Tibetan goji barberry growing tips from Tibet proper nutrition. How to grow goji (Tibetan barberry) in the country

Tibet and goji (medicinal berry)

We're talking about goji berries here. It grows in southwestern Tibet nowhere else. In fact, the goji bush itself is unpretentious - it can be grown almost beyond the Arctic Circle. But, unfortunately, like ginseng grown on farms outside its native Ussuri region, goji berries artificially grown outside Tibet have almost no beneficial properties.

Tibet is a high-altitude region in which, it would seem, little grows - but in which “everything is there” for the modest but very healthy Tibetan lifestyle.

All that provides Tibetans with nutrition (and health that “civilized people” can envy) is, strictly speaking, only cheese made from the milk of skinny Tibetan yaks, cakes made from barley and grains of wild herbs, special Tibetan bar tea and goji berries. Their use for medicinal purposes is practiced mainly outside of Tibet - for the treatment of diseases not usually found among Tibetans: abnormal blood sugar levels (high or low), atherosclerosis, impotence, kidney problems. The Tibetans themselves are practically unfamiliar with the “diseases of civilization.” By the age of 70, they usually retain all their teeth and do not know what sexual weakness, depression and obesity are.

The biologically active substances contained in the berry support the functioning of almost all organs. Fans of technical comparisons can compare the effect of goji with the role of oil in a car: it protects its important components both from overvoltage during operation and from rust during inactivity. Sometimes it protects even more than is considered appropriate: for example, Tibetan ethics prescribes that spouses should refrain from eating goji when separating for a more or less long period of time: a pious Tibetan woman is not supposed to be in a state of sexual vigor and readiness when her husband is away.

Outside of Tibet, fresh goji berries cannot be purchased: they spoil during transportation. And collecting them unripe so that they ripen during transportation (as we do with all fruits) is not accepted in Tibet: such an approach to harvesting is considered barbaric, not justified even by commercial interests. (From a Tibetan point of view, this is a Western “invention” that allows us to transport fruits over long distances - a stupidity that turns the fruits into useless, inedible chavriki). To export goji outside of Tibet, it is collected ripe and dried: of course, not in drying machines, but in the fresh air, under the sun's rays.

There is no need to be afraid of this. Westerners who saw the drying of fruits in Central Asia or in the countries of the Arab East would hardly eat them after that: the clouds of flies that hover over the fruits laid out for drying make a strong impression. But in Tibet there are no flies at all: they do not live in conditions of low atmospheric pressure in the Himalayas. Therefore, goji dried under the Tibetan sun is sterile and does not contain insects or their larvae at all. (We would not like to shock the reader, but it would be useful for him to know that sanitary permissible norm for the raisins we sell - no more than three insect fragments per kilogram of weight. That is, four are no longer possible, but three are still possible.)

Of course, dried ones are less tasty than fresh ones. But dried goji berries do not lose their properties: their medicinal value remains.

Medicinal uses outside Tibet

The list is so long that it seems implausible. And yet: the berry is used to improve the circulatory system (which our doctors call the cardiovascular system); to prevent and treat impotence and loss of sexual interest in women; as a means of preventing Parkinson’s disease (in Western conditions, it is unfortunately impossible to completely prevent it, but it can be delayed); for diseases of the liver and intestines. Insomnia disappears within a few days after treatment with berries. Problems with lymph nodes - in a week. The decrease in cholesterol in the blood is so significant that it is noted after the first doses of the berry tincture. Weight loss begins to be observed in the fourth week of use - even while maintaining a not very healthy lifestyle and diet. With an active lifestyle, fat loss and muscle growth occurs noticeably faster if goji berries are present in the menu every day.


The berry belongs to the nightshade family. The name sounds alarming: it belongs to the same family wolfberry, tobacco and some others poisonous plants. However, it also includes potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes and peppers. Repeated laboratory studies have shown that goji berries do not contain alkaloids, nicotine, or other harmful compounds. And clinical studies have not revealed any contraindications.

How to eat berries

In addition to the tincture (about which below), goji can be added to soup (not meat), in rice porridge, in semolina, in oatmeal. You can experiment! Add it to your favorite dish and see what happens. As a rule, it turns out better than before.

How to make a tincture

There are no hard and fast rules. A tablespoon of berries per glass of water - and within half an hour the tincture already acquires a light but noticeable taste. Attention: after this there is no need to throw away the berries - they are still suitable for food!

Strong tincture: brew with boiling water and leave for 12 hours. It is remarkable that even after this the berries are still suitable for food.

Can they be eaten dry?

It is possible and necessary, especially for children. It's even healthier than brewing them. Of course, dried berries are a bit harsh - but they are still tastier and healthier than “civilized” candies that spoil the teeth of children and adults.

Is it possible to buy goji berries from us?

Fresh - alas, not possible (the reasons are mentioned above). Dried - possible, in bags of 250 grams.

Tibetan barberry- a plant that has recently become wildly popular. Goji berries have a strengthening effect on the body, help get rid of cellulite and improve vision; each berry contains a rich set of vitamins, minerals and trace elements of natural origin. The natural habitat of Tibetan barberry is the mountainous regions of Tibet, from where the berry is supplied in limited quantities to different countries. In this article you will find information on how to grow goji berries yourself, on the selection and processing of seeds for planting in the country.

Useful bait (Russian name for goji) promises relief from a number of diseases.

In Tibet, they have long learned to use the fruits of wolfberry: local shamans prepared tinctures and potions that heal various diseases. For several centuries, the secret of this plant was successfully hidden, but now goji berries can be bought for the prevention and treatment of diseases in any country.

Dereza belongs to the Solanaceae family - a tall shrub up to 2 meters in height, has tangled flexible shoots with thorns, blooms with small star-shaped, funnel-shaped lilac flowers with green veins. During flowering, dereza attracts bees - the plant is an ideal honey plant.

A huge number of species of this shrub are distributed throughout the globe (about 80 species are known): African wolfberry - in Africa; Shanghai barberry - in China; Lycium is found in the foothills of the Caucasus. The plant develops well on slightly salted soils; after flowering, which lasts the second half of summer, the fruits ripen - red, yellow or orange color. There are varieties with purple berries.

In Russia, dereza was known under the names: zamanikh (zamanikha), devil's lashes, tkenna (in the Caucasus).

Only goji berries from Tibet have medicinal properties.

Growing wolfberry from seeds

This plant has many names, in Russia the most common is zamanika.

To plant an amazing plant on your site with healing berries it is necessary to grow a sufficient number of seedlings to ensure a harvest of wolfberry in quantities sufficient for the treatment or prevention of diseases. An undemanding plant takes root well on summer cottages in outskirts of Moscow. Caring for plants is not anything special; wolfberry tolerates low-fertility soils of moderate salinity.

In nature, wolfberry (Tibetan barberry) reproduces by self-sowing - the berries, falling to the ground, germinate, forming new thickets.

At home, if it is impossible to take cuttings from adult plants, the shrub will have to be grown from seeds, carefully observing the agricultural techniques for growing this plant. Wolf seeds for planting in the country can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can use goji berries for propagation.

Seeds are planted in winter, around mid-February. Seeds freed from berries are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants; excellent results were noted when using Epin, Zircon and Humate. The seeds are kept in the solution for about 2 hours, after which they are immediately sown in containers filled with a mixture of peat and loam. For better seed germination, the bowl must be covered with glass or plastic film, creating greenhouse conditions.

The first shoots begin to appear approximately 2 weeks after sowing; at this time, weak shoots must be protected from direct sunlight. Young seedlings must be picked at the 2-3 leaf stage, and each plant should be transplanted into a separate pot.

Dereza grows quickly after transplantation, so before planting open ground, there may be a need for another transshipment into larger containers. It is useful to pinch out the growing point of young plants - this operation will allow you to obtain seedlings with a well-developed crown.

On permanent place bushes are allowed to be planted in warm weather, when there is no danger of morning frosts.

Dereza from cuttings

If Tibetan wolfberry bushes are already planted on the site, the plant can be propagated by green cuttings, which are cut from the bushes in the second half of summer. Such plants cannot be planted in the ground in the fall, so growing new specimens of wolfberry from cuttings will require free space in greenhouses, where the plants should remain until spring.

For cuttings, you should choose a branch with weak bark, from the middle part of which cuttings 10-12 cm long are cut. The prepared cuttings are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants, after which they are planted in boxes with nutrient earth mixture based on peat. It is useful to add loamy soil to the peat base. The planted wolfberry cuttings are covered with film, creating greenhouse conditions.

The appearance of roots is observed after 2-3 weeks, when the growth of leaves reaches 3 pieces, the plants are transferred to pots of larger diameter, where young Tibetan barberry bushes will overwinter. Caring for plants during wintering includes periodic watering and inspections for the presence of pests, which should be destroyed in a timely manner.

Agricultural technology for outdoor care

Dereza blooms with inconspicuous lilac flowers.

Tibetan barberry (not to be confused with real barberry, which belongs to a completely different botanical species) is a very undemanding plant that can tolerate short-term droughts and tolerate poor and saline soils, but to obtain a rich harvest of berries, it is necessary to provide the dereza with proper care.

Soils with a slightly acidic reaction are suitable for planting wolfberry, but growing shrubs is possible on any soil. The plant develops best in open areas, because the size of the average bush is quite large. You should not choose shady places with high level groundwater - Tibetan barberry is afraid of getting wet and develops better in sunny places.

It is best to plant bushes in open ground in the spring, because when autumn plantings, the plant can easily freeze. Without shelter, the bushes winter well at temperatures down to -15C. southern regions our country. When the temperature drops in winter to -25C, it is necessary to cover the crop, but even such actions cannot guarantee that the wolfberry will overwinter without frostbite. Sometimes bushes that are not covered enough freeze out to the level of the root collar, but in the spring they successfully grow back.


Seedlings are planted in separate holes, which are located at a distance of up to 2 meters from each other. The dimensions of the pit are 50x50x40 (for small seedlings), 60x60x40 - for adult bushes. The soil taken out of the hole is mixed with peat, humus, wood ash and superphosphate, in a ratio (weight in kg) 5:5:0.04:0.2. The root collar is slightly deepened when planting. Tree trunk circle should be thoroughly watered and mulched on top with peat chips or humus.

Dereza care

Small wolfberry seedlings, picked into different pots.

It is very easy to care for wolfberry bushes:

  1. Watering - the plant cannot be flooded, so watering is carried out taking into account summer temperatures, taking into account moisture due to precipitation. In dry weather, plants can be watered 2 times a week.
  2. Fertilizing – soils of average fertility are ideal for growing plants. Fertilizers are applied in the first half of summer after planting the plant in open ground; Tibetan barberry does not need further fertilizing.
  3. Wintering - there are two ways to preserve plants in winter: constructing a reliable shelter, the second way is to preserve the dug out bushes in a greenhouse, planting them in the ground every spring. Both methods have their pros and cons. With winter shelter, there is no guarantee that the plant will not freeze in severe frosts, but it will not receive additional stress during replanting.
  4. Pruning - Goji bushes tolerate shaping haircuts and drastic pruning well. Plants quickly grow green mass, bloom well on new branches and bear fruit productively.
  5. Protection from pests - Tibetan barberry is highly resistant to diseases; pests also rarely visit this plant. Sometimes aphids can harm wolfberry seedlings, but this pest does not damage adult plants. In rainy weather, young plants may develop powdery mildew. Bushes should be treated with phytoncides.

Derez bushes dug up for the winter, in greenhouse conditions may become ill, which will not allow them to produce good growth when transplanted into open ground. Annual transplants lead to a shift in the timing of crop ripening closer to autumn, thereby reducing the productivity of the bushes.

Proper care of wolfberry bushes guarantees a high yield of berries, which have high preventive and healing properties.

Tibetan goji barberry cultivation

Now we'll talk about modern way restoration of metabolism. What is needed to renew your worldview. Take measures to limit yourself from a breakdown, since a breakdown can undermine even the most powerful health.
Increase your attention to cleansing the liver of parasites. The cardiac system must endure everything in reserve. Have a healthy weight. It is important to prepare the motor so that it can bear the load if necessary. Old age will not be present if the organs do not refuse to fulfill vital functions as intended by nature.

Goji (Tibetan barberry). Experience of growing from seeds.

Goji – amazing plant. Its berries have a unique composition. But all this information can be read on the Internet. I was interested in growing such a beauty from seeds. And as it turned out, everything is quite simple. Fill the pot with any loose substrate (regular store-bought), spread the seeds over the surface, lightly sprinkle with soil, water and place in a sunny place. Goji shoots appeared very quickly (literally within a week). If the seeds are fresh, then the germination rate is 100%. As soon as the first leaves unfurled, I sprinkled it with phytosporin. As it grew, I fed it with humate and fertilizer for flower plants. Having reached 5-10 centimeters in size, the freedom-loving “Tibetan” flatly refused to grow on the windowsill. And I didn’t do anything with it: I poured it into separate cups, fed it, everything was useless. The leaves withered, then dried out and the plants died one after another. The surviving seedlings were urgently planted in open ground. And then a miracle happened. Little gojiks, having felt contact with the ground with their roots, began to grow rapidly. Now my babies are only in their second year. They are already the size of a man and are actively trying to bloom. The plant itself is a bit like a willow: thin drooping branches, elongated leaves. They were planted one in a sunny place, the other in partial shade.

How to grow Tibetan barberry in your garden?

If you want to grow an interesting shrub in your garden or dacha that will be a wonderful landscape decoration, then you should pay attention to a plant with the mystical name shambhala or Tibetan barberry. Botanists call it common or barbary wolfberry (Lycium barbarum). This shrub is usually 3-4 meters high and has arched, drooping branches that grow to a length of about 2 meters. Lilac flowers wolf trees that delight the eye summer period, and from September and closer to winter they are replaced by orange or coral-colored berries. Barberry, the cultivation of which is very popular in modern gardening, is loved because this shrub can decorate any corner of the garden, in the country, it is easy to care for, and will also provide fragrant and healthy berries.

Growing barberry

Interestingly, a variety of barberry such as Chinese wolfberry (Lycium chinense) is not shrubby plant. This is a vine with climbing stems, reaching up to four meters in height. This particular type of goji is called a “female aphrodisiac”, thanks to the tonic effect of its berries on female libido.

Barberry is cultivated everywhere, despite its eastern roots, as it is a hardy, unpretentious foliage plant with a rich color scheme grown not only for its healing properties. but also widely used to decorate garden plots, dachas and urban landscape compositions Moreover, it also does not require special care.

Types of barberry

There are more than 400 species of barberry. Most of them have thorns, but there are also varieties without thorns. This feature should definitely be taken into account when choosing a wolfberry variety to grow in your garden, especially if there are small children in the family. Also, when choosing a variety of this plant, you should take into account the natural conditions of your region. We present to your attention the most popular varieties barberry:

  • Japanese barberry or Thunberga - the most popular landscape view. Its bright green leaves turn reddish-orange in the fall and produce small coral berries in the winter. Reaches from 3 to 6 meters in height.
  • Barberry Juliana is an evergreen shrub with very thorny branches, reaching 10 meters in height. The green leaves turn bronze in winter and turn yellow in spring. Its winter berries are oval shaped and blue, almost black in color. Growing this type of goji is often justified where it is necessary to create a living green fence or barrier.
  • Barberry Mentor - This type of barberry in cool climates loses its leaves in winter. His spring flowers very small, and it does not bear fruit in winter.

Care, planting and growing barberry

It is not difficult to grow Tibetan and other types of barberry, including from cuttings, and caring for them is completely simple - after planting, you are unlikely to have to worry about the bush at all. But, nevertheless, it is necessary to know some features of reproduction, planting and care.

  1. Barberry grows in almost all types of soil, even clayey ones. At the same time, it prefers sandy soils; care consists of timely watering.
  2. The shrub is also unpretentious in terms of soil composition, but does not really favor soils with an acidic reaction.
  3. If you want to get large goji fruits. then it should be planted in well-drained soil.
  4. The plant requires a moderate amount of water and grows well both in sunny areas (can withstand temperatures up to 30 C) and shaded areas - the care is the same.
  5. As a rule, there is no need to fertilize barberry during the year, but the bush will gratefully respond to application. landing hole(40x40x40 cm) organic and mineral fertilizers.
  6. When planting, it is necessary to take into account the ability of goji to grow quickly, displacing other plants and occupying an increasingly larger area.
  7. The use of chemicals can negatively affect the beneficial and nutritional properties of barberry berries, so if you want to get healing fruits, you should not use chemical fertilizers.
  8. If you plan to use barberry as an element landscape design, then, of course, basic care must be supplemented with pruning, which should be carried out at least twice a year. By the way, pruning has a beneficial effect on growth and appearance bush.
  9. It is imperative to remove dry leaves and berries (especially on goji bushes) in the summer and winter months.
  10. Since Tibetan barberry is resistant to various kinds diseases and pests, then it develops quite quickly, therefore it is quite easy to grow it.

Barberry propagation

The shrub can be propagated in the following ways:

  • Seeds. The seeds collected in the fall (one wolfberry contains about 10 pieces) are sown in early spring in small containers for seedlings - 5-6 per seed. The soil in pots must be well drained and always moist before seeds grow. Approximately 2-3 weeks after germination of the sprouts, watering can be reduced. You should not keep future seedlings in a well-lit place - sunlight can inhibit its growth. The sprouts should be picked after two leaves appear. With this method of propagation, wolfberry blooms for the first time in the second year, and produces the first goji berries only after 3-4 years, if it receives appropriate care.
  • Cuttings. To quickly get the long-awaited berries, it is better to grow from cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to plant one- or two-year-old shoots (cuttings) with 3 to 5 buds at least 10 cm long in a sand-peat (1:1) mixture in the summer. And by autumn there will already be the first large shoots from the cuttings.
  • Vegetative. Since wolfberry produces very abundant root shoots, dividing the bush is the easiest and most effective way to propagate this shrub, which avoids artificial propagation.

How to grow Tibetan barberry indoors?

By the way, Shambhala successfully propagates from seeds and cuttings, grows and bears fruit indoors. To do this you will need: a planting pot, seeds or seedlings, soil and drainage mixtures and organic fertilizers. Shrubs should receive enough water, and you should provide them with at least 8 hours of sunlight (or special lighting) per day.

One thing to consider when growing goji indoors is important nuance– pollination. In an enclosed space, flowers will not be able to pollinate on their own - this means that you must help them do this.

It's not as difficult as it seems: just point the flowers one at another and gently press them. That is: regular watering, sufficient light and pollination - that’s all you need to care for barberry growing on your windowsill at home.

Why is it worth growing goji at your dacha?

Even in Ancient Babylon, barberry was used as a medicine to “purify the blood,” as evidenced by clay tablets of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal. The medicinal use of such berberine-containing plants in China dates back more than 3 thousand years.

Beneficial properties of barberry berries and shoots

  • Antibacterial and antifungal properties. Many studies have shown that barberry kills microorganisms of various origins: staphylococci and streptococci, salmonella and shigella, Entamoeba histolytica - the causative agent of dysentery, giardia, vaginal yeast infections of the Candida type.
  • Immunostimulating properties. Because berberine is able to inhibit the growth of bacteria in test tubes and stimulate the growth of macrophages (white blood cells that destroy microorganisms), barberry is an excellent human immune system booster.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties for infections of the urinary, biliary tract, and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antipyretic properties.
  • General strengthening properties. Berberine is used in China to treat blood cell depression caused by chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Sedative properties.
  • Choleretic properties are perhaps the fundamental property of barberry, which has a cleansing effect on the liver.
  • Hypotensive property (lowering blood pressure).

In addition to the above useful properties barberry, its use is justified:

  • for skin infections and even, as a study by German scientists shows, for the treatment of acne and psoriasis;
  • berberine is able to destroy and promote the dispersion of mucous accumulations, which is effective in the treatment of bronchial infections;
  • is able to improve blood circulation, therefore useful for people suffering from ventricular heart defects;
  • as part of an eye ointment it is effective in the fight against conjunctivitis.

It is known that the Chinese Li Kin Yen lived to be two hundred and fifty-two years old, thanks to the fact that he ate this berry three times a day.

Growing goji from seeds: Tibetan barberry

Answering the question of how to grow Goji from seeds, it should be noted that, in principle, growing Goji from seeds is not such a difficult process, since the plant is not considered very capricious.

Goji is such an amazing Tibetan plant that prefers good lighting, although it can tolerate slight darkening and various vagaries of the weather without problems.

In principle, due to the fact that the Goji berry comes from Tibet, where there are often long rains, strong winds or frosts, such a bush plant can withstand such conditions. At the same time, the berry can feel great even in city conditions and responds well to such a procedure as a haircut.

That is why Goji can be grown from seeds even in our climatic conditions. A plant that was grown from seeds may bloom in the second year, although there may not be a harvest. Since most often this young plant capable of producing a harvest only in the third or even fourth year of existence.

When answering the question of how to grow Goji from seeds, it is worth clarifying that such an amazing plant, which was grown in a similar way, is in no way capable of competing in taste qualities and aroma with Goji berries brought from Tibet.

The seeds of this Tibetan berry are quite small and it is precisely due to the presence of a thin shell that they do not need such a procedure as scarification in order to obtain fairly fast and friendly shoots. After extracting the seeds from fresh Goji berries, it is recommended to soak them for several hours in a solution such as epin or zircon. As a result of these steps, seeds can be sown in moist and slightly loose soil.

It is preferable to use neutral soil mixtures in this situation. Due to the fact that plants of this type from seeds need constant moisture during germination, the container with seeds must be covered with film.

At the same time, the light in in this case is a very important indicator for quick and efficient growth Tibetan barberry. Sudden changes in temperature are not allowed here. And the period of seed germination can reach approximately two weeks.

Thus, from all of the above we can conclude that Tibetan barberry today can be grown from seeds even at home. of course, if certain rules are followed.

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Only the lazy don’t know about goji now. Sweet and sour red berries, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are loved by many, especially people seeking healthy image life.

One problem is that the price of goji berries is obscenely high. After all, they are adored by Hollywood stars, are presented as a panacea for a whole bunch of diseases and are grown in distant China.

Should I try growing goji berries in my dacha? Ordinary barberry grows well and winters in our area, so why not grow Tibetan barberry? Let's find out how to grow goji from seeds yourself and achieve good harvests this miracle berry...

In fact, the Tibetan barberry bush can grow and bear fruit even in the northern regions, and even more so in the middle zone. In nature, goji is found mainly in mountainous areas; it is completely unpretentious and very hardy. Drought or rain, frost or heat - this plant doesn’t care about anything. That's why special conditions and goji berries practically do not require special agricultural technology. It has few pests and diseases.

The only, but, let's be honest, small difficulty in growing goji is getting seedlings and planting them correctly. Of course, you can search through nurseries and buy a ready-made young plant, but it is much safer to grow seedlings yourself from seeds.

Ideally, for planting, you need to take seeds from fresh berries, which is not feasible in our realities. It’s not scary, seeds from dried berries also germinate well, especially if you soak them for an hour in one of the growth stimulants before planting: epine, zircon, or any of them.

The soil for planting seeds is prepared from two parts earth and one part peat. You can add a small amount of ash to the soil mixture.

First, the seeds are sown in one box, in shallow grooves and covered with a half-centimeter layer of peat. It is recommended to cover the box with film and place it in a warm, dark place until the first shoots appear. Then the container with the seedlings is placed on a bright windowsill. Soil moisture is maintained using a sprayer, as goji seedlings are very flimsy at the beginning.

After the appearance of the fourth true leaf, the plants are planted in individual containers. It is better to take deep glasses of 500 milliliters, because root system in goji it develops mostly in depth. Therefore, when replanting, it is important to pick up the seedling as deeply as possible and replant it together with a clod of earth.

As soon as the threat of frost has passed (in May-June), young goji plants can be planted in open ground.

As a permanent residence for the Tibetan barberry bush, it is better to choose a sunny area, a hillock - in general, a place where the snow melts quickly in the spring and the water does not stagnate. Goji can grow in any soil, but prefers alkaline and rocky soils, so when planting a seedling in a hole, be sure to add ash. Future bushes are placed at a distance of 1.5-2 meters from each other.

For small seedlings grown from seeds, it is enough to make holes 20 centimeters deep, fill them halfway with a mixture of humus and ash, and then plant the plants.

For larger seedlings from the nursery, you will need holes half a meter in diameter and 40 centimeters deep. A bucket of compost, peat or humus is poured into the bottom of such a hole and liter jar ash. If you are not opposed to mineral fertilizers, you can add 150-200 grams of superphosphate to the soil mixture.

After planting, goji seedlings need to be well watered, mulched and a support or trellis installed - the branches of young bushes often bend towards the ground, so it is recommended to tie them up immediately.

Further care for goji: pruning, shelter, reproduction

Caring for goji barberry comes down to forming a bush using pruning and covering the plant on winter period. Watering and fertilizing in this case are not necessary (unless in very dry summers you will need to water the bushes no more than twice a week).

You can shape goji in the classic way or in one stem. Pruning is best done in the fall.

With classic pruning, in the first three years, three to five of the strongest and longest branches are selected, and the rest are cut out. In the fourth year, one or two shoots 20-50 centimeters long are left on each skeletal branch. These shoots will become a kind of fruiting shoulders. The next year, 3-4 strong fruiting branches are left on the fruiting shoulders. Thereafter, every year the fruit branches current year trim, leaving 1-4 buds on each. Such severe pruning stimulates the growth of young shoots, on which the harvest is formed.

When forming a goji bush in the form of a tree, from the second year after planting, all branches except one of the longest and most powerful are cut out. She is immediately tied to a high peg. In the future, they continue to cut out all excess shoots until the main stem reaches a height of 1.5 meters. Then, as in the classic version of pruning, fruiting shoulders and branches are formed.

In addition, do not forget to cut out weak, thin, dry branches, branches that did not have berries, and lower branches (lower than 40 centimeters from the ground).

In general, the technology for pruning goji is in many ways similar to pruning grapes. If you grow grapes at your dacha, then you don’t need to invent anything new; feel free to follow the usual pattern.

Goji can withstand temperature drops down to -15°C, but in severe frosts it can still freeze. So it’s better not to take risks and cover the bushes in the fall with spruce branches, tops or covering material.

Tibetan barberry reproduces well vegetatively - by shoots. To do this, in mid-June, take a young branch, bend it to the ground, place it in a small plastic container and dig it into the ground. If necessary, the shoot is watered. By autumn it will give its own roots, and already next spring it is separated from the mother bush and replanted.

Finally, I would like to note that with due light mode(with additional lighting in winter time) goji berries can be grown and bear fruit even at home, in a bowl.

We wish you success and great harvests!