Mix instant glue with soda. How to fix plastic using super glue and regular soda

Baking soda and glue, if used together, can produce a very unusual effect. Experienced housewives actively use them to solve “household” problems, motorists and computer owners use them to repair plastic parts.

Even in everyday life, these components will become indispensable assistants for those who are used to doing minor work in their home themselves.

In this combination, these components help repair and glue broken plastic products. There is even a note about this method on Wikipedia. The mixture of baking soda and superglue hardens very quickly, resulting in a durable material similar to plastic. In the absence of soda, fine plaster can be used as a filler.

This method will also help restore the surface when repairing plastic monitor cases. So, if the internal bushing with which the monitor moves horizontally requires repair, soda and glue will come in handy.

  1. The damaged area should be covered with baking soda.
  2. Apply classic liquid superglue on top.
  3. Polymerization will occur after just a few seconds. The patch will be durable, and you will have to put in more effort to trim it than when working with regular plastic.
  4. After sanding and drilling holes for the screws, the part can be put in place.


This method is known to many for experienced housewives as an excellent means for cleaning pans and pots from congealed fat and scale.

The cleaning procedure is quite simple. Place a large container of water, for example a bucket, on the fire, then add a pack of caustic soda to the water (you can buy it in departments selling household chemicals), as well as two or three bottles of stationery silicate glue.

All the ingredients are very cheap, so this cleaning pans with glue and soda very budget-friendly, and unlike purchasing funds does not spread an unpleasant pungent odor throughout the apartment.

  1. When the water warms up, you can put dirty items into it. These can be not only frying pans, but also teapots and pot lids.
  2. After half an hour they can be removed and wiped dry.
  3. The fumes easily come off under running water, so the pans will look like new. The next step, if desired, is to easily clean cups, plates, salt shakers, teapots, table forks and spoons, knives and even vases.

Another recipe for cleaning household utensils involves using office glue and soda, as well as vinegar. 4 tablespoons of soda will be enough, 3 tablespoons of salt, enough vinegar to completely fill the bottom of the frying pan.

  1. The bottom of the frying pan is covered with salt, then vinegar is poured in and put on fire.
  2. After the mixture boils, add soda and stir.
  3. It is important to ensure that the mixture does not boil over, otherwise it will burn and an unpleasant odor will appear in the house.
  4. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, turn off the heat immediately and pour water into the frying pan. Be careful, steam will come from the hot bottom!
  5. Then all that remains is to rinse the pan and see if any dirt remains. If yes, then you need to repeat the procedure again.

The article shows only a few ways to use baking soda and superglue. Their scope of application is quite large; they can be used to restore any plastic parts that are found everywhere in our lives.

They haven’t written any jokes about instant glue with soda yet, but everyone is silent about one interesting feature. So, the mixture of cyanoacrylate and soda instantly polymerizes (hardens), releasing heat and setting perfectly molecular bonds with nearby layers. But not with just anyone. With ABS plastic it’s good, but with polypropylene it’s bad. Well, so what? When pouring layer-by-layer (more precisely, “zak A pke") maintaining the exact shape of the part is not easy. A lot of excess has to be removed mechanically (with a file) at the end. What about “formwork” made from the same available materials? Homemade 3D printing from your pocket.

I once broke an armrest in a car. I had it for six months, lying there (I thought I’d print a new one, yeah), until I came across it. Having estimated the cost of replacing the armrest (only together with the entire console), I decided to buy a tool with this money. The “officials” would probably have enough for a whole workshop.

It is noteworthy that it was at this moment that I learned about photo-curing glue BONDIC, but more on that later.


Let's continue the associative series: instant glue, soda and... regular adhesive tape. It is made of polypropylene, and cyanoacrylate ignores it. This means: don’t tear it off, just remove it. Taking into account the transparency and self-adhesiveness, ordinary “adhesive tape” produces an excellent formwork, giving the part its shape even at the polymerization stage. Since the part is poured layer by layer, the process is reminiscent of 3D printing in the steampunk genre (instead of water vapor - toxic fumes of cyanoacrylate). The tape is then easily removed, remove it a little with a file, and you're done! You can do both repairs and strange art (only with safety glasses and a respirator mask, perhaps).

Part of the armrest of one of my cars. Thin hinges made of ABS plastic were broken “with meat”.
The basic shape of the new hinges was given by transparent tape, which was easily removed.

Why else is instantaneity needed?

It is precisely its immediacy, it seems to me, that attracts the above-mentioned BONDIC. Human laziness and impatience are a great sales driver. A handheld 3D printer in your pocket.

But let's get back to soda. I had to drill a thin hole twice the length of the drill itself, and even with the drill stand I bought, it's not as easy as it looks. Again I remember the joke about two tunnels. This is where the main property appears: the rate of polymerization. Missed? No problem, we carefully “bury” the hole back, adjust the drilling rig and drill again, luckily everything hardens instantly. Not every material forgives mistakes so quickly and easily.

By the way, about the stand for the drill KWB Profi 7778-00. The backlashes are really removed, a powerful cast rod, a new level of processing materials at home, delight! And the silumin frame spoils the effect :-) However, to drill my part I had to borrow for a couple of days from a DIY supermarket this add-on made of 5mm steel, used for fastening house beams (and what, you don’t even need to drill holes):

almost free add-on

sorry for the quality

Once again about storing cyanoacrylate

How much CA glue is wasted due to improper storage! Don't throw away the desiccant (silica gel) packets found in some purchases. Place the tube of glue along with silica gel in a transparent zip-lock bag (in which small parts sell). Then put it all in the refrigerator; a sealed bag of glue also won’t irritate family members as much. Keep away from children!

(about dental materials, very interesting)

www.bondic.com - liquid photocurable polymer in a tube, and immediately assembled UV LED

Then another crazy idea came into my head: hybrid chemical inkjet 3D printer, printing cyanoacrylate with an aqueous solution of a slightly alkaline agent, with an FDM extruder for printing polyethylene or polypropylene formwork. A drug addict's holiday, in short.


  • Print speed (not clear what).
  • Toxic atmosphere a la “Breaking Bad”.
  • Difficulty storing consumables (a barrel of Cosmophene, they say, dries out in 8 months).
  • Difficulty of printing in living conditions(the air is humid).
  • Heating the workpiece (exothermic polymerization reaction).
  • Part destruction at 80..100 degrees Celsius.
  • Delamination of formwork, shrinkage during cooling.
There are probably still a lot of problems :)


  • Powerful adhesion of the part to the printer “table”.
  • B O Larger dimensions of printed products.
  • Products of complex shapes, with easily detachable formwork.
  • Relative availability of consumables.

Absurd? Yes, I only fix the armrests :-)
Help with comments if you have the desire and experience.

They haven’t written any jokes about instant glue with soda, but everyone is silent about one interesting feature. So, a mixture of cyanoacrylate and soda instantly polymerizes (hardens), releasing heat and perfectly bonding with molecular bonds to nearby layers. But not with just anyone. With ABS plastic it’s good, but with polypropylene it’s bad. Well, so what? When pouring layer-by-layer (more precisely, “zak A pke") maintaining the exact shape of the part is not easy. A lot of excess has to be removed mechanically (with a file) at the end. What about “formwork” made from the same available materials? Homemade 3D printing from your pocket.

I once broke an armrest in a car. I had it for six months, lying there (I thought I’d print a new one, yeah), until I came across repairing the monitor with soda. Having estimated the cost of replacing the armrest (only together with the entire console), I decided to buy a tool with this money. The “officials” would probably have enough for a whole workshop.

It is noteworthy that it was at this moment that I learned about photo-curing glue BONDIC, but more on that later.


Let's continue the associative series: instant glue, soda and... regular adhesive tape. It is made of polypropylene, and cyanoacrylate ignores it. This means: don’t tear it off, just remove it. Taking into account the transparency and self-adhesiveness, ordinary “adhesive tape” produces an excellent formwork, giving the part its shape even at the polymerization stage. Since the part is poured layer by layer, the process is reminiscent of 3D printing in the steampunk genre (instead of water vapor - toxic fumes of cyanoacrylate). The tape is then easily removed, remove it a little with a file, and you're done! You can do both repairs and strange art (only with safety glasses and a respirator mask, perhaps).

Part of the armrest of one of my cars. Thin hinges made of ABS plastic were broken “with meat”.
The basic shape of the new hinges was given by transparent tape, which was easily removed.

Why else is instantaneity needed?

It is precisely its immediacy, it seems to me, that attracts the above-mentioned BONDIC. Human laziness and impatience are a great sales driver. A handheld 3D printer in your pocket.

But let's get back to soda. I had to drill a thin hole twice the length of the drill itself, and even with the drill stand I bought, it's not as easy as it looks. Again I remember the joke about two tunnels. This is where the main property appears: the rate of polymerization. Missed? No problem, we carefully “bury” the hole back, adjust the drilling rig and drill again, luckily everything hardens instantly. Not every material forgives mistakes so quickly and easily.

By the way, about the stand for the drill KWB Profi 7778-00. The backlashes are really removed, a powerful cast rod, a new level of processing materials at home, delight! And the silumin frame spoils the effect :-) However, to drill my part I had to borrow for a couple of days from a DIY supermarket this add-on made of 5mm steel, used for fastening house beams (and what, you don’t even need to drill holes):

almost free add-on

sorry for the quality

Once again about storing cyanoacrylate

How much CA glue is wasted due to improper storage! Don't throw away the desiccant (silica gel) packets found in some purchases. Place the tube of glue along with silica gel in a transparent zip-lock bag (the kind they sell small parts in). Then put it all in the refrigerator; a sealed bag of glue also won’t irritate family members as much. Keep away from children!

geektimes.ru/post/258714 (about dental materials, very interesting)

www.bondic.com - liquid photocurable polymer in a tube, and immediately assembled UV LED

Then another crazy idea came into my head: hybrid chemical inkjet 3D printer, printing cyanoacrylate with an aqueous solution of a slightly alkaline agent, with an FDM extruder for printing polyethylene or polypropylene formwork. A drug addict's holiday, in short.


  • Print speed (not clear what).
  • Toxic atmosphere a la “Breaking Bad”.
  • Difficulty storing consumables (a barrel of Cosmophene, they say, dries out in 8 months).
  • Difficulty in printing in domestic conditions (the air is humid).
  • Heating the workpiece (exothermic polymerization reaction).
  • Part destruction at 80..100 degrees Celsius.
  • Delamination of formwork, shrinkage during cooling.
There are probably still a lot of problems :)


  • Powerful adhesion of the part to the printer “table”.
  • B O Larger dimensions of printed products.
  • Products of complex shapes, with easily detachable formwork.
  • Relative availability of consumables.

Absurd? Yes, I only fix the armrests :-)
Help with comments if you have the desire and experience.

Superglue and regular baking soda are a little-known tandem that has been tested for strength. The adhesive properties are enhanced by the action of sodium bicarbonate.

Due to the chemical reaction, the combination of two substances produces a very strong compound and is widely used in everyday life.

Interaction mechanism

By chemical composition superglue is a liquid cyanoacrylate monomer with the formula CH2=C(CN)COOR, baking soda is a weak alkali NaHCO3.

Under the influence of slightly alkaline substances in cyanoacrylates, an instant polymerization reaction occurs. The two-component mixture hardens instantly to form a durable acrylic-like material.

Polymerization is accompanied by the release of temperature, which ensures fixation of the parts to be glued within a few seconds.

The consistency of the material is similar to plastic, so the composition is most widely used when gluing plastic products.

Superglue in combination with sodium bicarbonate is used to restore worn out fasteners in mechanisms.

Thanks to the strength of the connection, the part will be able to fulfill its purpose for a long time. The composition is used when cracks appear on products by filling the recesses and strengthening the structure.

Baking soda acts as a filler that enhances the effect of superglue.

Instructions for use for repairs

A mixture of superglue and sodium bicarbonate can not only connect broken parts into one whole, but also replace small missing parts: a chipped piece of plastic, a mounting screw and similar spare parts.

For high-quality gluing, you must perform the following steps step by step:

  1. Using an abrasive material, treat the surfaces of the objects to be glued. This is important for clearing dirt from objects and for opening micropores into which the solution will penetrate, ensuring maximum filling.
  2. Treat items with an alcohol-containing liquid to completely degrease them. Fats can cause air bubbles to form, leading to peeling.
  3. After the parts have completely dried, pour baking soda into the joints and fill with glue. Remove undissolved sodium bicarbonate residues by blowing off.
  4. In order to achieve the maximum gluing effect, wait 15 minutes, and then begin grinding, polishing and removing excess compound that appears at the joints of the connected parts.

In this way, you can completely restore any plastic item.

During the chemical reaction, harmful substances will be released, so it is important to ensure ventilation of the room and constant influx fresh air.

Instructions for use for cleaning

Three-component composition of soda, laundry soap and silicate glue allows you to effectively clean dishes from old fat, carbon deposits and soot.

According to recipes best result Compared to baking soda, it gives soda ash. To clean, you need to follow these steps step by step:

  1. Pour water into a container that allows the items to be completely immersed and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to low and add a bar of grated laundry soap, wait for complete dissolution with constant stirring.
  2. Add glue and soda in a ratio of 1:2 (a glass of soda for half a glass of glue). The ingredients will enter into a chemical reaction, so at this stage it is important to provide ventilation by accessing fresh air and turning on the hood.
  3. Remove the plastic handles from the dishes that need cleaning and immerse them on low heat in the prepared solution for 1.5-2 hours, depending on the degree of contamination. If the carbon deposits do not come off easily with a scraper, then you need to leave the dishes to soak for up to two hours.
  4. Using an aluminum sponge or scraper, clean the dishes, not forgetting hard-to-reach places. After completing the procedure, rinse well with plenty of warm water.

“Centuries-old” fatty deposits and deeply ingrained dirt will come off heavy cast iron and metal objects without aggressive chemicals.

However, plastic cannot withstand high temperature Therefore, this method is not applicable for cleaning plastic products.

Home repairs

Durable structures obtained by the combined action of baking soda and superglue are used in household repairs at home.

The combination is relevant not only for mothers and housewives, but also for owners of computers and cars, since plastic spare parts for complex mechanisms often fail.

Bumper repair

A bumper is a kind of buffer designed to strengthen the body, protect it from damage and fit harmoniously into the design of the car.

The working material for bumpers are thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics, which over time require protection and repair, often requiring significant material costs.

  1. Remove the damaged bumper and, using regular medium-grain sandpaper, clean the edges of the cracks to remove plaque and open the pores of the material.
  2. Connect the edges of the structure and fill it with superglue, then cover it with sodium bicarbonate. After this, repeat the procedure several times to consolidate the result and obtain maximum strength.
  3. Allow the part to dry for half an hour, then begin removing excess compound and sanding.

Motorists use the composition to repair headlights, armrests and other damage to plastic car structures.

Monitor repair

Due to poor engineering, computer users are faced with a problem in which, according to weight criteria, the ratio of the mass of the display and the internal sleeve that secures the monitor to the stand is not met.

This causes damage, which is solved by superglue combined with baking soda. Repairs need to be done step by step:

  1. If the stand is torn out by the roots, then do not use conventional adhesive materials such as epoxy resin, since the structure is made of plastic.
  2. Eliminate the resulting fragments as a result of destruction and prepare by cleaning, after which the edges and cracks are generously sprinkled with sodium bicarbonate.
  3. Moisten the entire volume of applied NaHCO3 with superglue, allow the mixture to completely harden and carry out processing to remove the excess layer of the resulting material.
  4. After grinding, drill new holes for the screws, and then assemble the structure mechanically.

Sodium bicarbonate can be replaced with another powdery material: plaster, ground concrete, dust obtained from drilling holes.

Precautionary measures

Since the polymerization reaction occurs within 2-3 seconds, simple precautions must be taken to avoid gluing your fingers to each other and to the material being processed:

  1. When working with the mixture baking soda and superglue, have acetone “on hand”, which can soften cyanoacrylate for a strong gluing. It is important not to try to instantly unclench your fingers, but to apply a cloth generously moistened with acetone and hold for the required amount of time, not allowing the acetone to evaporate. The “unsticking” procedure can take up to 30 minutes.
  2. Maintain the viscosity of the adhesive, which directly affects the gluing process. Superglue must be fluid, which requires storing it in the refrigerator.
  3. It is advisable to pour baking soda from a specially made funnel or from a tube, which will ensure uniform distribution over the surfaces to be glued. NaHCO3 should be finely ground, not damp and homogeneous in composition.

Many articles have been written about soda and its beneficial properties. The substance is widely used in cooking, cosmetology, medicine, and sports. Shexo is a universal detergent and cleaner that is found in every kitchen. But, as it turned out, these are not all areas of activity where its properties can be used.

Often, looking at a broken plastic thing, a person thinks with disappointment: what will I use to glue this together? Is it really impossible to save the product, maybe it should be thrown away?

Soda plays the role of a filler and the resulting mixture is in no way inferior in strength to plastic parts

You should not make hasty decisions and resort to extreme measures. Home-grown “Kulibins” are already beginning to rack their brains over the creation of some new super glue formula that will help save the situation. It turns out that there is no need to invent anything new, everything has already been invented before us.

Super remedy

When interacting with individual substances, soda manifests itself differently. There are many options for reacting sodium bicarbonate, and descriptions where the results of such reactions can be applied. The same thing happens with superglue. As soon as the alkaline component interacts with the glue, polymerization occurs and strong adhesion occurs.

The reaction of the glue with soda proceeds with the release of temperature, so in just a few seconds strong bonding occurs. Due to this effect, this method is suitable for fixing parts made of different material.

Methods of application

In order to glue different parts, you will need glue and soda. The glue must be selected with a quick-adhesive function, and any alkaline compound will do, even caustic soda.

There is an opinion that any bulk substance can be used with superglue. This is not true, only the alkaline composition of the component can provide strong adhesion.

How to glue plastic

To understand how to glue plastic with soda and super glue, you need to study in detail the instructions for using this method:

  • Before gluing, you need to prepare the surface of the product. First of all, you should go over the surface to be glued with an abrasive material (medium abrasive sandpaper is suitable), this is necessary so that the substances can penetrate into the micropores and completely fill them. Surface roughness promotes reliable adhesion not only of parts to each other, but also of interacting substances.
  • The next stage is degreasing. To ensure strength, the surfaces of parts must be treated, since microparticles of fat and various contaminants can cause the formation of air pores, which will subsequently lead to detachment. For degreasing, you can use alcohol-containing liquids, vinegar and other substances with similar properties.

The combination of two cheap substances - soda and superglue - gives the strongest connection
  • The surface must be completely dry before applying glue. Then glue is applied to the plane, the parts are connected to each other. It is necessary to pour soda onto the gluing joint; there must be a sufficient amount of the substance so that the glue absorbs it. Excess powder can simply be blown off; it is removed quite easily.
  • After 15-20 minutes you can start polishing the joint. Fine abrasive sandpaper is suitable for processing plastic at the gluing site.

The coupling takes place within 2-3 seconds, but you need to continue working with the product only after 20 minutes, this will allow the components to be firmly fixed in the depths of the joints.

Thanks to this method, you can glue not only plastic, but also metal, wood, rubber and products from polymer material.

How to restore the figured part of a part

The technique is suitable even if you need to recreate the relief part of a plastic part. It happens that blades or clamps wear out in various mechanisms. Superglue and soda are able to completely recreate the lost part and ensure a high degree of its resistance to mechanical stress.

The first two steps of preparation do not differ from stages 1 and 2 of the previous description, the subsequent ones have characteristic differences. To form a relief part, glue and soda must be applied in small doses to the places where you need to add volume. In this case, it will not be possible to immediately form a large fragment; it must be done gradually. Each drop of glue must be sprinkled with soda, after 4-5 seconds you need to remove the excess and repeat the steps until the required part of the part is formed. Don't be upset if, at first glance, it doesn't turn out as clear as the source. All errors can be removed by grinding and polishing. In this case, processing can only begin 1 hour after production.

How to fill a cavity

Super glue with soda can be used not only for gluing and modeling, they can also be used to fill recesses and depressions that have formed in plastic after systematic damage. The technique is somewhat different from the first two, but the principle is the same. You can skip the treatment with abrasive material; just degrease the surface well. Depending on the volume of the excavation, the filling procedure can be divided into two or three stages.

For this method, the applied glue is not sprinkled with soda, but, on the contrary, a certain amount of sodium bicarbonate is first placed into the cavity, only then the glue is squeezed out. There should be enough superglue to completely cover the shexo. After 25-30 minutes, you can scrape the top of the filled cavity to polish the surface.

Soda with superglue is an indispensable assistant in the household not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. Only the most common methods of using these components are presented here, although in everyday life the use of this gluing method is much wider.