Why do cracked heels form? What causes cracked heels and what do they mean? Having extra pounds, obesity

What do perfectly groomed legs look like? Of course, this is a first-class pedicure, satin skin of the feet, pink neat toes... We remember the heels last. Although exactlytheirthe condition can significantly limit the choice of summer shoes and become a permanent aesthetic problem.

Cracked heels- This is the result of roughening and subsequent damage to the skin. They can be eliminated using special procedures that are carried out both in the salon and at home. However, it also happens that painful ruptures indicate the presence of serious diseases - endocrine, vascular, dermatological, here the treatment tactics will be completely different.

In this article, the site will tell you how to properly care for the skin of your feet so that your heels always look like a baby’s, what ways to cope with the problem, and what to do if cosmetology does not give the expected result:

What are the types of cracked heels and why do they appear?

In most cases, we are talking about shallow damage to the stratum corneum of the skin. They do not cause any discomfort; only the aesthetic side of the issue may concern you. But it also happens that the wounds begin to irritate and itch. Gradually deepening, they remind of themselves with pain when walking, standing for a long time, and even just when wearing shoes. It will no longer be possible to ignore such symptoms, and instead of ordinary cosmetic care, serious treatment will be required.

All the reasons leading to cracking of the skin on the heels can be divided into two large groups:

  • insufficient or excessive care, the presence of environmental factors leading to dryness and injury to the skin of the feet;
  • various diseases leading to changes in the soft tissues of the lower extremities.

The first of these includes:

  • habit of walking barefoot or wearing mules;
  • insufficient foot care: if you do not promptly remove dead cells using pumice (graters) or peelings, and do not moisturize in the same way as we do with our hands or face, then the skin quickly becomes rough and loses moisture. Excessive care can also lead to the same consequences: constant use of abrasives (scrubs and pumice stones), peelings;
  • wearing tight, uncomfortable shoes made of synthetic materials, excessive sweating of the feet, lack of habit or ability to change shoes if the shoes are damp or wet;
  • exposure to chlorinated water, as well as components of washing powder, conditioners and other household chemicals that are used when washing tights or socks, or caring for shoes;
  • harmful working conditions ( heat, contact with toxic substances);
  • smoking and other bad habits;
  • unreasonable diets for the purpose of losing weight, poor diet, insufficient amount of fluid.

Each of the reasons listed above individually is not capable of causing deep, painful cracking. As a rule, there is an impact of several factors at once, and all the changes they cause are completely reversible - often it is enough to remove particles of keratinized skin, and our heels again acquire an aesthetic appearance.

If home care does not solve the problem, visits to a pedicurist provide only temporary improvement, and the cracks begin to hurt when walking and pressing, then you should think about the possible presence of more serious pathologies. These, that is, the second group of reasons include:

  • fungal infection;
  • dermatological diseases such as psoriasis, ichthyosis;
  • excess weight and, accordingly, increased load on the feet when walking;
  • diabetes mellitus in the stage of sub- and decompensation;
  • helminthiasis (presence of worms);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hormonal imbalances caused by diseases of the thyroid and other endocrine glands, pregnancy, menopause.

In this case, to accurately diagnose the concomitant disease and its further elimination, an in-person examination by a doctor and tests will be required.

How to get rid of cracks and get your heels in order?

How to solve the problem will dependdepending on the situationand the personal approach of a dermatologist. The main activities that will help with the aesthetic side of the issue are the following:

  • Treatment of deep, painful fissures

In most cases, such skin damage does not heal on its own. On the contrary, they gradually become deeper and the discomfort becomes more and more noticeable. The optimal treatment method in this case would be medical glue. It securely holds the edges of the crack and prevents it from deepening. The best solution is special glue FB-6, which is usually sold in pharmacies. If FB-6 is not available, you can use any other, as long as it contains cyanoacrylate. The application algorithm is simple:

  • remove all dirt from the skin of the heels, rinse them thoroughly in the cracked area;
  • dry the skin with a towel and wait for the moisture that the fabric did not absorb to evaporate;
  • Apply glue to the problem area and let it dry (usually just a few minutes is enough).

This procedure will not cause any harm to the body, but the benefits will be obvious: within 1-2 weeks the crack will heal, after which you can slowly grind off the glue with a file.

  • Elimination of external causes that provoke skin cracking

The list goes on. Our main task is to select optimal ways care for feet and objects in contact with the skin, which will not provoke overdrying and cracking.

  • Establishing proper foot care

It is important not to overdo it here. For example, you should not overuse peelings - hot water, pumice and a good cream or ointment containing urea will be enough. If there are significant layers of keratinized cells, then after steaming, treating with pumice and applying cream, wrap your feet in a plastic bag and put on socks. Gradually, as the condition of the skin improves, it will be possible to abandon the cellophane and leave only the cream and socks.

Heel skin before and after complex treatment of deep and small cracks:

What to do if the cracks do not go away?

If you have eliminated all the factors that can provoke excessive keratinization and damage to the skin of the heels, and regular care does not help solve the problem, there is a high probability that there are chronic pathologies in the body, to find which you need to visit a doctor (you can start with a dermatologist) and be examined.

The first step is usually to take a scraping to check for mycosis. This is a simple test that can detect foot fungus. By itself, it does not cause cracking, but it can enhance the effect of other unfavorable factors. If the result is negative, it will be necessary to continue the search in close collaboration with a physician, dermatologist and endocrinologist.

Cracked heels are a very unpleasant and painful phenomenon that falls into the category dermatitis (skin diseases ). The crack is a partial breakdown of the integrity of the skin on the heel. They can be either an independent pathology, with the development of further complications, or a manifestation of any disease.

Cracked heels are a very common phenomenon. Women are most susceptible to this pathology, but it is also observed among men. It is generally accepted that cracked heels appear only with age. However, this is not true; they can appear even in young people. The incidence of this problem depends on the presence of concomitant pathologies. More than 90 percent of people suffering from diabetes or anemia are susceptible to this pathology. Banal hypovitaminosis causes cracked heels in every second person.

Cracked heels cause severe inconvenience, so some people are ready to take drastic measures. One such method is to repair cracks using construction adhesive ( super glue). Thus, some ordinary people recommend gluing cracks with super glue, claiming that this method is safe and effective.

The skin consists of epidermis and dermis. Due to its structural characteristics, the skin of the foot is also called thick skin. The difference between thick skin and thin skin ( all parts of the body except the feet and palms) is the thickness of the epidermis ( top layer of skin). The epidermis of the foot consists of five layers of skin, which is equal to 70 - 100 layers of cells.

Structure of the epidermis of the foot:

  • basal layer;
  • layer of spinous cells;
  • granular layer;
  • shiny or radiant layer;
  • stratum corneum.

The main cells of the epidermis are called keratinocytes because they contain the protein keratin. Keratin, being the main protein of the skin, performs a protective function.

Basal layer

It is the innermost layer and performs the regeneration function ( skin restoration). New epidermal cells are formed in it as old cells from the surface layer gradually die off. The complete process of epidermis renewal occurs in 28 days. However, with age or certain diseases ( anemia) this process is slowing down. The epidermis is not renewed with new and high-quality cells, and the skin of the feet, taking on the greatest load, is damaged.

Spine cell layer

This layer consists of 10 layers of cells. In this layer, some stages of growth of keratinocytes migrating from the basal layer occur. These layers are connected using certain structures ( desmosomes), which look like spikes ( hence the name).

Granular layer

Consists of 4 - 5 layers of keratinocytes in which proteins are synthesized ( keratin, filaggrin). Keratinocytes are connected to each other by a kind of cementing substance, thus creating a waterproof barrier in the epidermis. This barrier further prevents the skin from drying out. As this layer thins, the skin dries out and cracks form.
In this layer, a complex substance is formed - keratohyalin, which under a microscope looks like granules or grains ( which is how it got its name). This substance is a precursor to keratin and performs skin protective functions.

Shiny layer

Consists of 3 - 5 layers of flat keratinocytes. In this layer, keratohyalin granules merge and form a light-refracting mass. This mass, essentially consisting of keratin and hyaline, is found only in the epidermis of the feet and palms.

Stratum corneum

It is the most superficial and thickest layer. Its thickness on the foot is more than 600 microns. Consists of keratinocytes that have completed differentiation, which are called horny scales. These scales are connected to each other by a cementing substance that is rich in fat. Thanks to these fats, the scales form a dense, normally waterproof layer.

However, thanks to certain enzymes, this layer is split in the superficial layers. As a result, the horny scales begin to be rejected. Thus, there is a constant renewal of the epidermis, which consists in the rejection of superficial horny scales and the formation of new ones.

Changes in skin cells on the heels while walking

While walking, the foot, and along with it the skin, takes on the entire load of the body. The skin is subject to pressure and friction while walking. At the same time, skin cells constantly change their shape - they stretch and contract. The cells at the edges of the foot are subject to the greatest changes. When you place your feet on the ground, they stretch, and when you lift them, they compress.

At the same time, in order to increase the area of ​​the foot and evenly distribute the load along its edges, the cells of the superficial stratum corneum begin to grow rapidly. This phenomenon is called hyperkeratosis and often underlies the formation of cracks. Because the thicker the stratum corneum, the less elastic it is, which means that when walking, those cells of the foot that are constantly stretched will be injured and destroyed.

Normally, the process of formation of new cells and removal of old ones is in balance and controlled by the body. However, for certain reasons, epidermal cells may be more vulnerable and damaged more quickly.

There are the following reasons for the formation of cracked heels:

  • diabetes;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • hypovitaminosis, in particular vitamins A and E;
  • fungal infection;
  • dermatitis.


Diabetes mellitus is one of the main pathologies accompanied by cracked heels. The difference between cracked feet in diabetes is that they are not accompanied by a feeling of pain or discomfort.

The cause of the development of cracks is diabetic angiopathy ( vascular damage). In this case, a person’s blood circulation in the vessels is disrupted and, first of all, the vessels of the legs are affected. Blood, as you know, is a source of not only oxygen, but also nutrients for tissues. Therefore, trophic changes occur in tissues where blood circulation is impaired. Elasticity is lost, and most importantly, the skin of the feet ( and whole body) becomes dehydrated. The lack of moisture in the stratum corneum causes a violation of the integrity of its structure, that is, the formation of cracks.

In diabetes mellitus, a complicating factor is diabetic polyneuropathy ( peripheral nerve damage). It is the reason for the absence of pain. This seemingly relieving factor provokes the deepening of cracks and their expansion. Since a person does not feel pain, the cracks increase and become infected.

Iron-deficiency anemia

The cause of cracked heels is sideropenic syndrome due to iron deficiency anemia. This syndrome is caused by iron deficiency in tissues and, as a consequence, degenerative changes in the skin. Since iron in tissues is used for the synthesis of various proteins and enzymes, its deficiency or absence leads to disruption of the structure and division of cells.
Iron deficiency is most acutely felt in epithelial cells and epidermal cells, since these are the most rapidly renewing tissues of the body.

Iron deficiency in the epidermis is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • dry skin;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • formation of cracks.


A lack of vitamins A and E in the body leads to various dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the skin. Vitamin E is also called a skin protector because it protects cell membranes from damage. Even a slight decrease in it leads to dehydration of skin cells. Along with water, the elasticity of the skin is also lost. Dry and inelastic skin of the feet cannot withstand the load that is placed on it. Under the load of weight, the skin bursts and cracks form in it.

Vitamin A, in turn, takes part in skin renewal processes. It synthesizes enzymes that prevent premature keratinization of the epidermis. However, with hypovitaminosis A, the process of keratinization ceases to be under control, and increased keratinization of the skin, that is, hyperkeratosis, is observed. The skin is dry and rough. The inelastic skin of the feet is injured and cracks form in it.

Fungal infection

Cracks in the heels can not only become an entry point for fungal penetration, but also be a consequence of a fungal infection. The most common source of cracks in the legs are fungal infections such as rubrophytosis and epidermophytosis. These are the most common lesions of the skin of the feet. The fungus, developing on the surface of the foot, stimulates an enhanced process of keratinization. As a result, the skin becomes thickened due to multiple keratinized layers. As is already known, the thicker the stratum corneum, the less elastic it is. Inelastic epidermal cells are more easily injured when walking.

A fungal infection disrupts the integrity of the layers of the epidermis, as a result of which the surface layer of the skin becomes permeable to moisture and the penetration of a secondary infection. This further complicates the crack situation.


Foot dermatitis can also cause cracked heels. The reason for this is the same loss of elasticity and dry skin. With dermatitis, the skin becomes dry, irritated, and more susceptible to injury. Due to the presence of the inflammatory process, the skin becomes very susceptible to the slightest injury. A minor abrasion or scratch on the foot leads to the development of microcracks, which eventually turn into cracks. The cracks are constantly inflamed, painful and become a gateway for numerous infections.

Factors such as standing for long periods of time, obesity, and poor hygiene are risk factors for the development of cracked heels. People who are overweight are at greatest risk, since the feet bear the entire burden, and along with them the skin. If you add to this a long stay on your feet, then cracked heels will not take long to appear.
Neglect of hygiene rules, tight and uncomfortable shoes are factors that, together with the main reasons, contribute to the formation of cracks in the feet.

How to get rid of cracked heels?

Eliminating the causes of skin disorders

Cracked heels are rarely an independent pathology. Basically, they indicate the presence of immune, metabolic or endocrine disorders in the body. Therefore, the treatment of cracked heels begins with eliminating the causes that led to their appearance. To find out the cause, you need to see your family doctor and undergo some tests.

Laboratory and instrumental studies to identify the causes of cracked heels:

  • glucose tolerance test;
  • Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower limb;
  • microscopy of tissue from the lesion.

General blood analysis
A complete blood count can detect one of the most common causes of cracked heels - anemia.

Iron deficiency anemia is characterized by:

  • a decrease in hemoglobin concentration of less than 120 grams per liter;
  • decrease in the number of red blood cells less than 3.5 x 9 12
  • color index is less than 0.9;
  • red blood cells of various sizes are observed ( anisocytosis), red blood cells of smaller diameter ( microcytosis).

A hematologist can confirm or rule out anemia. For a more detailed picture, he may ask some questions, a positive answer to which will indicate in favor of anemia.

For example:

  • “Has the patient developed unusual food cravings? For example, an irresistible desire to eat chalk, soil, clay?
  • “Do you have any preferences for salty, spicy foods?”
  • “Does he have any significant weakness?”
  • “Does the patient have rapid heartbeats or shortness of breath when walking?”

Iron deficiency anemia is also characterized by weakness, rapid heartbeat and sometimes perverted taste preferences ( to chalk, earth).

Iron deficiency anemia is treated with iron supplements. The duration of taking these medications depends on the degree of anemia and the individual characteristics of each organism. The dose also depends on the degree of decrease in hemoglobin and is selected individually.

List of the most common iron supplements:

  • totem;
  • sorbifer;
  • ferrum lek;
  • hemopher.

Biochemical blood test and glucose tolerance test
A biochemical blood test can reveal different stages of diabetes. As a rule, the analysis is taken on an empty stomach.

Indicators of biochemical blood analysis for diabetes mellitus:

  • fasting glucose more than 5.5 mmol per liter;
  • after eating, the glucose level is more than 8.0 mmol per liter.

After a biochemical analysis, an endocrinologist may recommend a sugar load test or a glucose tolerance test. The essence of the test is that after taking a biochemical blood test on an empty stomach, the patient is given a glass of water with 75 grams of dissolved sugar to drink. After this, the patient's glucose level is determined every half hour.

Blood glucose levels two hours after a glucose load:

  • less than 7 mmol/liter - regarded as normal;
  • from 7 to 11 mmol/liter - regarded as prediabetes;
  • more than 11 mmol/liter - diabetes mellitus.

To clarify the diagnosis, the endocrinologist may ask some questions.

For example:

  • “Does the patient feel constantly thirsty?”
  • “Is your skin dry?”
  • “Does he urinate frequently?”

If a person often feels thirsty, and the skin is dry and irritated, then he may have diabetes.

For diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemic agents are prescribed that inhibit the formation of glucose in the liver, thereby reducing its level in tissues and blood. As a rule, drugs are prescribed before meals or during the meal itself. The dose of drugs is selected based on glucose levels and the presence of diabetes complications ( damage to the kidneys and blood vessels of the eye).

Hypoglycemic agents for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

  • metformin;
  • glibenclamide ( synonym - Maninil);
  • glipizide.

Also a mandatory element in the treatment of diabetes is following a diet, which consists of limited consumption of carbohydrates ( white bread, baking, sugar).

Dopplerography of the vessels of the lower limb
If the doctor suspects that the cause of the cracks is poor blood supply to the lower extremities, then he may direct the patient to undergo Doppler ultrasound of the vessels of the legs. This diagnostic method evaluates the condition of the vessels of the lower extremities and also determines the speed of blood flow in these vessels.
With angiopathy, a decrease in blood flow is observed, the walls of the vessels may be thickened, narrowed, or the blood supply in them may be completely disrupted. Treatment for poor circulation depends on the cause of the disease.

Drugs that improve blood circulation in blood vessels:

  • venoruton;
  • beat.

Microscopy method
The microscopy method is a publicly available study of fungal infections. Scales from the lesion are treated with a special solution and then examined under a microscope. If a fungus was found in the test material, the dermatologist recommends antifungal treatment.

Antifungals used in the treatment of fungal foot infections:

  • Terbizil cream;
  • mycoterbine cream;
  • Nizoral cream.

How to take care of your feet to avoid complications?

Ointments for the treatment of cracks

A drug Mechanism of action Method of use
ointment Balzamed
(contains provitamin B5, vitamin E, vitamin A, glycerin and lactic acid)
The ointment has a moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin of the feet, preventing the formation of cracks, redness, and irritation. Vitamins A and E increase skin resistance to infections and damage The ointment is applied effortlessly to the area of ​​cracks using massaging movements. The drug should be used daily, after water procedures
ointment Radevit (containsvitamin E, vitamin A, vitaminD2, emulsion wax and glycerin) The cream stimulates skin regeneration and has an anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Vitamins E, A and D2 promote rapid restoration of damaged tissues Radevit is applied in a thin layer twice a day. Before using the ointment, the skin should be treated with an antiseptic
Lamisil cream The cream fights infection, prevents and destroys fungus. Promotes rapid healing of cracks and restoration of affected tissues Do not apply a large number of cream on problem areas once a day. Before using the cream, feet must be washed. warm water and dry with a towel
BioAstin antifungal cream
(contains flax oil, sage extract, mint extract, clove essential oil, tea tree essential oil, urea and allantoin)
The cream has an antifungal effect, fights infections, protects the skin from pathogenic microflora. The oils contained in the cream have a softening effect. Extracts and extracts from plants promote rapid healing of cracks Apply the ointment to the cleansed skin of the heels with massaging movements.
gel Zazhivin
(includestea tree essential oil, milk thistle oil; vitaminFand sage extract)
The gel promotes rapid healing of cracked heels, has a wound-healing and bactericidal effect The cream should be applied before bedtime with massaging movements on pre-washed feet.
foot cream for cracked heels Ambulance
(contains petroleum jelly, wax, glycerin, allantoin, olive oil, vitaminsFAndE)
The cream has a healing and bactericidal effect. The herbal extracts included in the composition accelerate the healing of cracks. Oils and wax soften and nourish the skin of the feet. Vitamins activate the restoration of damaged skin The cream is applied to the affected areas. Before applying the cream, the skin of the feet should be steamed and treated with pumice. Secure the crack on top with adhesive tape, tightening its edges. Wear cotton socks
Dardia Lipo Balm
(contains urea, microcrystalline wax, paraffin, petrolatum and corn starch)
Urea in the cream combats dryness, effectively softening rough skin. Wax and paraffin normalize the water balance of the skin. The cream has a restorative effect, promotes the rapid healing of cracks Apply with circular massaging movements. Use as a nourishing cream twice daily

Traditional methods for treating cracked heels

For the treatment of cracked heels ethnoscience offers:

  • compresses;
  • baths;
  • ointments.

Compresses for the treatment of cracked heels moisturize and nourish the skin of the feet. The composition prepared in accordance with the recipe is applied to the affected areas, after which the feet are wrapped in plastic wrap. To enhance the effect, you should wear warm socks, and after removing the product, lubricate your heels with a rich cream.

The following compresses are used in the treatment of cracked heels:

  • compress from onions;
  • compress of apples and milk;
  • potato compress;
  • aloe compress;
  • oil compresses.

Onion compress
A compress based on onions has excellent bactericidal properties. The procedure should be repeated at least three times.

To prepare the compress you will need:

  • two medium-sized onions;
  • one teaspoon of soda;
  • two liters of warm water;
  • cling film;
  • clean cloth;
  • bandage.

Before applying the compress, your feet should be steamed by holding them in warm water with soda. Next, the onion pulp wrapped in cloth should be applied to the heels, wrapped in film and bandaged. Leave the mixture overnight and wash off in the morning with warm soapy water. After removing the onion, the feet should be treated with pumice and lubricated with rich cream.

Apple and milk compress
The vitamins and microelements contained in milk and apples nourish the skin of the feet and promote the speedy healing of cracks.

In order to prepare an apple-milk compress, you should prepare:

  • apples - two medium-sized pieces;
  • milk - 200 grams of low fat content;
  • baking soda - one teaspoon;
  • Wheat flour ( of necessity).

Cut the apples into small cubes along with the peel, add milk and soda and place on low heat. enamel dishes. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes until it becomes a paste. If the mass turns out to be too liquid, you should add one to two teaspoons of wheat flour. After cooling the composition slightly, apply it in a thick layer ( 0.6 - 1 cm) on the heels, placing a gauze bandage on top. You should keep it until the compress is warm. You can extend the effect of the procedure by wrapping the gauze on top with cling film or parchment. You should make an apple-lactine compress at least once a week until a positive result occurs.

Potato compress
Potato compresses have a wound-healing antibacterial effect on cracked heels. The procedure should be carried out daily for ten days.
To prepare the composition, take three raw potatoes. The vegetable should be grated on a fine grater and the paste should be applied to the affected areas. You need to keep the compress for one and a half to two hours, then rinse off the composition, treat the heels with pumice and lubricate with nourishing cream.

Aloe compress
Aloe compresses have a softening effect and promote rapid restoration of cracked heels. Take a few stems of this plant, chop it finely and then soften it to a paste. Using plastic film and a bandage, the mixture should be fixed on the heels, socks should be put on top and the compress should be left overnight.

Oil compresses
Oils have a moisturizing and nourishing effect, therefore they are widely used in the fight against cracked heels. You should take cotton socks and soak them in heated oil. Put socks on pre-steamed feet and cover with cling film on top.

The following types of oils can be used as a base for a compress:

  • olive;
  • castor;
  • almond;
  • corn;
  • sunflower.

Glycerin added to any of the above oils will help soften the skin and have an antimicrobial effect. When preparing an oil-glycerin mixture, the ratio should be 2:1. A few drops of fir or eucalyptus essential oil increases the effectiveness of oil compresses. They have a wound healing effect and also improve blood circulation in tissues.

Daily baths - effective remedy in the treatment of cracked heels. The key to the success of using this folk method is the systematic implementation of procedures.

The main ingredients for baths can be used:

  • herbal infusions;
  • starch;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • White wine.

Herbal infusions for foot baths
Herbal baths have a positive effect on cracked heels due to their anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare a decoction. One tablespoon of dry plants should be poured into a liter of water, brought to a boil and kept on low heat for half an hour. Dilute the broth with water to an acceptable temperature and keep your feet in it for thirty to forty minutes. After the bath, pat your feet dry with a towel, give a light massage and lubricate with nourishing cream.

The following plants are used in the treatment of cracked heels:

  • sage;
  • St. John's wort;
  • elecampane;
  • series;
  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • Oak bark.

You need to use dry herbs purchased at the pharmacy.

Bath with starch
In order to prepare a bath with starch for the feet, you will need a liter of warm water and one tablespoon of potato starch. After combining starch with water, immerse your feet in the resulting mass for half an hour. As the composition cools, you should gradually add hot water. Next, wash your feet with warm water without soap, lubricate with nourishing cream and put on socks.
Starch baths soften rough skin on the heels and accelerate the healing of cracks. You can enhance the effect of the procedure by adding a few drops of rosemary essential oil, which has an antibacterial effect. Baths should be taken daily for eight to ten days. For deep, non-healing cracks, replace water with a decoction of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort ( 5 grams of each plant in dry form per liter of water).

You can supplement the starch bath by applying a special mixture to the affected areas. Take equal parts of aloe and onion juice. Combine with fish oil and enough flour to make a paste similar in consistency to yeast dough. Form the mixture into cakes and apply to the cracks, securing on top with wax paper or cling film. Wrap your feet in a bandage and put on warm socks on top. The compress should be left overnight. In the morning, rinse with warm water and treat the cracks with a strong decoction of calendula or oak bark.

Sea salt baths
Contained in sea ​​salt microelements help improve blood circulation and restore affected areas on the feet. Baths with sea salt also have a softening and exfoliating effect. Add one hundred grams of sea salt and one tablespoon of soda to warm water. Soak your feet in the solution for fifteen minutes. Dry with a towel and wipe with a slice of lemon. Afterwards, lubricate your heels with olive or any other oil and put on warm socks.

Wine baths
Wine baths with the addition of linden have a softening effect on rough skin of the heels and promote rapid healing of cracks. To carry out this procedure, you should take two hundred milliliters of dry white wine and one tablespoon of dried linden flowers. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. Combine a liter of warm water and the resulting decoction and dip your feet in the resulting solution. After ten minutes, rub your feet with a washcloth and return them back to the water. Repeat these steps several times. After the water and wine have cooled, blot your feet and apply nourishing cream or vegetable oil.

Cooked according to folk recipes ointments to combat cracked heels should be applied before bed, leaving overnight. To enhance the effect, wrap your feet in plastic wrap and wear warm socks. After washing off the composition, you need to treat problem areas with pumice, then apply vegetable oil, Vaseline or emollient cream.

The following products can serve as the basis for ointments:

  • pork fat;
  • badger fat;
  • petrolatum.

Carrot and pork fat ointment
Take fresh medium-sized carrots and grate them on a fine grater. Melt one hundred grams of pork fat in a water bath. After adding carrots to the melted fat, leave the mixture on the fire for fifteen minutes. Next, strain the mixture through cheesecloth into glass jar and cool until room temperature. The prepared ointment can be used either independently or as an additional element of care after baths and compresses. Fat softens the skin of the heels well, and the beneficial elements contained in carrots nourish the skin. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

Herbal ointment based on badger fat
The badger fat contained in this ointment will make the skin of the heels more elastic and firm, thanks to the vitamins A and E that are included in its composition. Herbs have a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, preventing the development of infection in cracked heels.

To prepare the ointment, you need the following ingredients:

  • badger fat - fifty milliliters;
  • dried calendula flowers - one teaspoon;
  • dried celandine flowers - one teaspoon.

Badger fat and plants should be purchased at the pharmacy.
Pour boiling water over the dry herbs and keep them in the water for one minute. Place the fat in a water bath and after ten minutes add calendula flowers and celandine herbs. Keep the mixture in a water bath for thirty minutes, stirring thoroughly and avoiding boiling. Next, the hot fat needs to be strained through a sieve and poured into glassware. The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator and heated in a water bath before use.

Vaseline-based ointment
Plantain ointment prepared on the basis of petroleum jelly has excellent bactericidal and wound-healing properties. Dry leaves of the plant should be ground into fine dust and mixed with a few drops of vegetable, olive or almond oil. Next, combine the composition with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:9.
You can also prepare calendula ointment using Vaseline. One tablespoon of crushed dried flowers of this plant should be mixed with four tablespoons of Vaseline. Calendula ointment stimulates tissue restoration, prevents inflammatory processes and has antibacterial properties.

Mechanical treatments for cracked heels

Mechanical treatment of cracked heels consists of removing rough skin on the affected areas and further treating the wounds with special means.

Cleaning includes the following steps:

  • steaming the skin;
  • peeling;
  • crack treatment;
  • nutrition and hydration.

Steaming the skin

In order to steam the skin on the feet, you should prepare a soda-soap solution. You can prepare various baths with herbs and glycerin.

To prepare a soda-soap solution you will need:

  • one litre ( four glasses) water - temperature 40 - 50 degrees Celsius;
  • soda - 30 grams ( one tablespoon);
  • liquid soap.

Combine all the components in a container designed for foot baths and lower your feet there. As the water cools, add boiling water. The duration of the procedure should be at least thirty minutes.

Bath with glycerin
To prepare a glycerin foot bath, combine five grams ( one teaspoon) glycerin and two liters of warm water ( 45 - 50 degrees Celsius). Place your feet in the water and keep them there for half an hour. You can enhance the effect by adding two tablespoons of 9 percent table vinegar to the solution.

Bath with chamomile
Take six tablespoons of dry pharmaceutical chamomile and fill with half a liter ( two glasses) boiling water. Leave for ten minutes for the solution to infuse. Next, mix the steamed chamomile with three liters of water at room temperature. Place your feet in the water and hold them for ten to fifteen minutes.

Bath with tar soap
One hundred grams of tar soap ( half a block) grind with a grater and mix with two to three liters of warm water. To neutralize the strong odor, you can add a few drops of citrus essential oil to the solution ( lemon, orange, grapefruit). The duration of the procedure is twenty minutes. After the bath, rinse your feet with warm water and wipe dry.


Peeling is the process of removing the surface layers of skin. You should know that activities to clean your heels of dead skin should be carried out no more than once a week.

The following products can be used for heel cleaning procedures:

  • pumice;
  • pedicure grater;
  • scrub.

Pumice for treating cracked heels should have medium-sized pores. Preference should be given to products of natural origin. Take a pumice stone and move in a circular motion over the rough areas, avoiding areas with healthy skin. If painful sensations occur, the procedure should be stopped.

Pedicure grater
You should start working on your heels using a pedicure sanding float from the center of the foot to the heel. During the procedure, the heels should be moistened with a damp towel.

You can remove rough skin from your heels using a special product with abrasive particles. You can buy a scrub at a pharmacy, specialty store, or prepare it yourself.

The following products can be used as the main ingredient for the scrub:

  • ground natural coffee;
  • fine sea salt;
  • corn flour.

Mix two tablespoons of any of the above products with liquid soap to a paste. Apply the mixture to your feet and rub into problem areas in a circular motion. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. Rinse your feet with warm water and dry with a clean towel.

Crack Treatment

Once the dead skin on your heels has been removed, you should treat the cracks with a disinfectant. Pour 3% hydrogen peroxide into the wounds. Blot the surface of the crack with a cotton pad. Next, treat the problem area with a cream that contains salicylic, glycolic or lactic acid. These products should be purchased at a pharmacy. After treatment, you should bandage your feet and put on cotton socks.

Nutrition and hydration

To nourish and moisturize dry skin on the feet, you should use creams containing the following ingredients:

  • lanolin - softens the skin ( GEHWOLmed, ointment for cracks);
  • Vitamin A - fights infections ( homemade foot cream recipes);
  • Vitamin E - prevents skin damage ( healer cream with urea);
  • vitamin B5 - promotes wound healing ( cream balsamed);

Vitamin F - makes the skin elastic ( first aid cream for cracks).

Prevention of cracked heels

What should you do to prevent cracked heels?

To prevent the formation of cracked heels, you should :

  • observe the rules of personal hygiene;
  • wear the right shoes;
  • Provide your feet with proper care.
  • Maintain a balanced diet and drinking regime.

Personal hygiene
In order to prevent the occurrence of cracked heels, you should follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Personal hygiene rules to prevent cracked heels:

  • When visiting a swimming pool, bathhouse, gym, or beach, you must wear closed rubber shoes. Also, during regular visits to these institutions, it is recommended to use antifungal drugs.
  • Socks, stockings and tights should be changed every day, giving preference to products made from natural fabrics. Synthetics promote increased sweating and the accumulation of sebaceous products.
  • Avoid wearing other people's shoes and don't even let family members wear your shoes. Pedicures should be done only with your own tools, and when visiting specialized salons, make sure they are sterile.
  • You should avoid porous rugs in the bathroom, as they provide a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria.

The right shoes
To prevent cracked heels Special attention should be given to the choice of shoes. Shoes should be comfortable, well ventilated, with medium heels. It is important to select shoes according to your foot size. Tight, uncomfortable high-heeled shoes place increased stress on the skin of the feet, resulting in cracks.

During warmer months, avoid flip-flops and flip-flops. Due to the impact of the foot on the sole, microcracks appear on the skin of the heels. When exposed to dry air and dust, small injuries can grow into deep cracks. To protect the skin of your feet from the effects of negative environmental factors, when wearing open shoes you need to use heels or thin socks. Shoes made from low-quality synthetic materials cause increased sweating and impaired heat exchange. Artificial, non-breathable materials cause damage and skin diseases, including cracked heels.

Feet care
Proper care starts with daily cleansing of your feet. You should not neglect taking care of your heels, but at the same time, you should not abuse detergents or abrasives.

Rules for daily foot toilet:

  • The water should not be too hot as it can cause dry skin.
  • For washing you need to use fatty soap.
  • If your feet sweat excessively, you need to wash them with bactericidal agents.
  • Finish washing your feet by rinsing with cold water.
  • After water procedures, feet should be wiped dry with a separate towel.
  • After washing, apply nourishing cream or any vegetable oil to your feet.
  • several times a week, using a special washcloth or products with abrasive particles, it is necessary to clean the skin of the feet from dying skin cells.

A deeper cleaning of your feet should be done weekly. Steam your feet by soaking them in warm soapy water for thirty minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add baking soda to the solution at the rate of one tablespoon per liter of water. After this, the softened layer must be removed with a pumice stone or a special pedicure tool.

You should refrain from using the blade, as it can injure the skin. Water for steaming can be replaced with a decoction of herbs such as calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort. Steam two tablespoons of dry plants with a glass of boiling water and leave the decoction for half an hour to infuse. Such baths, in addition to the steaming effect, have a bactericidal effect and prevent the occurrence of infections.

For excessively dry feet, it is useful to make nourishing masks to prevent cracked heels. The product should be applied to problem areas and provide a thermal effect by wrapping the feet with polyethylene film. You need to wear warm socks over the film. You can purchase these masks in specialized stores, pharmacies, or prepare them yourself. When choosing cosmetics, preference should be given to brands that contain natural oils.

Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on the skin of the feet. Therefore, before exposure to the sun, special protective agents should be applied to the feet, and after sunbathing, the skin should be moisturized. Sea water and hot sand also negatively affect the condition of the feet, after which the skin becomes dry and cracks. Special beach shoes and nourishing foot care products will help prevent cracks.

Diet and water regime
In order to prevent cracked heels, a person must receive a sufficient amount of vitamin A and other elements from food that are responsible for skin restoration.

Diet to prevent the development of cracked heels:

  • beef and chicken liver, fish oil, cod liver - a source of retinol.
  • wheat germ oil, sea buckthorn and soybean oil, almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts - contain a large amount of tocopherol.
  • carrots, sea buckthorn, sorrel, rose hips, spinach, celery, wild garlic are suppliers of carotene.

Dry skin and, as a consequence, the appearance of cracks can be caused by the predominance of low-fat foods in the diet.
Proper water regime will help prevent the occurrence of cracked heels. For good skin health, a person needs to drink at least two liters of water a day. Preference should be given to still or mineralized water, reducing the consumption of coffee and tea. A sufficient amount of moisture also improves metabolism and helps normalize weight. Extra pounds create additional stress on the skin of the feet, causing the formation of cracks.

What should you avoid to prevent cracked heels?

In order to prevent cracked heels, you need to exclude some negative factors from your lifestyle.

To prevent cracked heels, you should not:

  • ignore personal hygiene rules;
  • not following foot care procedures;
  • ignore the use of protective and nourishing products for the feet;
  • use a blade and other people's pedicure tools;
  • wear tight shoes;
  • give preference to synthetic socks;
  • long time wear high-heeled shoes;
  • wear shoes made of artificial materials;
  • abuse low-calorie diets;
  • not providing the body with sufficient amounts of vitamins A and E;
  • Drink less than two liters of fluid per day.

Cracked heels are common among adults. Although they do not cause health problems, their presence causes discomfort when moving. So, let's find out why cracked heels appear.

Cracked heels are common and are caused by various factors and diseases. Therefore, for treatment it is worth clarifying them.

So, the causes of heel problems are as follows:

Sometimes cracks can form due to neglect of hygiene and the wrong choice of shoes. Incorrect position of the foot or poor materials lead to the destruction of the upper layer of the epidermis, which is why visible damage occurs in the form of cracks.

What do cracked heels mean? Find out from the proposed video material.

Fungal diseases

The cause of cracks in the integument of the feet is damage by rubrophytosis and epidermophytosis. A fungal infection develops on the surface of the skin, enhancing keratinization processes.

The formed multiple stratum corneum reduces elasticity and increases the risk of injury to the dermis while walking.

The consequence is the rapid penetration of moisture and the addition of secondary infections. Destruction of the integrity of the layers of the epidermis requires determining the type of fungus and undergoing a long course of treatment.


Insufficient intake of vitamins provokes dystrophic and inflammatory changes in the skin.

Table 1. Consequences of vitamin deficiency.

Name What is he responsible for? Consequences
Vitamin AResponsible for the activity of skin regeneration, participates in the synthesis of enzymes that prevent keratinization of the epidermis With its deficiency, hyperkeratosis occurs, manifested by increased dryness and roughening of the skin. Decreased elasticity leads to injuries and cracks in the heel.
Vitamin EDesigned to protect cell membranes from damage Insufficient intake causes cell dehydration and a decrease in the elasticity of the epidermis. Constant loads when walking provoke cracking, and if left untreated - inflammatory processes.

Symptoms of vitamin deficiency on video:


The culprit of dry skin is sideropenic syndrome - a consequence of iron deficiency anemia. Symptoms of iron deficiency include:

  • dry and flaky skin
  • cracks of varying depths

The lack or absence of nutrients leads to disruption of the structural structure of the epidermis and accelerated cell division.

Spinal problems

Damage to the nerve roots provokes disruption of innervation in the lower extremities. As a result, the skin on the legs becomes thinner and vulnerable to pathogenic microflora. The penetration of infections leads to the formation of poorly healing wounds.

The problem with increased dryness and cracks in the heels occurs as a consequence of prolonged compression of the nerve roots in the spine. Without basic treatment, it is impossible to cope with the skin disease - a full diagnostic examination is required to determine the primary source of the lesion.

Skin diseases

Dermatitis that affects the feet also leads to cracking of the heels. A long course of the pathological process causes:

  • irritation
  • increased dryness
  • susceptibility to injury - due to inflammation occurring in the epidermis

Any scratch eventually turns into microcracks. The damaged area is constantly inflamed, causing discomfort and pain. In the absence of daily skin care of the feet, infection can occur.

External factors

Possible causes of cracking of the dermis on the feet include:

Weeping sores on the face, who to contact: a doctor or a cosmetologist

Separately, uncomfortable or tight shoes stand out - incorrectly selected, not suitable in size or volume, they cause abrasions on the skin. With prolonged wear, the problem develops into open wounds that serve as entry points for fungal and other infections.

The reason lies in diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the causes of cracked heels. It provokes various diseases and infections, and also significantly increases dry skin. Together, these reasons lead to skin damage and cracked heels.

Ignoring the problem in a diabetic can lead to various complications:

  • Diabetic polyneuropathy
  • Foot deformities
  • Poor circulation in the foot
  • Gangrene and ulcers

It is necessary to cure this disease in the early stages, preventing its worsening. It is almost impossible to eliminate the root cause here; treatment is carried out only on the basis of symptoms.

Pathology on the heels in men

Men are less susceptible to such formations. In addition, they often simply ignore small cracks, considering worry about legs to be a feminine trait. But prolonged carelessness leads to an increase in cracks and their development to a deep stage.

The result is disastrous - heels cannot be cured except by cosmetic surgery, and the root cause has significantly developed. This causes great discomfort, and treatment of such cases takes a long time.

Also, men rarely wear open shoes, which also reduces the risk of cracks. The skin is not chapped or exposed to the elements, so their heels remain safe. And if small cracks appear, they are invisible to the owner and others.

There are several fissure treatment methods available for men. They relate only to preventive methods and help in the initial stages. With deep formations, only a cosmetologist can provide assistance.

Features of the problem in children

Although children are less susceptible to cracked heels, they can still experience this problem. There are many reasons for this, but such damage often occurs due to diseases. Other factors have less influence, which should be taken into account when diagnosing.

The causes of cracks in children are fungus and dermatitis. Other problems are possible, but they occur less frequently. For diagnosis, you should contact a dermatologist who can conduct an examination and determine the root causes of such damage. Then undergo a course of treatment and only after that eliminate the cracks.

For this, the following methods are noted:

  • Compresses and baths with tinctures
  • Moisturizing with cream
  • Moisturizing with soap
  • Regular foot steaming

For a child, it is not practiced to remove the stratum corneum, because on young skin it is extremely thin, and there is a risk of damage to the living layer.

Diagnosis of pathology

The appearance of cracks requires a visit to a dermatologist for consultation. After a general examination and collection of anamnesis (presumable causes of deviation), the doctor writes a referral for a diagnostic and laboratory examination:

  • General and biochemical blood test
  • glucose tolerance test – if diabetes is suspected
  • Doppler examination of the vessels of the legs - for atherosclerosis, varicose veins, pathologies of the spine

Suspicion of a fungal infection is confirmed by collecting tissue from the lesion and then examining it in the laboratory.

Hemorrhages on the skin - provoking factors and methods of treatment

How to treat cracks

For mild forms of cracks, it is enough to take care of the skin and eliminate the causes. Often, medications and traditional therapy are used for this. Regular procedures can eliminate light cracks.

For more advanced cases, there are several options. The first is going to a cosmetology clinic. They are able to perform a special operation that removes the top layer of skin to the depth of the cracks. This will allow the body to regenerate a healthy layer of the epidermis, eliminating cracks.

Fungus therapy

Treatment of mycoses takes a long time and requires an integrated approach. The treatment plan includes:

  • foot treatment - removal of keratinized layers of the epidermis, treatment of affected nails
  • chemical peeling - using salicylic, lactic acid, soap and soda baths
  • antifungal creams, varnishes, ointments – , Miconazole, Mycogel, Daktarin, Fungazol, Oflomil, Lamisil

In case of systemic fungal infection, the following tablets are prescribed: Ketoconazole, Mycozoral, Fluconazole.

Live Healthy will talk about the treatment of foot fungus:

Metabolic disease

Age-related changes lead to slow metabolism; in women, the problem is associated with the decline of reproductive function and menopause. At the first signs of menopause, it is necessary to constantly keep the skin toned - loss of moisture negatively affects the condition of the epidermis.

Hormonal disorders at a young age (pregnancy, disruptions in the endocrine system) require treatment. Without therapy, it is impossible to cope with dry and cracked skin on the feet.

Review of ointments for treatment

Manufacturers offer a variety of products to care for problematic skin. Doctors recommend preliminary diagnosis to determine the primary source of the disorder and select the correct drug.

Gehwol ointment

A professional product for removing keratinized layers of the epidermis on the feet. Can be used when forms are running. During the first procedures, it relieves discomfort and inflammation, softens and smoothes the skin.

The disadvantages of the ointment include:

  • high cost
  • bad smell
  • impossibility of long-term use

Eveline SOS cream

The product has a comprehensive effect on problem areas:

  • wheat germ oil – relieves dryness and irritation
  • chamomile extract – suppresses inflammation, accelerates healing, softens
  • camphor – prevents infection, disinfects
  • betaine – normalizes water balance

Good move cream

Designed for daily skin care on the legs:

  • relieves pain, warms, relieves inflammation
  • accelerates metabolic processes and resorption of salt deposits in the application area

Used 2 to 4 times a day. Can be used for spurs, protruding bone (thumb deformity), gout. The usefulness of the product is questionable - the Ukrainian company has not been registered in the State Register, sales are carried out through Internet sites.

Cream Monastyrsky

The product is used for:

  • softening of keratinized areas
  • accelerating healing processes
  • getting rid of dryness, calluses and corns

The cream is applied at night, the effect is noticeable after 5 procedures.

Heel cream is ok

Solves the problem of dry calluses, corns, and rough skin. Helps:

  • speed up regeneration
  • smooth and nourish affected areas
  • prevent recurrence of dryness, cracking and flaking

The cream prevents the penetration of fungus into affected areas.

Active Repair K+ from SCHOLL

The drug contains urea and several dozen active components:

The product has a quick effect, pronounced softening of rough skin. The disadvantages of use include the high cost, which does not guarantee a complete cure.

For treatment, the following methods are noted:

The heel is the part of the foot that bears the maximum load while walking.

Cracks in the heels (mechanical dermatitis) can appear due to concomitant diseases, dry air, uncomfortable shoes, vitamin deficiency and some other factors. In order for inflamed heels to become soft again, you need to take care of their regular cleansing and moisturizing.

Causes of the disease

What causes cracks in the feet and how to treat this unpleasant phenomenon? Doctors associate skin cracking with organic and non-organic factors.

  • Uncomfortable shoes - the cause of mechanical dermatitis is the use of tight boots, stilettos, flip-flops without hard backs and other uncomfortable shoes. When using such shoes, the load on the foot is distributed unevenly, the skin on the feet thickens, flakes and cracks.
  • Abnormally dry skin – The most common cause of cracked heels is abnormal dryness of the skin. In the hot months, when people constantly wear open shoes, walk barefoot on hot sand and enjoy warming their feet under the warm rays of the sun, the surface of the feet quickly dries out and loses its elasticity. The dense stratum corneum becomes covered with small wounds.
  • Unbalanced diet - dry heels and cracks appear due to a deficiency of vitamins and microelements, which slows down the process of skin regeneration. Most often, vitamin deficiency attacks a person in early spring, but with an insufficiently balanced diet, it can begin at any time of the year.

Other causes of cracks

  • Irregular care - inadequate care of the sole leads to the fact that a layer of dead cells forms on it faster than it peels off. Over time, this layer thickens, hardens and cracks. In advanced cases, the wounds deepen and cause pain when walking.
  • Age-related changes - during menopause, women experience hormonal changes in the body. The amount of hormones secreted by the adrenal glands is sharply reduced, blood supply to tissues deteriorates, and metabolism slows down. As a result, the skin becomes drier and prone to cracking.
  • Concomitant diseases - dry heels and cracks may indicate chronic diseases of the digestive or endocrine system. If the skin on the heels is constantly cracking, it makes sense to undergo a full examination of the body for the presence of concomitant diseases.

Pharmacy remedies for mechanical dermatitis

If you choose adequate medications, cracks can be cured in a couple of weeks. The problem is solved with the help of paraffin, glycerin, petroleum jelly, aspirin, hydrogen peroxide and some other pharmaceuticals.

  • Paraffin - melted paraffin is applied to the damaged area, after 2-3 minutes socks are put on. Leave the wax overnight and wash it off with water the next morning. The course of treatment for cracked heels is 2 weeks.
  • Glycerin - mix lemon juice, glycerin, rose water in equal parts. The composition is applied to the sole for a third of an hour. Excess is washed off without soap. Treatment is continued for 10 days.
  • Vaseline - boiling water and boric acid are poured into a basin (add 3 tsp of acid per liter of boiling water). The affected areas are steamed, Vaseline is applied to them, the top is tightly covered with a band-aid and left overnight.

Both pure Vaseline and creams containing it, such as “Radevit”, “Forest Power”, Rosaline, Lyolan, Bioaqua, Olay, Crevil, Petroleum Jelly, etc., are suitable for treating soles.

  • Aspirin - combine a glass of vodka, 10 aspirin tablets, ground into powder, and 3-5 drops of iodine. The product is stored in the refrigerator. Used for daily treatment of wounds.

Ointments, creams

Pharmacies offer a wide range of ointments and creams for cracking heels. The products “Gevol”, “Radevit”, “Pyatochki”, “Videstim”, “Hilfix”, “Flexitol”, “Losterin”, “Uroderm”, “Before and After” and others are in high demand. They are applied to clean, dry feet.

Our grandmothers knew how to treat cracked heels. They sealed the sore spots with BF-6 medical glue. This remedy is still relevant today.

The wound is sealed with glue so that its edges do not enlarge and the bottom heals faster. A week after treatment, the legs are steamed, the remaining glue and dead skin particles are removed. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Folk remedies

Traditional healers know exactly how to get rid of mechanical dermatitis. For treatment at home, they use all kinds of compresses, baths, rubbing and ointments.


  • Damaged skin will heal faster if it is regularly steamed with salt, starch, soda, flaxseed, potato, and nettle infusion, and then lubricated with Vaseline. The course of treatment lasts 7-14 days. During this time, the cracks disappear.
  • Potatoes are boiled until tender and the fruits are removed. The feet are steamed in potato broth, rinsed, rubbed with pumice, covered with cream and socks are put on.
  • Flax - pour 3 tbsp into a bowl. flaxseeds (see photo), pour 2 cups of boiling water over them, leave for a quarter of an hour, filter and add to the bath. The lower part of the limb is steamed in flaxseed tincture for a quarter of an hour, then the white coating is removed with pumice, washed with cool water and cream is applied.
  • Soda - add a tablespoon of soda and any essential oil (2 drops) to a liter of boiling water. The bath is taken before bed, its duration is 15-20 minutes.
  • Sea salt - dilute 1 tbsp in a liter of boiling water. sea ​​salt. The problem area is steamed for 15-20 minutes, smeared with Vaseline. Put on socks. The procedures are repeated every other day.
  • Starch - in the evening per liter warm water add starch (2 tbsp) and stir well. Used for daily baths.
  • Nettle - add 2 tbsp to a liter of boiling water. dry nettle, cover with a thick towel and let it brew. Strain the tincture and add it to the water for foot baths. The procedure is carried out for 15-20 minutes, then with regenerating cream.


Cold and hot, single-component and combined compresses will help to cope with cracks.

  • Honey and cabbage - well-steamed feet are dried with a towel and lubricated with honey. Apply juicy cabbage leaves to the damaged areas, secure them with bandages, and put on socks. In the morning, wash off the honey.
  • Coltsfoot with milk - 2 large spoons of crushed coltsfoot leaves are poured into boiling milk. Leave in a water bath for approximately 60 minutes. The pulp is cooled, applied to a bandage or gauze, and applied to the wounds for 30 minutes.
  • Oatmeal - boil oatmeal and mix with flaxseed oil. The resulting mass is spread on two bags and wrapped around the affected areas. Put on socks. After a couple of hours, the compress is removed, the feet are rinsed, dried, and lubricated with cream.
  • Oils - in the evening, the damaged areas are steamed, smeared with sea buckthorn oil, linseed or olive oil, wrapped in cling film, and bandaged on top. In the morning, the heels are steamed again and the softened lifeless layer of skin is removed from them.
  • Mayonnaise - in the evening, apply mayonnaise to your feet and vigorously rub it into your heels. The treated area is wrapped in cling film and socks are put on. After waking up, the mayonnaise is washed off, the feet are soaked in a hot bath with soda, cleaned with pumice, rinsed, wiped dry and lubricated with cream.
  • Apple and onion - limbs are steamed in a liter of boiling water with the addition of a teaspoon baking soda. Grind the fresh apple pulp and onion on a fine grater. The puree is applied to two gauze, applied to the wounds, wrapped in a bag and bandaged. In the morning, the compress is removed, the feet are rinsed, dead, keratinized skin is removed from them, and softened with foot cream.
  • Honey cakes - in the evening, prepare dough from honey and flour (1 tablespoon each), divide it into two equal cakes. The legs are steamed, a flat cake is placed on the problem areas, wrapped in cling film, and socks are put on. In the morning, remove the dough and roll into balls, which can be used 1-2 more times.
  • Elecampane decoction - in the evening prepare a decoction from a liter of water and 2 tbsp. crushed elecampane roots. The finished broth is infused until the morning in a thermos. The decoction is used for compresses.


Ointments soften the skin, give it a healthy, elastic, radiant appearance, and help get rid of damage.

  1. With essential oils - add 3 drops of essential oils (geranium, lavender) to a large spoon of Vaseline. The mass is transferred to a jar, closed with a lid, and placed in a cool place. Used daily.
  2. With yolk and vinegar - the yolk is separated from the white, mixed with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar and 1 tbsp. sunflower oil. The heels are pre-steamed, a vinegar-yolk mixture is applied to them, covered with a bag, and socks are put on top. The next morning, the soles are rinsed.
  3. With wax - a teaspoon of wax is brought to a liquid state in a water bath. Add 0.5 tsp to it. cocoa butter, shea butter and apricot kernels. The ingredients are shaken, poured into a suitable container and stored in a cool place. Apply daily.
  4. With onions and propolis - several onions are chopped and fried in vegetable oil. The onion is removed, the liquid is passed through cheesecloth and poured into a small saucepan. 100 g of wax and a little propolis are also added there. Boil until propolis is completely dissolved. Pour into a cream jar and allow to thicken. Apply daily until the wounds are completely healed.

Treatment with folk remedies has repeatedly proven its effectiveness.

The skin in different areas of the human body has different qualities, and the skin of the feet and heels is especially unique. The unusualness of its structure is due to the fact that it is this zone that bears the maximum load when walking. The heels have to withstand maximum weight loads, which is why the skin of the heels is prone to cracks. In addition, this may not be just a cosmetic defect, but a sign of a serious illness, and they give out this dangerous disease. Most people, regardless of age, status and gender, are familiar with this problem. Maybe that’s why doctors and cosmetologists so often answer the question asked: “Cracks in the heels, what to do and how to deal with them?”

Factors causing cracks

There are many reasons for cracks: they can be a cosmetic problem or carry information about chronic diseases:

  • The main reason for cracks is that the skin is not elastic and dense enough.
  • Skin affected by dermatitis is subject to changes. Cracked heels reveal this dangerous disease.
  • Wearing “wrong” and uncomfortable shoes, especially in hot weather. Due to the heat, the legs succumb to swelling, which can cause poor circulation.
  • Not many people know that patients diabetes mellitus have cracks on the heels. This dangerous disease, of course, is also revealed by other, more obvious symptoms, but these are secondary.
  • Lack or excess of vitamins.
  • Imbalance of metabolic processes in the body.

Ointments and oil for cracked heels

There are effective folk remedies to treat cracked heels:

  • Yolk ointment. Mix the yolk of one chicken egg with one tablespoon vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar. This mixture is best used after a bath. After application, the feet must be wrapped with film and insulated. You should keep this compress all night.
  • Helps get rid of corns and small cracks tetracycline ointment and vinegar. It is necessary to apply to steamed and pumice-treated feet. Cover the feet with film and put on socks. This compress should be kept for a day, after which the bandage with ointment is removed and a bandage with vinegar is applied to the feet. After 8-10 hours, all corns can be easily removed with a regular pumice stone.
  • Onion ointment. Two large bulbs fry in a glass of unrefined oil. After which the oil is filtered and mixed with beeswax. The resulting ointment should be lubricated daily on the heels.

Compresses and baths for cracked heels

One of the most simple recipes from cracked heels - honey compress. Simply apply a thin layer of honey to your heels after showering for four days. Note that instead of honey, spruce resin is used no less successfully.

Bath with starch. This remedy is used even for dermatitis - cracked heels reveal this dangerous disease. Prepare a bath at the rate of a glass of starch per liter of water. Feet should be kept in this bath for at least half an hour, and after the procedure, be sure to apply a nourishing cream.

Cabbage leaf compress. A cabbage leaf should be smeared with a thin layer of honey and applied to the affected heel. For convenience, the compress is fixed with a bandage. To achieve results, the procedure should be repeated daily for several days.