Abdominal obesity is psychosomatic. Psychosomatics of obesity and psychotherapy of excess weight: causes, treatment, psychological counseling of people. Psychosomatic theory of overeating

The number of people with . The problem of obesity affects all people equally. According to statistics, a third of the population in Russia suffers from obesity, and this is an impressive figure. Most clinics, specialists, and nutritionists offer expensive treatment, grueling diets, and intense workouts, but the weight comes back. The connection between many somatic diseases and the psyche has long been known. Obesity is no exception. Psychosomatics is given Special attention, because ladies are more vulnerable, emotional, sensitive natures. The roots of many of their diseases can be found by studying the psychological characteristics of the individual.

Psychosomatics is a branch of medicine and psychology that studies the influence of human psychological characteristics on the occurrence of somatic diseases. There is a popular opinion among doctors that character traits, behavior style, emotions, and temperament are of great importance in the occurrence of body diseases. Pathologies with a proven psychosomatic nature include:

  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Panic attacks (vegetative disorders).
  • Arterial hypertension with an unspecified cause.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Obesity.

Why you need to fight the problem

Obesity is a chronic progressive metabolic disease, manifested by excessive deposition of adipose tissue in the body with subsequent increase in body weight. The disease is chronic in nature, difficult to treat, and weight returns. This happens for reasons of positive energy balance, when the body receives more energy than it can expend. The problem of obesity is multifaceted; there are more causes than treatments. Overweight people have many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, live shorter lives, are limited in many ways, and their quality of life and social communication also suffers.

Complications of excess weight:

  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (hypertension, angina, myocardial infarction, arrhythmia).
  • Respiratory congestion.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2.
  • Vascular atherosclerosis is common (intermittent claudication).
  • Cerebrovascular accident.
  • Joint diseases (deforming osteoarthritis, osteochondrosis).
  • Fatty infiltration of the liver.

Causes of obesity

To successfully treat this disease, you need to determine the causes that cause it. Doctors identify three main factors in the development of obesity.

Physiological factors

These include overeating. When a person begins to consume more food than necessary, the excess reserves do not have time to be wasted and are deposited under the skin, as well as in the internal organs. The problem is relevant for people with a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and reluctance to exercise. Gradually, the stomach of such patients begins to stretch, the feeling of fullness is delayed, and they have to consume more food to satisfy their food instinct.

It is customary to identify several conditions that provoke weight gain:

  1. Decreased physical activity.
  2. Hereditary feature of slow metabolism.
  3. Pregnancy, lactation, taking oral contraceptives.
  4. Long-term treatment with hormones.

Social factors

Socium means society. These reasons include:

  1. Family traditions, habits.
  2. Excessive overfeeding of a child in childhood, which may be due to the parents’ fears and the desire to satisfy the baby’s need for food.
  3. Eating behavior at work, among friends and in the team.
  4. The manner of eating food quickly, impulsively, out of necessity, and not out of desire.

Systematic overeating with low consumption of energy reserves leads to rapid weight gain. Changing social causes is much more difficult than physiological ones, where simple overeating occurs.

Psychological factors

The psychosomatics of excess weight is a complex concept. Not many nutritionists take into account the psychological factor when prescribing a diet. Most of them don't even think about subconscious reasons extra pounds. The result of such a diet will always be the same. After some time, body weight will return to its previous figures. We are almost closer to the psychosomatic causes of obesity in women. All that remains is to find out what constitutes female nature?

Mental characteristics of women

The mental system of women, their way of thinking, reasoning, logic and much more are very different from those of men. Ladies are always hungry people. This concept includes more than just food addiction. Women will always have few new emotions, sensations, impressions; they suffer greatly from monotony and routine, and are also very dependent on their mood. Their every action, movement, thought, idea is subject not only to reason and logic, but also to their spiritual, mental state at the moment.

But that is not all! Women have more fears, fears, and superstitions. There are also negative traits character: hot temper, anger, talkativeness, envy, nervousness, hysteria. Mobile mental activity leads to the release of adrenaline and stress hormones, which greatly affects metabolism, metabolism, and the functioning of hormones. Frequent failures provoke fluid retention, replenishment of glycogen, glucose, and fat reserves.

Psychological causes of excess weight in women

Women's somatic diseases, including obesity, have a purely psychological basis.

Interesting! A undermined, destroyed, painful female psyche can affect the energy balance of the entire body and throw it out of balance!

Stress in our lives arises at every step, and ladies are extremely sensitive to them, so it becomes clear where obesity takes its roots.

  • Women's emotions and overeating. In women, there is a close relationship between mood and the consumption of sweets. I got nervous at work and ate a chocolate bar. Serotonin did its job, the lady felt a surge of excellent mood. Gradually this attitude becomes a habit. Depression, disappointment in a life partner, divorce, any troubles are “extinguished” by eating sweets or simply banal overeating. Hungry natures satisfy their needs, which they cannot fulfill, with food. The body consumes a large amount of energy, which is stored in reserve. If the harmful causative factor (depression, neurosis) is not eliminated, then pathological eating behavior is formed, leading to obesity.
  • Food for the night. We believe that evening will come, we will be able to relax calmly at home, sitting at the table, eat deliciously, and forget about problems and business. It's just imaginary pleasure! In the evening and at night, metabolism slows down sharply. Everything you eat at dinner will certainly be deposited on your stomach. Why is this happening? It’s just that many women find it difficult to imagine a vacation outside of home. It is much better to swim in the pool, jog in the park, or ride a bike after work. It’s not always possible to accomplish what you set out to do, and the reason for this is a habitual way of thinking that has developed over the years, which you don’t want to change at all.
  • Food as a feeling of security. Mental pathology comes from childhood. Psychologists call this the “baby” syndrome. In early childhood, babies sometimes demand their mother's breast not because they are hungry, but to feel comfortable and protected. This reflex fades with age, but not for everyone. Under the influence of any external reasons adult woman behaves like a child, limiting his safe zone to the kitchen, feeling protected while eating food. Saturating the blood with glucose gives a unique feeling of happiness and peace that you want to experience again.
  • Excess weight is an internal conflict. This is what most psychiatrists and psychologists think. There is an internal attitude that it is better to be a plump and curvy woman than a thin one. The mood is subconscious and such a decision is made in connection with reasons that even the lady herself is not aware of. Pathological beliefs prohibit being slim through a complex series of biochemical processes associated with metabolism, metabolism, the work of hormones and enzymes. For obese women, there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between weight and psychological mood. As long as there is an internal conflict, all attempts to reduce body weight through diet and intense training will lead nowhere. The subconscious will again force the body to become the way it needs to be. The task of a psychologist is to find the internal cause, destroy it, and only then begin to fight excess weight.
  • Excess weight is beneficial. IN in this case The benefit of excess weight lies in an attempt to protect oneself from the outside world, to hide from communication and problems under a layer of fat folds. The benefits of being overweight are expressed in the following criteria: weight justifies failures in life, gives significance to your appearance, solidity, obesity changes your attitude towards people, makes others take you more seriously, helps you feel loved, defenseless, evokes sympathy from loved ones, protects you from a specific problem.

Excess weight therapy: psychological aspects

Before starting treatment for obesity, you need to enlist the support of the patient himself. Obesity is an addiction. Without voluntary consent, as well as the strong desire of the woman, all attempts to treat psychosomatic obesity will fail from the very beginning.

In treating obese patients, doctors face three problems:

  1. It is difficult to find an internal reason (some appeared recently, while others stretched back to childhood).
  2. A woman's fear of seeing herself as thin.
  3. Constant feeling of hunger.

Our usual treatment for obesity comes down to prescribing medications that break down fat and reduce its absorption in the intestines. They also use means to accelerate the removal of fats from the body, various herbal diuretics. The complex of therapeutic treatment is complemented by a low-calorie diet and a visit to the gym. No one will deny that the effect of such therapy can be quite impressive. Body weight decreases, the patient, as well as her doctor, are satisfied with themselves and the results.

After 2-3 years, the woman again seeks help, or maybe she will give up on the problem and become even fatter than she was. So why does the weight come back? After all, you can’t sit on a strict diet all your life? There are several possible scenarios here:

  1. Weight gain is facilitated by concomitant pathology of the endocrine system. There is no need to look for psychosomatics here (only 5% of people suffer from secondary obesity). Correcting the disease will help you lose weight.
  2. Some people manage to follow a diet and exercise throughout their lives, maintaining their body shape. This path is difficult, costly, and requires willpower and free time.
  3. Contact a specialist, find an internal psychological problem, then eliminate it.

Detection of internal cause

Psychotherapeutic treatment of obesity in women – modern approach, giving very good results. Excess weight is the intake of excess food into the body. Why does this happen? What subconsciously pushes a woman to overeat? Psychologists highlight several important aspects:

  • The feeling of being insignificant, flawed, almost invisible in this world pushes the subconscious to gain weight and increase its size.
  • Women who have been subjected to attempted rape also subconsciously want to become less attractive, so they gain weight.
  • After the birth of a child, young mothers change their thinking, try to look more respectable, weightier, because now they bear greater responsibility for the baby. The image of a slender young girl is becoming a thing of the past, and a new one is coming to replace it.
  • Single ladies blame all their problems at home and at work on their shoulders, playing the role of a man who is not around.

The woman is not aware of all these aspects. No slim girl will deliberately gain weight in order to become important, for example, at work. This is what her inner subconscious decides. This is the protection of the individual from the outside world, stressful situations, problems. Only a psychologist can see this conflict, bring it to the surface of the psyche, take it apart, and make the patient believe in the need to lose excess weight.

Psychotherapeutic correction (hypnosis, introspection, psychological techniques) is supplemented by a course of medications that affect emotions, mood, desires, and sleep. These drugs include tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives, and antidepressants. The latter are used very often in medical practice.

Weight loss

As soon as the first difficult stage of psychocorrection is completed, an internal psychological problem is discovered, you can move on to the second stage. Some patients are looking forward to directly losing extra pounds. Their problem has been solved, they have a strong incentive, a great desire to change, to see themselves differently. This category of women will achieve the desired slimness and maintain the effect for a long time only because they have a strong enough mindset for change in their heads.

With the second group of women, the situation is less rosy, since they have too many “skeletons in the closet” that need to be gotten rid of before treatment with diet or training. It can be very difficult to imagine yourself differently, not like you are now. You will have to change your lifestyle, diet, schedule, and expose yourself to grueling activities. Yes, and this is not the most important thing. After all, your attitude towards yourself, towards other people, your thinking and much more will change. Is any woman ready to undergo such a test?

Girls who are ready to lose weight externally, but inside they have a barrier or prohibition, come to see a psychologist. Subconsciously, they don’t want to give up their excess weight, so they find hundreds of reasons and excuses not to go to the gym or follow a diet. Working with such patients is extremely difficult; their internal conflict is difficult to overcome. If the specialist manages to do this, then the next difficulty for this category of women will be overcoming hunger.

Here are a few rules to help you cope with the task:

  1. Food is a dope, you need to consume it in moderation.
  2. Willpower and desire will help you lose weight.
  3. It is important to build a mental image of a beautiful and slender woman, and then strive for it.
  4. Patience. The fat on the sides will not melt by morning.
  5. It is necessary to distract yourself from thoughts about food.

In conclusion, I would like to say that women cannot live in conditions of lack of anything. Yes, no one actually demands this from them. If you lack love, attention, finances, communication, comfort, new sensations, bright emotions, then you should not resort to food as doping. This will end badly for your health and figure. There are excellent ways to replace the desire for constant snacking: hobbies, reading, watching a movie, visiting a museum, walking, traveling. All these methods save you from obesity, and also bring the mind and psyche into a state of balance.

Excerpts from the book: Bräutigam V., Christian P., Rad M. Psychosomatic medicine.

Obesity is the deposition of adipose tissue with an increase in body weight. This pathology is a consequence of impaired absorption of food and energy expenditure. Can we talk about obesity as a disease? It depends on the definition of the disease in general and on social assessment. Even judging a fat person as ugly or beautiful depends on social, cultural values ​​and the spirit of the times. Undoubtedly, obesity is a risk factor for the development of many diseases, primarily diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, and joint diseases. It not only reduces life expectancy, but also affects its quality.* The initial stage of obesity is usually determined when body weight increases by 15-20% of normal, and with an increase of 30% it becomes completely obvious. Classic indicators (Brock's recommended body weight in kilograms is equal to height in centimeters minus 100) are considered too high today; the ideal body weight for men is 10% less than these indicators, for women - 5%. Indicators for high and low growth are given in the Geigy tables. Fat deposition can be determined by the thickness of the skin folds. The influence of age and gender differences should also be kept in mind.

* A child or teenager who sits in front of the TV for 4 to 8 hours a day and extinguishes his impulses and tension by absorption large quantity high-calorie foods, will soon become overweight, and, as experience shows, it is usually difficult for him to change his lifestyle and regain his previous weight.

* Psychosomatics pays more attention not to those patients who have chronic weight gain, but to those young people who experience a change in phases of gluttony and starvation with a sudden increase in body weight. They eat food impulsively, in situations of tension and conflict. Psychosomatic or neurotic categories among the obese, i.e. those who do not follow a basic diet account for one third of all obese people.

* Most obese patients can say about themselves: “Actually, I eat a little, less than others!” They're not lying when they say that. Their mood is often associated with a basic desire to eat something and often leads to automatic, involuntary absorption of food. Comparing the amount of food with the internal subjective need, and not with the physical need for calories, they always believe that they have not taken enough of it. In this regard, a pathogenetic concept arose, according to which in obesity there is no feeling of satiety when eating. There are two characteristic syndromes: 1) night eating syndrome with morning lack of appetite and excessive eating in the evenings followed by insomnia, which N. Deter found in 10% of obese women; 2) syndrome of gluttony attacks during conflicts and simple difficulties with the desire to absorb huge quantities of food, followed by fears, depression and guilt. In both syndromes, an increase in neurotic symptoms and a tendency to conflict is noted.

* In terms of energy, obesity is not a mystery. The only question that remains unclear is why an obese person does not feel full and eats more than is necessary in accordance with his energy needs, and also moves less than is possible with the amount of energy substances consumed.

* In England and the USA, obesity is observed more often in women from lower social classes, and severe obesity is found in them 2 times more often. In men, there is also a relationship between social status and obesity. The situation is very different in India, where obesity has a different meaning: rich men and women are fatter than their less affluent compatriots and obesity is a symbol of prosperity and less contrary to the modern ideal of beauty accepted in the Western world.

* The relationship between socioeconomic status and the incidence of obesity leads many researchers to believe that social variation is the most important determinant of obesity.

* It should be assumed that the factors that lead to obesity in one person do not necessarily affect another person. Psychologically, different constellations are also found, which is manifested in the difference in causes.

The most frequently cited reasons are: 1. Frustration at the loss of the object of love. For example, obesity can be caused, more often in women, by the death of a spouse, separation from a sexual partner, or even leaving the parental home. It is generally accepted that the loss of a loved one can be accompanied by depression and at the same time an increase in appetite. Children often react with increased appetite when the youngest child in the family is born.

2. General depression, anger, fear of loneliness and feelings of emptiness can lead to impulsive eating.

3. Situations that combine danger and activities that require wakefulness and increased tension (for example, studying for exams, a war situation) awaken in many people increased oral needs, which lead to increased eating or smoking.

* In all these revealing situations, food has the value of vicarious satisfaction. It serves to strengthen connections, security, eases pain, feelings of loss, disappointment, like a child who remembers from childhood that in case of pain, illness or loss, he was given sweets to console him. Many obese people had similar experiences in childhood, which led them to unconscious forms of psychosomatic reactions.

* For most obese patients, it is important that they have always been fat, and already in infancy and early childhood they were prone to obesity. It is interesting that in frustrating and tough life situations, feeding and excess food can become a stress-regulating factor for both parents and their growing children. Obesity and food as a substitute for satisfaction are therefore not a problem for one person, but for the whole family.

* These situational conditions must be associated with the characteristics of the patient’s personality and its processing.

* Food is a substitute for absent maternal care, a protection against depression. For a child, food is more than just nutrition, it is self-affirmation, stress relief, and maternal support. Many obese patients have a strong dependence on their mother and fear of separation from her. Since 80% of parents are also overweight, one can think of a predisposition factor, as well as particularly intense family ties and adherence to traditions, a style of relationship where direct expressions of love are rejected and oral habits and connections take their place.

* Parents with normal body weight have obese children only in 7% of cases; If one of the parents is obese, then obesity in children is observed in 40% of cases, and if both parents are affected – in 80%. Adopted children are less likely to be obese if their parents are obese than half-bred children.

* Hilde Bruch (N. Bruch) described certain forms of early childhood development and family environment in children with a tendency to obesity. Mothers of such children show hyperprotection and over-attachment. They overindulge, pamper, pamper, and control their children instead of introducing them to a world in which they could find themselves. Parents who allow everything and do not prohibit anything, cannot say “no”, compensate with this their remorse and the feeling that they are not giving enough to their children. Such fathers are weak and helpless. With a free sample of observations, such conflicting family relationships can be detected in at least 25% of cases.

* Oral spoiling by parents has often been described by other authors. It is motivated primarily by getting rid of the feeling of guilt for emotional alienation from them, for indifference and internal rejection on the part of the parents. Feeding children is the only possible means of expressing affection for them, which parents are not able to show by talking, touching, or playing with them. Oral refusal is a result different forms behavior of both an overprotective and indifferent mother.

* It is impossible to describe a single personality structure in obesity, including its psychosomatic variants. Among obese people there are often people with decreased drives. Some authors have found among them a large number of survivors of brain injury. But in some cases these are very lively and active people with superficial contacts and infantile claims. They are prone to closeness and symbiotic behavior with other people, easily get used to them and allow them to quickly become close to them. Loss and separation are unbearable for them, as is often the case with people with excessive, poorly differentiated orality.

*The MMPI often detects symptoms of depression, body image concerns, fears, impulsivity, social introversion, and defensive tendencies. Obese patients prefer professions related to nutrition, in contrast to the control group, who prefer more intellectual professions. Children who tend to be overweight are usually described as immature, receptive, and dependent on their mother. Like patients with anorexia, they do not experience a sense of disfigurement of their body.

* Obese patients usually do not take their problems seriously, although attempts are often made to explain them to them. They believe that a simple intention and a strong-willed decision will allow them to regulate food and drink; they just have to gather their strength. The clinic does not consider them seriously ill. Their assurances that they eat almost nothing all day are considered not as a contradiction between their needs and the achieved feeling of satiety, but as a deliberate lie. Countertransference only leads to a decrease in self-esteem and the social value of the treatment situation. They complicate the working relationship and the treatment situation, which, due to the need to limit food, is difficult for the patient and leads him to depression. Patients often react with resignation and internal self-reproach, which leads to new, sudden attacks of overeating.

* In general, for obesity, for rapid reduction of body weight, active psychotherapeutic methods focused on symptoms are indicated: directive and behavioral therapy, self-help groups focused on the individual, revealing psychodynamic methods. As with alcoholism, it is not necessary to analyze all conflicts if this analysis cannot change the patient's behavior. It is usually not difficult to quickly achieve weight loss through intensive clinical treatment and a strict diet. But this physical change is also the starting point for changes in self-esteem and further changes in behavior. If a relapse does not occur within a short time, which happens in at least half of the cases, and according to some observations, in almost all patients, it is necessary to develop an established relationship between the doctor and the patient during further outpatient treatment. Only an intensive transfer to the therapist (through an appropriate setting, a self-help group) can give the patient the motivated strength to limit himself in food in the future, when he finds himself in familiar work and family conditions. Psychosomatic and neurotic patients with obesity generally respond less well to treatment than individuals without such disorders. How often obesity is associated with family structure is shown by the experience of treating obesity in children and young people. Resistance comes not so much from the child himself, but from his parents, who develop a feeling of guilt and have irrational fears that the child will die of hunger if he follows the restrictions.

* There are a large number of sophisticated diets based on the fact that while simultaneously reducing the feeling of hunger, limiting food intake to foods low in calories (sufficient in volume and rich in proteins) or change the calorie balance with increased physical activity. But the first step should be to involve the patient in working together with the doctor. One-sided use of a prescribed diet, gymnastics, etc. help little and often lead to depression, and the pleasure, ideals, and fantasies associated with the process of eating remain unprocessed. The decisive thing is that obese patients who want to enjoy the pleasure that food is for them must be given something different: psychosomatic obese patients need contact, intimacy, satisfaction in the social sphere, help in overcoming frustrations, reinforcement of their “I” .

In his daily life, a person constantly strives for maximum psychological comfort, but he does not always choose the right methods for this. The presence of excess weight can be explained not only by hereditary predisposition and eating habits, but also from a psychological point of view. Thus, overeating can be a source of positive emotions, a way to get rid of stress, and an adaptation when being in unfavorable conditions.

The consequence is excess weight, the psychosomatics of which have long been explained by experts. If there are excess kilograms, it means that there is a certain need for them. Therefore, the first thing to do is to determine the cause of the problem and begin to solve it.

Psychosomatics is a branch of psychology and medicine that specializes in studying the impact of psychological factors on the appearance of somatic (bodily) problems in humans. In accordance with it, a number of health problems arise due to certain psychological problems: stress, nervous breakdowns, worries, worries. Moreover, we are talking not only about diseases themselves, but also about such phenomena as excess weight.

Many books are devoted to psychosomatics. Louise Hay, Liz Burbo and many other popular authors wrote about her. They also studied the psychosomatics of excess weight in women.

Psychological causes of excess weight

Excess weight does not occur on its own and very often has psychosomatic causes. The main ones are the following:

  • Building protection from the outside world. The fat layer acts as a kind of protection for the shell, and the more weight, the stronger it is. An additional function also plays a role: a person appears larger in appearance, which is why he can seem to “crush” his enemy. But both functions have the same goal - protection from outside hostility.
  • Slender girls can gain weight after getting married or having a child. Psychology associates this with the emergence of a new image in the individual: a mother or a housewife. When new tasks arise, the figure is relegated to the background, and an unconscious desire for the image of a plump housewife appears.
  • Lack of attention. This most often manifests itself in childhood. When a child lacks attention, he unconsciously gains weight, thereby wanting others to notice him.
  • A woman's weight gain may be related to her man. So, he can say that he loves softness in women, and the lady can begin to gain weight in order to realize this softness through her figure.
  • Eating stress and anxiety. During childhood, candy becomes the best comfort, and this mechanism may persist as we grow older. By overeating, a person tries to drown out negative emotions, grief, worries, and so on.
  • There is a stereotype in society that excess weight is associated with respectability. When gaining weight, a person may subconsciously want to emphasize his importance. It may also be due to low self-esteem.
  • Accumulated grievances can also lead to excess body weight. A person literally accumulates them, resulting in fat deposits.
  • Violence in childhood. Scientists have found that after psychological or physical violence, the risk of obesity increases. This is especially true for women - by gaining weight, they try to become unattractive, thereby protecting themselves in the future.

In addition, there is a secondary benefit that a person receives from the symptoms of his problem. In the case of excess weight, it can manifest itself in the following:

  • Reluctance to please men. Let's say a woman does not want attention from other men besides her husband or has a non-traditional sexual orientation. In this case, she needs weight so that representatives of the stronger sex do not show attention to her.
  • Having fun. People who do not know how to enjoy food compensate for this with delicious food. She becomes their only joy.
  • The imaginary goal of losing weight. The process of losing weight can be a continuous meaning of life, without giving any results. A person sticks to diets, and then gains weight again, and so on in a circle.
  • Psychological protection. Obesity can be a kind of mask or an attempt to escape reality.

Louise Hay's look

Louise Hay believes that the main reason for obesity in the country is the need for protection, lack of self-acceptance and unwillingness to feel for others. She also notes the desire to show off and increased sensitivity. First of all, she advises fighting the fear that being overweight protects against.

Excess weight according to Liz Burbo

Liz Burbo connects the problem with emotional blocks, believing that it is a consequence of childhood humiliation. The layer of fat is a kind of protection from those who insulted. Fat is also characteristic of those who subconsciously want to occupy an important place in society, but at the same time consider this unacceptable. Such conflict leads to overeating. Another reason is a mental block. Fat Lyuli cannot always evaluate themselves objectively, and, according to Liz and Burbo, at the end of each day they need to analyze the events that have occurred that can cause shame.

Sinelnikov's opinion

Valery Sinelnikov claims that excess weight is an expression of fear and the need for protection. The fat layer acts as a shell through which a person hides his feelings from others. Also, in his opinion, he talks about the inability to cope with his experiences and dissatisfaction with himself, even to the point of hatred.

Excess weight in different parts of the body and psychosomatics: table

According to experts, in which parts the weight is deposited can tell in more detail about the psychosomatic reason for this.

Double chin

Understatement, inability to express thoughts, some kind of protective barrier.

Shoulders and arms

Increased care, guardianship, responsibility, unhappy love or dislike for oneself, the constant need to receive approval from the outside.

Fat hump on the back and deposits on the neck

Such deposits are called a wine hump. They say that a person feels sin, considers himself very guilty of something.

Back and shoulders

Rolls and folds in these areas indicate feelings of guilt, lack of protection, and the inability to let go of past events. It may also indicate increased responsibility for others.

Waist and belly

The psychosomatics of excess weight in women on the stomach has to do with non-acceptance of the feminine principle. A fuzzy waist line speaks of a fear of being weak and showing femininity. A big belly can be a way to relieve fear, worry and anxiety. Here it also makes sense to talk about indecisiveness and problems in communicating with the opposite sex.

Legs and buttocks

If everything unnecessary is concentrated in the lower part, we can talk about overprotection. It could also be anger at parents for being too protective, fears and grievances from childhood, or a reluctance to grow up. This also includes problems in the sexual sphere.

It is considered a site of pointless accumulation. The more a person accumulates in himself what he does not need, the larger the area of ​​breeches.

If they are full and loose, this indicates a fear of change and fears, empty promises, stubbornness, and self-centeredness.

How to solve the psychological problem of excess weight

It is impossible to cope with how to lose weight if you do not understand the psychosomatics of excess weight. But keep in mind that this is not enough. To get rid of it, you need to use both psychological and physical methods. First of all, you need to control your food intake and lead an active lifestyle. Psychological methods of struggle are as follows:

  • If food is used for relaxation, you need to replace it with something else with a similar effect. This could be yoga, swimming, meditation or a regular walk. The same is true if food serves as a source of joy and pleasure. There are no less pleasant things that do not lead to weight gain, and it is important to find them for yourself.
  • Before you go to the refrigerator, ask yourself whether you feel true hunger or moral dissatisfaction. You should only eat if you are truly hungry.
  • You must get rid of old grievances, try to accept and love yourself with all your strengths and weaknesses. You need to try to fight the latter without using the usual method in the form of an abundance of food.
  • If the reason for overeating is related to your loved ones, you need to try to change your attitude towards them and improve it. All problems can be resolved peacefully, remember this.

If the causes of excess weight are related to psychosomatics, then you need to start fighting it from the head. Not everyone can do this on their own, so sometimes it makes sense to work with a psychologist. It is important to achieve harmony and calm. And, of course, remember that a lot depends on proper nutrition and physical activity.

In the first part of the article “Excess weight psychosomatics” I will describe cases when the body decides that being overweight is a The best decision, based on a person’s inner experiences. In the second part of the article, I will show what negative internal beliefs can prevent a person from becoming slim.

Before we get better, we decide to get better. Even if not consciously, we accept it. This decision can be made at any age. If children are born prone to being overweight, this means that their unconscious is already dominated by a program that being overweight is beneficial.

What does profitable mean? This means that the body believes that completeness is a solution to a certain problem.

1) The most common problem in my practice is the need to build a defense against a dangerous world. Excess weight can be seen as some kind of obstacle on the way to a person’s vulnerable soul, as protection from unwanted communication (after all, fat people are shunned), as an opportunity to “crush” enemies with your weight. The main idea is the same - I don’t want to have contact with the world, because it is either unpleasant or simply dangerous.

In this case, to lose weight, simply going on a diet will not be enough. The body will resist this, as it will lose the required protection. This means that it is necessary to reconfigure internal beliefs about danger, to see the world differently. Then the need for excess weight disappears.

2) It happens that slender girls begin to gain weight after marriage or after the birth of a child. When I began to understand why this was happening, I saw that the girls were acquiring a subpersonality, which I called Matrona (according to Ozhegov - a plump, respectable woman).

At some point, a new housewife or young mother begins to fade her inner image of a young, carefree girl into the shadows and unconsciously “brings closer” the image of a respectable head of the family. In this case, in psychotherapy, we analyze how we can combine these two images or come up with a new one - a slender young mother and an easy, successful housewife.

3) If a woman begins to gain weight, you need to see if she has taken on the male function of making money, for example? Being big is sometimes like “being a man.” Fragility is a woman's trait, but if a woman cannot be fragile in the family, she has to become strong. And the strong ones are usually “big”. This decision is made by the body to help a woman cope with problems.

4) “They don’t notice me” - this is how a child who begins to gain weight thinks and feels.

A woman who begins to gain weight may also think that her husband does not notice her and that being overweight is the solution to the problem. And if the husband also once mentioned that he loves soft women, when there is something to hold on to, the woman will unconsciously become big and soft if she suffers due to her husband’s inattention and tries to attract him.

5) For our body, fat is a luxury tissue: it weighs little and has energy capacity. Interestingly, if we consider ourselves ugly somewhere, the body will add fat in this place as a consolation to the owner. For example, this is how lipomas arise. And this is how the phenomena that we call cellulite arise.

That is, when we look at ourselves in the mirror and make a verdict: “It’s not what it should be,” the body tries to console us with fat.

If there is a constant feeling of dissatisfaction with yourself inside, this can lead to an increase in fat on the hips, abdomen, arms, etc.

It is not without reason that one of the necessary stages of losing weight is creating an internal image of yourself as slim (I will write about this in the second part of the article).

6) And finally, one more observation. If during pregnancy the mother really wanted to eat, but denied herself everything in order to remain slim, the child may weigh decently in childhood, as if solving the problem of his mother.

In the same way, if a woman feels that she is deprived of something, she may unknowingly “gain” the lack of something with excess weight. What is lacking can be anything: from a favorite job that doesn’t exist to a lover who doesn’t exist either.

The reasons for excess weight are varied, and when we look for these reasons, we always find them in the personal life history and picture of the world, which is unique to everyone.

Having found the causes of excess weight, we remove the prerequisites for this weight. And a person no longer needs to solve his problems in this way. However, the weight has already been gained, and you need to lose weight. But with this, other problems arise and obstacles arise from other beliefs and fears. More on this in the next part of the article.