How to grow tomatoes in open ground. Caring for tomatoes in open ground: secrets of a large harvest

Fig, fig, fig tree - these are all names of the same plant, which we firmly associate with Mediterranean life. Anyone who has ever tasted fig fruits knows how delicious they are. But, in addition to their delicate sweet taste, they are also very beneficial for health. And here’s an interesting detail: it turns out that figs are a completely unpretentious plant. In addition, it can be successfully grown on a plot in middle lane or in the house - in a container.

Quite often, difficulties in growing tomato seedlings arise even among experienced summer residents. For some, all the seedlings turn out to be elongated and weak, for others, they suddenly begin to fall and die. The thing is that it is difficult to maintain ideal conditions for growing seedlings in an apartment. Seedlings of any plants need to be provided with plenty of light, sufficient humidity and optimal temperature. What else do you need to know and observe when growing tomato seedlings in an apartment?

Delicious vinaigrette with apple and sauerkraut - a vegetarian salad made from boiled and chilled, raw, pickled, salted, pickled vegetables and fruits. The name comes from the French sauce made from vinegar, olive oil and mustard (vinaigrette). Vinaigrette appeared in Russian cuisine not so long ago, around the beginning of the 19th century; perhaps the recipe was borrowed from Austrian or German cuisine, since the ingredients for Austrian herring salad are very similar.

When we dreamily sort through bright packets of seeds in our hands, we are sometimes subconsciously convinced that we have a prototype of the future plant. We mentally allocate a place for it in the flower garden and look forward to the cherished day of the appearance of the first bud. However, buying seeds does not always guarantee that you will eventually get the desired flower. I would like to draw attention to the reasons why seeds may not sprout or die at the very beginning of germination.

Spring is coming, and gardeners have more work to do, and with the onset of warmer weather, changes in the garden occur rapidly. The buds are already beginning to swell on plants that were still dormant yesterday, and everything is literally coming to life before our eyes. After a long winter, this is good news. But along with the garden, its problems come to life - insect pests and pathogens. Weevils, flower beetles, aphids, clasterosporiosis, maniliosis, scab, powdery mildew- the list could take a very long time.

Breakfast toast with avocado and egg salad is a great way to start the day. The egg salad in this recipe acts as a thick sauce that is seasoned with fresh vegetables and shrimp. My egg salad is quite unusual, it is a dietary version of everyone’s favorite snack - with Feta cheese, Greek yogurt and red caviar. If you have time in the morning, never deny yourself the pleasure of cooking something tasty and healthy. You need to start the day with positive emotions!

Perhaps every woman has at least once received a blooming orchid as a gift. It’s not surprising, because such a living bouquet looks amazing and blooms for a long time. Orchids are not very difficult to grow. indoor crops, but failure to comply with the main conditions for their maintenance often leads to the loss of a flower. If you are just getting started with indoor orchids, you should find out the correct answers to the main questions about growing these beautiful plants in the house.

Lush cheesecakes with poppy seeds and raisins prepared according to this recipe are eaten in no time in my family. Moderately sweet, plump, tender, with an appetizing crust, without excess oil, in a word, exactly the same as my mother or grandmother fried in childhood. If the raisins are very sweet, then you don’t need to add granulated sugar at all; without sugar, the cheesecakes will be better fried and will never burn. Cook them in a well-heated frying pan, greased with oil, over low heat and without a lid!

Cherry tomatoes differ from their larger counterparts not only in the small size of their berries. Many cherry varieties are characterized by a unique sweet taste, which is very different from the classic tomato taste. Anyone who has never tried such cherry tomatoes with their eyes closed may well decide that they are tasting some unusual Exotic fruits. In this article I will talk about five different cherry tomatoes that have the sweetest fruits with unusual colors.

I started growing annual flowers in the garden and on the balcony more than 20 years ago, but I will never forget my first petunia, which I planted in the country along the path. Only a couple of decades have passed, but you’re amazed at how different the petunias of the past are from the many-sided hybrids of today! In this article, I propose to trace the history of the transformation of this flower from a simpleton into a real queen of annuals, and also consider modern varieties unusual colors.

Salad with spicy chicken, mushrooms, cheese and grapes - aromatic and satisfying. This dish can be served as a main dish if you are preparing a cold dinner. Cheese, nuts, mayonnaise are high-calorie foods; in combination with spicy fried chicken and mushrooms, you get a very nutritious snack, which is refreshed by sweet and sour grapes. The chicken in this recipe is marinated in a spicy mixture of ground cinnamon, turmeric and chili powder. If you like food with fire, use hot chili.

The question is how to grow healthy seedlings, all summer residents are concerned in early spring. It seems that there are no secrets here - the main thing for fast and strong seedlings is to provide them with warmth, moisture and light. But in practice, in a city apartment or private house, this is not so easy to do. Of course, everyone experienced gardener There is a proven way to grow seedlings. But today we will talk about a relatively new assistant in this matter - the propagator.

The Sanka tomato variety is one of the most popular in Russia. Why? The answer is simple. He is the very first to bear fruit in the garden. Tomatoes ripen when other varieties have not even bloomed yet. Of course, if you follow the growing recommendations and make an effort, even a novice grower will receive a rich harvest and joy from the process. And so that your efforts are not in vain, we advise you to plant high-quality seeds. For example, such as seeds from TM “Agrosuccess”.

Task indoor plants in the house - to decorate the home with your own appearance, to create a special atmosphere of comfort. For this reason, we are ready to take care of them regularly. Care is not only about watering on time, although this is important. It is also necessary to create other conditions: suitable lighting, humidity and air temperature, and make a correct and timely transplant. For experienced flower growers there is nothing supernatural about this. But beginners often face certain difficulties.

Tender cutlets from chicken breast It’s easy to prepare with champignons according to this recipe with step by step photos. There is an opinion that it is difficult to make juicy and tender cutlets from chicken breast, but this is not so! Chicken meat contains virtually no fat, which is why it is a bit dry. But if you add cream, white bread and mushrooms with onions to the chicken fillet, it will turn out amazing delicious cutlets, which will appeal to both children and adults. IN mushroom season try adding wild mushrooms to the minced meat.

Tomatoes belong to the Solanaceae family and are valued for their very tasty and valuable fruits. Contain numerous chemical substances, which have a positive effect on the body and are low in calories, so tomatoes should be in the same garden.

Grown in open ground tomatoes come from Solanum lycopersicum, a common tomato native to South America. The tomato currently has a huge amount different varieties. Depending on your needs, you can choose the appropriate option. The tomato belongs to the same family as potatoes or peppers. In order for tomatoes to grow well, they should be grown in accordance with the requirements and given due care, as they are demanding plants.


Tomato is an annual herbaceous plants, odd-pinnate leaves dissected into large lobes, planted on shoots, depending on the variety, from 30-40 cm to 200 cm long. Depending on the variety, already inflorescences may appear from June, consisting of numerous flowers. IN fruits appear during the summer, are very diverse, whose shape, color, size, taste depend on the variety.


As mentioned, tomatoes grow naturally in warm climates. Tomatoes are grown in open ground, greenhouses, and also in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Growing under film better protects tomatoes from fungal diseases and adverse weather conditions, and the tomatoes grow better, ripen faster and develop better.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, you need to choose a place protected from the wind and sunny. top scores in cultivation they are obtained using sandy-clayey soil with a high humus content. You can improve the quality of the soil by enriching it with organic fertilizers. The soil reaction may be slightly acidic, but the correct pH should be in the range of 5.5-6.5.

In sunny places, tomatoes grow faster, bloom, and bear fruit.

Tomatoes are plants that are very sensitive to low temperatures. Optimal temperature for these plants is approximately 18-25° C, while the lower limit concerns the temperature at night, and the temperature during the day should fluctuate between 22-25° C.


Before starting to grow tomatoes in open ground, it is necessary to properly prepare the base, regardless of whether the tomatoes will be grown in open ground or under film. If such a need arises, autumn period the soil must be enriched with manure or compost. If the soil is too heavy, its permeability increases by adding sand. The place should be well dug and cleared of weeds.

Tomatoes should not be planted in the same place, or after nightshade plants, including potatoes. A tomato plantation cannot also be adjacent to nightshade plants.

Tomatoes can be grown after cabbage and legumes.

As already mentioned, tomatoes are grown in open ground, greenhouses and polycarbonate greenhouses. Suitable for owners of balconies dwarf varieties tomatoes, which means they are suitable for growing in pots. The main condition for growing tomatoes on the balcony is a sunny place.

Tomatoes are grown from seeds or purchased seedlings. Preparing the seeds requires effort, but the seedlings will allow you to grow the tomato variety that was previously purchased, since the tomato variety in the form of seedlings may not be on the market.

Obtaining tomato seedlings lasts up to two months, so in order to obtain the appropriate seedlings, the seeds are sown at the end of March, beginning of April. It’s easier for greenhouse owners because they have the necessary conditions for preparing seedlings. Seedlings are grown in a polycarbonate greenhouse, and even on the windowsill of a house. To get healthy seedlings, you need a lighted and warm place. Do not forget about watering, preferably in the morning, so that the tomatoes are not exposed to high humidity, which leads to the development of fungal diseases. At temperatures above 20° C, seeds germinate quickly, and seedlings sprout within three weeks after sowing the seeds. Seedlings for diving are selected that are healthy and without defects. Young seedlings need a temperature of 20° C during growth. Before planting tomato seedlings in open ground, permanent place, seedlings are hardened off.

Method of planting tomatoes and growing methods

Growing method


Plant type



Tomatoes do not require pruning or tying. Planted at a distance of cm: 70-80x40-50 and 60-70x30-40 cm for varieties with a rigid stem.

Low-growing bush tomatoes with limited growth or rigid stems.

Beta, Malinyak, Karotinka, Izobilny F1, Jampakt, Bohemia F1, Biathlon F1.

On stakes

Growing is carried out on supports, for example, to which plants that require pruning are attached.


  • large-fruited
  • high-yielding

Julia F1, Favorite F1, Oxheart.


Cultivation is carried out in greenhouses.

dwarf, very early and early.

It is better to plant tomatoes on a cloudy day or late in the evening if the day is sunny. The soil should be moist and the seedlings should be watered after planting. Watering seedlings in the initial period is very important and contributes to good plant survival. Seedlings are planted at the end of May, when the danger of late spring frosts has passed.

Growing tomatoes outdoors requires numerous care procedures. The main ones include:

  • Watering, planted in open ground, in rainy summers, tomatoes are exposed to high humidity from soil and air. Under such conditions, the fruits of fruit-bearing tomatoes crack and the plants become susceptible to diseases. It is important that for growing in open ground, choose varieties that are less susceptible to disease. To reduce the risk of disease, it is worth making a simple canopy of film that will protect the plants from possible heavy rainfall. Watering if necessary, which is especially important during the period of flower setting and fruit formation. Tomatoes are watered not too often, but abundantly, directing a stream of water to the base. Trying not to get the leaves wet, as well as watering the plants, it is best to do it in the morning.
  • Fertilizer application, another very important process. In amateur cultivation, organic fertilizers are used primarily. For open ground, you can use compost, manure and other organic fertilizers; during the growing season, they are fertilized with mineral fertilizers with microelements, adjusting the dose in accordance with the instructions for use of this fertilizer. Potassium and phosphorus are also important for tomatoes. There is no need to overdo it with fertilizing plants in the initial period after planting.
  • Mulching: To reduce the evaporation of water from the soil and also reduce the development of weeds, tomatoes should be mulched, for example, with straw.
  • Loosening the earth.
  • Pruning, of course, it is easier to grow low-growing bush tomatoes in open ground, which do not require tying and pruning. High grades tied to stakes or ropes. With this cultivation, you can leave one, two or three shoots. When grown on one shoot, all side shoots are removed at the initial stage of development. Pruning shoots accelerates fruiting and ripening of tomatoes. Rapid fruiting reduces the number of inflorescences. On one stem, you can leave about 4-5 flower clusters. When the fruits set, cut off the top above the fourth or fifth group of inflorescences, depending on how many inflorescences remain on the plant. This type of pruning is defined as top pruning. You should also remember to remove the lower leaves and limit the possibility of plants being affected by diseases.

When grown on two shoots, in addition to the main one, another lateral impulse is left under the first inflorescence. Remember that a larger number of shoots contributes to later fruiting.

Harvest, depending on the variety used, can last from July to October. The last fruits, which can be collected green to protect them from frost, are left to ripen in the house.


Among the varieties, there are early, medium, late, ground, greenhouse, dwarf, tall, hard-stemmed, soft-stemmed, and self-ripening varieties.

In addition, varieties differ in size, fruit shape, taste, color, in particular red, pink, yellow, green.

Some varieties of tomatoes

  • Chocolate cherry - one of the new varieties of tomatoes, which are distinguished by small red-black fruits.
  • 'Oxheart'– a variety with very tasty, fleshy fruits, tall, and therefore requires support. The name of the variety is associated with the shape of the fruit. A late variety, harvesting begins in August and continues until late autumn.
  • ‘Koralik’– a bush variety, the clusters bear many small fruits, suitable for amateur cultivation. The variety is mid-early, with thin stems, the fruits are red, spherical, hard and tasty.
  • 'Favorite'- a variety with tasty, fleshy, raspberry fruits.
  • 'Sycamore'- suitable for growing in open ground, early variety about round, tasty fruits. Self-ripening.
  • ‘Golden Ozharovsky’– a variety with strong growth and orange fruits.
  • ‘Crimson Giant’– the variety is excellent for amateur cultivation in open ground; the fruits are large, fleshy, and tasty.


In addition to its unique taste, tomato fruits contain many vitamins and minerals. Among the vitamins, it is worth noting vitamins B1, B2, A, K, C, PP. In addition, the fruits contain calcium, iron, sodium, phosphorus, malic acid, citric acid, sugar. Due to their high water content (above 90%), they are low in calories, but at the same time quite filling due to their fiber content.

A very valuable component of tomatoes is lycopene, which means it is an antioxidant that has a beneficial effect on our body.

Tomatoes are eaten raw (salads, sandwiches), as well as in the form of products (mashed potatoes, sauces, juices).

Diseases and pests

Tomatoes belong to plants that require special care and protection from pathogens and pests. To enjoy good fruits tomatoes, it is necessary to devote a lot of time to them and monitor the plants, and in case of damage, react immediately, eliminating the threat.

The most common are fungal diseases, but pay also attention to diseases of viral origin (including green mosaic), physiological and bacterial diseases. WITH viral diseases It is useless to fight, so infected plants should be removed, or better yet, burned.

Physiological diseases are caused by improperly selected growing locations, as well as improper care of plants.


  • Alternaria tomato blight is one of the many fungal diseases. Fruits, shoots and leaves are affected. Changes will occur on the bushes in the form of numerous spots. The leaves of affected plants dry out and the fruits rot. If the first changes appear, spray with a fungicidal agent.
  • Late blight – fungal disease, leads to drying of leaves and damage to fruits. Gray spots are visible on the leaves, and brown spots on the fruits. As a result of the changes, tomato fruits lose their nutritional value. To combat, spraying with special means is used.
  • Gray rot - on affected plants, tomato fruits rot. Infected tomatoes and the entire plantation should be sprayed with a fungicidal agent.
  • Anthracnose - as a result of the disease, the entire plant is affected; watery spots on the fruits lead to rotting. If the plant is damaged, it should be sprayed with a fungicide.
  • Septoria - numerous, small, brown spots appear on the affected plant. The disease is treated with a fungicidal agent.
  • Bacterial canker of tomato - the disease causes plants to wilt. If the disease develops, it is necessary to remove and burn infected plants.


  • Aphids - an insecticide is used against pests.
  • Greenhouse whitefly is a pest that attacks plants in greenhouses.
  • Spider mites are small arachnids that feed on plant sap.

In addition, leafmining flies and thrips appear on tomatoes.

Concluding remarks

Tomatoes are vegetables that have a positive effect on health. It is worth growing tomatoes in open ground, in a greenhouse; you can also grow them in a polycarbonate greenhouse, on a balcony and terrace. Tomatoes should be grown in a sunny place, protected from the wind, with fertile soil. Plants should also be protected from diseases to which they are susceptible when exposed to excess moisture. Choose proven and popular varieties that are used in amateur cultivation in open ground.

To grow tomatoes in open ground, it is important to choose the right varieties or hybrids of plants that are resistant to adverse factors (diseases, pests, possible frosts, drought and excessive humidity). And of course, as practice shows, it will not be possible to grow a good crop of tomatoes in open ground if you do not follow basic agrotechnical cultivation techniques vegetable crops.

All vegetables are very useful products for a person. But among them, tomatoes occupy a special, priority place. In human understanding, tomatoes and tomatoes are the same thing. Thanks to the powerful antioxidant lycopene contained in tomatoes, this vegetable can reduce the risk of prostate and digestive tract cancer. Lycopene in tomatoes is formed during heat treatment, and it is most released when oil is added to tomatoes. And raw tomatoes are no less healthy; they contain a lot of vitamin C.

You will learn how to properly grow tomatoes in open ground and what conditions must be observed by reading this article.

Secrets of growing tomatoes in open ground: temperature and humidity

When growing tomatoes in the ground, do not forget that this crop requires heat. Their shoots appear a week after sowing. Best temperature for the growth and development of tomatoes 20-25 °C. At temperatures close to 30 °C, their growth slows down, and at higher temperatures it stops altogether. It must be remembered that at temperatures below 10 °C their growth stops, and flowering occurs at a temperature of 15 °C. Tomatoes are drought-resistant plants; they require soil moisture, but cannot tolerate excess moisture. Optimal humidity Soil moisture is considered to be 70% of the total moisture capacity and 90% at the time of fruit set. If the soil pH is greater than 6.5, then microelements are poorly absorbed and the plants become chlorotic.

Another secret to getting good harvest When growing tomatoes in open ground - moderate air humidity. If this figure is above 55%, then a number of fungal diseases are possible, which subsequently reduces the quality and keeping quality of the fruit. Air drought during the growing season causes shedding of buds, flowers, ovaries and fruits.

The growing season for tomatoes is long. Only 2 weeks after sowing, the first true leaf appears on the plants and 2 months after the growth of 7-9 leaves, the first flower cluster is formed. Accordingly, in order to grow tomatoes in open ground as quickly as possible, it is best to plant them in the garden ready seedlings. If your country cottage area located in the southern region, then you can use seedless method cultivation of these vegetable plants.

To better imagine what conditions need to be created for growing tomatoes in the ground, watch this video:

How to properly grow tomatoes in open ground: preparing beds

It is not always possible to grow tomatoes in the ground according to our grandmothers’ recipes. Times, conditions, ecology have changed, new diseases have appeared and been added. Take up the literature, read carefully the recommendations on how to properly grow tomatoes in open ground, study your zone and the predecessors for this crop. Varieties should be chosen mainly zoned.

Start by preparing the soil, which must be dug up in the fall and left for the winter without breaking up the lumps.

Predecessors can be all crops except nightshades (tomatoes, eggplants, etc.), but it is better to plant after garlic, early cabbage, etc. And we return the tomatoes to their original place no earlier than after 2-3 years.

Prepare beds for tomatoes 2 weeks before planting seedlings, dig to a depth of 25-30 cm, level with a rake, spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture on dry soil. If it is not possible to spray, then pour a warm solution (up to 50 °C) of potassium permanganate.

To grow a good harvest in open ground, before planting in trenches or holes, add well-rotted compost or manure at the rate of 2 kg per 1 hole, then on the day of planting - 50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g of potassium sulfate, and potassium sulfate can be replaced with 2 glasses wood ash. Fertilizers are applied to holes or trenches one at a time and mixed thoroughly.

This video of growing tomatoes in open ground shows how the beds are prepared:

Agricultural technology for growing tomatoes in open ground: planting dates

Correctly chosen planting dates also contribute to the optimal phytosanitary condition of vegetable crops.

Depending on the place of cultivation (protected or open ground), the characteristics of the variety or hybrid, from mid-February to the end of March, cauliflower, broccoli, peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini and zucchini are sown as seedlings.

The sowing time is determined based on the fact that for planting in closed ground, 60-day seedlings of tomatoes are used, cabbage - 40-45 days, peppers and eggplants - 55-60 days, zucchini and pumpkin - 20 days, cucumbers - 30 days.

In accordance with proper agricultural technology Tomatoes are planted in open ground after stable warm weather has established, when the threat of return frosts has passed, at the age of 45-60 days, cabbage - in the phase of 4-6 true leaves.

Seedlings must be planted after the return frosts have passed, which happens quite often before the second decade of May.

To grow tomato plants outdoors as strong as possible, plant them in different time: if the weather is cloudy, then in the morning, if it’s hot, in the evening.

At the time of planting, the seedlings should be fresh and not wilted. Remember that wilting causes the first flowers to fall off and the early harvest to be lost.

Let us remind you that the best age for seedlings is:

  • low-growing varieties- 45-60 days;
  • tall - more than 60 days, and it should already have the first flower cluster.

The grown tomato varieties are divided according to their growth strength into low-growing, low-growing and tall-growing, and the planting scheme, or simply put, the nutritional area will be different for each group:

  • for low-growing standard varieties - 30 x 50 cm;
  • medium height - 40 x 50-60 cm;
  • tall (like De Barao and others) - 50 x 60-70 cm.

Plant unovergrown, strong, stocky seedlings into the hole vertically at the same depth as they were in the box or greenhouse; water, .

We recommend planting overgrown seedlings obliquely, covering only the lightly laid stem with soil. Only after a week, when the seedlings have taken root, can the groove be finally filled in, where additional roots will form on the stem. If you immediately deeply bury the stem into the soil, the lower, well-developed roots may die off, and new ones will form on the stem within two weeks. Thus, we delay the entry of tomatoes into the fruiting phase.

According to the technology for growing tomatoes in open ground, immediately after planting, at a distance of no more than 10 cm from the plant, you need to place pegs of appropriate sizes to tie the stems of each group of varieties. And for tall tomatoes, a trellis is pulled at a height of 1.5 m from wire, and then a twine 30% longer is lowered to each plant, i.e. about 2 m, and the plant is tied up using the twisting method for 1.5 months, which results in a total difficulty 4-6 garters.

When there is a threat of frost, seedlings are covered with films such as Lutrasil or Spandbond, Agrospan, Grintex.

Watch the video “Growing tomatoes in open ground”, which shows how to plant seedlings in the garden:

Features of growing tomato seedlings in open ground

Seedlings can be grown on a windowsill in 1-2 small peat or flower pots. But how to grow a good harvest of tomatoes if there is nowhere to plant seedlings? You can always find a way out!

Experienced vegetable growers suggest using the following method. On your site, find a place that is well lit and protected from cold winds, where the soil, dug up in the fall and leveled, sprinkle on top a layer of up to 6-10 cm of sawdust, well rotted or fresh, but processed in advance (for 3 buckets of sawdust 200 g of ammonium nitrate , diluted in 10 liters of water and stored in this condition for at least 2 weeks, or pour the same sawdust with Extrasol at the rate of 100 ml per 10 liters of water). After 2 weeks, add Kemira Combi fertilizer there at a rate of 6-10 g per 1 square meter. m and lay a 10-centimeter layer of soil for seedlings on top of the sawdust, water with Extrasol solution, cover with a frame covered with plastic film. Within a week, your mini-greenhouse will warm up due to the combustion of sawdust and Extrasol, and you can pick seedlings. The peculiarity of this method of growing tomatoes in open ground is that in this case the seedlings are not afraid of frost (-2...-4 ° C), and they begin to develop intensively. Seedlings are well hardened due to temperature changes (day and night), and are not disturbed during sampling root system. When sunny and warm days arrive, the seedlings need to be shaded. Seedlings are superior in quality to potted ones and begin to bear fruit faster. In addition, in the same way you can grow into more late dates and seedlings of cucumbers and cauliflower for autumn rotation.

How to grow a good crop of tomatoes in open ground: proper watering

Care when growing tomatoes in open ground must be careful; we must not forget that this crop loves dry air and moist soil; it is impossible to loosen the rows after each watering, but mulching is very desirable.

Tomatoes should be watered at the root, directing the stream to the middle of the row. Do not wash away the soil with water and expose the roots.

Splashes of water should not fall on leaves and fruits. It is better to water tomatoes in the first half of the day, but you should not let them wilt. The water temperature in warm and hot weather should be moderately warm, but not lower than 20-25 °C. For proper watering in cold weather, water must be heated to 25-30 °C.

As long as the soil is well moistened, tomatoes when grown in open ground are not afraid of overheating; the rate of water evaporation by the leaves increases, and they cool. Therefore, tomatoes can grow and bear fruit well even at temperatures of 32-35 °C. If there is not enough moisture or watering is uneven, that is, from time to time, then the rate of water evaporation by the leaves drops, and the tomatoes overheat already at a temperature of 30 ° C. In this case, the tomato pollen turns out to be sterile, and the plants shed buds and flowers.

Growing tomatoes in open ground using drip irrigation allows you to solve several problems at once:

  • timely supply of water to the root zone;
  • full submission mineral fertilizer in strictly verified standards;
  • reducing the spread of fungal plant diseases;
  • improving the quality and quantity of the harvest, increasing the keeping quality and transportability of fruits.

The most common mistakes in caring for tomatoes when growing in open ground are the following:

  • Dry soil and high temperatures lead to shedding of flowers and small ovaries.
  • Dry soil does not allow plants to fully absorb nutrients and causes a deficiency of boron and other microelements.
  • During the period of fruit filling under conditions of overfeeding with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, dry soil causes blossom end rot of tomatoes.
  • Irregular watering leads to cracking of the fruit.
  • Late watering (towards the end of the day) increases humidity, and flowers are poorly pollinated. The leaves become moisturized at night, and if your tomatoes are covered with film, then cold drops of condensation contribute to the development of fungal diseases.

To grow a tomato crop in the soil as abundant as possible, do not water the plants. cold water, especially in hot weather: this leads to shock, severe stress at the roots, promotes the spread of bacterial diseases, depresses plants, does not allow them to absorb essential microelements and phosphorus, as a result fruiting is delayed and reduced.

To reduce the influence of all negative conditions, to accelerate fruiting, preserve the crop, etc., it is strongly recommended to use Novosil for each newly flowering cluster (at the rate of 3 ml per 10 liters of water) or Rostok, as well as El-1 and Extrasol (10 ml/10 l of water).

Proper watering when growing tomatoes in open ground is demonstrated in this video:

Secrets of caring for tomatoes when growing in open ground: planting plants

Another secret to growing tomatoes in open ground is the formation of plants using pinching. The bushes are planted so that they have time to form 5-7 fruit clusters. Tall tomatoes, cultivated in a greenhouse or in a garden bed, are formed into one or two stems on a trellis.

On the main stem, the side shoots (stepchildren) that form in the axils of each leaf are removed, leaving 5-6 fruit clusters on the main shoot. A pinch is made over the last flower brush, leaving 2-3 leaves above it.

The double-stem form is used not only for tall, but also for medium-sized tomatoes. In this case, one stepson is left growing under the first flowering brush. In this case, four fruit clusters are left on the main stem and the top is pinched, and three fruit clusters are left on the stepson and the top is also pinched.

A hybrid such as Olya F1 is pinched after the second cluster, which somewhat extends the fruiting period, and formed into one stem.

Low and medium-growing tomatoes can be formed into 3 stems, with 3 fruit clusters left on the main stem and the top pinched off. The two lower stepsons are saved, then 2 fruit clusters are left on them, and after the 2nd cluster they are pinched, leaving 2-3 leaves above them. On a formed bush, in addition to 5-7 fruit clusters, there should be at least 30 leaves at the beginning of fruiting.

Remember that pinched and pinched plants have large, even fruits, they ripen faster and are less susceptible to fungal diseases.

How pinching is carried out when growing tomatoes in the ground is shown in this video:

Tomatoes are grown in open ground just as often as in protected ground. With this cultivation, the start of fruiting is delayed by a couple of weeks, but this does not in any way affect the quality of the harvest or its quantity. A lot of attention will have to be paid to caring for tomatoes in the ground, but the result will certainly justify all the labor costs.

Spring usually brings surprises, and early production is called into question. You will learn how to properly grow tomatoes in open ground and avoid common mistakes by reading this material.

Agricultural technology for growing tomatoes: planting seedlings in open ground

Tomato seedlings are planted for cultivation in open ground after the threat of return frosts has passed, which usually occurs at the end of the first ten days of May. It is recommended to plant seedlings at an age of at least 55 days for tall varieties and hybrids, low-growing - 40-45 days. Planting continues until the end of May, and seeds are sown directly into the ground. Late seedless tomatoes will go in the fall for winter harvesting.

If you have films like spandbond or agrospan, care is easier; seedlings can be planted in the ground 10-12 days earlier than average.

The best predecessors for tomatoes are cabbage, cucumber, and legumes. It is better to place the beds in well-lit, heated areas with highly fertile soils, but light and medium-textured soils are quite suitable for tomatoes.

To facilitate care, low-growing varieties and hybrids of tomatoes are planted in open ground according to a pattern of 25-30 cm in a row and with row spacing of 60-70 cm, tall varieties according to a pattern of 50-60 x 70-80 cm, respectively.

Before starting to grow tomatoes in the ground, on the eve of planting, the already hardened seedlings are generously watered with a solution of the microbiological preparation Extrasol and the next day they are planted with a clod of earth. According to the correct technology for growing tomatoes in open ground, a row is cut along a cord to a depth of 10-12 cm, up to 0.5 kg of an organomineral mixture is added to each plant, or a special fertilizer for tomatoes is added. The plant is planted to a depth of the first true leaves. If the seedlings are overgrown, it is advisable to plant them obliquely and cover the root system with no more than 3-5 cm of soil on top. Remember that agricultural technology for growing tomatoes in open ground does not provide for deep planting of overgrown plants in cool soil, as this may cause the lower roots to die . Of course, the plant will not die in this case, but its growth will be delayed for at least two weeks, during which time the tomatoes will begin to form new additional roots on the buried part of the stem.

The technology for growing tomatoes in open ground requires watering the plants after planting with a small amount of water with Extrasol (10 ml per 10 liters of water) and adding fresh soil or any available mulch. The bacteria contained in the Extrasol preparation settle on the roots of the plant, create a certain polysaccharide shell, help improve the immune system, prevent decay, stimulate growth, have a transport function and move nutritional elements to growing points.

How to properly grow tomatoes in open ground: plant care

After 3-4 days after planting, adding soil to the roots of plants can be done without fear. The soil is already warmed up by this time, the root system young plant is in a comfortable state, and additional roots immediately begin to form. Further care for tomatoes in the open ground consists of regular watering and subsequent loosening of the resulting soil crust, removal of stepsons and formation of the stem, hilling, weeding, pest and disease control.

Tomato plants should be watered moderately, avoiding waterlogging and dry soil. Irregular watering of plants in hot summers often leads to fruit diseases such as blossom end rot and cracking. It is advisable to water in the morning and, if possible, lightly loosen by the end of the day, which means removing excess moisture vapor and avoiding fungal diseases.

Following the rules for caring for tomatoes when grown in open ground, loosen the soil after each rain or watering. In hot, dry weather, loosening helps reduce the evaporation of moisture from the soil, and in rainy, cold weather it ensures better gas exchange between air and soil and reduces the possibility of fungal diseases.

To give the stems reliable stability and enhance the growth of the root system, when caring for tomatoes in the open ground, hill them up 2-4 times with moist soil.

Growing tomatoes in the Moscow region: secrets of fertilizing in open ground

When growing tomatoes in open ground in the Moscow region, the first fertilizing is carried out 10-14 days after planting the seedlings in the garden.

The second - at the beginning of mass flowering. It is better to use water-soluble fertilizers with a set of microelements in chelated form. For example, Aquarins (Junior, Color, Fruit) Master or Fertika Lux, as well as such as calcium and potassium nitrate, potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate, the Raikat series Start, Development, Final or Nutri-vant. Once every two weeks, Extrasol is added to the tank mixture with water-soluble fertilizers at the rate of 10 ml for every 10 liters. In this case, 40% less fertilizer is given. Watering with this composition can be carried out through drip irrigation, and the droppers do not become clogged, and this type of watering is more efficient and economical compared to other methods. Good results are obtained by using the humic preparation Rostok after one watering. The products are of high quality and have the lowest nitrate content.

The third feeding when growing tomatoes in the ground is done during the period of fruit formation.

When cultivating tall tomatoes, at least two additional feedings will be required. Simultaneously with fertilizing, foliar fertilizing is also given and, in parallel, measures are taken to protect tomatoes from fungal diseases such as late blight, alternaria and others, as well as against pests (mites, cutworms and whiteflies).

Watch a video about growing tomatoes in open ground, which demonstrates how to properly feed the plants:

How to properly grow tomatoes in open ground: pinching

Another secret to growing tomatoes in open ground is proper pinching. The formation of plants begins with the regular removal of stepsons. Tall tomatoes are usually grown with one stem, but under certain weather conditions and characteristics of the variety or hybrid - with two stems. In this case, the second stem is a shoot under the first flower cluster. All other stepsons are removed, the main stem being the first. As the tomato fruits form and set, they begin to remove them one by one on the first two clusters. lower leaves to the first flower cluster, then to the second, etc. No more than 3-5 leaves are left at the top. When planting 5-7 bunches of any tomato, the tops of the plants are pinched. This technique is called topping and is carried out with the aim of accelerating the ripening of fruits during a prolonged growing season in cool summers.

Low-growing, early-ripening tomatoes can be grown without pinching, but to obtain an earlier and better harvest, the first two stepsons are removed, and if the tomatoes are cultivated in the northern region, then they must not only be pinched, but also tied to a trellis or stakes.

As shown in the photo, when growing tomatoes in open ground with the onset of hot weather in July, it is advisable to shade the plants from scorching rays with translucent, breathable films:

It is also useful in hot weather to spray with growth and fruiting stimulants to avoid shedding of flowers and burning of fruits.

How to grow good tomatoes in open ground: fertilization

When caring for tomatoes when grown in open ground, plants react strongly to soil fertility and the application of mineral fertilizers.

These plants are demanding on soil fertility. But nitrogen plays a special role during the period of growth and development. Timely feeding of tomatoes nitrogen fertilizers promotes excellent formation of all vegetative parts of the plant, fruit formation and fruit filling. With a lack of nitrogen, the growth of stems and leaves is sharply delayed, especially during the period of growing seedlings. The plants become pale green in color, then turn yellow, starting from the main vein towards the edges, the lower leaves become grayish-yellow and fall off.

With an excess of nitrogen, plants “fatten”, which leads to a decrease in fruit formation and tomato resistance to disease.

Timely application of phosphorus during the initial period of cultivation contributes to the development of a good root system and the formation of generative organs.

With a lack of phosphorus, the absorption of not only nitrogen by plants, but also other nutrients, which leads to a slowdown in their growth, ovary formation and fruit ripening. A reddish-violet color appears on the underside of the leaves, then their color becomes grayish, and the stems and leaf petioles turn lilac-brown. To prevent phosphorus starvation of plants, phosphorus fertilizers must be added to the soil before planting seedlings.

Potassium is necessary for tomato plants in the first stages of development for the formation of stems and ovaries. You need to know and remember that feeding potash fertilizers increases the cold resistance of plants.

The combined application of phosphorus and potassium accelerates flowering, fruit ripening and increases disease resistance. During potassium starvation, the leaves first begin to acquire a dark green color, then yellowish-brown spots form along their edges, which then merge into a continuous edge of dead tissue. The growth of stems stops, spots and uneven ripening may appear on the fruits.

Other nutrients also play an important role: calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, boron, sulfur, molybdenum, zinc, chlorine, iodine, copper. Most of them are found in Fertika Lux fertilizer.

Remember that for normal growth, development and fruiting, the plant must be continuously fed necessary fertilizers. Weakened plants are more likely to get sick, the yield and its quality are sharply reduced. The lack of fertilizers can be easily eliminated if you know the secrets of growing tomatoes in open ground and carry out foliar feeding with Fertika Lux, Raikat Final, Razormin. But excess fertilizer can cause great harm, especially in dry weather. Therefore, strictly follow the norms and timing of fertilizer application recommended in the instructions.

Tomato fruits begin to be harvested as they ripen from the end of June. Fruiting can be extended until cold weather if proper agricultural practices and plant protection are followed. When cold nights and morning dews set in in August, it is advisable to cover tomato plantings with spandbond films.

Diseases of tomatoes in open ground when grown in the Moscow region

The most common diseases of tomatoes when grown in open ground under conditions Moscow region are: late blight, tobacco and cucumber mosaic viruses, root rot. There are varieties and hybrids that are relatively resistant to viruses and root rot. To late blight cultivated plants there is no stability.

Signs of tomato disease with tobacco mosaic virus: leaves become covered yellow spots, the crown of the plant becomes thinner, the leaves become thread-like, the fruits are small, the flowers are double and deformed. Such plants must be immediately removed and destroyed. The virus cannot be cured. You just need to sow the seeds after a two-year storage period. The tool must be disinfected when working. Use for cultivation varieties and hybrids that are resistant to this disease. These include varieties F1 Dobrun, F1 Kineshma, F1 Grandma's Gift, F1 Funtik, F1 Kirzhach, F1 Rozmarin and tomatoes from other producers.

Using tips for growing tomatoes in open ground, you will never make the following mistakes:

  • Return to the previous place no earlier than after 4 years.
  • Soil disinfection is not carried out. To do this, you need to spray the dry soil of future beds with a solution of Alirin-B with Gamair or a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture before planting.
  • Before and after planting, do not spill the soil with Extrasol (10 ml per 10 liters of water). It is advisable to plant seedlings in cloudy times and without deepening the root system.
  • Remember! Fertilizing and watering should be carried out regularly in the morning and when dry, loosen and hill up with damp soil.
  • Remember! After each spraying, it is necessary to carry out protective measures with the addition of growth and fruiting stimulants.

This video, dedicated to growing tomatoes in open ground, gives recommendations from experienced vegetable growers on caring for plants:

The main secrets of growing tomatoes in open ground

Many vegetable growers are interested in how to grow good tomatoes in open ground and avoid their “fatification”?

Intensive plant growth, dark, almost black leaf color, thick stems, curled leaves at the top of plants and the absence of fruits are signs of excess nitrogen nutrition. Tomatoes are fattening! Most often, this picture is observed with excessive application organic fertilizers for crops and fertilizing with minerals with a high nitrogen content.

Often the seedlings stretch out. This happens due to lack of light, too high temperature, with abundant watering and thickening. The seedlings must be positioned correctly before the leaves close. If the seedlings are clearly stretched out, you should limit watering and reduce the room temperature to about 18-19 °C; it is these factors that cause excessive growth in the absence of light.

How to properly limit the growth of tomatoes in order to grow them strong and productive in open ground? The fruiting period of an indeterminate tomato is quite long. In dacha conditions and depending on the region of residence, it is impossible for such plants to completely wait until the end of growth and fruiting, unless, of course, the plants get sick or die from early autumn frosts. Pinching is carried out about a month before the final harvest. Two leaves are left above the last inflorescence to completely fill the set fruits. Usually in conditions southern region 10-11 inflorescences have time to fill and ripen fruits.

Another important question is how to grow tomatoes outdoors and avoid the leaves drying out? Drying of the lower leaves of seedlings can be caused by several reasons. The first is the presence of sucking pests. The fight against them can be carried out both with the help of chemicals and, in cases where products begin to ripen, with the use of biological agents: Fitoverm, Fitosporin, Bitoxibacillin. The second reason is that the concentration of salts in the soil is too high, while the remaining leaves of the plant droop. The third reason is lack of nutrition. In all likelihood, it is necessary to urgently fertilize with small doses of water-soluble fertilizers such as Fertika Lux or humic preparations or the microbiological preparation Extrasol.

To grow tomatoes in open ground as expected correct agricultural technology, it is imperative to combat pests. The most harmful of them are nightshade miner, whitefly, garden (cotton) bollworm, and tomato moth. In most cases, this is the result of a lack of preventive measures in the process of growing tomatoes. You must get rid of these pests in advance using one of the approved drugs. One of the main secrets of growing tomatoes in open ground is the use of only high-quality biological preparations.

Tomato is probably one of the most beloved and popular vegetables. There is not a single kitchen in the world where it is not used. Tomatoes are added to salads, snacks, cold and hot dishes, they are pickled and canned. A huge number of different varieties allows you to choose your favorite, and more than one. Therefore every owner personal plot definitely grows tomatoes.

When growing tomatoes in open ground, it is worth remembering that there are special varieties for it, different from crops for closed ground, just as planting and caring for tomatoes is different, because in the first version the vegetables are in more difficult conditions.

Varieties for greenhouses are afraid of temperature changes, so they will get sick during open ground, and vice versa, tomatoes intended for it will not be able to get along in the greenhouse, giving a poor harvest.

Varieties intended for open ground have a much shorter ripening period than greenhouse varieties; they are hardier and resistant to cold. Most often this stunted and early ripening plants, sometimes medium-sized. The most suitable for cultivation in open ground conditions are considered superdeterminant and determinant varieties.

The advantage is that the harvest ripens before the onset of cold weather, the disadvantage is that the fruits are small and the fruiting period is short. The second ones are later, have more inflorescences and larger fruits.

Those who have been planting tomatoes for many years now have their own selected varieties that grow best in their soil. The seeds from them are carefully collected for harvesting for the next season from the healthiest and most productive bushes.

If you are purchasing seeds for planting for the first time, pay attention to all the nuances. Do not buy seeds from untrusted places and carefully study the packaging - the varieties you need will be labeled accordingly.

One of the decisive indicators is ripening period tomatoes. The easiest varieties to care for are those that grow and ripen quickly, but they are usually smaller and taste worse than those that ripen for a long time and are saturated with useful elements. Late varieties They will bring an excellent tasty harvest, but caring for them is more difficult. For open ground, some of the most popular are:

All of these tomatoes are quite easy to care for, produce good yields and have excellent disease resistance.

Seedlings are an important stage of the future harvest

If in southern places seeds are usually sown directly into the soil, then in cooler latitudes it is first necessary prepare seedlings. This is one of the most important stages, by cheating on which you will not get a good harvest even under all other favorable conditions.

Seedlings require a lot of light and are best kept on the south side of the windows. If it is not enough, the sprouts must be provided with additional lighting.

The soil for seedlings must be prepared in advance, in the fall, but you can also buy it in the store. It is better to take more soil for growing light and not too fertile, if it is too poor, dilute it with humus and a small amount of ash. If you take soil from the beds, you absolutely cannot use the same that was under the tomatoes or potatoes.

You can buy seedlings ready-made, but choose carefully! The sprouts should be strong, healthy, without signs of yellowness. Too elongated and overgrown plants are not the best choice for landing.

A few weeks before transplanting seedlings, they need to be hardened off so that the sprouts can more easily adapt to open ground conditions. For this purpose, seedlings are periodically taken out into the street, gradually increasing the time, in the end you can leave it overnight if the frost is over.

Disembarkation dates

The timing of planting tomatoes in open ground depends depending on weather conditions in your area. The warmer and faster the cold weather ends, the sooner tomatoes are planted. In the south, planting begins in mid-May, in the middle zone this is the end of May - beginning of June, but in the north, tomatoes are planted no earlier than the first ten days of June and even closer to the middle of the month.

In addition to the above, planting times also depend from tomato variety and the timing of their maturation. Early ripening fruits are planted later, and those that take a long time to ripen are preferably placed in the ground as early as possible.

Site selection and soil preparation

Not all areas are suitable for growing tomatoes outdoors. In order for tomatoes to feel comfortable and produce a good harvest, the planting site must meet certain requirements:

For growing this tasty vegetable, soil with neutral acidity and light soil is best suited. loamy and sandy loam, rich in humus. The soil for tomato seedlings needs to be prepared in the fall. They fertilize it with manure, use superphosphate and potassium chloride when digging, having previously cleaned it and removed weeds and plant debris.

If the soil was not fertilized in the fall, be sure to treat it with additional saltpeter in the spring (in addition to all of the above). Also a useful mixture for tomatoes would be ash and compost (1.5 cups per bucket). The main thing is not to overdo it with fertilizers, as this will cause increased plant growth, but the fruits will not set well. After fertilizing the soil, give it a couple of days to rest and warm up, and only then plant the seedlings.


To ensure that the plants emerge at the same time, plant them at the same depth. The depth of the holes should be identical to the height of the pots in which the seedlings grew. In order not to damage the roots, the seedling bushes are transplanted together with a lump of earth.

This process is best spend the evening, during the night the plants will rest and tolerate a change of environment more easily. The seedling is placed vertically in the hole and covered with soil up to the leaves, compacting it around the roots.

When transplanting seedlings from pots, the soil in them needs to be watered abundantly a day before this process. This will help the seedlings lose as few roots as possible, allow them to acclimatize faster and grow more actively, allowing for an earlier harvest.

It is better to remove weak plants, as they will not develop normally, but will draw nutrients from the soil to the detriment of the rest of the bushes. Correct landing will help the sprouts quickly take root and not lose the first flowers.

Tomatoes require staking, so pegs can be driven in next to the seedlings immediately and tied at the height of the second leaf. In the future, the bushes are tied up as needed. The height of the pegs depends on the variety of tomatoes.

Tomatoes don't like a lot of moisture, this can even lead to their death, but they tolerate drought quite steadfastly. Therefore, water sprouts and adult plants with moderately warm water ( room temperature) with settled water, allowing the soil to dry until next time. The first two weeks after planting, the seedlings do not need to be watered at all.

Due to stress during the replanting process, the bushes may begin to wither, but do not be alarmed ahead of time, the plants will get used to the change in environment and recover.

Plant care

Proper plant care when growing tomatoes in open ground includes:

  • frost protection;
  • loosening the soil;
  • watering;
  • pollination;
  • pest and weed control;
  • fertilizer (feeding);
  • stepsoning and the like.

To protect tomatoes from the cold, cover them with burlap or paper caps. During prolonged frosts, tomatoes need hill up high, after they are finished, free the plants from the ground.

As already written, tomatoes do not like a lot of water, so they are watered much less often than other vegetables. Early ripening varieties need to be watered only repeatedly per season, and mid-season - once a week or ten days. Too much moisture can lead to disease and rotting of the plant, and the fruits will become watery and sour.

If there is heavy rain, watering should be further reduced. But insufficient water will also affect the quality of the fruit. For health and strengthening of bushes, you can add potassium permanganate or ash. It is best to water tomatoes in the evening, at the root, without touching the leaves and stems.

Tomato flowers produce a sufficient amount of pollen, so pollination process They basically do it on their own. However, they can be helped a little by planting plants between the beds with tomatoes - honey mustard, basil or coriander. This will attract pollinating insects to the flowers. Pollen is afraid of too low or too high temperatures. In this case, the plants need help - lightly shake the bush or knock on a pole.


The formation of bushes is mandatory for tomatoes. Their bushes branch strongly, forming many side shoots - stepsons, on which the ovaries also begin, but they do not have time to ripen, and at the same time they draw on themselves the nutritious juices of the bush to the detriment of the rest of the fruits. Therefore such shoots need to be removed at least twice a month. Do not cut at the stem itself, but at a distance of about 1-2 fingers thick, while the shoots are young (3-5 cm). It is better to pinch off longer branches.

Carry out the procedure carefully so that there are no wounds left that could lead to infections and diseases; moreover, the plant will become stressed, which will affect its health and the taste of the fruit. Best time carrying out this process - the first half sunny day, then the wounds will have time to dry out and heal.

The majority do not need stepsoning early ripening varieties, and the rest need it by August pinch the stem itself, since further growth of the plant is not needed. This will save him the strength to form delicious tomatoes.

For the same reason, after the formation of fruits, lower leaves plants are removed so that they do not take healthy juices bush. It will be enough to leave just a few top leaves if the sun in your latitude is moderate. If you are in the southern regions, leave the foliage to provide sufficient shade for the fruits.

Feeding tomatoes

Tomatoes are not picky and do not require a lot of fertilizer, especially if you prepare the soil well. But, to get a good harvest, regular feeding is still needed. It is best to combine it with watering, and then hill up the soil around the plant.

The first is done no earlier than ten days (maximum a week) after disembarkation. Fertilize superphosphate and ammonium nitrate in a ratio of 10:5 grams per bucket of water. A solution of mullein or chicken manure would also be an excellent option for tomatoes.

Monitor the condition of the tomatoes in order to fertilize in a timely manner:

As soon as the plant begins to bloom, you need to spray the buds with the so-called foliar feeding , to stimulate the formation of ovaries. It should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening, with the following solutions:

  • four parts baking soda to one part boric acid;
  • one gram of boric acid per liter of water;
  • a couple of glasses of ash in a bucket of water.

In addition to helping the ovaries, such spraying excellent prevention plant diseases.

Harvesting and storing fruits

Harvesting when growing tomatoes in open ground begins at the beginning of August. Throughout the month, fruits are actively collected, without waiting for their final ripening, since by the beginning of September they already stop ripening.

Slightly unripe fruits (brown and yellowish) will return to normal in a couple of days and remain just as tasty. Green tomatoes They will also ripen if picked, although they will be worse. Fruits collected in time allow you to harvest maximum yield.

For faster ripening, vegetables are stored in warm and bright indoors. If you want to delay ripening, hide them in a dark and cool place (but not lower than 10 degrees, otherwise the fruits will begin to rot).