Connecting the boiler to the water supply. Correct connection of the boiler in an apartment or private house. Operating principle of the circuit

Despite the fact that each apartment has a hot water supply, however, sometimes there are interruptions in its supply. It is in such a situation that a device such as a water heater will help. This device can be installed in any apartment that has a riser with cold water. The boiler can be used as an additional source of hot water when it disappears from the taps. It can also act as the main one if the home is not connected to a centralized water supply system.

Currently available on the market different kinds water heaters. Along with gas boilers, electric boilers are also available. The use of such equipment should be considered as the most economical way organization of hot water supply in urban housing. A boiler is especially beneficial if water tariffs are higher than electricity tariffs. When faced with the problem of a shortage of hot water, you cannot do without a water heater. But buying a boiler is half the battle. It is even more important to install it correctly and connect this installation to the water supply and electrical network.

How to choose a place to install water heaters?

Uninterrupted operation of the boiler is only possible if the installation work is carried out correctly. Before connecting the water heater, you must decide on its location. In most homes, such equipment is installed in bathrooms in close proximity to water risers. The usual place for its placement is the toilet, since this is where the water supply risers most often pass. The bathroom is less often used to install this unit.

By placing the unit next to the risers, good water pressure is ensured - one of the conditions for trouble-free operation of the boiler. Installation of the water heater is complicated by its heavy weight. To secure it, you need to choose a solid wall. If you decide to place it on a thin partition, it will not be able to cope with such a load and the tank will fall to the floor.

If we talk about the connection diagram this equipment, we note that it is quite simple. The home owner can carry out this work independently without the help of specialists. If you have chosen a toilet as the location for this installation, then you need to position it in such a way that it does not interfere with the use of the toilet. In some cases, when the apartment has an inconvenient layout, two water heaters are placed at once. When it is necessary to provide hot water in the kitchen and bathroom, this is the best solution.

An installation with a large-volume tank is placed in the toilet, since the water consumption there is much greater. And in the kitchen they install a boiler with a smaller capacity. Experts recommend placing the boiler in the kitchen under or above the sink. As for the toilet, in this room the best option for placing this installation is above the toilet or sink.

When the installation location is determined, it is necessary to select a connection diagram. There should be no foreign objects in the immediate vicinity of the equipment. Eat a number of requirements for the installation site things you should know about:

  • No wiring should run near the boiler;
  • near the installation site there should be risers to which the tank and control devices will be connected.

If you decide to install a water heater yourself, you will have to put in a lot of effort. In this case There are three options:

In most cases, you can connect the boiler yourself without any difficulty. If you are determined to do this job yourself, you need to prepare. First of all, you will need certain tools and materials to perform installation work:

When purchasing a boiler, the consumer may find that it comes with Fasteners:

  • First, a metal strip is attached to the wall, on which the unit will later be fixed;
  • then a metal strip is attached to the water heater, which will then be installed on the wall surface using bolts.

When performing this work, you cannot do without using a building level, since one of the installation requirements is that the boiler must be in a strictly horizontal or vertical position.

When the installation of the boiler is completed, it is necessary to carry out equally important work on connecting it to the water supply and electrical network.

Connection to water supply

No difficulties when connecting the boiler to water supply network usually does not occur. When performing this work use simple diagram installation, which includes choosing the location for installing the device and connecting the pipes. When performing installation work, it is necessary follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Work order

By spending a couple of hours of your time, you can make a high-quality connection of the storage boiler to the water supply.

Boiler installation is best carry out near the place where it will be used hot water. This will minimize heat loss.

If the water in the pipes is of poor quality, then the equipment ahead of schedule does not fail, you need to connect a filter at the input. It is usually not included with an electric water heater, so it will have to be purchased at an additional cost.

If there is no waterproofing of the floor in the room in which the water heating device will be installed, then in this case it is necessary to install a tray. Thanks to it, water will be drained into the sewer through drainage pipes. It is also not included with this equipment, so you need to take care of purchasing them.

Connecting the boiler to the network yourself

The first thing you need to pay attention to is wiring type, used by the storage boiler manufacturer – lower or upper. Before connecting the unit, you should read the manufacturer’s recommendations on how to properly install the device - horizontally or vertically. Please note that some models can be installed using both methods.

Before you start connecting the storage water heater to the electrical network with your own hands, you must turn off the electricity. Then you should disconnect the wires, and only then can you proceed to wiring. Please ensure that the phases are followed during work.

During installation don't forget about grounding. Without it, using the equipment is prohibited, since in this case the risk to the health and life of the owners increases.

Before turning on the electricity, you must close the protective cover of the water heater. You can only open it if you have turned off the power.

Until the boiler tank is at least a third full, the electricity should not be turned on.


Connecting a storage boiler - not so much difficult task , so you can do it yourself. In order for the installation to be of high quality, it is necessary to carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions for installing this equipment before starting work. In addition, during installation you must follow safety rules. In some cases, of course, assistants will be needed. The need for them will arise when connecting a boiler with a large-capacity tank to the wall. Such equipment is quite heavy and it is problematic to install it alone. In this case, you can ask your family for help.

In some cases, installation can be performed by specialists. If you are encountering boilers for the first time and have never worked with wiring before, then in this case there is a high risk that the equipment will not work after installation is completed or its service life will be short. To be sure of the quality of installation, it is worth investing in the services of professional craftsmen. They will install the equipment in a short time.

Recently they have become increasingly popular electric water heaters. This allows you to not depend on utilities and always be provided hot water. Installation of boilers does not require any special permission from supervisory organizations and can be done with your own hands if you have at least minimal plumbing skills. So how to connect the boiler in such a way as to avoid mistakes?

Preliminary work

Depending on the type of heating device, the procedure for connecting the water heater to the pressure pipeline is carried out. As such a device in houses and apartments they use either an electric boiler or a gas water heater. Other types of heaters, such as a flow-through electric heater or a storage gas boiler, are not very popular.

Preliminary work should begin with the installation of the water heater. To do this, you need to decide on the place where the boiler or column will be located.

The column should be placed not far from the free valve of the household gas pipeline in a room that should be well ventilated. Exactly That's why geysers most often installed in the boiler room or kitchen, where there is an exhaust hood and a branch from the gas pipeline.

A storage boiler can be installed anywhere, because water and electricity are supplied anywhere. However, before connecting, take into account the fact that a filled heater weighs a lot, as well as its accumulative nature, which limits the volume of hot water. As a result The boiler is installed on load-bearing wall , which is located at the same distance from the bathroom and kitchen. If the layout of the apartment is such that the kitchen and bathroom are “scattered” throughout the house, then you should purchase two boilers. Otherwise, the water, coming from the heater to the point of consumption, quickly cools down.

To connect storage boiler, you will need the following items:

  • gas and adjustable wrench;
  • tees for inserting into pipelines;
  • polypropylene or metal plastic pipes and fittings for them;
  • Mayevsky crane;
  • Screwdriver Set;
  • shut-off ball valves;
  • tow with paste;
  • safety and check valve.

As additional element filter can be used rough cleaning water.

Pipeline tapping

The storage water heater is connected to the water supply using a tie-in into existing pipelines. If the hot water distribution in the apartment is made of metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes, then it is necessary to cut the lines very close to the device and install tees at the cut points. Don't forget turn off the water before starting work.

If tees are installed in a polypropylene pipeline, then you will need a device for installing this material. If the pipes are metal-plastic, then the tees are installed using an adjustable wrench.

If in an apartment metal pipes, That welding machine may not be used. Instead, a special clamp is used for insertion. It should be secured to a previously cleaned pipe and tightened with screws, and then a hole should be drilled through the outlet pipe in the water pipe. Thanks to the protective plastic sleeve, the threads inside the pipe cannot be damaged, and the rubber backing, which is located between the fitting and the pipe, ensures a tight connection.

Shut-off valves must be connected to the installed tees, from which the connection to the boiler should be made using polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes. The use of polypropylene pipes allows them to be hidden in the wall without the risk of future leaks.

Boiler connection diagram

The water heater is connected according to a specific scheme. This boiler connection diagram provides for the mandatory installation of a safety and shut-off valve. You can also use the inexpensive solution included in the package, and some people assemble a security group with their own hands. In this case, the elements are installed on the inlet pipe of the water heater in the following order:

  • tee;
  • ball valve used to drain water from the container;
  • safety and check valve;
  • shut-off valve;
  • pipeline.

If such a need arises, a reducer is installed on the supply pipeline, which reduces the water pressure, and a coarse filter.

A tee should be installed on the “hot” pipe. A pipeline that is laid from the hot water supply system and a shut-off valve are connected to its direct outlet. A an additional ball valve or Mayevsky valve is connected to the side outlet of the tee. Such elements are necessary so that there is no vacuum in the tank when draining water during maintenance or repair.

Thanks to this connection scheme, the water supply to the boiler can be shut off if it is necessary to remove it, without turning off other water points. However, you can continue to use centralized water supply, simply by opening the valve at the entrance to the apartment. When the storage boiler is operating, this tap must be closed, otherwise the unit will heat water for all neighbors.

How to connect a water heater to a water supply

The connection diagram of the water heater to the water supply depends on the power of the boiler, namely, how many water points it can provide. If it is used for one tap over the sink or shower head, then in this case the connection is very simple. A connection is simply made into a cold water pipeline using fittings for polypropylene or metal-plastic. If the pipes are metal, then use a crimp clamp.

One end of the ball valve is connected to a tee, and the other is connected to a flexible hose, thanks to which cold water will flow to the inlet pipe of the water heater.

Sometimes they buy a boiler with a low capacity and a shower head. Use it only when the hot water is turned off. In this case the device is connected directly to the corrugated shower hose, having first removed the watering can from it. Innings cold water is carried out if you open the mixer to the “shower” position.

If you need to connect the water heater to two or more water collection points, then it is necessary to install a special piping using additional shut-off devices and splitters.

The connection diagram for a flow-through device that supplies water to several hot water consumers is a simplified way to connect a water heater.

For the device, you should choose a location that will be located remotely from all water collection points. After this, follow these recommendations:

  • Tees are cut into the hot and cold water supply pipelines.
  • Ball valves are installed on the tees. Thanks to this, the device can be removed without cutting off the cold water supply.
  • Connect the necessary outlets of the water heater to the taps using flexible wiring or using polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes.

After cold water supply it is necessary to plug in the water heater and check all connections for leaks. If the need arises, then all the seals can be made better without tightening the nuts too much.


Connecting a water heater to a water supply is a rather complicated process. Without correct scheme connections and necessary recommendations, you can easily make a mistake. Therefore, without having at least minimal knowledge in this area, it is better to invite a professional to do the work, who will do everything efficiently and reliably.

The lack of centralized hot water supply or its constant shutdowns force owners of cottages and apartments to install water heaters in their homes. Often this is electrical or gas equipment boiler (storage) type. Moreover, in both cases, the diagram and technology for connecting the boiler to the water supply are identical. The water heater will have to be connected to the same water pipes.

  • Household water heaters (water heaters) are divided into instantaneous and storage models. The first ones are compact and are usually installed under the sink in the kitchen or bathroom. On one side, a hose from a cold water tap is connected to them, and on the other, an outlet to a mixer or shower head. Connecting such equipment to water is as easy as connecting a toilet or shower stall. You just need to tighten a couple of nuts on the pipes, not forgetting about the FUM tape.

    Connection diagram for storage water heater

    With boilers (storage analogue) everything is somewhat more complicated. The connection diagram here is slightly different. This equipment is a boiler filled with water, in which the liquid is heated due to the work gas burner or heating element. First, such a column is filled from the cold water pipeline, and then, as it heats up and is necessary, it releases “boiling water” heated to 40–750 C into the hot water pipe.

    Types of boilers and water heaters

    A storage water heater is installed in apartments and private houses:

    • in the kitchen above or below the sink;
    • in the bathroom (toilet);
    • in the utility room.

    But the closer it is located to the cold water supply riser, the easier it will be to connect the boiler to the cold water supply system. The distance from the pump to the water supply is shorter - fewer pipes will have to be laid. The main thing is that the wall on which you plan to mount the water heating equipment is able to support its weight.

    Options for placing a boiler in the house

    Connection to a water pipe

    To connect the water heater to cold water and hot water supply you will need:

    • wrenches (it’s better to take a couple of adjustable ones);
    • FUM tape;
    • tees for inserting into existing pipelines;
    • two shut-off valves;
    • safety and check valves;
    • plastic pipes or metal braided hoses;
    • pipe cutter and soldering iron for plastic or corresponding fittings;

    The process of connecting a boiler to water supply systems comes down to connecting two pipes (cold water inlet and hot water outlet) to the threaded pipes on the heater body. And the main point here is the correct insertion of tees for these branches into the existing water supply pipeline.

    The procedure for connecting the boiler to hot water consumers

    Insertion into a metal-plastic pipe

    If the water supply is made of metal-plastic pipes, then compression or press fittings will be required. When connecting a water heater, the first ones are easier to work with; you need to tighten the nuts with wrenches. And the latter are more reliable, but form a permanent connection.

    To install the tee, you will need to cut out a section of the appropriate size on the pipeline. To do this, it is better to use a pipe cutter, but you can also use a hacksaw with fine teeth. You just need to make sure that the aluminum layer of metal-plastic does not protrude later on the cut edge. The foil can be pulled inside the pipe, causing the latter to become narrower.

    Boiler connection diagram and consumables


    If you need to connect the boiler to a water supply system made of polypropylene pipes, you will need a soldering iron. The incision is made in the same way as in the case of metal-plastic. Then the tee is heated on one side and soldered to the pipe, and then its second end is soldered. On the side there is a free end with a thread for connecting the outlet from the water heater.

    Options for water supply schemes through the boiler

    Steel pipes

    Co steel pipes you'll have to tinker. Here you need to either take a grinder and then cut a thread to connect the tee with a die or clamp, or install an overhead clamp (“vampire”, tee-clip) and drill the pipeline.

    The first option for connecting a water heater to a water supply is more difficult to install and more reliable in operation, while the second is faster and simpler, but not as durable.
    But here’s how to connect the washing machine drain to the sewer system - you can simply hang the drainage hose on the bathtub, or you can install a tee with a side outlet. In the second case, the reliability will be an order of magnitude higher.

    With steel water pipes everything is very similar. However, both the inserted tee and the overhead clamp give approximately the same result. Moreover, if you have no experience working with an angle grinder, then it is better to use the second option.

    Steel pipes are not easy to connect, so most often this option is for connecting to a boiler for industrial needs or intensive use

    Safety valve installation

    If everything is done correctly, then at the boiler outlet for cold water supply, the fittings should be installed according to the following diagram (from top to bottom of the heater):

    1. A tee with a tap for draining water from the boiler in case of an emergency.
    2. Safety valve (steam pressure).
    3. Non-return valve (to prevent water from flowing back into the pipeline).
    4. Shut-off valve (to isolate the heater from the water supply).

    A safety valve usually comes with the water heater and is needed to prevent the boiler from rupturing due to excess steam. And the reverse allows you to avoid draining water back into the water supply when it turns out to be empty for one reason or another. This ensures the safety of the electric heating element.

    Boiler connection diagram via safety valve

    At the DHW outlet, a shut-off valve will suffice. But you can additionally install a drain valve. Although it doesn't make much sense. Inside the boiler, the end of the hot water intake pipe is always higher than the one intended for cold water. Therefore, in any case, more liquid will drain from the cold water inlet than from the hot water outlet.

    Errors when installing a water heater

    Among the main mistakes of improper installation of a boiler are:

    1. Replacing the safety “stall” valve with a non-return valve (this option will not protect against overheating and explosion of the boiler).
    2. Insufficient reliability of fastenings (there are a lot of photos of toilets broken from falling water heaters on the Internet).
    3. Installing a shut-off valve or long hose between the boiler fitting and the pressure relief valve.

    In the latter case, if you install a valve, then when closed it will not allow excess steam to pass to the safety valve. An explosion with such a connection scheme will be inevitable. And if you insert a hose in front of this valve, then when the pressure increases, the latter may rupture.

  • Correct installation of a water heater in an apartment or private house is a universal solution to ensure uninterrupted hot water supply. The condition is especially relevant for residents apartment buildings, where the hot water supply is periodically turned off (seasonal pressure testing of pipes, prevention, diagnostics, repair, etc.).

    In one of the articles we talked about.

    So, the choice has been made, all proposals for installing a water heater by “masters” at exorbitant prices have been rejected, and it has been decided to install the boiler yourself. There is nothing supernatural about the connection, but it will require some tools and attention.

    Do-it-yourself storage water heater installation

    Before proceeding with installation, it is recommended to determine the load-bearing capacity of the wall where the heating device will be installed. Will it hold up? Still, the weight will be considerable. If there are doubts about the strength of the wall, then you can build a supporting stand or some additional brackets for the device.

    Since there will be no need to immediately regulate the temperature, in our case we do not consider the distance from the point of use - we install the boiler where it is convenient for us.

    Otherwise, everything is the same as in the case with: we drill holes, drive in dowels and attach the water heater.

    Connecting a storage water heater to a water supply - diagram

    Installing a storage water heater requires a more thorough approach. In addition, it allows you to use hot water from the device throughout the apartment.

    In the diagram we see a typical connection of a water heater (storage) to the water supply.

    Designations "hot water" and "cold water"- these are “risers” - two pipes passing through all the apartments of the entrance and supplying them with water (cold and hot).

    1-2 – water taps. They shut off or open the circulation of water to and from the tank from the water heater. When the device is working, the taps are opened; when not in use, they are, of course, closed.

    3-4 – water taps entering the apartment. They are necessary to shut off the water supply to the apartment.

    5 - one of important elementscheck valve. It is necessary to protect the electric water heater heating element from overheating (in the event of a cold water shutdown, the water heater tank is not left without water and its heating elements will not burn out).

    To understand, let’s look at the design of a storage water heater; the principle is as follows: water is supplied from below. And if suddenly the water supply is suddenly turned off, all of it will rush into the already empty riser with cold water, the heating elements will begin to heat the air and simply burn out. The check valve is designed to prevent such an accident.

    Any good storage water heater includes such a protective device. Be careful when checking the contents!

    6 - drain valve- a tap that is designed to empty the water heater storage tank. For obvious reasons, such a tap should be provided when installing a water heating device: before dismantling (if necessary) the water heater, it will allow all the water to be drained from the tank. After all, depending on the capacity of the water heater, the tank may contain 100-150 liters of water….

    Attention to the diagram: be sure to place the water drain valve higher check valve. Otherwise, you will not be able to empty the tank - water simply will not flow out of the container.

    How to use water heater taps (close and open)

    "1" and "2" will be needed to turn off the water when the electric heater is not in use. For example, if we needed to remove the last one.

    The taps are indicated by numbers in the diagram "3" and "4" are available in any apartment connected to the central water supply, located after the risers, because we sometimes have to turn off the water for various reasons.

    Let's pay attention to the tap "4"- it blocks the circulation of hot water between the apartment and the riser while the device is operating. If the tap is not turned off, then all residents of the entrance will be able to use hot water from our water heater - the water will go into the riser.

    The main rule of use- if hot water is supplied by the city boiler house, the water heater is in the off mode - “1” and “2” taps are closed, and “3” and “4” are open, respectively. If the boiler room “stands up” for maintenance and the hot water is turned off, we connect our device to the 220V network, open taps “1” and “2”, and close tap “4”.

    Connection diagram of a storage water heater to an open tank

    In private houses, cottages or dachas where there is no centralized water supply (or for other reasons), water storage tanks are used, which are usually located on the roof. This is not a limitation for using the water heater. The only thing is that the distance from the device to the container must be at least 2 m, and if the pressure in the water supply is more than 6 bar, then it is necessary to install a reducer (at the inlet, in front of the boiler) to reduce the pressure.

    Depending on the distance from the top point of the boiler or pumping station different connection schemes are used.

    Connection diagram if the height between the water heater and the water tank is less than 2 meters

    Connection diagram if the height between the boiler and the water storage tank is more than 2 meters

    How to install an electric storage water heater - video

    Connecting the water heater to the electrical network

    Since the operation of the water heater requires a connection to a 220V network and mandatory grounding, then the best option will be connected to an existing outlet for washing machine- through a plug (of course, provided that this socket is installed on a separate line in compliance with the rules).

    If the apartment does not have such an outlet, then it would be best to turn to electricians for qualified help in laying the electrical wiring. There are several reasons for this.

    • First, working with electrical wiring requires certain skills and knowledge, and if certain points are not observed during installation, there is a risk of electric shock or failure of electrical appliances.
    • Secondly, you will have someone to blame for poor quality work. Of course, if you have entered into an agreement with a contractor.
    • And finally, there will be no problems with which wire to choose, which machines to install.

    Perhaps this will prompt you to inspect the electrical wiring throughout the apartment.

    Well, in conclusion, I would like to wish you pleasant water treatments.

    The lack of hot water in the house is a big disadvantage that must be eliminated in any way. If a centralized hot water supply is not available, there is always an alternative way - installing a water heater.

    Do you have questions about installing a boiler? Book a consultation

    for free


    What do you need to know in order to install the boiler correctly?

    If we are talking about installation, most likely you have already chosen and even purchased a suitable water heater. If not, we have written a guide for you on this issue - How to choose a boiler?

    Sometimes the dimensions of a water heater force the owners of the house into a rather narrow framework - after all, they need to install it so that it does not interfere with the opening of doors, the use of a bathtub, sink, toilet, does not interfere with movement in the room, etc. Therefore, even at the stage of choosing a boiler, it is necessary mentally try it on to the room where installation is planned.

    And now, when you have already moved directly to the installation stage, you need to outline where to attach the unit to the wall.

    What is required to install a boiler?

    • Hoses of sufficient length for hot and cold water
    • Splitters
    • Valves
    • The water heater itself
    • Rotary hammer or impact drill
    • Screwdriver, pliers
    • Screws, dowels
    • Three-core wire (if there is no socket where the boiler is installed)
    • Spanners
    • FUM tape
    • Building level

    Proper mounting of the boiler is most important!

    Hanging a boiler on the wall is not so easy. Or rather, you can hang it, but you need to be able to organize everything so that at the climax it does not fall to the floor, burying plumbing fixtures, furniture or residents.

    For example, a 50-liter boiler filled with water will weigh about 70 kg, and this is a considerable weight, which sometimes flimsy walls are not designed for

    A fallen boiler means broken furniture, a damaged water supply system, and a risk of impact. electric shock and, on top of everything else, a rather serious financial problem.

    How can this be avoided?

    • Study the characteristics of the material from which the wall is made: it must withstand the fastenings that match your water heater. If the wall is made of plasterboard, it is impossible to mount the unit on it without a special metal structure;
    • The dowels or anchors on which they are supposed to be fastened must be able to withstand twice the load of a filled boiler. For example, if your boiler is designed for 100 liters, the fastenings must withstand a breaking and bending load of 200 kg;
    • If your manufacturer has not provided the boiler with fastenings that correspond to its weight, you will have to choose yourself, and here it is better to be safe than sorry - not a single owner has ever regretted buying too strong dowels, stronger than those required by the manufacturer. technical specifications products. But situations on the contrary are not uncommon;
    • Do not place the boiler far from the water intake point, this will complicate communications. It is usually installed in the bathroom - in apartments and houses where the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are on the same side. However, if the bathroom and kitchen are separated, it would be best to purchase two boilers for each room;
    • The boiler must be suspended in such a way that you have access to all its controls;
    • It is desirable that the distance from the ceiling to the device be at least 10 cm, and from the floor - at least 50 cm.

    Mounting the boiler on the wall

    Step-by-step instructions for installing a boiler look like this:

    1. Before preparing the hooks for the boiler, check that the distance between its loops matches the distance between the points marked on the wall;
    2. Mark vertical and horizontal lines on the wall using a ruler and a building level;
    3. Drill holes at the marked points and insert dowels or anchors into them;
    4. The distance from the hook to the wall should be about 5-7 cm;
    5. Hang the boiler on the brackets

    Sometimes the boiler is equipped with a special bracket mounted on the wall, which is connected to the corresponding fasteners on the boiler itself, in which case you can use bolt-type anchors or dowels

    Connecting a boiler to a water supply system

    What does the work of inserting a boiler into the water supply system look like and what is it for?

    To supply cold water to the heater, you will need to connect a pipe from the cold water system to it; to do this, you will have to install an outlet adapter.

    If your home has centralized system DHW, but you are installing a boiler due to frequent interruptions, you will not need to organize an autonomous line for hot water. It will be enough to make an insert into a pipe with hot water, installing a shut-off valve in front of it (between the riser and the tee to the boiler), with which you will regulate the source of water entering the pipes. During hot water outages, the valve must be completely closed, and hot water will flow to the water intake point from the heater.

    You will also need to install a shut-off valve between the cold water riser and the tee to the boiler - this will allow, if necessary, to drain water from the boiler for repairs or preventive inspection

    Once you have turned off the water, you can begin to work.

    • Tee insert. Metal-plastic or polypropylene pipes much more convenient for internal wiring in an apartment than steel ones. However, it is not always carried out indoors major renovation, and most often you have to work with such “steel” relics of the past with the help of an angle grinder, a grinder and couplings. If you have modern plastic pipes, it will be enough to cut out a piece of pipe and install tees on the fittings, from which the wiring will then go to the boiler;
    • Connection to the boiler. The last connecting element between the water supply systems and the water heater are flexible hoses in a metal braid. Such hoses must be durable and withstand loads. Often craftsmen use metal-plastic or propylene pipes instead of flexible hoses, since this option is more reliable;
    • Shut-off valves. Install another pair of shut-off valves over the last section of pipes leading to the boiler;
    • Safety valve. Despite the fact that the boiler is designed to heat water and is more related to hot water supply, Special attention When installing, you need to pay attention specifically to the part that relates to the cold water supply pipes. There must be a safety valve between the pipe and the boiler, which will protect the tank from overfilling. A double-acting safety valve will prevent water from flowing out of the boiler after the cold water supply has stopped, and also, if the pressure in the tank is exceeded, it will open and discharge excess water into the drainage pipe. It is connected to the sewer, or taken to the toilet cistern.

    Between safety valve and there should be no locking devices at the entrance to the boiler!

    How is the tightness of connections in the boiler water supply system ensured?

    There are three types of material that are used in pipe connections:

    • Rubber gaskets. They are mainly used in flexible hoses and American coupling nuts. They provide tightness and do not require additional actions;
    • FUM tape. A special material with a fluoroplastic base, screwed onto the thread. The advantage of FUM tape is its ease of use and the ability to independently adjust the required thickness of the sealing layer;
    • Linen. Time-tested and still preferred material by craftsmen. The flax is wound clockwise around the pipe thread, then coated with a special paste on top.

    You can choose any option to suit your taste, the main thing to remember is that the tightness of the connections for such a frequently used system as plumbing is very important.

    Test run of the system