How to destroy a stump without uprooting it. Removing stumps with salt. Meet the chemicals

Late autumn allows summer residents to switch from primary gardening tasks to secondary ones. The harvest has been harvested, the area has been cleared, it’s time to take care of removing the stumps that have been in the way for a long time.

Not everyone has the opportunity to hire special equipment or a team of workers from neighboring countries when they need to uproot one or more old stumps from a plum or apple tree on their property.

We have not encountered such a problem, but our closest neighbor had to uproot a stump. He subsequently varnished it and left it as a trophy and decoration. A photo of that stump can be found in a post from two years ago (link to it on the right).

Maxim dug up the stump from all sides, cut off as many roots as possible, and pryed it up with a crowbar. Then all stages were repeated many times. The whole thing dragged on for several days and only then was it possible to remove the main part of that stump from the ground (it was not particularly thick, but very branched).

Of course, not all summer residents, and especially summer residents, are up to the task. Many of us have already accumulated various ailments: radiculitis, hernias, etc. In this regard, a chemical method without the use of Roundup seemed interesting. But it cannot be used on peat soils. It is also not suitable in cases where the stump is located close to the fence, houses and other country buildings.

In the fall, drill many deep, frequently spaced holes in the stump (drill as deep as possible, up to 40 cm) and fill them with a concentrated solution of potassium nitrate. The top of the treated stump needs to be securely covered with something to protect it from moisture getting inside. You can use a leak-free plastic film, and to securely fasten it to the stump, use a rope or wire. In this state, the stump can be “sent” into the winter.

In early spring, when there is still snow (a natural protection against the spread of fire), on a nice clear day, dismantle the shelter and set fire to the dried stump. Take all necessary precautions and remove children and pets from the area just in case. The saltpeter absorbed into the stump over the winter will help good combustion. During the reaction, oxygen is released, so combustion occurs to the deepest roots.

If the stump is located close to buildings or on the border of a plot with neighbors, the described method cannot be used categorically. When organizing an open fire on the site, you must be guided by Article 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, paragraph 218 of the Fire Regulations of the Russian Federation, and the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of January 26, 2016 (follow updates and additions to all such restrictions). A fine is imposed for violating the rules.

If it is not possible to properly organize a fire pit, use other methods (all have their pros and cons):

  • Fall asleep in drilled holes in the fall, not saltpeter, but coarse salt (or urea). After the next rain, fill the partially vacated holes with new portions of salt (if you are using urea, immediately wrap the stump with polyethylene and leave until spring). By spring, the salt will corrode the wood quite badly, turning it into dust and the stump will be easier to uproot.
  • If you don’t have time to take up and the free space on the site is conducive to experiments, plant old tree stump mushrooms, such as oyster mushrooms. Buying mycelium is not a problem now, detailed instructions are presented in abundance on the Internet, on dacha forums. The first harvest is promised for next year, and over the next 5 years the stump will turn into complete dust.
  • Any disadvantage can be turned into an advantage. Show your imagination, decorate the stump and make it, for example, into an original high flower bed.

Have you ever encountered in practice the uprooting of old stumps on a site, what method did you use? If you have some free time, please share in the comments (they are often more useful than the article itself).

A tree is a helper and faithful companion of a person. Houses made of wood have been built for thousands of years. They are environmentally friendly, durable and beautiful. Wooden house carefully stores family hearth long years. Trees all over the world purify the air people breathe. They are a source of fruit, natural and healthy food. Many insects and birds find their home in trees. Wood is a valuable raw material for industry. Planting trees together with children is an important educational process. Green friends are a source of aesthetic pleasure.

We can talk endlessly about the role of trees in people's lives. It’s a pity that sometimes, in order to improve cities or garden plots, they have to be destroyed. When a tree is in the way or sick, it would be better to cut it down. If the tree is young, its stump can be uprooted without problems. But, if it is old enough, you have to think carefully about how to destroy the roots of the cut trees. A simple method, suitable for small stumps. The most radical and easiest way is to cut it down to the root. The tree is dug up and the trunk is cut down below ground level. Then sprinkle a layer of soil on top. This method is suitable for trees that do not produce abundant growth. Otherwise, the cut down tree will turn into a lush bush. And it will be quite difficult to remove it. A method that requires a lot of effort.

A reliable and proven technique is uprooting. Most important point- leave the trunk maximum 2 meters long. Then use a shovel to remove the soil around it down to the large roots. In the process, cut down any medium and small roots with a shovel or an ax. When all the roots in the ground have been cut, carefully tilt the upper end of the trunk towards the ground. Then cut the central root and dig out the stump. This method is suitable if the tree small sizes with a trunk diameter of 200-400 mm. When a tree is thick, it is very difficult to uproot it. There are only two options: uprooting using a winch and the chemical method. Let's take a closer look at each of them. using a winch In order to uproot a stump using this method, you will need a winch with a force of at least 2-3 tons. Additionally: a lever, an ax, a hacksaw, a shovel, a strong cable or chain. Leave the trunk at least 1 m high. First, dig around the stump with a shovel at a distance of 1-1.5 m until the roots are exposed. We chop off the roots or cut them with a hacksaw. Then you need to secure the winch to the base of a nearby tree. We fix the rope on a neighboring tree as high as possible. We place a piece of log, any wooden stump, under the stump from the winch side. Now we begin to pull the stump out of the ground using a winch. If you can't do it manually, you can attach the winch to the car. After removing the stump, carefully select the remaining roots from the resulting hole. Fill the hole with soil and plant plants if necessary. This method is suitable for trees of small and medium diameter. Removing stumps using chemicals If the tree was large during its life, then it is unlikely that you will be able to manually get rid of the stump. Hiring expensive equipment is not always profitable.

There is another way - chemical. Herbicides have been successfully used to remove stumps. They must contain trichlor or glyphosate. This method is best used in the fall. It is necessary to prepare for the process. Take precautions. To do this, you need to purchase safety glasses, rubber gloves, a mask, and comfortable overalls. By cutting a tree trunk, you can expose and trim the roots on the surface of the ground. For the herbicide to be effective, access to living wood must be provided. For processing, use a spray bottle or brush. Apply the herbicide solution to the bare roots and cut of the trunk. The treatment should be carried out several times. Before each treatment, cut down and refresh root sections. This will allow the herbicide to penetrate the wood faster and destroy the stump. The process of destruction of roots and stump lasts from 5 days to several weeks. You can gradually remove dead roots and parts of the stump. For effectiveness, you can add a little paint or primer to the herbicide solution. Wash the instruments thoroughly after finishing the treatment.

Another way is to use potassium or sodium nitrate. It needs to be used to fill cracks in the stump or additionally drilled holes. Then close the holes and cover the cracks to precipitation did not wash off the saltpeter. After 1 year, even large stumps become dust and can be burned. This method requires caution. If root system branched, or the ground contains peat, then this method is not suitable. Otherwise, a fire may break out that will be difficult to put out. If you use it to destroy a stump ammonium nitrate, then at the end of the process there is no need to set it on fire. After all, this type of nitrate is excellent fertilizer. After a year, you can safely plant plants in place of the stump. Ecological methods of getting rid of stumps

There are also alternative methods. People use salt to destroy a stump. It is added to the soil around it. It should be borne in mind that salt will also destroy the plants around the stump. Another way is mulching. Dig a small trench around the stump, 15-20 cm deep, and fill it with mulch. No access nutrients and air, the wood will quickly begin to decompose. The stump will die over time. Sometimes it is not necessary to completely get rid of the stump. Many amateur designers use paint and decorative sculptural elements to create landscape compositions. On the stump you can also “settle” the mycelium of honey mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, and shii-taki. It is enough to buy mycelium and populate the stump. If the mycelium takes root, after 5 years all that remains is dust. Both useful and environmentally friendly.

Another unusual and gentle method. Cut down the old tree at the root, and hollow out a larger hole in the center. “Stuff” it with a mixture of humus, peat, ash and sand. Plant a young seedling in the hole and water it. When young tree will take root and begin to grow, the stump itself will gradually collapse. Removing stumps is sometimes simply necessary; the only advice is to choose more environmentally friendly and gentle methods. Do not forget that this is a living tree, so you need to treat it humanely.

Cutting down a tree on my personal plot, we get a stump that sooner or later will have to be removed. Naturally, you can dig up and uproot the old stump by hand, but this method is very labor-intensive and complex. There is a more efficient, less labor-intensive, reliable, long-standing known method- removal of stumps with saltpeter.

How to remove

There are two types of saltpeter:

  • Potassium
  • Sodium

You can choose any of them, the removal process and the result in both cases are identical.

Removal process

End of summer, autumn- best time to remove a stump using saltpeter. So that the wood and roots are thoroughly saturated during the winter before the onset of spring.

Let's look at the steps step by step:

  • Drill several deep holes in the stump (about 15-25, depending on the diameter);

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  • Pour saltpeter into the resulting holes (several kilograms will be required);
  • Pour a little water into the holes, thereby moistening the saltpeter and better saturating the wood;
  • Close the holes with plugs or tie a stump with plastic oilcloth to avoid leaching of chemicals during precipitation, as well as evaporation;
  • To speed up the process of wood decay, you can repeat pouring the chemical into the drilled holes several times (with an interval of several days) or prepare a more concentrated solution.
  • When heated, a chemical solution releases large quantities oxygen, which turns wood and root systems into dust.
  • The time until the final decomposition of the stump is approximately 6 months - 1 year (if you do not wait until the due date, you may well destroy the stump forcibly; after a couple of months the wood will begin to crumble);
  • If you are patient and the appointed time has come, light a fire at the place of the cut;

  • The burning usually lasts for several hours, accompanied by thick smoke. After which the stump burns completely, including the roots, which are located quite close to the surface. Only ash will remain as a memory of the stump.
  • The final stage: dig up the ground, the diameter of the crown of an existing tree.

What to pay attention to

This method works well on clay and sandy soil. It is strictly forbidden to use saltpeter to remove stumps on peat soil. There is a great danger of peat fire, and it will be very difficult to extinguish such a fire.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

The stump left from a cut down tree greatly spoils the view summer cottage. Sometimes a stump can be somehow decorated, decorated under a flower bed, or made one of the elements of decorating the site. It is not difficult to create the impression that the stump is located on the site on purpose and serves a decorative function. But in most cases, they still want to get rid of stumps. A thick growth often comes from the stump, which is incredibly difficult to fight with your hands and on our own. How to remove both the stump and the growth from its root system on the site, how to do this as quickly as possible and with less effort? Anyone who has encountered this problem knows how much effort this requires. and how long does this scourge poison the joy of gardening?

There are several methods for removing a stump

Method one - chemical

You will need saltpeter. Saltpeter must be diluted in water. This solution is necessary long time pour a little into the stump. First, hollow out a hole or drill holes so that the liquid accumulates inside the stump and does not flow down it to the ground.

When the stump is well saturated with saltpeter and completely dry, it will need to be set on fire. This method is very effective. In this case, the stump completely burns out, even the underground part of the stump burns out along with the shoots.

If the site is located on peat deposits, then this method should NEVER be used. Peat can catch fire!

In such an area, ordinary coarse (commercial) salt can be used to remove the stump. You need to cover the stump with salt and wait a while. Salt will turn wood into dust. You can buy industrial salt in construction stores.

Use salt in summer cottages with extreme caution. Plants near a stump covered with salt may die.

It is advisable to destroy a stump with salt only to clear a site for construction country house or outbuildings.

The second method is mechanical.

There are special machines for destroying stumps. Most easy way– buy such a machine at a hardware store. With its help, you can literally chop a stump into chips in ten minutes. This car costs a lot of money. It is not economically feasible to buy it to destroy one or two stumps. You can borrow such a car from some gardening society. There are often commercial gardeners there with whom you can negotiate.

Method three is uprooting the stump.

Around the stump at a distance of one and a half meters you need to dig up the ground. Run a stream of water from a hose there. Wait until the ground is washed away by water until roots appear. Using a sharp saw, make two deep cuts in the center of the stump, almost to the ground, and cut out a piece about ten centimeters wide. Then, using a crowbar, rock the stump, trying to uproot it from the ground.

It will not be easy to uproot a large stump from an old tree this way. Often the roots spread over a large area. It takes a lot of effort and a lot of time to uproot.

Some companies perform stump destruction work. For a certain fee, a team of workers will uproot and remove the stump from your summer cottage. Perhaps this is a good way to get rid of old stumps if you have a lot of them or have one, but a very solid one.

The fourth method is to remove the above-ground part of the stump and fight the growth.

Preventing the growth of new shoots. You will need ammonium sulfate. The stump needs to be cut down as close to the ground as possible. Drill several holes in the stump and pour ammonium sulfate into them. Seal the holes with something (clay, plasticine). If you have an electric (or gas) saw and drill, then this method is the easiest for you.

The shoots, which will certainly grow and annoy you after the death of the main tree, cease to appear on the surface after such an operation. The entire root system dies, which is what is required when removing old trees from the site.

Ennoble old garden much more difficult than breaking a new one in a vacant lot. Those who received such a plot know this firsthand. Sometimes it takes more than one year to fight stumps and overgrowth. All stump removal methods are good as long as they do not endanger the surrounding soil or risk causing a fire that you cannot control yourself.

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Sometimes you need to get rid of a tree on your property. And most often the tree is simply cut down. After cutting down, a stump remains, which can damage appearance area and interfere. Therefore, there is a need to get rid of it.

The first thing that comes to mind is to dig up a stump. This method is suitable for small trees that do not have a powerful root system. To remove a stump by digging, you will need a shovel, crowbar, hacksaw and a hose with water.

Remove the soil around the stump with a shovel and wash off any excess soil with water and a hose. Then you need to use a hacksaw to saw through the most powerful sections of the stump roots. Try digging out the stump with a crowbar.

Chemical method

You can get rid of the stump chemical method. To do this, you need to make a hole in the center of the stump and pour sodium nitrate into it. Then cover the stump with film to prevent rain from eroding the chemical “filling” of the stump. To speed up the process, you can pour saltpeter concentrate inside the hole every day. When the stump is completely saturated with saltpeter, it needs to be set on fire.

Thanks to the impregnation with saltpeter, the stump will burn out completely, even those areas that are underground. It is prohibited to use this method if the site is on peat soil.

Salt removal

If the area where the stump is located is not used for growing plants, then you can use salt. Pour coarse salt into the hole and periodically add saline solution inside. In six months to a year, the stump will be left with dust, which will need to be removed from the site.

The simplest, but most expensive, is hiring specialists. Using a special machine, the stump will be removed from your site in a matter of minutes. Very often such a machine can be ordered from gardening societies. True, such a service will require certain costs.