Pickled radish - several ways to give the root vegetable a new taste. Proven pickled radish recipes

Since most housewives especially appreciate recipes for quickly preparing winter supplies, let's start with this one. For twisting, you can use regular radish, or the Daikon variety, bred in Japan, which has a blander taste.. For one root vegetable for the marinade you will need 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2 times more 9% vinegar (apple vinegar is possible) and a teaspoon of salt. As a seasoning we use turmeric, which is related to ginger; you will only need to take half a spoon (teaspoon). Also, for one radish, several rings of chopped hot bell pepper are added to the twist.

To begin, wash the root vegetables under running water, peel them and cut them into quarters, then chop each of them into thin slices. The resulting slices should be sprinkled with plenty of salt to soften them and get rid of the unpleasant, slightly bitter taste characteristic of radish. We soak the slices with salt for 2 hours, while preparing the marinade: for each root vegetable, pour 200 grams of water into a pan, into which, before it boils, pour sugar and salt in the proportions indicated in the recipe. We also add turmeric, and when the water begins to boil, turn off the marinade and pour vinegar into it.

All that remains is to thoroughly wash off the salt from the radish slices and place them in jars. Next, you need to prepare the seeded pepper slices into rings and season the root vegetable slices with it. For taste, you can add a few sprigs of herbs (dill, parsley) to each jar, as well as a clove of garlic. Next, fill all containers with boiled marinade. For long-term storage, it is advisable to place the container with the preparations in a low, wide saucepan with hot water and boil for about 15 minutes (this process is called pasteurization). Next, close the lids tightly and, after cooling, put them in the refrigerator overnight, after which you can move the twists into the pantry for the winter.

Medium spicy black radish twists

This root vegetable with a rather pungent taste has always appeared on the tables only of spicy food lovers, but if you marinate it, you can get a very appetizing dish for the winter. First, carefully wash and clean the fruits, under the dark skin of which the white core is hidden. We take the number of root vegetables by eye, especially if they are of different sizes. In addition to radishes, you will need carrots, which should be half as much. Other ingredients are taken per half-liter jar: 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 2 times more salt and a full tablespoon of 9% apple cider vinegar, as well as several sprigs of herbs and a clove of garlic.

The marinade in this recipe is not prepared in advance, just put a kettle of water on the gas. We cut the radish into quarters, then chop it on a coarse grater; we do the same with the carrots, without preliminary cutting. Pour vinegar into steamed sterilized jars and add garlic and herbs. Then we place the grated root vegetables in containers and pour sugar and salt on top of them in measured portions. Fill the kettle with boiling water up to the neck and set it to pasteurize in a wide, low saucepan, pouring the remaining boiling water into it and adding more to the desired level. After 10 minutes, remove the jars from the hot bath and screw them tightly with metal lids.

To better mix the finely grated ingredients, you need to shake the container.

For exotic lovers - radish pickled in Korean style

Typically, most recipes in Korean cuisine are based on the use of rice vinegar and soy sauce. The recipe below for preparation for the winter differs in that the ingredients for it are taken readily available. So, you will need regular green radish. For every half a kilo of root vegetables you will need 1 onion, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of sesame seeds. Also, prepare in advance for the same weight of radish half a teaspoon of 6% vinegar (you can take apple vinegar) and 2 times more vegetable oil, that is, a full spoon. We clean the washed root vegetables and grate them on a fine grater. Place a kettle of water on the stove.

Sprinkle thin radish shavings with salt and leave for a while until the juice appears. Grind cilantro and cumin in a blender using an attachment for dry bulk products, which are then mixed with ground hot red pepper and, to taste, paprika. Drain the juice that appears from the container with the radish. Peel the onion and cut it in half, then chop it into thin half rings and fry over low heat in a small amount of oil. Add chopped garlic and sesame seeds there, then simmer for 5 minutes. Place the spices in the pan, mix thoroughly, turn off.

Mix the grated radish, from which the bitterness has gone along with the juice, with the onion and the oil in which it was fried, then place everything in sterilized jars. Fill with vinegar (an equal amount for each container) and boiled water in a kettle up to the neck. Place the jars in a pan of water and boil it for 10-15 minutes, after which we roll up the containers with metal lids and set to cool. When they have cooled sufficiently, we put them in the refrigerator, where we store them.

And again exotic - we pickle radishes in Chinese

Let's move on to Chinese cuisine. There, root vegetables are even used as side dishes, but we offer a recipe for pickled radish. Let's take half a kilo as the initial measure - the weight of one fruit. For each half-kilogram Daikon, we take 200 grams of water, 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt, 2 tablespoons of rice (or regular 6% table) vinegar and 2 times more soy sauce for the marinade. If the root vegetables are large, we increase the proportions of the remaining components accordingly.

We cut the washed and peeled radishes into thin circles, placing them in layers in a deep container, sprinkle with salt. After the first draining of the released juice (after half an hour), sprinkle with sugar. After another 30 minutes, pour out the juice again. Add soy sauce and rice vinegar, then pour boiling water and, covering with a plastic lid, shake. Cool and put in the refrigerator.

One of the main dishes of Korean cuisine is kimchi. Traditionally, kimchi is made from Chinese cabbage (baechu), but there are many other variations of this dish. For example, from radishes, from beet tops, from cucumbers, from radishes and other vegetables. Radish kimchi is called Kaktugi. One of the versions of the origin of the name of this snack is very interesting. According to this version, the dish got its name because of the sound that was made when cutting hard radishes into cubes. The knife hit the wooden board and the result was a “thunk, tight” sound. This is how the name Kaktugi came about.

If you are interested in the topic of Korean snacks (panchan), then write about it in the comments and I will continue to share with you the recipes that I have been using for many years.



First, let's prepare the Daikon radish. Wash and peel. Next, cut the radish into rings about 2 cm thick and cut into cubes (approximately 2*2 cm).

Place the radish in the container in which we will cook the cactugs.

Add salt and sugar.

Mix everything well. It is most convenient to do this by hand.

Leave the radish for half an hour. Mix well every 10 minutes. After half an hour, the radish will give a lot of juice.

Place in a sieve/colander.

Leave 50 ml (this is one full glass) of the juice that the radish released. We pour out the rest of the juice; we won’t need it.

Some people wash the radish with cold water at this stage. But I never do this.

Let's prepare the vegetables. Cut the carrots into strips (you can use a Korean grater). Peel the ginger and chop it very finely. We cut the onion about 5 cm long. Peel the pear and remove seeds (if any) and cut it into small cubes (you can grate it). It is best to use green pears and preferably hard varieties. I came across a pear with fairly soft and juicy pulp, but it’s not scary. You can use an apple and a pear (half of each fruit).

The vegetables are prepared. You can continue cooking.

Add vegetables and yannim to the radish.

Add radish juice and soy sauce. In Korea, kaktugi are prepared using fish sauce - an extract from anchovies. But I don’t like it, so I replace it with soy.

Now my advice to you. ALWAYS wear gloves!!! Otherwise, all your hands will turn red and will burn a little.

Well, now we give the radish a good massage)) Mix everything thoroughly with your hands.

Take the container. You can use a container with a tight lid or a glass jar. Place the cactus in a container, compacting it tightly.

By the way, I used a liter plastic bucket. Now the kaktugi should be allowed to brew and ferment a little. This process is called fermentation. Close the container/jar tightly with a lid and leave at room temperature for 2 days.

After two days, the kaktugi is ready. The radish gave more juice and was well soaked. You can eat. Cactoogs should be stored in the refrigerator.

Vegetable salads in oriental style have long become familiar on our tables. Among them, Korean-style radish is not the least important. This dish can be prepared in different ways. As an example, we can consider some of them.

Vegetable pleasure

Korean radish is a real feast of taste. This salad should appeal to those who love aromatic dishes with a lot of spices. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • for 500 grams 1 onion, 2-3 grams of vinegar 6%, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon each of sesame seeds and vegetable oil, salt, as well as hot red pepper, paprika, cumin and cilantro in any quantity.

Preparing radish in Korean is not at all difficult:

  1. First, the vegetables need to be prepared for work. First of all, the radish should be washed, peeled, and then grated on a Korean carrot grater.
  2. The resulting product must be sprinkled with salt, mixed and left in this position for 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the juice to stand out and the excess bitterness to go away.
  3. Then you need to do the refueling. To do this, cut the onion into half rings, chop the garlic using a special press, and grind the cilantro and cumin thoroughly, adding pepper and paprika.
  4. In a hot frying pan, first sauté the onion in oil. Then add the garlic with sesame seeds, cover everything with a lid and simmer for 3 minutes. Finally, add the ground spices.
  5. Squeeze the radish and put it in a salad bowl.
  6. Add the prepared dressing, pour over the vinegar and mix well.

Before eating this salad, let it brew for at least 12 hours.

Simplified version

Korean salads always have a wonderful aroma and piquant taste. Their main distinguishing feature is their sharpness. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful with such dishes so as not to harm your own body. Korean radish is unique in that there are dozens of different recipes for its preparation. It all depends on the products that are available. For the simplest version of this salad you will need:

  • 0.6 kilograms of radish, 2 cloves of garlic, 10 grams of salt and the same amount of vegetable oil, a tablespoon of vinegar, as well as 2 grams of ground red and 1 gram of black pepper.

The method of preparing the dish is incredibly simple:

  1. First you need to wash, peel, and then grate the radish. This can be done using a special or regular coarse grater.
  2. Crush the garlic in any convenient way.
  3. Combine all ingredients in a plate and mix them well.

If you follow the specified proportions, you can get an incomparable snack that everyone is sure to like.

Great combination

How else is radish prepared? It can include several vegetables. This will make the taste of the finished dish more varied and interesting.

The main components you will need:

  • for 400 grams of green radish, 100 grams of sweet pepper and 200 grams of fresh carrots.

For refueling:

  • 3 cloves of garlic, 30 grams of vinegar 6%, 60 grams of vegetable oil, ½ teaspoon each of salt and ground coriander, and 1/3 teaspoon of ground black and red pepper.

What should you do to get a tasty Korean-style radish? The recipe involves 3 stages of cooking:

  1. First, the main components must be thoroughly washed and cleaned. After that, each of them needs to be grated using a unique Korean carrot grater.
  2. Grind the garlic cloves in a special crush. Place the resulting mass in a separate bowl and mix with the remaining ingredients.
  3. Place the chopped vegetables in a salad bowl and pour over the prepared dressing. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Due to the presence of carrots and bell peppers, the salad turns out juicy and not very spicy.

Blanks for future use

With the onset of winter, the vegetable season ends. What should vegetable salad lovers do in this case? After all, what is sometimes sold in stores does not always inspire confidence regarding freshness and quality. Therefore, it is better to do everything yourself, spending a little time in the summer or autumn. It is very easy to prepare Korean radish for the winter. First you need to sterilize the container and also prepare the necessary products:

  • for 350 grams of fresh radish, 40 grams of carrots, 3 cloves of garlic, 10 grams of salt, 15 grams of herbs, 4 grams of sugar and 20 grams of vinegar.

This salad is prepared quite quickly:

  1. Grind the washed and peeled radish on a coarse grater.
  2. Do the same with carrots.
  3. Roughly chop the greens with a knife and then combine them with chopped vegetables.
  4. Transfer the resulting mass into jars.
  5. Add vinegar on top.
  6. Fill the contents of the jars with boiled water.
  7. Cover the filled container with a lid and send for sterilization.
  8. When finished, the jars should be rolled up, carefully turned upside down, wrapped tightly and left to cool completely.

Before serving this salad, you can season it with vegetable oil, mayonnaise or sour cream.

Daikon salad

In the East (for example, in Japan), daikon is considered one of the most popular vegetable crops. Therefore, for them, a salad from this root vegetable will be a completely familiar dish. Yes, and Russians who love spicy snacks should like Korean. To work you will need a certain set of products:

  • for 250 grams of daikon, ½ head of red onion, a teaspoon of wine vinegar, a pinch of salt, 15-20 grams of vegetable oil, as well as a little ground coriander and red pepper.

The cooking process goes quite quickly:

  1. First, the peeled radish must be chopped. You will need a fine grater or the one used for Korean carrots. Add salt to the resulting mass and let it sit for a while. After this, the product must be transferred to a sieve so that the moisture can drain.
  2. Fry the onion, cut into thin half rings, lightly (a couple of minutes) in oil.
  3. Place the ingredients in a deep bowl and mix thoroughly.

This option is convenient because it does not require additional time. This dish does not need to be infused. After mixing the ingredients, the salad can be safely served.

Pickled radish

Koreans are simply fans. In addition, they are also very fond of various pickles and marinades. How to cook radish in Korean, taking into account such taste preferences? The easiest way to do this is to ferment it. For this recipe you will need already familiar products:

  • for 2 kilograms of radishes, 2 tablespoons of sugar and salt, 6 cloves of garlic, a piece of ginger, 100 grams of fish sauce, a bunch of green onions and ground red pepper (to taste).

Preparing pickled radish as follows:

  1. First, the vegetable itself must be washed, peeled, cut into fairly large cubes and placed in a bowl.
  2. Add sugar, salt, mix well and leave in this position for 30 minutes.
  3. At this time, you can start preparing the dressing. To do this, the remaining ingredients must be collected together and blended in a blender.
  4. Pour the dressing over the radish cubes, stir, place in glass jars and refrigerate for 3 days.

While the product is fermenting, the lid should not be closed too tightly, as air bubbles will be released during the fermentation process, forming foam. After time, the finished radish can be safely served as a flavorful snack, even at the holiday table.

Currently, salads prepared according to Korean recipes occupy one of the places of honor on our tables. Any type of ready-made Korean salad can be purchased in almost any hypermarket or one of the large food markets.

But you can also prepare these delicious salads at home, for example, Korean radish. For that to ensure that this dish is prepared correctly, you must use green radish.


  • green radish;
  • onion;
  • garlic;
  • sesame seeds;
  • seasonings: cumin, cilantro, ground and red pepper, paprika.

Preparing ingredients for cooking radish in Korean

  1. Green radish must be thoroughly washed in water and peeled.
  2. To grate the radish, it is advisable to use a grater used for preparing carrots in Korean.
  3. After the radish is grated, it must be placed in a bowl and sprinkled well with coarse salt, then stir and leave for a while to release the juice from the grated vegetable to further remove the bitterness from it.
  4. In a separate bowl, you need to prepare a spicy seasoning for the future salad. To do this, you need to grind and mix seasonings such as cumin, cilantro, ground red pepper and paprika.
  5. Onion heads must be peeled, washed and cut into half rings. The garlic cloves should also be peeled and chopped.

Frying onions and spices

  1. In a frying pan, chopped onions are fried in heated vegetable oil until they acquire a golden color.
  2. Next, garlic and sesame seeds are added to the onion mixture, after which the mixture simmers under a closed lid for several minutes.
  3. A minute before removing the frying pan from the heat, add the previously prepared hot seasoning and mix everything thoroughly.

Mixing ingredients

  1. The grated green radish must be carefully freed from the released juice by transferring it to a prepared salad bowl, where the onion mixture with spices and vinegar are added.
  2. After the salad is mixed, it must be covered and stored in a cool place. for no less than 12 hours for a good soaking of each component of the dish.

Serving radish in Korean

Korean green radish salad should be served with chopped leaves of dill and parsley, or the feather part of green onions added to it.

Cooking Korean-style radish at home will allow you to get a juicy and crispy snack, with a pleasant aroma and taste of seasonings.

Mikhaleva Oksana, especially for the site.