Color scheme for the interior of the apartment. The best color combinations for the interior of a small apartment

When thinking through the design of any interior, you should carefully select color range. It is she who has a powerful psycho-emotional and energetic influence on a person. Therefore, it is important to choose exactly those colors that will bring harmony to the atmosphere of your home. In this process, it is necessary to correctly use the combination of colors in the interior: a table of harmonious combinations will help turn even an ordinary room into an absolutely flawless place.

When creating a design, you need to start not only from your preferences, but also follow certain rules. Compliance with them will ensure more results high level. Many experts develop on this basis the whole science of coloristic design of premises.

The main supporting points are as follows:

  • a correctly chosen base is the foundation for further decoration;
  • all colors are divided into two groups - cold and warm colors, which must be taken into account when combining them;
  • Warm colors will add coziness to a large room;
  • a small area will be visually enlarged due to the cold palette;
  • when choosing shades for kitchen design, you should remember the statement that some colors can increase appetite, while others, on the contrary, will suppress it;
  • the color palette of the bedroom should promote relaxation - both moral and physical;
  • the choice of colors for the living room is selected to satisfy most preferences;
  • the choice of style is the determining basis for what colors to use;
  • It is advisable to think through everything as thoroughly as possible: color can change the overall picture, both for the better and for the worse.

Style color combinations and their influence on a person’s mood

Each style has its own defining tones, therefore, using a certain style direction, you should take into account the correspondences given in the table:

ProvenceLight pink, milky, blue
Eco styleSwampy and brown
BaroquePastel shades
ClassicalMandatory presence of white
High techMetallic grey, black, white
ModernBrown beige, blue, green
MinimalismBlack and white
FuturismWhite, lemon yellow, ultramarine, light green
Pin-upLight pink and warm yellow
CountrySand, light yellow, brown
LoftOrange, red, blue, green

Following these dependencies will prevent you from making a serious mistake during your work.

We should also not forget about the influences exerted by certain colors:

HueImpact on a person's mood
Shades of yellow and greenOptimism, calm, tranquility, reduction of fatigue, relaxation
Pastel colors of yellow, beigeCreating comfort, peace of mind, making compromise decisions
TurquoiseFeeling of lightness and freshness
BlueCalmness, peace, good sleep
Yellow and orangeWarmth, comfort, tone of the whole body, stimulation of active areas of the brain
WhiteAn excellent background for any design solution, cleanliness, order, inspiration, but its abundance brings coldness to the room
BlackSuitable for graphic types of interior, can add gloom and gloominess
GreyAlways looks businesslike, regardless of the use of bright accents

Color wheel of color combinations: basic principle of use

To successfully select the design of any room, use a circle of color combinations. Its structure consists of 12 sectors. Each sector contains one color, or rather all its shades. Graduation occurs from a light tone in the center to a dark tone at the edge of the circle.

The spectrum begins with three primary colors: blue, yellow and red. Further, when they are mixed, secondary shades appear: purple, green and orange. Accordingly, the secondary and primary colors are then mixed, and as a result, tertiary combinations are obtained.

Using this circle you can choose a color palette in several different directions:

  1. Solid type.
  2. Complementary combination.
  3. Harmonious type.

The monochromatic type is based on the use of only one color segment. The combination of colors with each other here occurs from light to dark shades of the same color. This monochrome approach is quite rare. It is not always possible to do without any contrasting inclusions.

The complementary combination gives a very high-quality, bright design. Using colors that are diametrically opposed, small compositions are created, but the necessary accents are very effectively placed. For example, the following pairs are used according to this principle:

  • combination turquoise color in the interior with red;
  • combination purple with yellow-green;
  • a combination of green and red-violet in the interior.

Classic combinations: a base of three and four colors

The harmonious type is based on the use of one main, two supporting and one additional - black or white.

The main variation of this approach is the triad. The combination of colors on the color wheel is based on the use of 3 equally spaced colors. In the photo of color combinations in the interior, you can note the choice of one main and 2 supporting shades. Such a connection is often found not only in works made by man, but also in wildlife. This proves the absolute correctness of its use.

As an option, many are considering an analog triad. Take 3 colors located next to each other on the circle. One is the main one, the second is supporting, the third is emphasizing. In the future, based on this principle, a very correct design line is built.

Separately, it is necessary to mention the contrasting triad. Here you need to take the main color and find its diametrically opposite one. But in combination with the main thing, add not it, but two colors adjacent to it. The result will be a softer, less flashy use of tones.

There are correct combinations based not only on three colors, which are called triads, but also on four. A rectangular scheme is known in which the colors are complementary in pairs. In this option, 1 is the main one, and the rest are auxiliary. For example, good combinations of beige in an interior with other colors are blue, brown, and emerald.

Another option would be to good decision: Using colors according to the square principle. This action is similar to the previous one, but the only difference is that the colors are equidistant from each other.

Combination of colors in the interior: table, basic rules and directions

To create a fashionable image of your home, you need to have a basic understanding of color combinations. Using the color wheel is not always easy to use. Therefore, they often resort to the help of certain tables, in which you do not need to calculate anything yourself, but everything has already been selected by specialists. Therefore, you can easily determine the most original combination of colors in the interior of the living room or in another room.

Such tables can be presented in the form of a large set of colors, between which the degree of compatibility is noted. Having independently combined two shades, you can already see whether it is worth using them or whether you need to think about a more correct choice.

There are also tables that contain ready-made solutions. This is a collection of four tones that combine most successfully with each other. Using such simple examples You can easily choose the most harmonious option for any room. Their construction is also based on the colors of the color combination circle.

Some charts on the left contain the main base shade arranged vertically. Next, there are several color ranges: possible shades of the same color, possible shades of other colors and several contrasting shades.

Examples of table combinations

The combination of turquoise color in the interior with other shades in the form of ready-made tables can be presented with certain names, such as “summer dreams”, “meeting in a coffee shop”, “lime kiss”, etc. This color can highlight softly and unobtrusively necessary details premises. The variety of its shades from dark azure to delicate aquamarine gives designers a wide field for action.

The combination of green color in the interior can also be found in the form ready-made solutions. If, for example, you take a light green shade, then an excellent result will be obtained when used with eggplant, purple, burgundy, warm yellow and orange shades. Recently, a delicate mint tone has been very popular, which harmonizes perfectly with white, silver and light brown tones.

If you take deep and rich dark green as a basis, then it will already be combined with cool shades of red, lemon yellow. The dark olive shade of the walls is good in combination with the colors of curtains and wallpaper in a dark brown or white shade with contrasting accents of pink.

Using such simple ready-made combination tables, the result of interior designing any room will be very good, even without the additional help of specially trained designers.

Color combinations in the kitchen interior: photos of successful ideas

Well-thought-out components of kitchen design will give the most positive result. Here you need to take into account the decoration of the walls, ceiling, floor, and selected furniture. The main criterion for selecting the above parameters will be the color scheme. In this matter, experts most often come to the following decision: if the walls are made in bright, provocative colors, then the kitchen furniture should be made in calm, bed colors. And vice versa.

Registration is often used kitchen sets"under the tree". In this case good combination colors in an interior with brown color will give cream, pink, bright blue, green and beige. Based on the choice of such a palette, you can distribute the colors you like between the decoration of different parts of the room.

Recently, high-tech kitchens have become especially popular. The base color of this design is grey. Despite the fact that it is considered boring and purely businesslike, dark pink, red, purple and bright blue are a wonderful combination of colors with gray in the interior.

Important rules when planning a kitchen interior

Creating a design for a specific line is based on several rules:

  • Having chosen the main color and its complementary colors, you should remember that it can look different on different surface textures;
  • contrasting colors are very often used to zone a room;
  • in order to diversify a monochromatic interior, they resort to drawings, lines, and geometric shapes.

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Wanting to have a catchy and slightly defiant design, contrasting colors are used. But when decorating, you always need to feel a fine line, otherwise you may not avoid bad taste. The use of contrasting accents always makes the environment bright and impressive. For example, a combination of blue and metallic colors will highlight black. Even considering that he is deep, strict and sad, he will fit perfectly into this triad.

Helpful advice! The main basis for choosing a palette should be the following thesis: furniture is always darker than the walls, but lighter than the floor.

In addition, you need to remember the following correspondences:

  • orange goes with blue and gray;
  • red - with white, gray and black;
  • yellow - with purple;
  • blue - with peach;
  • lilac - with green.

After this, the full scale is built. Photos of color combinations also show that glossy surfaces they expand the saturation and depth of tones, while matte ones do the opposite. Using this fact, you can effectively play on the variety of materials offered and achieve the most desired result.

Combination of color with other colors in the living room interior

The directly proportional relationship between the interior and the purpose is conducive to correct selection living room colors. If it is used only for receiving guests and family gatherings, then it would be best to use shades that promote long-term communication, leisurely and naturally flowing relaxation, and a fun event. This room sets the overall balance of beauty and comfort in the house, and therefore requires increased attention upon registration.

Helpful advice! Red tones with gold will give a feeling of celebration, green and olive - a craving for intellectual games and reading. The color combination of purple and, for example, gray will set certain accents and enliven friendly gatherings.

But the central room of a house or apartment cannot always be used only for its intended purpose. Very often, it also advantageously combines the functions of a bedroom.

In this case, the owners have to find the ideal compromise in design solution. Depending on your temperament, you can choose good options. However, we should not forget about the influence of color on sleep and rest. More restrained tones, combinations of beige in the interior, turquoise, lavender, emerald and azure will give a feeling of complete relaxation in the bedroom and at the same time will look harmonious in the living room.

If the walls are beige, the combination of colors in the living room interior will be an easy choice for the owners. After all, the basic beige shade is the ideal basis for almost any color scheme. You can choose a lot of options in any direction. This approach is very often used due to its versatility. In a situation where one room is used for different functional loads, it requires clear zoning.

To avoid unnecessary overloading of space with various racks, niches or screens, it would be correct to use a color palette to distribute the territory. This tactic is very often applicable and is famous for good feedback about itself. After all, how nice it is to be in a room in which everything is free and at the same time clearly structured.

Photos of wallpaper combinations of two colors in the living room clearly demonstrate the possibility of zoning a room to increase its functionality. And at the same time gives it a special feature. Beautifully selected tones with this technique will make the interior original.

Color combinations in the bedroom interior: colors and successful combinations

It's no secret that good proper rest is the key to health. To ensure this important part of every person’s life, a room is required that best satisfies his individual needs.

It is necessary to design it so that it is comfortable, pleasant and conducive to relaxation. A table of color combinations in the interior will give you the opportunity to choose the right options. Depending on personal preferences, cold or warm tones are used, often resorting to the so-called color bleaching. This practice makes your favorite bright, flashy shade more suitable for the rest room.

When choosing, you need to remember that the number of colors cannot exceed 7, while everything is taken into account: the color of the ceiling, furniture, accessories, etc. The percentage of bright colors is 10. The more colors there are for decoration, the less bright they should be .

Bright style in the bedroom: the right tone solution

A photo of color combinations in a bedroom interior shows that using even deep red color is good for creating modern design. This option will appeal to people with an active lifestyle. If you diversify this color a little, you can get another very fashionable look, which is based on the terracotta shade.

Based on these tones, many often resort to using golden touches. Very good result will give a tandem of red and dark green. The combination of gold and brown will add depth and importance to the bedroom.

If you like the color red, but want a calmer atmosphere, then you can safely use scarlet or ocher. Combining with basic colors the pastel character can be achieved with both bright accent and pious depth.

Use the color of cheerfulness and fun - orange - in the bedroom with caution. It is suitable for many active and mobile people. Related tones such as pumpkin or tangerine are ideal for dominant color. Looks good in combination with color Ivory or beige.

If the choice clearly fell on the color yellow, then you need to approach the issue very carefully. Specialists from design companies do not recommend using it as a local one. It would be best to use a pear or corn shade.

Peace in the bedroom: how to achieve it with color

Most people tend to perceive the bedroom as a center of calm and tranquility, so they do not use bright, saturated colors when decorating it. The choice most often falls on pastel colors. They contribute to practical rest and full restoration of physical and emotional strength.

Blue color is ideal for decorating recreation rooms. It is boldly associated with water and its natural purity. According to the color combination table, it looks good with natural natural shades wood and beige.

A surge of vigor and purity of thoughts will be fully ensured by green color. Using it as a base when decorating a room, you can easily achieve this effect. To prevent the room from seeming a little boring or gloomy, you can combine this color with neutral shades such as white or light beige.

Combination Brown in an interior with beige, green or purple it will add some mystery. The room will be cozy and calm. It is the brown shade that is chosen as a priority, and the rest will play a supporting role.

Many pastel shades go very well together because they complement each other. Beige, cream and apricot are carried positive energy. They often act as the basis of a design line and are well set off by other colors that act as bright contrasting accents.

A high-tech style solution will be a combination of colors with gray in the interior. It would look perfect with the aforementioned red. It has become very common lately to combine gray and lilac flowers. Such a connection will be perfectly shaded furniture set white or dark brown.

The gray shade itself can play a dual role in any design. Where necessary he will emphasize the brightness of another, and where necessary he can dim it. Colors such as blue, green, pink or beige will also help him create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom.

Note! The combination of gray color in the interior fits well into various style solutions. That is why it is in great demand among owners of modern apartments.

The combination of colors in the bedroom interior can be different, but there are also moments that should be avoided. For example, contrasting solutions are a little inappropriate. Options such as orange and purple, yellow and blue, green and purple are not suitable for the interior of a relaxation room. Their combinations are very colorful and provocative, and will not give you the opportunity to relax and unwind. Therefore, thinking through each step, you need to correctly analyze the situation and choose harmonious combinations.

The choice of colors is one of the most important stages in creating an interior. Color will affect your perception of the room and your attitude towards it, and your mood while you are in it. Color can also help adjust the shape of a space, expand or narrow it, raise ceilings, or make large furniture “invisible.” Let's talk about what colors can be combined with each other in the interior.

What colors go together in the interior?

I talked about the basic rules for using color when creating an interior: I recommend starting with it in order to at least understand the terms. Now let's talk about the types of color harmonies - useful diagrams choosing colors that complement each other.

It is important to say here that any colors can be combined with each other in one space, but the greater the divergence from standard schemes, the more effort will have to be made to achieve harmony. The same scheme can look completely different depending on the choice of shades and amount of color, so why complicate your life?

Monochrome harmony

The simplest approach is to choose one color and use it to its fullest. Of course, in different shades (mixed with white, black or gray) and in combination with achromatic colors. Note that if you have white walls and ceiling, a light wood floor and, for example, a blue sofa, this is no longer monochrome harmony. Light wood is a bleached yellow or yellow-orange color. But if the sofa is brown, obtained by darkening yellow, the room will be monochrome.

This harmony has a high risk of being boring, so it is used mainly in hallways and corridors or small rooms such as a toilet, bathroom, laundry room. It can also be found in very minimalist interiors. However, if you use many shades, it can get quite interesting.

Caption for the picture

Polar Harmony

This harmony is made up of two colors that are opposite to each other color wheel. These colors are also called contrasting colors. It is believed that the combination of contrasting colors is perceived best by our eyes; we find it very harmonious. However, it is important to apply this harmony according to certain rules. Of the two colors, one should dominate; it can be used in a wide range of shades - from the lightest to almost black, including the brightest and purest color. The second color will be complementary: take a limited spectrum (light or dark shades) and apply them in doses.

There is an important rule here: be sure to use shades of a mixture of colors to build a connection between them. For example, in the polar harmony of blue and orange, mix these colors in different proportions. When mixed, for example, in a 1 to 1 ratio, you will get a dark brown color that you would not achieve by simply darkening the orange.

Mixing polar colors

In all the photos below there is a polar harmony of blue and orange.

Harmony of close colors (related)

For related harmony, select 4 colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. The only exception is the segment from yellow to red-violet; here it is permissible to take all these 5 colors. Give each of the close colors its role: one will be dominant, the other will be secondary, and the remaining two will be complementary.

Just as in polar harmony, the dominant color can be used in the full spectrum from light to dark, the secondary color can be used excluding bright and pure shades and is noticeably less in quantity, and additional ones are very limited. For example, in the harmony indicated below, for example, yellow may dominate, while green may be secondary. Then, for example, we will see yellow-green as a very light light green, and yellow-orange as dark brown.

Classic triad

The triad is the most complex color scheme, but also the most frequently used: such interiors are both balanced and interesting to perceive. For a triad, three colors are taken, located equidistant from each other on the color wheel, as if at the corners of an equilateral triangle. The same approach: colors are arranged according to importance, one always dominates, the rest are used sparingly.

As for mixing colors with each other, this is important point in a triad, but there are two approaches:

Option 1. Use shades of a mixture of dominant and secondary and shades of a mixture of dominant and tertiary, but do not mix the additional colors themselves.

Option 2. Mix additional colors into one color and then mix it with the dominant one. This mixed color can be lightened and darkened, diluted with gray, like the main and secondary colors.

You can choose color harmony without fussing with paints using this program.

Below we have collected examples of how you can combine colors with each other. It doesn’t matter what shade is your favorite in the interior - yellow, green, orange, purple - you can choose a successful combination for any room.

Red and purple shades

Blue and cyan color

Green in combination with other colors

We renovate to last for decades and choose colors carefully. Therefore, more often you will find light, neutral interiors, where brown or gray is added to beige. But don’t immediately say that this is a boring trio. They are universal. And by pairing them with one spectacular color, you will get bright interior and you won’t be moping when there are nine months of bad weather outside.

Combination of gray color in the interior

It is considered a neutral color and signifies prudence. How does it make you feel? “Gloomy and dreary,” you say. Not at all. Thundercloud, river mother-of-pearl, morning harbor or wet stone are just a few shades that come to mind. Many designers and decorators consider gray to be white's more elegant brother. It fits into any style and its undoubted advantage comes in many shades. Choosing a shade of gray is not easy, but it will suit both the living room, kitchen or bedroom, and can be combined with a large number of colors and finishing materials.

What to combine with?

Gray and yellow. At first glance, the colors are different and contradictory, but they get along well. If you make gray the main background in the room, adding yellow accents. Yellow will highlight the gray, and gray will balance the yellow, preventing it from overloading the interior.

Combination of beige color in the interior

Also neutral and belongs to the brown range. It expresses calmness, a craving for comfort and is always associated with classics.

What to combine with?

Beige and red. As in the previous pair, one color (red) will play an active and assertive role, and beige will be a calm and restrained background. Together they will create a welcoming and cozy atmosphere.

Combination of brown color in the interior

This is tradition and conservatism. Brown is associated with confidence, nature, reliability, durability and will make the space noble. For example, chocolate shades promote psychological balance and calm. But brown visually reduces the area, so add white, milky and beige colors to it.

What to combine with?

Brown and lavender. Light lavender color will complement warm brown shades well. The main trick is to choose a not too active and bright lavender tone.

We put together the living room like a puzzle and put together different pieces: sofas and armchairs, coffee tables and lamps. But where to start if you don’t know where to start? Start with the sofa. Besides the bed and table in the kitchen, this is the most used thing in the house. And here gray comes in handy. Stylist and designer Emily Henderson in her book “Style. Thousands of tricks and tricks for decorating any interior” (take note of this book, you won’t regret it) advises choosing a gray sofa of a simple and comfortable shape if you are confused about “which one to get.” And by rearranging or moving items a little, you will get a completely new room.

Advice. Also note the gray wooden furniture. The calm gray shade of the cabinets will hide them if the walls match them. Traditionally, we choose a white ceiling, but a gray one in the living room will not reduce it at all, but will seem higher, as if going into the sky.

The art of receiving guests is to make them feel at home. Gray is perfect color for both small and large kitchens. It can be both warm and cold, thanks to the many shades it can become both a background and a rich accent.

Advice. If you paint the walls gray, then choose warm shades for the flooring and furniture. It is better to avoid beige, or rather a beige-yellow shade. If the kitchen has little light and a small meter, the color will appear dirty and create a stuffy impression. Take a closer look at shades close to yellow.

A noble brown shade is usually used in kitchen furniture. An undoubted advantage is that the kitchen will not go out of fashion for a long time, but keep in mind: massive dark cabinets will reduce the space, so make the walls in light colors. And if you choose brown for the walls, then the opposite rule applies to furniture, textiles and household appliances It’s better to do it in light shades.

The place where we spend the most time at home and, ironically, we don’t see him the most, because we sleep. But still, colors should create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere. The simplest and safest option is a light beige or brown color scheme. But still take a closer look at the gray.

Gray, like black, suits almost all colors: blue, light blue, green, yellow, brown, pink. Such bright accents will look great in a gray frame.

Advice. Grey colour walls or textiles will be no less calming than classic white or beige combinations.

But no matter what color you choose, there is no most harmonious and correct combination in the interior. Just as there is no law that specifies prohibited or permitted colors. Of course, you can use the Luscher method or the “seasonal” approach (there is such a thing) to choose colors, but only your inner craving or rejection of a certain shade will help you create your own, most harmonious palette.

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You can significantly change the visual perception of rooms, make them more comfortable or add additional volume, emphasize the working environment of the office or add coziness to the living room. All this is achieved by selecting the desired color scheme and a combination of decorative elements.

Decoration of a one-room apartment

It is especially important to choose the right colors for decorating a small studio apartment. It is not recommended to highlight the floor and walls bright flowers, trying to make them visually neutral. At the same time, to visually increase the living space, you can paste the room and hallway with the same wallpaper, and paste the kitchen walls with wallpaper of a similar tone.

The photo below shows a color scheme for the hallway in light colors, which visually increases its size.

For a small apartment it makes sense to give preference to light pastel colors. It is recommended to choose wallpaper with a rare pattern without contrasting color combinations. also in small apartment It is not recommended to use dark and bright colors that visually make the room smaller.

Choosing colors for large rooms

Sometimes there is a need to make it more comfortable big room with high ceilings, visually reducing it. The use of intense colors works well for this. However, they should be selected so that they do not have a depressing or stimulating effect.

If there is a need to visually change the long narrow room, then you can “pull apart” its side walls using cooler colors, and visually “bring the end walls closer” by painting them in warmer colors. You can also “expand” or “narrow” the room using different patterns on the wallpaper. Thus, a room covered with wallpaper with a small, barely noticeable pattern looks more spacious than the same room covered with wallpaper with a large, darker pattern.

Choosing a color for the living room

Choosing colors for a children's room

Bathroom decoration

Typically, a sanitary unit is a compact room with a small area. Therefore, to decorate it, preference should be given to light shades of pink, green or blue.

Other factors influencing color choice

When choosing a color scheme for each room, you should also take into account the reflected light entering the room through the windows. So, on a bright sunny day, a room with windows facing a well-greened street will be painted in greenish color, and if next to the window there is, say, a red brick wall of a house, then the light reflected from it will introduce red tones.

When starting and planning a renovation, you must understand that its results will be before your eyes for quite a long time. Therefore, when choosing the colors in which you will decorate your interior, you should be guided not by emotions and sensations, but by the laws of design and the rules of harmony.

It's no secret that not all creatures living on Earth are naturally endowed with color vision. Fortunately, man has this gift. But we are so accustomed to it that we are no longer surprised and take it for granted. But color plays a colossal role in our lives.

What is the role of color?

We can talk a lot about the importance attached to color in Ancient world, what this or that color was associated with different nations. For example, in China yellow is the most revered color; it is a symbol of the sun, gold, and divine power. In Europe, on the contrary, yellow is a symbol of jealousy, lies and betrayal, which is why in church paintings Cain and Judas were often depicted with yellow beards.

Red is a deeply symbolic color, which correlates with fire, passion, war, etc. We are interested in color from a design point of view.

The meaning of color in interior design

Our color preferences largely depend on age, mood, fashion, time of year and even weather. But no one will deny that color has a special energy, that it can calm and excite, delight and suppress. These properties are used in various areas of human activity, including design, in which color is one of the important elements, giving our apartment uniqueness and originality. Therefore, when starting the renovation and transformation of an apartment, we first of all think about what color the walls, ceiling, upholstery, etc. will be. d.

In practice, it has been established that it is impossible to create a color environment for any room, including an apartment, using only one color. This can be explained by the fact that man was formed under the influence of the many colors of the surrounding nature. Therefore, he needs color diversity. And even from a psychological point of view, with prolonged exposure, color monotony tires.

In design there is such a thing as a color map of an apartment. With its preparation, it is necessary to begin the color design of the room, in which a survey of its inhabitants regarding their color preferences will be of great help. Then the gamma is selected for common room, in accordance with the characteristics of the color, it is determined what will be used as the basis for the color scheme - contrast, nuance. Next, taking into account the wishes, colors are set for other rooms, observing the logical sequence of their subordination to each other.

When choosing a range, you need to consider where the windows of the apartment face, what light sources will illuminate it in the evening, how light or dark it is during the day.

To avoid mistakes in choosing colors, you need to have at least some understanding of color theory. Let's look briefly at this issue. Colors are primary and secondary. The first include red, yellow and blue. By mixing them in different proportions, secondary colors are obtained: red and yellow produce orange, yellow and blue produce green, red and blue produce violet.

The interaction of colors creates a color scheme that can be chosen both for the entire apartment and for individual rooms. It can be warm or cold. Warm range - from yellow to red-violet, cold - from violet to yellow-green. Warm colors are called approaching colors because surfaces painted with them appear closer, unlike those covered with paints. cold colors, which are considered deleting. It is on this effect that the visual increase in space with the help of color is built.

Color combinations in the interior

The color wheel helps to understand the harmony and contrast of colors.

Neighboring colors in a circle are called harmonious, and those opposite to each other are called contrasting. A solution based only on harmonious colors makes the room monotonous and boring. A reasonable introduction of contrast will help achieve variety.

It is very important to understand nuanced or contrastive harmony. A combination built on close or similar colors is called a nuanced harmonious combination.

From this point of view, nuanced scales are divided into:

1) monochromatic, which involves a combination of shades within the boundaries of one color tone, for example blue, medium blue, light blue;

2) a range of colors of different color tones, but located nearby in the color wheel, for example blue and violet;

3) a range that is based on a combination of colors that are similar in tone and an intermediate color that is formed as a result of their mixing, for example yellow, green, yellow-green;

4) achromatic, including different shades gray;

5) a range based on a combination of achromatic and chromatic colors, such as gray and green.

A combination based on the opposition of colors and including differences not only in color, but also in saturation, is contrasting. A classic example is black and white.

At color design spaces apply color contrast, nuance and emphasis. Contrasting solutions, such as blue and orange, are suitable for young, active and energetic people. Those who want peace and comfort will be in tune with a solution based on nuances, for which shades of one color are selected, which is taken as the main color, or light shades of other colors. After this, some variety is introduced with the help of a contrasting color spot, which can be an unusual vase, stained glass window, etc.

Once you have found out the color preferences of family members, you can correlate the color with the style that is intended to be embodied. Each style corresponds to a fairly limited number color combinations. If you have conceived an interior in any style, then your imagination will have to be within the framework of its palette. For example, high-tech can be realized based on contrast. In a classic interior, contrasts should be avoided; everything here should be built on nuances. The space should open up gradually, smoothly, flow one into another. Changes in levels and sudden changes in perspective are unacceptable here. It should be said that modern styles, unlike historical ones, leave room for experimentation.

And one last thing. Imagine final result, how your interior will look when the work is completed. In this case, be sure to take into account the functional purpose of the room. If the room is no different large area, then it is better to choose a light color scheme, otherwise the color and space will put pressure and have a depressing effect on you.

A competent color decision is impossible without knowledge and consideration of how various color combinations affect a person, which is presented in table.


A color scheme

Nature of impact

Red and yellow

Warmth, joy

Red and blue


Red and gold

Significance and luxury

Red and black

Danger, depression

Orange and blue

Inner strength, restrained impulse

Orange and light green

Warmth, peace

Orange and purple


Orange and black

Yellow and blue

Tension, movement, rhythm

Light green and pink

Femininity, weakness

Blue and light green


Blue and white

Cleanliness and remoteness

Blue and pink


Purple and yellow-green

Impulsivity, impetuosity

In the color scheme of the interior, the plane occupies an important place. Your success as a designer depends on how skillfully you can manage this element. Color can bring life to a plane, hide it or, conversely, bring it forward. For example, by painting a wall in an intense color (any color other than white), you will emphasize the flatness. If you hang a carpet on the wall or cover it with ornaments, the plane will disappear.

1. Observe the following system of brightness relationships: the lower level is relatively dark, the middle level is lighter, the upper level is the lightest. From a physiological perspective, this distribution is optimal and is observed in nature (the earth is dark, the sky is light). A light floor will seem unreliable and will not be very pleasant to move around.

2. Refrain from large sharp contrasts, for example, the wall on which the windows are located should be as light as possible so that the walls do not compete with the windows in brightness.

3. Light objects in a room are more clearly distinguished against a dark background, and vice versa.

4. The room should not be overloaded with color. Five colors are enough, even better if there are 2-3 of them with several shades.

5. First of all, decide on the main color, then select those that will emphasize it.

When we decorate the interior of a room, we influence its color scheme, and this color scheme, in turn, influences us. That’s why one room gives us a good, light, upbeat mood, while in another we feel depressed, it suppresses, it holds back! In fact, it all depends on the color scheme of the interior. Color may vary psychological impact on a person - it arouses in us a feeling of cold, or warmth, it can give vigor or, on the contrary, fatigue, lightness or heaviness. Color solution interior design can visually both expand the space and narrow it, make it smaller, closer. With the help of color, you can give the interior transparency and massiveness, openness or closedness.

It has been proven that a well-chosen color for a workshop room, for example, increases the productivity of workers, and a correctly and successfully selected color can influence a person’s mental activity, and also affects well-being and health.

A skillfully, well-chosen color, taking into account its properties, for the interior will help to achieve harmony and comfort in it. Neglecting the properties of color and its psychology, you can go to extremes - make the house dull and inexpressive, or, conversely, too colorful for daily perception, and, therefore, tiring the eyes and brain.

Color classification

Colors are divided into groups: warm and cool colors.

The group of warm shades includes: yellow, red, yellow-orange, red-orange, as well as red-violet, and all colors derived from them. If green has more blue in it, then it is cold; if yellow predominates in it, it can be called warm. A warm group of colors appears closer, so these colors are called protruding colors, while cool shades are visually perceived further away, and they are called receding colors.

The cold group includes violet, blue, cyan, blue-green, blue-violet shades. If the room's windows face south, it is better to use cool colors; they will make the room cooler, especially on hot summer days. If the room faces north, decorate it in warm colors - it will seem warmer and more comfortable.

The color scheme of the interior can be contrasting or nuanced. When solving the interior in a nuanced way, it is dominated by similar tones, soft colors and shades. When contrasting - they combine harmoniously different colors and shades. For example, furniture with rich, bright upholstery will look contrasting on a calm floor surface. A contrasting color scheme is best used for spacious rooms - for children's rooms. IN color palette It’s better for one room to have two or three colors - no more. Otherwise, the variety of colors sometimes causes aggression, irritation and, in most cases, tires.

You can decorate an apartment or room in contrast, that is, we repeat: combining colors that are sharply different from each other. The principle of contrasting design is the comparison of two colors contrasting to each other - these are such classic solutions as green and red, blue and orange, brown and turquoise and so on. Naturally, this does not mean at all that the decoration of walls, doors, floors and everything should be in only two selected colors. The color scheme of contrasting groups can have several different shades - lighter or darker, warmer - cooler, but the selected colors should still dominate the interior. For example, blue, yellow, and red provide a very strong, clearly readable color contrast: the walls are dark blue, and the furniture and textiles of the room have a red-yellow checkered pattern, plus white or black details in the interior. White and black provide the strongest, most readable contrast of dark and light.

As a rule, it is recommended to paint the ceiling white, because it creates the illusion of air and space, in contrast to dark shades. But, if in small room, but very high, the ceiling can be painted in dark colors, and the walls in light, cold colors, the room with this solution will visually seem more spacious, but a little lower, that is, natural, normal sizes.

Painting the ceiling a dark color is justified only when the room is high and narrow, but even in this case the shade must be selected very, very carefully. In case of insufficient natural light, especially in old houses, warm light shades and tones are used for decoration - orange, white, green, beige, gray, blue. These colors reflect 2 times more natural light than other colors. In southern cities they use more dark colors, and we have already talked about this, because they absorb excess sunlight - these are blue, terracotta, dark blue.

Interior color scheme – color psychology

Blue is the most preferred color in interiors, and all thanks to its calm, calming effect. In nature we observe complex, ever-changing combinations of blue color– from delicate blue to rich black-violet. Look around - air, water, depth, distance, anodized surface - all these are shades of blue. In a room, a simple blue tends to look quite cold, but when broken down into complex tonal shades or combined with yellow or red, it feels completely different. Luscious, rich yellow and bright blue provide an unexpected combination of sunny natural surroundings, and the gloomy combination of blue and brown is associated with heaven and earth. Brown shades, beige color with blue, are appropriate for decorating a calm and stylish room - a living room, study, children's or bedroom.

If you want to use blue color in your interior design, know that it gives the room a strict, slightly cold look, and also makes it more spacious and larger.

The purple color visually creates a feeling of heaviness of the room, isolation, and sometimes causes a depressing, depressive mood. Therefore, you need to use saturated without professional designer support very, very carefully.

Do you want your room to evoke a state of calm? Then the most best color- green. This is the color of nature and foliage, this is the color of freshness. Green color has a beneficial effect not only on the psyche, it reduces blood pressure, and during mental overstrain it has a very beneficial effect on the brain. Green is great for decorating home interiors, but a room painted or wallpapered with diluted green looks dull, soulless and lifeless. It is better to decorate rooms intended for relaxation and rest in green. To avoid oversaturation of green color, it is better not to use it in apartments with large wide windows, which also face green parks and areas.

Interior use yellow color promotes a good effect on the brain, vision, yellow also relieves nervous tension, creates a joyful mood, a sunny, lively atmosphere. Presence always increases the space of a room, making it lighter and more spacious. In combination with white, it does not tire the eyes and gives the room an airy feel. Even the smallest, cluttered room can be transformed into a bright and spacious one with the help of yellow and white. So, undoubtedly, the color scheme of the interior plays an important role, and we have proven this!