Why is there high humidity in the bathhouse? What temperature should be in a steam bath?

Optimal temperature in a steam bath is closely related to the processes that take place in the human body when it enters a room with air heated above 50 ° C. The reaction of the human body is very different, depending on how high the temperature is in the steam room and how much humidity there is. At the moment, bathing procedures have already been sufficiently studied so that we can speak with confidence about the most suitable temperature for effective steaming.

To begin with, it is very important to understand why it was originally invented in the first place. this type active rest and what is its main purpose. Understanding these things at first glance may seem like a repetition of obvious truths, but it is the neglect of the basics that is the main reason wrong choice temperature conditions during vaping.

The initial task of bath procedures is to create such conditions for the human body so that it actively begins to launch natural cleansing processes. As a result proper preparation to steaming, bringing the atmosphere of the steam room to the required levels of air heating and humidity, as well as compliance with a number of rules, the bathhouse has such a significant healing effect on all systems of the body.

Such high efficiency, on the one hand, is an advantage of the bath, but on the other, it becomes a serious disadvantage. Often the steam room is used simply as another form of entertainment or a way to have fun in the company of friends, and, as a result, going to the bathhouse turns into severe negative stress for health.

Correct temperature in the steam room

A lot can be said about the rules of classic health bath procedures, but in this article we will dwell in detail on the temperature. If we talk about the temperature in the steam room that is most suitable for health in all respects, then this indicator lies between 50 °C and 70 °C. In the classical Russian bathhouse, the stoves were always built of brick and, as a rule, they had closed heaters. This design was simply not able to heat the steam room above 60 ° C and in order to get a good sweat, it would have been necessary to sit in it for too long, but a way out was found.



A ladle of water was poured onto the stones, heated red from the direct flame, which instantly turned into light, hot, finely dispersed steam, most comfortable for both the respiratory tract and the skin. A cloud of steam rose to the ceiling and a person lying on the shelf was gradually doused with small portions of this steam using brooms. With the right technique of pumping steam onto various parts of the body, the steaming process brings not only unforgettable positive sensations, but also the strongest healing effect.

When designing your own sauna, it is important to understand that in addition to the correct temperature to obtain the full range of positive effects of steaming on the body, the sauna must also have a certain humidity. The optimal figure is within 60%. It is this combination of temperature and humidity that provides ideal conditions for healing the whole body.

It is possible to ensure that the steam room has both the specified temperature and the correct humidity at the same time, only if the stove is in it with a closed heater. To obtain high-quality finely dispersed steam, it is very important that the stones in the furnace are heated to at least 300 °C. And if the heater is open, then when the stones in it are heated to such an extent, the stove itself will be so hot that the temperature of the steam room will go beyond 70 ° C.

Dangerous temperature

For comparison, consider a number of studies conducted by scientists in the twentieth century to monitor the effects of regular visits to a steam room heated to extreme values ​​of 110-130 °C.

Professor H. Teir in the 80s of the last century suggested a connection high temperature V Finnish saunas with the occurrence of cancer, which was subsequently confirmed by the results of a large study. After considering a significant number of cases of lung cancer in those who like to steam at 110-130 ° C, it was found that staying in a steam room heated to such temperatures contributes to the formation of this disease.


The main difference between a bathhouse and a sauna is temperature regime. There are several types of baths - dry air (sauna), wet (public steam room) and Russian steam bath. In the Russian steam room high humidity air (40-70%), and the optimal temperature in the steam room is 50-60º C.

Good bath - hot steam

The air humidity in the steam room and outside is almost the same. The Russian bath has a gentle effect on the human body. The ideal ratio of temperature and humidity in a Russian steam room is obtained when the heat-intensive heater is made of brick. It is believed that even if you line a metal stove with stone, there will be no such effect.

Steaming in a Russian bath

In order to maintain the required temperature in the steam room, the heater must be located in this room. This option is also allowed when the stove is heated from the rest room, and the remaining three walls are located in the steam room. Quite often this is how the heater is placed in the bathhouse. It will be impossible to obtain the optimal temperature if the stove is not planned correctly, when only one wall of the heater opens into the steam room.

In order for the steam in the bath to be “light”, you need to be a master of the bath business. When the stones are not heated, and small droplets of water are felt in the air, the steam will be “heavy,” while it should be close to saturated in all respects. This is achieved by heating the stones in a closed oven. The door is opened only to add water. In a Russian bath, steam is created independently, that is, it is extracted from the stove.

The stove is the heart of the Russian bath

Vapor is the gaseous state of a substance. When it is only in a gaseous state, the vapor is dry and saturated. Wet saturated steam is produced when the substance is in a two-phase state. This occurs when dry saturated steam and boiling liquid are combined.

Heater for Russian bath

Such optimal performance humidity and temperature can be achieved at home and in the bathroom, but the resulting steam will be harmful to the human body. If you inhale heavy steam, you may even get burned. Some people, trying to get the desired temperature in the steam room, do not take into account the importance of obtaining dry steam.

Insulation of the ceiling in the bathhouse

Undesirable in a Russian bath. When the stones heat up to 200-250 degrees, the air overheats. In a Russian bathhouse, it is very important to receive “ light steam" That is why they choose those stoves whose stones are closed. Only with such a stove design can good steam be produced.

The bath relieves fatigue, trains breathing, stimulates the heart, hardens and improves the health of the body as a whole. However, we must not forget that exposure to high temperatures and humidity is a kind of shock for the body. As the temperature rises, the skin warms up in the first minutes. After this, the temperature of all internal organs increases.

In a Russian bathhouse, steam is extracted from the stove by throwing water on the stones. The liquid particles become smaller, and the steam is not scalding, but pleasant, and the body easily tolerates it. Making good steam requires skill and concentration. The conditions in the sauna are stable throughout the entire time you are there.

In a Russian steam room, on the contrary, conditions are constantly changing. You can’t just lie in it, but you have to perform some actions. It is necessary to add and release steam, as well as perform other actions. Therefore, a Russian bath requires knowledge and the ability to steam, as well as more time. You need to invest not only your mind, but also your soul into the soaring process. The oven door is opened only to add water to the stones. The stove that is installed in the bathhouse must have minimal heat transfer from the walls.

Interior of a Russian bathhouse

In a Russian steam room, ventilation is also important. There is excess pressure in such a bath. The steam that comes out of the oven rises and collects under the ceiling. Steam is made in different ways. Some cover it with sheets, towels, and fans. Sometimes those steaming themselves wave their brooms.

The steam that rises settles on the wood. Since the wood is cold, condensation occurs. The tree first absorbs moisture, and then a film (1-3 mm) appears on it. A steam bag or pocket is formed. Experts say that it should be 2.4-2.5 meters tall. A threshold is also required to prevent steam from escaping. A low door is made in the bathhouse so that steam does not penetrate from the steam pocket.

In order to store steam in a pocket under the ceiling, it must be impenetrable to steam and have sufficient heat capacity. This ceiling is made as follows. First, reflective thermal insulation (penofol) is attached to the floor beams. Then a board is installed that will absorb steam, thereby preventing it from escaping. Such a board is called moisture-accumulating. Its thickness is about 40-50 mm.

Such a ceiling is covered, and high-strength wrapping paper (kraft paper) is laid on top and everything is filled with clay-sand mortar. The thickness of such a layer is usually 30-50 mm. After this, the insulation is covered; its thickness should be at least 150 mm. The next layer is a windproof film. In order for the temperature in the bath to be maintained, it is necessary to make the ceiling correctly. The walls do not play a big role in the bathhouse. Although, if desired, you can insulate the walls or cover them with wooden clapboard.

Thermometer and hygrometer for steam room

Special stainless steel fan on wooden handle, which looks like an oval loop, is used to lower steam. Fabric is usually stretched over it. Move steam to closed door, when everyone is already in the bath, so as not to lose some of the steam.

When preparing steam, one pours water on the stones, and the other disperses the air with a fan. They stop pouring water when there is already enough steam in the bathhouse. For this reason, they do not make the ceiling in the bathhouse low so that there is steam reserve. In addition to steam, there should be enough air in the bathhouse.

In order for the bathhouse to be pleasant and easy to breathe, the air must be infused. Water is poured onto the hot stones. The steam, mixing with the air of the steam room, interacts with it, and the result is good and easy breathing.

You can also lie downstairs in the bathhouse. A hovering broom can release steam. A Russian bathhouse must take a long time to prepare and “stand.” Over the course of six to seven hours, the temperature should gradually rise. During this time, the stones are heated to the required temperature, and after that you can begin bathing procedures.

The sauna must be well and correctly built so that it can be easily heated and the stove can be lit. It is necessary to take into account that the recommended dimensions of the steam room are approximately 2.5x2.5x2.5. It is not recommended to plan smaller sizes. Typically, in a family bathhouse, 3-4 people take bath procedures at the same time. The stove is located closer to the door. There should be a distance of 70-80 cm between the stove and the wall. In this place you can place basins, brooms, and also put benches.

Biometric thermometers and alcohol thermometers are installed in the steam room, but it is not recommended to use mercury thermometers. After a broken mercury thermometer, the steam room will be completely unusable. Of course, there is a special way of collecting mercury and reusable treatment of the room (demercusation), but this is a very lengthy and expensive process.

Modern interior of a Russian bath

In a Russian steam room, you need to decide on the power of the unit. This is important to ensure that the temperature in the steam room is comfortable. Wood-burning heaters are the leaders among sauna stoves. Currently on the market there is big choice. Buyers pay attention to such parameters as dimensions and stylish design equipment. Need to study carefully specifications units. For a Russian bath, the most common stove is a double-walled steel stove, which has both a firebox and a casing.

Having lit the stove, the steam room is heated until the temperature at the shelf level is 55º-60º C. After this, steam begins to be extracted into the room. Then they pour water on the stones three times, observing intervals. Experienced vapers know what needs to be done to eliminate unpleasant odor in the steam room. First, pour a mixture of vinegar and water (0.5 liters) onto the stones. The air becomes light and pleasant. A similar procedure is carried out 2 more times, with an interval of 15 minutes, and the air “reaches”. At the same time, they make circular movements, thus mixing steam and air. Deep, fragrant and warm steam envelops you after the third steaming.

Straw is spread on wooden grates. Branches of fir, juniper, spruce are placed on shelves. You can splash mint infusion on the stones, and on the walls - medicinal infusion from birch with thyme. Bath procedures finished with brooms, which are pre-soaked in a vat of ice water. They lie down on the shelves and put one broom under their head, shaking off the liquid from it, and a second one on their face. The body basks under the hot steam, while the soul enjoys the coolness. You can take turns taking out different brooms - oak, linden, and so on. To do this, you don’t even have to get up from the shelf, but just reach out and take a cold broom out of the vat.

Make two or three visits to the bathhouse. In order to warm up the body well, the broom is periodically lifted up and shaken. After a good sweat, you can take a dip in the ice hole. After this, the body perceives 70º C, and even all 90º C. In the end, you can relax at 60 degrees. At the final stage, massage the body with birch brooms and soap foam.

Interior of a steam room in a bathhouse

The heat that is created in the steam room should not burn, but only gently envelop the body. The intensity of the heat depends on where the stove is located and what material it is made of. The maturation time in each bath is individual. Used for lining baths different breeds trees that have different characteristics. Uniform heating of both surfaces and air creates comfort and promotes saturation pleasant aromas herbs In this case, comfortable sensations appear gradually while the person is in the bathhouse. The warmth becomes more pleasant every minute.

The speed of air movement affects the microclimate in the bathhouse. If the air is still, the evaporation on the body is minimal. When they begin to make whipping movements with a broom, they also increase the evaporation. As the body heats up and sweats more, feelings of discomfort may occur.

  • heat the stove. The temperature is chosen individually, and procedures begin at 40-45 degrees;
  • Having entered the bathhouse, you need to sit down and relax;
  • depending on preferences, stay in the bath for 20-30 minutes, or make 3-5 visits;
  • the first time, spray water (5-7 liters) on the walls, but not on the heater;
  • the optimal temperature in the bath is created for a certain humidity;
  • you need to rest after the second run.
  • having entered for the third time, pour water onto the ceiling (2-3 liters), then you need to open the heater and warm up the moist air a little. After this, only 50-100 grams of water are poured onto the stones.

Compared to a sauna, the temperature regime in a bathhouse is characterized by increased air humidity. You can increase the humidity and temperature for a short time by watering the stones in the steam room. used to heat stones gas ovens. These are large structures that must accumulate heat. Moreover, this heat should be enough for long time work of a public steam room.

Wet steam in a Russian bath

Over such a long period of operation of the bathhouse, the temperature may vary at certain hours. For example, in the morning the furnace walls reach 100 degrees, and the stones are very hot. Opening the door to the steam room, the steamer feels intense warmth. During these hours, the ceiling and walls of the steam room become very hot, so in the bath it will be more reminiscent of a sauna. In the evening, on the contrary, the walls of the oven and the stones cool down. This is also bad for a Russian bath.

The most best temperature for a Russian steam room - 60 degrees, and the walls of the oven should not exceed a temperature of 90 degrees. Otherwise, the oven will overheat the steam room.

There are two circuits. The first is internal high-temperature, the second is external low-temperature. The material from which the internal contour is made is fire-resistant fireclay brick. The outer contour is made of red brick. The air gap reduces heat radiation and prevents the walls of the heater from overheating.

The temperature of the outer surface of the oven can be adjusted by opening the circulation doors. The required number of stones is determined by calculations, and on their basis the thermal balance of the steam room is compiled.

In order to preserve the heat accumulated by the stove, it is necessary that the stones warm up strongly, but at the same time, evenly. Therefore, a bell-type mode is used to heat the stones. In this mode, not only the required warm-up time is reduced, but also gas consumption.

Firebox optimal sizes The stove has divided combustion arches. This design of the firebox protects the supporting arch from overheating. You can also make repairs without disassembling the entire oven. The firebox is not connected to the walls of the thermal chamber, therefore it is protected from the formation of cracks.

There are bath lovers who prefer temperatures over 100 degrees. Especially for them, it is possible to regulate the heating of the steam room, that is, to create conditions close to the sauna regime.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. In order to free access to the firebox, open the door of the firebox window. The heat is radiated into the steam room and the temperature rises.
  2. The water supply door opens, and then the air valves open.

How to take a steam bath correctly

Stove designers have provided for the possibility of creating a normal temperature regime in a Russian bath. This is very important point, so that you can heat the steam room without the walls of the stove heating up. Thanks to this, you can create an optimal temperature in a Russian bath and regularly maintain it at the desired level.

With light steam in a bathhouse (for example, with a humidity level of 80%), the following happens: the mass of water breaks up into small drops. With heavy steam, for example, the humidity is 30%, water molecules stick together into one drop. This process in the field of physics is called the degree of water dispersion, or steam humidity. Some people confuse this concept with air humidity, but this is incorrect.

We can conclude that the higher the temperature in the bathhouse rises, and evaporation occurs from a large surface, the more dispersed the steam is. This kind of steam is called light. Simultaneously with evaporation, another process occurs in the bath - condensation.

You can measure the temperature in the bath using a regular glass capillary thermometer. In a bathhouse, for example, the temperature is 40 degrees, the thermometer shows the same value. If you understand that a thermometer simulates the temperature of a person’s body, you can conduct an experiment. To do this, wet the thermometer; the readings will begin to gradually decrease. This will indicate that the temperature of the human body will also decrease.

In meteorology, the concept of a wet thermometer (an ordinary thermometer wrapped in a damp cotton swab) has long existed. On a dry bulb thermometer you can see the temperature in the steam room. The wet thermometer shows what temperature the human body will tend to reach.

It is very simple to explain why a thermometer shows different temperatures. When there is moisture on the surface of a body (living or nonliving), it evaporates. The evaporation of the liquid causes the object to cool. The concept of a wet bulb thermometer is very important in meteorology. It is absolutely clear that when talking about the temperature in the bathhouse, it is necessary to mention the humidity.

A person must adapt to each bath. Steam room lovers believe that the nature of the bathhouse is known better not by the builder, but by the bath attendant himself. It will still need to be studied. A Russian bathhouse must not only be built, but also ensure that steam is created in it. They say that no two Russian baths are alike, but a truly Russian person will adapt and make a good steam, even in a not very good steam room.

Russian bath - a font of health


The temperature in the bathhouse is influenced by a number of factors. What is important is the temperature in the steam room, humidity and speed of air movement. Thermal radiation from the furnace and its intensity are no less important. The design of the heater, bathhouse and a number of other factors influence climatic parameters.

Preparing a bath includes creating the correct relationship between temperature and humidity in a Russian bath and preparing steam. And only with the correct ratio of temperature and humidity, the bath will have therapeutic effect.

Preparing a Russian bath

Aromatic additives for Russian baths

As aromatic additives you can use fir, menthol, lavender and | other essential oils(it is enough to dissolve 10 to 20 drops in 2-3 liters of water), pine extract, 1 honey, kvass, mustard, instant coffee.
It is important not only to prepare flavored water correctly, but also to properly supply steam with it.

First, pour a ladle onto the top of the heater. hot water without additives, then immediately water with some product, then again 2-3 times clean water and again a portion of flavored water. There is no need to pour a lot of water; each serving should contain no more than 300-400 g.

And one more important note: select aromatic additives strictly individually, focusing on the taste and needs of everyone. A scent that you really like and gives you only pleasant sensations may cause the exact opposite reaction in your friends or loved ones. Therefore, it is advisable to limit the use of various drugs in family baths. In public institutions, it is better to refuse them, so as not to cause possible discomfort to others.

Brooms for Russian bath

Bathhouses and various brooms saturate the air with a unique aroma. However, they are intended not only and not so much for this. A broom is primarily a massage tool that has a beneficial effect on the skin, and through it on the entire body.

Therefore, you should prepare it not only based on your own taste, but also taking into account the state of the body and existing diseases. For a broom, you can use branches of almost any tree and herb, as long as they do not crumble, do not have thorns and do not contain harmful substances. Let's talk about this next

Bath procedures have a strong healing effect; however, if you are often sick and want to strengthen your body and improve your health, you can study the book and with its help you will get rid of many of your ailments forever.

Most a successful combination temperature and humidity can be considered the option in which you will feel the best, most comfortable and relaxed. Much, but not everything, depends on physical well-being and the ability to tolerate hot steam in a Russian bath. The quality of steam is largely determined by how the humidity and temperature in the steam room are managed.

How does steam in a Russian bath differ from a sauna?

It is generally accepted that a sauna is simply a hot and dry stove in which a person quickly loses moisture, dries out, overheats, and, as a result, jumps out of the steam room within a few minutes after crossing its threshold. Standard terms saunas - temperature under 100 o C and humidity up to 15%. As humidity increases, the so-called threshold of tolerance occurs, when a person, even in normal health, begins to suffocate from the burning effect of hot moist air on the mucous membranes and lungs.

The Russian bath is in many ways simpler and softer. The optimal temperature in the steam room of a Russian bath rarely exceeds 65-70 o C. If we compare the conditions, we will see that the temperature of a Russian bath and sauna is equally necessary, although it differs by 20-30 o C, despite the fact that the humidity differs by two to three times. Therefore, the main problem in a Russian bath is not the high degree of air in the steam room, but its excessive waterlogging.

The correct supply of light steam in a Russian bath, according to experts, is done something like this:

  • First of all, the walls of the steam room are heated; what air temperature is needed in the steam room is decided by the owners, but most often up to 50 o C, no more. Warm up thoroughly wood trim steam rooms, thereby increasing the effectiveness of thermal insulation. Heated walls are the key to light steam in a Russian bath;
  • In a warm but not hot Russian bath, a small container with boiling water is placed on the stove in the steam room. hot water, which gradually fills the steam room of the bathhouse with light and non-hot steam over the course of an hour;
  • After receiving required humidity turn the stove up to maximum and heat it on one stack of wood until it burns out completely. The atmosphere is heated to 65 o C and remains stable, coupled with the required steam dryness, for an hour.

This steam will be the easiest and most useful.

Advice! To obtain light heat in an ordinary Russian bath, it would be useful to use a steam generator that produces a stream that is not hot, but saturated with small droplets.

The heat in a Russian bath rises slowly and is easily released by opening the ventilation valve or a regular window.

How to take a steam bath in a Russian sauna without mistakes

The best option would be not to let the organization of steam in a Russian bath take its course, but to properly heat the bathhouse and steam yourself or with a group, while the real light steam of a Russian bath is in the steam room. Visiting the steam room several times is also quite possible, but before each time the procedure for equalizing the humidity and temperature will have to be repeated anew. How quickly the steam in the steam room will be “corrected” for a new session depends on its design and proper management of the heater and vent.

After entering the steam room, after 20-30 minutes, the body adapts to the temperature and humidity, and a feeling of cooling of the steam room will appear. With good thermal insulation of the walls and a high-quality stone stove, good steam will last for an hour or two. In a bathhouse with a steel potbelly stove, real steam from a Russian steam room will last no more than half an hour.

Common Mistakes

A typical error in steam management is flooding the heater with excess water. In this case, in a Russian bath, something like a Turkish hammam is formed for some short time. After another ten minutes, the steam room will begin to cool quickly, and due to the high humidity, dampness and discomfort will appear. It’s even worse if you heat the heater white-hot, add water to the heater, and fill the steam room with a hot, humid cloud that makes it impossible to breathe.

In the first case, you should leave the steam room, correct the operation of the stove and remove the water from the heater. After adding a new portion and heating the oven, as the steam room warms up again, it is recommended to open the valve and remove most of the steam with cooled air from the steam room. Having thoroughly added heat to the atmosphere of the steam room, they enter the room and in small portions increase the water content in the air of the room.

Sometimes the work of pouring hot water onto the stones is replaced with an aluminum flask holding a couple of liters of water, from which water drips through the unscrewed cap onto the hot stones of the stove.

Advice! Particularly effective will be the combination of watering the stones with water and fanning the hot heater with a towel or piece of plywood. Some masters are able to organize real light steam, typical of a Russian bath, in 10-15 minutes.

In the second case, it is better to ventilate part of the humid and boiling atmosphere from the steam room. The temperature in the Russian bath will drop and the humidity will level out. You can open the doors to the dressing room and wait until the dry air from the bathhouse premises expels the hot cloud into the ventilation.

The secret of easy steam

One of the most popular options is the combination of a sauna and a Russian bath in one steam room. Not everyone likes this method of steaming, but in many cases it is suitable if people in a group like different temperature conditions.

The essence of the method is as follows. First, the steam room is heated to the highest possible temperature and low humidity. Those who love the Finnish “brazier” can steam in such a sauna. During this time, the bulk of the stone in the stove warms up to the maximum, then you need to open the ventilation of the steam room while simultaneously adding humidity by watering the heater with small portions of hot water.

Well...................., I feel like I can’t be bothered with revelations, then I take the fire upon myself, listen and correct me.

The beginning is completely banal, I flooded it and left to do business, the door to the steam room is closed and only it is heated, and I don’t pour any water on the walls, but I turn on the dripper (0.7 liters) as soon as the gun heats up to required temperatures, I sprinkle wormwood into the flavoring agent and leave again. When the temperature in the steam room reaches 45 C, I open the door to the sink and rest room. My opinion is that burst heating is more effective than gradual heating. For some time everything stays like that, the stove is heated, all rooms are heated, a dropper with flavoring gives just a crazy wormwood spirit. (For comparison, when they bake pies in the oven and open it for some reason, a hot wave of baked pastry appears, thick and stimulating; I experience about the same thing when I enter a CO from the street and the wave of warm wormwood is simply intoxicating.). I understand that everything has warmed up and now I can start preparing the steam room. The door is closed and the surface of the walls and ceiling (aspen lining) is sprayed with hot water, the dropper is opened slightly more. I cover the top row of vents with a bandage. openings of the stove (Malyutka) and leave for a short time, then everything is repeated, firewood is added, the walls and ceiling are sprayed, the drip is topped up and the humidifier is filled (working name) this is a board with inclined blind grooves, it holds a lot of water and very quickly gives off. For reference, I spray with a regular 2-liter flower sprayer, pump it up and water it. It takes 3 - 4 volumes,

When I understand that the bathhouse is coming, I go to have fun.

After this point, I switch the stove to “starvation” burning, this is when all the air is cut off and the wood simply smolders.

The temperature is 45 - 47 degrees, the humidity is such that when you lie down on the canopy, sweat appears very quickly, and at the beginning it is not even sweat but condensation, which flows down pleasantly tickles the body. You can lie in this paradise for an infinitely long time and immediately pulls you to sleep. Struggling When I sleep, I get wet like a border guard at a post and get amazing pleasure.

Then a shower with soap, a TV chair, tea - kvass. The second visit is almost the same, but first I spray the walls again, a humidifier. The temperature is 47 - 49, everything happens without the participation of a broom, it still hangs dry in the CO. Number of visits according to my mood and by feeling.

Finally there is a desire to take a steam bath, by that time the temperature is 55 - 57 degrees and the humidity is sufficient. A broom in the pipe, a couple of ladles of water on top and it’s ready, and the smell is awesome, like birch or oak, but it really doesn’t last long. By the way, in a wet steam room, the smell wormwood is felt weaker than in dry and hot.

The broom is ready, the client is warmed up and the ritual begins, the sweat is no longer from the condensation of steam, but real sweat, a ladle or steam on the heater, you scoop up fresh steam as much as possible and treat yourself to your loved one until the body tells you what to do next, and then shower, go out breathe outside, drink kvass and tea, sit in a chair in front of the TV. And so on until you feel like you’re running out of strength and it’s time to call it a day.

In short, I spray the walls before, during, and along with the spray. In general, it’s easier to get humidity at 45 degrees than at 56 - 60. That’s why I try to over-moisten the steam room from the very beginning, so that later it maintains the norm.

And now about the humidifier, a board, 40 ka with grooves (I already wrote about it), 250 grams of water fits in and evaporates it very quickly. There are plans to make a humidifier with an area of ​​1 sq. m and look at the result.

What am I doing wrong?