Consequences of wasp bites: how can attacks by these insects be dangerous? What to do if you are bitten by a wasp

What should you do and what measures should you immediately take at home if you are bitten by a wasp? Follow the rules of first aid, familiarize yourself with the common mistakes that most victims make and do not repeat them. In the article, we will tell you how to prevent anaphylactic shock from occurring, how to relieve allergy symptoms, and in which case you should immediately consult a doctor after a wasp sting. For young children, wasp bites are even more dangerous than for an adult, so we will give recommendations for relieving swelling and pain relief of the damaged area of ​​the baby’s skin and tell you whether it is necessary to go to the clinic.

Standard symptoms in a person after a wasp sting are as follows:

  • the bite site hurts;
  • the bite swells, swelling or a lump occurs;
  • the skin turns red and warms up.

Symptoms may not go away for one to three days after a wasp sting; after three days, usually only redness remains, which goes away after a week.

First aid for a wasp sting

What NOT to do: Common mistakes

  1. Don't look for the sting, the wasp does not leave him. Proceed immediately to remove and neutralize the poison.
  2. As stated earlier, no need to cauterize bite site. Although the principle itself has the right to life, after its application a burn will appear on the skin, and then a scar. However, it is not a fact that the poison will be neutralized and lose its properties. You can only burn a bite in a situation where you are far from the first aid kit and know that a wasp sting causes you a severe allergy, and you only have a lighter with you. In this case, by quickly cauterizing the damaged area, you will neutralize most of the poison and can save your life.
  3. Don't squeeze out the poison, and do not rub the bite site! Pressing and rubbing the damaged area of ​​skin with venom will only increase blood circulation and help spread the wasp venom faster throughout the body.
  4. Don't scratch bite, otherwise you will get a sore at best, and suppuration at worst.
  5. Do not use dirty water, do not apply earth or clay, as infection can enter the body through the wound.
  6. Don't think that the swelling will get bigger because of water, this is a myth. Drink more water, it will help the body remove the toxin faster.
  7. Don't drink alcoholic beverages! They help speed up blood circulation.

Why is a wasp sting dangerous for humans?

The wasp sting itself is not fatal, the reaction is dangerous human body on it and substances that have entered the skin. If there is no acute reaction (allergy), then the symptoms and consequences will begin to subside a couple of days after first aid is provided.

If a wasp bites you in the eye, nose or lip, this is fraught with severe swelling of the entire face. If a wasp stings near the eye, panophthalmitis may subsequently develop, i.e. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyeball. A bite to the lips, tongue or neck can cause difficulty breathing and even cut off oxygen supply.

Wasps are most active in warm weather, and by August their numbers increase and their aggressiveness also increases. Avoid attracting them with fruit, soda, food, sweet smells, and bright colors.

For pregnant women, a wasp sting is especially dangerous, because a pronounced allergic reaction can harm the fetus, and the use of most special medications is not allowed.

For a child, a bite is no more dangerous than for an adult and, in addition to allergies, can lead to severe fear and hysteria.

What to do if a wasp bites a child?

You need to do exactly the same as with first aid for an adult. The only thing is that first the child needs to be calmed down and distracted with something. Don't let your baby rub or scratch the bite area. Carefully monitor his condition after first aid; angioedema and severe allergies may occur after some time, so it is important to be there for at least 2-3 hours to give an antihistamine or call a doctor.

Pay attention to the place where the child was stung by the wasp. It is possible that there is a beehive nearby and you should no longer bring him there to play. If this happened on summer cottage, carefully inspect all roofs and canopies to see if wasps have built a nest there.

If you have an allergy

Allergies in humans are caused by toxins contained in wasp venom near the sting. The main components of the poison:

  • Acetylchodine, which disrupts the functioning of nervous tissue;
  • Histamine is the main activator of inflammation and severe allergic reactions.
  • Phospholipases are enzymes that destroy cell walls. Cause an inflammatory process;
  • Hyaluronidase is a toxin similar to the previous enzyme.
  • The hyperglycemic factor increases blood sugar.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction are:

  • swelling, redness of the bite site and the appearance severe itching;
  • fever, headache and shortness of breath;
  • hives;
  • confusion;
  • anaphylactic shock.

It is because of anaphylactic shock and asphyxia that a person can. This phenomenon occurs very quickly - a few minutes after the sting. Seconds count; you need to call a doctor and provide first aid.

If anaphylaxis occurs, the victim should be given an injection of adrenaline or epinephrine and called immediately ambulance. Do not leave the victim, lay him down and monitor his condition. If it does not improve, give a second injection of epinephrine. If you have trouble breathing, use an inhaler if available.

If after first aid a person feels better, but the doctor is already on his way, do not refuse hospitalization, it is necessary to prevent the recurrence of an allergic reaction.

Medicines to relieve symptoms

To reduce swelling and itching, it is advisable to take an antihistamine, such as Cetrin, Claritin, Zodak or any other.

Apply cream or gel to the damaged and inflamed area of ​​the skin: Spasatal, Fenistil, Insectline, Advantan or Menovazin.

Folk remedies

If you don't have any pills or creams on hand and the pharmacy is too far, use folk ways relieving symptoms after a wasp sting. Apply to the inflamed area:

  • chewed fresh parsley leaves;
  • a slice of tomato, garlic or onion;
  • soda mixed with water to form a porridge;
  • Validol ground with water;
  • cloth or cotton wool soaked in vinegar, lemon juice, essential oil, tincture of calendula, plantain or golden mustache.

In what cases should you consult a doctor after a wasp sting?

When providing first aid, you should pay attention to the occurrence of alarming symptoms that require treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

  • There are more than five bites on the body;
  • The wasp bit you on the neck, eye or face area;
  • The patient is allergic to wasps;
  • Manifestation of symptoms of an allergic reaction that are not relieved by antihistamines;
  • The victim has difficulty breathing;
  • Wasp sting during pregnancy;
  • The person has asthma;
  • There are diseases of the cardiovascular system.

If you are stung by a wasp, do not immediately start to panic! Assess the situation soberly and decide whether to see a doctor, or whether you can use traditional medicine.

A wasp can bite a person anywhere: in nature, in a city park, or just on the street. This especially happens in summer period when insects are most active. Both adults and children can suffer from a wasp sting. This is especially true for children, since they are interested in everything, and they don’t mind touching a striped insect.

Are wasp bites dangerous and what to do if bitten by a wasp? The article talks about how to provide first aid in case of a bite. Both adults and children should know about these rules, as unpredictable consequences are possible.

Firstly, you can see or feel what the wasp has bitten, as well as hear the characteristic sound of the wasp flying. There are other signs indicating that it was a wasp that bit. For example:

  • Swelling immediately appears at the site of the bite.
  • A red-pink hue appears within the bite area.
  • Skin itching appears.
  • There is a sharp throbbing pain.
  • In the case of a bite in the facial area, the tissues become very swollen and hemorrhage is possible.
  • Children and women are much more susceptible to wasp stings.
  • If the tongue is bitten, severe swelling of both the tongue and the oral cavity is possible.

In addition, in certain cases, anaphylactic reactions may develop. For example:

  • Severe swelling appears.
  • The bite site changes color.
  • The skin turns pale.
  • Nausea appears.
  • Unbearable itching.
  • Possible attacks of suffocation.
  • Hemorrhages within the eyes.
  • Loss of consciousness.
  • Attacks of pain in the chest and abdominal area.
  • Fluctuations in blood pressure.
  • Malfunctions of the heart.

Wasp stings are especially painful and therefore cause a lot of trouble. It should also be remembered that a wasp, compared to a bee, can make not one, but several bites if provoked. Therefore, taking this factor into account, wasps should not be teased. But if the wasp does bite you, then don’t panic. It is important to provide first aid in a timely manner, as any situation is possible. So, what to do if you are bitten by a wasp:

  • If the wasp does bite you, you should not wave your arms trying to drive the wasp away. This can make the situation worse and instead of one bite you can get several.
  • Incorrect behavior can provoke an attack by several insects, then you will not be able to get away with a slight fright.
  • After a bite, it is better to slowly leave the unfortunate place, leaving the wasp or wasps alone.
  • Wasps flock to sweets, so similar situations occur during the period when compotes or jams are prepared for the winter. It is better to do this not outdoors, but indoors, otherwise there will be no end to these insects.
  • That was less problems, you need to know how to behave correctly in different situations.

A wasp sting is not the worst thing. The scary thing is that not everyone knows how to help a person so that the body does not have negative reactions to a bite. Often, a person’s life depends on competent actions. That's why:

  • There is no need to look for stings, as is the case with bee stings. Wasps do not leave a sting only if the wasp is killed during the bite.
  • It is better for the victim to move to the shade and sit comfortably. In cases of nausea or difficulty breathing, it is better to ensure that the head is in an upright position.
  • The bite site is wiped citric acid, vinegar solution or just clean water if there are no other liquids on hand.
  • To reduce pain and swelling, apply a cold compress to the wound.
  • If this happened on vacation outside the city, then you can find a leaf of plantain or dandelion and apply it to the wound, but before that it is better to wash it.
  • The next stage is treating the bite site with Finistil-gel, Psilo-balm or Rescuer cream to reduce the risk factor.
  • Take an allergy pill. Such drugs should always be in any person’s first aid kit, especially when preparing for a trip to nature. Children need children's medications.
  • All this time you need to monitor the person’s health. If there is a constant deterioration in your health, it is better to immediately call an ambulance.
  • If a child has suffered from a wasp sting, he should definitely be seen by a dermatologist.
  • The victim should drink plenty of fluids to quickly remove the poison from the body.

Interesting to know! On the planet, somewhere around 2 percent of people suffer from excessive sensitivity to various insect bites. However, not everyone knows about this before the first bite. If someone has not encountered such a problem as a wasp sting, then it is better to always carry an antihistamine with you. You also need to have an idea of ​​what types of allergens this remedy is most effective against.

When the reaction to a wasp sting is inadequate, negative consequences are possible in the form of additional bites, and if done incorrectly, local allergic reactions are possible, which lead to complications.

Sometimes people end up in the hospital only because there was no reaction to a wasp sting and the wound was not treated with anything, which leads to secondary infection.

Therefore you cannot:

  • Scratching the wound, making it even more accessible to pathogens.
  • Trying to get rid of the poison that has long entered the bloodstream.
  • Drink alcohol, which can enhance the effect of the poison.
  • Smoking.
  • Cauterize the bite site, which leads to more extensive damage.

It is better to treat the bite site with medications, in the form of gels or ointments. This will minimize negative consequences. Antihistamines should be taken in combination with such drugs.

It is permissible to treat bite sites:

  • Psilo-balm.
  • Fenistil-gel.
  • Fluorocort.
  • Diprospan.
  • Balm “Rescuer” against insect bites.

The use of such drugs leads to:

  • To reduce swelling.
  • To improve blood circulation at the site of the bite.
  • To reduce itching.
  • To reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions.
  • To reduce pain.

It is possible to use the following antihistamines:

  • Suprastinex.
  • Fexofenadine.
  • Cetrin.
  • Diazolin.
  • Claritin.
  • Tavegil.
  • Suprastin.
  • Erius.

Medicines may not always be at hand, so you have to remember folk recipes. If you use natural ingredients, they act just as effectively, without any negative consequences.

What can be used if bitten by a wasp:

  • Aloe juice or pulp.
  • Plantain or dandelion leaf.
  • Parsley, if chopped.

What to do:

  • Rinse the bite site with clean water, then apply one of the plants to the site.
  • Before this, the leaves should be washed well, at least with your saliva.
  • Every half hour, you need to replace the product with a fresh one.

On a note! You should not wrap the affected area with cling film or cellophane, as this will not allow the wound to breathe. Best option- this is a bandage, gauze or a piece of cotton fabric.

Wasp stings are not as harmless as some people think. If someone has already been bitten by a wasp, and he knows how his body reacts to it, then there will be no special problems, but if a person does not know how his body can react, then the consequences can be the most unpredictable. If you are bitten, you will need to see a doctor:

  • When does anaphylactic shock develop?
  • When a person is bitten by a wasp in the facial area: in the eye or tongue.
  • When swelling develops and breathing is difficult.
  • When a person is bitten not by one wasp, but by several.
  • When the bite site is very swollen, accompanied by redness.
  • When it fell or rose sharply arterial pressure and general weakness is felt.
  • When a wasp bit a child.
  • When the skin changes color to pale.
  • When a person feels general malaise.
  • When a person's heart rhythm is disturbed.

If a person knows that his body reacts inadequately to insect bites, then he should say so out loud and demand that doctors be called immediately.

The largest number of wasp and bee stings are recorded mainly from July to August. The venom of these insects has a different effect on each individual person, but if you are bitten by a wasp or a bee, it always hurts. It's hard to forget a bite. When a person is stung by a bee or wasp, he experiences severe pain that can be compared to the pain of a burn. But this is not the main thing; it is important that the consequences of a bite can be different: from painful swelling of the body part bitten by a wasp or bee to a severe allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are bitten, immediately take measures to prevent the poison from entering the body.

If bitten by a wasp

What to do if bitten by a wasp or bee

The pain from an insect bite is difficult to miss, which means you know where you were bitten and can take action and provide yourself with first aid if you are stung by a bee or wasp. Please note that these tips will come in handy if you have only one bite, If you have multiple bee or wasp stings, go to the hospital immediately!

To determine who bit you, examine the wound. Only bees leave a stinger, so if you are bitten by a wasp, do not try to find the sting.

You may need the following things:

  • tweezers, needle or other tool to remove the sting;
  • alcohol, iodine, brilliant green, hydrogen peroxide, furatsilin solution, soap to disinfect the site of a bee or wasp sting;
  • antihistamines - supradin, claritin, zodak, erius or other drugs (read dosage and contraindications).
So, if you are bitten by a bee or wasp, you must:
  • thoroughly rinse the bite site to remove dirt and remaining poison;
  • carefully remove the sting so that the poison does not continue to spread;
  • Before the procedure, hands must be washed, and instruments must be disinfected;
  • disinfect the wound itself;
  • apply a cold compress;
  • take any antihistamine, even if you have not previously had allergic reactions to anything.
If you have been bitten by a wasp or a bee, you are experiencing stress, so you need to lie down and remain in a supine position for some time. Until the swelling from a bee or wasp sting subsides, drink as much fluid as possible. For victims of a bee or wasp sting, hot sweet tea or sweetened water is recommended. Know that the pain, redness and swelling after a wasp or bee sting usually goes away within a few hours. If you are stung in the face, the swelling may last about two days.

If you are bitten by a wasp or a bee - folk remedies

The most favorite folk remedy - alcohol - cannot be used after a wasp or bee sting, as this will lead to increased swelling. However, if you have been bitten by a wasp or a bee and there are no medicines or disinfectants at hand, others may be very useful folk remedies:
  • the bite site can be treated with parsley - mash a parsley leaf and lubricate the bite site with juice;
  • treat a wasp sting with fresh urine healthy person- it is sterile, so traditional treatment fresh urine is often used for bites, scratches, and burns;
  • Do not forget that bee venom and wasp venom differ in their basis, wasp venom is neutralized with lemon juice, and bee venom with ordinary liquid soap;
  • sour things will help soothe the pain - try applying sour berries, sorrel, lemon, vinegar compress;
  • pain is also relieved by the milky juice of dandelion;
  • if a wasp or bee has bitten you, lotions made from tea, ice, aloe juice, onion, parsley, and plantain will help relieve the swelling;
  • A piece of sugar applied to the wound, a heating pad with cold water, ice cube or handkerchief, previously moistened with cold water, calendula tincture.

If bitten by a bee

A child was bitten by a wasp - what to do?

What to do if a child is bitten by a wasp or a bee? If possible, go to the hospital immediately! After all children's body much more susceptible to wasp and bee stings than an adult. If it is not possible to go to the hospital immediately, take action on the spot. As already described, remove the sting if there is one, disinfect the wound and apply a cold compress to stop the spread of the poison and relieve pain. Salt compress prevents the absorption of poison: If a child has been bitten by a wasp, apply a cotton swab soaked in a saline solution (a teaspoon of salt per glass of water) to the wound. It will draw back the poison and inflammatory exudate that accumulates at the site of the bite.

If a child has been bitten by a wasp or a bee and signs of an allergic reaction become visible, for example: severe swelling, difficulty breathing, the appearance of blisters and rashes, give the child an antihistamine in a child's dosage (read the instructions for the drug), and treat the bite site with an antiallergic cream, it may help fenistilo. And immediately call a doctor or go to the hospital. Keep in mind that an allergic reaction in a child who has been bitten by a wasp is all the more likely if he has a tendency to diathesis, bronchial asthma and other diseases of an allergic nature.

If you were bitten by a wasp or a bee - when to go to the hospital

You should not tempt fate if you are bitten by more than one bee or wasp. It is believed that if the number of bites is more than three, then a general toxic reaction may begin. Keep in mind that if you are bitten by a wasp or bee on your lip, tongue or larynx, seek medical help immediately. In this case, the swelling that appears after a wasp or bee sting, spreading to the entire larynx, can lead to suffocation.

So, you need to go to the hospital urgently and immediately if:
  • wasp or bee stung in the face,
  • a wasp or bee bit you on the lip, tongue or larynx,
  • bitten by more than three wasps or bees.
If a person has a tendency to allergic reactions, when going outdoors, always take antihistamines with you. For allergy sufferers, wasp or bee stings can cause dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, anaphylactic shock (blood pressure drops sharply, laryngeal stenosis occurs, the voice becomes hoarse), nausea, convulsions and even loss of consciousness. The general first steps after a wasp or bee sting include applying a tourniquet above the bite site. To prevent a decrease in blood pressure caused by urticaria, the victim can be given 25 drops of cordiamine.

If bitten by a hornet

If you are bitten by a hornet - what to do?

A hornet sting is painful to humans, but the toxicity of the venom varies significantly depending on the type of hornet: some sting no more painfully than many other insects, while certain species are generally ranked among the most poisonous insects known today. If you are bitten by a hornet, allergic reactions to the bite can in some cases lead to death if the victim of anaphylactic shock is not immediately provided with medical assistance. Consequently, the consequences of a hornet sting depend on the reaction of the stung body. The venom of common hornets and most other species is less toxic than that of bees; When injected, the sting does not remain in the wound (although the hornet can inflict several injections in a row). If the hornet has injected a large amount of poison, then quite serious inflammation occurs. According to the special Schmidt sting pain scale, the pain from a hornet sting is approximately comparable to the pain from a sting honey bee and is in the middle of the scale (moderately severe pain). Thus, the fear of the hornet is largely exaggerated: its bite is not commensurate with the size of this insect.

If there are hornets in your area, try setting a trap. Hornet trap: place granulated sugar in a jar with a layer of about 1.5 cm, then stir it in water (150 g) then add beer, up to about half the jar. Close with a metal lid and make a cross in it, bending the edges inward.

If you are stung by a wasp, bee, hornet and others - useful information

  • Know that a bee can only sting once in its life, it has a jagged stinger that gets stuck in the layers of skin and comes off, which leads to the death of the bee.
  • Wasps, hornets and bumblebees can sting many times, as they have smooth stings, so it is better to flee from them.
  • A hornet that has bitten you cannot be killed, since other hornets will immediately attack you. This happens because from the body of a killed hornet it is released Chemical substance, stimulating the attack of other nearby hornets.
  • Wasps are much more likely to sting people than bees.
  • A wasp sting is much more painful than a bee sting. A hornet's bite is comparable in pain to a bee sting.
  • If a person is bitten by several dozen wasps at once, then a general toxic reaction of the body occurs. Bites of more than 500 individuals are considered fatal.

Predatory wasps have a bad character.

They often attack in packs, bite painfully and mercilessly.

What to do if bitten by a wasp?

How to act in a dangerous situation?

What to do if bitten by a wasp: difference from a bee

Despite the fact that bees and wasps are closely related and very similar, they also differ in appearance, and according to the characteristics of the bite. Wasps become especially aggressive in the last days of July and August, when the number of these insects is highest.

There is a fundamental difference between wasps and bees:

The bee leaves a sting in the wound and dies immediately after the sting;

The wasp pulls the sting out of the wound and bites several times;

A wasp sting is perceived as more painful, since the venom contains more neurotoxin, histamine, acetylcholine and other active substances.

This is why first aid for bee and wasp stings varies. This is especially important if a person is prone to allergic reactions and seconds count. What to do if bitten by a wasp? Provide immediate assistance and do not try to pull out the sting. It is pointless to look for the sting and try to pull it out after a wasp sting: it simply isn’t there.

Visually distinguishing a bee from a wasp is quite simple: the first has a dense, fluffy body, the second is slender, smooth body surface and pronounced stripes. Wasps are more dangerous precisely because they bite several times: the dose of poison becomes greater with each bite. They can attack the entire colony, which poses a real threat to life.

Another important detail: the romantic idea of ​​bees that feed on flower pollen has nothing to do with wasps. These insects are real killers who mercilessly destroy spiders, caterpillars, grasshoppers, flies, moths and happily feast on carrion and waste. Therefore, there are many pathogenic bacteria on the sting and body of the wasp. If they get into the wound after a bite, they can cause the development of an abscess or intestinal infection.

What to do if bitten by a wasp: symptoms of a bite

The first symptom of a bite is severe pain at the site of penetration of the wasp sting. The pain is accompanied by itching, the skin turns red, and swelling begins almost instantly. The severity of the reaction depends on where the insect bit. The most dangerous parts of the body are the face and neck, especially the mucous membranes of the lips, throat, and eyes. The consequences may be suffocation, inflammation of the membranes of the eyes (panophthalmitis).

If there are many bites, general intoxication appears. Its symptoms:

Temperature increase;

Strong headache;

Tachycardia (high heart rate), shortness of breath;

Pain in the heart and stomach;

Nausea and vomiting;

Weakness and fainting.

Allergy sufferers, asthmatics, diabetics, small children and pregnant women react most strongly to bites. They require mandatory monitoring of their condition under the supervision of a doctor for 2-3 days after the bite.

What to do if bitten by a wasp: first aid

After a bite, it is important to remain calm and not provoke an attack by the entire colony of insects. You cannot wave your arms or try to crush the offender. The wasp needs to be brushed off carefully. If you crush it, the sting may remain in the wound. In addition, special substances contained in the insect’s body can attract the attention of other individuals: if they sense danger, they will probably attack.

What to do if bitten by a wasp? The sequence of actions is as follows:

Disinfect the bite site with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vodka, iodine. A bar of soap or a crushed aspirin tablet will do. As a last resort, you just need to rinse the wound with clean water.

A compress should be applied to the bite site as quickly as possible. Its task is to prevent the spread of poison throughout the body. Cover the wound with a clean cloth (a bandage will do) and put something cold on it. Ideally this is an ice cube or something frozen. If there is nothing, you can get by with a compress with cold water.

If a limb is stung, for the same purpose you need to apply a tourniquet above the bite site. A tight bandage will prevent the spread of toxic substances.

After half an hour, the compress and bandage should be removed and the wound should be treated with an anti-inflammatory anesthetic.

To remove wasp venom from the body faster, you need to drink a lot. Good regular or mineral water, sweet weak tea. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages, and do not drink milk.

What to do if bitten by a wasp: urgent hospitalization

The human body is able to independently cope with the consequences of a stinging insect bite. However, if a wasp stings a person with allergies, the consequences can be tragic. The toxin can cause an instant reaction, and a person without urgent medical help will simply die.

The following symptoms indicate the development of a life-threatening allergic reaction:

Severe swelling of the eyelids, lips, face;

Deathly pale skin;

Difficulty breathing, the appearance of a barking, sharp cough;

Feeling of suffocation;

Loss of consciousness.

Often a characteristic rash appears on the skin - urticaria. Anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema are deadly. In the first case, blood pressure instantly drops, which can lead to cardiac arrest and lung failure. In the second case, swelling of the larynx blocks the airways, and the person suffocates.

What to do if you are bitten by a wasp and have an allergic reaction? If a person knows that he suffers from allergies, he should carry a syringe with adrenaline or epinephrine. You can give the injection through clothing so as not to waste precious minutes. People suffering from asthma can relieve the first signs of suffocation with a special inhaler. People with heart disease should definitely use medications to support cardiac activity (valocordin, nitroglycerin, etc.).

If an allergic attack starts suddenly, you must immediately give any antihistamine. It will slow down the dangerous development of symptoms and allow you to gain time to wait for an ambulance or take the bitten person to the hospital.

Immediate qualified medical assistance should be obtained in the following cases:

The wasp stung a pregnant woman or small child;

There are five or more bites on the victim’s body;

The area of ​​the eyelids, neck, lips is affected;

A person who is bitten suffers from allergies (even if symptoms are not obvious) or heart disease.

It is important to remember that a reaction to an insect bite may not develop instantly, but within 24 hours. There are cases where small children were delivered to the hospital too late. Allergies do not necessarily result in choking. Tissue necrosis may occur, requiring amputation.

What to do if bitten by a wasp: folk remedies

For wasp stings, you can use traditional folk remedies to relieve pain and swelling. What to do if bitten by a wasp? Prepare a decongestant compress using any home remedy:

Weak vinegar solution:

Salt solution;

Solution baking soda;

Lemon juice.

It is enough to dilute a teaspoon of any specified substance in a glass of water and soak the fabric with acidified or salt water.

A paste made from fresh leaves or parsley root perfectly relieves swelling. You can apply a cut clove of garlic, a slice of tomato, apple or onion to the wound. Applying a Validol tablet soaked in water helps a lot.

You can prepare a “green ointment” from medicinal herbs and treat your skin with this wonderful homemade antiseptic. Grind the same parsley, plantain, calendula, celandine in your hands and apply it as a lotion to the affected area. As the lotion dries, change it.

When going out into nature, you should always remember the danger of insect bites. Knowing what to do if you are bitten by a wasp or bee, you can reduce the risk of negative consequences to a minimum.

Wasps are most active in the last 2 months of summer. Wasps can bite a person both close to the house and in nature. They can penetrate into various places - into the inside of a car, into handbags, into bags, and so on. That is why their bite can be very, very unexpected for a person.

A wasp sting is a painful and unpleasant phenomenon. As a result of the influence of toxic substances, severe pain and swelling occurs, which requires urgent treatment.

What should you do if you are bitten by a wasp? What are the consequences of such a bite? Is this dangerous for humans?

When it bites a person, it releases venom. It contains a large number of biologically active substances. Histamine provokes the development of allergies. It is this component that provokes the development of urticaria, itching, swelling, anaphylactic shock and bronchospasm.

  • Phospholipases are enzyme substances that promote the destruction of cell walls, which consist of complex fats. As a result, the contents of the cells enter nearby tissues, causing local inflammation. It also has an effect on mast cells, which are important for normal immunity. As a result, a large amount of histamine is released into the bloodstream.
  • Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is needed for adequate transmission of nerve impulses. However, if this element is in large quantities, then a braking effect is provided.
  • Hyaluronidase is an enzymatic substance that ensures the destruction of mucopolysaccharides. This causes an increase in capillary permeability.
  • Amino acids are powerful allergens.
  • Kinins are protein cells that promote vasodilation and also provide a hypotensive effect. They increase vascular permeability and cause pain.

All of these substances are responsible for the development of complex reactions in individuals who are prone to allergies.

Is it possible to die from a wasp sting? This outcome is possible if anaphylactic shock occurs after the bite if timely assistance is not provided.

The following changes occur in the affected area:

  • There is swelling of the soft tissues;
  • The skin begins to itch and itch;
  • The epidermis at the site of the bite becomes red;
  • There is a strong burning sensation and pain.

The consequences of such a bite will vary depending on the location of the injection of the toxic substance. The most dangerous case is when a wasp bites in the face area. If a wasp has bitten the eye, there is severe swelling of the eyelid and lacrimation.

In some cases, various discharge may be present. Also, such a bite can cause an inflammatory process of the eye membrane - panophthalmitis occurs.

If a wasp has bitten the mucous membranes of the mouth or lips, this may cause difficulty breathing.

The severity of symptoms will also vary depending on the characteristics of the human body, as well as the number of bites. The greatest danger from wasp stings is for children, those who are pregnant, and those who are prone to allergic reactions.

If a wasp bites many times, then signs of general poisoning occur:

  • The person begins to feel sick, vomits, and there is pain in the abdominal area;
  • There is pain in the heart, tachycardia and shortness of breath also develop;
  • Severe pain and dizziness;
  • There is a feverish state with chills;
  • In some cases, the victim may faint.

If a person is prone to developing an allergic reaction, hives may develop. In this case, blisters begin to appear on the skin, the skin itches and itches.

In severe cases, Quincke's edema may occur.

This condition is life-threatening. The following symptoms are dangerous:

  • Hands, eyelids, lips, face swell greatly;
  • If the mucous membrane of the larynx swells, there is difficulty breathing, coughing, and the voice worsens;
  • Initially, the face becomes red, after which it acquires a pale color;

In severe cases, these symptoms can cause coma and death. The most dangerous complication of wasp sting- anaphylactic shock. This condition manifests itself almost immediately. Blood pressure drops significantly and the person may die.

First aid

If you provide the injured person with quick and correct assistance, you can prevent dangerous consequences:

  • After a bite, you must immediately identify the sting and remove it;
  • The bite site should be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Apply a cold complex to the affected area. Either ice or a bottle of cold water will do. You can also wet the cloth in cool water. This will reduce the pain and prevent the poison from spreading further.
  • If the bite was on the limbs, then a tight bandage can be applied to it so that the poison does not spread through the bloodstream.
  • You also need to take an antihistamine. In some cases, you need to take hormonal medications.
  • An ointment that contains hormones or antihistamines is used.

To avoid complications and to prevent infection from getting into the wound, it is prohibited:

  • Drink alcoholic beverages;
  • Take water from nearby bodies of water to cool the wound;
  • Try to squeeze the poison out of the wound;
  • Comb the affected area.

If a wasp has bitten a child, first aid is provided to him in the same way as for adults.

Pregnant women are prohibited from using anti-allergy and hormonal medications on their own. The use of any medications is only after talking with a doctor.

If Quincke's edema, urticaria, or anaphylactic shock occurs, you need to urgently take the victim to the hospital or call a medical team. You should also definitely go to the hospital if an insect bites your face.

The day after the wasp attack, therapy must be continued. Anti-allergy medications are also used if necessary. Hormones in the form of ointments and tablets are used until the swelling disappears and the condition improves. However, this may take 4-5 days, and sometimes more.

For angioedema and urticaria, medications are administered into a vein or intramuscularly in the first days, after which a tablet form is prescribed.

To cure a complication such as anaphylactic shock, the patient must be treated in a hospital setting.

Traditional methods

In addition to medications, there are also folk remedies for the bite of the insect in question. They especially need to be reviewed by women in a position where the use of medication is contraindicated for them.

To eliminate the tumor you need:

  • Apply a cloth soaked in a solution of salt and baking soda to the affected area for half an hour;
  • Tea lotions are effective;
  • If there is a plantain nearby, then its leaf should be applied to the bite site;
  • Sugar can be placed on the bite site.

You should also know how to relieve pain when bitten:

  • Lotions with lemon juice and a weak solution of vinegar help.
  • You can apply an apple slice or onion to the bite site.
  • Wasp venom can be neutralized with aspirin, which eliminates pain and provides an anti-inflammatory effect.


It is possible to prevent the dangerous consequences of an encounter with a wasp. You need to adhere to some rules.

  1. When going outdoors, it is better to wear not bright clothes. Pastel shades- that's it. Limbs, head and arms should be covered. Remember that perfume can attract wasps, so avoid wearing it.
  2. Do not touch wasp hives.
  3. If the wasp is not far from you, be calm - do not wave your arms or make sudden movements.
  4. You should not eat sweets, berries and fruits on the street.