How and when to fertilize lilies. What to put under lilies in the summer. Best time to fertilize

The luxurious blooming of lilies will delight the gardener only if the plant has enough nutrients to form buds. Therefore, the question of how to feed lilies at different periods of a flower’s life is especially relevant.

Rules for organizing feeding lilies

Lily is a plant that requires a large amount of nutrients to bloom luxuriously. But thoughtless application of any fertilizer to this flower is unacceptable.

Lilies need fertilizing, but they need to be applied thoughtfully.

Feeding lilies must be carried out following certain rules:

  • Apply fertilizers corresponding to certain periods of flower development.
  • Dry, granular fertilizers work well into the soil and water the lilies generously after application. If there is a lack of moisture, the granules will dissolve poorly.
  • Liquid fertilizers are quickly absorbed by lily bulbs, but can burn them. Therefore, when using liquid fertilizers, you need to reduce the recommended dose by a third.
  • The first fertilizing is carried out only after the soil has warmed up to plus 6 degrees. In central Russia this is approximately the first ten days of May. It is useless to feed the lily while the soil is still cold, since the bulbs will not absorb the nutrients.
  • The composition of fertilizers for all types of lilies is approximately the same, but some types (Henry, David, Caucasian, curly) cannot grow in acidic soil. When planting these types of lilies, lime must be added to the soil. Liming can destroy other types of lilies.

An excess of fertilizers for lilies is no less harmful than their lack. If there are too many nutrients in the soil, a set of green mass and active growth of bulbs will begin, and flowering will be short-lived and not bright.

Fertilizers and fertilizers for lilies can be liquid, dry, or granular.

Feeding lilies when planting

The first feeding of lilies is carried out when planting them in the soil. These flowers thrive if there is enough organic matter in the substrate for growing them. However, lilies cannot tolerate fresh manure, so only humus that has been rotted for at least 2 years must be added to the soil. For one square meter 7-8 kilograms of humus are added to the plot.

If it is not possible to add organic matter to the soil, you can use complex mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal quantities. To increase the resistance of lilies to diseases, add 100 grams to the soil. wood ash per square meter.

Important. Lilies planted in fertilized soil begin to be fed only in the second or even third year.

Composition of fertilizers for lilies at different times of the year

Lily is extremely demanding of certain substances during certain periods of development. It is impossible to violate the composition of fertilizers and the scheme for their application, as this will certainly affect the quality of the flowers.

Lilies should be fertilized according to a certain pattern that must not be disturbed.

Spring feeding

The first feeding of lilies is carried out in the spring before flowering while the snow is melting. At this time, like many plants, lilies need nitrogen to gain green mass. Spring feeding includes ammonium nitrate– 2 tablespoons per square. The fertilizer is evenly distributed in the area where the lilies are planted, and they independently penetrate into the ground along with melt water.

Important. If the area is on a slope and melt water does not linger on it, this option of feeding in the spring is useless. In this case, you need to wait until the snow has completely melted and spill the slightly dried soil with a solution of saltpeter or mullein.

Summer fertilizers

The second feeding of lilies is carried out during the formation of buds on the stems, immediately before flowering. To ensure that the flowers are large and brightly colored during the budding period, nitrogen-phosphorus mixtures are used: azophos or nitrophos. 1 tablespoon of fertilizer is dissolved in 10 liters of water and used to water 1 square meter of flowers.

In summer, it is necessary to carry out another feeding during the flowering of lilies. The purpose of this feeding is to extend the flowering period. For feeding, a mixture of potassium magnesium and double superphosphate is used. The fertilizer is applied in liquid form, since the granules embedded in the soil will not dissolve at this time.

During the flowering period of lilies, plants are fed with double superphosphate.

Autumn fertilizers

Autumn feeding of lilies is carried out after flowering in order to strengthen the bulb and prepare it for the next growing season. In autumn, the plant needs phosphorus, so fertilizer mixtures with a high content of this substance are used.

At the same time, lilies are treated to protect against fungal infections.

When cold weather sets in, after pruning the above-ground part. Lilies need to be mulched with compost or humus with a layer of 10 centimeters. In spring, this layer of mulch is not removed, but mixed with soil during loosening. This autumn mulching will protect the bulbs from freezing in the winter and will work as a top dressing in the spring.

  • Experienced flower growers use some techniques in caring for lilies, thanks to which lilies acquire immunity to diseases and bloom with bright, large flowers:
  • Watering with ash water 5-6 times per season.
  • Fertilizing during flowering is carried out only with liquid fertilizers.
  • Avoid using fresh mullein. Such a solution is more likely to cause harm than benefit, since the pathogenic microflora in it will cause bulb diseases. Before use, mullein must be fermented for at least 10 days, and then it must be diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

In the video, the gardener talks in detail about how to properly feed lilies.

Caring for lilies is not a very troublesome task, you just need to follow the rules and regulations for feeding them, and garden beauties will delight the owner with luxurious, large and bright flowers.

The development of a lily, as well as its ability to produce a lush inflorescence, directly depends on how high-quality the bulb’s nutrition is. It is very important to provide a flower proper feeding at different periods of his life. Therefore, before you start growing these plants, you should thoroughly study the question of how to fertilize lilies, as well as when it needs to be done.

general information

Flowers need regular support different times of the year. These plants are fertilized in spring, summer and autumn.

  • The first stage of feeding begins in the spring. After hibernation, the lily wakes up and gathers all its strength to recover, throwing out large foliage, as well as lush flowers. Therefore, feeding lilies before flowering gives the bulb the opportunity at this moment to absorb as many useful substances as possible. And often they are sorely lacking in the soil, which is why they resort to fertilizing the soil. During this period, you need to feed the lilies nitrogen fertilizers. It is nitrogen-containing substances that will help flowers quickly get into shape and gain leaf mass. Urea or ammonium nitrate (30-35 grams per 1 m²) is suitable for fertilizing lilies.
  • The next stage at which flowers need to be fertilized is the budding period. The plant needs strength to produce healthy and beautiful flowers. Therefore, at this time it needs to be saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus as much as possible, which will help the growth of buds and add brightness to the foliage.
  • Fertilizer for lilies in summer is also necessary. In July, flowers fascinate with their beauty and they need help to maintain it. Therefore, you definitely need to know what to feed lilies for abundant flowering. In summer, the plant is fertilized, but not as abundantly as in spring.
  • And finally last feeding, which is carried out in September, is needed specifically by the bulb. It must accumulate a lot of useful substances in order to get stronger and survive the winter well.

How to feed lilies during budding

In summer, fertilizer begins to be applied from the moment the first buds appear. So how and what to feed lilies during budding?

In order for the plant to form lush flowering, it is necessary to select fertilizers correctly.

  • As mentioned above, phosphorus-nitrogen fertilizers will be very useful at the budding stage. Therefore, you can add ammonium nitrate. It is added at the rate of 1 spoon per 1 square meter. meter. If ammonium nitrate is not available, you should use nitroammophos.
  • Among organic fertilizers, fermented mullein solution, which is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10, will be useful for flowers.

Important! It is strictly prohibited to use fresh mullein. Because it contains a lot of seeds, and thus a lot of weeds can be brought into the area, which will quickly germinate and simply begin to choke the lilies, taking away their moisture. And these are not all the problems that fresh mullein is fraught with.

You should also treat the vegetative parts of the flower with anti-pest drugs. Otherwise, insects such as the red beetle, onion leaf beetle and aphids will definitely want to feast on it.

How to water lilies in open ground

Another important question that interests many gardeners is how often to water lilies?

IN wild conditions these flowers grow in places where the soil is covered with foliage, which does not allow moisture to evaporate quickly. Therefore, lilies are accustomed to water and are moisture-loving plants. Therefore, these flowers need regular watering. However, you need to be careful to prevent water stagnation, since excessive moisture will also not benefit the plant. The bulb of the flower may begin to rot. The risks of botrytis and fungal diseases also increase.

But don’t be afraid - everything will definitely work out if you adhere to the following watering rules:

  • In the absence of rain, lilies need to be watered approximately once a week. It all depends on the type of soil: sandy loam is irrigated more often, and clayey soil less often.
  • Water is poured onto the flower only at the root.
  • The appropriate time of day is the first half of the day, namely before 13:00. This is necessary so that the top layer has time to dry before the night when it gets colder.
  • You should be especially careful with watering in the spring, since frost can return at this time, and cold nights can also be dangerous.
  • Spring watering is carried out in conjunction with growth stimulants and anti-stress drugs.
  • Lilies need water most from June to August - during the hottest months, as well as after flowering, when the bulbs are forming and the plant needs to stock up on nutrients before winter sets in.

Planting a lily seedling in the ground

Stop watering in the fall, when the lilies fade and preparations begin for winter period. Of course, if we are not talking about a hot climate, when the soil is very dry. In such conditions, the flower can be watered 2 more times until the leaves completely turn yellow.

How to fertilize blooming lilies

Feeding lilies during flowering also has its own characteristics. During this period, flowers need to be fertilized only with liquid products, since the granules will not have time to dissolve and the plant will not receive the required amount of nutrients.

Blooming lilies must be fed with double superphosphate substrate and potassium magnesium. Such substances will help strengthen the stem and give a bright color. This is especially useful for red and pink lilies.

Important! Any of summer feeding It would be useful to combine it with wood ash, which is used at a rate of 100 g per 1 sq. m.

One of the cheapest options for feeding lilies is regular bread. At the same time, it’s not at all scary if it even becomes moldy or turns into crackers. Fertilizer from fermented bread is very useful for flowers. This remedy helps active growth lilies.

The recipe for preparing this kind of feeding is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to cut the bread into small pieces and fill them with water.
  2. For greater effect, you can add crushed nettles or dandelions to the mixture.
  3. The resulting mixture is placed under pressure in a warm place, protected from the sun and wind. It should only be taken into account that the fermentation process will be accompanied by very unpleasant smell. Therefore, it is wiser to place such a mixture somewhere in a secluded place so that it does not interfere.
  4. The resulting consistency is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.

Fermented bread can be used to fertilize plants both during the flowering period and in the spring. At the same time, using this consistency 2 times a year will be quite sufficient.

Important! Yeast absorbs calcium from the soil, and it is also very necessary for lilies. Therefore, so that the flowers do not suffer from its deficiency, you will need to add ash or turf flour.

  • It is recommended to apply spring fertilizer no earlier than the soil warms up to +6°C. Since the climate in the regions is completely different, the earth in each region warms up differently. Therefore, some can apply fertilizers in April, while others can apply fertilizers in May.
  • The most important signal that a lily already needs feeding is the height of the stem. If it reaches 10 cm, then you can start fertilizing. Previously a plant There is simply no point in feeding, since the bulb will not yet be able to absorb nutrients.
  • In the case where no flowers have grown on the site for many years and the soil is still rich enough in humus, the soil will not need fertilizer for another 3 years.
  • If the lily is in its first year of life, then when it throws out its buds, it is better to tear them off. Without them, the plant will gain more strength, and its bulb will become stronger.
  • Lilies do not like high concentrations of fertilizers, so they are fed in small doses in several passes.
  • There is no need to fertilize the plant with fresh manure, since, firstly, it burns the flower, and secondly, it contains dangerous microorganisms that can cause diseases.
  • Ammonia, which will provide lilies with nitrogen and improve their growth, will be a useful fertilizer for plants. To do this you need to use 1 tsp. per liter of water. Also using ammonia You can also fight aphids. But the dosage in this case will be different. You need to take 50 ml and dilute it in a bucket of water.
  • If there is too much acidity in the area, it should be reduced, as lilies do not like this. Therefore, once every 5 years, 1 square meter of soil is added. meter add 3 kg of slaked lime or wood ash.

On a note! Also experienced summer residents claim that the lily is not only beautiful flower which will serve as a decoration for the garden or summer cottage plot. Lily tincture will help cleanse the skin; it can be used to treat pustules and wounds. 6 finely chopped onions are poured into a three-liter jar and filled with alcohol. The resulting mixture is placed in a dark place for 2 weeks.

In order for the plants to bloom profusely and have a wonderful aroma, you need to put a little effort into caring for them, study information about how to feed lilies and apply this knowledge in practice. After all, these flowers need regular watering and systematic fertilization. It is worth following the recommendations experienced gardeners, and everything will work out.

How necessary is it to feed lilies in the spring? Is it possible to do without it? Flower growers consider lilies to be almost the most demanding in terms of nutrition. garden plants. And, at the same time, they can grow them for 2 - 3 years without any fertilizers at all. Who is right - those who believe spring feeding necessary, or not using additional recharge?

Why do you need spring feeding?

During the spring-summer season, the lily bulb needs time to grow large mass greenery, bring aboveground part plants before flowering, finish it and prepare for the new one. Without proper nutrition this is hardly possible. Fertilizers applied at the right time enhance both flowering and growth. Therefore, the first fertilizing is carried out as soon as the roots are able to absorb nutrients dissolved in water. And for this it is necessary that the earth warms up to at least 6 °C. IN middle lane This soil temperature is observed somewhere in the first ten days of May. More precisely, the seedlings themselves will tell you when to start fertilizing - their length should reach 10 cm, and the leaves should begin to move away from the stem. There is no point in applying fertilizers earlier - the roots are simply not ready and most of them nutrients will be carried away by meltwater.

But fertilizing can bring more than just benefits. High concentration minerals in the soil it has a depressing effect on lilies, inhibiting both the growth of the aboveground part and the development of roots. Weed seeds, often found in compost and other organic fertilizers, germinate much faster than flower bulbs. Weeds choke out seedlings and take away their nutrition and light. Weeding a constantly overgrown flowerbed takes a lot of time and complicates its care.

All feedings should be done only when they are really necessary. If the soil in the flower garden is not tired perennial plantings, contains a large amount of humus, then the first 2 - 3 years following planting the bulbs additional fertilizers You don't have to use it in spring. But if the soil is poor, with poor mechanical composition, lilies will grow weak without feeding. Year after year, the flowering will become worse and will soon require replanting with fresh soil.

What to feed lilies in spring?

In order for lilies to grow well all summer, in the spring they need an increased nitrogen content in the soil. One of the feeding options is ordinary ammonium nitrate, applied at the rate of a tablespoon per square meter of planting. Nitroammophoska is also suitable for this purpose, and from organic matter - a fermented solution of mullein, diluted with water 1:10. It is better not to use fresh mullein for lilies due to the presence of aggressive microflora in it - the bulbs can become diseased and rot.

In spring, ash water also has a beneficial effect on lilies in a concentration of a glass of sifted wood ash per 10 liters of water. You can add it once along with watering or add it periodically in small portions throughout the spring.

It doesn’t hurt to add well-rotted compost or manure humus to the soil where the lily bulbs are planted. Even better is crumbly vermicompost, formed as a result of the vital activity of Californian or ordinary earthworms. It is enough to apply it to the soil in a ratio of 1:4, but not by weight, but by volume. But fresh manure should absolutely not be used - the bulbs will rot before flowering begins.

If the first lady of the garden is the rose, then lilies can be called the first ladies of the court. They are loved by many gardeners for their lush and abundant flowering, but this will require some effort. Fertilizing plays an important role in the life of lilies.

Even one lily bush during the growing season consumes a fairly large amount of nutrients that the plant needs to form large inflorescences.

It is important to remember that the feeding scheme is identical for all varieties of lilies. But Henry, David, royal, curly, Caucasian, trumpet, Orleans and Dutch hybrids need liming of the soil before planting. For other varieties this is contraindicated.

How to feed lilies in the spring during planting
The need to use fertilizers during planting largely depends on the quality of the soil. If the area where the bulbs will be planted is fertile and well-rested, then the pre-planting application of compounds can be abandoned. In all other cases, the land will need to be prepared.

Lilies respond well to the use of organic matter. But at the same time they do not tolerate fresh manure at all. Fertilizer rate: per 1 sq.m. humus or fully matured compost is added in a volume of 7–8 kg.

Together with organic matter, it is allowed to add double superphosphate - 100 grams per 1 sq.m.

An excellent option is wood ash. Lilies respond to its application with abundant flowering. In this case, the inflorescences turn out to be simply huge, and the plant itself is better prepared for wintering and becomes more resistant to various diseases. Dosage: 100 grams for every 1 sq.m.

In the absence of organic matter, it can be replaced with mineral fertilizers. When feeding in spring, it is necessary to give preference to formulations containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, and in autumn - potassium and phosphorus. They are applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations (see them on the packaging).

Spring feeding of lilies
In spring lilies need large quantities nitrogenous substances. Without nitrogen, they simply will not be able to grow the ground part necessary for abundant flowering. And the very first spring feeding must be carried out on the lying snow. To do this, you need to scatter ammonium nitrate (urea) over its surface. Consumption: 2 large spoons per 1 sq.m.

If lilies are grown on a site that has a slope, then melt water will wash away all the applied fertilizers. In this case, nitrogen should be added a little later, when the soil is free of snow and begins to dry out. Urea is added in liquid form: 1 tablespoon of the drug is taken per 10 liters of water.

Summer feeding of lilies
The next feeding necessary for lilies is carried out at the moment of formation of the first buds. At this time, flowers need a nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus composition. Fertilizer will help increase the size of the bud and make the color of the petals more saturated. Good results gives the addition of Azofoski (Nitroammofoski) - 1 large spoon per 10 liters of water.

The next feeding is carried out during flowering of plants. It will help prolong the process, since the plant will receive all the elements necessary to maintain strength. During this period, it is necessary to use complex formulations that include microelements. They must be diluted in accordance with the attached instructions.

Summer fertilizing can be supplemented by adding wood ash to the soil - per 1 sq.m. 100 grams are used.

If you follow the feeding schedule, you can count on long and abundant flowering of lilies.

Feeding lilies in autumn
After the plants have flowered, they begin to actively prepare for the upcoming winter. Lily bulbs are stocked nutrients, which will help them endure frosts and lower air temperatures.

At the end of August, compounds containing phosphorus and potassium will need to be applied under the lilies. This will help increase the winter hardiness of plants. During this period, potassium magnesium and superphosphate are used: for 10 liters of water, take 1 large spoon of double superphosphate (or 2 spoons of regular one) and 1.5 large spoons of potassium magnesium. Watering rate: 1 bucket per 1 sq.m.

Important! Since superphosphate is difficult to dissolve, it must be poured into warm water.

The final seasonal fertilizing is carried out in late autumn. The freezing soil above the lily bulbs preparing for winter should be covered with a layer of compost. Its thickness should be at least 10 cm. In the spring it will serve as top dressing, and in the winter months it will serve as additional insulating protection for the bulbs.

Proper care of lilies is the key to their abundant and long flowering.