Is it beneficial or harmful for men and women to wash and bathe every day: the opinion of scientists. Is it possible and necessary to wash every day in the shower, bath, with soap? How often and correctly should an adult wash? Water treatments during the flu

Many churchgoers consider any work on Sunday or on church holidays to be almost a sin. This, apparently, dates back to those times when, on Sunday or a holiday, peasants went to work with their whole family in the morning, and preferred to rest for the rest of the day, because there were so few days when they didn’t have to work for the master.

Perhaps the superstitious tradition prohibiting work on God's days has a different origin, but now it has been distorted to such an extent that in some families even a flower pot knocked over by a cat on Easter Sunday or another twelfth holiday lies untouched until a weekday. For if you touch a broom and dustpan on this day, “God will punish you.” Let's figure out what you can and can't do in church holidays.

What do Orthodox people not do on holy holidays?

“Six days you shall work, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God” - this was one of the 10 commandments given by the Lord to Moses.

Believers believe that cleaning, washing, or gardening and field work are the lot of weekdays. They rush to finish these vain activities by Sunday, and even more so by church holidays, in order to devote time to God and loved ones. So what don’t Orthodox Christians do on God’s days?

Many superstitious people equate physical labor on church holidays with a mortal sin

They don't swear

Orthodox people really should not quarrel and swear on holy days, just like on any other day. After all, the Bible equates foul language with mortal sin. The Word is given to a person for prayer, communication with God and neighbors.

By swearing, whether on church holidays or on weekdays, a person defiles part of his soul. It is difficult to call the ban on swearing and quarrels on holy days a superstition, because this should be the norm for a Christian.

They don't clean up

Most of us will probably remember how our grandmother once said, “Today is a great holiday, don’t mark it,” and an unmotivated prohibition tempted us to act contrary to it.

The tradition of not cleaning the house, not working in the garden, and not doing handicrafts holidays dates back to the days of the emergence of Christianity in Rus', when religion was imposed by force. In order to gather newly converted Christians in the temple at the height of the harvest, it was necessary to prohibit them from working under pain of God's punishment.

The ban worked, and every Sunday morning the peasants began with a service in the church. This tradition has survived to modern days in a somewhat distorted form - as a ban on any physical activity, for example, cleaning. Moreover, the explanation of the ban by visiting a temple during the years of Soviet atheism was somehow obscured.

From the point of view of the clergy, it is better to complete putting the house in order on weekdays, so as not to be distracted from prayer on holidays, but they do not see any crime in doing worldly affairs after the service.

“He who works, prays” - this is how priests in the Protestant church instruct their parishioners. Orthodox priests say that any work, including on Sunday, done with prayer on the lips is an activity pleasing to God.

They don't wash

On God's days, it is better not to do laundry, but to postpone it until another day, if possible.

Physical work that is prohibited on church holidays also includes washing. Fortunately, the advent of automatic washing machines freed Orthodox people from this prohibition - working on their own with such an assistant in the house was no longer necessary.

But in the villages you can always catch sidelong glances from your neighbors while hanging out your laundry on a good day. Washing by hand has been and will always remain hard work, especially when you have to carry water from a well. And it takes up the whole day - once you do the laundry in the morning, you won’t even have time for church.

That is why on holy days it was forbidden to do laundry, and if there was a need in the form of a pile of diapers from a small child, who cannot be forbidden to defecate on God's day, then this work was done after the service. So today, instead of prayer, the church does not allow doing laundry, and after or together with prayer - for God’s sake!

They don't wash

Everyone understands something different by “washing”, but no one is forbidden to take a shower on holy days

Don’t wash on the holiday, otherwise you will drink water in the next world - this explanation of the ban on washing on God’s days can be heard from our contemporaries. From a logical point of view, its interpretation is as follows: in order to heat a bathhouse, you need to chop wood, apply water, monitor the stove for several hours - quite a lot of work. In the old days, peasants tried to wash themselves before Sunday or before a holiday in order to devote time to God and not to troubles.

In the 17th century, a royal decree was issued according to which all bazaars and baths were closed before the all-night service, so that Christian believers would certainly get to the church, and not turn off somewhere along the way.

Today, washing does not present such difficulties, so it is quite possible to take a bath or go to the shower even before the service and go to church with pure thoughts and body.

Priests consider all speculations about the ban on swimming to be superstitions.

Do not do handicrafts

Women are most annoyed by the older generation's ban on needlework on Sundays, church holidays and, moreover, on holy evenings.

When there was no factory production and ready-made clothes in stores, handicrafts were the only opportunity for a housewife to dress her family for all seasons, and for a girl to prepare a dowry, all those sheets, pillows, towels, rugs that her future family would use. Of course, needlework was perceived as work, and even tiring and harmful to health!

The clergy allow handicrafts on church holidays, the main thing is not to forget to visit the church

In Rus', the “woman’s saint” and patroness of needlework was Paraskeva Pyatnitsa. To honor her memory, peasant women did not spin, weave, sew or knit on Fridays. And on her name day, November 10, the needlewomen showed each other everything they had created during the year.

The Church considers handicrafts to be a godly activity; it is not without reason that the simplest handicrafts are commonplace in monastic practice. And the clergy consider the association of a needle or knitting needle with nails that pierced the body of Christ, and other speculations of our grandmothers, as superstition. There is no church ban on needlework on holidays, so modern craftswomen who enjoy this activity can create on any day, not forgetting the Creator and the need to visit his temple.

They don't work in the garden

According to the Gospel of Luke, Jesus healed a man with dropsy in the house of one of the Pharisee leaders. This happened on Saturday - the day of the Lord, when the Jews did not work. Having healed the sick man, Jesus said: “If one of you has a donkey or an ox that falls into a well, will he not immediately pull it out on the Sabbath?”
According to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 14, verse 1-5

God allows you to work on God's day, the main thing is that the work is carried out with prayer

Among agricultural work, there are those that can be postponed and find time to visit the temple, but there are always things to do after prayer.

The church and clergy are loyal to any work on Sunday and holy holidays. Modern society has produced many professions whose work cannot be stopped for God's sake. And a person will not always find the strength to give up the income with which he feeds his children in order to pray in church every Sunday as a true Christian.

The Church advises celebrating holidays with prayer. And, as on any other day, do not scold and try to do good, godly deeds. And in the need to defend a work shift, tidy up the own home or watering livestock after prayer, the clergy do not see anything sinful.

Now there is a substitution of concepts when a ban on work is perceived as permission to be lazy. From the point of view of Christian teaching, one of the seven deadly sins is laziness. Therefore, when a person does not attend church on Sunday or holy holidays, but spends the day in idleness, for example, in front of the TV or drinking, citing the fact that there is nothing he can do anyway, this is perceived by the church as a greater sin.

Of course, it is better for a believer to spend a holiday with his family, not forgetting to visit the temple in the morning, but also to wipe the dust and remove the broken flower pot, swimming or washing soiled children's pants is not forbidden by the church, and moreover, by God.

During the flu, people have to cope with many symptoms of the disease. There are many myths and misconceptions in society. However, many people do not know whether it is possible to wash themselves if they have the flu. It is worth remembering that in some cases, taking a bath or swimming in the shower can only harm the patient.

Flu and hygiene

Influenza, like other acute respiratory viral infections, are diseases that are accompanied by various symptoms, for example, elevated temperature, runny nose, cough, body aches and pain, etc.

Many people, during this period of the disease, try to protect themselves from the outside world as best as possible: they move little, practically do not leave the room, stay in the same room, but do not ventilate it to avoid drafts and cold air entering the room, do not wash. Warmth is actually beneficial for the patient during the period of illness, but the constant accumulation of microbes in the same room where the patient is located leads to a deterioration in his health.

It is simply necessary to carry out timely hygiene and body care during this period. Influenza is a disease caused by viruses. When they enter the body, they begin to actively develop and release many toxins, which subsequently simply poison the body.

In order to avoid intoxication of the body by all possible ways tries to remove germs from the body, including through the skin with the help of sweat. If you do not adhere to the rules of personal hygiene during this period, the condition of the child or adult patient may worsen.

Thus, taking a warm shower during flu is essential. This procedure will not only get rid of toxins, but will also significantly improve the patient’s well-being. As for taking a bath, it should be avoided if the body temperature exceeds 38 degrees. Accept hot bath It is dangerous with a high temperature; the blood vessels and heart, which are already subject to stress due to the flu, may simply not be able to withstand it.

Note! If you still decide to wash and take a bath, then monitor the temperature of the water in it; it should not exceed 34–37 °C. Pay attention to your body temperature and avoid hypothermia after taking a bath. A sudden change in temperature can significantly affect the course of the disease.

Warm air

Taking baths during illness is beneficial for the whole body. Firstly, the human body relaxes and toxins are released. Secondly, such procedures can improve the general well-being of the patient and get rid of some symptoms.

Take baths during illness, best with sea ​​salt, which dissolves in water and then evaporates with water. When inhaling evaporated water with salt, the respiratory tract relaxes, the process of mucus removal improves, swelling of the nasal walls disappears and breathing becomes freer. In addition, you can use a little pine extract for a bath, it will help improve sleep if you cannot sleep for a long time and complain of a headache due to the flu.

Does the flu cause dehydration?

The body's active attempts to eliminate harmful toxins often lead to dehydration. This is why many doctors recommend drinking plenty of fluids when you have the flu. It is worth remembering that liquid human body can not only absorb from the inside through the stomach, but also through the skin. Thus, taking a bath and shower can improve the body's metabolic processes and maintain water balance.

If you have heat(more than 38 degrees), it is recommended to use wet towels or napkins.

Based on the above, swimming and taking care of your own hygiene is important and necessary during the course of any acute respiratory viral infection, including influenza.

The harshest month of winter awaits us ahead, which means that the chances of freezing and catching a cold will increase. The question immediately arises: is it possible to take a bath when you are sick? And if so, how to do it correctly? Let's find out!

Hot is good

There is some scientific evidence that raising your body temperature helps your body fight cold germs, so set your tap water temperature to the hottest safe level. usually around 40 degrees Celsius. The temperature may seem uncomfortable at first, but you will soon get used to it.

A bath can only help or give you the flu if it's hot enough to actually raise your body temperature and make you sweat.

Make sure it's clean

Before entering, check the water and the bath itself. If the level of sanitation leaves much to be desired, then now is not the best the right time to lie in the bathroom, especially if you are sick and have a weak immune system.

Replace bleach and others chemicals for cleaning the bathtub to be more environmentally friendly and organic. It is also recommended to purchase special test strips to determine the pH level of water.

Don't lie on the couch, take a bath

Get into the bathroom for 20 minutes every few hours if you have a cold or flu, and be sure to continue until you feel better. The idea of ​​treating a cold in a bath is to raise your body temperature and keep it elevated, so try to spend as much time in the bath as possible. hot water until you feel relaxed.

Apply balm under your nose

A small drop of menthol ointment under your nose will open your airways and help soothe irritated skin at the base of your nose. Menthol, eucalyptus and camphor have a mild analgesic effect that helps relieve nasal pain.

For maximum effect, apply a fresh dab before soaking in the bath.

Blow your nose often and correctly

Experts say it's important to blow your nose regularly when you have a cold rather than sucking mucus back in. A hot bath will force the snot to come out, which is really helpful for recovery. Keep a towel handy to dry your hands before reaching for the Kleenex.

But be careful: Blowing your nose too quickly can cause ear pain. How to do it right? Press your finger against one nostril while you blow your nose at the other.

Ease your headaches and body aches

As if congestion, coughing and fatigue weren't enough, the flu or cold also causes aches and pains that can plague you all day long. Before taking a pain reliever, try relaxing in the bath for a few minutes. Hot water and massage if you have hydromassage bath, will instantly relieve you of pain.

The powerful massage you will receive can also relax your muscles, improve circulation and dilate blood vessels, relieving you of pain.

Sleep tight

While falling asleep may not be easy when you're sick, while your body is fighting the disease, getting enough sleep is important. Immersing yourself in the warm waters will put your mind and body into a deep state of relaxation. Feeling this relaxation before bed can help you fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep.

Down with stress

The researchers found that the less sensitive the immune system is to cortisol, a hormone released during stress, the more likely a person is to develop a cold when exposed to the virus. may also lead to inflammation, which causes cold symptoms.

If you're constantly stressed, that's not good news during cold and flu season. Luckily, you can relieve stress by taking a warm, relaxing bath. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a massage bath stimulates the body to produce endorphins (natural pain-relieving and mood-enhancing hormones) and naturally reduce stress hormones. The American Cancer Society also notes that warm water in the form of massage jets or a Jacuzzi provides relaxation and stress relief.

Stay hydrated

In fact, a hot bath makes you sweat and therefore dehydrates you. Drink plenty of water before, during and after it. And make sure to keep your body hydrated for as long as your cold or flu lasts. Opt for hot liquids, such as chicken broth, which help relieve nasal congestion, prevent dehydration, and can soothe the irritated membranes that line your nose and throat.

Tea and coffee are diuretics, so avoid them while taking them hot bath, and alcohol (even your old family cold remedy) is definitely a bad idea with or without a cold.

Be sure to consult your doctor if your cold symptoms persist or you begin to feel worse. If you have a fever or fever, it is better to avoid taking a bath. A warm shower is a better idea.

Sometimes, listening to people of the older generation, we learn such signs and prescriptions that we did not even know about. For example, regulation of behavior on holidays church days It’s quite harsh: you can’t work, you can’t do needlework, you can’t slander, you can’t wash yourself. Everything is clear about the first three positions, but the last one surprises many: what sinful thing can washing contain? Is it so bad that it is prohibited by the church?

Moreover, popular wisdom commands: if you swim on a church holiday, you will drink water in the next world (I wonder what: in the next world they don’t drink water at all?). In general, we agree that you should not work on major holidays, just as you should not do handicrafts. Although one can argue about the latter, because in the past this handicraft was perceived as one of the varieties of hard work, but now it is mostly a hobby. And one cannot but agree that it is forbidden to use foul language, not only on holidays, but always. Swearing is definitely not included in the list of virtues of an Orthodox Christian.

But the question of washing still requires a separate discussion.

So: why you can’t wash on church holidays?

Actually, who said it’s impossible? Is that really what the priests say? So, they just don’t say anything like that. More precisely, they say that in the midst of vain worldly affairs one should not forget that every church holiday is an occasion to think about one’s soul.

Therefore, it is much better to get yourself in order in advance, and on the day of the holiday just come to church and pray. But this is a recommendation, not a ban at all. So there is no need to listen to superstitions and - even more so - to follow them.

I wonder where this order came from?

After all, someone came up with this and was the first to say: why you can’t wash on Orthodox holidays?

I think the explanation here is quite simple. To wash in the old days, you had to prepare: chop and haul wood, heat the bathhouse, and only then begin the washing procedure. What happened? It turned out to be hard physical work. That is, instead of going to church, the person was engaged in physical labor. And this, of course, did not in any way correspond to church rules.

Today we don’t need to chop wood or light the stove to wash. It is enough for us to open two taps and draw a bath of water. Or even take a shower. That is why the old rule does not work in our time.

And there is no sin in purity

In general, in Rus', unlike many European countries, they liked to wash a lot and often. What sin is there in cleanliness? None.

By the way, it was Catholic priests in the Middle Ages who said that washing means nothing more than fun for the body, and to pleasure the body is to fall into sin. So people walked around dirty and in unwashed clothes. Some even came into contact with water three times in their lives: at baptism, before the wedding, and after death, during ablution.

What happened in the end? Epidemics of plague, cholera and other terrible diseases. The most interesting thing is that medieval healers sincerely believed that when bathing a person opens his body to germs. Even if they are doctors, then what can we even talk about?

As a result, the conclusion suggests itself: it is better to wash yourself on a church holiday than not to do it at all.

A cold is a viral disease. Viruses become the cause of infection. Today there are more than 200 viruses. You can catch a cold from a sick person. Such patients are often diagnosed with ARVI.

Let's look at the main causes of ARVI:

  • various viruses;
  • microorganisms.

But most often colds are caused by various viruses.

Pick up viral infection you can in any public place:

  • metro;
  • a park;
  • restaurant, etc.

Ways of transmission of infection:

  • through unwashed hands;
  • airborne.

Why don't all people get ARVI? It's all about immunity. If a person has a weak immune system, then the virus easily enters the body. And, on the contrary, a person who has a strong immune system cannot become infected through contact with a sick person.

Reasons for decreased immunity:

  • bad ecology;
  • poor nutrition;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • various chronic diseases;
  • chronic stress, etc.

To diagnose any disease, you must contact a medical facility. By what symptoms can you recognize a cold?

  • difficulty breathing through the nose;
  • sweating;
  • sore throat;
  • aches in the muscles of the body;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • high body temperature.

Typically, a cold begins suddenly. In most cases, symptoms are limited to the nasopharynx

In the fall, during times of stress and vitamin deficiency, a person’s immunity weakens, which is why it is so important to strengthen it. The drug is completely natural and allows you to recover from colds in a short time.

It has expectorant and bactericidal properties. Strengthens the protective functions of the immune system, perfect as prophylactic. I recommend.

Rules for taking water procedures during illness

Many people believe that it is impossible to take water procedures during a cold. But this is a myth. According to doctors, bathing has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

Why do doctors recommend water treatments? Often with colds, patients are advised to drink plenty of fluids. And they do it right. Because drinking plenty of fluids helps eliminate toxins and various viruses from the human body. And doctors can also prescribe tea.

But at the same time, such diaphoretics clog the pores. In this case, it is very difficult for the body to remove viruses and toxins. Showering and simple bathing allow you to cleanse the pores of the body. This makes it easier for the body to remove viruses and toxins.

Let's look at the basic rules:

Take care of your health! Strengthen your immunity!

Immunity is a natural reaction that protects our body from bacteria, viruses, etc. To improve tone, it is better to use natural adaptogens.

It is very important to support and strengthen the body not only with the absence of stress, good sleep, nutrition and vitamins, but also with the help of natural herbal remedies.

It has the following properties:

  • Kills viruses and eliminates secondary signs of influenza and ARVI in 2 days
  • 24 hours of immune protection during infectious periods and epidemics
  • Kills putrefactive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract
  • The drug contains 18 herbs and 6 vitamins, plant extracts and concentrates
  • Removes toxins from the body, reducing the recovery period after illness

How to shower properly when you have a cold?

Taking a shower when you have a cold is very simple:

  • First you need to undress.
  • Set the required water temperature.
  • After this, make sure the water is not too hot.
  • Now wash yourself.
  • Wash your body.
  • Turn off the water.
  • Get out of the shower.
  • Dry with a towel.
  • Features of taking a bath

In order for water procedures to be beneficial, you need to follow simple rules:

  • It is better to swim in the evening, but you can shower at any time.
  • Limit your time in the bathroom.
  • Swim only in warm water.

What to add to water?

We all know that taking a bath has a beneficial effect on a person’s mental and physical health.

  • various essential oils;
  • herbs;
  • sea ​​salt.

Be sure to add these medicinal components to the water

Stories from our readers!
“After pneumonia, I drink to maintain immunity. Especially autumn-winter periods, during epidemics of influenza and colds.

The drops are completely natural and not only made from herbs, but also with propolis and badger fat, which have long been known as good folk remedies. It performs its main function perfectly, I recommend it."


Swimming during illness has a positive effect on the body.

But there are a number of contraindications:

  1. You should not take long baths during pregnancy. Do not take a hot bath. Because it can be dangerous for the fetus. And it is also recommended to significantly limit the time of stay - 5-10 minutes.
    Before carrying out water procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is also forbidden to hover your feet. Because it can cause a miscarriage.
  2. Special recommendations for people with diabetes. Doctors recommend limiting yourself to showering. Taking hot baths can cause a decrease in sugar levels. Therefore, before carrying out water procedures, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  3. It is prohibited to combine alcohol and bathing. This advice is described in detail in the previous section.
  4. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases it is necessary to limit the time of stay. Because water procedures significantly increase the load on the heart.