What smell are flies afraid of: useful tips. How to get rid of flies using folk and chemical remedies

With the arrival of spring comes not only joyful days, but also various unpleasant troubles. For example, constant struggle with annoying insects. Flies that begin to attack your home are not only a problem in terms of aesthetics, but they are also carriers various diseases. In addition, insects have a psychological effect on the residents of the house.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment

Every owner tries to get rid of annoying flies as quickly as possible and prevent them from entering the apartment. The fly is dangerous insect. It is she who often becomes the cause of such terrible diseases as diphtheria, dysentery, tuberculosis and other diseases. Flies, landing on food, especially fruits, vegetables, meat and fish, lay their larvae in large numbers. Eating a product with such a “filling” can cause a person to become seriously ill.

Poe Therefore, experts advise paying more attention to preventive measures to combat insects. This will be smarter than dealing with the consequences of this problem in the future.

Prevention of fly control

To do this, you must always adhere to the main rule: keep your home clean at all times. We know that flies take root very well in unsanitary conditions. Try to dispose of food waste as often as possible. Don't forget about fresh products, which you hide in the refrigerator or keep in special trays.

Be sure to constantly wet clean your house. If you have a farm, keep the areas where livestock and manure are kept clean. It is advisable to frequently water the manure with a solution of karphos, the smell of which flies cannot stand.

With the beginning of warm spring days, mosquito nets should be installed on the windows. Near a private house, plants such as bird cherry, elderberry, and wormwood are good protection against flies. Will repel insects indoors homemade geranium. Flies do not like the smell of all these plants.

If such preventive actions are not effective, you need to move on to more active insect control measures.

Use of chemicals

It has already been verified by experience that the most effective method In this case, modern chemical preparations still remain to kill insects. There are several such drugs that have long gained popularity among consumers. These are the well-known aerosols “Dichlorvos” and “Chlorophos”. It is advisable to spray these toxic agents in rooms with closed windows. All uninvited “guests” in the house will die. After this, ventilate the rooms in the house well.

A new means of combating annoying insects is effective - a plate impregnated with poisons. It is inserted into a small device and heated using a fumigator. The poisonous substance evaporates, causing the flies to die.

An old way to control flies is with tapes that are saturated with a sticky, toxic substance. Their smell attracts winged insects, which become trapped and stick to the tape. There they die.

It is worth noting that all chemical insect control agents cannot be used in homes where small children and any pets live. In this case, it is better to deal with annoying insects folk remedies.

Traditional methods against flies

You can drive insects out of your home using ground black pepper mixed with sweetened water. After 2-3 days the flies will fly away.

Also, saccharin can kill insects. To make a trap, you need to take a newspaper and soak it in a solution containing water, honey and saccharin. Then dry the newspaper. When flies appear in the house, place the trap in an open place and drop a few drops of water on it. Flies, attracted by the smell of this composition, land on the newspaper and soon die.

There are also many plants whose scent flies cannot tolerate. For example, the smell of toadflax, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. The herb should be mixed with milk and boiled for several minutes. Place the broth in a bowl and place it at several points in the room. This will drive annoying insects out of the house. Also, tansy and castor bean flowers can be placed in the house, which will repel flies.

Nowadays, especially popular are devices that, using ultrasound, are very effective at repelling annoying insects. Moreover, they are safe compared to chemicals. Such a device emits very high sound waves. They are safe for humans; they don’t even hear them. But insects that hear this sound perfectly are irritated by ultrasound. Therefore, they immediately leave the room where this device is installed.

Video on how to get rid of flies

And another means of fighting flies is the old, proven method: using a fly swatter. This device should definitely be in your home when warm days arrive.

As annoying as a fly. It is no coincidence that the persistent insect became the “hero” of the proverb. Once inside the room, it buzzes continuously, unceremoniously climbs into the plate, and crawls over the most sensitive areas of the skin. In the morning, when I'm just asleep, I try to sit on my face. It especially annoys residents of private houses, but city residents are not unfamiliar with the problem of how to get rid of flies. In addition, psychological discomfort is the most harmless part of a fly neighborhood, much worse than infectious agents that enter the apartment along with uninvited guests.

A harmless insect at first glance is a carrier of terrible diseases - typhoid, dysentery, tuberculosis.

Dangerous neighborhood

Flies living with humans have become commonplace; they are even called house flies. Sometimes we don’t notice their presence, brushing it aside, we eat bread and fruits on which insects have managed to mark themselves. We think about how to get rid of flies in an apartment only when their number exceeds acceptable standards and starts to get annoying. But this neighborhood is not so harmless.

An adult female lives for about one and a half months and literally two days after hatching begins to lay eggs. A lot - up to 2000 pieces for yours short life. He chooses places for oviposition that are “favorable” for future larvae - rotting food waste, feces, dung heaps, cesspools. Now imagine, having laid eggs, a fly flies into the room. What will she bring on her paws?

Considering that the main source of food for flies is human food, they are carriers of dangerous intestinal infections, including:

  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • helminthic infestation;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholera, etc.

As you can see, importunity is not the only reason to get rid of flies and isolate living spaces from them as much as possible.

Note! The full cycle of insect transformation (egg - larva - pupa - adult) passes very quickly - in 25-30 days. Behind warm season 6–9 generations of flies are replaced.

Why do flies try to get into the house?

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say that wings feed a fly. Random circling in the air is nothing more than a constant search for food, as well as a place to bear offspring. What attracts flies indoors?

  1. First of all, decomposing food and waste of humans and animals. First of all, the insect rushes to the trash can, to the toilet, to the cat potty.
  2. Flies are sure to land on available food items. My favorite smell is meat, and the second most popular smell is sweets. Taking this feature into account, many are made using sweet fermented filler.
  3. Flies love the smell of sweat and stale linen; they won’t let through dirty kitchen towels. There have been cases when the insect managed to lay eggs in wounds and abrasions on the skin of animals.
  4. Pets, especially dogs, are the fourth most popular fly attractant. The smell of wool plays a role here, as well as dishes and leftover food, which, as a rule, are always present in a house where four-legged pets live.

It should be remembered that flies are greedy for odors - the more unpleasant-smelling dirt in the apartment, the more actively insects populate it. They also keenly sense repellent aromas. Knowing them, you can effectively fight insects.

Prevention is easier than victory

In most cases, we first “invite” ourselves, and then look for ways to get rid of flies in the apartment. You need to start with protecting the premises. We recommend that prevention be carried out in two directions - blocking access to insects and eliminating sources that attract them. Here are measures that will significantly reduce the number of annoying neighbors.

  • Install anti-skids on windows Mosquito nets, on open doors verandas - special curtains.
  • Keep your apartment clean, especially the kitchen. Always remove or cover food, even fruit or candy. No piles of dishes in the sink - wash them immediately after eating.
  • Keep trash cans closed and wash them frequently with disinfectants. Take out the trash every day, preventing the room from smelling.
  • Do not put spoiled meat or fish peelings in the trash; throw them directly into the trash chute or compost heap.
  • Wash pet dishes daily. Do not leave leftover food in the bowl.
  • Buy a basket for dirty laundry. You can’t even imagine how attractive the smell of unwashed socks is to flies!
  • Place compost heaps and pits for food waste away from your home. If possible, cover them with lids.

Insect control is more difficult if you raise poultry, rabbits or livestock, as is getting rid of flies in an outdoor toilet.

  • Place manure heaps as far away from living quarters as possible.
  • Keep the toilet outlet and cesspool closed. Sprinkle the contents of the toilet with bleach from time to time.

How to turn away uninvited guests?

There are many effective ways how to deal with flies. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups.

  1. Mechanical. They involve catching or destroying the insect. These include fly swatters, all kinds of traps, Velcro, and bait.
  2. Physical. We are talking about household appliances that destroy or repel flies using electric discharge, ultrasound, and electromagnetic waves.
  3. Biochemical. These are fly repellents based on insecticides (they kill) and repellents (they scare away).
  4. Preventive. There are chemical and natural repellents that help prevent insects from entering the room.

Let's consider the principle of operation, the pros and cons of the most popular methods of fighting flies.

Mechanical methods of exterminating insects

Among the advantages mechanical methods fight - harmless to humans and animals. But when chasing flies or luring them into traps, achieving 100% results is problematic. However, if this city ​​apartment, where insects are randomly flown single specimens, mechanical traps may be quite sufficient.

Duct tape

Came to us from the Soviet era, but quite effective remedy from flies - sticky tape.

It works like this. Strips of paper are impregnated with an attractant (attractive aroma), the surface is covered with a sticky substance. Ribbons hang near lighting fixtures, in the kitchen, baguettes. Flying towards the smell, the flies get stuck and cannot get out of the sticky trap.

The disadvantage of this method is the aesthetically unattractive appearance of the coated strips.

Traps with light

This modern variation sticky tapes that perform the same function - to lure and destroy. Only cute flashlights or neat screens attract flies not with smell, but with bright light. There is a sticky substance inside. Once stuck, the insect will not get back out.

Traps with food bait

An effective remedy for flies is a trap with poisoned bait. It’s easy to make it with your own hands from ordinary plastic bottle. How it works?

A sweet liquid is poured into the bottom of the trap, to which a poisonous substance is added. The insect gets to the bait through the inverted neck of the bottle, but there is no way back. What can you prepare for a “treat”?

  • Add a pinch of ground black pepper to sweet syrup or jam.
  • Soak a piece of bread with a mixture of milk (a quarter of a glass), soda (1 tablespoon), formaldehyde (half a teaspoon). This bait can simply be laid out on saucers and placed in places where flies congregate.
  • Soak bread and a napkin in a solution of honey with added saccharin. Per glass warm water you will need 10–15 g of sweetener. Despite their love for sweets, insects cannot stand them.

Household devices for controlling flies

On the Internet you can find many tips and recipes on how to get rid of flies using homemade devices. But the game is not always worth the trouble. It is much easier to purchase inexpensive and effective devices for repelling or killing insects. Their advantages:

  • harmlessness to humans;
  • 100% guarantee of room cleanliness;
  • small sizes;
  • modern, aesthetically pleasing look.

Electric trap

This device is a screen with a light source, closed metal grille, along which there is a weak discharge electric current. Ultraviolet radiation attracts flies, but when they touch the energized grid, they fall dead.


A device that has received popular recognition is an electric fly fumigator. The principle of operation is simple - from an electric charge, a plate impregnated with fumigants begins to heat up and evaporate the toxic substance - vaporrin. It is absolutely harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals, but paralyzes the respiratory system of insects.

Arguments in favor of a fumigator.

  • The device is easy to use.
  • Durable, you only need to change the plate or bottle with liquid.
  • The fumigant is odorless.
  • Wide spectrum of action - flies, mosquitoes, midges, wasps.

The disadvantages of the fumigator include the rapid consumption of plates. If the house is large, you will need several appliances.

Chemical control agents

If you need to quickly kill a large number of insects, the best remedy for flies is insecticides. They must be used carefully, especially if there are small children, animals, or aquarium fish in the house. Insecticides are produced in the form of aerosols and granules. Modern means, in addition to the immediate destruction of flying pests, have a prolonged effect, they prevent the appearance of flies after treating the room.

Sprays, aerosols

There is a wide choice of what to poison flies with among aerosols. The most famous drugs:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Mukhoyar;
  • Dichlorvos.

The disadvantage of this method of controlling flies is the need to thoroughly ventilate the premises after treatment.

Granular insecticide Agita

Among the new generation of insecticides is Agita against flies. This is a granular preparation that, in addition to a toxic substance, contains a sex pheromone. It attracts flies, and after tasting the treat, they quickly die. Agita does not smell, but has wide range actions - cockroaches, fleas, ants, wasps will also die. The drug can be diluted for spraying or granules can be placed in places where insects accumulate. After treating the room, there will be no flies for 4-8 weeks.

Note! Other insecticides have similar characteristics to Agita. Flybyte retains the effect for 3 months (sprayed once and for the whole summer). Jet kills adult insects, larvae, and eggs. Emulsion Executioner will destroy all flying and crawling pests in the apartment.

Natural repellents

There are many repellents in nature that can be used to both block access to a room and get rid of flies. What odors are annoying insects afraid of, and how can this be used to combat them?

  • Plant next to windows front door lavender, Snapdragon, ferns, tansy, flies will fly around your house.
  • Will have the same effect houseplants– geranium (pelargonium), myrtle.
  • Fill the room with scents that are unpleasant to flies. In aroma lamps, use essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, lavender, and cloves.
  • Sachet bags with these plants and bouquets of dried flowers will perform the same function.
  • When cleaning your apartment, add vinegar or a few drops of turpentine to the water. The smell is almost indistinguishable to humans, and will repel insects.

There are many effective drugs and interesting methods for controlling flies. But don't expect to win if cleaning your apartment isn't a priority. Sometimes a bucket of water and a rag is a more effective remedy than an aerosol or fumigator.

How to get rid of flies:

The appearance of flies in the house will not please anyone: these annoying insects annoy with constant buzzing and flickering, leave marks (which are not so easy to get rid of) on furniture and wallpaper, and spoil food. But all these troubles pale next to the main danger posed by flies: they carry all kinds of infectious diseases, including typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, and salmonellosis. Some individuals leave quite painful bites.

Methods of fighting flies are different: folk remedies and strong poisons, poisoned baits and elementary homemade traps, ultrasonic repellers and odorous herbs. If it’s not just one fly that’s bothering you, but a whole swarm, use the methods in a comprehensive manner.

Flies are most active in the warm season, starting in March. An adult can lay up to 2,000 larvae in just a month (the lifespan of an insect)!

Best Methods to Get Rid of Flies

Method Description Note
Traps Pour into the bottom glass jar(any volume) sugar syrup. Insert a cone rolled out of paper into the neck of the container (it should not touch the bottom). The simplest option from a plastic bottle

Fill the jar halfway with apple cider vinegar. Close the lid, having previously made holes in it, the size of which is sufficient for the fly to get inside the trap.

Spread long strips of paper or thin cardboard with very thick sugar syrup or a mixture of melted rosin (3 parts), any vegetable oil(1 part) and sugar syrup (1 part). Hang Velcro strips in areas where flies gather.

Having smelled the attractive smell and climbed into the jar through a narrow hole, the flies will not get back out.
Traps with attached insects look unsightly. Do not place them near heating appliances.
Poisoned baits Pour some jam, marmalade or sugar syrup onto a saucer. Add a couple of pinches of ground black pepper and mix well.
Ground black pepper is a deadly poison for flies

Similarly, use a mixture of water (1 glass), honey (10 grams) and saccharin (1 gram).

Both black pepper and saccharin are considered among the most effective home remedies for flies. Having tried the bait, the insect quickly dies.
Natural repellers Place pots with indoor geranium, basil, laurel, lavender, peppermint.

Use the same plants, but in dried form, as a filler for homemade flavorings - bags made of cotton fabric.

Hang bunches of dried tansy, wormwood, and fern over the windows. In utility rooms (kitchen, pantry), place tied fresh tomato stems.

Place cinnamon sticks on windowsills, tables, and shelves.

Process wooden surfaces(frames, tables) with a rag soaked in the essential oil of clove, eucalyptus, lavender, peppermint, lemongrass.

Periodically turn on the aroma lamp, filling it with one of the oils suggested above.

To ensure that the bags always smell delicious, shake the contents periodically. Change the filler at least once every two months.
It is noteworthy that aromas that are pleasant to people, but unbearable to flies, also annoy other insects, for example, annoying midges.
Household repellers In utility rooms (where people are not constantly present), spray regular vodka from a spray bottle.

Wash the floors with water with the addition of purified kerosene (about 50 grams per 10 liters of water).

Among the folk remedies for flies: turpentine, 9% table vinegar. They are also added to water for washing floors and wiping other surfaces.

Despite the fact that these methods help to get rid of flies quickly, their effect cannot be called long-term. In addition, neither people nor pets like the strong smell.
Store-bought drugs Sprays (aerosols) show good results, the most popular of which is the good old “Dichlorvos”.
Dichlorvos is a time-tested remedy

Surface treatment preparations are made at home based on powders and granules that are poisonous to insects. Be sure to read the instructions and follow the dosage.

One of the common recipes for poisonous bait: mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and ½ teaspoon of chlorophos, dilute with water. Pour the poison into shallow containers (for example, saucers) and place them on the windowsills. After two weeks, update the bait.

“Crayons” are in demand because they are easy to use, but are only suitable for hard surfaces and are dangerous for small children and pets.

Fly plates for fumigators are considered safer. The only drawback is that one plate is usually not enough for long.

Before using the spray, place food in an airtight container. upholstered furniture cover with film. There should be no people or animals in the treated area! After a couple of hours, thoroughly ventilate the room and wipe all surfaces with soapy water.
Do not use strong poisons if there are animals and children in the apartment! Follow safety precautions: wear rubber gloves and a respirator. Use insecticides with caution in the bedroom and kitchen.
Modern devices Electric fly swatters and ultrasonic repellers have proven themselves well in the fight against insects. Such devices are not cheap, but they are absolutely safe for the family.

Mosquito nets solve most house fly problems

Prevention of the appearance and reproduction of flies in an apartment (house)

  1. Wash dirty dishes in a timely manner, without leaving them in the sink for a long time.
  2. Hide food left uneaten by pets.
  3. Empty the trash can regularly and do not let it overfill. Throw away any strong-smelling garbage (fish peelings, meat scraps) immediately.
  4. Rinse buckets and tanks with water diluted halfway with 9% table vinegar.
  5. Store food in airtight containers or the refrigerator. Bakery products are in the bread bin.
  6. Install mosquito nets on windows and doors. For country houses Special curtains are suitable, which consist of rustling ribbons that repel insects.

Flies are an almost inevitable nuisance in most homes, especially during the warmer months. However, there are ways to minimize the presence of flies in your home. Install traps in the house, use fly swatters, insecticides and repellents based on natural essential oils and herbs, clean up areas where flies can feed and breed, and prevent more flies from entering your home.


Fly traps

    Use light traps to catch larger flies. Ultraviolet traps are excellent for catching house flies and other large species of flies and harmful insects. Flies are attracted to light and end up sticking to the sticky surface or being electrocuted to death.

    • Place light traps at a height of 1.2-1.8 meters from the floor.
    • Place light traps so that their light is not visible from the street, otherwise it will attract more flies into the house.
    • Use light traps that are designed for indoor use. While high-voltage electric fly swatters are designed for outdoor use, they can cause dirt and mess inside the home.
  1. Use sticky tape to catch flies. Adhesive tape or paper is simple and effective way getting rid of large quantity adult flies. Buy one or more rolls of sticky fly tape and hang it where these insects like to congregate.

    • Do not hang sticky tape directly over areas where you cook or eat food, as flies or fly residue may come off the tape and fall down.
  2. Use vinegar or wine traps to catch fruit flies. Fruit flies are very attracted to fermented fruit products such as red wine and apple cider vinegar. A variety of simple traps can be made that use wine or vinegar to attract and kill adult fruit flies:

    • Pour some apple cider vinegar into a bottle or jar and cover it with plastic wrap. Secure the film with an elastic band. Make a small hole in the film so that the flies smell the vinegar and crawl inside. The flies will not be able to get back out and will drown in the vinegar.
    • Pour some vinegar into a bowl and add a few drops of dish soap. This product will weaken the surface tension of the liquid, and flies attracted by the smell will drown in the vinegar.
    • Take a red wine bottle that has very little wine left at the bottom. The flies will be able to get into the bottle, but it will be difficult for them to get out.
    • You can also purchase ready-made fruit fly traps.
  3. Kill flies with an electric fly swatter. Electric fly swatters are a cleaner version of regular fly swatters. They kill flies and other insects at the slightest touch, eliminating messy marks.

    • Electric fly swatters are fairly safe, but they can cause a nasty shock, so keep them away from children and pets.
  4. Kill flies directly with pyrethrin spray. Besides doorways, you can spray the spray on flies, which will cause them to die quickly. However, be careful not to use pyrethrin spray near food or food preparation areas. Although pyrethrin is relatively safe, in significant quantities it can be harmful to the health of humans or pets if ingested or inhaled. Follow the safety precautions carefully.

    Use insecticidal fly bait. There are many different insecticidal fly baits available on the market. The insects eat the poisoned bait and die. Such baits can be purchased in the form of insecticide-loaded traps, tablets or liquid solutions that can be applied to areas favored by flies.

    • Popular baits are in the form of stickers that can be attached to glass windows(for example, Ortho Home Defense Fly Killer Window Decal). Flies eat the pesticide contained on the surface of the stickers and die, as a rule, near the window and on the windowsill.
    • Fly baits can be dangerous to children and pets, so follow the manufacturer's instructions and use baits in areas that are difficult for children and pets to reach.

    Keep flies out of your house

    1. Immediately after eating, remove all food and take out food trash. Flies are attracted to moist organic matter, which serves as both food and a place for them to lay eggs. Keep flies away from food, food waste and compost.

      • Store your food and pet food in the refrigerator or tightly sealed containers.
      • Wash dishes immediately after use.
      • Wipe up food debris as soon as you notice it.
      • Dispose of food waste in a tightly sealed bin or food waste disposer.
    2. Keep waste containers clean and tightly sealed. Store food scraps and compost in tightly sealed containers and take out the trash frequently. Check for larvae or pupae under trash can lids and liners. Clean your trash and compost bins occasionally hot water with soap.

In spring, trees and shrubs are covered with greenery, the first dandelions bloom, imitating the rays of the sun. Flies spoil the rosy mood. Annoying insects They tend to get tangled in their hair and land on their arms and legs. There is no escape in your own apartment. Residents of private houses have a very hard time.

Representatives of the order Diptera have always bothered humans. Intrusiveness is not the most dangerous quality. Insects are carriers dangerous diseases. When you see flies at home, you need to fight. Hardware stores offer a variety of products designed to kill insects. There is no need to despair if you don’t have money for expensive drugs. The folk remedies against flies that our ancestors used to fight them work no worse than industrial insecticides.

Not every fly is an enemy of humanity. There are many species of representatives of the order Diptera, distinguished by type of nutrition.

Their food is the following:

  • food, human food waste;
  • secretions of mucous membranes, sweat glands;
  • excrement;
  • blood of animals, humans;
  • plant nectar.

Representatives of some species, becoming adults, do not need food.

Diptera insects live in the wild. Certain species, united under the general name “synanthropic,” live in close proximity to humans. They pose the greatest danger to people and pets.

The synanthropic species include the following representatives:

The danger posed by insects

When deciding how to get rid of flies, you need to know what danger they pose. Insects attack adults and children for food. As food products for them the following applies:

  • blood;
  • discharge from wounds and abrasions;
  • discharge from mucous membranes;

Diptera feed on feces, animal corpses, meat, receiving pathogens of the following diseases:

  • dysentery;
  • cholera;
  • helminthiasis.

On the body of insects they remain active throughout the day.

According to scientists, dipteran insects spread eye diseases - conjunctivitis, trachoma. It is possible that flies transmit the polio virus, as well as tuberculosis and adenoviral infections.

Ways to fight

You should not trust advertising that says that by using a certain fly repellent at home, you can forget about insects for a long time. Diptera are able to adapt to the most unbearable conditions. To fully reproduce, they require a pile of food scraps or excrement. You need to get rid of them in two stages:

  • discover breeding sites;
  • get rid of adults.

A cluster of insects in an apartment or house indicates the presence of a breeding site. Will help destroy it spring-cleaning using disinfectants.

Representatives of the order Diptera often breed in the trash can. Their destruction should begin with getting rid of garbage. The bucket is washed with water with the addition of vinegar or powder boric acid. The trash can is tightly closed with a lid.

How to get rid of flies that have become adults. If insects have nowhere to breed, then they have nothing to do in the house. They retreat on their own in search of a better life.

The remaining representatives can be eliminated by using store-bought insecticides. Considering the toxicity chemicals, many people prefer to use safe traditional recipes.

Vodka against flies

Diptera insects cannot stand the smell of vodka.

The smell of vodka makes flies leave the room

Of all the possible methods of control, firewater is an expensive remedy, but very effective. Vodka is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed in rooms where flies fly most often. Vodka helps get rid of uninvited guests and disinfects indoor air, destroying bacteria and viruses.

The same method helps protect against flies in the country. By applying vodka to your skin, you can forget about the annoying representatives of the order Diptera. It is not suitable for the office, since an employee who smells of an alcohol-containing drink may be convicted of violating work regulations.

Scent fight

Every scent has its own frequency. This is what flies catch with their antennae – their olfactory organs. The following aromas have the highest frequency:

  • lavender;
  • citronella;
  • lemongrass;
  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus.

Essential oils extracted from these plants will help get rid of flying insects.

They are dripped into aromatic lamps, added to the water used to wash floors and windows. You can place cotton balls soaked in any of these oils on the windowsills.

Cloves, used as a spice, have a repellent property. Carnation buds are laid out on dining table, window sills, near the trash can.

How to deal with flies in the country while working in the garden? Homemade lotion will help with this. To prepare it you will need the following components:

  • hazel bark for preparing a decoction;
  • Apple vinegar;
  • eucalyptus essential oil.

Half a glass of hazel decoction is mixed with an equal amount of apple cider vinegar, 60 drops of eucalyptus oil are added and applied to open areas bodies.

Homemade traps

People who do not want to use chemicals to control flies make their own traps. You can find a lot of tips on how to make them on the Internet.

As one girl wrote, she got rid of flies by making a cone out of paper and inserting its sharp end into a jar. Honey water was previously poured into the container. Sugar syrup, jam, and beer can be used as bait.

Black pepper, saccharin, formalin are poison for flies. These substances are used for traps. A mixture of jam or honey with black pepper, poured into a saucer, will be fatal to two-winged guests.

An explosive mixture can be prepared from the following components:

  • 1 teaspoon formaldehyde;
  • 5 teaspoons of sugar syrup;
  • 3 teaspoons of milk.

This mixture is also poured into a saucer and placed in places where insects may appear.

Flies will be delighted with homemade sticky tape impregnated with a bait of rosin, castor oil and honey. The components are mixed, heated in a water bath and applied to paper tapes. The trap is hung in front of the door and windows.

Fighting flies on the street

Summer residents and owners of private houses suffer most from the invasion of dipterous insects. How to eliminate flies on the territory garden plot? It's easier not to let them in there. The ideal country option for control is to plant plants and shrubs in the garden that repel insects.

Elderberry and bird cherry are planted along the perimeter of the site. The best remedy Lavender and geranium will protect and decorate the garden. Mint can protect against flies and soothe. Basil can enhance the protective effect and enhance the taste of meat dishes. Branches of wormwood and tansy, laid out in the house or hung in bunches, will give the interior country house pristine, not letting flies into the house.

Ideal breeding grounds for flies are cesspools and compost heaps. It is recommended to regularly disinfect them with a bleach solution.

By practicing simple methods, you can rid your street and home of uninvited guests.