reach places. The grain moth is active at night, so it cannot be detected immediately.

Routes of entry

Many housewives are puzzled by the question of why moths appear in cereals. :

  • With contaminated products from a market or store;
  • Through a window in the absence of a mosquito net;
  • Through the vent.

To minimize the risk of pest butterflies entering your apartment, it is preferable to purchase groceries in large stores rather than at street markets. It is incorrect storage conditions that contribute to the spread of the pest.

Harm from cereal moths

Unlike other household pests, the grain moth is not a carrier of infectious diseases, since it does not feed on spoiled foods. However, it cannot be said that the insect is harmless. They not only eat cereals, but also contaminate them with their excrement and skins left behind after degeneration into adults. As a result, the products become unsuitable for eating.

On a note!

Many housewives are puzzled and do not know whether it is possible to eat cereal if there are moths in it. Contaminated products are dangerous to human health, so they should not be eaten. If the degree of contamination is insignificant, you can “reanimate” the cereal by sorting it out and drying it in the oven.

How to remove grain moth

To answer the question of what to do if there are moths in cereals, you need to know how to store cereals. The winged pest prefers to breed in damp and poorly ventilated places. If there are moths in the cereal, the following measures must be taken.

  1. Check out your kitchen cabinets. You should carefully sort through and review the bags and containers in which flour, sugar, dried fruits and other bulk products are stored. If you discover the presence of insects in them, you should immediately get rid of the packaging. To avoid the spread of food moths, long-lasting cereals should be reviewed periodically.
  2. Conduct sanitization. All surfaces kitchen furniture should be washed with a solution of laundry soap or other detergent. After which they must be thoroughly dried in the open air.
  3. More in a radical way insect control is the use of aerosols. They are used to treat the interior surface of kitchen furniture to prevent the spread of the pest. Before chemical treatment, all food and utensils are removed from the premises, since similar means toxic. As for contaminated cereals, it is better to get rid of them altogether.
  4. Warming the surviving products in the oven is the next step in getting rid of moths. It is enough to place them on a baking sheet and dry them in the oven at 60 degrees for 20 minutes. You can also use a microwave oven for the same purposes.
  5. - another way to disinfect products. Surviving moth larvae or eggs can be destroyed by placing them in freezer for several days. Products will not be damaged by this procedure if they are dry and packaged in paper bags.
  6. Disinfected products must be stored in dry glass or plastic containers with a hermetically sealed lid.

Folk remedies for combating cereal moths

In this case, it cannot be used, since the products in which the pest occurs are used for food. That's why in the best possible way fight is to use folk remedies.


It is enough to put a few cloves of garlic in containers with cereal, and not a single insect will settle there. The fact is that the pest cannot tolerate the smell of garlic. It will not affect the taste of the products.

Lavender and citrus peel

Lavender will help get rid of moths. Several inflorescences if placed in kitchen cabinet. Orange or lemon peels have a similar effect.


Another means of fighting moths is vinegar. After treating the surface of the furniture with soapy water, it should be wiped with vinegar, and moths will not fly into such a cabinet.

Essential oils


Moths will not fly through an open window if there is a geranium on the windowsill. This indoor plant Our grandmothers also used it not only for the sake of beauty. Many pests do not like the specific smell of geranium. And moths are no exception.

Bay leaf

It is enough to place it in a container with cereal or other bulk product Bay leaf, and moths won’t grow there. Or you can simply place it in the corners of the shelves where food is stored.

Walnut leaves

No less effective in pest control Walnut, or rather its leaves. Moths will forget their way to cereals and other bulk products stored on the shelf for a long time if fresh nut leaves are laid on top of them.

Tobacco and camphor

The smell of camphor will prevent insects from settling in the kitchen cabinet. Tobacco has a similar effect. You just need to place it on the shelves.

By following the rules for storing bulk products and using them as a preventive measure, the question of what to do if there are moths in the cereals will not arise.

Ecology of everyday life: Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Kitchen moths multiply very quickly, and getting rid of them is not very easy, but with the right approach, it is quite possible.

Moths lay eggs in almost any dry food (tea, nuts, cereals, dried fruits and many others) that they can penetrate. Soon the larvae of food moths appear, which spoil the food, not only by gnawing holes in it, but also with their excrement, as well as the skins left behind after degeneration into adult insects. It is clear that it is no longer possible to eat foods spoiled by moths.

Kitchen moths easily tolerate lack of air and lack of ventilation. She can live and reproduce well in a hermetically sealed environment. closed jar, if the purchased dried fruits or cereals contained eggs or insect larvae.


If a moth or traces of its larvae in cereals are noticed in the kitchen, it is necessary to remove it as soon as possible. Considering that the butterflies themselves do not eat anything, and the eggs and larvae are found in food, it is quite difficult to breed this insect. But, knowing the peculiarities of his life, you can understand how to get rid of food moths at home and protect your food supplies from their appearance in the future.

The first step is to review all bulk product inventories. If there are moths in cereals, legumes, nuts or flour, these products must be thrown away immediately - no one will use them for food anyway. If there are products that are not badly damaged by the larvae, then you can try to save them - sort them out and heat them in the microwave or oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 60-70 degrees, after cooling, put them in an airtight container for storage. This method will not harm the products, but it will destroy the remaining oviposition and insect larvae. In the same way, you can process all dry bulk products in which moths can settle, both stored at home and brought from stores.

Shelves of cabinets and tables, as well as containers for storing food, must be thoroughly washed outside and inside. All grooves and crevices where insects can hide should be coated with table vinegar, then rinsed with clean water. The doors of tables and cabinets should be left open until completely dry.
In case there are still insects somewhere, a trap for food moths, which should be placed directly in the cabinet between the containers, will help get rid of them. The remaining butterflies, attracted by the smell, will stick to the adhesive tape and die. In any case, this measure will not be superfluous: firstly, based on the presence of adhered insects, it can be concluded that the pest could not be completely removed and repeated treatment is required, and secondly, the adhered insects will no longer be able to produce offspring. The Aeroxon food moth trap has proven itself well, and the well-known Raptor trap is also suitable.


Kitchen moths do not tolerate fresh air, so regular ventilation of the kitchen, as well as kitchen cabinets and tables, can be used as a remedy for food moths. To prevent larvae from appearing, it is important to keep adult butterflies out of the room.

Garlic is often used as a repellent, a clove of which is placed in cabinets and tables, as well as in containers with flour and cereals, although there are claims that cereal moths can adapt to its smell. To get rid of harmful insects, it is better to place bags of pepper, oregano, bay leaves or cloves on the shelves. The smell of spices will not spoil the food, but it will repel butterflies. In addition to spices, they repel this insect well peppermint, lavender and sweet clover. Bags of dried herbs are placed in cabinets. Food moths do not tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, so orange and lemon peels will also help get rid of them.
It would be useful to place a pot of geraniums on the windowsill in the kitchen - a well-known prophylactic from many insects.
But how to deal with food moths if they constantly fly into the apartment from somewhere? Only people can help here mechanical methods control: ventilation holes and windows must be covered with a thick mosquito net, and all cracks through which insects can enter the apartment must be sealed or sealed.
For obvious reasons, it is not advisable to use sharp-smelling substances and insecticides in the kitchen. But if, in order to get rid of moths, you still decide to resort to chemicals, you must strictly follow the instructions for use and use personal protective equipment.

Knowing how to get rid of food moths, this will not be so difficult. Once all measures have been taken to get rid of moths and larvae, it is necessary to check products for their presence for several weeks before use. In addition, acquiring the habit of constantly taking preventive measures against kitchen moths, such as ventilation, bags of aromatic herbs in cabinets and geraniums on the windowsill, will not require much labor and time, but will help prevent the appearance of this enemy in the house. published

One day, kitchen moths appeared in your house. It is simply necessary to fight it, as it spoils food and multiplies very quickly. You will learn how to get rid of food moths by reading this article.

This insect is a small, inconspicuous butterfly that moves in a chaotic manner. Most active at night. It lives only a few weeks, but during this time it gives birth to many of its own kind.

What are the exact signs of the appearance of kitchen moths? First of all, this:

  • butterflies on the ceiling and walls;
  • cocoons in flour, cereals and other products;
  • caterpillars crawling calmly around the closet.

If a moth settles in the cereal, it will immediately begin the process of active reproduction and lay a large number of eggs. The larvae of food moths will subsequently emerge from them. It is worth remembering that it can begin to reproduce at any time of the year, since in this matter it does not have any specific season.

Interestingly, the adult does not eat anything at all, only drinks water. The larvae feed exclusively on cereals and other products.

Where do moths come from in the kitchen?

This insect usually gets indoors in one of the following ways:

  • through ventilation and small cracks;
  • together with cereals that have not been subjected to the correct sanitary standards;
  • through a window that does not have a mosquito net.

Types of food moths

Based on this, it can be understood that measures to combat each type of moth may differ in one way or another.


If you don't want to lose all the products in own home, then it is necessary to use preventive measures. To do this you need:

  • all food containers must be inspected monthly;
  • periodically place jars of food on the balcony in winter;
  • Heavily contaminated food is best destroyed;
  • regularly wash cabinets using a soap and soda solution;
  • if the flour is only slightly contaminated, then it must be sifted through a sieve.

How to get rid of food moths if conventional prevention no longer helps? This is difficult to do, but if you follow all the recommendations correctly, it will be quite possible.

Preventing the appearance of moths in the kitchen (video)

Using traps

Unfortunately, different chemicals are completely incompatible with the products. Therefore, their use in this case is prohibited. But moth traps are more justified. They are absolutely harmless to humans. But their manufacturers do not promise complete relief from all problems. The fact is that this remedy does not work on larvae. The advantage is that a caught butterfly will no longer be able to continue the genus.

Lavender in the house

It is believed that you can fight moths strong odors which she cannot stand. Therefore, it is recommended to place lavender in the kitchen. In addition to this, other folk remedies include:

  • Bay leaf;
  • chilli;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • geranium in a pot.

Fight with citrus peels

Of course, the peels of oranges, lemons or grapefruits will definitely not decorate the interior of the house. But that is not their goal. Citrus peels require aromatization of the room. They can be placed both in the closet and in a jar of cereal where moths have appeared. The main advantage of this method is that citrus fruits will not leave their smell, for example, in cereals.

Wiping surfaces

Kitchen moths can also be combated by simply wiping surfaces. Shelves and cabinets are washed with completely different compounds, which can either repel or completely kill harmful insects. If speak about means prepared independently, we can name the following:

  • composition of water and lemon juice;
  • composition of water and lavender oil.

Extermination of insects in the closet

If you want to completely clean your house of moths, then remember that the eggs of these insects can be stored even in the slightest crack. Therefore, in the closet you need to fight them exclusively with the help chemical substances. In its turn, these drugs can be divided into:

  • repellents;
  • insecticides.

Insecticidal aerosols are especially popular. The most effective are:

  • Raptor "Protection from moths". Its effectiveness lasts for about a year on average, and it helps to destroy both larvae and adult moths in the closet.
  • Aerosol "Armol". Its service life is six months, effectively and quickly kills moths.
  • Antimol "Raid". Kills larvae and adult insects, can be used throughout the year.
  • Aerosol "Combat Super Spray". Completely safe for animals, eliminates larvae and butterflies in a short time.

The most important thing is not to spray these aerosols in those cabinets where food is kept.

Moth sections

A moth section is one of the most productive ways to kill moths. They may not smell at all, or they may come with some kind of scent. For example, lavender.

Despite the fact that the section is more intended for eliminating moths in ordinary wardrobes, it is still often used in the kitchen. It contains substances that deprive an adult moth of the ability to reproduce.

The main and most effective sections are:

  • Globol;
  • Raptor;
  • Mosquitall.

The validity period of each section is from 4 months to six months.

How to get rid of moths (video)

Fighting butterflies

There are situations when the larvae were completely destroyed and thrown away with spoiled food, but some individuals of moth butterflies survived and fly as if nothing had happened. If you do not complete the job, there will be at least one adult capable of reproducing. And in this case, you will have to start all over again.

It is worth noting that it is much easier to remove them than larvae. There is no need to resort to any special means or drugs. It will be possible to get by with an ordinary fly swatter or rolled up newspaper.

Damage caused by food moths

For some reason, many people believe that food moths are practically harmless to the human body. Unfortunately, it is not. These insects may cause:

  • severe allergies;
  • problems with the immune system;
  • intoxication of the human body.

Getting rid of food moths (video)


If you have food moths, then this is a real test. You need to fight it correctly:

  • comply with all preventive measures;
  • try in every possible way to kill her in every possible way.

If you do this, then such a misfortune will bypass you, and the moth will not start again.