Clean the oven with baking soda and vinegar. Clean the oven using baking soda. Household chemicals - a quick solution to old problems

Oh, that delicious smell of delicious dishes being cooked in the oven... We all love when the divine aroma of food fills our home. And we get upset if instead we smell a disgusting burning smell. And this is what happens when the oven is covered with grease and soot. Dealing with such pollution is not easy, but it is possible. There are several effective ways.

Cleaning the oven with household chemicals

There is enough in stores chemicals which are created specifically for washing oven. The brands “Amway”, “Shumanit”, “Frosch”, “Comet” have proven themselves well. But you need to remember that these products are aggressive and must be washed off surfaces very carefully. In addition, many of them leave behind a smell. Therefore, it is better to use traditional methods and resort to chemical means in extreme cases. And yet, if you are not bothered by the shortcomings of “chemistry”, then here...

...Step-by-step instructions for cleaning the oven with special products:

  1. Wear rubber gloves to prevent the skin of your hands from being damaged by chemicals.
  2. Pour into a basin warm water and dissolve a little cleaning agent in it (the exact amount is usually indicated on the package).
  3. Remove all removable elements (baking tray, wire rack, etc.) and immerse in a container with cleaning solution.
  4. Apply the cleaning agent to a sponge and rub all surfaces of the oven, with the exception of the heating elements.
  5. Turn on the oven for 15 minutes and wait until the fat becomes soft.
  6. Turn off the oven and remove dirt with a cloth or sponge.

Using this method, you can get rid of carbon deposits even if the oven has not been washed for several years.

How to wash an electric oven

It is most effective to clean an electric oven with a special paste consisting of Comet or Pemolux, dishwashing liquid, and you can also add citric acid. Take the components in equal proportions. Apply the resulting mixture to all surfaces of the oven, door, baking sheet and shelves using a sponge. After 40-60 minutes (depending on the level of contamination), rinse off the paste and thoroughly wash the oven, then wipe dry.

Eliminate chemical odors

First, you need to ventilate the oven well, leaving it open overnight. The next morning, pour water into a bowl and dissolve 3-4 tablets in it activated carbon. Place this solution in the oven and boil there. After 30 minutes of boiling, the smell of “chemistry” should disappear. After this, you need to rinse the oven surfaces again.

Traditional methods of cleaning the oven - using improvised means

Chemicals are not the most environmentally friendly way to deal with grease and carbon deposits. To get rid of any remaining product completely, you need to rinse all surfaces several dozen times. If this is not done, the chemicals will penetrate into the food through evaporation. Therefore, you can use safe traditional methods cleaning the oven. They are no less effective and often more affordable than purchased products.

Baking soda is the easiest option.

Soda can be used to clean not only the surfaces of the oven, but also glass door. In addition to the fact that the oven will be cleared of grease and carbon deposits, it will also disappear. bad smell burning.

First you need to carefully wipe all surfaces of the oven with a damp sponge. Then sprinkle them thoroughly with soda - it sticks well to wet surfaces. Leave the oven for an hour. After this time, carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp sponge or rag.

Lemon juice and citric acid

Option one:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water and add the same amount of water (or dissolve citric acid in a small amount of water);
  2. Soak a cloth in this liquid and wipe all surfaces of the oven with it;
  3. Leave the solution for at least half an hour;
  4. Rinse the oven thoroughly with a damp cloth.

Option two:

The solution is prepared in the same way, only in in this case it is poured into a spray bottle. After spraying, you need to wait again for 30-40 minutes and then wipe the surfaces with a cloth.

Option three:

  1. Fill a heatproof bowl halfway with water, add some dishwashing liquid and a lemon, cut into small slices;
  2. Place the container in the oven and heat to 150 degrees, after half an hour turn off the oven;
  3. When the oven has cooled down a little (after 10 minutes), the softened carbon deposits can be easily removed with a damp sponge or cloth.

In addition to the fact that the oven will become clean, the burning smell will also disappear.


Table vinegar is also an acid that effectively removes dirt in the oven. Clean the oven as follows:

  1. Soak a sponge in vinegar;
  2. Remove all removable elements from the oven;
  3. Treat with a sponge soaked in vinegar, first the internal surfaces, and then the removable elements;
  4. After a few hours, wash off the vinegar with a damp sponge.

Vinegar and soda

A short chemistry lesson: when soda and table vinegar hydrogen is released, which greatly facilitates the removal of old soot.


  1. Wipe the interior surfaces of the oven with vinegar;
  2. Moisten the sponge with water;
  3. Sprinkle it with soda and apply it to the greasy walls;
  4. Spray the oven door with baking soda;
  5. In a few hours, a mixture of soda and vinegar will destroy the carbon deposits, and the oven can be wiped with a hard sponge.

If the grease has not completely dissolved and is difficult to clean, you should sprinkle the sponge with soda and rub the surfaces well.

Vinegar, soda and citric acid

The above means can be successfully combined with each other:

  1. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and leave at this temperature for 15 minutes. At this time, make a mixture of 100 ml vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda and 1 package of citric acid.
  2. Treat the surfaces of the oven with the resulting mixture, with the exception of the heating elements.
  3. After 15 minutes, thoroughly wash the oven.

Ammonia - for advanced cases

These products can easily remove old grease and carbon deposits that have accumulated over several years.

First option Using ammonia means soaking a rag in ammonia and thoroughly treating all surfaces. You need to leave the oven in this state overnight and wash it thoroughly with water in the morning.

Second option:

  1. Pour a little water into one heat-resistant bowl and ammonia into another;
  2. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and place a container of water in it, wait until the water boils;
  3. Turn off the oven and place a bowl of water on the bottom shelf, and ammonia on the top shelf;
  4. Close the oven and leave overnight;
  5. In the morning, mix water, ammonia and dishwashing liquid, treat the oven surfaces and rinse with water.

Steam (for delicate surfaces)

Ovens with an enamel coating are best cleaned with steam, as many other means can damage the material.


  1. First you need to pour a few glasses of water into the pan (it should not overflow over the edges);
  2. Add a little washing liquid to the water (a few drops are enough);
  3. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees and leave for 30 minutes, then turn off.
  4. When the surfaces have cooled slightly, clean the oven with a damp cloth.


You can also clean the oven with regular rock salt:

  1. Sprinkle shelves and surfaces with salt;
  2. Preheat the oven until the salt turns golden;
  3. Clean the oven with a cloth soaked in dish detergent.

Preventing the appearance of grease and soot

To avoid dirt on the oven walls, you must follow a simple rule. After cooking, wait until the oven has cooled and wipe all surfaces with a damp cloth or sponge. Don't wait for grease and carbon deposits to stick firmly to your oven. After all, then it will be very difficult to wash it! Also, don't forget to wash the baking sheets. If you are not lazy, your oven will delight you with its neat appearance and cleanliness for a long time.

If you like to cook food in the oven, then you probably know how difficult it can be to wash off the greasy deposits that stick to the walls. Over time, this fat begins to slowly burn out and smokes when cooking.

Clean with vinegar and soda

Simply clean the oven with vinegar. You should remove the grates and baking sheets, clean it of dry debris and moisten the entire surface with a cloth or sponge. Then apply vinegar evenly to the surface. Then leave the solution for the exposure process for three hours. You can even clean it with vinegar washing machine and delete it bad smell.

If the oven is not very dirty, for normal cleaning it is enough to treat the surface once with a damp sponge. The inner surface will be completely cleared by this treatment if you do it regularly. If present on the surface old stains, you need to scrub them with a brush or sponge with a hard coating.

Another method: dilute a mixture of acetic acid in a container with water in equal quantities. Then dip a sponge or rag into this solution and thoroughly wet all the walls with it. Immediately after this, take baking soda, sprinkle it on all contaminated areas, and leave for an hour to react. With this treatment, the hydrogen that is released during the reaction of soda and vinegar is completely harmless, however, it perfectly helps remove even stubborn and old dirt. After cleaning, rinse the oven with soapy warm water.

Another way to clean at home. Take glassware suitable for microwave oven, then pour one liter of plain water into this container with the addition of 20 grams of vinegar essence. Then put the bowl inside and turn it on, setting the temperature to 150-170 degrees for a short time, for example, half an hour. After this, turn off the oven and wipe the surfaces until it cools down.

The cleanup result will look something like this:

Glass is also very susceptible to contamination from grease. It is not difficult to clean it. You should sprinkle a little baking soda on the surface. It is better to do this on a damp sponge and rub the glass in this way, then the soda will remain on the glass for impact and will not crumble. After 30-40 minutes, simply wipe the glass. Absolutely all old dirt will naturally fall away, and your glass will become shiny and transparent again.

Clean with ammonia

If you are wondering how to clean the oven from old carbon deposits and grease, you should try treating the surfaces with ordinary ammonia. You should know that when coming into contact with ammonia solutions, you need to take certain precautions, that is, do not allow ammonia to come into contact with your skin, and work only with rubber gloves. This treatment can be carried out only after wearing a respirator, since the smell is very pungent.

After applying the solution to the entire surface of the oven, you should wash it off after 40-30 minutes, then rinse thoroughly until the pungent odor completely disappears. Otherwise, the cooked food will have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Hot processing

IN hot water carefully dilute a small amount of laundry soap, or any dishwashing detergent, then pour the product onto a baking sheet, and then place the baking sheet directly in the oven. Then treat the entire surface of the oven with the remaining solution. Now close the door very tightly, and then set the temperature on the timer to 130 degrees.

The door is carefully closed during processing. The temperature treatment process lasts 30 minutes, then the oven should be slightly cooled. After this, all dirty surfaces of your oven should simply be wiped down. All grease and dirt from the temperature of the hot washing mixture should be removed from the surface without difficulty.

Combined cleaning methods

Is there some more effective remedy cleaning is salt. You need to pour the salt into the oven and heat it up. It will absorb dirt and grease and become Brown, then the remnants of this salt should be swept away or removed with a vacuum cleaner. After this treatment, wash the walls in the usual way.

In addition, at home you can clean the oven with the usual baking powder used by every housewife. A dirty oven should be sprinkled with this powder and lightly sprinkled with water. After 20 minutes, the fat will completely gather into lumps; they can be easily removed with a simple damp cloth. You can use a mixture of citric acid and baking soda.

To prepare own remedy for cleaning, you need to mix 50 grams of water, the same amount of salt and half a glass of baking soda. Grind this mixture into a thick paste. Now wipe the inside of the oven with a damp cloth and then spread your paste over the surface of the oven. You should leave the mixture overnight to work and wash it off in the morning. You can remove a bad smell from a refrigerator in much the same way, but that’s not about that now.

You can use a combined method for cleaning. That is, first treat the oven with vinegar, then consolidate the success with salt, which will collect all the carbon and fat. After this, wipe with the mixture prepared according to the above recipe, or clean with it using a hot method.

Cleaning the oven from old dirt

It is necessary to mix the grated mixture laundry soap, table vinegar and drinking soda. Mix these components properly; the soap should be completely dissolved in the liquid. The mixture should be thoroughly rubbed onto the surface. After two hours, the mixture can be washed off. Use this solution to also very thoroughly clean all dirty baking sheets and racks. There is another reliable way: citric acid, 20 grams of Pemolux powder (or other similar) and the same amount of dish soap, mix thoroughly. Leave this mixture to act for 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.

These simple methods will help you keep your oven clean.

Hardware stores offer a wide range of household chemicals for cleaning ovens. The composition and active ingredients can be both relatively safe and very harmful to health. Liquid or gel is applied to baking sheets, racks and oven walls and left for 5-30 minutes. then wash off with plenty of water. We have prepared for you a short overview of industrial products, and we will also tell you how to clean the oven using water and vinegar.

Every housewife from time to time is faced with the need to clean the oven from burnt fat, soot and food debris - this can hardly be called a pleasant task. The process is greatly simplified if you wash the oven after each cooking with regular dish soap, because after reheating the fat thickens and becomes more like drying oil, then it is much more difficult to wash it.

Tip #1: Household chemicals often contain caustic substances, so use rubber gloves when working and do not forget to open the windows.

Tip #2: When choosing a cleaner, pay attention to aerosols; they are economical and effective; cream-like products and foam are no less good; due to their consistency, they adhere to the walls of the oven and corrode fat.

Tip #3: Give preference to products that do not contain acids, chlorine or abrasives - they can destroy the enamel. You should also not use metal brushes, scrapers or hard sponges to avoid scratching the surface. Soft sponges and a brush will be useful for this work, with which you can clean hard-to-reach places.

Tip #4: A good result can be achieved if, before applying the product, preheat the oven at 500°C for 20 minutes. Heated fat changes its structure and is much easier to wash off.

Tip #5: Detergents and cleaning agents are not applied to the fan and a heating element, as this may damage the device.

Tip #6: After using household chemicals, do not close the door immediately; it will take several hours for the smell of the cleaner to completely disappear.

Review of popular tools

Faberlic (Russia)– a biodegradable caustic soda-based gel designed specifically for the care of metal and ceramic surfaces, ovens, gas burners, grill, racks and baking sheets, suitable for microwave. Effectively removes fat deposits, burnt food, soot and rust. Apply with a sponge to a dirty surface, foam well, exposure time depends on the degree of contamination and varies from 5 to 30 minutes. washed off with water. Faberlic gel is not intended for washing nickel, chrome and aluminum. 97% of housewives who have tried this gel recommend it to others. The company's products are not tested on animals.

Frosch (Germany)- grease solvent for the kitchen, environmentally friendly. Does not contain toxic chemicals, the active ingredients are soda, herbal ingredients, grapefruit extract, it can be recommended if there are small children in the house. The product is applied from a spray bottle, it copes with old fat, but you need to work hard. The main advantage of Frosch is its safety and versatility. Cleans off fresh stains well. 50% recommend this product.

"BUGS" Schumanit(Israel) – removal spray old fat and soot, in a matter of minutes it copes with the most persistent stains and dissolves fat. The product is sprayed onto the walls of the oven and after a few seconds, the flowing dirt is washed off with a damp sponge, and the procedure is repeated if necessary. The result is very good, but there is one drawback: the composition contains activated and acetic substances - these are quite dangerous chemistry. Schumannite suitable for ovens, hobs, steel and enamel cookware, with its help you can extract, soot from cast iron frying pans, and even a car engine.

Attention: The liquid has a pungent odor; when working, be sure to use safety glasses, rubber gloves and work in a ventilated area. Keep away from children!

Mister Muscle "Expert" for the kitchen (Russia) - an inexpensive liquid product for the entire kitchen. Suitable for washing ovens, stoves, microwaves, sinks, furniture fronts and even floors. It has proven itself well in practice, it easily cleans the oven from carbon deposits and burnt fat, it can be used to wash baking sheets, grill grates and glass doors. The product is sprayed onto the inner surface of the oven and left for 30-40 minutes. When the time is up, the softened fat is washed off with a soft cloth. Ingredients: surfactants, organic solvents, sodium hydroxide, potassium salt, terpene oil. The product has gained great popularity thanks to high quality and an adequate price.

Eco-max(Canada) - a gel popular among housewives because of its versatility; it can be used to clean the entire house, from the oven to washing dishes, floors, mirrors and cleaning carpets. Eco-max does not contain synthetic components; the active ingredients are lemon acid and soda. The cost is quite high.

Krizalit Eco(Belgium) – inexpensive, environmentally friendly, based on natural ingredients. Does not irritate the skin and respiratory tract, does not cause allergies, is safe for people and animals. Interesting feature lies in the fact that the product does not dissolve dirt, but separates it from the surface with a film. Composition: aqueous solution of organic salts (they are the ones that peel off dirt), surfactants (no more than 1.8%) - all components are biodegradable and do not cause harm environment.

Cream "Cif"(Hungary) – a cleaner for stoves, ovens and microwave ovens, due to its consistency it does not flow from a vertical surface. Removes grease and grime and easily removes stubborn dirt. You can use the cream to clean the sink, tiles, hood and kitchen furniture. Apply the product for 15 minutes and rinse off clean water, does not have a pungent odor, and is quite pleasant to use. "Cif" deserved a lot good reviews housewives due to its versatility, efficiency and affordable price.

Sanita "Antifat"(Russia) – alkaline gel easily removes grease and burnt food, and is cheap. You can clean the oven, stove, dishes, barbecue, and hood. Exposure time 7 min. It is highly corrosive to the skin of your hands, use gloves when working and store the gel high up, where children cannot reach it.

Cleaning the oven with ammonia is a great way for most housewives who prefer cooking in the oven. Convenient, no need to stand at the stove for an hour, just set the temperature. The stove is exposed to contamination, and cleaning it off from burning and grease is a dubious pleasure. If you want to please your loved ones delicious dishes without tedious cleaning kitchen appliances, you can clean the oven using ammonia.

You can use the product at home. It is important to remember that ammonia and ammonia are different substances. Ammonia is ammonium chloride; it looks like a white, odorless powder; it is of no use in removing stains. Ammonia - 10% solution of ammonium hydroxide (ammonia diluted with water). The solution has nothing in common with C2H6O, other than a pungent odor.

You can clean any surface with ammonia.

Molecules are in close contact with each other, and it is often difficult to remove contamination. Chemical substance destroys the bonds of molecules, they become easily removable.

Which ovens can be cleaned with ammonia

New kitchen tiles have begun to be produced with a self-cleaning system, which does the dirty work instead of the housewife. resort to traditional methods There is no need to remove fat and carbon deposits. Such upgrades are not cheap; average families have to be content with gas, electric ovens requiring manual cleaning.

Do not apply ammonia to ovens that are coated with enamel inside.

The chemical reacts with the surface and can corrode the coating. When interacting with it, the enamel may change its color, become stained, or cracked. If there are no external traces of the interaction of the chemical with the enamel, then the food in the oven will begin to burn.

All types of electric ovens, gas type can be cleaned with household chemicals, ammonia.

The main thing when cleaning is to adhere to safety measures and carry out the procedure with ammonia every six months.

Cleaning instructions

There are two methods to clean the oven with ammonia. The first is to apply the product to the dirt inside using a sponge. The liquid is left on the walls for 10 hours, then the carbon deposits and grease are washed off with water. The main condition is to close the oven door and open the windows. The product stinks and can cause an allergic reaction in apartment residents.

Step-by-step description of the second method:

  1. Boiling water and ammonia are poured into two containers with the same volume.
  2. We put the chemical on top shelf in a preheated frying pan, and water on the bottom.
  3. Boil the water inside for five minutes.
  4. Leave the liquid for 5 hours.
  5. Open the door and use a sponge to remove the fat.
  6. We wash the walls with warm water.

Manufacturers add ammonia when making new cleaning products. Ammonia removes greasy spots, carbon deposits and adds shine to metal, glass, ceramic and jewelry.

Combining ammonia with other substances

You can dilute the product not only running water. The effect is achieved by applying a solution consisting of ammonia and soda to the walls. Mix the preparations together and apply to the area with a sponge. inner covering ovens. Leave for 3 hours, rinse with water. Proportion 1:2 (alcohol, soda).

The procedure allows you to remove old carbon deposits from the stove. If you need to clean dried grease, mix ammonia and salt. Salt will corrode the fat, and ammonia will remove the remains of burning and the stove will shine.

A running oven can be cleaned of carbon deposits by preparing a product from:

  • laundry soap;
  • ammonia;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • turpentine.

The soap is grated and the ingredients are mixed. Apply with a spray bottle to the walls of the device to be cleaned and leave overnight. In the morning we wash hot water repeatedly. After cleaning, leave the oven door open for 2 hours to remove the unpleasant odor.

Mix 2 tsp. glycerin, 2 tsp. ammonia, dishwashing liquid. The solution can easily remove carbon deposits from baking sheets and frying pans.

If you have washed the oven with ammonia, but there is a strong smell, activated carbon will help.

You need to crush the charcoal tablets and mix them with water. Place the container with the tablet in the device for two hours and the smell of ammonia will evaporate.

A mixture of chalk and ammonia will clean the glass in the oven. Apply the product to the window and leave for half an hour. Wipe with a damp sponge. If chalk is unavailable, replace it with tooth powder. To clean glass in the oven, mix liquid and vinegar. The composition is applied to the surface, after 10 minutes it is washed off with paper towel or newspapers.

Ammonia and boric acid are a carbon remover. Mix the ingredients (3 spoons each), add half a glass of water. Apply to the coating using a spray bottle and leave for 4 hours. Rinse with water and dishwashing liquid to remove the unpleasant odor.

Precautions when working with the substance

When using ammonia, you must adhere to safety rules. First, do not mix it with chlorine. When they interact, toxins are released. People with hypertension should not perform cleaning (the strong odor may raise blood pressure).

Ammonia is a chemical; you should work with the substance in a well-ventilated area.

When cleaning the oven with ammonia at home, use rubber gloves. If the substance gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse with water. If you notice irritation, go to the doctor. Keep the product away from animals and children. If it gets into the mouth, it causes a burn to the oral cavity; if inhaled sharply, it can cause suffocation.

When used, the chemical brings benefits and makes life easier for any housewife; if applied ineptly, it will provoke adverse consequences. If you do not want to waste time choosing a product to clean your oven, rinse it immediately after cooking. Removing fresh fat and carbon deposits is easier and better than inhaling the pungent aroma of this product.

The oven is always used for cooking with different frequencies, but in any case, sooner or later it gets dirty. Let's look at several ways to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits using the simplest means.

How to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits with soda and vinegar

Cleaning the oven with baking soda and vinegar is very simple. This mixture brings the household appliance to a shining state without damaging the surface. The method is also suitable for washing baking sheets, wire racks and handles.

Required ingredients:

  • 100 milliliters of vinegar;
  • soda – 40 grams;
  • 25 grams of laundry soap.

Cleaning process:

  1. Mix the specified amount of vinegar with soda until it almost dissolves, and then add soap there.
  2. Cover all oven walls, door and handle with the mixture and leave for about two hours.
  3. After this time, with the help regular sponge and water we easily remove loose dirt and plaque.

Using ammonia

There are two ways to clean the oven using ammonia. It removes old stains well and is great for cleaning a gas stove.

  1. We take ammonia, treat all contaminated areas well with it and leave it overnight. After this time, all fat and carbon deposits should be easily washed off if you walk over them with water and detergent.
  2. Another option is more labor-intensive. The oven warms up to 70 degrees and turns off. A container of boiling water is placed on the bottom shelf, and ammonia is placed on the top shelf. All this is left in this form overnight, with the door closed. In the morning, just dilute the alcohol with water and detergent, and rinse the cabinet with this mixture.

Clean with citric acid

Another good way Bring the oven to a shine - use citric acid.