Heating with pipes. The best pipes for heating a private house. Calculation of thermal performance indicators. Black steel pipes

Since ancient times, only cast iron and steel pipes have been used for heating systems, but today you can choose from a more extensive range. To accept correct solution, you need to figure out which heating pipes are best to choose. This is what our review will help you find out. We invite you to consider the main varieties, study their characteristics, and also get acquainted with useful recommendations from experts on the best materials .

Read in the article

Which heating pipes are best to purchase: installation features

An important part heating structures— pipeline. It is along it that the heated material moves from heat sources to batteries or. Various parts of the system are also connected to it. At the same time, for a country building and for a multi-story building they can be used different variants pipes, which may have differences in characteristics, configurations and installation methods.

If you take the choice seriously and find out the pros and cons, temperature and pressure for each specific option, you can ensure excellent system performance for many years.

When choosing, you should consider the following parameters:

  • scheme option, for example, autonomous or central, with gravity or forced circulation;
  • one-pipe or two-pipe configuration;
  • temperature and pressure values.

Do you know that you can combine different types pipes? Suitable options can be identified by the markings, and the main differences are also displayed there. Remember that shut-off valves must not be installed between the security system and the heating source.

You can watch the video to see how to choose the right products:

For your information! If it is necessary to connect many radiators, then double-circuit wiring is used. In this case, lines with a large diameter are used. For a network with forced circulation in front pumping equipment a special filter is installed. For two-pipe wiring, metal-plastic lines are often used.

Quality requirements

The most important requirement for a pipeline is strength. Such structures should not be permeable to oxygen, otherwise the lines will become overgrown and clogged from the inside. The required temperature and heat transfer completely depend on the tightness of the products. Strength properties, pressure and temperature are determined by the specific material of construction.

Another important parameter is low noise. A well-thought-out and functional system guarantees a comfortable home atmosphere.

Features of pipe selection

When choosing pipes, you need to consider the following factors:

  • pressure and temperature inside the lines;
  • pipeline laying option;
  • placement of the structure;
  • pipe configurations.

For heating in multi-storey buildings They choose especially durable pipes, as they must withstand a pressure of 16 atm. For individual designs, products that can withstand pressure of no more than 2-3 atm are suitable.

It is important to choose the correct diameter of the lines. If the structure is too large in cross-section, then it will also be necessary a large number of circulating coolant, which is not economical. But if the pipe is too narrow, then this is also not the best solution, since such a system will be too noisy.

For your information! You can look at the photo on how to decorate a heating pipe in a room. The structure can be disguised inside a structure made of wall panels or drywall or under flooring.

Types of pipes

There are three main types of pipes; which option to use depends on the specific situation. Here they are:

  • plastic;
  • metal-plastic;
  • metal.

Metal lines are represented by steel and copper products. Galvanized options are excellent for heating systems. Their advantage is that they are less susceptible to corrosion.

Organize a heating system from pipes with natural circulation It is better to do it using stainless, steel and galvanized structures. For the design to be effective, all necessary distances and slopes must be observed. Plastic communications can be made of cross-linked polyethylene or polypropylene.

Metal-plastic products are connected layers of polymer materials and metal. You can learn more about the use of pipes in modern heating systems from this video:

Polypropylene pipes for heating: technical characteristics

Among different designs for heating it is worth considering, as well as on their specifications. They have good strength parameters and durability. There are also some disadvantages: under the influence elevated temperatures polypropylene products can change their shape. In addition, such structures bend poorly. To assemble a system from lines you will need many swivel fittings. Products can be connected to each other using . Such fastenings help to increase service life.

This option is suitable only for those cases when the coolant does not warm up by more than 60 degrees.

In demand and polypropylene pipes for heating, reinforced with fiberglass. The price depends on the dimensions of a particular product. The devices have a strong frame, which protects highways from unexpected expansion. Such structures are especially often used in closed systems heat supply. Due to their high temperature resistance, they can be used in heat supply systems with high temperatures.

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Something durable can be made quickly and inexpensively. How to choose the best products and perform installation work without errors yourself is described in this article.

Features of copper pipes for heating and fittings

Copper heating pipes and fittings can have a long service life. Pipelines made of this metal have been used since ancient times. Marks positive properties such products:

  • at proper organization heating systems can last for decades;
  • have low weight and wall thickness;
  • able to withstand significant temperature changes;
  • There is a certain grade of copper that does not come into contact with water. Can be used for different systems;
  • the material does not require additional cladding;
  • are resistant to frost;
  • does not allow oxygen and gases to pass through;
  • has oxidation resistance;
  • smooth surfaces prevent the formation of deposits.

The material also has certain disadvantages. Some are worth highlighting:

  • incompatibility with other materials;
  • high price;
  • complexity installation work. Need help from a specialist.

Expensive material and copper pipes for heating. The price per meter varies between 280-400 rubles. Copper fittings are more expensive than similar products.

Using metal-plastic pipes for heating: prices and characteristics

Now let's look at metal-plastic products. Here are their main advantages:

  • do not corrode;
  • deposits do not accumulate on the inside;
  • long service life;
  • pipes are sold in coils and are long, which allows them to be laid over large areas without connecting parts;
  • can be used indoors non-standard shape, since the lines bend easily.

Metal-plastic products are reliable thanks to five layers: glue, polyethylene and aluminum foil. In such structures, different types of connections are used: detachable, compression and press fittings.

It is also worth noting the following disadvantages:

  • not resistant to thermal influences and ultraviolet irradiation;
  • there are problems with threaded fittings;
  • Care must be taken when installing fittings.

Advantages and disadvantages of steel pipes

They have been used for a long time steel structures. They have excellent heat transfer properties, but also lose heat quickly. For them, special insulation for heating pipes is often used.

So, let's go through the advantages of steel highways:

  • excellent heat transfer rate;
  • acceptable price;
  • small coefficient of expansion when heated.

And here are the disadvantages:

  • installation is carried out using a welding machine;
  • the unprotected surface becomes corroded.

Stainless steel is protected from corrosion. The material is known for its amazing characteristics. It is not subject to expansion, is resistant to overheating and is characterized by high heat transfer rates and durability.

Cross-linked polyethylene products

The options for plastic pipes for heating deserve special attention. Sizes and prices depend on the types of material.

PEX products have significant strength and can withstand temperature changes. They are used not only for heating, but also for hot water supply, as well as for. This material is an expensive product.

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From correct selection batteries completely depend on the long-term operation of the entire system and its efficiency. The analysis of individual models and characteristics of the equipment discussed in this article will prompt you.

If you want to build the structure yourself, then you should try installing an option made from polypropylene pipes for heating. The price per meter will be cheaper than other options, so it’s not so scary to experiment with them.

The design of metal-plastic lines is easier to assemble, since it is equipped with detachable connections.

If finances allow, then installation can be done using stainless steel products. In this case, only a specialist can perform the installation. Copper pipelines have excellent performance characteristics.

For steam heating and for multi-storey buildings the best solution steel highways will become. One-story houses can be equipped with metal-plastic structures.

The table shows prices for different communication options.​

Image Varieties Characteristics Price per 1 linear meter, with a diameter of 25 mm, rub.

  • Service life – 20 years.
From 70 rubles

  • Maximum pressure – over 40 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 150 and above.
  • Service life – 40-50 years.
From 150

  • Maximum pressure – up to 16 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 600 and above.
  • Service life – up to 100 years.
From 280

  • Maximum pressure – over 40 atm.
  • The maximum temperature is up to 150 and above.
  • Service life is more than 50 years.
From 450


The varieties of heating pipes on the market give us hope that there will be no problems with choosing rental products. But every business has its own nuances, and in this case these are the pros and cons of the materials used in production. You need to at least have superficial knowledge in order to make a choice and not spend money on expensive galvanized pipes, which can be replaced with inexpensive plastic.

Main selection criteria

To decide which heating pipes to choose, you must first consider the heating option in the house. Here the determination criteria rest on two factors:

  • choose rolled products based on the material of manufacture;
  • diameter capable of ensuring a constant and uninterrupted flow of coolant.

Important! When selecting heating pipes, it is better to determine in advance what pressure will be used for the systems and additionally select fittings or work out other connection options. Because when laying a heating pipe in a wall, you will need a specialized tool.

Calculation of thermal performance indicators

In order to choose the right pipes for heating, you must first calculate the project’s thermal performance indicators. Based on the received data, it is selected optimal size rental You won’t be able to display the numbers yourself because you need to know what types of installation options there are and what exactly you will use in the system’s operation. Therefore, it is better to contact an engineering company.

The design sheet for calculating the choice of heating pipes includes the following data:

  • pipe diameter;
  • systems layout diagram;
  • radiator installation locations;
  • options for node connections;
  • highway slope.
  • quantity shut-off valves for work in the heating system.

Additionally, laying options are indicated, whether the pipeline will pass underground or not, what pressure it pumps boiler equipment. Based on the results, a verdict will be made regarding the choice of pipes for heating a private house or multi-storey building.

Types of communications on the market - rolled metal and polymers

Metal has long been famous for its strength, and heating pipes belonging to this class are especially good if the pressure of the heating systems is high. Initially, rolled products were represented only by steel and cast iron, but today you can get away from the ordinary and choose heating pipes from the following alloys:

  • steel;
  • copper;
  • stainless materials;
  • galvanized pipes;
  • brass;
  • bronze.

On a note. Rolled metal pipes can be of various sizes. They can withstand high pressure, are not afraid of heating temperatures and can be installed underground.

In turn, polymers are also represented by a wide range of products and the consumer can choose rolled products from the following types:

  • polypropylene;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polyvinyl chloride;
  • polyethylene.

Polyethylene pipes are used for laying underground, and they are often used as the main lines for heating supply to high-rise buildings. Other models are recommended to be installed indoors.

What is better to choose - are we looking at metal?

If you use heating pipes from this line, then understanding what types there are, you can correctly install heating systems. There is only one caveat - of all the above metals, the simplest and most inexpensive is black rolled steel. He has proven himself to be an excellent the best option for heating systems, it is not afraid of temperature and high pressure, but only indoors. Underground metal is susceptible to corrosion, so additional insulation must be provided during installation.

Rolled copper is considered ideal in all forms. They are durable, do not accumulate impurities inside and can be installed underground without fear for their condition. The service life of non-ferrous rolled products is hundreds of years, but the main obstacle to acquisition is the high cost.

Heating pipes from of stainless steel and galvanized products. Rolled products are available in various sizes, and the characteristics of both metals are almost the same. When laying individual heating You can choose this particular rental. Metals can withstand high pressure and are also not afraid of temperature. Besides attractive appearance will add zest to the overall appearance of the room.

On a note. A common problem in highways is air blockage in the channels. This is a common problem and does not affect the choice of pipes in any way. The problem is solved by installing bleed valves.

Relevance of polymer products

If you choose products of this type, then it is better to consider them for installation in a private home. Heating pipes of this class have various characteristics and depending on the additives used in production, they are given additional hardness. Well, in general, this is flexible materials, which significantly affects installation.

Operating pressure and temperature are also not terrible for most models, so many polymers can be used for laying heating systems. Problems of channel blockage with air can be solved by installing a bleed valve at the outlet of the radiator or on the drain tank.

But before choosing polypropylene pipes or another polymer option, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical data and determine which types can be used in your work.

Many people mistakenly believe that metal plastic pipes better. Due to the foil layer, tensile strength is ensured, and therefore this product is more reliable for heating systems.

On a note. This option is good for heating installations, and during installation you can install several bleed valves to release areas clogged with air, without loss of strength. But rental with a fiberglass layer is better, and many sellers are unfairly silent about this.

Heating pipes with a foil layer are certainly in demand. They are flexible, can withstand pressure and are not afraid of operating temperatures. But their tensile strength is less than that of models with a fiberglass layer. But the heating main must also be reliable.

Polyethylene solutions in the operation of heating systems

The quality of these products is similar to polypropylene products. But polyethylene has one advantage - these are the only pipes that can be laid in the ground. An additional difference is that they have a high linear expansion. They are not afraid of pressure, but the temperature leads to strong stretching of the material mounted in a suspended state. Actually, this is why polyethylene is more used for laying underground and it is certainly impossible to install them in one- or two-pipe heating circuits . In addition, it is problematic to install valves on such products to combat air blockage in the system. Special technological soldering using adhesive materials is required.

You need to choose polyethylene pipes correctly. If you decide to run the heating from the main line to the house underground, then they will do an excellent job. But it is necessary to understand that not all polyethylene rolled products can be used in work. There must be special markings indicating the use of high-tech materials in manufacturing.

This is a special “anti-diffusion” layer that does not allow air to penetrate into the structure of the material. The line of materials must be marked with information that technological materials were used in production. Otherwise, an air plug will always form inside.

Of course, plastic today is considered better than other options, but only for installing heating in a private home. The temperature and pressure in the system are conducive to the use of polymers. This results in a plus relative to the cost of the work. But it is necessary to understand that the main line must be as reliable as possible and it is necessary to carry out the calculations correctly in order to select rental products for laying the circuit.

The question is what better pipes for heating, floats during construction or overhaul private residential real estate. Owners of houses and apartments ask it to consultants in construction stores, installation engineers and employees of repair teams, but do not receive a definite answer.

This is an objective reality, because modern heating systems differ significantly from each other and require individual choice. We will introduce you to all types of pipes currently used in pipeline construction. Taking into account our recommendations, you can choose best option.

To wisely and correctly select pipes for your home heating system, consider the following items:

  • type of installation of the pipeline complex - surface or hidden (internal);
  • estimated pressure power - assessment of the range from basic to maximum possible indicators;
  • type of heating system - autonomous or central communications with gravity or forced circulation of the heating composition;
  • the maximum temperature for which the coolant is designed;
  • configuration features of heating equipment - single-pipe or two-pipe complex.

Only by knowing all these factors can we begin to select the type of material that will perform most effectively under specific specified conditions.

Varieties for heating systems

Modern heating systems use rolled pipes and parts made of materials such as metal or plastic. The first category includes ordinary steel, alloy steel and copper pipes. The second includes polypropylene, metal-plastic and polyethylene cross-linked communication elements.

They all have certain positive qualities and manifest themselves effectively in different situations. The choice of a specific type of pipe is made individually, depending on the expected operating conditions and other important parameters.

Features of steel pipes

Until recently, steel pipes were used in the vast majority of heating systems and were the only material available. Today their positions have significantly weakened, and serious competitors have appeared nearby.

However, it was not possible to completely oust steel pipes from the market. Until now, they have been successfully used, but mainly in autonomous gravity-flow complexes, where the laying of large-diameter communications is required.

The laying of steel pipes is carried out by professional craftsmen before finishing activities begin, since welding work can damage wall or floor decor

Among the main advantages of steel pipes are a high tendency to thermal conductivity, low linear expansion during active heating, and resistance to intense pressure.

The justified advantages are considered to be unprecedented strength, both on straight and rounded sections, the ability to withstand aggressive temperature conditions and the affordable cost of the elements.

To assemble a system of steel pipes, in addition to welding, there is an alternative method - installation on threaded connections using additional parts and fittings. To prevent joints from leaking, they are sealed with plumbing flax

Among the shortcomings, they point to problematic and labor-intensive installation, which is impossible without the presence of specialized expensive equipment, which can only be operated by professionally trained craftsmen with extensive experience in carrying out such activities.

The process of arranging a heating complex is also complicated by the impressive dimensions of the pipes. You won’t be able to do everything alone; it’s better to involve one of your friends or relatives who has the skills of welders and installers. It’s easier and faster to work with a team; everything can be organized clearly and accurately, ensuring the system has the necessary tightness.

Steel pipes demonstrate a good level of resistance to water hammer and have an impressive melting point (up to 1500°C), unlike other materials

Steel pipes and those used to connect them are absolutely not suitable for organizing hidden heating systems. The metal has a low anti-corrosion threshold and in humid conditions quickly rusts, rots and leaks.

Complete disassembly is required to fix the problem. decorative covering, if the pipe runs indoors, or large-scale excavation work when the problem arises on the approach to the house.

What is the difference between alloy steel?

Alloy steel is a durable material that, in addition to traditional impurities, contains various additives that improve physical properties metal

An example of an alloyed material is stainless steel - this is a special steel alloy containing at least 12% chromium. This additive ensures pipe resistance to corrosion and easy processing with special tools.

When purchasing stainless steel pipes, it is important to take into account the carbon content of the metal. The more it is, the higher the strength, but the lower the flexibility. At low temperatures, such products become brittle and their scope of application is reduced.

For the production of pipes with a welded seam, cold- or hot-rolled steel sheets with a working thickness of 0.4 - 5 mm and 2 -50 mm, respectively, are used.

Finished products have less weight than conventional steel ones and have good resistance to structural destruction and mechanical damage. Due to the low coefficient of thermal expansion, they can easily withstand severe temperature loads. They function perfectly at pressures up to 16 bar.

The cost of alloy pipes is slightly higher than that of analogues made of ferrous metals. However, the costs are justified, because simple steel communications last on average 15-20 years, while stainless steel works reliably at least 3 times longer

Another indisputable advantage of alloyed stainless steel pipes is the ability to transport not only coolant heated to high temperatures, but even heated steam.

Types of stainless steel pipes

Alloy stainless steel pipes are made in two ways: welded and seamless. In the first version, sheets of metal are connected to each other using electric welding, producing a longitudinal or spiral seam. To prevent heat-affected corrosion, the joint area is subjected to special treatment and grinding.

Welded pipes with a spiral or longitudinal seam are cheaper than their seamless counterparts, but their service life is shorter. In addition, they have restrictions on maximum operating pressure and are vulnerable to mechanical damage

Seamless products are made by cold or hot deformation of solid pipe blanks made of stainless alloy steel. The cold method produces thin-walled pipes, and the hot method produces thick-walled pipes. The finished product has a perfectly smooth surface and is characterized by unprecedented reliability.

Seamless steel pipes are ideal for arranging heating systems of any complexity. Despite their high physical characteristics, they are reasonably priced, and thin-walled models successfully compete with more expensive copper products

Pipes made using seamless technology are not afraid of corrosion, function perfectly in harsh and aggressive operating conditions and can easily withstand record temperatures and enormous pressure.

In the manufacture of pipes for heating systems, high-quality copper is used, and in rare cases, a copper-zinc alloy, where the volume of the zinc component does not exceed 5%. To reduce the level of heat loss and give the products a more attractive appearance, the outer surface is covered with a polyethylene or polyvinyl chloride layer.

Copper pipes for the heating system undergo additional phosphorus treatment. This significantly increases their physical characteristics, and in particular, resistance to water.

Among the main advantages, first of all, unsurpassed strength is noted, thanks to which the products last for 100 years during intensive use and are not subject to corrosion.

Their thermal conductivity is 389.6 W/mK, which significantly exceeds the actual performance indicators of cast iron, steel and metal-plastic.

Copper pipes, when heated even to high temperatures, do not emit any harmful fumes, therefore they are absolutely safe for humans

The operating temperature range of copper pipes is very wide. They perform well both at high temperatures (up to +250°C) and at low temperatures (up to -100°C) temperature conditions, do not melt during intense heating, do not crack or deform during operation.

Ideally keep their original shape, not afraid high pressure in the system and even in the area of ​​​​soldered joints, they easily transfer a load of 200-400 atmospheres, and this is tens of times greater than the ability of metal-plastic in the same area.

The thermal expansion rates of copper pipes are simply minimal. With regular exposure of metal to a coolant temperature of more than 90°C, each linear meter of communications lengthens by approximately 0.1%. All other materials here are significantly inferior to copper.

Due to the ability to maintain an aesthetic, attractive appearance over time, they are suitable for not only internal, but also external heating systems and can serve not only for their intended purpose, but also serve as a decorative interior element.

Among the disadvantages, professionals note incompatibility with other metals. In order to reduce the cost, it is not recommended to use connecting parts made of cast iron or stainless steel for copper pipes. Such “savings” will subsequently backfire on the owner, since the chemical reaction between the elements will ultimately provoke corrosion of the entire heating system.

In the assembly of copper pipelines, only . They are used to make connections by crimping, high-temperature and low-temperature soldering.

Among the disadvantages of copper pipes, their high cost is most often mentioned in comparison with other types of materials.

Distinctive features of polypropylene products

Polypropylene is a rigid, non-toxic synthetic polymer with high physical and mechanical characteristics. Pipes made from this modern material demonstrate exceptional impact resistance and multiple bending capabilities, low gas and vapor permeability, wear resistance and complete dielectricity.

Advantages of PP material

Thanks to these qualities, PP pipe material is actively used for arranging heating systems both on an industrial scale and in the private sector.

You can install a heating system made of polypropylene pipes yourself. But it is necessary to ensure that there are no sudden changes in pressure and temperature. Installing a boiler that limits the maximum possible water heating (no more than 70C°) will help create such conditions.

Polypropylene pipes are included in the category of budget communication parts and are lightweight, making them easy to transport and install alone.

Other advantages include the following:

  • a perfectly smooth inner surface that does not contribute to the accumulation of lime deposits, which significantly complicate the free circulation of the coolant;
  • quick and affordable installation that does not require the use of expensive professional equipment (all work can be done using a soldering iron, which is so easy to use that even a person very far from such work can easily “obey” it);
  • long service life without loss of efficiency (on average about 25 years at full load);
  • good resistance to negative temperatures;
  • neat, aesthetic appearance, not deteriorating over time.

The disadvantages include the weak rigidity of the plastic, which in the future can cause sagging of the heating main and, as a result, lead to a crack in the joint or breakage.

To fix the problem, simply patching the fragment will not work. For subsequent correct operation and restoration of the integrity of the heating complex, it will be necessary to replace the section of pipe located between the two fittings.

The parts of the polypropylene pipeline are connected, the specifics of which are described in the article we recommend.

You can also familiarize yourself with the features of choosing polypropylene pipelines for construction and those recommended for soldering on our website.

Types of polypropylene pipes for heating

In order for a home heating system to work longer and demonstrate the highest possible efficiency levels throughout the entire operational period, reinforced polypropylene pipes are used. They are classified according to the type of reinforcing material.

The heating devices used are reinforced with aluminum foil along the outer layer, in the middle or along the inner edge. In this case, sheets of metal can be discontinuous, solid or corrugated.

Polypropylene is highly plastic and can increase in size upon contact with a hot coolant. If communications are built into walls or floors, this may cause cracks in the coating. Reinforced pipes are subject to minimal expansion due to the presence of a protective frame

Foil reduces actual thermal expansion material and creates a diffusion barrier, preventing oxygen from penetrating through the walls. As a result, calcium sediment does not form and does not provoke oxidation processes on the walls of the radiators and boiler.

Fiberglass is also an effective reinforcing material for pipes. By coextrusion, it is placed in the middle layer of a polypropylene pipe. Due to the fact that both materials are similar in composition and basic properties, during welding with a fitting, a high-strength alloy is formed that is not subject to delamination even during long-term operation.

Polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement are simple and easy to install, unlike aluminum pipes, they do not require additional cleaning of the edges before soldering, and demonstrate excellent sound insulation properties.

Polypropylene pipes reinforced with fiberglass are considered the most suitable option for arranging home heating systems and last much longer than their counterparts.

Another modern reinforcing element is composite. It is a mixture of polypropylene and fiberglass. Added to the pipe, it increases the adhesive properties of the reinforcing layer and enhances such performance characteristics as strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

Rules for assembling pipelines for heating systems made of polypropylene pipes are given, the contents of which we advise you to familiarize yourself with.

XLPE pipes

Cross-linked polyethylene is a progressive material made using modern technologies. It is a polymer of ethylene with molecules connected cross-linked by chemical or physical cross-linking. It has a homogeneous structure, flexibility and high level tensile strength.

The list of main advantages of cross-linked polyethylene pipes includes:

  • excellent shrinkage properties;
  • the ability to clearly hold its shape along the stitching line even when heated to 200 C°;
  • excellent wear resistance during intensive use;
  • absence of halogens and heavy metals;
  • immunity to corrosion and high pressure;
  • low vulnerability to chemically active aggressive substances;
  • normal impact strength at low temperatures (down to – 50 C°);
  • minimum percentage of expansion under the influence of heat;
  • suitable for hidden installation;
  • minimal need for preventative maintenance.

Due to its plasticity, the material can be easily processed and does not require special tools, special professional abilities or serious experience. Even an amateur who has at hand can handle the installation of a heating system step by step instructions according to the description of the required work.

Another one distinctive feature pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene - this is a “memory effect”, when a fragment “remembers” its position in the system and does not change it even over time

The most significant disadvantage of cross-linked polyethylene is its high vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation and the objective technological impossibility of producing large-diameter pipe material.

Methods and technology for welding polyethylene pipes are described, completely devoted to this interesting issue.

Metal-plastic for pipeline construction

Metal-plastic products are the most common and practical material for arranging home heating systems. They harmoniously combine the advantages of plastic and metal, only absorbing the disadvantages of both materials to a minimum.

Compression fittings are used to assemble a heating system from metal-plastic pipes. They provide a reliable connection of all elements, but require subsequent additional maintenance

Metal-plastic pipes have complex design and multi-level structure. The outer plastic layer acts as a fuse and protects the product from aggressive environmental influences. Next are aluminum foil and a polymer of increased smoothness, which prevent sediment and deposits from accumulating inside.

The connection of metal-plastic pipes is made using devices intended for crimping and clamping. In the first case, theoretically detachable connections are created, which are still not recommended to be disassembled unless absolutely necessary. In the second - one-piece.

Formation does not require an expensive tool. Our recommended reading will introduce you to his choice. The system can be assembled by a completely inexperienced performer.

From distinctive features the most important ones are:

  • minimal linear expansion under the influence of the coolant, which does not lead to deformation and sagging of the pipeline system or its individual fragments;
  • pronounced smoothness of the inner surface, due to which the passage does not become clogged and the coolant circulates as expected;
    good temperature resistance (lower than metal parts, but higher than other plastic products);
  • bending and tensile strength, ductility within acceptable radii (if the threshold is exceeded, “breaking” is possible);
  • light weight, greatly facilitating the installation process;
  • corrosion resistance;
  • possibility of processing without the use of special equipment.

The disadvantages include not too long service life tubular products(up to 15 years according to manufacturers) and the significant cost of connecting fittings.

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

The videos provide information on how to choose the best pipe option for your home heating system.

Detailed review, useful tips and interesting nuances of using copper, metal-plastic, polypropylene and cross-linked polyethylene pipe parts for heating housing.

Options for installing a modern heating system in a residential building. Advantages and disadvantages in various ways installation of equipment made of metal and other popular materials.

Tips for choosing pipes and fittings for a radiator heating system. What material is best to choose so that the equipment gives maximum output with reasonable energy consumption.

Even the most experienced professional cannot give a definite answer to the question of which pipes are preferable to choose for heating in a private house or apartment. Each case will have to be considered separately, taking into account the design features of a specific heating system and the financial capabilities of property owners.

You should not make a choice based only on price. It’s better to choose an option that combines optimal quality and a reasonable cost, otherwise you may end up in the position of a stingy person who paid twice for the work done. Moreover, the process of installing heating equipment takes time and causes certain inconvenience to home owners.

What pipes did you buy for installing the heating circuit in country house? What was the decisive factor for making this particular purchase? Please write comments in the block below, post photos related to the topic of the article, and ask questions.

The heating system is one of the most important communications for an apartment and a private house. Thanks to its proper and high-quality work, the coziness and comfort in a residential building depends. The functionality, reliability, and practicality of the heating system depend on the quality of the elements. We bring to your attention a detailed overview of the types of heating pipes that exist today, with a description of their inherent advantages and disadvantages, as well as recommendations for choosing pipes for different rooms.

Types of pipes for heating systems

For heating systems most often pipes are used:

  • steel;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polyethylene;
  • propylene.

All pipes have their own advantages and disadvantages. If you compare them with each other, it is best to consider the performance characteristics using a table.

Have aluminum layer, with the help of which they tolerate minimal linear expansion and high temperature loads while maintaining their shape. High elasticity allows pipes to be bent as needed.

Polyethylene pipes heat resistant, have high joint strength and low hydraulic losses. It is necessary to select polyethylene pipes for heating only with reinforcing layer, which allows the pipe to maintain its shape.

They are used if the coolant temperature does not exceed 70 degrees. Due to expansion and high fluidity, this type of pipe requires additional fixation to avoid sagging and malfunctions. If propylene pipes have a reinforced layer of aluminum, then they can be used not only for hidden, but also for conventional wiring.

Metal-plastic pipes have a structure of 5 layers: plastic, aluminum glue, glue, plastic. Thanks to their multi-layer structure, pipes easily withstand temperature changes, are resistant to corrosion and chemical attack, do not oxidize, and do not deposit salts.

Metal-plastic pipes are used for cold and hot water supply and heating.

Specifications metal-plastic pipes:

  • maximum temperature - 95 degrees;
  • maximum pressure at the highest temperature - 10 bar;
  • maximum pressure at a temperature of 0−25 degrees - 25 bar;
  • the maximum permissible short-term temperature is 130 degrees.

If all operating conditions are met, then the pipes will last at least 50 years.

In order to connect metal-plastic pipes to each other, brass fittings are used, which ensure the reliability and strength of the structure. The disadvantage of this connection is the reduction in the diameter of the fitting's flow area.

Advice. It is best to use metal-plastic pipes if the coolant has a high temperature.

Polyethylene pipes

Polyethylene pipes for heating systems are made of durable and reliable polyethylene with PEX modification. Such pipes are used not only for autonomous, but also central heating.

Polyethylene pipes have such advantages How:

To connect polyethylene pipes to each other, use fittings made of bronze, polymers and brass. The fittings do not have seals in the form of rubber rings, because the pipe material serves as a seal and this increases the durability and reliability of the connection.

Advice. It is best to choose polyethylene pipes for heating systems with a reinforcing profile.

Polypropylene pipes are made from a special type of polypropylene. This type of pipe heat resistant and durable, but it has some disadvantages that other materials do not have - high fluidity and the ability to change shape under the influence of high temperatures.

Metal-plastic and plastic pipes, unlike polypropylene, bend much easier, which makes installation much faster and more convenient, and when installing polypropylene, you will need a huge number of rotary fittings.

have the following characteristics:

  • maximum temperature 70 degrees;
  • maximum pressure at 70 degrees - 10 bar;
  • pressure at temperature 0 = 25 degrees - 25 bar;
  • permissible short-term temperature is 90 degrees.

Fittings made of polypropylene are used to connect pipes. The structures are connected to each other using diffuse welding of polypropylene and a temperature of 270 degrees. The strength of this type of connection allows you to extend the service life of pipes. You can use soldering of pipes to each other on straight sections, and with the help of fittings, turns are provided where necessary.

Propylene pipes are most often used with a reinforced profile, which gives the structure strength and reliability. To prevent the pipes from changing shape, it is necessary to use additional fasteners that will support the structures and don't let them sag. Supporting structures are installed every 50 -60 cm.

Advice. Polypropylene pipes should be chosen for heating systems only if the coolant temperature does not exceed 60 degrees.

Steel is a material that is being used less and less for heating systems. The fact is that although steel pipes are strong and high-quality, they are subject to corrosion. Installation of heating systems made of steel pipes is a rather complex and labor-intensive process that only a professional can handle with the necessary equipment.

Due to high pressure loss and roughness, the use of steel pipes will lead to the formation of salt and biological formations inside them, which will reduce pipe flow.

Steel pipes can easily withstand temperature changes and do not deteriorate or deform under the influence of hot water.

Advice. Steel pipes must be used where it is difficult to control the heating of the coolant and if a high temperature of the coolant is noticed.

Selection of heating pipes

The process of selecting pipes is quite complex. When choosing pipes, you should decide:

  • with pipe diameter;
  • material;
  • quantity.

The choice of pipes is made depending on what heating system will be used.

very durable and reliable, but you need to make sure that the design does not use two different materials and no galvanic couple occurred, which could lead to corrosion of the steel. Working with this type of pipe is quite difficult, because welding is required. To install steel pipes, you must have knowledge and skills.

Propylene pipes are very economical and profitable. They heat the room and prevent heat loss. The use of this type of pipe is possible only when the coolant temperature does not exceed 60 -70 degrees.

Metal-plastic is another one modern material, which is very convenient to use for heating systems. The disadvantage of installing this type of pipe is the need for additional equipment. Metal-plastic is afraid of sunlight, high temperatures, and shocks.

For private homes it is best to choose polypropylene pipes, and for apartments - metal-plastic. For a summer house or a compact private house, it is best to choose steel pipes.

Pipe sizes for heating systems

Heating pipes may have different sizes- it all depends on the type of heating and buildings.

Pipes with a diameter of 200 mm and above are used for the construction of huge buildings that are visited by many people: hospitals, saunas, hotels.

Diameter 20−32 mm are used in individual construction due to the fact that they have high throughput and heat rooms with ease.

Pipes with a diameter of 20 mm are used to provide hot water supply with risers made of pipes with a diameter of 25 mm.

For central heating, choose a 25 mm pipe diameter, and for autonomous heating, it is best to consult with professionals, because in this case the size may vary.

To install heated floors, pipes are used whose diameter does not exceed 16 mm.

Advice. When choosing the diameter and material of pipes for heating systems, it is best to consult with leading experts who will tell you what type of materials is ideal for the building and heating system.

Properly selected and installed heating in the house will allow you to enjoy comfort and coziness, reduce heat loss and the amount of bills.

Thanks to the huge selection of materials for plumbing and heating systems, which is presented on modern market, selecting heating pipes can be a very difficult task.

Today, when outdated steel communications are gradually fading into the background, their place is taken by more flexible, strong and durable systems made of polymer materials or metal-plastic, and the connecting elements for them are made of brass, bronze or plastic.

To figure out what material is best suited for constructing a heating system, let's look at what types of heating pipes exist.

PPR pipes for heating: why they are popular

One of the most practical materials today is polypropylene (PPR). It has gained popularity in plumbing and heating communications due to the following characteristics:

  • service life reaches 50 years;
  • environmentally friendly;
  • are not subject to corrosion and are resistant to negative environmental influences;
  • possibility of quick and easy installation;
  • easy and fast circulation of water even over a long period of time, due to the fact that the pipe retains its smooth surface and its qualities;
  • low labor costs, as well as economic benefits.

CPVC pipes: pressure resistance parameters

Unlike other plastic pipelines, CPVC has higher elasticity and density. And their coefficients of linear expansion and thermal conductivity are lower. But their most important difference is that they are designed for pressures of up to 20 atmospheres and temperatures of up to 95 degrees. Also like PVC, CPVC is completely non-flammable, so it can be used for civil engineering.

Metal-plastic heating systems: half a century of operation

Good performance parameters, high quality materials and modern technologies manufacturing can also be characterized metal-polymer pipes for heating. They are a five-layer pipe consisting of plastic, glue, aluminum, glue and again plastic.

An aluminum layer 0.2-0.3 mm thick is located between the polyethylene layers and helps reduce thermal expansion. The linear expansion coefficient of such pipelines is significantly less than that of propylene, and slightly higher than that of copper. They will last more than 50 years.

Stainless steel - classic option

The only material that competes with copper in quality and price is stainless steel. Pipelines are characterized by a long service life and high thermal conductivity. They are welded and seamless. For heating it is quite possible to use welded ones, but possibility of leakage V in this case remains quite high.

Of course, the pipe will not burst immediately after installation; it will most likely take many years before this happens, but if it does happen, repairs can be expensive. Seamless ones have a longer service life without accidents, but their cost is higher.

For heating communications, thin-walled ones are usually used. They are much cheaper than thick-walled ones and do not carry such a large load on the foundation of the building. It is worth noting that it is better to entrust the installation of a stainless steel pipeline to a professional.

Flexible stainless steel pipes for heating

Corrugated stainless steel pipelines were invented in Japan and over time they were appreciated in many countries around the world. The difference between elements made from this material is that they are easy to bend even by hand, so such systems are quite easy to install using couplings and brass fittings. They can also be given the required length directly at the installation site.

Polyethylene - strength and heat resistance of systems

HDPE pipes are made from high-strength PEX polyethylene using special technology“stitching” - in addition to longitudinal molecular bonds, transverse ones are created, which significantly increases strength and heat resistance.

Such pipelines can be used for both cold and hot water supply, as well as for autonomous or central heating. In addition, they have increased chemical resistance, a smooth inner surface, and environmental safety. They are not subject to corrosion and will last at least 50 years.

Bimetallic pipes - several qualities in one product

Bimetal is most often used when it is necessary to obtain a product with different qualities that do not coexist in one material. Thanks to this, it is possible to obtain a pipeline with great mechanical strength, but at the same time with good thermal conductivity. In addition, such systems will be relatively inexpensive with their attractive appearance.

Typically, bimetallic pipes are steel pipes coated with a layer of copper 5-15% of the total thickness to protect against corrosion. This coating can be done only on the inside, only on the outside, or on both sides of the part.

Having studied all the types, having learned the features and characteristics, you can make an informed choice according to your goals and budget. But don't forget that heating system– this is not the type of communication you should skimp on.